I'm still not convinced honestly, so we will have to disagree.
1. What is Rags' full name?
That was one year ago.

In addition:
The father isn't Rin and neither is it Shirou. Rin is a possessive sort and won't allow sharing.

Also Ritsuka would find it weird if his half-brother's name was Ragnarök Fenrirsülfr Edelfelt.
This is his full name.

If it isn't clear, pretty sure Swordo is taking the piss out of a certain Nasuverse tendency, but even then at least his name makes some sort of thematic sense.
Thank you AF. Ragnarök Fenrirsülfr Edelfelt.
2. What's his personality like
3. We wouldn't know his father right? as in it wouldn't be anyone we would have met from the El Molloi Case files or something, right?

I know he's Lluvia's Son, and i at least don't remember hearing him having a sibling.
that just leaves 2 questions left.
if this ever reach EoR, let hope he show up for a visit

part of the reason i decided to ask this is that after reading through Sunny Order, my brain started sparking off ideas on servants and scenarios not just for the first ark, but EoR and the Lostbelt saga, with at possible idea is he comes along with Goredolf to join the new chaldea before things go down and joins the team for the arc.
Hmm, My assumption is by the time of the CotLB prolougue, they would have kept 1 additional servants about in secret in case something went wrong, probably an archer or assassin who could appreciate stealth...
And before they reach novum Chaldea, they might be able to get 1 extra from a leyline or by using a servant as a catalyst trick they do a number of times in the future...
Since i see a relatively small number of servants coming back from part 1 in this hypothetical arc, who would you see arriving from the first 2 lostbelts?
Hmm, My assumption is by the time of the CotLB prolougue, they would have kept 1 additional servants about in secret in case something went wrong, probably an archer or assassin who could appreciate stealth...
So how exactly are they going to keep them secret when they're running on Chaldea's power and systems, again? Sherlock worked because he's an independent Servant, which basically leaves the options as Aunt Saber, assuming she snaps back after the Incineration. Who'd probably be priorisied more by the Crypters because, y'know, King Arthur.
So how exactly are they going to keep them secret when they're running on Chaldea's power and systems, again? Sherlock worked because he's an independent Servant, which basically leaves the options as Aunt Saber, assuming she snaps back after the Incineration. Who'd probably be priorisied more by the Crypters because, y'know, King Arthur.

An excellent point. assuming Artoria either had to leave (or they forced her to be unsummoned too) i was thinking of possibly transferring it to the Shadow border or else remain in spirit form. the best one who could fill that roll would be Kiritsugu, possessing A+ precense concealment and A grade Independent action. by staying in spirit form with those abilities, i can imagine it'd have very minimal power drain even if he was on the main system.

In addition, i think the current team size of 20-21 (22 if counting adding kiyohime in the rewrite) is a good starting point for servants post arriving at Novum, and the majority of servants summoned would come from lostbelts or events from the arc, along with servants connected to them/the Alter Egos and those who might not have gotten good focus in EoR.
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"What have you done to Medea," Ritsuka hisses, while the Princess of Colchis descends from the skies and lands daintily on her feet, a girly spring in her step as she approaches, supported by another Atalanta.

"Welcome to Jasonland," the younger Medea says with a demure smile, "We hope you enjoy your stay."

Was pleasantly surprised to find a chapter was based on an interlude. it was pretty funny, though surprisedit got that big off of what was canonically a model she was building.

"It was only a matter of time," the King of Heroes says with a sigh. "I'm sure you have suspicions already, but suffice to say that this was no mere night terror. Ritsuka was attacked. Indeed, our enemy may have begun to play their hand."

"You're certain?" Medea asks him grimly.

"No," Gilgamesh replies firmly. "I'm kidding. This is no attack." He brushes a hand through his hair and smirks as he glances sidelong at the rest of his fellow Servants. "Not from our enemies, anyways."

this got my brain gears shifting on what potential dream singularity or event was trying to contact him. the first ones that came to mind were the Tower of sin or the Hotel event, though they have awkward timings.
Part of me imagines mash being more assertive by the time of the lostbelts, like asking to be ophelia's bridesmaid for her and napoleons wedding, or wanting a double date with Ritsuka any a crypter pairing, either Kadoc/Anastasia or Hinako/Xiang yu or prince of lanling
could people here give me links to fate /sunny order chapters involving the interludes/singularities I can only get to the main chapters and I am new does anyone have a collection on them
( I saw in tv tropes that francis drake rider was called of actually being queen elizabether could someone give me a link

also has kana been paired with anyone it would be funny to see artorias reaction to gilgamesh X kana
could people here give me links to fate /sunny order chapters involving the interludes/singularities I can only get to the main chapters and I am new does anyone have a collection on them
( I saw in tv tropes that francis drake rider was called of actually being queen elizabether could someone give me a link

also has kana been paired with anyone it would be funny to see artorias reaction to gilgamesh X kana
If you look under 'Sidestory' threadmarks, those contain the chapters in singularity. And as far as I know, Kana is not being shipped with anyone.
Well, she got paired with her brother in a nightmare. :V

But seriously, the closest thing we've had is between her and Cu.

yeah, the only other one i can think of is Okita, and that's mostly from the servannt roster and 'NO OKITA CHOOSE LIFE!'

Okita Souji - Frail Prodigy of the Sword, First Captain of the Shinsengumi
Status: Benchwarmer
Most Frequent Location: Sparring Ground D (Dojo)
Comments (Ritsuka): "A hard worker, who keeps her edge honed and maintains discipline even though I'll probably never have her deploy anywhere ever, because Weak Constitution is extremely crippling. A good girl."
Comments (Kana): "OH MY GOD SHE'S SO CUTE!!! I'M GOING TO MARRY HER!! Boys are alright but Okita is love."

huh, does this version have her flag and Coat noble phantasms?
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Yep... That's... That's Blackbeard alright... Oh god...

Your explanation for Drake inexplicably being a woman is much better than the canon 'no-one around her saw her as a woman, because having a female captain would be bad for their pride, so they just pretended she was a man and thus she ended up going down in history as male.'
@Neruz about that drake is from ( her first appearance fate extra and the whole drake being queen elizabeth is due to the bio there where it talked about how elizabeth got a scar on her face and drake allowed her to switch places with him
there's an old myth that Francis Drake swapped places with Queen Elizabeth after the latter was scarred from (i think) smallpox. That myth is implied to be the reason why Drake is a woman in Fate.

queen elizabeths face was scarred due to smallpox ( and the francis drake? rider has a big scar on her face) so she couldn't go out in public (put alot of makeup on her face to cover her scar for the rest of her life) and in the fate extras information matrix in the game it was mentioned that francis drake was a male in life though he materialized in fate extra as a woman and it talked about how the myth stated that because she couldnt go out in public this was why drake who was a companion of queen elizabeth switched places with the queen . and queen of elizabeth made a speech where she said "but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a king of England too, " with a remarkable manly bearing in and the francis drake rider was described as manlier than men

this is the quote from the fate extra information matrix

In addition - and this is merely literary creation - there is also a story full of romance in which Drake was a companion of Queen Elizabeth and, just before setting sail for the world circumnavigation, switched places with the Queen, who could no longer go out in public due to receiving a wound on her face.
I heard there was an omake where gilgamesh drops ritsuka into middle of a servant orgy and mordred is in ritsukas shower which causes some misunderstanding with artoria could someone give me a link
Artoria burst into one of the spare Master's Quarters. Ritsuka scrambled to get hold of his shirt, trying and failing to cover his shirtless body with his other hand.

"Well," Artoria began, shaking her head, "If you wanted to have some private time with Mash, you should have stayed in your own room. From the noises in here, I thought Blackbeard had relapsed again."

Ritsuka just smiled awkwardly in respone, sweat dripping down his forehead, "It's n-not-"

A knocking sound interrupted them, causing them both to turn around to see Mordred standing in the connected bathroom's doorway, wearing a fluffy red bathrobe and waving a small white tube."Yo, Master, is this thing supposed to turn pink?"

Ritsuka paled, while Artoria just gaped wordlessly like a fish, "How is it already positive? You only just got laid!"

"Homunculus, duh. We do everything faster." Mordred shrugged. "Now does anyone want to tell me what this thing means? Father, you have any ideas?"

Artoria snapped her mouth closed and whirled around to glare at Ritsuka again. "You got your older sister Pregnant?!"

"I'M WHAT?!!"

"She's not my older sister." Ritsuka protested, "She's more of a... cousin, I think."

Artoria shook her head, "That's still far too close. Why didn't I see this coming?" She froze, "Actually thinking about it, it all makes sense. Mordred undoubtedly learned these bad habits from my own elder sister and both of your parents found me extremely attractive."

"I don't want to hear this." Ritsuka muttered to himself.

Artoria ignored him, "No, I shouldn't be surprised. What am I going to tell Mash?" She whirled around to glare at the shellshocked Mordred. "I hope you're happy, young Lady. Now I have to inform everyone I'm going to be a Grandmother! I can feel the wrinkles coming on already."

"I'm not a woman." Mordred crossed her arms in a huff. "And anyway, you don't age."

"Don't think that will stop them." Artoria said before grabbing hold of Mordred's shoulder and started to frogmarch her out of the room. "And last I checked Men can't get pregnant unless Merlin is involved. Now come on, we've got a midnight appointment with Dr Roman to get to."

"I'm not sick though. Father!" Mordred protested as her voice grew fainter and fainter.

"Thank you, Master, for doing this." Jekyll said as he crawled out from under the bed.

"Thank Gilgamesh." Ritsuka grumbled, "He just barged into my room and dropped me into a portal and the next thing I know, I'm lying on top of Heroic Spirits in the middle of an orgy!"

He got up, pulling on his shirt as he did so, "Now I have to go explain this to Mash before Artoria tells her. Else D'Eon's going to end up 'consoling her', He airquoted sarcastically. "It's what the French do according to Auntie Artoria."

Jekyll opened his mouth to disagree, and then remembered he was English and closed it again.

"Try to find a room less likely to be searched next time." Ritsuka bid farewell, before leaving.

Jekyll lay in bed for a few minutes, his brow furrowed in thought, before he turned to the bed's other occupant, "... Fran, are you the Father or am I?"

"Uuuuuu." Fran nodded knowingly from her side of the bed.

"I really wish I could understand you."
@Swordomatic I found the omake that I was talking about here it is
man I wonder will mordred be teased with anyone in canon ( isit possible for mordred to have a child

I mean she is ahomonculus

so I wondered if it waspossible for a situation like this where someone thinks ritsuka had sex with a girl besides mash will happen in canon