- Location
- Southern Virginia
There are so many loopholes in this, I hardly even know where to start. Was this really the best you could come up with?
Couldn't he still write it down? Or even if he can't, he can still tell people "Ulyssian is an extreme threat that has to be stopped" without disclossing details. Or he could lie. He could lie to the Realm and plant evidence that Uly is an Abyssial, Nilul is a Solar Eclipse etc.
Why is it limited to a year and a day?
He could murder the people of Luseng as long as he doesn't "harass" them or continue his sabotage.
He could kill all traders leaving or entering our lands, cause storms to sink ships, attack us with other armies that aren't beatmen, use false-flag attacks to get other people to attack us, impersonate our officials, etc.
And the requirement for negotiations is completely useless, he can just demand completely ridiculous things if he doesn't want to extend it.
Why does this even restrict Uly's actions? The deal was that Ragnar would leave us alone, why bind us, too?
Disclose covers all forms of communication. And if he goes around trying to raise a coalition with lies, we can kill him.
And raising storms to vex Luseng and killing merchants to cut it off from commerce is harassing or intentionally causing the people of Luseng to be harassed. Murdering random Luseng citizens is certainly harassing the population. None of your supposed loopholes actually are loopholes here, not even by the mere word of the oath.
Adding reciprocation of nonaggression makes the oath less one-sided. There is no reason not to give him that concession if it makes the rest easier. The expiration at a year and day is standard for oaths and means we aren't bound either if we want to renegotiate or abrogated the deal. The requirement to attempt to renegotiate is simply to avoid sneak attacks and the like. Being bound against something we have no intention of doing anyway to help placate Ragmar's pride is relatively efficient.