Male PC in F/GO wasn't the son of Emiya 'Harem Protagonist' Shirou and Tohsaka 'The Face of Tsuntsun' Rin. The seeds of Jalter's great Tsun Tree were planted here, and her VENGENCE was only sparked because some trollops (Kana and Mashu) took him from her before his seduction was complete.
Aren't the Singularities supposed to be a bit more serious than the main story here?
Aren't the Singularities supposed to be a bit more serious than the main story here?

The key word there is bit. Because we have to face facts here: in Rome, Kana was seriously suggesting they start code naming their Servants using a Super Sentai naming system. 'Mysterious Heroine X' is Chaldea's official code phrase to label Saberfaces they find when out and about.

They're in the business of saving Humanity, but that doesn't mean the Servants don't find this sort of thing to be fun.
I know it's going to be a while before we get there, but once the Zero/Accel event comes around, are the twins going to call Assassin Emiya gramps or no? Because it feels like King Hassan is going to have competition in the future.
I know it's going to be a while before we get there, but once the Zero/Accel event comes around, are the twins going to call Assassin Emiya gramps or no? Because it feels like King Hassan is going to have competition in the future.
No, because then you had to called Mama Iris 'Grandma' and that was terrible. Like, 'getting angry Black Grail inside Chaldea' terrible.

Also, the only ones who called Grand Assassin 'Gramps' would be all kid Servants (Mort included. :V ) (maybe Kana). Everyone else call him 'Lord Hassan'.

On his face. :V
Kerry and Irisviel will be sad (because neither of them remember the other, and most certainly will not know Shirou) and amazing (Because Irisviel is super hyped about having grandkids despite not actually having had Ilya with Kerry) and more sad (because Kerry would rather be alone gdi), and then amazing again (everyone ships the two).

They'll be interesting, to say the least.
Kerry and Irisviel will be sad (because neither of them remember the other, and most certainly will not know Shirou) and amazing (Because Irisviel is super hyped about having grandkids despite not actually having had Ilya with Kerry) and more sad (because Kerry would rather be alone gdi), and then amazing again (everyone ships the two).

They'll be interesting, to say the least.
I can't find it at the moment but there is a one panel comic in which the Irisviel behind Kiritsugu's FA tell the Dress of Heaven!Irisviel to back off from her man.
Kerry and Irisviel will be sad (because neither of them remember the other, and most certainly will not know Shirou) and amazing (Because Irisviel is super hyped about having grandkids despite not actually having had Ilya with Kerry) and more sad (because Kerry would rather be alone gdi), and then amazing again (everyone ships the two).

They'll be interesting, to say the least.
Even though it's a long way off, I'm really interested in what you're going to do with EMIYA Alter. Because the dude is a total wreck. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even remember who Rin was. Reaching Bond 10 with him just gets you a pair of guns that he tells you to kill him with if he gets too annoying.

But even so he's still has some twisted kindness in him, tell you on Valentine's Day that the important thing about a gift is sincerity when you give him a chocolate even though he can't taste anything and giving you in return a wire rope that he can use to pull you to safety if you ever fall.
Even though it's a long way off, I'm really interested in what you're going to do with EMIYA Alter. Because the dude is a total wreck. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even remember who Rin was. Reaching Bond 10 with him just gets you a pair of guns that he tells you to kill him with if he gets too annoying.

But even so he's still has some twisted kindness in him, tell you on Valentine's Day that the important thing about a gift is sincerity when you give him a chocolate even though he can't taste anything and giving you in return a wire rope that he can use to pull you to safety if you ever fall.
Oh, EMIYA Alter will be fun. I've hashed it out extensively with @shinaobi, it'll be quite something.

In Shinjuku. So we'll probably never see him after I drop the fic from burnout in five months! :V

(I'm kidding btw I'm fully committed to writing this trainwreck to the end, and everyone's invited to see!)

Kana summons both Salter and Jalter in the same 10 roll. Aunt Saber is most uncomfortable with watching an alternate version of herself pine after a young man she helped potty train.

And then they meet up with Mordred in London, and Saber has to explain that the Masters are some weird combination of her cousins and step-siblings.
And then they meet up with Mordred in London, and Saber has to explain that the Masters are some weird combination of her cousins and step-siblings.
Then Mordred would be all like "Why could you be a father for them and not for me!?"

Saber to that would answer "I wasn't the father I was the second mother"

Then Mordred has a BSOD.
that never gonna work again

she developed Protection from Cheese to EX, she know when a pieces of fermented milk come flying at her
It's grilled cheese sandwich, not weapon. Also, Archer was delivering presents, not throwing weapon at her.

The fact that he delivers it at 3% of speedlight was a proof of his dedication, not murder attempt. ;)
Kerry and Irisviel will be sad (because neither of them remember the other, and most certainly will not know Shirou) and amazing (Because Irisviel is super hyped about having grandkids despite not actually having had Ilya with Kerry) and more sad (because Kerry would rather be alone gdi), and then amazing again (everyone ships the two).

They'll be interesting, to say the least.

Iri strikes me as a person that would spoil the living crap out of her grandkids. That'll be fun to see. Also, I'd like to see Saber and Archers reaction to Kana or Ritsuka receiving Kirisugu's Valentines craft essence which is his Calico M950 submachine gun.
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*Looking at M950 Calico*

*Looking at his Colt revolver*

"Dammit, gimme one, too!" :(


"He. Hehehehe. HahahaHAHAHAHAHA-"

"Papa, are you okay?"

"Uh, um, yes. I am fine, why do you ask?"

"Oh, nevermind! Just remember, keep count of the bullets. Missing amunition is dangerous! And wasteful!"

"Curses, foiled again! Yes, Dear, don't worry about that!".


"Just 13 arrows per second? Watch this!"

*Arjuna begin rapid firing at 45 arrow per seconds for a minute*

*Ooooh and Aaaaah happened*

"See? Nobody can defeat Best Indian Archer-"

*Karna begin firing at 48 arrows per second, but the bows break at 20 seconds.*

*All his arrow more tightly clumped that Arjuna*




"...Yes, this is your win. Maybe I should see if they can made more reinforced bow...."

*Jelly Arjuna is Jelly*
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Interlude 1: I Promise
This is very much not an update. But I wrote it anyways!


Fuyuki City

They are sitting cross-legged on the tatami mats around the table, not moving a muscle. There is no sound but the silent hum of a ceiling fan, and the distant rustling of leaves from beyond the house. She hears all of this and more. Anything to get away from confronting the giant sitting right with her, in the same room.

Across from her, Rin Tohsaka looks upon her only daughter with concerned anger, her mouth a slanted line. The woman is still as stunning as she was in her younger days, the vain sorceress ensuring that her skin remains flawless and her hair lustrous through continued treatment and care. But the energy she had in her youth is lost, at least right now. Right now, she is simply tired, and worried, and angry, and upset, and all those things and more. She is a cocktail of emotions, still trying to settle on which to act on, this much is clear to her.

Or maybe she wants to let her stew in silence, unable to go anywhere as long as her mother is here. It is also entirely possible. At the young age of eight, she is still a child. Children need to move, and she is more active than most.

Some might say that is exactly the problem.

Finally, Rin sighs, and she brings her arms up to rest her elbows on the table, hands clasped. She speaks, not as a furious sorceress but as a concerned mother, talking to the girl with orange hair, tied into pigtails. "Kana, we received a letter from the school this morning. Is there anything you might want to tell us?"

Kana nods, looking down at the table. Her cheeks burn with embarrassment and fear. Covered in bruises beneath her clothes that ache even now, she knew it was going to happen but she didn't like it one bit. "...I got into a fight yesterday."

Rin nods patiently. Kana knows that she wants to scold her. She wants to get into a rant, yell at her for doing something silly, maybe even get the cane. But Rin reins herself in. "Why did you get into a fight?"

"He started it!" Kana insists, louder than she had intended. A sharp look from Rin makes her rethink her words and adjust her volume downwards. "...Toga was calling Himiko names and Himiko cried. So I told him to stop. Then he called me names a-and... and I punched him!" She is shaking now, hands clenched to try and make them stop. She can feel the tears coming and tries to stop them. "Toga tried to punch me, so I punched him again! A-And then Ashi hit me, and Hato hit me, and Eiji hit me, and Kojo, and..."

Kana starts blubbering now, the tears flowing freely. The feeling of betrayal, the flash of anger, burns hot again. Like she was there again, fighting a classroom of stupid boys. She can't see, her eyes clogged with hot tears. She can't breathe, her nose clogged by snot. She can't protect Himiko, her fists clogged by stupid idiots.

"Kana." Rin reaches out, and squeezes her daughter on the arm. It calms her down, just a bit. She wipes her tears away with her hand, and gives her a tissue. Kana blows her nose, and the tissue comes back just a bit red. Rin's eyes widen, but she says nothing. She balls the tissue up and tosses it away, trusting that her little girl is tougher than she looks.

She sniffs, wiping away her tears again. Dammit, they won't stop. Why does she have to cry like this? It's not good. People who protect shouldn't cry so much. "S-So I fought them! I be-beat them all! A-An-And then I kept beating them, b-because they were mean, a-and they hit me!" She sniffs wetly and rubs vigorously at her nose. Rin squeezes her arm tighter. "T-They were my friends, mommy! W-Why did they hit me?!"

Rin moves promptly. She goes over to her, Kana still babbling, and hugs her tightly. Kana cries for real now, the floodgates fully open. She lets it all out, the fear, the pain, the betrayal, the anger... Everything.

"It's alright," Rin coos in her ear, as a mother does. "It's alright, it's alright now... I'm here."

"B-But you hate me! You were gonna y-yell at me!"

She grabs her tighter, pulling Kana closer, hand around her daughter's head. "I could never hate you, Kana, mommies don't hate their babies."

"...B-But you were going to yell..."

"I yell because I'm angry, and I'm angry because I'm scared," she whispers, "And I'm scared because I don't want you to get hurt... But I don't hate you. I love you, Kana, mommy will always love you."

Kana sniffs, her chest heaving with sobs. "B...But you won't teach me..."

"I wish I could, Kana, I really do... But I can't."

"You teach Rits," Kana points out. She feels a hot flash of envy, and resentment at her twin. "Why not me?"

"I want to teach both of you," her mother insists. "But your element is..."

Kana sobs again. Her element again. Why was she born wrong? "T-Then change my element! Don't throw me away!"

She feels her mother tense when she says it, and the hug tightens further. "I won't throw you away, I promise. I can't teach you, but I'll always be here for you."


Her mother nods. She pulls away from her daughter, and looks down at her with a motherly smile. Rin kisses her on the forehead and looks Kana right in the eye, cupping her cheeks. "Mommy will always be here for you, come hell or high water. And so will Ritsuka, and daddy, and Auntie Saber. No one is going to throw you away. I promise."


2026 (???)


She wakes up abruptly in a dark room, jolted by a dream. The girl rolls over until she is looking up at the ceiling. She holds up her left hand, looking at her command seals, and sighs.

"Always here for me, huh mom?" She mumbles to herself glumly. "If only."

She fucking hates demons.

Her phone goes off, and she sees several distressed messages from Roman and Ritsuka. Apparently, the Archers are getting a bit too excited about their current contest. Sighing, Kana hops out of bed, tosses on a t-shirt and pants, and heads out to the next crisis.

Old dreams can wait. She has a world to save.
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