Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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I'm glad we're getting a free social action going forward. Before, there were so many other more pressing things that we just never got around to making more friends to delegate to have help us out. After this turn I hope that we can hang out with Applejack and get another AP/bit source. That plus the plans to keep Axe and Baldomare around permanently makes me feel like we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel towards getting out of the AP pit.

Also, I wonder if we get all of the Mane Six we can use the Elements of Harmony by proxy. :V
> Luna is returning
> Wants no Fleeting actions

Yeah… good luck with that. :V
Fleeting Action 1: Bring Celestia into the Family! (Adopted Daughter? semi-niece?)
Fleeting Action 2: Introduce Cadance to her new Auntie, who is also your daughter!
Fleeting Action 3: Heal Twilight, Luna will cover for you!
Fleeting Action 4: Heal Shining Armor, Luna will cover for you!
Fleeting Action 5: Introduce the lores to the Bureau!
Fleeting Action 6: Luna has forgiven you, but she still wants to take revenge on someone. How lucky indeed that you know of someone in Manehattan...
Fleeting Action 7: to ambush the predator. Mareinette won't know what hit her...

[x] Plan Pittauro, All in wedding without key but with expedition.
This plan does most of the stuff I want. The only change I would make is to try and invite Uncle Steppes to visit (which one of the other plans mentioned), but it's not absolutely vital.
I already mentioned I NEARLY went for it. I'm a tiny bit worried about him being in our home when suddenly Luna.

I see... thanks for the explanation. It would be nice, narratively speaking to bring along Rarity, but I don't know if it's worth it now... 🤔. We can try to get her invited to the wedding at least. And maybe the bonding time with Cadence is meant for just us.

eh, it's just not worth it. It's heavily implied she'll get to make the dress if we use one of the wedding picks on that (and I'm training her at grail 3 forge 1 to make her better at it).

We've also been told she's not suitable to do Pride's action on her own, and in terms of helping with that... well, she IS a stranger. I think Pride will already be intimidated by his sister, but at least this is an opportunity, and I think we shouldn't bring in any other strangers (I wouldn't say no to our uncle if he suddenly visited of course)

Sorry for not crediting you by name initially; when I read this thread long enough, everyone's opinions jumble together into mush! :V

I'm joking, don't worry :V .

Also taking the chance to, you know, brag and boast :whistle:

Pittauro, mind changing the leading plan's detective action to investigating low level stuff? That way, having emergencies is less likely and all
I don't really have much of a preference there, but the plan has already enough votes that I'd rather not change stuff.
I actually think the combination of sending our detectives after changelings and focusing so much on the royal wedding is rather prescient. Changelings feed on love, something we know will be in large amounts at the wedding. Considering that the Lunar Bureau's main goal is to hunt Changelings, and given how this wedding will likely attract them, involving ourselves so thoroughly in its planning while sending others out to hunt down threats works as us "fulfilling" Celestia's orders and will make things play out that much smoother.
Realistically speaking we will likely have 2 FOs: One for Investigation of Bluebloods, and one for Luna related stuff?
Because of this, I feel like we won't have to spend any actions actually investigating the Bluebloods, only some choices/votes that don't require spending an action. Not discounting the possibility of some follow-up fleeting action though.
Throughout the next month, the Blueblood family will be charged and submitted to the Solar Court, while remaining under arrest in the Lunar Bureau. The Commissioner, and Equestria at large, will have the opportunity to observe those proceedings as they happen.

No further actions are needed regarding the Blueblood matter, although Velvet Covers may be offered the chance to do something if the situation arises.

Your first Princess-given task has been completed. Velvet Covers may now direct the Lunar Bureau.
[x] Plan Pittauro, All in wedding without key but with expedition

When we get our Name lineup ready, why don't we ask Baldomare to prepare counterfeits of our hoofwriting in the Bright Library that stand up to casual scrutiny but not to expert scrutiny; and then send all our Names not named Baldomare and go ourselves to REPLACE the Bright Library stuff in our hoofwriting and do Nothing Else to avoid Copper's suspicion?
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[x] Plan Pittauro, All in wedding without key but with expedition

When we get our Name lineup ready, why don't we ask Baldomare to prepare counterfeits of our hoofwriting in the Bright Library that stand up to casual scrutiny but not to expert scrutiny; and then send all our Names not named Baldomare and go ourselves to REPLACE the Bright Library stuff in our hoofwriting and do Nothing Else to avoid Copper's suspicion?
I... don't really see what that would accomplish versus just removing them entirely? If we've tagged Copper with enough to get the Bureau to raid her hideout, forgery of weird esoteric manuals would be pretty small potatoes and also be kind of weird for her to be forging our hoofwriting specifically?
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The last few days have been particularly busy. And, of course, this is a turn plan vote. Voting is set to close at the end of monday, because I definitely won't have the energy to write before then.

@BirdBodhisattva I meant escaping from Windigos when Stormchaser was away.
You have no idea.

Plus, you have only ever met a windigo inside the Mansus, where they are more dread than dream. So you can't attest for the air velocity of an unladen windigo.

@BirdBodhisattva Can we "point" the Bureau at ensuring the Wedding goes as well as possible, and then take the slacking option and have it's drawbacks mitigated?
Flavour it with avoiding the wedding getting Changeling'd again or something?
No. The wedding will already be adequately secured. And your "slacking" option really does involve fooling around with Princess Cadance, so having your agents run security in Canterlot while you do your merry rounds won't really help mitigate some of the drawbacks.

But yes, @BirdBodhisattva is searching for ritual sites in Danger Zones (with Marienette accompanying us to fight off whatever comes) a viable option?
One of the problems of a ritual site is that it has to be near your home. So, assuming you mean a "danger zone" like a faraway desert, it makes little sense for Velvet to be interested in a ritual zone that needs an entire personal action just to reach.

Your one-circle ritual under Canterlot is just close enough for you to use it. But I don't see the attractiveness of rituals in dangerous places "just because".

And no, the Everfree Forest is not on the menu. You have no IC knowledge about it (looking at you, castle of the two sisters) that would justify being interested in it for ritual sites. Still, that's what the search action is for I suppose.

Hmm. Actually, @BirdBodhisattva question. What happens if we have Marinette assist with the Wedding? As in, she does the "help Velvet in her actions", not "do an action for Velvet"? Because the way you word this makes me think it wouldn't do anything either?
It really wouldn't do anything either. The wedding options, in practice, are really more on the mechanical side. So "lend a hoof" actions wouldn't really do anything, regardless of who does them.

But by all means, have Our Lady of Wires be your Honored Guest by taking one of those actions out of your hoofs.

Thank you! I legitimately don't have the energy to go over these right now, so I'll save them here for later. Still, I appreciate it.

Any thoughts on the AotL for my plan? Where should it be applied, and when? Or is it Write-in "whatever Velvet thinks will be tested to avoid mental maluses" if that is valid @BirdBodhisattva?
To be honest, you can just pick a Lore for AotL and not specify where it's used. Velvet will use it in the place she thinks is most convenient if that is the case.

@BirdBodhisattva Here's a WIP plan comparison table for everyone's sanity, but can we just... do this vote in two stages and get the unanimously agreed parts out of the way so everyone's plans are shorter?
I really appreciate this!

And in regards to your question. It is a bit of a problem that so many actions relate to other actions. For example, having the Constables not do anything gives an extra personal action, and leveling up a follower rather than doing something else can impact the decision of what Baldomare or Mareinette do. So, Ii recognize that turn vote plans are unwieldy, and I am always looking for ways to make them simpler. But this seems to be the nature of the game, unfortunately.

Talking about game development a little bit, this is certainly a part of the quest that would benefit from another kind of medium. If it weren't text, and instead we had some kind of menu where we can select option, I can see it being a lot easier to manage. Still, this is one of the things I can do very little about.

@BirdBodhisattva Is assisting with the Wedding further even a repeatable action to begin with?
Not repeatable.

@BirdBodhisattva can we use the AotL action on Names, and does Baldomare need a RotT to find things for us?
No for both. AotL only affects Velvet, and Baldomare can search for whatever you want with a write-in. But of course, rituals have the benefit of being magical.

(@BirdBodhisattva uh, can Mareinette get lore scraps for us? That would be weird, but not the weirdest thing she could do)
I will honestly cross that bridge when I reach it :V

For now, just don't worry.

Thank you for your words, and welcome! I hope we can all continue to have fun.

Hm, @BirdBodhisattva what does Velvet think of asking the Bureau to hire Comet Feet? 🤔
Same reasoning for Stormchaser. Same reasoning for anyone you ask. He doesn't have a spotless record, ten-plus years working in law enforcement, and a cutie mark related to protecting other ponies.


So, right now I am more exhausted than not. Kindly tell me if I missed any questions, and I hope you are all well. Still, I'll go take a day-long breather so I have the energy to write (and live) starting monday.

See you all soon, and happy new year!
@BirdBodhisattva So does taking both Wedding Fleetings give us three picks, or does it not make sense and two is the absolute maximum?

What does creating fake evidence actually do for us that just removing it wouldn't?
Makes sure Copper doesn't notice something is wrong?

little sense for Velvet to be interested in a ritual zone that needs an entire personal action just to reach.
Uh, if we are desperate enough, I'm pretty sure that's actually on the menu for voters to avoid getting DoA contested?
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@BirdBodhisattva So does taking both Wedding Fleetings give us three actions, or does it not make sense?

Makes sure Copper doesn't notice something is wrong?
We have 1 without any intervention at all. The two FO then each add +1 choice on top of that, for a total of 3 choices.

As for Copper, why would we care if she notices? We both are fully aware of our mutual enemyhood. She's already trying to kill us. She's either already aware of the nature of our new job, or will soon hear it from the grapevine. Her being suspicious that we're cleaning up after ourselves seems, uh, pretty inconsequential in the scheme of things?
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Not really a fan of neglecting our work at this stage, so I guess I'll vote for the only major plan that doesn't do that even if it's not exactly what I would want.
[] Plan: Responsible Velvet (Personal Sacrament edition)
edit: actually, I like this one better I think (and it seems to have had a new surge of popularity)
[X] Plan Pittauro, but without the neglecting work free action

And in regards to your question. It is a bit of a problem that so many actions relate to other actions. For example, having the Constables not do anything gives an extra personal action, and leveling up a follower rather than doing something else can impact the decision of what Baldomare or Mareinette do. So, Ii recognize that turn vote plans are unwieldy, and I am always looking for ways to make them simpler. But this seems to be the nature of the game, unfortunately.

Talking about game development a little bit, this is certainly a part of the quest that would benefit from another kind of medium. If it weren't text, and instead we had some kind of menu where we can select option, I can see it being a lot easier to manage. Still, this is one of the things I can do very little about.
One thing I've seen other complicated quests do is hold a 2-stage runoff vote. First vote is open to write-ins, then once that vote is complete the QM takes the top few plans, usually writes a little analysis for each of them, and opens up the 2nd round of voting for only those plans.
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[X] Plan Pittauro, but without the neglecting work free action
[X] Plan: Responsible Velvet (Personal Sacrament edition)
[X] Plan: Responsible Velvet (Personal Sacrament edition) v2.
[X] Plan: Gotta do that Sacrament NOW v2.

For those voting for my plan, do you mind minor edits here and there as things go forward?

The wedding will already be adequately secured. And your "slacking" option really does involve fooling around with Princess Cadance, so having your agents run security in Canterlot while you do your merry rounds won't really help mitigate some of the drawbacks.
I really, really don't like the idea of slacking off further.......
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I've been bouncing back and forth on this, but I think I'm going to change my vote to support the plan with a bit less slacking off. Just thinking about the optics, it's probably better to stay dedicated to our job. The Lunar Bureau has had only one major victory, and if after that, the Commissioner herself takes an entire month off to do what she wants, that undermines the amount of effort we put in ensuring the Bureau consists of the best of the best. Let's stay a hardworking example for others to strive to follow.

[X] Plan Pittauro, but without the neglecting work free action

(This plan needs to specify that Mareinette uses an Edge Artifact without sacrificing it @Bakkasama)
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