Yeah, only place he appeared so far was basically reading Thanquol's orders, going 'work with Morskittar? Fuck that, Stitch you go'. Seeing as Morskittar is the Skaven who canonically blew up Morrsleib in the midst of a dick-measuring contest with the Grey Seers, this is perfectly reasonable.
Are you talking about Verminkin? Because I was talking about Goldfang, who was actually Sleek Oilfur.
Oh. Whoops, must've misread your post there. Yeah, I was talking about Verminkin.
If what you said suggests anything, he might actually be reasonable enough to handle the suggested collaborative job well.

Not quite sold on trying to manipulate the Ogres again, immediately after doing it on Turn 0. Goldtooth made sure to send all the less cooperative and more independent Tyrants to us as mercenaries the first time, so he's probably consolidated his power quite a bit in the meantime and would make it harder to cause any incidents he doesn't want to happen.
Possibly, yes. We could also just put the espionage work on sneaking in a Warp Bomb or other such stuff for a mass assassination of all the Ogre heads. Plunge them into civil war and make them more pliable. Heck, just Greassus dying would do the job, but he's a tough bastard so regular assassins might not cut it.
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Hmm. Okay, let me cut my previous post on the research/infra stuff then down to:

2 Authority on researching new technologies with specific hero assignments
  • Chaos Dwarf War Machines - Skyre, Grey Seers, Mors (Gnawdell), USA + Drazhoath
  • The Tear Beneath The Daemon's Stump - Thanquol + whatever good bodyguard/escort he desires + semi-expendable training cohorts from other clans
Also, I'd prefer to put Moulder in too, for the war beasts and such. I'm pretty set on that and war machines.
Also, I'd prefer to put Moulder in too, for the war beasts and such. I'm pretty set on that and war machines.
You mean the Taurus Mutation Tree research? My assumption is that Moulder is going to do that regardless.

refining more...

2 Authority on researching new technologies
  • Chaos Dwarf War Machines - Skyre, Grey Seers, Mors (Gnawdell), USA + Drazhoath cooperate to research these. Skyre and the Grey Seers have the lead on understanding the technology through Drazhoath's guidance, Mors and USA should work together to figure out how best to incorporate the new technologies into their militaries as well as continuing their previous synergy exercises
  • The Tear Beneath The Daemon's Stump - Thanquol + whatever good bodyguard/escort he desires + semi-expendable training cohorts from other clans
3 Authority on securing the Dark Lands, rebuilding damaged forces from the invasion, and building new infrastructure for settlements. Enhance border security against known enemy directions (such as east towards the Mountains of Mourne) and information security to prevent passerbies or dedicated infiltrators from realizing the Dark Lands have changed hands.
All clans may receive enclaves in the Dark Lands as part of a new grand Skaven Empire but first priority selection goes with who contributed and lost the most in the operation, starting with Mors. Skrisnik Goldfang and Verminkin are nominally in charge and should work together to improve efficiency and speed of moving and construction for all clans.
Clans rebuilding their forces (Mors, Eshin, etc) should use the Tear Beneath The Daemon's Stump and the Labyrinth Beneath Uzkulak as proving grounds, with bonuses on advancement to those who secure areas and retrieve treasures
Use the fresh start and construction to start spreading hygiene to other Clans and doing layouts in such a way to support this under Horripila's guidance through Morbag One-Eye
I think that's about it for the econ?

As for the military section...what we could do this turn is stay quiet and use it as a wide prep turn instead of attacking another target militarily. It'll take another turn to continue to digest the Chaos Dwarves stuff anyway even without an influx of new stuff to poke at. Instead of spending 6 Authority on one military target (assuming 2 already spent on Mourne/Cathay), we could instead spend 2 on Southlands, 2 on Badlands/Karaz Ankor, and 2 on Nekehara/Araby as prep.
You mean the Taurus Mutation Tree research? My assumption is that Moulder is going to do that regardless.

refining more...

2 Authority on researching new technologies
  • Chaos Dwarf War Machines - Skyre, Grey Seers, Mors (Gnawdell), USA + Drazhoath cooperate to research these. Skyre and the Grey Seers have the lead on understanding the technology through Drazhoath's guidance, Mors and USA should work together to figure out how best to incorporate the new technologies into their militaries as well as continuing their previous synergy exercises
  • The Tear Beneath The Daemon's Stump - Thanquol + whatever good bodyguard/escort he desires + semi-expendable training cohorts from other clans
3 Authority on securing the Dark Lands, rebuilding damaged forces from the invasion, and building new infrastructure for settlements. Enhance border security against known enemy directions (such as east towards the Mountains of Mourne) and information security to prevent passerbies or dedicated infiltrators from realizing the Dark Lands have changed hands.
All clans may receive enclaves in the Dark Lands as part of a new grand Skaven Empire but first priority selection goes with who contributed and lost the most in the operation, starting with Mors. Skrisnik Goldfang and Verminkin are nominally in charge and should work together to improve efficiency and speed of moving and construction for all clans.
Clans rebuilding their forces (Mors, Eshin, etc) should use the Tear Beneath The Daemon's Stump and the Labyrinth Beneath Uzkulak as proving grounds, with bonuses on advancement to those who secure areas and retrieve treasures
Use the fresh start and construction to start spreading hygiene to other Clans and doing layouts in such a way to support this under Horripila's guidance through Morbag One-Eye
I think that's about it for the econ?

As for the military section...what we could do this turn is stay quiet and use it as a wide prep turn instead of attacking another target militarily. It'll take another turn to continue to digest the Chaos Dwarves stuff anyway even without an influx of new stuff to poke at. Instead of spending 6 Authority on one military target (assuming 2 already spent on Mourne/Cathay), we could instead spend 2 on Southlands, 2 on Badlands/Karaz Ankor, and 2 on Nekehara/Araby as prep.
Yeah, but Authority helps a lot with results even if they do it themselves, from what I understand. @Xantalos ? And Drazhoath can help there too. Plus I still prefer 3 Authority for it.

Also, Mors and USA should move towards understanding and incorporating the war gear, a simple enough thing to fit into their program.

As for not actually attacking...there's some merit to it, but I'm not so sure. I think I'd prefer a little extra on the research/prep if we didn't, though scoping out some of the targets would certainly be good to do. A lack of information can be made up for with more force gained from our research-and unlike information, it will still be useful after a target is taken.
Yeah, but Authority helps a lot with results even if they do it themselves, from what I understand. @Xantalos ? And Drazhoath can help there too. Plus I still prefer 3 Authority for it.
He could help but he can only be assigned in one spot. It's not blanket 'research', it's putting him on a specific project. A third authority could be used there but putting 6 is IMO starting to fall into tech/econ trap while we still have a military advantage that should be pushed in some fashion or another.

I thought I already included that bit about Mors and USA incorporating...

Infiltration is or should be basically mandatory so we don't run face first into a wall and so we have more options for dealing with various places other than just "hit it in the face".
He could help but he can only be assigned in one spot. It's not blanket 'research', it's putting him on a specific project. A third authority could be used there but putting 6 is IMO starting to fall into tech/econ trap while we still have a military advantage that should be pushed in some fashion or another.

I thought I already included that bit about Mors and USA incorporating...

Infiltration is or should be basically mandatory so we don't run face first into a wall and so we have more options for dealing with various places other than just "hit it in the face".
No, it's 1 Hero per 1 Authority, not project.

The war gear of the Infurnal Guard, the previous Dawi-Zharr, the basic but advanced stuff, not the war machines.

Than we should go at perhaps two targets of infiltration per turn, and one Authority per target of infiltration.
No, it's 1 Hero per 1 Authority, not project.
It's 1 Hero per 1 Authority but he's already assigned, so there's 0 Drazhoath's available even with Authority left. ;P @Xantalos a ruling, please?

Yeah, clans will research stuff they're interested in on their own, but if they're given Authority they'll produce results faster since authority represents allocation of the Underlord's personal attention/resources.
What can we do with Authority without diluting it? As above, it's being already called for with hero allocations, is there any room to just add in "Moulder does X" or does that take more Authority? (and provides room for a Hero to be assigned)

The war gear of the Infurnal Guard, the previous Dawi-Zharr, the basic but advanced stuff, not the war machines.
Okay. What is there to incorporate, I guess? It's their gear and it's not listed in Technologies which doesn't seem to indicate that it's -that- notable or unique. Outfitting Mors and USA at the grunt level isn't a tech issue, it's a resource issue.
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Okay. What is there to incorporate, I guess? It's their gear and it's not listed in Technologies which doesn't seem to indicate that it's -that- notable or unique. Outfitting Mors and USA at the grunt level isn't a tech issue, it's a resource issue.
Yes it is.

Chaos Dwarf Wargear - Drazhoath Ash-Fur and his Infurnal Legion still possess the mastercrafted armor and weapons they owned as dawi zharr. If the secrets of their making could be spread to the rest of skavendom, the benefits would be enormous. Drazhoath is skilled in the forging of much of this, and would speed up research progress if he were assigned to researching it.

Note I am not suggesting we have Drazhoath help there.
It's 1 Hero per 1 Authority but he's already assigned, so there's 0 Drazhoath's available even with Authority left. ;P @Xantalos a ruling, please
Yeah, heroes can only generally do one action a turn. So Drazhoath can only help with one research project a turn, if he did more progress on both would be horrendously slowed.

It's their gear and it's not listed in Technologies
Actually I put it in there after some consideration. It should be at the bottom of the tab - it's mostly mundane stuff, I believe, but higher quality stuff than most of yours.
Yeah, heroes can only generally do one action a turn. So Drazhoath can only help with one research project a turn, if he did more progress on both would be horrendously slowed.
I edited in a second question, I'll requote, sorry:
What can we do with Authority without diluting it? As above, it's being already called for with hero allocations, is there any room to just add in "Moulder does X" or does that take more Authority? (and provides room for a Hero to be assigned)
Proliferating that war gear will go a long way towards making our numbers count for even more.

There could be issues of treasure hunts in the Tear and Labyrinth equaling reward interfering with the doctrines and training.


I'm sure you just didn't want boring repeats for every option he could help in, but does Drazhoath have any greatest affinity and ability with any individual project?
There could be issues of treasure hunts in the Tear and Labyrinth equaling reward interfering with the doctrines and training.
True. I was waffling on the wording, I'll go back and poke at it once Xantalos responds to the last questions and whether we stuff more things into Authority or my current conservative position is the correct one.
He could help but he can only be assigned in one spot. It's not blanket 'research', it's putting him on a specific project. A third authority could be used there but putting 6 is IMO starting to fall into tech/econ trap while we still have a military advantage that should be pushed in some fashion or another.
Not necessarily wrong, but I think the advantage is the freedom to work unmolested thanks to secrecy and such. We're not likely to have as much time and freedom to do research and other non-military things once we lose that and major factions start trying to kill us, so building up is pretty essential. And the Skaven could be so much better if they were less reckless and foolish. And the Dawi Zhar in their technologies and competence, which we have looted, represent perhaps the best way of shoring up the issues in Skaven creations. The competence and morale are issues the USA/Mors can fix, but we need it to proliferate, so that our numbers become exponentially more deadly and we're not totally reliant on USA/Mors.
Not necessarily wrong, but I think the advantage is the freedom to work unmolested thanks to secrecy and such. We're not likely to have as much time and freedom to do research and other non-military things once we lose that and major factions start trying to kill us, so building up is pretty essential. And the Skaven could be so much better if they were less reckless and foolish. And the Dawi Zhar in their technologies and competence, which we have looted, represent perhaps the best way of shoring up the issues in Skaven creations. The competence and morale are issues the USA/Mors can fix, but we need it to proliferate, so that our numbers become exponentially more deadly and we're not totally reliant on USA/Mors.
We're still on the clock because of the Chaos and Nagash timers. If we haven't gotten enough done and expanded by the time we need to really face off and fight those factions we're SOL. We can't really afford to just sit around and tech/econ blindly because of what other factions are doing. Chaos bullshit means they already basically have their army, they just need to assemble it, and Nagash just needs to reclaim his old stuff and gets people to bend the knee, not do research and stuff like we do.
I think our strategy should be "attack one nation a turn" Skaven is like Klingon,They need war to united themselvs.

I have an eye on Ind,they have a lot of order daemon and that should help us greatly when we want to eat god or daemon binding.
What can we do with Authority without diluting it? As above, it's being already called for with hero allocations, is there any room to just add in "Moulder does X" or does that take more Authority? (and provides room for a Hero to be assigned)
Sorry for the wait, I was playing through part of Skyrim's main questline. It's actually pretty cool.
Anyhow, the question. ...
Basically each separate action you do has to have at least an authority assigned to it. This division here you have is a pretty good example of it:
3 Authority on securing the Dark Lands, rebuilding damaged forces from the invasion, and building new infrastructure for settlements. Enhance border security against known enemy directions (such as east towards the Mountains of Mourne) and information security to prevent passerbies or dedicated infiltrators from realizing the Dark Lands have changed hands.
-All clans may receive enclaves in the Dark Lands as part of a new grand Skaven Empire but first priority selection goes with who contributed and lost the most in the operation, starting with Mors. Skrisnik Goldfang and Verminkin are nominally in charge and should work together to improve efficiency and speed of moving and construction for all clans.
-Clans rebuilding their forces (Mors, Eshin, etc) should use the Tear Beneath The Daemon's Stump and the Labyrinth Beneath Uzkulak as proving grounds, with bonuses on advancement to those who secure areas and retrieve treasures
-Use the fresh start and construction to start spreading hygiene to other Clans and doing layouts in such a way to support this under Horripila's guidance through Morbag One-Eye
Three authority on doing infrastructure buildup in the Dark Lands with a focus on the first part of the action, building new settlements and rebuilding armies and such. There's 3 authority there, three actions there, all good. If you wanted Moulder to do something like provide all the new settlements with a bunch of beasts or research something or whatever, you'd have to put an authority towards that. Did that help clarify?

I'm sure you just didn't want boring repeats for every option he could help in, but does Drazhoath have any greatest affinity and ability with any individual project?
Not really, he's fairly all-rounded, or at least not specialized enough to make a difference. I could say the lore of azgorh and hashut's scripture since he's by default the best in those fields, being the only one who knows them, but yeah.
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Did that help clarify?
Pretty much, I think, thanks. @EVA-Saiyajin was trying to see I think if we could fit in more Research with an Authority boost with what we have now and based on your answer, given that we already have 2 Researches slotted, we can't without using a 3rd Authority there.

I think our strategy should be "attack one nation a turn" Skaven is like Klingon,They need war to united themselvs.
It might be worth considering picking a smaller chunk to attack for only 4 Authority so as to be able to enhance Infiltration in more areas. Brainstorming to see if there's anything we can do for only that much, like an individual city state or something, that would be worth it.
So, here's something that might help.

Send some of our sneaky guys to destroy food stores in Norsca. This should hopefully take some of the wind out of their without us having to do a full on invasion, and it will hopefully force either infighting with other chaos groups or attacks on order forces before Norsca is properly prepared for it in an attempt to not starve to death.
So, here's something that might help.

Send some of our sneaky guys to destroy food stores in Norsca. This should hopefully take some of the wind out of their without us having to do a full on invasion, and it will hopefully force either infighting with other chaos groups or attacks on order forces before Norsca is properly prepared for it in an attempt to not starve to death.
Or pray more and fight harder for the Chaos Gods, in hope of being freed from the need for food.