@Rihaku, Can training be taken more than once?
Assuming we can't take training twice I vote for this:
Plan Hero King
[X] Consolidate Power
[X] Govern Wisely, Govern Well
-[X] Bankrupt
[X] Training [-2 Stress]
Training is basically a free action, since it reduces stress by as much as an extra action costs. Plus self improvement is never a bad call, especially when we're waiting for the other shoe to drop with regards to Anys Syn's little vacation to hell. Be prepared, is just as good advice for Uly as it is for the Boy Scouts, and training is the best way to do that.
Govern makes our nation more prosperous is lets us work towards our intimacy towards our people, and improves our power base and resources in the long term. What's the point of having a Satrapy if you aren't going to make the most of it? Only taking it once to avoid extra stress. Also will make a lot of our friends and Allies, like Lilly, Moon, and Saery, happier due to our improving the lives of our subjects. plus we get that warm fuzzy feeling from helping people.
Consolidation improves the loyalty of the province, and eliminates the corruption, spies, and traitors from our government. This makes our position stronger, and has good synergy with Govern, on makes the Satrapy stronger, the other makes it less likely to be subverted by the Realm. I know it suggests a possibility of a "safe" Limit Break, but I've decided not to go with that for two reasons. First, because I severely doubt it will be as safe as you might think. It just seems far to simple and perfect to be true, and both Rihaku and Exalted in general are big on unintended consequence biting the protagonist in the butt, so even if it is more focused I'm sure there will be some downside that's a logical result of the action without being mention in the description. Second, because I can't get 11 stress and keep training, and just being close to a break is just asking for a surprise freak out at the worst possible moment. And at the end of the day prefer a half-full limit meter and being more prepared for Syn, than an empty track and no preparation.
I didn't take the sorcery vote because I don't value it that highly, it takes a lot of actions to get the most out of it (three for UtC,and one more for Thaumaturgy to qualify for the Solar Circle), and I'm a little wary of the drawbacks. I really don't think we should be taking actions that reduce the loyalty of our province, if anything, I think this is when we should be building their loyalty up. I'm not sure exactly sure why Pan dislikes sorcery, but the loyalty of the local gods is a fair bit lower than that of the mortals, what with the less than perfect ritual, the diverted prayer, and the loss of respect from not killing the corrupt bureaucrats. I'm worried we're already at dangerously low loyalty with the spirits, and upsetting their nominal leader the City Father, at best will make our efforts in Luseng go less smoothly, at worst will have a bunch of minor disasters undermining our efforts. With Syn on the horizon, I don't think we can afford that right now. Finally, using anything past terrestrial level risks exposing us as Anathema, which isn't something I want to take a chance until we've built up the loyalty in our Satrapy and gotten a few more allies and resources to back us up at minimum. If we play it safe, and stick to the Terrestrial circle it won't really be enough of a benefit to justify all the costs.
So, in summary, my gives a net-zero stress gain, increase the loyalty and prosperity of Luseng, giving us a stronger powerbase, and helps us become stronger in preparation for Anys' inevitable attack.