Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Hey there! So, with all the buzz about Cutie Marks in the latest chapter, I can't help but be intrigued about how that would play out with some canon events.

I mean, if i remember right Apple Bloom went all adventurous and gave herself a little something called Cutie Pox? She did it by munching on a flower in a witches hut i think? Then Boom! Dozens of different Marks popping up all over her body, each with its own special talent and they seemed to forcibly coerce her to use them. Its kinda neat and disturbing and now I'm left wondering how they might shake hands with the occult and Mansus.
Everyone talking about Bridesmaid being a hint towards some romantic feelings while I'm sitting here knowing that it's just Bird kicking himself via text for not thinking of Bridesmare and Mare of Honor before putting up the vote that led to this.
It's pretty sad that even after all this we still can't teach Cadance about the Lores (yet) though, and I'd guess the reason why we could earlier was because of sheer distraction?
I think there may also be a lot of caution on Velvet's part:
You practically gave her a lecture on the subject, and it took all your willpower to not just teach her about Grail instead.
You have come to realize she has an affinity towards Heart, Winter, and of course Grail. But you dare not teach her anything yet.
Bird has made a lot of Velvet's rational fear of being connected to the dream-assault on Princess Luna if her lore knowledge is revealed prematurely. Probably picking the lore-secrets option would have resulted in Velvet deliberately setting conditions to be able to talk about them.

I have half a mind to suggest a write-in for turn 19 or 20 to start hinting at or explicitly teaching Cadance the lores. That is, if Bird doesn't give a fleeting opportunity first.

...Did Twilight leave her, then? Or at least Cadance fears that's what might happen?
Left as in became seemingly a different pony... just like Auntie Celestia. :(

wait, Celestia turned her into an Alicorn? I thought she achieved it on her own by defeating Prismia!
It could possibly be a mistake or bad phrasing by whoever wrote the wiki; I didn't read the book myself so I can't say how exactly it happened.
Hey there! So, with all the buzz about Cutie Marks in the latest chapter, I can't help but be intrigued about how that would play out with some canon events.

I mean, if i remember right Apple Bloom went all adventurous and gave herself a little something called Cutie Pox? She did it by munching on a flower in a witches hut i think? Then Boom! Dozens of different Marks popping up all over her body, each with its own special talent and they seemed to forcibly coerce her to use them. Its kinda neat and disturbing and now I'm left wondering how they might shake hands with the occult and Mansus.
It might have been a disease made by Discord. that, Poison Joke, and the (canonically made by him) Plunder Vines sound a lot like something he'd make.

I have half a mind to suggest a write-in for turn 19 or 20 to start hinting at or explicitly teaching Cadance the lores. That is, if Bird doesn't give a fleeting opportunity first.
of course that depends a lot on how the whole Luna thing goes, so... we'll find out soon enough

Not much left before that.

Left as in became seemingly a different pony... just like Auntie Celestia. :(
probably. we'll find out soon.

What's left:

[X] Plan Pittauro, but with our SH Sacrament.
-[X] [FORGE] Create a Knock 2 Edge 1 Reagent. (45 bits, Free Action)
-[X] [DETECTIVES] There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X] [CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN a PERSONAL ACTION for Velvet Covers)
-[X] [COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X] These are the skills that allow you to climb the Mansus
--[X] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
---[X] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3)
-[X] Jade's house is now adequately clean. Or at least sufficiently presentable for ponies to work on it. You should…
--[X] [SERVANTS] You need a place where you can safely, and discreetly, store items. Use the upper level of her house for it.
-[X] [BALDOMARE] Find us a place where we can hold 3-circle rituals next turn (for Axe's summon). (rolls +80)
-[X] [SELENE] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)

and of the above Bureau picks, reagent creation and house storage likely don't even need their own updates, just a few mentions.

So really what's left is Baldomare finding a location for the summoning, Selene playing, the wedding, and then we get Luna coming back and Axe's summoning and all the consequences of that (pre-turn 19).

...oh, we're so close...
What's left:

and of the above Bureau picks, reagent creation and house storage likely don't even need their own updates, just a few mentions.

So really what's left is Baldomare finding a location for the summoning, Selene playing, the wedding, and then we get Luna coming back and Axe's summoning and all the consequences of that (pre-turn 19).

...oh, we're so close...
Next will be something involving shining armor.
If I had to guess: the [COMMISSIONER] option.
So really what's left is Baldomare finding a location for the summoning, Selene playing, the wedding, and then we get Luna coming back and Axe's summoning and all the consequences of that (pre-turn 19).
Don't forget we still have Sacrament action. That's probably an update on its own, considering it's SH fuckery (and also our very first Sacrament action ever).
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Aye. Should be posted in less than an hour. Just doing the usual (poor job) at second-reading it and whatnot.

While I rest my eyes for a final go, are there any pings I missed? I didn't see any questions for me, but it never hurts to ask.
It might have been a disease made by Discord. that, Poison Joke, and the (canonically made by him) Plunder Vines sound a lot like something he'd make.
I watched that episode a long time ago, and the Cutie Pox's actual cause was Apple Bloom stealing and eating a flower from Zecroa that's supposed to grant the desire for whomever consumes it. It was fixed when she confessed to what she did.
well, restoring the horn would help, but we can't do it yet.
Can we do it ever? I mean, the only realistic option right now is sending Mareinette to get her so high on grail, that she won't even notice us and that we are doing ritual to her.

That's... Kinda too aggressively kind.

But, maybe we will get some other opportunity. It seems we will smash that Twilight button whenever it will show up.
You are Velvet Covers, and just a few hours ago you returned to Canterlot.

You feel alive. Alive and revitalized. It feels like these last two weeks passed by in a flash. However, you have nothing but good memories every time you think back on them.

Still, your little vacation with your family is now over. Earlier today you were all together on Cloudsdale's sky-port, but that was the place where you all went your separate ways. Stormchaser and your daughters took a balloon down, so they could take a train back to Ponyville, and you took a sky-ship back to Canterlot. Uncle Steppes, also, said he had some things to do in Cloudsdale, so he accompanied you all to the sky-port but went back to the busy streets after seeing you all off.
Yeah, the last months were quite stressful for Velvet Covers. It is a good thing she had a chance to relax, just this once.
After that, you greeted the coming day with gusto. You made your way to the Lunar Bureau and started catching up with your responsibilities. There was no overeager Cadance waiting for you there, so you had a chance to honestly read the waiting reports as the hours went by. You asked about the Princess here and there, as your secretaries came to and from your office, but the only thing they heard was that the Princess was "out and about" these last few days. All over Canterlot, according to the latest gossip, coordinating the crescendo of activities surrounding her wedding.

You had not seen her ever since she whisked you away from Ponyville. But still, if she came back to Canterlot and dove straight into planning her wedding, you assume things went well. Or at least that they didn't go badly.
Well, at least this is not the worst case scenario. Twilight is probably alive (I will talk about this later).
Still, after the day was done, you went straight to Cadance's apartment in the Royal Castle. Her guards, thankfully, let you in without a word.
She didn't look at all surprised to find you waiting in her living room. Instead, to your delight, she immediately sat down and started putting you up to speed.
This is actually a small, but really telling detail. Sure, we are trusted, beyond all suspicion and all of that. But there's trusted and there's "this mare is always welcome in my apartment", because there's no way in Nowhere personal guards of a ruler will just assume anyone can just waltz in, and "ah, here you are" reaction to someone waiting not (specifically) invited in your home is also not normal.
"But again, the honeymoon comes after the ceremony. So how about we focus back on that?" you ask, throwing a rope to a mare that, for all intents and purposes, must be drowning inside her own thoughts.
This was quite a funny segment, even compared to the rest of it. Thank you, BirdBodhisattva.
And to be honest, you actually showed a lot of restraint! You practically gave her a lecture on the subject, and it took all your willpower to not just teach her about Grail instead. Because you know she has an affinity for it. But instead, out of your own modesty (and maybe a bit of common sense) you decided to pick and choose your words, so you would not accidentally teach her anything about the Red Lore.
Huh. "Accidentally teaching" is something Velvet needs to be actively wary about? Yeah, Velvet is deep into the lores.
Well, she was never interested in anypony before Shining Armor, so it only makes sense. And for all that Princess Celestia was a parent figure of sorts to Cadance, you can't imagine the high and mighty alicorn of the Sun teaching Cadance about that.
Yes, that would be a strange (through also very funny) scene.
But in fairness, how could she not be worried about this? How could she not be stressing over the topic of her wedding dress, even though the ceremony itself is but a few days away? After all, Cadance and Shining will be the centerpieces of the wedding. And she is acutely aware that it is her dress, together with her makeup, that will make or break how she presents herself on the day of her wedding, in front of the whole world.
"But a few days away"? And the dress is not yet made? In case of Rarity, there aren't even any measures? Well, Rarity has a few fun all-nighters ahead of her. I wouldn't say that she won't sleep, per se, because occultism, but she is certainly going to work during those nights.
"Actually… Cadance, there is something I have been meaning to tell you. I was a bit hesitant to say it, because I didn't want it to look like I was influencing you bu-"

"Will you please just tell me what to do already?!" the mare interrupts you, hoofs pulling at her mane as she desperately asks you to cut to the chase.
Also, Cadance is all out of patience. This places further emphasis on her following speech, because it is anything but rushed.
-floats up all the proposed designs with her magic. Carrying them all to the nearest trash can and literally dumping them into the bin.
It has been already said in the thread, but Cadance, you are supposed to at least ask about the alternative.

Also, one more sign just how much she trusts Velvet.
Much later, after you and Cadance are once again presentable and Rarity is deep in the process of taking her measures, Rarity quietly tells you that she will name her firstborn after you, if she ever ends up having foals.
Yeah, Grail or not, Rarity is now a minion.

No matter how hard Velvet will try to gaslight herself.
Well, to be honest that description isn't entirely accurate. Instead, there is a conspicuously empty stop in the confirmation list. The ones where the ponies who confirmed that yes they will be coming to this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity had their names written.
She doesn't want to talk about it.
Maybe Twilight told her something? Maybe the young unicorn said something that Cadance feels she shouldn't tell you? Or something she won't tell you?
We know this is not the worst case scenario, but still worrying.

Hopefully (hah!) Twilight has just asked her not to confide us.
"I don't think you ever did," you answer her. "To be honest, I don't think you ever told anypony about your past?"

You say that honestly, and Cadance gives you a short nod. Of course, she immediately caught on to what you mean by that.
This is actually interesting detail. Anypony? Not even Shining? We know, from a line a little bit lower, she has told Celestia, but we are probably the second pony who is hearing this.
Her mood still seems normal, as she focuses on her thoughts. Still, as the seconds turn into a full minute you can't help but think that she is acting… too normal?

In fact, you can't help but feel that something is off. And given the reason you two began this line of conversation, well…
"Too normal", huh. I will elaborate about it in a bit, but this is a detail that should be noted.
"Velvet, I know I can't prove this to you, or to anypony, so please just take my word for it," she says. "But this… this was my cutie mark, before I became a Princess."
Change of cutie mark is rather profound, however, surprisingly enough, what I am really drawn towards is the fact that she can't prove the fact that her cutie mark changed, to anypony.

This can be just reading too deep into it, but shouldn't be there if not any records of her old cutie mark, then at least witnesses who should still remember?

I can be reading too deep into it. I have a habit of that. This can be just a turn of phrase, it isn't like you are going to call witnesses, full court style, to testify that you used to have a different cutie mark.

Still, the choice of words is interesting, and may suggest something deeper at play.

And we are well familiar how Mansus can fiddle with evidence. We have a guest who did just that, when we have met for the first time - in the Wake, that is.

Is it possible that Harmony can do something similar, in effect if not in the method, that Harmony did something similar?
Because sure enough, the first thing you wanted to say was that yes, you would believe her regardless of what she said. And then the second thing you wanted to say was that you definitely did not believe her.
This is, again, a rather funny line.
After all, cutie marks are poorly understood by ponykind. But one of the few things you know is that they only appear on ponies, and that they do not change. Sure, there are spells and illusions that clever unicorns can cast here and there. But at the end of the day, a pony's cutie mark stays the same. Unphased by age, or life circumstances, or even death. To the point that everypony understands, deep down, that your cutie mark is a part of you.
This, again, indicates deep stuff. Even the Door of Want didn't actually change anything.

Sure, the Mansus and the Hours are the powers that "were". They are gone.

But they aren't nearly as gone as they could have been; but it is still indicative.
"The story of how I became a Princess is… a bit longer, and it's not really what I want to tell you about. Well, at least the real story, with the details I only ever told Celestia, is longer. Still, that's not the point. Instead…"
The real story, huh? It is probably a suggestion that if Esquestria doesn't ignore canon ascension story for Cadance, in this 'verse it is propaganda/cover up for the real events.

I would be quite interested in the real story, actually, even if we probably shouldn't ask just yet.

May suggest some sinister intention, or, rather, ambitions.

We don't want to have that hanging on Cadance's mind if - or when? - she learns of Lores and the whole situation.
She stands up from her chair, moving towards the magic-painted cutie mark and eyeing it with a critical expression. She adds a few more details to it with her glowing horn. And then, she takes a few steps back and sits down on the floor.

And you watch as her expression… well, it doesn't really change. It remains calm and collected.

However, you can't help but think that it is a bit recontextualized, now. You can't help but feel like… like she is staring at a strange reflection on a mirror. As if she can't quite recognize that cutie mark anymore.

Or maybe, she can't really recognize herself, as she looks at it.
You are sure the drawing isn't precise. In fact, you can tell from Cadance's expression that she isn't exactly happy with it. Or maybe she is concerned because she can't remember all the details herself.
This is actually concerning. Again, I'll elaborate on it in a bit, but this is a reminder that we don't know what Harmony actually is.
Still, you turn your gaze to the drawing, and you stare at the shining depiction of a mortar and a pestle. You think the painted green things within the mortar are supposed to be leaves. And the round shape next to them is definitely a half-filled potion bottle.
So, the previous destiny of Cadance was being a herbalist/alchemist? Not really impactful, and she doesn't have Forge among her affinities (nor Moth), but we should put a pin.

This is a detail we should remember.
Or rather… you can tell that she is the kind of pony who keeps the good parts of a story very close to her. Because you are sure there are plenty of sad things, little details and remarks, that she is not telling you. But not because she is hurt by them. Not because she is consciously avoiding those things.
"Still, growing up I knew everything about mom. To be honest, sometimes it felt like mom was the only thing that dad liked to talk about," she says, and she actually chuckles as she says that. An honest, sincere laugh escaping her lips, without even a hint of sourness or resentfulness. "He definitely loved. Yes, dad loved mom very, very much."
She tells you that her mother's name was Cadenza. And how it took her several years to realize that her full name was, well, a way for her father to keep telling her mother that he loved her. But still, she tells you about how she didn't mind it.
(A little side note, that he did.)
Still, even then, she doesn't look sad.

She doesn't look sad… and to be honest, that worries you. More than just a little bit.

Because maybe, and just maybe, Cadance is that much of an optimist. You have no idea of how her upbringing was truly like, but maybe she is indeed the kind of pony who can only focus on the good things. Who remembers and cherishes her father, rather than feel betrayed by him. A pony who can find the shining gems of happiness even inside a cave that is almost completely overtaken by darkness.

But… but what if she is not? What if that isn't the case? What if she is just dulled, numb to what is truly going on inside her head?

Or even worse… what if she is incapable of feeling certain things? After all, her own cutie mark was already changed by something beyond your comprehension. Who can tell if she didn't have more things taken away from her?

But you don't voice any of those thoughts. You can't. Not now, and definitely not as she is about to open her mouth to say something more.
Still, you can only watch as she completely dismisses the thought. You can only watch as her previous lost expression… changes back to normal. In fact, you can only watch as she once again begins to smile, of all things.
So, "elaborate in a bit".

We don't know what the Harmony actually is. It was said to us by Bird, repeatedly.

I am not buying that the Harmony is evil or anything, at least not yet, but this is the most sinister depiction as of yet.

After all, we do know that in the eyes of the Mansus, alicorns are not ponies anymore. On its own it doesn't mean much. Still.

It is something we should keep an eye on.
"And things were great after that. They really were! Shining's parents were lovely. And of course, Princess Celestia herself took me in. She really was like an aunt to me for the longest time. I don't really feel like I lacked anything, back when it was just me and dad. But I definitely gained something I didn't have, after Princess Celestia brought me to Canterlot."
After all, she is talking about Shining's parents. About Shining's mother, who introduced her to her current husband-to-be. About Shining's father, as she vaguely recalls the lessons on magic he taught her while she was still getting used to the horn on her head.

And of course, she also tells you about her… "Auntie" Celestia.

However, it is painfully obvious to you that none of those ponies are around anymore.

And she knows that.
A good thing to note that while she did talk about "Auntie" Celestia, Cadance did not tell us about Twilight.

Perhaps she isn't gone after all, even if the context of it is worrying.
That is, until she reaches the present. Until her stories end, a few months back from today, and she realizes she has nothing else to tell you that might be a happy thought.
"Promise you won't leave me?"
This, actually, is a profound insight into Velvet-Cadance relationship.

Velvet isn't simply one of - if not the only - pony who sees in Cadance Cadance, not a princess. After all, even Shining is decidedly bowing to her status (even if we used the leash to push him a bit), and Cadance's relationship with Celestia is unequal in the other direction.

As the only perceived equal, Velvet is already at tremendous advantage (although such confrontational language is, perhaps, way too aggressive than what we should use).

The fact that for months, there was no happy moments to tell about, aside perhaps those that already involved Velvet...

This is big. This is really big.

To be one truly happy thing in otherwise depressive world...

No wonder Cadance latched on us.

And in addition to that, we "have become much, much closer to Princess Cadance" now.

Yeah, I think she is - in truth, if not in Velvet's perception - a confidante equivalent.

Not confidante, because that has aspects of inequality that are lacking here, in degree if not qualitively (after all, Velvet is an older more experienced mare), but equivalent.

Whether or not she is more "confidante equivalent" to us than she is a confidante to Celestia is another question, but she is a confidante equivalent now. I am sure.
And the moment she asks you that, you realize that… you realize that you misjudged Cadance.

Because this whole time, throughout this entire conversation, you thought Cadance was content. As she told you about the memories she has, and the ponies who she bonded with, you thought she was focusing on the good things because those were all that she could see. You thought that she was deeply and truly the kind of pony who "was happy because it happened rather than sad because it ended".

But as she asks you that question, as you listen to how her voice shook as she said those words, you realize how wrong you were.

Of course, maybe there is more to this than you imagine. Maybe something inside of her changed, together with her cutie mark, all those years ago. Or maybe being an alicorn means there psychology, deep down, is just different.

However, right now, the one thing you are sure is that…

That she loved those ponies. Her mother who she never met, her father who taught her… Shining's parents, the maternal figure that was Princess Celestia. She loved them all. She loves them so much that she can't bring herself to hate them, or even resent them, for leaving her behind.

But still, deep down, she does feel hurt. Because she does feel like they abandoned her.
This is something like a reassurance about the whole Harmony situation, probably, but still. Not something to forget about.
But still, even if just for a moment, you swear you feel… something.

Not a connection, not even a spark. But maybe something you could call a presence.

And who knows, perhaps this was something Shining Armor himself felt, years ago, when Cadance met him for the first time? Or maybe this is something else entirely?
And this is also interesting, Very, very interesting.

A possible destiny alteration, huh?

Regardless, it is another sign just how close we are to her.
Still, you feel like Cadance is… counting on you. Or at least that she is willing to fall on you, if some day the very ground under her hoofs decides to break and leave her as well.
Let me just point to just how profoundly powerful that statement is.

Like, maybe when applied to a (former) pegasus this is a bit less so, but still.

This is a powerful statement.
You have become much, much closer to Princess Cadance.

You have come to realize she has an affinity towards Heart, Winter, and of course Grail. But you dare not teach her anything yet.

Later that day, she asked you if you could be her bride…
smaid. Her Bridesmaid. Her maid of honor. And of course, you accepted.
Yeah, "much much closer", no shit.

Also, Heart, Winter and Grail, huh? Well, it does fit her, although the Winter is the most surprising one.

Also, while again, "bride...smaid" is rather funny, it is one more sign just how close we are to Cadance.

And this update is full of them.
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A handsome groom
Rule 6: Acceptable Content on SV

This piece of literature is meant for mature audiences, and its content includes or may include themes that involve the following subjects:
-Abusive relationships
-Mental health issues
-Other, potentially disturbing issues

The author does not intend to (and should not be interpreted as intending to) break the site's Terms of Service or site rules at any point.
None of the above subjects are condoned, glorified or encouraged by the author, and their presence in this story is purely for narrative purposes.
If you do not wish to be exposed to any of the subjects cited above, you should STOP READING IMMEDIATELY.

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[X] Plan Pittauro, but with our SH Sacrament.
-[X] [AotL] Grail, with Pride
-[X] [FORGE] Create a Knock 2 Edge 1 Reagent. (45 bits, Free Action)
-[X] [KNOCK] The Only Way Up
--[X] [KNOCK] Keep going up. You are so very close now. So. Very. Close.

-[X] [DETECTIVES] There are still changelings out there. Hunt them. Look for them, and for the ponies who colluded with them. (One of the chief expectations of the Bureau. Avert a future Catastrophe)
-[X] [CONSTABLES] It is less paperwork for you if they just help with the investigations. (NO ACTION from the Constables. GAIN a PERSONAL ACTION for Velvet Covers)
-[X] [COMMISSIONER] The Bureau is more than an institution, it is a gathering of dedicated ponies working towards a unified goal. Ingrain yourself with them. (Establish, increase, or salvage the loyalty of the Bureau towards you personally.)
-[X] [SOCIAL] [TEACH] Teach Rarity, and make her a Disciple. (Free Action)
-[X] A fleeting opportunity
--[X] Royal. Wedding! Royal. Wedding! Help. Plan. The Royal. Wedding! (Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)
--[x] "The Royal Wedding is a matter of national security, so of course the Commissioner must be involved. Yes, even on that time she went on a shopping spree with the Princess." (Free action. NEGLECT work at the Lunar Bureau. Expand, and pick one more item from, the list of Royal Wedding opportunities)

-[X] These are the skills that allow you to climb the Mansus
--[X] Attempt, even if foolishly, to untangle the webs of the Secret Histories
---[X] Investigate your current skills. To try to understand them, if nothing else. (Current progress 0/3)
--[X] Velvet Pride, your upstart younger brother, seems to be heartbroken. Or so the gossip goes. If you take the initiative to talk to him, you might be able to get closer to him.
-[X] [JADE] "You do you." Let her do whatever she wants for once. It might do her some good, both mentally and personally.
-[X] [FLUTTERSHY] Ask for a favor, from your... mutual friend.
--[X] [GUARD] Our home.
-[X] [RARITY] Focus on your work.
-[X] [STEPPES] There is no guarantee he will be able to help you, but you will write him about… (WRITE IN)
--[X] [STEPPES] Ask for advice about how to bond with your brother

-[X] Jade's house is now adequately clean. Or at least sufficiently presentable for ponies to work on it. You should…
--[X] [SERVANTS] You need a place where you can safely, and discreetly, store items. Use the upper level of her house for it.
-[X] [MAREINETTE] Incision of the Heart on Velvet: remove the Frightened Debuff (20 bits. failure only on nat1s)
-[X] [BALDOMARE] Find us a place where we can hold 3-circle rituals next turn (for Axe's summon). (rolls +80)
-[X] [SELENE] Go play, one last time. (Costs two actions. Goodbye, Selene.)

You are Velvet Covers.

Wife to your husband, mother to your daughters… and Maid of Honor of the Princess of Love.

Because this is it. Tomorrow is the big day, and the only way you can possibly describe your current mood is giddy!

As far as you know, Equestria as a whole has come to a stop. Of course, you know that isn't really the case, and Cadance hasn't really pushed her weight to declare a national holiday. Still, you wouldn't be surprised if you were told that every last pony in Equestria is aware of what will happen tomorrow. And knowing how ponies are, you are sure that the other cities will also be celebrating in their own way.

More importantly, you can confidently say that Cadance achieved one of her objectives. Granted, you can't speak for the other major cities, but you remember how the mood in Cloudsdale was simply better when you were there with your family. With news about the upcoming wedding dominating the newsstands, and being the topic of several conversations you overheard. And of course, Canterlot itself is ecstatic. And given how many ponies are visiting Canterlot for the big event, you are sure their cheers and good spirits will spread throughout Equestria the moment they board the trains and go back home.

So, Cadance definitely succeeded in cheering up Equestria. Sure, the fact that it took the first alicorn wedding in history speaks volumes of how gloomy things were. But that dark cloud is definitely gone now. And you sincerely hope it never returns.

No, it is your job to ensure it never returns. The Lunar Bureau was literally created for that.

But that is neither here nor there. You aren't really thinking about your job right now. And to be honest, for all that the uplifted mood of Ponykind is good, you aren't really focused on that either.

Instead, your thoughts are all focused on tomorrow. Because tomorrow is the day! You will have to wake up way before sunrise, and as the Maid of Honor you will be in charge of several things before Cadance walks down the aisle. But you will be damned if you will not make sure everything happens perfectly.

"Sweetheart, shouldn't you be going to bed?"

Stormchaser's voice snaps you out of your thoughts, and you realize that… heavens, you are so excited that you were, quite literally, lost in your own thoughts. You shake your head, and you finally realize that you are still sitting in front of the large vanity mirror in your room. You vaguely recall how you sat down to double-check your mane before going to bed, and it seems your thoughts just overwhelmed you at some point.

Still, you are thankful Stormchaser is here to snap you out of it. He arrived at the Royal Castle, together with your family, earlier today. And even though you weren't able to meet him when he arrived, he was waiting for you in your guestroom once your day was finally done.

Your daughters, of course, are in the adjacent rooms.

But still, for all that you are thankful for him, how could you not be overwhelmed by your thoughts? After all, this is just too exciting! You should be going to bed right now, sure, but that's because tomorrow is the big day! Tomorrow is the day, and you will have to wake up early! You set aside a whole hour for you to spruce yourself up, and then you will put on that gorgeous dress before setting out to check on-

"Sweetheart, please," Stormchaser says again. And somehow, at some point, he simply appeared right next to you. Staring at your own reflection, with his head on your shoulder. "You really need to sleep. You wouldn't want to mess up tomorrow because you were too tired, would you?"

"Right, right… thank you, Stormy. I think I'm really out of it tonight," you say, watching as your husband laughs a little bit.

Still, you do what he says. You force yourself to stand up, and you make your way to the large bed on the other side of the room.

"I'll try to be quiet," he says, "and I'll make sure the girls are alright in a bit. But you don't need to worry about anything."

You nod at him, and then you take a deep breath, trying to slow your thoughts down. After that, you force your legs to move under you as you make your way towards the bed.

Because your husband is right. Of course he is right. You need to sleep, and you need to be well rested for tomorrow, and you need to stop going down the rabbit hole of how excited you are.

So, you try to… empty your mind… You try to pretend this is just another night, and that you are back at your home in Ponyville, and that everything is in order for you to go to bed.

Yes… this is just another night, and nothing strange or unusual is going on. You feel your heart rate slow down as you sell yourself that little lie. In fact, you even start doing your nightly routine, to make that lie more believable.

You take off your necklace, with your hoofs rather than your horn, and you carefully place it on your bedstand.

You give your hindleg one last stretch, even though it hasn't really ached in months, right before you climb on the bed.

And finally, you give the air one last sniff, checking in on everypony one by one. You check on Silky and Selene, noticing how they seem to be… going up and down? Ah, they are probably jumping on their beds. You also notice Sweetie Belle right next to them, doing the same thing, and that reminds you that you all decided to let the fillies stay in the same room.

You brush that off as a sleepover of sorts. Pretending you are all back in Ponyville rather than… here.

After that, you check on Softy as well. And she is… well, she is in her own room. You can sense her pacing around in a circle, and you suppose she is either nervous or embarrassed. But you let out a soft chuckle as you remember why that might be happening. After all, she was almost hauled off to the servant's section of the Royal Castle earlier today. To the point that you had to intervene, and quite literally strip her of her maid uniform with your magic, to convince the surrounding maids that your silly daughter was supposed to be treated as a guest rather than an accompanying servant.

Seriously, you should talk with Soft about her… dependency on that uniform. But that is a matter for another day.

And of course, Stormchaser right there with you, reading from a book as he quietly waits for you to fall asleep.

Good, good, everything is in place. Everything is in order. You can go to sleep now…

Except for the fact that there is somepony coming towards your door.

The careful self-imposed calm you were able to muster immediately shatters. And you let out a soft groan, which causes Stormchaser's ears to perk up. But before he can ask you what happened, the answer comes in the form of a trio of knocks on your door.

Still, you make a point of staying in bed. You even shut off your senses, deciding only to listen to what happens next. So, you hear Stormchaser silently opening the door, followed by a few whispered words, and then…

"Uhh… Sweetheart? Do you happen to know a pony called Chalkhoof?" Stormchaser asks after closing the door. "He said he is here because… the groom wants to speak to you?"

Your eyes go wide open at that, and you feel… well, slightly confused?

Captain Chalkhoof is Shining's best man. One could even say he is your counterpart, given how you are the maid of honor. And even though Cadance dominated most of the wedding's organization, Shining Armor was still involved with a good deal of it. So, you had several brushes with Chalkhoof these last few days.

Besides, you had already met the stallion before. More than a year ago, mind you, and under different circumstances. Still, he is a known face.

But he is here because… Shining asked him to call you?

You get up from the bed without a word, lighting up your horn as you float the nearest dress towards you.

"Tell him I'll be there shortly," you say to your husband.

You wonder what this is about…

- - -

You have never been in Shining Armor's room before, in the Royal Castle. Of course, you have already been to Cadance's apartment several times, but they technically don't live together yet, so that doesn't really count.

Besides, given Cadance's… innocence, you don't suppose Shining ever set hoof on her apartment himself. The two of them are too romantic to be that kind of couple, so you don't see them doing those sorts of escapades while away from the public eye.

But that is beyond the point.

You have never been to Shining Armor's room before… and that isn't about to change right now.

To your surprise, Chalkhoof takes you to a rather secluded part of the Royal Castle. You aren't anywhere suspicious or strange, of course. But still, you are in one of those nooks and crannies of the Royal Castle that is easy to overlook. One of the several balconies with a pleasant view of Canterlot, which you assume was more popular with nobles back when they were welcome in the Royal Castle.

Still, true to his word, good Chalkhoof thanks you for your availability and takes you to Shining Armor, who is waiting for you on that balcony. After that, the stallion leaves the two of you alone.

And you immediately understand why Shining Armor called for you.

Heavens, the poor stallion is a pile of nerves.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with Shining Armor. He looks healthy, and happy, and definitely full of energy. He is the perfect picture of a proud husband-to-be, and he looks just as dashing as he always does.

Still, you can tell at a glance that he is… well, he isn't trembling, not exactly, but he is definitely tense. The smile he has on his face is on the thin edge between joy and panic. And he very much looks like he only realized the enormity of what is about to happen… maybe ten seconds ago.

The poor colt is nervous, and he knows it. He knows it, and he isn't even trying to hide it.

So, you offer him a soft, understanding smile when he greets you.

"Lady Velvet! Thank you so, so much for your time. I know it's already late, but I… well, thank you."

"It's alright, Shining," you say, with an honest smile. "No, more than that. Right now, everything is about the two of you. So, I'm happy to help with whatever you need!"

You feel a tiny nudge of guilt, inside of you, as you notice how Shining trembled when you mentioned that "everything is about them". But still, you can tell he is more happy than nervous, so you don't feel bad.

Besides, you said nothing but the truth! And you really mean it. After all, even though you are the bridesmaid, whatever the groom might need is certainly more important than your own sleep schedule.

"Still, what can I help you with?" you ask.

And you can't help but wonder what this might be about. After all, he had Chalkhoof call for you, so this couldn't be the case where he couldn't find his best man and needed to resort to the maid of honor instead. So maybe this is something to do with Cadance?

There is a tradition that the bride and groom shouldn't see each other before the wedding. And sure, Cadance isn't exactly enforcing that rule. But maybe Shining is hesitant to go talk to her when they are this close to the ceremony?

That would make sense. Other than the maids, you are probably the pony with the most access to Cadance right now. And you can certainly reach her more easily than Chalkhoof would be able to, if this is a matter of Shining wanting to tell her something.

"Well, this is something rather… actually I don't even know how to describe it?" the stallion says.

Still, you give him a slow, patient nod as he collects his thoughts. You watch as he takes a few deep breaths, and you very politely ignore how one of his hoofs is shaking.

"Still, this is something I have been meaning to ask you for a while now… Or at least, I think that's the case? I… I feel like I have this need to…"

You raise an eyebrow as Shining Armor, very uncharacteristically, begins to stammer and stop.

Goodness gracious, you might need to help him a little bit. Because you are sure this isn't him having cold hoof about the wedding, but this is definitely something.

But eventually, he finally manages to put his thoughts into words.

"Please don't think this is strange, Lady Velvet. And I wouldn't be asking you if I had any other option. But…"

He looks you in the eye as he prepares to make his request-

I need the Name, Velvet. Give me the Name.

-and you spin on your hoofs, interrupting his words with your sudden, violent movement. You feel your legs locking under you in a fighting stance, and your horn lighting up on your forehead, as you suddenly hear a voice.

"Shining, we need to leave, now!" you almost yell, your voice sharp and urgent.

The stallion freezes up behind you, no doubt shocked by your sudden urgency. But you don't care. You can't care. The only thing that matters is that he is hesitating and that his inaction is costing you precious time.

You hear him trying to say something, but you cut him off before he has the chance.

"No time to explain. Now!"

Still, even though you said that, you don't really know what you should do yourself. Because what is going on? What is happening?

What did you just hear?!

You swear it was a voice. That voice. That unmistakable, whispering, mocking voice that can summon so many things from your memories.

You swear on your family's life that… that you just heard you Master. Or your former Master. Or whatever that thing was supposed to be, before it disappeared and the Cult fragmented.

But… but how…?

No, more importantly, where did it come from?

Because you are sure you just heard it.

But also, you swear that it came from inside your head.


Every last hair on your coat stands on their ends as you hear it again.

And you… you don't know what to do.

Should you run? Should you grab Shining and run? You are a bit far away from Cadance, but she is an alicorn, and consequently your best bet at safety. Especially given how Shining is there with you, and that the two of you are in danger.

But if you decide to run, will you make it in time?

Because where is that voice coming from? Where is she?!

Little Velvet…

You expand your senses, opening up your nostrils as you desperately try to understand what is going on.

The voice isn't coming from the wind, and it certainly isn't coming from inside of you. But still… still…

You can't sense anypony other than yourself and Shining Armor.

And that terrifies you.

Because the Master, you know, is the greatest authority in existence when it comes to Moth. At least in the Wake. And if there is one creature who could be standing right next to you, without letting you see it, it has to be her.

But you make a decision. To Tartarus with it, you will grab Shining and run. You will drag him by the hoof if you need to. You will make a beeline towards Cadance, avoid getting anywhere close to your family at all costs, and convince Cadance to take you all to Celestia no matter what it takes.

Your eyes dart around you one last time, as you look at the dark corridors of the castle. You try one last time to see if you can spot the Master. You try one last time to check if one of those shadows don't look slightly out of place, to see from where she might jump at you two once you start galloping for your lives.

"Velvet. Calm down."

And your whole body freezes when you finally realize where the voice is coming from.

"That's a lot better. Now could you turn around again? It is rude to turn your back when someone is talking to you."

Your body freezes, a chill runs down your spine and your heart twists with pain as you… as you finally understand that…

… that the voice

You slowly turn around. Your stiff, terrified legs ponderously turning you around to face the origin of that familiar voice.

And when you finally stare at Shining Armor once again, you realize he has a familiar, mocking smile on his face.

He opens his mouth once again.


But the voice that comes from his lips is not his own.

Or at least, it does not belong to Shining Armor.

"Now as I was saying… I need the Name, little Velvet. Give me the Name."

You hear those words, and it takes all of your willpower to… to stay.

Because you have to drown out the shout that nearly burst out of your mouth.

And you have to stop your face from devolving into an expression of shocked horror.

And you have to grip every last muscle in your body to stop you from running away.

It takes all the willpower you have, and maybe a few things that you don't have, to stop yourself from doing anything.

So, you can only stare in muted shock, as you…

As you look at Shining Armor.

And see, deep in his amused eyes, that you are now speaking to the Master.

"H… how…?" you whisper that word, because that is the only thing you can bring yourself to say.

Still, you realize you said that more out of shock than anything else.

However, that doesn't stop Shining-… that doesn't stop her from taking it as a question.

"You mean to tell me you didn't know?" Shining says. And a low, wrong-sounding chuckle escapes his lips. The noise of leaves brushing against each other feeling utterly unnatural as they leave a pony's mouth. "Well, I suppose it only makes sense. You wouldn't have reason to seek out Comet Feet after he betrayed us… and given his skills, it probably wouldn't be wise either."

She says that, her voice altering between her own and Shining's, as if she is stating the obvious.

Although you have no idea what she is talking about. None of it makes any sense. You… you have no idea of what she is talking about, and you can feel your pulse quickening as you realize just how out of your depth you are.

"Comet Feet… betrayed us…?" you ask, your words slow. Slow, and cautious. Because you have absolutely no idea what she is talking about and…

No, you think you know what she is talking about. You think she is referring to when Comet Feet left the cult.

But if that is the case, why is she saying that Comet Feet betrayed "us"? Why… doesn't she know that you too left the Cult? Where did she get that information from? Does she not know that you decided to… to betray her as well?

How exactly does she view everything that happened?!

"Of course he did. He gave up on his task, did he not? I thought you would have understood it as well, little Velvet. But…"

Shining Armor gives you a small shrug, as if to say there was no helping it.

And then, his smile twists into the horrifyingly familiar expression of an old matron that is about to give a lecture. The stallion's face, and his body, remains unchanged. But the way he is moving is… just wrong.

"A lesson, then. Think about what you have been doing, little Velvet. Our Cult took on a different shape, really, but none of us ever stopped working towards our final goal… You kept to the climb, Copper kept spreading our influence, Windy…" you hear a chuckle, but her words trail off. "Well, you all kept to your tasks. A few nudges were needed, of course. For example, I couldn't let Copper's little animosity towards you go to waste. So, I sent a little nightmare her way, and a little cold breeze towards you, and you two picked things up just like you were meant to. But still, those were all just tidbits of guidance, to help you move along."

You force your eyes to not go wide in surprise. Because… because she…

She just casually told you that… that she tried to kill you? No, worse than that. And it all makes sense in retrospect.

Because that first time, that first death ritual that was aimed at you. It wasn't Copper… it was her. And if you understand this correctly, she also attacked Copper at the same time. So a few weeks later, when you two tried to kill each other in earnest, that was just…!

"But Comet Feet? Oh, he deserted us, didn't he? He had duties to fulfill, and he abandoned them. So, of course, I went after him… I sought him out, and I found out he left us for love, as those things usually go."

Shining's expression looks amused. And it feels utterly wrong to hear those words being spoken with his voice.

You are almost thankful when his tone shifts back to the raspy, familiar voice of the Master.

"I had to kill him, of course. No point in making a threat if you are not willing to follow through. But then… to my absolute surprise, he offered to bargain instead," she says that, and then she raises one of Shining's forelegs. Inspecting his hoofs as if she was talking about a product. "He told me this little body was nearby, and reminded me of its value. He offered to bring it to me, in exchange for his freedom. And I accepted."

You feel your blood run cold as he says that.

Because that means… if her story is true, then that means…

How long has she been in there? Was she… was she living his life, acting like him this whole time?

Did… was she already inside of him, seeing through his eyes, when he was inside your house? When he was close to your family?!

"Naturally, I had more things to do. And making a puppet dance takes… focus, when the Wake is involved. It's like pulling strings through a keyhole. So, I accepted Comet's offering, and I released him from his duty. And in return, I planted a little seed inside this body."

A small wave of relief rushes through your body, but it is immediately overwhelmed by shame.

Because you feel relief at what he just told you. Of course you feel relief. After all, you just learned that… that this whole time, Shining Armor was himself. You weren't interacting with a monster in disguise. None of his actions were manipulated. And most importantly he didn't get anywhere close to your family.

But still, you feel ashamed of your relief because…

Because this is all still horrifying.

"But now was the time for that seed to bloom," she says.

And as she says that, she slowly… raises the hoof she was inspecting.

She raises it towards the sky, and you can't help but follow it with your own eyes.

And for a moment, for a fraction of a moment, you see it. You watch as the moonlight faintly reflects against… something. And for a fraction of a second, you can see a string, tied around Shining's foreleg, being pulled taut towards the night sky. As if he is a living puppet who is being controlled by something old and terrible, that is just outside of your view.

You realize all of that, and you…

And you ask the one thing that is on your mind. The one thing that you don't want to learn, but that you have to.

After all, the Master is working on… a lot of assumptions.

She doesn't know you consider yourself her enemy. In fact, she even thinks you are still serving her, even if in a different way.

And she called you here… no, she gave Shining a compulsion to call you here, and then she took over his body… for a reason.

She mentioned, after all, that she has a request.

She said she wants… a Name.

"Wh-what… do you need…?" you ask, holding back from saying anything that might doom you. Biting down your tongue from saying something that might make the Master see you as an enemy.

Because you too are in danger. When it comes down to it, right now you are alone. Alone, in the presence of your former Master, who is controlling a body that is by far a lot stronger than you.

In short, you can die at any moment if you say the wrong thing.

So, you ask…

And she answers.

"The Name, Velvet. The bright-red Name of Grail. I have need of her. There are mysteries of blood and birth that are beyond me. They are beyond me, but they are not beyond her. I need her for what happens next."

Your eyes go wide at that, and the aching sensation in your chest makes you realize that your heart is pounding. It is beating so quickly that it hurts.

But you… you understand what she is saying. No, you understand who she is talking about.

Your Master wants Mareinette. She wants Mareinette the same way she wanted Baldomare, all those months ago. But you have no idea why.

The only thing you remember is that, last time you gave your Master what she wanted, bad things happened.

"You… you want her… why?"

She answers with a chuckle. The noise of leaves rustling, so unnatural when coming from a pony's mouth, floating away in the night breeze.

"Why? Isn't it obvious, little Velvet? Because of the alicorn. She will want to join with this body once their little ceremony is done, no? There is potential in that. Birth has always been one of the entryways to this world, and it is also the domain of Grail. So, with the Name's assistance, I will be able to… acquire another body."

Your body reels with disgust at what she says, the moment you understand what exactly she means by that. And it takes visible effort for you not to retch.

Still, you can no longer stop your expression from shifting. And the Master lets out a soft laugh as he sees that.

"Oh, do not worry. I will keep your little friend asleep until I am done. Mareinette will need to be present, of course, but I can hide her from the alicorn's sight. And after that… well, I will begin a new life, and it might take years. But I am sure the rewards will be worth it. And you… all of you, who followed me, no longer need me to hold your hoofs. You know what to do from here."

You can feel your legs shaking, as he casually says that.

And you are thankful… you are thankful that, apparently, Shining Armor can't hear any of this either.

From what you understand, and from what she just told you, Shining Armor is… asleep right now. Maybe it's an immediate effect of her taking over his body, or maybe it is something else. But still, he couldn't hear the horrible words she casually used his mouth to utter.

So, thankfully, he won't know what happens next. Whatever you tell the Master, whatever you decide, he will not know about it.

Unless, of course, you let the Master remain in his body. Because at some point, you are sure he will wake up… you are sure he will wake up, and realize he is now in a prison of his own body, trapped behind his own eyes as something lives his life in his stead.

But still, whatever happens, you need to decide it now.

"Give me the Name, little Velvet, and we will further our goals in protecting this world. We will finally have an alicorn on our side. We will have me. Give me the Name… and you will be rewarded."

That twisted, alien smile looks wrong in Shining's face.

It makes you feel sick.

Still, you have no choice but to…

[] Refuse her "offer".

-The Master will entertain your decision, and will not harbor any ill will towards you. She will think your action to be "quaint".
-From this point onwards, you (and you alone) will be aware that the Master is living Shining Armor's life.
-Very soon, Shining Armor will "wake up" and realize he is a prisoner inside his own body. That will be his life from that moment onwards.
-You think it is very unlikely that Cadance will realize what happened, if she even notices it at all.
-You are not aware of any methods which might be used to "exorcise" Shining Armor, if they even exist at all.
-You cannot possibly predict how the Master will leverage her newfound position as "Deputy" of the Lunar Bureau. But given her words, you assume she will continue to "watch over" his perceived servants. That being said, she will probably sabotage any attempts from you to use the Bureau against any of your former cultist colleagues (but she will allow you to continue your occult wars).

"What problem is there in a mask, if no one else will ever notice?"

[] Show her your true colors.

-You will, once and for all, show the Master you are no longer her servant.
-You will banish the Master. This will use (destroy) one Wrong Key.
-The Master will refuse to be summoned by you from this point onward.
-The Master will begin to actively move against you as an enemy, although her hoofs will be tied until she returns to the Wake. She did not consider herself your enemy before this.
-The traumatic backlash of cutting the strings will kill Shining Armor.
-Velvet Covers will not be blamed, or even suspected, for his death. Not even by Cadance.

"Well then."

[] Accept her offer.

-You will temporarily "lend" Mareinette to the Master. Mareinette will return to you shortly after, with no problems whatsoever.
-This will not impact any of Mareinette's actions, or her binding period towards you. It will be a "free action" that will happen immediately.
-The Master will permanently and completely disappear for the duration of the Quest, and this will be a problem left for the future.
-The Master will reward you for this, and will give you a parting gift.
-To Cadance's immense surprise, her first daughter will not be who she dreamed about. Princess Flurry Heart will never come to be, and her first… son, will be an alicorn who will be given another name.
-Other than yourself, only Mareinette will ever know this happened. And she will keep your secret as long as you remain in good terms.


[] Offer yourself instead.

-You will offer the Master to leave Shining Armor, and possess you instead. She will accept.
-Velvet Covers will permanently lose one personal action point, which the Master will use for herself.
-The Master will be able to influence, interfere, and overwrite some of your actions and decisions moving forward (but this option will not interfere with the Rite of the Mother and the Father in any way).
-You cannot possibly predict what else she might be able to do, after entering you. You suspect she will be able to do more.
-You are not aware of any methods which might be used to "exorcise" you, if they even exist at all.

"A life for a life. That trade is almost always fair… Almost."


-You will convince the Master that you will "take Shining's place" and allow her to enter you instead.
-After the Master leaves Shining, but before she possesses you, you will kill her.
-The Master will be permanently and completely eliminated from the Quest, and this situation will be immediately resolved. Nopony, not Shining, nor Cadance, nor anypony you care for, will suspect anything happened or learn about this.
-You cannot know what other ramifications this action will have.
-This is a Regrettable Action.

You have witnessed a mask, donned by a master of the art. And the sight shook you to your core. Gain one scrap of MOTH Lore.

Baldomare already said that you should focus on winning, rather than not losing. And QM already said you should reach for Glory. Every turn that passes when you are not doing that is another turn your foes can use for themselves.

That being said, let me be very clear about one thing.

You are going against powers that are stronger than you. Those powers are motivated, intelligent, and they know what they want. This is simply one of those players making their own move.

I will have very little patience towards cries about this being "unfair" from a game perspective. I am not going out of my way to make the quest harder, or to create gratuitous difficulties. This is the result of characters exercising their agency, not a punishment from a sadistic QM.

Kindly keep that in mind during your discussions. QM is also human.
The options are not balanced from a mechanical perspective. Velvet can make a decision, and that decision might have mechanical effects as stated. But these are not balanced compared to each other.

Write-ins will not be accepted, but their suggestion is not forbidden either. If any of you can lawyer or finagle your way out of this, by all means share it with the thread. However, said action must be something Velvet can do in a split second. Trying to trick the Master will not work, as she will turn hostile the moment she notices your deceit (or rather, you would only be able to solve that with the patronage of an Hour). Making a promise you cannot fulfill immediately will also not work. The options offered are, in honesty, the only ones I could perceive as being viable: do nothing, start another war, accept, trade, or Wolf.

But of course, I might have missed something.
Come next turn, you will have a Fleeting Opportunity to "address" Comet Feet's decision, which caused this. And it will be noted that failing to pick that option will mean you will "tacitly accept" what he did.

That will happen later, if you even pick that option at all. Now is not the time to address that.

Vote by approval (pick as many options as you want). The SINGLE highest-voted option will be picked.

Twelve hours of moratorium.
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Huh. "Accidentally teaching" is something Velvet needs to be actively wary about? Yeah, Velvet is deep into the lores.
She's quite literally as deep in nearly all lores as she can go (lvl 4) without explicitly making her perspective/psychology a bit inhuman (Sacraments)

Yeah, Grail or not, Rarity is now a minion.

No matter how hard Velvet will try to gaslight herself.
we had ALREADY, by Rarity's own admission, already given her "everything she might need from the Outside" to make her own career, with the only thing required from her now being to "git gud" (and she WAS, already, pretty good).

But there's "Here's a contract to get the job of your dream, becoming instantly a high-rank fashion brand, with a serious chance at becoming THE best if you do a good enough job" and "Here's the chance to make the wedding dress of your demigoddess".

There isn't even a human equivalent here! The closest I could think of is "Imagine if you were the one person to design the official uniforms of all religious and leadership figures in the world", and that still comes kind of short of making a dress for your immortal demigoddess.

Change of cutie mark is rather profound, however, surprisingly enough, what I am really drawn towards is the fact that she can't prove the fact that her cutie mark changed, to anypony.

This can be just reading too deep into it, but shouldn't be there if not any records of her old cutie mark, then at least witnesses who should still remember?

I can be reading too deep into it. I have a habit of that. This can be just a turn of phrase, it isn't like you are going to call witnesses, full court style, to testify that you used to have a different cutie mark.

Still, the choice of words is interesting, and may suggest something deeper at play.

And we are well familiar how Mansus can fiddle with evidence. We have a guest who did just that, when we have met for the first time - in the Wake, that is.

Is it possible that Harmony can do something similar, in effect if not in the method, that Harmony did something similar?
eh, that would be like asking people to trust a written document that states that you're actually an alien, or that while you look young you're actually 300 years old.

It's just easier for people to assume the document is forged, and to be fair if she wanted to she could easily have documents "officially" forged to say whatever she'd like.

There's also a possibility she just didn't have actual official documents. She and her father apparently lived moving around a lot, and if they stuck to mostly out-of-the-way villages somewhat separate from the normal bureaucracy...

Though yeah, Harmony might very well have messed with that.

This is, again, a rather funny line.
Reminds me of how we had a strong instinct to believe Chrysalis was Luna, even when we KNEW that Luna was currently a filly sleeping in our home.

Though this time it's probably just if your best friend came and revealed to you they shoot lasers from they eyes or that they actually went through an isekai story and just came back.

This is actually concerning. Again, I'll elaborate on it in a bit, but this is a reminder that we don't know what Harmony actually is.
I'm leaning towards a fragment of the Glory and/or the last creation of the Forge before it sealed itself beyond the Tricuspid.

This, actually, is a profound insight into Velvet-Cadance relationship.

Velvet isn't simply one of - if not the only - pony who sees in Cadance Cadance, not a princess. After all, even Shining is decidedly bowing to her status (even if we used the leash to push him a bit), and Cadance's relationship with Celestia is unequal in the other direction.

As the only perceived equal, Velvet is already at tremendous advantage (although such confrontational language is, perhaps, way too aggressive than what we should use).

The fact that for months, there was no happy moments to tell about, aside perhaps those that already involved Velvet...

This is big. This is really big.
I remember at one point, when she was breaking down after we told her about Twilight, and she came to us and told us about the changeling... Velvet WAS going to bow down, and Cadance quite literally went "please, not you too"

Whether or not she is more "confidante equivalent" to us than she is a confidante to Celestia is another question, but she is a confidante equivalent now. I am sure.
and while we probably won't get actions out of her... we can probably now ask for favors with write-ins, as long as they're not outrageous (or too suspicious).

Also, Heart, Winter and Grail, huh? Well, it does fit her, although the Winter is the most surprising one.

well, Winter is also remembrance and memories of things long gone, so it still fits. It is admittedly the most surprising one of the three

Don't forget Copper's goons ;)

I'll forget them gladly. Who knows, maybe then Bird will forget them too!

and speaking of Bird...

Aye. Should be posted in less than an hour.
checks clock: it's been... 1 hour 45 minutes

LIAR! :mob:

edit: ok, I'll forgive you THIS time!
ok what the fuck I skimmed a few lines and OH DEAR FUCK

ok, I've only read like 3 lines. I'm not reading the rest out of order!


runs to actually read the update
…Bird you goddamn asshole. :V Small vote my fucking ass.

Anyways, I'm… not really sure what to do here. I'm leaning towards Regrettable Action or maybe, just maybe, letting the Master be born as an Alicorn. It wipes out Flurry Heart as a future, but she hasn't even been conceived yet, and means the Master won't have to go murdering Alicorns. It also means the Master is just fucking gone for the quest.
Oh. Well. Wow. This is....

Bird, I had forgotten what it felt like when you did this to us. And somehow wolf is again an attractive option.