Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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[X] Plan: "Man, this wedding rocks. I bucking love these people"
-[X] [AotL] Lantern, to see what is needed for the next Door.
-[X] Jade's house is now adequately clean. Or at least sufficiently presentable for ponies to work on it. You should…
--[X] [SERVANTS] You need a place where you can safely, and discreetly, store items. Use the upper level of her house for it.
-[X] [FORGE] Level 3 reagent (45 bits)
--[X] [FORGE] Knock 2 Edge 1
-[X] [DETECTIVES] There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them.
-[X] [CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN a PERSONAL ACTION for Velvet Covers)
-[X] [COMMISSIONER] The Lunar Bureau is not the only recently-minted institution in Equestria. Try to contact the others.
--[X] Eclipse(?), and Midday Dew.
-[X] [SOCIAL] Teach Rarity, and make her a Disciple.
-[X] [RARITY] Focus on your work.
-[X] [JADE] "You do you."
-[X] [BALDOMARE] Act as your emissary.
--[X] [RITUAL] The Reflection of the Tapestry - Find a key that only opens. A key that would break DoA's curse. Where it is, what defends it, what stops us from simply taking it. Cost 30 bits.
---[X] At Jade's old house.
-[X] [FLUTTERSHY] Ask for a favor, from your... mutual friend.
--[X] [GUARD] Our home.
-[X] [MAREINETTE] Act as your emissary.
--[X] "The Royal Wedding is a matter of national security, so of course the Commissioner must be involved. Yes, even on that time she went on a shopping spree with the Princess."
-[X] [SELENE] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)
-[X] [KNOCK] The Only Way Up
--[X] [KNOCK] Keep going up. You are so very close now. So. Very. Close.
-[X] These are the skills that allow you to climb the Mansus
--[X] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
---[X] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3) (THIS IS A DANGEROUS ACTION)
-[X] A fleeting opportunity
--[X] Royal. Wedding! Royal. Wedding! Help. Plan. The Royal. Wedding!
-[X] [MANSUS] The Woods
--[X] [MANSUS] Explore the Temple of the Wheel (Mansus Expedition)
--[X] [MANSUS] Beyond the Tribal Door
---[X] [MANSUS] The Crumbled Concursum leads upwards. So up we go
--[X] [MANSUS] The Shattered Stairways
---[X] [MANSUS] There are other markings to be followed within this maddening labyrinth of stairs. Follow them. (Search for a new area)

This plan does:
Secret History Sacrament progress.
Wedding Fleeting Opportunity actions without neglecting our work.
Scales the Mansus. The Temple of the Wheel expedition, coming closer to the Glory/searching for new areas in the Shattered Stairways
Scries Frangiclave.

[X] Plan Trust Marinette
[X] Plan Trust Marinette while you pursue Baldomare's Sacrament

[X] Plan: Thus Spoke Birdhissatva
-[X] [AotL] Lantern, to see what is needed for the next Door.
-[X] Jade's house is now adequately clean. Or at least sufficiently presentable for ponies to work on it. You should…
--[X] [SERVANTS] You need a place where you can safely, and discreetly, store items. Use the upper level of her house for it.
-[X] [FORGE] Level 3 reagent (45 bits)
--[X] [FORGE] Knock 2 Edge 1
-[X] [DETECTIVES] There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them.
-[X] [CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN a PERSONAL ACTION for Velvet Covers)
-[X] [COMMISSIONER] The Lunar Bureau is not the only recently-minted institution in Equestria. Try to contact the others.
--[X] Eclipse(?), and Midday Dew.
-[X] [SOCIAL] Teach Rarity, and make her a Disciple.
-[X] [RARITY] Focus on your work.
-[X] [JADE] "You do you."
-[X] [BALDOMARE] Act as your emissary.
--[X] [RITUAL] The Reflection of the Tapestry - Find a key that only opens. A key that would break DoA's curse. Where it is, what defends it, what stops us from simply taking it. Cost 30 bits.
---[X] At Jade's old house.
-[X] [FLUTTERSHY] Ask for a favor, from your... mutual friend.
--[X] [GUARD] Our home.
-[X] [MAREINETTE] Act as your emissary.
--[X] "The Royal Wedding is a matter of national security, so of course the Commissioner must be involved. Yes, even on that time she went on a shopping spree with the Princess."
-[X] [SELENE] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)
-[X] [KNOCK] The Only Way Up
--[X] [KNOCK] Keep going up. You are so very close now. So. Very. Close.
-[X] A fleeting opportunity
--[X] Velvet Pride, your upstart younger brother, seems to be heartbroken. Or so the gossip goes. If you take the initiative to talk to him, you might be able to get closer to him.
-[X] A fleeting opportunity
--[X] Royal. Wedding! Royal. Wedding! Help. Plan. The Royal. Wedding!
-[X] [MANSUS] The Woods
--[X] [MANSUS] Explore the Temple of the Wheel (Mansus Expedition)
--[X] [MANSUS] Beyond the Tribal Door
---[X] [MANSUS] The Crumbled Concursum leads upwards. So up we go
--[X] [MANSUS] The Shattered Stairways
---[X] [MANSUS] There are other markings to be followed within this maddening labyrinth of stairs. Follow them. (Search for a new area)
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What's the point of going up if we get locked behind Sacrament?

We don't KNOW that the next door requires sacrament. In fact, it's actually unlikely, as each door has been pretty close to the canon ones, requiring in order Health, Knowledge, a living sacrifice (bypassed by Wolf), and the next according to the game should require a mirror (and it has been implied it might require that, or artifacts).

Even so, KNOWING what's the requirement will allow us to focus our efforts on satisfying them.

And if we need to stay there for a couple of turns... ignoring the temple expedition I'd like to do this turn, we'd still have

1)1 wood location
2)1 stairways location
3)Depths of the Ruined Church

which should be around another 4 points or so of exploration, so we'd be fine anyway. if we had to wait.

2 is enough, we still need to guard our home.

We don't have enough bits to RoTT + Canterlot expedition, sadly

it's a once in forever opportunity. 3 is the maximum AND my minimum.

for guards we can ask for Comet, there's Mareinette, we could remove Incision with Mareinette to help... the guards would be worth less than Mareinette, really.

TECHNICALLY we have enough for RotT and 7 days of expedition. And thus far we've completed all expeditions faster than the standard.

Both Canterlot part 1 and Finding Selene took 3 days instead of the 5 expected. Mareinette rolls REALLY well, especially on HEart and Grail obviously, and while I assume Grail won't apply Heart might. So I think 7 days MIGHT be enough, though it's a bet.

Sounds good.
Would say Mareinette Incision (finally getting rid of afraid! Supressed memories, Velvet being useful in groupfights, +10 in fights. The latter two synergizing great with having a guard at home).
Baldo on Frangiclave (get that into dry towels so we can do it once DoA is back (might want to do "Name stomp Copper" first, but probably want to wait to do that until we have Biedde)).
Rarity: Focus on work.
Use the free social on rich or apple. With Leash they'd be Confidant we can ask about a 3circle big place.
Mareinette should probably go on finding the summoning location if we're not doing her expedition. we REALLY need a place to summon DoA in next turn.

If I'm going full wedding I really need to use the free social to actually teach Rarity, so I can't use it on Applejack or Filthy Rich. We also don't know if we can afford to remove the Leash from Shining (though I could see a wedding pick being "You can safely remove the leash from him, he's too happy to notice/you can make Twilight stop reminding him of that one problematic story")

As I understand it, yes, but that means giving her control over whatever the reward is, and apparently nobody trusts her to make any decision ever despite Bird clarifying that she doesn't invent new choices, only chooses out of whatever options Velvet would have been presented herself. Granted, the narrative of what exactly comes out of those choices can be different, but they're the same choices.

Apparently when a QM tries to give you a super social god that you had to work to get and tells you it's fine to use it for its intended purpose, it only breeds suspicion and fear. :V
yes, that seems about right!

also Mareinette can be useful in

1)finding a ritual place. she has +40 to the search after all
2)remove incision. 20 bits, only fails on nat1 edge or double nat1 heart
4)If we want to risk it, Canterlot part 2 (we can afford 7 days of exploration if paired with Tapestry for Frangiclave, which is BARELY enough in my opinion if we're not unlucky. it only took 3 out of 5 expected days for ALL of our expeditions thus far. I CHECKED. Selene, Canterlot part 1, Twilight. ALL COMPLETED in 3 days).

It's exactly the narrative differences that I'm worried about. This is a narrative quest; how we go about things can be just as important as the things themselves. As we've already seen in the recent Mareinette apocrypha, she can definitely make a good, useful mechanical decision that is at the same time not something that we want to have happen narratively. Sure, we're enemies with Copper and "disappearing" her is probably a good option with how many sacraments require a prisoner, but I don't think Velvet would decide to keep Copper in a barrel for decades and force her to have children specifically just to eat them later. I don't want to see Mareinette's idea of a great wedding, not without some assurances first that this won't irrevocably change our relationship with Cadence.
We HAVE that assurance. What we don't have is the assurance that, in extreme cases, something more won't be going in the background, like the Copper-Barrel-of-Wine.

Mareinette is not malevolent (towards us. for now) nor stupid. She'd do her best to keep our relationship with Cadence as positive as possible.

I STILL don't want her there, but that's because I want Velvet to remember these days spent with Cadance, and not have to learn of them THROUGH MAREINETTE.

Also my previous plan with Leash on Filthy Rich, and Rarity directing Marinette to make sure her choice of wedding option is suitable one.
REmoving the Leash is not supposed to be safe yet. It's a stupid risk to take right now.

MAYBE one of the wedding picks will allow us to do it by putting the topic to rest between Twilight and Shining, but we don't know if that will be an option yet.

I'm definitely posting my own plan in a bit. I'm not quite sure what I want to have Mareinette do, so I might have a couple variants.

the must haves to me

1)Wedding: 3 picks
2)Find a place to summon DoA in next turn (Baldomare if we're fine delaying scrying for the key by ONE turn or Mareinette? Baldomare has the highest bonuses, and it would allow us to have the money for the Canterlot Expedition)
3)Scry for Frangiclave (negotiable. it COULD wait a turn, while nearly everything else in this list can't)
4)Teach Rarity (free social)
5)Some guards. At least Comet, possibly Mareinette too
6)Pride, in person, preferably with Uncle Steppes as a guest
7)if at all possible, 1 mansus exploration, so 2 points "up" and 1 "temple"
8)Incision would be nice, but Mareinette has enough important actions she could do (guarding, find ritual location, expedition) that it probably won't happen.
it's a once in forever opportunity. 3 is the maximum AND my minimum.
Not having the Bureau's first turn be heavily neglected (where the first real turn may literally set her reputation in the Bureau's eys in stone) is also a once in forever opportunity.

We already have one free pick out of Bird's kindness, why get greedy and give an opportunity for more problems later on??

Anyway, I'm done editing the comparison table, while there is still Memory Of Toiling Bells left to go, I'm out of time and spoons to spend on this.

7)if at all possible, 1 mansus exploration, so 2 points "up" and 1 "temple"
Weren't we saving the Temple for T19 in case Mareinette's rebinding gives us a free Wound?
How did we end up with a barn as a secure ritual locations anyways? I get the impression (I might be wrong) that we used a Ponyservent action for it. Does anyone remember/think we can do it again?
it's a once in forever opportunity. 3 is the maximum AND my minimum.
@BirdBodhisattva Is assisting with the Wedding further even a repeatable action to begin with? It would mean we had a absolute maximum of 5 picks (1 + 3 + 1) if it were, which doesn't make sense?

Do the people voting for my plan think asking Baldomare to instead scry for a "usable next turn & obscure three circle ritual location" makes sense?
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Not having the Bureau's first turn be heavily neglected (where the first real turn may literally set her reputation in the Bureau's eys in stone) is also a once in forever opportunity.

We already have one free pick out of Bird's kindness, why get greedy and give an opportunity for more problems later on??

Anyway, I'm done editing the comparison table, while there is still Memory Of Toiling Bells left to go, I'm out of time and spoons to spend on this.
BEcause we have all the excuses in the word to risk it.

1)It's not the first turn. It's the third. We just had an incredibly positive result for our first op
2)Cadance on our side. Shining on HER side, and indirectly on ours.
3)Princess' wedding is a once in forever event. If ANYTHING excuses Velvet taking it easier, it would be this.
4)Nobody will dare go to Celestia to complain, and I don't expect her to care that much in the first place.
5)Next turn Luna is back.
6)These last 2 months Velvet has EXPLICITLY worked very hard. Harder than basically everyone else, actually.
7)I plan to take the action to build up loyalty in the general ranks to sort of counter the negative rep from the temporary neglect

I expect this to only go badly if a bureau emergency comes up, and I don't expect that.
Weren't we saving the Temple for T19 in case Mareinette's rebinding gives us a free Wound?
meh, there's still the wood location anyway, and we're so overleveled (basically all 4) that I don't expect our chances even in the Stairways of getting a wound would be even in the single digit %, if it's even a possibility in the first place.

@BirdBodhisattva Is assisting with the Wedding further even a repeatable action to begin with? It would mean we had a absolute maximum of 5 picks (1 + 3 + 1) if it were, which doesn't make sense?

Do the people voting for my plan think asking Baldomare to instead scry for a "usable next turn & obscure three circle ritual location" makes sense?
...why would it be?

we get one free pick if we do nothing. We have a Fleeting Opportunity to get a second, and a chance of neglect work for a 3rd. That's it.
Do the people voting for my plan think asking Baldomare to instead scry for a "usable next turn & obscure three circle ritual location" makes sense?

She has really high search rolls in general, with 50 (base) + 30 (SH) + reroll. Just have her do it without the ritual to save money at that point.
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[] Plan: "Man, this wedding rocks. I bucking love these people"

I like more Mansus actions. I'll approval vote this one too.

Not having the Bureau's first turn be heavily neglected (where the first real turn may literally set her reputation in the Bureau's eys in stone) is also a once in forever opportunity.
I think that action that increase Bureau loyalty kind of compensates for it.

If I'm going full wedding I really need to use the free social to actually teach Rarity, so I can't use it on Applejack or Filthy Rich. We also don't know if we can afford to remove the Leash from Shining (though I could see a wedding pick being "You can safely remove the leash from him, he's too happy to notice/you can make Twilight stop reminding him of that one problematic story")
I doubt that it is such big issue, given that we already spend action on Twilight last turn. Either we already have option to interact with Twilight during wedding which I doubt, or we create one by removing Leash from Shining and then resolving all issues with liberal application of Grail empowered dialogue .In this plan we have Velvet on one wedding action and Rarity and Marinette on another, so even if Twilight start some problems I would not be surprised if Velvet manages to end them in better position in regards to Shining and maybe even Twilight than we are now. Basically any interaction with Twilight is the good one in my book and I believe that we are maximally prepared for damage control on this issue. I am more concerned with potential lack of interaction with Twilight since we can't approach her anymore. And in this case how will we ever make sure when it is save to remove Leash.

I STILL don't want her there, but that's because I want Velvet to remember these days spent with Cadance, and not have to learn of them THROUGH MAREINETTE.
But Velvet still will be there through the second wedding action though. I don't really understand what is the problem here.
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Ok, I found it. In Turn 15 we voted for this:

(Servants) Find a way to reduce suspicion of at-home rituals (don't tell them that, of course)

And that same turn they cleared the barn for our use at rituals (as in, we didnt use it that turn but it became available). Would it be possible to do the same this turn or have we burned near our home as a location? @BirdBodhisattva
[X] Plan A Pink Wedding
-[X] (Servants) Work on the upper level of Jade's old house
-[X] (Steppes) Invite over to spend some time with the family
-[X] (Rarity) Focus on her work
-[X] (Fluttershy) Ask a favor
--[X] Help defending Stormchaser and the children if Copper/the cult attacks them this turn.
-[X] (Jade) Take a break
-[X] (Mareinette) Fleeting Opportunity: Velvet Pride
-[X] (Baldomare) Perform the Reflection of the Tapestry
--[X] Target: The location of the "key that can only open" desired by the Daughter-of-Axes, and the obstacles in the way of obtaining it
--[X] At Jade's old house
-[X] (Selene) Go play
-[X] (AotL) Secret Histories: Search for new ritual site
-[X] (Knock) Keep going up
-[X] (Social) Promote Rarity to Grail 3/Forge 1
-[X] (Detectives) Changelings
-[X] (Constables) Guard the Velvet family
-[X] (Commissioner) Ingrain loyalty
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Royal Wedding
-[X] Search for a new, unsuspicious three-circle ritual site.
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: The other Royal Wedding FO (free action)

Okay, plan posted, back to sleep for me. I'll look at the others floating around later.
[] Plan: Towards a bright future (Personal Sacrament edition)
-[] [AotL] Lantern, during the Sacrament Action
-[] [FORGE] Create a Edge 2 Reagent. (20 bits, Free Action)
-[] [KNOCK] The Only Way Up
--[] [KNOCK] Keep going up. You are so very close now. So. Very. Close.
-[] [DETECTIVES] Despite their friendly nature, ponies are capable of crimes just like any other intelligent creature. Have them investigate crimes at large, in the several cities of Equestria. (Less impactful in the grand scheme of things. But helps the Bureau keep a good image, and decreases the "tension" of the population at large, as the world becomes a worse place)
-[] [CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN a PERSONAL ACTION for Velvet Covers)
-[] [COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[] [SOCIAL] [TEACH] Teach Rarity, and make her a Disciple. (Free Action)
-[] A fleeting opportunity
--[] Royal. Wedding! Royal. Wedding! Help. Plan. The Royal. Wedding! (Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[] "The Royal Wedding is a matter of national security, so of course the Commissioner must be involved. Yes, even on that time she went on a shopping spree with the Princess." (Free action. NEGLECT work at the Lunar Bureau. Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[] Velvet Pride, your upstart younger brother, seems to be heartbroken. Or so the gossip goes. If you take the initiative to talk to him, you might be able to get closer to him.
-[] [JADE] "You do you." Let her do whatever she wants for once. It might do her some good, both mentally and personally.
-[] These are the skills that allow you to climb the Mansus.
--[] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
---[] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3)
-[] [FLUTTERSHY] Ask for a favor, from your... mutual friend.
--[] [GUARD] Our home.
-[] [RARITY] Focus on your work.
-[] [STEPPES] There is no guarantee he will be able to help you, but you will write him about… (WRITE IN)
--[] [STEPPES] Ask for advice about how to bond with your brother
-[] Jade's house is now adequately clean. Or at least sufficiently presentable for ponies to work on it. You should…
--[] [SERVANTS] You need a place where you can safely, and discreetly, store items. Use the upper level of her house for it.
-[] [MAREINETTE] [Guard] Our home.
-[] [BALDOMARE] [RITUAL] RoTT three circle ritual location at Jade's house
-[] [SELENE] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)

@Pittauro something like this?
@BirdBodhisattva can we use the AotL action on Names, and does Baldomare need a RotT to find things for us?
[X] Plan: Gotta do that Sacrament sometime. (Marinette Guarding us.ver)


[X] Plan: Responsible Velvet (Personal Sacrament edition)

The only thing I don't like about this plan is that we ask Comet to guard our home, I mean, we don't even pay him for it and from his perspective we are supposed to be rich.
@Iustus Vitae you appear to have copied some stuff wrongly in your plans, and please check if I got the stuff correctly?
From my reading I copied it correctly, what does it look like is wrong to you? Also you got everything correct other then Reagent creation. All three of the plans in which Marinette doesn't go on an Expedition have the same thing: make a Knock 2 Edge 1 Reagent cost 45 bits.
Do the people voting for my plan think asking Baldomare to instead scry for a "usable next turn & obscure three circle ritual location" makes sense?

You might as well use a non-tapestry action for that. Baldomare would get a +80 to that roll.

I doubt that it is such big issue, given that we already spend action on Twilight last turn. Either we already have option to interact with Twilight during wedding which I doubt, or we create one by removing Leash from Shining and then resolving all issues with liberal application of Grail empowered dialogue .In this plan we have Velvet on one wedding action and Rarity and Marinette on another, so even if Twilight start some problems I would not be surprised if Velvet manages to end them in better position in regards to Shining and maybe even Twilight than we are now. Basically any interaction with Twilight is the good one in my book and I believe that we are maximally prepared for damage control on this issue. I am more concerned with potential lack of interaction with Twilight since we can't approach her anymore. And in this case how will we ever make sure when it is save to remove Leash.

We. Don't. Know. That.

I fully expect the wedding to give us a potential pick that's basically "that problem is solved", but until I see it and we take it, I'm going to assume that's a potential problem. We also just used the Leash to convince Shining to propose, and I wouldn't remove it until after they're married, just in case he gets cold feet and hesitates, dampening Cadence's enthusiasm.

But Velvet still will be there through the second wedding action though. I don't really understand what is the problem here.

She's not at the third. Second is not third.

You're leaving Mareinette alone with Cadance for some of the time
. I'm not worried about things being too bad, Bird made it clear she's not a punishment, but there's two very obvious consequences, one mechanical and one narrative.

MECHANICAL: We don't get to pick her wedding choice/pick. Mareinette does for us. It will be HER to choose between, I don't know, getting one of Cadence's wedding gifts (an artifact), calming Shining down about Twilight, Getting Shining as a confidant, Patching things up with Twilight, lore scraps (@BirdBodhisattva uh, can Mareinette get lore scraps for us? That would be weird, but not the weirdest thing she could do), calming Celestia, or who knows what else.

MAREINETTE will choose

NARRATIVE: We're not there. This is an important bonding moment between Cadance and Velvet, it's Cadance's wedding to her one true love. Cadance will think back to our contributions fondly, she'll go "hey, remember that time we looked at all the various kind of decorations and picked one?" and Velvet will have to smile and lie, because she wasn't there. MAREINETTE was.

does that make my problems with Mareinette at the wedding clearer?

@Pittauro something like this?
Quick check, it seems formatted properly if you mean that. I have my own problems with it (mostly Baldomare scrying and that I don't think the personal sacrament is a priority now that we're worried about Axe, Wedding and being attacked) but that's subjective.

going out, I'll post my own plan in likely... 6 hours or so, I think.
Also who made the Responsible Velvet plan? I think it's lurker yeah? Regardless a bit to help: the Baldomare action doesn't need to use RotT to find us a 3 circle ritual location, she has a ridiculous bonus to searching for things she can find it on her own without the bits expenditure. The best Reagent we can make for next turn is also 2 Knock 1 Edge btw. And according to Birb having Rarity spend more time on her work doesn't really change (or effect the work done as I understand it) if she gets the wedding dress job. That's all up to rolls and votes so we may just end up wasting her action this turn if we ask her to focus on her job.

I'm 90% sure that the FO that will get Rarity the wedding dress job is the one in which we slack off it just makes narrative sense so plans with her working without that FO will likely be a waste and so far Pit is the only one who desperately wants it.
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And according to Birb having Rarity spend more time on her work doesn't really change if she gets the wedding dress job. That's all up to rolls and votes so we may just end up wasting her action this turn if we ask her to focus on her job.

I'm 90% sure that the FO that will get Rarity the wedding dress job is the one in which we slack off it just makes narrative sense so plans with her working without that FO will likely be a waste and so far Pit is the only one who desperately wants it.
According to Bird, the FO regarding the wedding are basically: You take this option -> You get one more pick at the wedding. So adding somepony to help with them doesn't actually do anything, so having Rarity help with the wedding is definitively wasting her action, while her focusing on her job might lead us to have more bits in the following turns.

Here are the relevant quotes. They explicitly state that we should not have Rarity help with the wedding since it won't help either mechanically or narratively.

I wasn't asking for Rarity to take the wedding action. I was asking if her using her action to assist us on two of our actions (two wedding actions, or one wedding and one Pride) would help with the dress thing.
No, it wouldn't. Rarity participating wouldn't really change the end result.

A lot of times I can visualize how another pony helping could be useful, and how things could become better or less risky with more help. But here, despite all the narrative, the promise is very mechanical. "One Velvet action equals one more pick". So, narratively nice as it might be, I can't in good conscience say that Rarity would have any impact on it.

So yeah, don't have Rarity help on the wedding actions with her own focus.
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According to Bird, the FO regarding the wedding are basically: You take this option -> You get one more pick at the wedding. So adding somepony to help with them doesn't actually do anything, so having Rarity help with the wedding is definitively wasting her action, while her focusing on her job might lead us to have more bits in the following turns.

Here are the relevant quotes
Oh I'm aware of that I'm saying that when we were plan making and discussing some people wanted Rarity to either focus on her work so that when she gets the wedding dress action she does good on it or she helps us with the wedding ap and so gets an in.

However Birb clarified that whether Rarity helps with the wedding, focuses on her work or does something else the chances of her getting the wedding dress job and how well she does on it doesn't change.

If you're having Rarity focus on her work for bits next turn then that's fine if a bit wasteful imo but if you're asking her to do it in consideration of the above then it's useless.

My point about the FO was that if any FO has a vote to have Rarity do the Wedding Dress it's the one about shopping, presumably for dresses among other things.
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Oh I'm aware of that I'm saying that when we were plan making and discussing some people wanted Rarity to either focus on her work so that when she gets the wedding dress action she does good on it or she helps us with the wedding ap and so gets an in.

However Birb clarified that whether Rarity helps with the wedding, focuses on her work or does something else the chances of her getting the wedding dress job and how well she does on it doesn't change.

If you're having Rarity focus on her work for bits next turn then that's fine if a bit wasteful imo but if you're asking her to do it in consideration of the above then it's useless.

My point about the FO was that if any FO has a vote to have Rarity do the Wedding Dress it's the one about shopping, presumably for dresses among other things.
Well, since we were told that the actions just gives us more picks when the weddind happens, then it doesn't really matter. If there is an action to have Rarity do the dress, it will be there regardless of what options are picked and it doesn't requiere any specific one being taken.

Out of curiosity, what would you have Rarity focus on otherwise?

Edit: I guess that if we are doing the Pride FO and have Mareinette befriend other pony then she could provide assistance, otherwise... well, for some reason I don't think most people would be ok with sending her grave robbing for us.
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Well, since we were told that the actions just gives us more picks when the weddind happens, then it doesn't really matter. If there is an action to have Rarity do the dress, it will be there regardless of what options are picked and it doesn't requiere any specific one being taken.
The FOs specifically mention that they expand the list of possible options, though.
Gone thou and updated the plan added a study action to bring our forge up. And switched Mareinette to granting Velvet a Heart influance. That will put us one away from Forge 4, and Heart 4, which is the requirement to teach the family again. With luck we can get the family up to level 4 by turn 20. Heart inflaucne is the dance and song lore, so if anything will help the Wedding go well it would be that one.

[x] The Greatest Wedding Party V2
-[x] Bureau Actions
--[x] [DETECTIVES] There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
--[x] [CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN a PERSONAL ACTION for Velvet Covers)
-[x] Before this month starts, you will perform a ritual to draw the attention of [Heart] (This is a free action to summon "The Attention of the Laws") For family time
-[x] [STEPPES] Just invite him to spend a few days with the family.
-[x] Velvet actions 3 Personal, 1 free Social, 1 Knock Action, 1 Free Servant action
--[x] Royal. Wedding! Royal. Wedding! Help. Plan. The Royal. Wedding! (Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[x] "The Royal Wedding is a matter of national security, so of course the Commissioner must be involved. Yes, even on that time she went on a shopping spree with the Princess." (Free action. NEGLECT work at the Lunar Bureau. Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[x] [Study] Books 3
---[x] BOOK FORGE Leve 3. "A real guide to beginner's level blacksmithing. The bookstore owner almost seemed excited in having this reach your hoofs via your servants."
---[x] BOOK FORGE Level 3. "The book is simply titled 'Chemistry', and your servants reluctantly admitted that was the only word they understood in it. Of course you know they were being dramatic, but that also means that the contents of the book must be way, way beyond what they teach at schools."
---[x] BOOK UNKNOWN LORE (if any). "An old book, hoof-written and bound with rusty metal pins. Found in the cavernous undergrounds of the Royal Castle. The language written in it is strange, but the alphabet itself is not. This is clearly from this age." (REQUIRES DECIPHERING, unknown if it will grant Lore-knowledge. From Current Era: "-20" malus while deciphering. Current Progress 0/50)
--[x] [Personal Action 3] Train Fluttershy to Disciple
--[x] [Free Social Action] Train Rarity to Disciple
--[x] [KNOCK] The Only Way Up
---[x] [KNOCK] Keep going up. You are so very close now. So. Very. Close.
--[x] [Servant Action] Search for books in Ponyville
-[x] Confidants and Summons actions
--[x] [RARITY] Focus on her work.
--[x] [JADE] "You do you." Let her do whatever she wants for once. It might do her some good, both mentally and personally.
--[x] [FLUTTERSHY] Something else (Search for a place to do level 3 rituals in the Forest
--[x] [MAREINETTE] Grant Velvet level 4 Heart Influence.
--[x] [BALDOMARE] Cast "The Reflection of the Tapestry" in Jades house Target the Fanglaive AKA the key that always opens
--[x] [Selene] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)