Still, Kana had an inset belief that if they could level grind Angra Mainyu enough they'd get a prize, and Ritsuka was done with this shit enough that he could see where her logic came from, and Angra made funny noises whenever he came back from being forced into said level grinding, so it was decided that as long as he was kept far away from any Grail - including Irisviel, not because they feared that he would corrupt her, but because they feared that she might corrupt him somehow
Legitimate concern.
"Yeah, this is definitely the one. My evil senses are going off the chart, whoever this guy is has got to be peak evil." Angra stood outside a door, nondescript outside of a sign that said 'Keep Out Or Else' in bold lettering, as well as a skull with an ahoge. "Definitely looks like the entrance to a truly evil lair, too. And the most evil kind of evil..." He shuddered. "Teenagers."
Pot calling the kettle.
When it did catch her attention, she quickly looked up. "Wait, wha-" And then her eyes widened, for bearing down the halls towards her was a massive tidal wave of sweet bean paste. "oh no".
EMIYA: "We meet at last, my ultimate enemy." *pulls out a belt filled with cooking utensils* "En garde!"

Also, Kana's entirely right about the level grinding, but in the wrong way - fielding Angra a bunch won't get him levels, but it will give him Bond, and he needs Bond 10 to unlock his best skill/second NP, which is actually pretty fucking amazing.

If he'd watched it, he'd be the one wearing it.

Well, I mean, Thanos got his arm fucked up when he used it, and Angra's not nearly that strong. And after all, why use the all powerful device that will definitely hurt you to use when you can have your patsy friend use it for you?
So... William/Wilhelm Tell is on FGO now, and he's basically representing the archetype of "Fathers are heroes". Sounds like exactly the kind of guy Roman could get advice from. Too bad he's not on this Chaldea.
insert generic spikey hair Jap some where [here]
Ha ha ha.
But I'm honestly serious about this. The male protag honestly looks like a young Kiritsugu when you compare the 2 and considering that Ritsuka is Kiritsugu's grandson (even though Shirou is adopted) and lived with people who knew Kiritsugu in life, I thought that something might be said about their resemblance.
Holy moly, took me two weeks to read all the posts in F/ SO...especially any of Datcord's commentary.

Just want to say any content here is excellent so Kudos to all of you and Swordo.

P.S. I didn't want to carpet bomb you all with my varied reactions so this will have to suffice.
Chapter Thirteen - Pt. 3
A/N: Inspiration suddenly struck me after almost a month of nothing. Next one's Saber. If we get there.


"And then he screams that he doesn't want to see a guy in a skintight bodysuit and runs away - which is just rude. C'mon, everyone knows I look good in this." Lancer, having finally finished his spiel, downs a shot of brandy without flinching. "Seriously though, what kind of guy can't appreciate a good looking man wearing what feels like nothing at all?"

"A degenerate," the Red Archer responds blandly while polishing a glass, as is habit by this point. The bar basically belongs to him at this point and he has always been very particular about cleanliness. "What does it matter, Lancer? Are you actually upset about this?"

"No, but he's a slippery bastard! And whenever we do corner him, the king of grapples just flings him into somewhere else in this place!" He slams the shotglass on the countertop, waving for Archer to refill it. With a roll of his eyes EMIYA begins work on the spirytus. Maybe this might get a reaction out of him. Lancer takes it and slams it immediately. Once again he doesn't even react. Freaking Celts. "Can't you deal with him? Apparently the kid beat him once."

Archer shakes his head, both weary of the comparison to the boy he could have been and sad that no, he cannot help stop this degeneracy either. He thinks of a way to express this to Cu Chulainn, a man of few fucks, without getting mocked. "Unfortunately, Gilgamesh has activated brawler mode, so countering the Gate of Babylon will do nothing. He'll just bodyslam me and rip my arms off while we're still tumbling mid-air."

Lancer clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "Damn shame, that. What makes him fun is now making him a pain in the ass." He frowns, looking at his glass. "Hey, Archer, you don't think he likes Blackbeard, do you?"

This got a reaction out of EMIYA; he scoffs. "I hope not. The King of Heroes as an otaku is a… well actually it might help."

"Wait, seriously?" Cu slaps his forehead and mutters something rude in Celtic. "I can barely handle one. Not sure I'll survive two."

Archer shrugs again. There is not much more he can say, too many variables to consider. And as usual, Eye of the Mind is useless outside of combat. Though he gets the odd feeling that the King of Heroes would be a shut-in…

And then he spots a peach-haired man with a put-upon smile and the eyes of a man trying not to be smote by God for various transgressions. Romani must have run into Jeanne. He should have never talked to Caster about collaborating within earshot of Leonardo. "Afternoon, Doctor," he says politely and evenly, while the doctor stumbles onto a barstool in a daze. Archer mentally runs through where the whiskey is; the man might want some. "What brings you here?"

Lancer sighs and shakes his head. "A blind man could see he ran into the Saint, Archer. Obviously he's here to get drunk! You know, before something happens to his little brother."

Archer stays quiet for a moment, just looking at Lancer. Not to think, he already has an answer primed. Not to judge, he's had his mind set on him for a long time. Just to set the mood.

He sees the faintest beads of sweat on Lancer's neck; bingo. "I wasn't aware that Saber caught up to you, Lancer. Weren't you the fastest of us Servants?"

"Firstly, Rider might tie me. Might. Secondly, go fuck yourself." Lancer works his shoulders and faces Romani instead. "Relax a bit, doc! She might be eighteen but that's still legal in most of the world!"

Mumbling his mantra, Archer calls upon a kitchen knife of no particular importance, besides the fact that a vigilante once used it to hunt rapists and pedophiles. A particularly bloodsoaked knife, that one, despite the fact that it never claimed a single life.

"T-Thanks, Lancer," Roman responds with a sheepish smile, "But that's fine. I'm just… tired." Lancer nods sagely, but the doctor looks at him suddenly with realisation slowly spreading across his features. "...Actually, Lancer… You were a father, weren't you?"

Archer looks at the doctor. He wonders just why he would be asking Cu Chulainn, famous for murdering his own son, about fatherhood. He runs the simulations - Saber mentioned having to go sort out a fight when she was here earlier, so Ritsuka and Kana probably got into a fight - likely over the Blackbeard situation - and it is probably a big fight. So violence levels would be high. High enough that Mashu would be vocal about her disapproval.

She would want to stop it. But the doctor, with no power or inclination to intervene, would refuse.

...And like that, the pieces fall together. Archer's gaze moves over to Lancer. His reaction will depend on Lancer's.

Strangely enough, the blue Lancer seems… morose. Contemplative, even. "Yeah, I was. But not a great one, either. Red asshole here loves to bother me about it, but he's got a point." Lancer leans against the counter and holds his glass to his lips. "Interested in my legend, doc? Because there are better openers than that."

Roman shakes his head. He swallows, like he realises what a bad decision he just made. "Ah, no, nothing like that. I'm just wondering if you have any advice… But thinking about it, heh, I guess you don't have any?"

"Try not to kill your kid in a duel after binding them to three unbreakable oaths," Lancer nods. "Tends to help."

Archer exhales. He dismisses his knife. Good, Lancer's showing off his rare responsible side.

Roman nods. "Right, right… You had a son, too." He sighs, tired and lost and - something familiar yet alien to the Counter Guardian - scared. "I just want to make it up to Mashu, you know? She's quite mad."

Lancer nods. "You know, I think Caster had kids. You can ask her."

"Yeah… I'll do that." Roman nods. "Thank you, Lancer."

"Don't mention it, doctor." Lancer nods, and it spreads into a wide grin. "C'mon, drink with me! There's still time for you to figure it out! Shielder's a good girl!"

"It's like noon though," Roman mutters.

"Are you sure? Because I'm not seeing any sun in the sky!"

Archer considers putting a stop to this. He decides against it. "It is your decision, Dr. Roman. I'm just here to listen and offer advice."

Roman nods. He looks at Archer hopefully.

"Non-parenting advice," Archer adds gently; he has to go spank two idiots soon, he can't be accountable for the girl one of those idiots loves. "I didn't even have children, so I lack even Lancer's experience."

"But you're a natural!"

"He's a mom," Lancer explains. "You want dad advice. Go find Caster."

Archer frowns at Lancer. He's not going to scowl at him, that would be uncouth. And it would mean Lancer wins. Which is unacceptable, he has control of the alcohol. "Caster is a woman, Lancer."

"So's Saber, but she's King."

Archer can't be bothered to respond to that. So he sighs and nods his head. "I suppose she is. What will you have, Dr Roman?"

"Ah…" Roman glances down at his watch and shakes his head. "I'll have a glass of water. I really should get going."

Archer nods and starts pouring him a glass, making sure he didn't accidentally take the vodka or spirytus.

And the wall suddenly explodes.

Kana smashes through a table and a barstool, covered in cuts and bruises. She rolls onto her feet, her hair loose and wild, and with a barstool leg in hand she successfully strikes Ritsuka as he shrieks in. The boy's mana circuits are burning bright, practically visible even through his clothing, and he diverts the barstool from his gut to his shoulder.

Leaving him open to the dropkick to the face. Ritsuka flies back through the hole he punched Kana through, audibly grunting as he bounces off the ground once, and Kana gasps for breath as she takes a second to recover, rubbing her side.

"Man that's gonna hurt tomorrow," she grunts through gritted teeth. Looking over her shoulder, she sees Archer frowning with one eyebrow raised, Roman looking absolutely mortified, and Lancer giving a thumbs up and a cheesy grin. She returns the cheesy grin and chases after her brother.

Seconds later a shockwave sends dust through the door and covers the bar in dust. Roman stands up, his water forgotten and now mixed with dust and debris. "Yeah I should really get going," he says, more than a little mortified.

"Good luck, doctor," Archer says.

"I love this place," Lancer whispers. And then he turns to the clatter of brooms and dustpans on the countertop. "Hey, I'm not cleaning this place up."

"You do you, Lancer," Archer says wryly. "The bar is closed."
Also I'm super lost for what to do for Chapter 14. I have some ideas but I iunno, ideas anyone?
What about subverting some of the events? You know, like that one about Artemis and moon dumplings. Instead of a grinding dumpling hunt, maybe Artemis rampaged across Chaldea because of dumplings?

Eh, my mind is weird. Anyway, good to see you back swordomatic!
What about subverting some of the events? You know, like that one about Artemis and moon dumplings. Instead of a grinding dumpling hunt, maybe Artemis rampaged across Chaldea because of dumplings?

Eh, my mind is weird. Anyway, good to see you back swordomatic!
It's definitely an idea! I'll have to go back to the events though, I barely remember what happened in them.

Also I'm disappearing for like three weeks so. :V
"And then he screams that he doesn't want to see a guy in a skintight bodysuit and runs away - which is just rude. C'mon, everyone knows I look good in this." Lancer, having finally finished his spiel, downs a shot of brandy without flinching. "Seriously though, what kind of guy can't appreciate a good looking man wearing what feels like nothing at all?"
That is true.
This got a reaction out of EMIYA; he scoffs. "I hope not. The King of Heroes as an otaku is a… well actually it might help."
Well, Gil pretty much has a giant room filled with nothing but collectibles which he values more than life.
"Firstly, Rider might tie me. Might. Secondly, go fuck yourself." Lancer works his shoulders and faces Romani instead. "Relax a bit, doc! She might be eighteen but that's still legal in most of the world!"
You're not helping, Cu!
"T-Thanks, Lancer," Roman responds with a sheepish smile, "But that's fine. I'm just… tired." Lancer nods sagely, but the doctor looks at him suddenly with realization slowly spreading across his features. "...Actually, Lancer… You were a father, weren't you?"

Strangely enough, the blue Lancer seems… morose. Contemplative, even. "Yeah, I was. But not a great one, either. Red asshole here loves to bother me about it, but he's got a point." Lancer leans against the counter and holds his glass to his lips. "Interested in my legend, doc? Because there are better openers than that."

Roman shakes his head. He swallows, like he realises what a bad decision he just made. "Ah, no, nothing like that. I'm just wondering if you have any advice… But thinking about it, heh, I guess you don't have any?"

"Try not to kill your kid in a duel after binding them to three unbreakable oaths," Lancer nods. "Tends to help."
That... was much viable advice than I had expected.
"He's a mom," Lancer explains. "You want dad advice. Go find Caster."
Wait a minute...
Artoria killed Mordred...
Cu killed Connla...
Medea killed her kids...
Herc killed his kids...
Is there anyone in F/SN who didn't commit Filicide.