Awoken Sleeper (Utility, secondary Martial) - Through raw intellectual firepower and sheer dint of calculation, the Solar may awaken through brute-force derivation what would normally take countless encounters and tribulations to discover. He analyses an artifact to such depths that he can, effectively, replicate the effects of long experience through a mental breakthrough alone. Making accurate predictions from so ineffable and unlimited a well of power as an Artifact is difficult enough; to do so for its space of interactions with the similarly imperishable might of an Exalt, even one's own self - nigh-impossible. Truly, the Solar has ascended to the greatest heights of evidentiary induction: beyond the fate of nations, he plots the fate of the Exalted themselves. But though he has reached the mountaintop, still the heavens lie above.
*Once per story the Solar may touch an Artifact and exert an immense amount of effort and will to enter a trance of analysis that yields numerous additional Evocations from that Artifact. He may do so only for himself until E5+.
*The Solar may also touch any Artifact or general device and expend a much lesser amount of effort to discern its function, purpose, and how safely to use it. Certain First Age Artifacts and other Artifacts of comparable power may only yield a clue; this function may only be used on such Artifacts once per story (per Artifact).
*The Solar's powers of mathematical calculation transcend mere mortal limits; he gains superhuman power to his math-related Occult, Lore, Bureaucracy, rolls, as well as other stunted rolls relating to mathematics with GM dispensation.