Isn't Morgan's summon line delcaring you as her husband/wife? Boy, Ritsuka is in for a treat especially so since Auntie Saber and Mash are in Chaldea.

Yes, but that's because she views marriage purely as something you use to gain power with, because she's viewing things with absolutely archaic nobility rules filtered through fae madness. And even if you did summon Actual Morgan, historically speaking, being loved by Morgan was a fucking terrible prospect - I was going to say "unless your name is Caesar or Hector", but given Caesar's multiple stab wounds and Hector's wild chariot ride, no, counts for them too.

Who is who in this passage?

Depends on the time of day, as with most things involving Gawain.
We finally have a "tall" Nasuverse woman whose actually, you know, tall.

Tall my ass, she's only barely taller than me and I'm average height for an adult man in America. I've seen tall women, she's still not nearly that much.

(some of that also might be horn height, importantly)
Depends on the time of day, as with most things involving Gawain.
Not as much as usual, though. I mean, her rank in it is lower than his but she's got Numeral of the Saint too.

Of course, she might compensate with her Mad Enhancement... so yeah, she's probably gonna be the one in charge.
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Not as much as usual, though. I mean, her rank in it is lower than his but she's got Numeral of the Saint too.

Of course, she might compensate with her Mad Enhancement... so yeah, she's probably gonna be the one in charge.

So basically she is the one with the pants in the relationship between her and Gawain?

... I can dig it.
Not as much as usual, though. I mean, her rank in it is lower than his but she's got Numeral of the Saint too.

Of course, she might compensate with her Mad Enhancement... so yeah, she's probably gonna be the one in charge.

Now i have this mental image of FK Gawain dragging the regular by the leg into a bedroom for 'snu-snu' a la Futurama, except Gawain's giving a thumbs up while being dragged away
Now i have this mental image of FK Gawain dragging the regular by the leg into a bedroom for 'snu-snu' a la Futurama, except Gawain's giving a thumbs up while being dragged away

"Her muscles... had no business being so soft, so supple...."


"He was... surprisingly so manly...."


For the first time in Pan History/ Mythology, Arturia and Morgana shared a common ground. And suffering. And headache. And 6 ton of spirit distillate.

And an horror experience when they realized that the nightmare won't leave their mind, and they both share the exact same nightmare, in which cause another synchronized horror.

Being saberfaces is suffering.
Tall my ass, she's only barely taller than me and I'm average height for an adult man in America. I've seen tall women, she's still not nearly that much.
Compared to the average woman in America, who is 5'4", an over 6 feet woman IS tall. Even moreso when compared to Japanese standards, as well as the other female Heroic Spirits we've seen. I think the only one taller than her is Gorgon, who cheats with tail length.
"...What happened... Artoria?" Emiya finally manages to say as he looks at the other him's daughter, his still confused brain starting to put some of the pieces together.

"Short version? My half-sister paid us a visit." Artotia puts her red-haired head onto the counter, face first. "Comfort food please, Archer I'll tell you more in a moment"

Kana was having a surreal experience. on one hand, she sort of got to live something akin to her endgoal with her training with the swap; on the other, Watching her godmother and babysitter scarf down her third triple loaded sundae was surreal, and it had only been 15 minutes since they sat down.

"God mom, could you please not make fat?"

Artoria looked up argrily for half a second, before sighing and wiping her face off with a napkin.

"Sorry, not used to having a human body again. Just... very distressing to see her back here again" She looks hungrily at the platter of seven burgers in front of Kana and the one in her hand, and surpresses a desire to take one from her plate.

"So..." Archer cuts in, bringing the King of Knights back to her surroundings. "How did you two get Swapped? i remember you saying Half sister before..." He pauses a beat before going wide eyed. "You mean Morgana Le Fae?!"

She nods, having finished her sundae while he talked. "I was sparring with Kana when it happened-"

"She's another look alike by the way" Kana highlights her current face, playing with the ahoge.

"- She just sort of popped into the room, we glared at each other for a moment. She started talking-"

"-Saber charged-"

"-and the next thing i knew i was on the other side of the room, watching myself miss while she stepped aside." Artoria facepalmed. EMIYA's expression had not changed.

"but your magic resist-"

"did nothing. Super fairy witch, I guess" Kana shrugs, starting her second burger. Man, she hadn't truly appreciated the appetite of her godmother till now, her current stomach rumbling.

She up and vanished right after." Artoira continues. "We tried pursuing her but bumped into Gil. he seemed to figure it out pretty quickly we weren't ourselves-"

"So he started laughing, so SHE pulled out a command spell to make him hunt her down" Kana gave a theatrical toast with a soda. "and then we decided to come her so she could cool down"

Archer nods. There were things that hadn't been said, but nothing pressing. "So that's why he hasn't bothered me today. By the way. I notice there wasn't any voice change with this"

"of course Daddy-o~. it's not like TV"

"please stop that" the other two look at her with a pained grimace.

"all right, all right." Kana shrugs, grinning as she put a burger in her mouth... in time to several others enter the cafeteria. And it looked like they weren't the only victems today. Ritsuka was being bridal carried in Mash's arms, seemingly passed out while Mash has an unusual gait in her step, grinning a bit. Then there's Fou, struggling to keep his balance on Mash's head, with the new arrivals come in with Medea and Atalante, the former patting the latter's head before slapping her own hand away, the normally reserved huntress looking like she enjoyed it.

Red Archer closed his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose. 'Yup' he thought, 'looks like today's going to be crazier than usual.'

And the second part of the swapping saga has escaped my brain, thankfully.
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Compared to the average woman in America, who is 5'4", an over 6 feet woman IS tall. Even moreso when compared to Japanese standards, as well as the other female Heroic Spirits we've seen. I think the only one taller than her is Gorgon, who cheats with tail length.
There's a servant in JP who is taller, but she also cheats similarly to Gorgon. That being Ibuki-Douji.
Eh… *waggles hand* Not quite.

Ibuki-Douji is what Shuten-Douji would have become, if she hadn't been so wicked in life that it transformed her into an Oni.

So Ibuki is a bit of a hypothetical version of Shuten, who is an alternate form of Raikou... i think i understand...

The "adult" Ushiwakamaru, right?

not directly related, but did anyone else first looking at Ushi not realize she wasn't wearing a top?

for me I think it was she had on so many other large things about her in her outfit the 'loudness' of them all made me miss that
So Ibuki is a bit of a hypothetical version of Shuten, who is an alternate form of Raikou... i think i understand...

not directly related, but did anyone else first looking at Ushi not realize she wasn't wearing a top?

for me I think it was she had on so many other large things about her in her outfit the 'loudness' of them all made me miss that
Shuten-Douji is not an alternate form of Raikou. They are completely independent entities. Shuten-Douji was the leader of the bandit oni on Mount Ooe, where as Raikou was the head of a family and slayer of demons. In particular, one of those slain by Raikou was Shuten.

Ibuki-Douji isn't a hypothetical version of Shuten-Douji. Rather, she is the manifestation of the myth that the daughter of Yamato-No-Orochi and a human lived on Mount Ooe, a possible origin for Shuten-Douji. As such, Ibuki-Douji is more accurately stated to be the divinity that Shuten-Douji rejected. Shuten-Douji follows more closely with the origin of being a heaven-sent child of Mt. Togakushi (Nine-Headed Dragon), the more well known origin for her myth.
"all right, all right." Kana shrugs, grinning as she put a burger in her mouth... in time to several others enter the cafeteria. And it looked like they weren't the only victems today. Ritsuka was being bridal carried in Mash's arms, seemingly passed out while Mash has an unusual gait in her step, grinning a bit. Then there's Fou, struggling to keep his balance on Mash's head, with the new arrivals come in with Medea and Atalante, the former patting the latter's head before slapping her own hand away, the normally reserved huntress looking like she enjoyed it.

Red Archer closed his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose. 'Yup' he thought, 'looks like today's going to be crazier than usual.'

And the second part of the swapping saga has escaped my brain, thankfully.

The three of them watch the newcomers sit down, Archer bringing out more food as the others sit down, Mash dropping Rits onto a bench before sitting into one herself. At the very least, it's easy to see the other swap.

"Hey, can't deny your cuteness now"

"Yes i can, Medea!"

"Are you suuuure~?" Medea Gives her best adorable face, twitching Atalante's ears. "Meow~?"

Atalante takes this gracefully - by slamming her head once into their table hard enough to shake it. Emiya wordlessly supply's her a strong tea, the present witch pawing at it without looking up. "If it's any consolation, I feel you, Lante. you're also not the first one's Morgana's played switcheroo with today"

Medea looks over at Emiya before looking at the rest of the rooms occupants, her presently huntress's eyes drawn to 'Artoria' as she sneaks up on Mash, before picking her up into a big hug, 'Kana' swiping an unattended burger. "Hey there, little sis Rits! I'm here for you!"

Kana's enjoying this, but Rits is taking this way better. they're hugging back, nuzzling the side of her head... wait...


"Wait wha-" Kana opens her eyes just in time to witness a very angry ball of fluff in front of her, going for her eyes.


"AACK!" Kana falls to the floor as Fou lets go, sitting down and laughing Mash's ass off while Ritsuka takes all the frustration he can with his little fluffy body to his sister's current face.

Atalante even looks up from the table at this before her and Medea turn to Artoria, halfway through the burger already as she stands up.

"Use your Legs, Kana!" Kana tries catching Ritsuka with both hands, but he dodges as she ends up slamming both hands into her face as he moves on to the hair. "I meant Stand up, Kana!"
and got the body swap idea out to step 3, yaaaay
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Isn't Morgan's summon line delcaring you as her husband/wife? Boy, Ritsuka is in for a treat especially so since Auntie Saber and Mash are in Chaldea.
I thought Ritsuka was crushing on Auntie Sakura, not Saber? By the point Morgan gets summoned, if she doesn't show up early, Ritsuka would have been traumatized by BB and Sakura Five already and not react nearly as badly as suggested.
I thought Ritsuka was crushing on Auntie Sakura, not Saber? By the point Morgan gets summoned, if she doesn't show up early, Ritsuka would have been traumatized by BB and Sakura Five already and not react nearly as badly as suggested.

I am uncertain of the crush one way or the other, but i have a things i can add.

1: Aunt Saber and Le Fae have... 'history' with each other to make things complicated enough out of the gate. not to mention what she does in her lostbelt.

2. Ritsuka would also probably have encountered Parvati and Kama, both Sakura pseudo-servants. that's its own level of complicated.

3. BB and the rest of the Extra/CCC crew got a de-lewding for their GO arrival, so they're more sane, though poor passionlip might accidently break Ritsuka from the canonical size of her assets just from looking.

sadly, they could only de lewd Kiara so much...
Well, Servants being what they are, it's pretty probable that Morgan, specifically, and other witches have a natural advantage against Arturia due to her legend.

Morgan's NP gets a bonus against Round Table servants, so I'd assume so.

these are both good arguments. it does make sense, and She was able to just turn the holy spear into her magecraft, so definitely got advantages there.

though Kana is speculating there.
Thanks for commenting, by the way!
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Well, Servants being what they are, it's pretty probable that Morgan, specifically, and other witches have a natural advantage against Arturia due to her legend.
Why the hell would Morgan have an advantage against the person that routinely foiled her plans? Sometimes without even trying, cough Agravain was supposed to assassinate Artoria but defected immediately cough.

In fact, Artoria canonically bullies magic users not named Merlin. Especially Witches, judging by FSN.
Why the hell would Morgan have an advantage against the person that routinely foiled her plans? Sometimes without even trying, cough Agravain was supposed to assassinate Artoria but defected immediately cough.
Sure, the number of time Arturia beat Morgan is great. Unfortunately, most of those instances involved overcoming whatever curse, ploy or trick she sent against the Round Table after it had taken effect, not No Selling it.

And then there are those instances where Morgan outright won, such as when she mind controlled Arturia into helping her conceive Mordred and got away with it clean.

Unfortunetally for Arturia, her very Legend shows that Morgan has successfully tricked and ensorcelled her several times and the Saber container does not provide her with her anti-witch Noble Phantasm.

In fact, Artoria canonically bullies magic users not named Merlin. Especially Witches, judging by FSN.
You mean like how Medea got her all nice and dressed up in UBW ? That sure was some bullying alright. :rolleyes:
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