Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Turns out the Master was just giving us time to dig a deeper grave. If nothing else, it means he can bury the Alicorns with us. :V
possible. then again, maybe not.

I wonder if we can still get the sacrament out of him...
We should ask and when he asks why he should we then explain to him how we've been accomplishing all the goals he set out. We're getting the Alicorns on our side, introducing them to the lores, we've reached the Tricuspid gate, we're about to start researching Harmony and the Moon, and we've even partnered with the Wolf to start dimming Harmony in case all else fails. He should be very proud.
We should ask and when he asks why he should we then explain to him how we've been accomplishing all the goals he set out. We're getting the Alicorns on our side, introducing them to the lores, we've reached the Tricuspid gate, we're about to start researching Harmony and the Moon, and we've even partnered with the Wolf to start dimming Harmony in case all else fails. He should be very proud.
Velvet is nothing if not an overachiever.
@BirdBodhisattva, you accepting Book Of Hours content in this thread? I got a WIPs for both Velvet Covers and The Affair of the Alicorn's Return sitting in drafts.

I ask cause I know you haven't played it yet and like CS, anything could be considered a spoiler.
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@BirdBodhisattva, you accepting Book Of Hours content in this thread? I got a WIPs for both Velvet Covers and The Affair of the Alicorn's Return sitting in drafts.

I ask cause I know you haven't played it yet and like CS, anything could be considered a spoiler.
Thank you kindly for asking! And by all means, feel free to post it. I think any "problems" with spoilers will be offset by the fact you will be sharing something you made with the world!

So by all means. And if you are really troubled by it, just slap an "author's note" at the top saying it relates to Book of Hours!

Anyhow. I have three updates scheduled for today. All of them short(?). Hopefully I will get them all done today, as planned.

Still, the first is done, but I am waiting on a second opinion on it before I post it. So hopefully it will be up in a few hours. Hope you are all doing well!
Has any idea of what could have been done to increase the bonus for Lunas awakening? I think she will get something like Celestia but I hope with more "Virtues".
[Princess Celestia's reaction]

[Amassed Virtues: "The Princess of the Sun: +1"]

[Amassed Miseries: "Rude Awakening: -1", "Canterlot Burns: -1"]

[Total dice modifier: + 1 - 1 - 1 = -1]
My greatest hope is that the ritual will give something like "Roll twice and pick highest".
The year as a filly as a virtue in addition to possible "The Princess of the Moon: +1" with only the nightmare as a Misery.

Through I must confess that I did not follow the thread discussion while catching up so maybe something has already been said?
Has any idea of what could have been done to increase the bonus for Lunas awakening? I think she will get something like Celestia but I hope with more "Virtues".

My greatest hope is that the ritual will give something like "Roll twice and pick highest".
The year as a filly as a virtue in addition to possible "The Princess of the Moon: +1" with only the nightmare as a Misery.

Through I must confess that I did not follow the thread discussion while catching up so maybe something has already been said?

Given the structure of what we've seen a completed lore education is probably a +1 per lore, having never missed an education by failing a roll avoided a malus, and the ritual of mom and dad is probably a +1. She might have maluses beyond that, but we've prepped for this as best we could.
The things we do for Love

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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[X] Plan Pittauro, but with our SH Sacrament.
-[X] [AotL] Grail, with Pride
-[X] [FORGE] Create a Knock 2 Edge 1 Reagent. (45 bits, Free Action)
-[X] [KNOCK] The Only Way Up
--[X] [KNOCK] Keep going up. You are so very close now. So. Very. Close.

-[X] [DETECTIVES] There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X] [CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN a PERSONAL ACTION for Velvet Covers)
-[X] [COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X] [SOCIAL] [TEACH] Teach Rarity, and make her a Disciple. (Free Action)
-[X] A fleeting opportunity
--[X] Royal. Wedding! Royal. Wedding! Help. Plan. The Royal. Wedding! (Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[x] "The Royal Wedding is a matter of national security, so of course the Commissioner must be involved. Yes, even on that time she went on a shopping spree with the Princess." (Free action. NEGLECT work at the Lunar Bureau. Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)

-[X] These are the skills that allow you to climb the Mansus
--[X] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
---[X] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3)
--[X] Velvet Pride, your upstart younger brother, seems to be heartbroken. Or so the gossip goes. If you take the initiative to talk to him, you might be able to get closer to him.
-[X] [JADE] "You do you." Let her do whatever she wants for once. It might do her some good, both mentally and personally.
-[X] [FLUTTERSHY] Ask for a favor, from your... mutual friend.
--[X] [GUARD] Our home.
-[X] [RARITY] Focus on your work.
-[X] [STEPPES] There is no guarantee he will be able to help you, but you will write him about… (WRITE IN)
--[X] [STEPPES] Ask for advice about how to bond with your brother

-[X] Jade's house is now adequately clean. Or at least sufficiently presentable for ponies to work on it. You should…
--[X] [SERVANTS] You need a place where you can safely, and discreetly, store items. Use the upper level of her house for it.
-[X] [MAREINETTE] Incision of the Heart on Velvet: remove the Frightened Debuff (20 bits. failure only on nat1s)
-[X] [BALDOMARE] Find us a place where we can hold 3-circle rituals next turn (for Axe's summon). (rolls +80)
-[X] [SELENE] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)
[X] "I would be honored to be the maid of honor." (Become closer to Cadance)
[X] "Your dress is good. But it could be better. I know a mare..." (Involve Rarity in dressmaking. Applies Rarity's Lore levels)
[X] "Cadance, both you and Shining sent invitations to Twilight. But maybe we should… check on her in person?" (???)

On distant Ponyville, a flying chariot landed on the hard ground.

Under normal circumstances, that alone would already have raised several eyebrows. No, more than that. Under normal circumstances, that would have gathered a small crowd all by itself. After all, flying chariots weren't exactly a common sight. Heck, flying chariots weren't even a rare sight. They were much, much more unusual than that. A gilded luxury that even the highest nobles could not afford.

And of course, that was only when considering a "flying chariot" in a vacuum. Because that flying chariot would certainly have gathered a large crowd around it. In fact, its colors, and the pedigree of the pegasi pulling it, and most of all the cutie mark emblazoned on its side… Under normal circumstances, those things would have been enough for the chariot to be met with fanfare.

After all, it is not every day that a Princess decides to grace small Ponyville with her presence.

But there was no fanfare to speak of. No ceremony, no crowd, not even the curious gaze of onlookers. The chariot landed near the center of the town, right in the middle of a wide street, but nopony even took notice of it.

However, that was more than understandable. Perhaps even desirable.

Because the chariot arrived in the middle of the night. Or maybe it was early in the morning?


In the middle of the night, on distant Ponyville, a flying chariot landed on the hard ground. And its two passengers exited it shortly after.

The decision for them to go there had been… sudden. In fact, it would be more appropriate to say that it was abrupt, almost reflexive. To the point that, it being the middle of the night, was quite literally a coincidence. They might as well have arrived in the middle of the day, if things had happened any differently.

Still, the two mares arrived at that time purely because one of them suggested, almost hesitantly, that they should… "check" on a friend. Of course, that just prompted another, more curious question from the other mare. And then another. And another. Until the worried hesitation of one mare became the undisguised concern of both, and they boarded the nearest chariot just a few moments later.

And, again, it just so happened that said conversation happened late at night. Which was why they had arrived when the moon was dominating the skies.

However, not even the soft light of the moon could hide the fact that…

"She… Velvet, are you sure this is the place?"

"… yes. I have already been here before. It looked a lot better, months ago. And I mean a lot better. But…"

"I… oh no… I should have come here before, I should have thought about her before… but it was just so much that…!"

"Cadance, Cadance, please. Remember what I told you when we were in the chariot. This is nopony's… this is not your fault… Too much happened. In fact, I'm sorry that… well, I wish I didn't have to tell you about this. You should be happily planning your wedding back in Canterlot, not-"

"No. You were right. And I'm thankful you did. But still…"

The two mares gazed once again at the downtrodden image of the tree-shaped library. The long shadows of the night making it look even more decrepit than during the day.

"… well, thank you for coming with me, Velvet."

Their hesitation lasted a few more seconds. But eventually, the two of them made their way to the old-looking door.

One of the mares stepped forward, almost intentionally, and purposefully placed her hoof on the doorknob. A soft click and a strange sound followed, but when she pushed the door, it opened without resistance.

"She left it unlocked. I hope that means she is still here," the mare said. And her companion was too worried to even notice the white lie.

However, the moment the other mare was about to enter the building…

"… I…"

She stopped. Hesitating. Shuddering for a reason she could not describe.

"… this… Velvet, I… I don't know how to tell you this. But… do you mind if I go in alone?"

"… I don't really mind? Well, I wish I could go with you, but I don't mind waiting. But why? Did something happen?"

"I don't know? It's… I don't even know how to describe it. This isn't even a gut feeling? I just feel like I should go alone and… I am really, really sorry that I made you come all the way here just to ask you this and…"

"Oh, no. No, no, no. Cadance, dear, your intuition is worth more than I can bother to name. By all means, go ahead. Do you want me to wait here by the door, or do you think it's best if I wait in the carriage?"

"Actually… I think… you should leave?"

"What? Leave? Like… go back home?"

The silence stretched for a few more moments. The confusion on one mare's face increasing the discomfort in the other's expression.

"Velvet, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"And do you… no, actually, I need to be honest. This feels new even to me. So can you trust me with something even if I don't know what I'm about to do?"

"Yes. And if there is anything I can do to help, just say the word."

"Hah, you answered that so quickly… I wish I had your confidence to… Well, thank you Velvet. So, please close your eyes."

"Okay…? Strange request, but go on."

"Now, think about your family."

"That's easy enough… but Cadance, why can I see light? Are you doing some sort of magic?"

"Well, close your eyes tighter! But… are you really thinking about your family?"

"Of course! But why?"

"I'm about to tell you a little secret, Velvet. I am actually really bad at magic. So, I only feel confident about using teleportation when I have something to focus on, at the destination. And the thing I can focus on most easily is, well, love."

"Cadance why are you suddenly talking about teleporta-?"

A whisp of dislocated air rushed through the open door, and one of the mares disappeared.

After that, the remaining pony waved at the chariot, and the two pullers understood they ought to leave as well. Moments later, they were on their way back to the capital.

Leaving the other mare… alone. Alone, and standing right before that open door, which would lead her into that dark and gloomy place.

She knew what she should do next. She knew what she had to do next. And yet, she hesitated. She hesitated because she was afraid. And she was afraid because she knew that… she knew, as she looked into that dark library, that…

… that there was no love inside that place.

And despite everything other ponies thought about her, despite everything she knew about herself, she still didn't know if she would be enough, even as she set hoof into that darkness.


On faraway Cloudsdale, the front door of a house was knocked.

"Mom? Dad? Are you home?"

The voice who first knocked at the door was familiar.

"Is that you, Fluttershy? Give me a moment, I'll be right there."

But when the father pulled the door open…

Well, the voice who called for him was familiar. It certainly was his daughter coming to visit, no doubt.


"Mom, dad, there is somepony I would like you two to meet."

"Sweet clouds below…"

"Flutter, dear… where exactly did you two… meet…?"

-but the large, imposing stallion who was standing next to her certainly wasn't.

"Hello dad. I'm sorry for the sudden visit. Can we come in?"

Still, that first meeting proceeded as they usually do.

Even if the ponies involved were a little more… reserved than most.

However, as it happened, the mother and the daughter eventually secluded themselves in the kitchen, under the casual excuse of preparing lunch.

"Fluttershy, dear, that friend of yours… isn't he… dangerous?"

"Of course he is, mom. But even birds can be dangerous if you aren't kind to them."

"I suppose…"

While the two stallions were left in the living room.

"So, how did you two… meet?"

"I was in a bad place. Your daughter saved me… sir."

"I… suppose…"

In the end, not a lot was said. Not a lot was said, and even less was communicated.

However, the one thing everypony noticed was that, throughout the entire day, the daughter had a smile on her face. And that she, of all ponies, seemed to be perfectly content. Even if, or perhaps in spite of the fact that, nopony else knew what to do.

And when the two visitors left, the parents had more questions than they did before they arrived.

Was he like another dangerous animal their daughter rescued?

Was she right in the head?

Were they dating?

"Well, dear, we always knew our little Fluttershy was the bold one in our family…"

"Do you think we should visit her in Ponyville? Just to, well, make sure she is doing alright?"

"Oh by Celestia, no."

"But, well… while we were preparing lunch, I think she mentioned they are living together?"

"You think she mentioned what?"

Still, regardless of what anypony else might have thought, that day went on perfectly in Fluttershy's opinion.


On sky-high Cloudsdale, a pony reached the peak of a mountain.

Of course, it wasn't really a mountain. Not in the truest sense of the word. Granted, it was a very, very high mount that wingless ponies had to scale. But still, said mount was made out of clouds, instead of earth.

It was a tourist attraction, of sorts. A tall, fluffy tower of clouds, which non-pegasi ponies could scale to have a better view of Equestria, way down below. Naturally, since it was made with non-pegasi in mind, the place was perfectly safe, and overseen by winged ponies ready to rescue anypony in need.

But still, to her, it was a mountain. And to her, reaching its top was an achievement of sorts.

She knew that a pegasus could have made the trip up in a fraction of the time. Of course she knew that.

She knew that there were balloons available to ferry her, and any other visitor, to that peak, for just a few bits. Of course she knew that.

She knew that place wasn't really a mountain. More like an observation tower of sorts, built on a city that was already flying.

Of course she knew all of that.

But still, to her, she had just scaled a mountain.

And most important of all. To her, she had just finished an adventure.

Because she made a point of taking the "scenic" route to the top. She made a point of taking the path that had steep ramps, and ropes, and literal climbing on the way up. She made a point of going through the way that had her circle the mountain five times over, and that took an entire day's worth of climbing, while the tourist's path was less than an hour on hoof.

She did all of that intentionally. Because even though that place was padded, and cloud-soft, and literally safe, it was still her first adventure.

It was late in the afternoon when Jade Whistle reached the top of Cloudsdale horizon-watching mountain. And once she got there, the first thing she did was to sit down and look at the scenery.

All around her, Equestria stretched on in every direction. She was in a place that was higher than Canterlot's mountain, and she could see so far away that the world itself seemed to curve to hide what was beyond.

She looked at all of that, and for the first time in a very long while… she smiled.

As she smiled, she moved to grab something from inside her saddlebag. She fetched out a small wooden toy, and she set it next to her.

"Just like we promised," she said, as she gently put the wooden toy on the soft ground. "An adventure, just like mom and dad used to tell us about. We reached the highest place in Equestria, all on our own."

And then, she stayed like that. She stayed like that as the hours went by, and she stayed next to the little wooden toy as the sun began to set and the shadows grew long on Equestria.

"I still love you," she said, to the colt who was not sitting next to her.

She stayed there, sitting next to the toy, until the sun reached the horizon.

Until evening was about to arrive, and the last balloon that went down was about to leave.

She knew she had to go. She knew that place was still a tourist attraction, and that she would be asked to leave with the last balloon. It was a bit of a shame that she couldn't stay there to watch the sunset, but that was just the way of things. She couldn't have everything she wanted, but she was grateful for what she had.

Still, when she stood up to leave, she made a point of leaving the little wooden toy behind. She left it right there, looking down towards great Equestria, even as she packed her other things and left.

It didn't rain in that place. And the wind didn't really blow all the way up there. So, she knew the wooden toy would remain there, right where she left it. She knew it would stay there, until it was found by somepony else, or until it faded away into nothingness.

She hoped it would be found by somepony. Hopefully by a small colt, who would cherish it and play with it like its previous owner did.

But until that happened, she knew the small toy would enjoy the view.


Inside Cloudsdale's largest hotel, a family gathered.

Was it a… strange family? Definitely. After all, of the three daughters, one of them was adopted, and another didn't even realize she was adopted. That, and the oldest stallion present was one of the parent's uncle rather than anypony's grandfather.

But more importantly, was it a loving family? Absolutely.

They were all gathered together in the hotel's restaurant, tucked away in a (rather noisy, thanks to them) corner, around a large table.

However, that wasn't just a regular dinner they were having. That small gathering wasn't just a meal to mark the end of another day in their vacation. It was something much, much more special than that.

It was a surprise, of sorts. Even if it had been a poorly hidden one. Still, rather than eating something from the menu, they were all gathered around a large cake, topped with colorful cream and sparkling candles.

Still, that surprise came from a sudden idea. Like most of the time, it came from the rich imagination of one of the blood-related daughter.

Because she asked her adoptive sister when her birthday was. The other filly, of course, had no idea. And the older sister said that it stood to reason that the filly's birthday ought to be on the day she was adopted.

The logic made sense, of course, but it so happened that the grand-uncle had heard that tidbit of conversation. And the grand-uncle, wise as he was, knew that love had no interest in logic. No matter how much sense it made.

And so it came to pass that, a few hours later, the grand-uncle made a small suggestion to the father. And the father made a small suggestion to the mother after she… well, after she materialized on top of him, in their hotel room, two nights later.

She could see in his eyes that he was already set on that idea. But still, he wanted her to agree as well, because he understood it would only matter if it came from both of them. Especially given the… additional context that the couple was aware of.

And the mother…

"You are right. We won't even have her for a year. But that doesn't mean we can't give our daughter a birthday. While she is still young enough for it to be magical, at least…"

… well, suffice to say the mother agreed to the idea.

And so, on the following night, the family gathered. They gathered, and a cake was produced, and the two parents held back their tears as they started singing "happy birthday" to their youngest filly.

And the beautiful image of the adoptive daughter gazing at the bright candles on the cake, flanked by her two sisters, would stay in their mind forever. That innocent, almost entranced expression the filly had, as she looked at her first birthday cake, was something they would never forget.

Even if they knew it would be her last.

At least, her last as a filly…

Hopefully her last as a filly, with many more to come after that. Or at least, that is what the parents pray for...

The things ponies do for Love.
Speculation on what it looks like if Lunas sanity rolls go badly after having been raised by the Mother:


Meanwhile in the garden of shadows:

Covers: Selene return the children you have no structure to raise that many children.

Luna: But Moooom, they are abandoned.

Covers: Dear that is a kind feeling but you ARE the law, going after these children would be diverting resources we could use in actually making the world safer.

Luna:*Sad alien god horse noises*
Tsk, Cadance, you shouldn't have started talking about Teleportation if you really wanted Velvet to keep thinking about her family.
That bit was funny and the Jade Whistle bit was touching.

Even if, or perhaps in spite of the fact that, nopony else knew what to do.
Minor thing: "Even if" and "in spite of" have essentially the same meaning. Did you mean "Even if, or perhaps because of"?