Have a write-in about Luseng's reaction to their odd Satrap, and possibly an attempt at mitigating the general response to a theoretically bureaucratically focused Limit Break. Murdering corrupt mandarins with his bear hands is the sort of weirdness the City expects from its Satrap dangit!
##Fanwork Wordcount 761
Surrounded by enemies, overburdened with refugees, and saddled with a hostile Realm Bureaucracy the City of Luseng nevertheless flourished. Its Satrap had worked miracles in his time there, building a strong economy and bolstering the Satrapy's treasury despite horrific Realm taxation. Though bloodshed and internecine strife were the way of Creation, they did not seem to touch upon the works of Sesus Ulysisan.
His strength of arms was unquestioned, defeating an entire army of Fair Folk almost single handed, and weathering the deadly assault of a powerful Anathema despite the death of an entire Perfected Brotherhood of Immaculte shikari. If rumor was true he had even driven off the dreaded Lily of the Vally, a dreaded foe who successfully stood in opposition to a powerful Lunar anathema and his entire army all by herself.
The power of the Satrap's mind was also beyond compare, his economic and bureaucratic manipulations had revitalized Luseng's economy. Despite the ever present threat of war he had leveraged a friendship with the Great House of Nellens to build the beginnings of a powerful trade network for all of Luseng. He had even alleviated the burden of truly onerous Realm taxation that might have crippled the Satrapy's recovery.
Even now, he stood above the nation and protected it, consolidating his power and excising corruption from the ranks of his mandarins. It seemed impossible to believe but it seemed that the mad fools remained susceptible to the blandishments of the Fair Folk. It was said that after the treachery of the previous head of Luseng's bureaucracy Sesus Ulyssian had granted him a merciful stay of execution while played his part. It seemed that mercy had been misplaced.
The poison had run deep, and the whispers in the marketplace said that the madmen had begun to speak of capitalizing on the returning prosperity the Satrap had brought forth by once more yielding to the FEY! How could they have considered that after the strange beings of the Wyld had almost destroyed the city?! All of Luseng had nearly perished, their souls rent from their bodies and feasted upon by a the Duke of Iron Sislay's fell army. What insanity or greed clutched at the hearts and minds of the mandarins that they would even THINK that such beings could be trusted?
Thankfully, the Satrap had caught this new treachery in the bud. The first official news Luseng has was of the removal and execution of a number of well known and hated bureaucrats. They had been efficient at their work, but arrogant, and thoroughly corrupt. Their excision was swiftly followed by a restructuring of Luseng's bureaucracy along the lines that Sesus Ulyssian had already shown he favored in his dealings with the Ghost Water legion and the gods of Luseng.
Competence and reliability was the order of the day. Politicking was minimally effective, and connections availed the new bureaucrats naught. A new day was dawning for the government of Luseng, a day of solid mandarins with a strong loyalty to the Satrap and near impeachable integrity. The efficiency this brought to Luseng would only further help its burgeoning trade network. If the projections shared by the Satrap were accurate then as little as a month in the future the City would have adjusted to the vastly increased population and accelerated its growth once more.
The only oddity in the bureaucratic revolution was the Satrap's personal conduct. By all accounts he had moved as a man possessed, striking down the corrupt and foolish alike. Perhaps he had gone too far, but the results spoke for themselves. The actions of Sesus Ulyssian could not always be comprehended by his subjects, but he had worked miracles. He had earned their faith, and so they would have faith in him. They would all be dead without him, a hundred times over. Instead, the people of Luseng lived happily with much to look forward to. They knew to who they owed their gratitude.
Who knew what works the great Sesus Ulyssian might perform in the future? True, he had been perhaps more hands on in his efforts to remove corruption than was strictly necessary, but the City had grown used to the eccentric ways of its Satrap. He did strange things, had odd thoughts, but he came through for them. He had earned the respect of all Luseng, and was well on his way to earning its love as well, despite his often off putting personal manner.
The future was bright, and all the subjects of Sesus Ulyssian awaited its arrival with baited breath!