Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Beyond just the mechanical difficulty of it we can't kill Marinette in single combat for the simple reason she is a Name and we're a mortal.

Our last attempt at stopping a Name from simply taking what they wanted ended in failure and the only reason Selene isn't dead is because Baldomare has given up on actively pursuing Glory.
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Beyond just the mechanical difficulty of it we can't kill Marinette in single combat for the simple reason she is a Name and we're a mortal.

Our last attempt at stopping a Name from simply taking what they want ended in failure and the only reason Selene isn't dead is because Baldomare has given up on actively pursuing Glory.
There's a small chance the summon's bindings might have allowed us to stop her. MAYBE. If we were lucky
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by BirdBodhisattva on Jan 8, 2024 at 12:12 AM, finished with 242 posts and 51 votes.

  • [X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule and Pro-Sanity
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    [X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love and Pro-Schedule
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
    [X] Plan Encouraging and Information
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[X] "The thing you need to understand about Axe is that she is… exotic. She is not… an earth pony mare."
    -[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
    [X] Plan Encouraging and Information, WITHOUT TELLING HIM ABOUT THE KEY
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[X] "The thing you need to understand about Axe is that she is… exotic. She is not… an earth pony mare."
    [x] Plan Covers is pro-Love
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
    [X] Plan Covers is pro-Love, No Gifts
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
    [X] she is a difficult and lonely snake on a quest not a damsel. (Contradictory messages are amusing)
    [x]Looking for Love in all the wrong places
    -[x] "To put it simply, I don't think you should go for it."
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    [X] Plan Not Encouraging and Information
    -[x] "To put it simply, I don't think you should go for it."
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[X] "The thing you need to understand about Axe is that she is… exotic. She is not… an earth pony mare."
    [X] Plan Stupid Ideas Make the Best Stories
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[X] "The thing you need to understand about Axe is that she is… exotic. She is not… an earth pony mare."
    -[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
    -[x] "She is quite the adventurous spirit. Why do you think she was out of the estate for all those days?"
    -[x] "Axe owes me a favor. So yes, I can arrange for a meeting. What? A date? Well, call it whatever you like."
    [x]Looking for Love in all the wrong places
    [X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love, Pro-Schedule and Pro-Communication
    -[x] "Go for it!"
    -[x] "Any gentlepony knows that mares love gifts. And I would be delighted to help make any packages from you reach her."
    -[X] "Her schedule? Yes, I am aware of it. Don't worry, I can guarantee she will return in…" (Turn 19)
    -[x] "She is… a difficult mare. In fact, I never met a mare that is so hard to deal with. And I have two fillies!"
    -[x] "I… I hope you don't tell her what I'm saying. But to be honest? She is a very lonely mare. She has… things going on."
    -[x] "Whatever you do, do not think of her as a damsel in distress. However, she is on a quest of sorts… she is looking for something that is very important to her."
    -[X] Write in: find a way to introduce Pride to Stormchaser on a more personal level. Remember how good Stormchaser was with Comet back at the club? He's got a way when it comes to talking to other stallions about being in love.
    [X] Plan Velvet is Pro-Love
    [X]Plan Looking for Love in the Wrong Places.
Well, at least you went for one of the unknown options.

But still. Not revealing she is snek? Not allowing Pride to reveal you another side of him?

Alas, why even live? I should stop putting these things up to vote, if this is the kind of results we will have :V

Anyhow. Jokes aside, hope you're all doing good. No idea when I will be able to write it. Hopefully today, but who knows.
But still. Not revealing she is snek? Not allowing Pride to reveal you another side of him?
On the one hand, he's still kinda unconsciously racist. On the other, there's always the funny trope of racists actually having a fetish for the kind of thing they're racist against. Either way it might have been funny, but honestly, all I really cared about was getting the Gifts and not telling him about the key.
While it would've been nice to tell him I really don't care about this vote beyond the gift option so didn't bother arguing. The wedding gaccha is about to come up and I need energy for it.
Relax Bird just like to advocate for the number 2 to drive engagement. Trough tje way he does it allow us to have fun with it.

But alas the vote as closed and Scaly Pride will take more time to be revealed.
Nah the opposite the players are sheeting at the missed opportunity and will never be cautious ever again for now on.