Let me propose something like this for the Authority split:
2 Authority on expanding infiltration in Mourne and Cathay and attempting to inflame hostilities between the two (through whatever means necessary, frame them for conflicts, make Cathay look weak to the Ogres for ripe for plunder, etc) - Eshin w/ the Bank consulting
2 Authority on researching new technologies with specific hero assignments
- Chaos Dwarf War Machines - Skyre, Grey Seers, Mors, USA + Drazhoath
- Port of Ruin - Skyre, Navy
- Taurus Mutation - Moulder
- (Alternatively: Lore of Azgorh - Drazhoath + Thanquol instead of putting Draz on War Machines)
- Spreading hygiene to other Clans (or enhancing basic Mors/USA fighters or something) - Horripila
- Anti-Dwarf plagues (or basic Greenskin studies or whatever) - Pestilens
3 Authority on securing hold in the Dark Lands, rebuilding damaged forces from the invasion, building new infrastructure for settlements, and continuing Mors and USA synergy exercises. All clans can get enclaves in the Dark Lands to build new areas in but first and priority selection goes with who contributed and lost the most in the operation, starting with Mors.
For clans rebuilding their forces, they should use the Tear Beneath The Daemon's Stump and the Labyrinth Beneath Uzkulak as a training ground and to retrieve what treasures they can from it.
6 Authority on the invasion target. If Mourne/Cathay were selected as the target, then 2 Authority can be split off instead from here to begin infiltration elsewhere to prep for next turn.
I really want: "2 Authority on expanding infiltration in Nekehara and Araby, find out what is going on there. Characterize what is necessary to make Araby unite more and go on the offensive against a common foe and what is necessary to cause them to split up into infighting again - Eshin w/ Rictus consulting for Nekehara" But I can't quite see how we can afford it.