With your newfound concern for your citizens, however, Sorcery does start to look much more attractive - if you take some time to train Occult and the first Sorcery Charm, then flash-buy the next Sorcery Charm, you would be at Charm cap and able to qualify for E5. You'd also still have some flexibility in Solar XP to flash-buy spells. Then you could get started on a Working, creating an entity to either help defend or administrate Luseng - either one would free up tremendous amounts of time for you. Once you hit E5 and Solar Circle Sorcery, you can move into temporal distortion effects (though they do have drawbacks, the value of temporal distortion is almost always worth it).
For example, you could use an Ambition 3 Finesse 5 Celestial Circle Working to create a loyal, few-drawbacks equivalent of a 2CD to help govern Luseng. It would have nearly Solar-level dicepools and a panoply of Charms designed specifically to assist you, and be designed to be nearly unfailingly loyal to you. That would give you much more time to train, take personal missions, etc. And all this for a mere ~2-3 weeks of effort and 40,000 Solar XP! The only drawback is that it would only cost 30,000 with Solar Circle Sorcery, but 10k XP is a small price to pay for getting access to a 2CD-level helper at this level...
Not to mention the benefits of whichever Sorcerous spells you end up picking. Infallible Messenger, Mists of Eventide, Invulnerable Skin of Bronze... all useful and potent spells. Travel Without Distance, Ivory Orchid Pavilion, Demon of the Second Circle - the possibilities are immense.