Eden's Edge (Worm/Sonnie's Edge [Love, Death, and Robots])
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In Which Annette Is a Bit Intense. 🔪
Her daughter is a Useless Lesbian. 🏳️‍🌈
And the Dallon Family has Issues. ☠
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Index + Incubation 1.1


Bunker-Dwelling Cryptid
Vault Birb
Eden's Edge

A story of monsters, beasts, more monsters, nazis getting their shit kicked in (eventually), and more monsters.

Index: look at the threadmarks please @~@
Very speciail thankyou to my cowriter/coauthor/coconspirator and wife @hellgodsrus for writing this with me. And also the people on discord for helping keeping me focused through discussion. Feedback is, as always, valued and loved. Discussion is an author's wet dream. I forgto what else I needed tosay, but thank you also to the betas for caving in to my validation demands! I hope you guys enjoy

Eden's Edge

An hour is too goddamn long for lunch, I thought, settling into my usual spot with my tray of food. Slice of pizza today! But, back to my train of thought, because Chris does not need that much free time to talk.

It wasn't like I didn't appreciate the company - Arcadia was a lonely place, especially given the obvious - but he just would not shut up. Well. On days like today, anyway.

"Chris," I waved my hand in his face and he paused mid-rant about some idiot on PHO, "Did you remember to take your meds this morning?"

Blissful silence for a whole five seconds as the cogs worked over in his brain. "Shit. Uh. No, I didn't. I've been rambling again, haven't I?"

"It's fine. I - forget my meds sometimes too. And to answer your question…" I raised an eyebrow at him. "A little bit. I used to be kind of a chatterbox too though, so - pot calling kettle."

"Right." His smile was sheepish. It was kind of adorable. Not that I was thinking of him that way - not that he'd ever think of me that way in the first place - Mom would kill me for even considering going anywhere with anyone, let alone a boy - "Um. That might explain a couple of issues I had in class…"

"Math still kicking your ass, huh?" I took a bite - mmm. Pineapple. Suckit, haters, Hawaiian was delicious.

"Somedays it feels like the numbers actually fly off the page to beat me." He groaned. "Hey, your mom's a teacher, right?"

"She does English Literature, not algebra." I smirked. "If you need help figuring out that blue curtains symbolises the depression of man, then she might tutor you." God forbid she ask me about that. Who is this boy? Why did you bring him home? Why did you tell him I could help? Is he a friend?

The blue curtains thing was also unfair. She was more - Beowolf, and talking about the linguistics of Tolkien. Or she had been, before she'd decided being fun was somehow too dangerous for me. I still didn't get that - the worst it could do was give me a papercut, or I could drop something on my foot. Ugh.

"Bluh." He noised, shaking his head and finally starting to eat. He'd gotten here before me so that expression on his face when he realised he bit into cold pizza was hilarious.

"Maybe you could call your parents and ask them to deliver."

"Can't." He sighed. "Too late in the day, I'd be up all night." And he did always look tired.

Was a better look than mine, at any rate. Then again, sea slugs had a better look than me. It wasn't just - the obvious stuff, or the seizures I'd have sometimes, it was also that on top of that the base material was awful too. Skinny in the wrong places, fat in the others. Not fit - it wasn't like Mom would let me out to exercise. Not really that smart. I wasn't friendly, or convivial.

No-one really hated me at Arcadia - or no-one wanted to say they did, at the very least - but I didn't really have friends either. Chris was probably the only person I could consider close to a friend - he sort of looked past all that. Might have been his own dyscalculia and ADHD making him as much of an outcast as I was.

At least people didn't do a double take when they first saw him, looks of shock turning to pity. I hated that. People trying to talk to me slower and softer like I was a fragile porcelain doll or something - I got enough of that at home. People looking away, or trying not to look disgusted - that also sucked, but I knew what to do with that. People skirting around it, not mentioning it in the hopes it would go away, that they could tell what I was saying always, that my voice wasn't sometimes garbled and just as broken as my face - that was about the best I could hope for.

And then there was Victoria Dallon. The girl who took one look at me, flinched and started to raise her fists before apologising profusely and offering to get her sister to heal me.

I told her on no uncertain terms to fuck off and stay the hell away from me. At least she'd listened and obeyed.

Miracle healer or not, Panacea didn't do cosmetic touch ups. Or brains. Letting her would just be - admitting I'm the ultimate pity case. Victoria'd probably expect me to be eternally grateful for the help. Panacea probably wouldn't. What little I'd seen of her in the distance of the lunch halls showed her to be just as broody as I was with a tenth of the reason. And I might have hated Victoria, but she seemed nice to everyone, or trying to be. Didn't sic her groupies on me for daring to not kneel at her feet.

Why the hell did everyone like her, anyway? She could fly, she was invincible, but every time she looked like she was glowing with pride, everyone around her seemed to just be in awe of her. Like, woo, yay, congratulations Vicky, you have lots and lots of friends and gave a really moral lecture.

Maybe it was that whatever part of her power made her float did nice things to her chest. Not that I was planning on adding to my own little pity party by getting envious about that again. Ughhh.

An hour is too goddamn long to be left alone with my own thoughts.

"Earth to Taylor."

I glared at Chris, who raised his hands in surrender sheepishly. "Sorry. You were zoning out again."


"You've really got that 'death glare into the middle distance' brooding look down, y'know?"

I bopped his shoulder a little bit too hard. "Shut up, you dork." I couldn't help the grin tugging at my lips, but hey, if a girl can't be pretty, at least I can look kinda badass, right? All these scars had to be good for something.

Then we started talking about capes, about that one time Shadow Stalker had been caught monologuing to herself while brooding on the edge of a building, the latest PHO theories on whatever inane gadget Armsmaster had installed into his Halberd (a bottle opener? Really? Why?), and the latest stunt Uber and Leet had pulled.

I'd actually been enjoying myself, forgetting the rest of the world and just - talking mindless shit with Chris. Poking fun at celebrities. Conjuring up insane situations. I might have even laughed at some point.

Alas, lunch ended far too soon.


I had to hurry to get to the bus on time, because if I missed it - well. That'd only happened once before, and I was never planning to let it happen again.

Mom had been apocalyptically upset with me for not letting her pick me up. Probably because she drove out anyway and when I got home she wasn't there - which never happened anymore - and I'd had some peace and quiet for a bit.

I'll admit it had been very tempting to try sneak into the basement, see what she was hiding down there, but… I couldn't pick locks and it was probably just Dad's old stuff.

Privileges of being first on, I got the best seat, riiiight at the back, where I could keep my hoodie up and my head down and just play games on my phone or something instead of being stared at or wondering what the people behind me were thinking when they saw my face. Paranoia was apparently genetic; good to know.

My solitude lasted two stops.

"Hey, Taylor!"

Well. I had been having a good day.

I swiveled my head to glare into the face of my EX-best friend. Not that I had a new best friend yet, but I wasn't in a hurry for one. Not after how she turned out. And now she knew my bus schedule. The schedule I couldn't change because Mom would lecture me about safety. Fuck.

"What the hell do you want?" I grunted as she sat next to me.

"I was - I was hoping we could talk a bit. How was your week at Arcadia? Winslow's been fun, though Mr. Gladly is just such a suckup - "

"Reminds me of someone else I know." I turned my face away from her, looked out the window instead. Why did it have to be such a lovely weather? Entirely inappropriate for my current turmoil. "My week's been okay, up until now." Take the hint and fuck off you hypocritical piece of -

"Great! Um. Do you want to go see that new movie that's out some time - "

I sat up and glared at her, ignoring the throbbing pain in my temple. "Why, Emma? Why the hell would I want to go see a movie with you? Ever since I woke up, you've been either a total bitch or sucking up when you think no-one's looking. I don't know who you're showing off for, why you're doing it, or what the fuck you get out of it, but why can't you just leave me alone?" I shifted my bag out of my lap and into the seat between us, forcing her to shuffle back. "You've made it abundantly clear you don't want to be seen with me." My voice felt - urgh. Like my tongue was fat and saliva was glue. "So just - just -"

My body felt - brittle, out of my control - fuck, not - not now - shaking -

My vision flickered, splitting, shimmering, my lungs felt full of mud, choking, shuddering -

Emma under my arm, hauling me, fresh air, dark room, birds singing, lights flickering, machines beeping, water wet and warm, full belly - froth on my face in the canyons of my scars -

I -


Shouting. I could hear shouting. Mom was angry again. But she wasn't yelling at me? Why was I on the couch? I was - on the bus. I was on the bus and hissing at Emma, claws unfurling to - to berate her for being her, flipflopping between bitch and brown-noser like a gambler tossed a coin.

I put a hand to my head and it felt - wrong. Sweaty and - urgh. I was going to need a bath - shower. Soak in the tube - tub. Sitting up felt so far beyond me, I could barely even get my eyes open.

" - fucking trying to kill her, don't know what I would expect but this is a new, apalling low, Emma."

Aaaah. Shit. For all I disliked Emma now, even she didn't quite deserve to be thrown into the deep end of one of Mom's… moments. "'M okay," I mumbled, trying to raise my hand. It hit something, but it was just thin air and kept going. My hair twitched in confusion. "Mmgh." Shaking my head, gnashing my teeth, running my tongues over them…

Waking up from seizures always sucked, but this one had been even more draining than normal. If it weren't for my stupid hearing implant, I might actually be able to go get an MRI and see what was wrong with me.

"I didn't - Mrs. Hebert I know you're upset - "

"I don't think you have any idea of the fury that fills me you stupid little girl. You tried to take Taylor away from me. You brought her to me hiding your poison with attempts at contrition - " A long pause. "Get out of my house, Emma. Get out now. I'll call your mother to talk about this later."

"I -"


Scampering across the floor, door slamming shut.

Huh. Maybe Mom could put her overprotectiveness to a good cause for once. Not having to deal with Emma again would be a blessing.

I managed to open my eyes, blink with all three lids, and - "M-Mom?" Everything was so dark. I - I wasn't blind now too, was I? There were little pinpricks of light but they were too fuzzy to make out. I couldn't panic, not now, not now, Mom would never let me leave the house again -

I flinched when her hand touched my cheek. She drew in breath to speak but paused, probably noticing my shivering. Why did I have so many fingers? "It's okay. I'm here now. It's okay." Kiss on my cheek. "I love you so much, Taylor. Just hold on. I'm here. I'm here…"

"M- Mom, I -" I tried to wrap my arms around her but they felt curled around me, fingertips sharp and digging between hard plates. "Ow. W-why - I can't see - "

Mom froze. Swore quietly under her breath. "I need you to do something for me, Taylor. Can you promise me you won't freak out?"

NO! I was already freaking out! "I - I don't know -"

She moved away. I could hear her opening up the door to the basement. A crack of light filtered into my vision, a bubble rising past my eye - what the fuck? - and the light spread further to reveal Mom standing at the top of the stairs. My vision focused sharply on her, and I could - see the veins move subtly with every beat of her heart, the tension in her muscles, the inflamed skin around her eyes like when she'd been crying -

I held my breath, tried not to scream.

"Oh, Taylor. Oh - oh god I'm so sorry."

I held up my hand to the glass - smacked it against the coffee table - four fingers, thumb, all armour plated, clawed, vicious tools of a predator - and - and -

I screamed.

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Incubation 1.2
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved!

Eden's Edge

I screamed until I couldn't any more, Mom holding my head close to her chest, fingers going through my hair -

She found the implant, the useless piece of metal that stopped me from getting a brain scan, that didn't stop the world sound like I was listening through liquid, pressed between my ear and my skull, hot and wet and thrashing against the glass -

She vanished. My - skin felt different, felt rough, felt tough. I'd gone from spread out on the couch to curled up in a tank, my tail-hair whipping the water into a frenzy -

"Taylor!" Mom was at the door again, looking worried. Why was she worried?! I was the monster! "Shhh, shh, calm down, it's okay, I'll explain everything in a moment. Please," she put her hand to the glass and it was so small. "Please. Just stay calm. Just for a moment. I need to - I didn't think I'd need them, but I can use the stereo system - just wait for a moment, little owl, I'm so sorry."

Little owl - I wasn't little, and I didn't feel like an owl. My legs had too many joints, why did it feel like my big toe was on the back, why could I feel my hair/nothair -

I shrunk down. There wasn't much room, but there was enough to move, to curl up and hide my eyes -somany- behind my… knees? Fore-knees? First knees? I could feel the water moving into my chest, back up my throat, finding a barrier and pushing out slits in my neck - Ihavefuckinggills- and it all felt so wrong. Like I was back in my nightmares.

The basement door swung open again, and Mom was - carrying something down the stairs. My body. She was carrying my body. Something in my neck tensed and a part of me I didn't have a name for moved, sliding against the glass.

"It'll be okay, sweetie. It'll be okay. Just - just a little longer." Putting my body down in front of the tank, in front of me - meinfrontofme - then pressing her hand to the glass, looking up at me. "Just another minute, Taylor."

I tried to ask what was going on, but my voice came out as a warbled blurbled skreee. What the hell is going on, Mom?! Why am I a monster?! HOW AM I A MONSTER?! WERE THE SCARS NOT ENOUGH?!

"Soon. I'll hook the speakers up, then you can talk and I'll - try to answer, okay? I just need to get them from upstairs." She pressed her hand against the glass again. "I love you so much. I'll be right back." Dashing away into blurriness up the stairs - skree skree skree went my throat.

Leaving me alone with myself.

My eyes were still open. Lips parted. The scars were in the wrong direction - no. No, they weren't, because I wasn't looking in a mirror. Great big jagged slashes down my face, from my right temple to the left side of my jaw, twisting my mouth.

My vision sharpened and my mouth watered as I watched, veins throbbing, chest rising, living prey - no, no, no, what the fuck - even if I was going to eat myself, it wasn't going to be like that! Never!

I let out a whining skriee and tried to look away. It was like standing over my own grave, but I wasn't dead yet. Or was I? Had I died? Is that why I was - this?

Mom came back down the stairs with the stereo in her arms. "It's going to take a moment to set up, I'm - I'm so sorry I've been - well, I didn't want to tell you at first, and then it was hard to - to bring up, and we always seemed to be butting heads… hold on." Stereo down on the work bench. Bending over it, doing something. "It's probably easiest if I… there. Talk."


I could - my voice didn't come from either of me, it came from the stereo. Hearing my voice like that was so strange - especially without the lisps and stumbles I associated with my speech after the accident. It was also loud, and Mom winced, fiddling with a dial on the stereo.

"You're not a monster. You're not. You're just - the accident." Her shoulders were shaking. "Sorry. I am trying to explain but it's hard. Can you give me a second to find the right words?"


She winced. "That's… that's fair. Okay. So, um. When you first got into the hospital you - you remember that you didn't. Wake up at first?"

"I was kind of in a coma, so no, I don't really remember." Oh, wow, I had six eyebrow-equivalents to glare with now. "I remember waking up at home, with you standing over me." Crying and holding tools I couldn't recognise. Holding me and telling me it had been weeks. Months. A whole quarter of a year, gone.

"Yes. Well." Mom shuffled over to me, sat down beside my body and lifted my head into her lap. "The accident. Your skull it, um. Your body was broken. Not in a way that the doctors were able to fix. But I couldn't let you die, and they said there was a chance so - the insurance didn't cover all of it - " She paused. "It wasn't your fault. I'm not - I know you might think that I think that but I never do, I promise." She probably blamed Emma. It had been her sleepover we were going to. "But they didn't know how to fix you and it cost more and more and then one day, um. One day they said that. That you weren't ever going to wake up. Your body had suffered too much trauma and, um. The only thing keeping you alive was them and the insurance."

Her voice was so quiet. Hunched over my body, hand in my hair.

"So you took me home." I frowned - which felt weird - "And nobody had any issues when I did wake up?" Confusion was overtaking rage for a moment - because if I got angry I - wouldn't get answers. And I needed answers.

"That's not what happened first." Her voice was still very quiet. "I, um. They told me I had to pull your plug and I couldn't and then. Then I had thoughts and I didn't have to."


"I - built a thing. It let me take a - sort of a picture of you, of your mind, of your body." She rubbed her wrist on her thigh. "It wasn't really built for that but I made it do it, it - was so hard to build, I didn't have enough platinum or m-ray emitters - "

Well, that - confirmed she was a Tinker, at any rate. "Mom, less technobabble, more explanations please? What - did this thing do to me?"

"Nothing. But it let me - " She ran a hand down the side of my face. Pressed the other one to the glass. "My - my power. It's designed to allow me to make creatures. Then install controllers in myself to pilot them. But your body was so broken. I - did it the other way round."

Wait. "I - hang on. You made a creature with my mind - me - and got me to pilot… your daughter's body?"

"You are my daughter. No matter your body. Don't ever think you're not." She glared up at me through the liquid and glass. I - felt a little guilty for that one.

"Is - is my mind mine or a copy? I - I can't tell and - am I real? I feel real."

"Of course you're real - um. I don't think now is the time for a debate about the nature of the self and ontology but if I made a copy of you right now it would also be you. You are you and you are my beautiful daughter and I'm - I'm so sorry I couldn't do more."

"I… I don't know how to handle this. I want to be mad, or scared, or -" I pressed my claws - talons - whatever the fuck they were - up against the glass gently. My prison. "Can I even go into shock in this body?"

"Yes the - the neurochemistry is the same as a human mind. Brain. I could have - I thought about making changes, giving you, um. Options. But that's not - it wouldn't have been my choice to make."

"Okay… I think we might have gotten a bit distracted, can we go back to where the doctors told you to pull the plug on me? You built the thing, and then what happened?"

"I built your new - home. The body you're talking to me through right now. You were so small and I - I had to be so careful putting your mind inside it, and getting the nutrient mix right - you won't believe how many health scares I've had for you - and then I. Told the doctors I was taking you home for private care. And when you got here I had to." She swallowed. "I had to cut open your skull and install the implant."

Is that why my skull sometimes itches? I floated there for a moment, just - trying to take it all in. "You told me it was a hearing implant."

"It is. It lets your body hear your thoughts. What you want to do."

Okay, kind of twisty misleading logic there, but okay. "I - okay." Curling my hair-tentacles-tail around myself. I was surprised I could do that so easily. So naturally. "Did - anybody suspect anything when I woke up? I don't - really remember things too well back then."

She hunched over on herself. "There were some questions. I ensured there weren't any more."

I blinked. Which was kind of weird because each set blinked separately so I never lost sight. "Mom, did you kill them?" Please say no, please say no, please say no...

"No! Of course not I - I could have, but I didn't. I don't - do that kind of thing."

"Sorry that - the way you said that sounded like something you'd hear on TV about the mob bosses or gang leaders 'making sure nobody talks'. I'm - glad nobody was hurt?" I really wasn't sure how to take this. At all. What am I? "So - why didn't you…" I paused. "Right, Protectorate would probably be considered too dangerous - wait, why is everything too dangerous for me? I'm - my human body could be killed but I'd be fine."

"Because you could still get hurt, your - this body kept getting sick, and growing more and more, because I'd built it so fast at first and making sure you stayed alive that the connection didn't go wrong…" Mom rubbed at her face. "More wrong, I knew I'd gotten it wrong when you started having the seizures but I couldn't - cut into your head again, and I wanted to tell you but - fuck. Fuck!" She curled around my other body.

I reached out - blocked by the glass again. Skrierrr…

"I'm sorry, Mom. Please - cut into my head again. I still have school tomorrow."

"No you don't, I'll call them and tell them you're recovering from a particularly bad seizure, and - and we can have a couple of days to - talk." She shuddered. "I need to build up the nerve to do that again. And I need to see if I can salvage the implant or if I need to make a new one." She rubbed at her face. "I don't know where I'll get the money for it…"

… was I seriously about to suggest this?

"I uh. Seem to be a super-strong monster now. I could totally go raid a drug den or something for cash. The city could always use a few less Nazis, right?" Somehow the speaker even caught my nervous chuckle.

"No! No - I'm not doing - any of that stuff. I'm not risking you or - I'm not going to leave you alone. I won't."

"Mom, I'm - I feel kinda like I'm twelve-foot-tall and bulletproof."

"That's because you're a teenager."

"Actually I'm pretty sure it's because I'm a twelve-foot-tall bulletproof monster."

"Stop - calling yourself that. You're not a monster."

I sighed heavily. "Mom. Look at my face. I've been thinking of myself as a monster for years, I just - never realised how accurate it was. That and I also have no idea what else I'm meant to call my new twelve-foot-tall bulletproof body with like - four tails for hair and hyper-predator instincts."

"It's not bulletproof. When this started I promised myself no cape nonsense."

"I honestly think we're a little bit past that, Mom. What with me being a basement dwelling thing from the deep piloting a human body to school." I chuckled. It was - so surreal when I put it like that. "Is there… anything stopping you from making me bulletproof? Because I'd be so much more safer if I was."

"Time. Money. The fact that you're not going to be indulging in this - this costumed frippery?"

"But Moooooooomm!" I whined. "This - isn't something that can be kept secret forever, y'know. Even if you have somehow managed that for so many years with me, it's - you could join the Protectorate, maybe? They pay well, I think -"

"No! They'd not understand you or any of it. I'll just - make sure you're well and that'll be all." She stroked my hair one last time, then stood up. "Now, do you want anything to read? Do you have any homework you need to get done?"

I blinked at her several times. "I don't think I could manage either of those things like this. My hands are kind of… claw-y. And wet. Are you sure I couldn't try - moving around or something? Now that I'm over the whole 'holy shit I'm not actually human!' part, this is kind of cool."

That and the mental image of me in my current form trying to sit at my desk with glasses on and pencil in hand was kind of hilarious. I was so big!

"The basement is too small for you and I can't open the outside hatch. Answer the question."

"I'm caught up on homework. I can't think of any book that'll hold my attention compared to realization I'm a cape kid." I shimmered - like shivering, but with more armour plate moving.

"Well, then I need to go to the store to get - equipment and supplies. I won't be long."

I sighed wistfully. "Oh, okay. I'll just stay here, all on my lonesome, exploring my new body…" I ran my hands down my arms and - wow. That felt weird. Twisting around in my tank - it was small and cramped and there were tubes leading to me but they were sturdy and I think this one went down my throat. Must have been the full belly feeling from earlier. I wondered if I had genetalia right now. Would kinda suck if I didn't.

"Taylor! Phrasing."

I just cackled heartily. "Oh, um, before you go, could you uhm… close my eyes? It's - kind of getting creepy just… watching myself look so… notquitedead?"

"... okay." Mom relented and put my body into a less uncomfortable looking position - I could pretend I was just watching myself sleep and that wasn't a creepy thought at all - before kissing my forehead and walking briskly up the stairs out of the basement.

The door wasn't completely closed, so I still had a sliver of light.

Now… now I didn't have an audience, exploring my body felt… less appealing. She probably had cameras watching the tank just in case something went wrong anyway. I would, if - if our positions were reversed, anyway.

Man, who knew being a twelve-foot-tall bulletproof-ish monster could be so boring. I could probably sleep like this, right? Just… counting sheep. One delicious mutton sandwich, two delicious mutton sandwich, three delicious mutton…

Incubation 1.3
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely wife @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved! Extra special thank you to @LacksCreativity , @32nd_freeze , and @Tamahori for their help in deciding some significant plot points!


"I'm home!"

I snorted water and yawned. Oh. I could sleep like this. Good to know. But now I had an entirely different problem. I did not have enough room to stretch. Not that I felt stiff or anything, but - it was a habit!

"Hi, Mom. Still here in the basement." I could hear the yawn over the speakers. I wondered how it picked up on what I wanted to say and didn't just - blare out every single thought I had.

She was over by the table with my speakers on it, my - human body? I still didn't know how to refer to it. It was next to her, propped up against the table while she unpacked things from a set of shopping bags.

"Did you enjoy your rest, Taylor?"

"It was… weird. I think I started counting sheep but at some point started referring to them as mutton sandwiches. Are - are things going to be different now that I'm… aware of this?" I always felt kinda weirdly hungry no matter how much I ate...

"No, they shouldn't be. We'll just - keep on going on." Batteries and calculators and lots of other electronic bits and bobs, each being carefully laid down on the table. I couldn't really make heads or tails of any of it but she was sorting through it like it was second nature to her. Guess it might have been.

"Mom, I - I'm not sure we can keep on going on." I put a paw - claw - hand - thing - up to the glass. Gently. I wasn't sure how strong I was. "I mean, for starters, I'm a teenager. Who has just discovered puberty hit her like a monster truck."

Her gaze snapped to me. "You're not a monster."

"I thought it was a good joke…" I mumbled.

"It's important. Monster has connotations. Meanings of - otherness and solitude and being incorrect. You are not incorrect or wrong just because of your situation."

"Wait, is that what you always meant when you said that when I talked about my scars?"

"It's the same principle." Mom ripped open a packet of batteries. "Now, what did Emma do on the bus that caused this mess? Did she hit your cranial casing - your head. Damnit. Sorry."

"Uh. No. She - well, for starters, she was on the bus, which is a problem because I kind of hate her and - no offense, Mom, but you're kinda intense. If she figured out my bus schedule, I'm doomed because I can't change it. I guess the stress just piled up and then she uh… asked if I wanted to go see a movie with her. I… kinda got mad at her and called her out on her shitty flip-flopping behaviour and had another seizure."

"Well. I'll bring it up with Zoe when I speak to her then. I know Alan spoils her, but Emma really needs to learn better self-control." A pause. "And we'll discuss altering your travel timetable after this." Was self-control really what Emma's problem was? Meh. Not worth wasting brainpower on trying to figure it out.

"Greeaat." I groaned, slumping in the tube. "So, if I'm not a monster, then what am I? Because currently, pretty sure 'human' isn't entirely accurate."

"You're a human in an altered physical state."

"That's a mouthful, Mom." I chuckled. "Even if I have the mouth for it."

She rolled her eyes. "A human with extreme body dysmorphia, then."

"Uh - hang on, wouldn't that mean my body is… uncomfortable though? Moving around in here feels as natural as anything, and - I don't know what the equivalent of hair-tentacles are on the human body, but…" I split them and waggled each of them separately. "No control issues so far."

"Are you arguing the point for the sake of arguing?"

"I think I'm allowed to be a little upset at the fact that you've kept this from me for god knows how long?" I squirmed in discomfort. "Sorry. I - you saved my life. Thank you. But still, this - this is not an easy thing to get over."

"I did want to tell you." Her nails picked at the plastic wrapping on each battery. "I couldn't… find a way, before."

"I think I understand why. But… yeah." I sighed. "So… if I'm not a monster… a predator?"

"Taylor!" Mom slammed her hands down on the workbench. "That's just as bad as monster!"

"Right. Connotations and stuff. Pretty sure I'm a carnivore, at least, so uh… beast?"

"Implying you're a mindless wild animal. No."

"Beast...y? Beastie? Like bestie but - ugh, no, I can't sound that peppy."

"What's wrong with 'being'? Or 'non-humanoid'?"

"Being is like - way too broad. Like alien. And - I feel kind of humanoid? I have thumbs. Opposable thumbs! Hm." I started playing paper scissors rock with myself. Just because I could. I wasn't very good at it, but I could do it.

"Stop that. Your thumb's saddle joint is fragile."

"What's a saddle joint?" I wiggled my thumbs around for a moment before stopping. "Mom, I -" I didn't know what to say. I don't want to spend my whole life as human when I could be this? I've hated my body ever since the accident but this one feels good and I want that? Don't I get a choice?

"Yes, sweetie?" She was cracking the batteries open now.

"Will I get to experience this body again?"

Mom paused. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. I think - we'll need to move you. And now I can - improve the tank. Make you healthier. Now you know. Might stop me from trying to disassemble the toaster when I'm not paying attention. But I want you to have a good - normal, healthy life."

"Mom… my life isn't normal. Healthy is debatable." I sighed.

"As healthy and normal as we can manage then." She cracked the battery with a little more force then made that little hissing noise she did when she wanted to swear but wouldn't in front of me. "I want to see you do… everything you always should've been able to. Graduate. Go to college. Get a good job. Which you can't do in just that body."

"I go to the same school as Panacea. What do I do if she brushes against me and realises I'm not…"

"Well stay away from her then."

I bristled, spines slipping out between my spinal plates. "Accidents happen, Mom. Or something could happen and someone mistakes my scars for injuries and sends her to heal me even if I'm completely fine."

"That seems very unlikely." Mom mutinously cracked another battery. "Besides, she didn't heal you before. I don't know why that would change now." Snap went another battery.

"She didn't have her powers back then." I rolled my many eyes.

She carried on as though I hadn't said anything. "And I don't know why you're so interested in such unlikely hypotheticals. She isn't even in your year-group. And didn't you have some sort of argument with Glory Girl anyway?"

Was Mom really going there? "Oh, we're talking about unlikely hypotheticals now? Like that time I missed my bus and you immediately jumped to 'Taylor's been kidnapped!'?" My muscles tensed, and I had to force myself not to act.

"I didn't immediately jump to that."

"No, you thought I'd gotten into a car crash first."

"It's not like it'd be the first time!"

The words hung between us. Heavy. Mom put her hand over her mouth.

Wow, Mom.

"... maybe you shouldn't bother fixing me. I'm clearly much safer as a prisoner in the basement than anywhere else."

"I didn't mean that." Muffled, her hand still over her mouth.

"Is this why I can't remember Dad? Why the sound of his voice escapes me, why I can only see his face in photographs?"

"No, that shouldn't - " She was shaking her head. "Why would you say that, why would you say that? You can't be - I can't have gotten it wrong."

"Everything before the accident is just - a blur. It's not until I started thinking about it just now that there might be a reason for that, other than just a fucking car crash." I twisted in the tube, angry, depressed, feeling so - helpless.

"No, that shouldn't - I can't have got it wrong." Mom started to rock back and forth in her chair and some small, predator part of me rumbled in pleasure at it, at her wet wide eyes. Fearspice regretsweet.

"Am I your daughter or a facsimile of her, made to pilot her body? Do you think I didn't notice that earlier when we were talking, all of your affection was directed at my corpse?!" I couldn't hold back the growl deep in my throat, didn't know how -

"I can't - you are you, Taylor, and I can't - I can't touch you in the tank." She's started to glare now. "I have sacrificed so much to keep you alive. So fucking much. You have no idea what it has taken, the things I've had to do - " She shook her head with a growl of her own.

I didn't - she always -

I slammed my claws on the glass in frustration.

"We both lost Dad, damnit, but you're still human!" I tried to push off the glass, twist away from her - crack - "AAAH!"

Everything was weightless, tumbling and turning and twisting and bubbling and crashing and ow - cutting, sliding across the floor, tubes ripped from my throat and veins, stinging -

I coughed up water. Whatever had been in my tank. Had been.

"TAYLOR!" Contact - burning, pushing - I tried to scrabble back from it but it returned, gentler. "Oh no no - I thought - I'd tightened the bolts the other week, I thought I'd tightened the bolts - Taylor, I'm here, I'm here - " fearstressgoodmeat -

I slowly opened my eyes. Mom was - there. Over me. Hurting. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry - I don't know what - I'm sorry." Trying to get an arm around her, get my crest away from something I could damage - I'd flooded the basement. Glass shards were pressing into my side. My tentacle-hair stilling as I realised flailing would just get me cut up even more. My skin felt raw, tender where it wasn't wet.

"It's okay, it's okay - I'm sorry sweetie I never should've said that - you're you, you're human, it's not - I've got to keep you safe, oh god your skin - and the nutrient fluid - "

My skin felt - the parts where the liquid had wicked off me hurt, like I'd rubbed myself raw. I tried to get to my feet - paws? Claws? - and stand up but I was so heavy. It was like my belly was made of lead and my arms made of glass.

"Where are you going?" Her voice was plaintive, childlike. Hands reaching for me. "You - you need to be safe. Oh god. Oh god I almost lost you again, I almost let you get hurt again."

Oh. She was probably in shock. Shit. Uhhh… what did - what did people on TV do when someone was in shock? There was - blankets and chocolate, I think? But we didn't have any of that. As it was she just - keened, curling in on herself.

I couldn't properly hug her like this, but - I wrapped my tentacles around her as gently as I could, trying to ignore the way it hurt, rubbing the liquid off my skin on her clothes.

She blinked, eyes focusing. "Taylor? Oh darling you're - you're hurt and - and the tank! I need - " She blinked rapidly. "Not enough time to build another one. I need you to go upstairs and curl up in the bathtub as much as you can. I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay, Mom. Everything's going to be okay." If only I could believe it myself. "..." I had to stop myself from suggesting we call someone. Panacea could heal, maybe she could fix me? Or - but Mom would just stress out even harder. "Everything's going to be okay."

I crawled up the stairs of the basement, then again to the upper floor. I was so big. The bathtub wasn't the biggest but I managed to curl up… most of me? I could hear Mom downstairs, in the kitchen. Long gasping breaths, trying to hide sobs. The kettle boiling.

Turns out I didn't have tear ducts anymore.

I wanted to help. It was my fault we were in this mess. If I hadn't had that stupid seizure - it was Emma's fault we were in this mess. If - if Mom hadn't needed to replace the implant, if I hadn't lost my temper -

The sound of her pouring out the kettle, refilling it. I was bitter. Bitter but guilty. I wanted to remember Dad. I hated that I couldn't. Kurt and Lacey had… had things to say about him, but I couldn't get past the fuzzy memories there either. I didn't know what to think of this all. It hurt. Emotionally, physically, mentally.

Maybe I could distract myself trying to think of a target to take out my frustrations on. There was the ABB, which had Lung, Oni Lee, and even the Protectorate didn't want to take them on… There was the Empire, but they had even more capes, and were a lot bigger… Hrm. What was that other group called? The… something archer's street?

They were the… druggie clan. Merchants! Right. I didn't think they had hands in our neighbourhood - we were closer to the Empire/ABB borders, last I knew, but far enough on the outskirts of both that we went relatively unmolested. Would they even be this far out?

I wondered what the Protectorate thought of single-mother Tinkers with skeletons in the basement.

… that was inaccurate, I was pretty sure I had a partial exoskeleton. At least, if the small bits of plating over parts of me were any indication.

My skin hurt so much. It itched.

Mom coming up the stairs dragged me out of my thoughts. "This will have to do until I can make a better tank - I'm so sorry - stupid - I hate it, I hate capes, I hate powers - " Into the bathroom, a small sob as she saw me. "Oh, Taylor, your skin's drying out - here. Hold on." The bowl in her hands sloshing as she came closer.

I put the plug in. It was difficult but I managed it. Just in case.

Water with little green bits in, cascading over me. Cool relief where it did, but all too quickly it was gone. "I'll get some more. Just hold on, Taylor. Just hold on…"

I tried a reassuring noise - it didn't come out as reassuring as I'd hoped. Skeereee.

We had a sponge around here somewhere, didn't we? If I could just - grab it with a tentacle-tail thing, I could give myself a sponge-bath. Sorta. There it is. Ow. Okay, only pats. Tentacles were awesome.

Just had to… move very carefully so I didn't break the tub. Or the floor.

Just had to be careful.

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Lab Notes
Lab Notes
I'm keeping notes because I probably should try to.

Initial device was successful. Certainly has a lot of data in it. Can't read the data. Device is poorly made, will break in 2 days. I have 2 days to build an alternative body.

[a number of scribbles fill the rest of the page, some smeared by tears]

Biotinkers normally require some kind of dna base but i seem to be making this 'ex nihlo'. Should definitely not tell PRT/Protectorate. Initial embryos made

Initial embryos all dead. 1 day left. Nutrient balance was wrong, water in BB too acidic. Need higher quality incubator and organic base material.

  • Dog? Could i buy a dog? Could I bring myself to kill a dog?
  • Fish????
  • Lobster?
  • ???person???

Second batch working, using microwave as incubator (old incubator broke). Unknown if fetus can accept datapacket. Might have done all of this for nothing. Can't be for nothing. SHE MUST LIVE.

Data seems to have transferred, unknown if success. Fetus had two tumours, had to remove. Dont want either body to be crippled, will need more material for repairs (cephalopod????? More neuraltissue? Not enough money for another dog)

Taylor is alive. Implant installed. I did it. I will never do it again

[a page is torn in half]

I've already broken my promise. But it was easier kinder than the truth.

Anything would be.

[a fresh scrawl, in a different coloured pen]

Need to remove Emma from Taylor's life. I warned her last time to stay away from my daughter, and now she's doing it again. Need to investigate more permanent solutions. She cannot do this.

Damn her. Damn her for all that she's done to usher.

Damn me. Damn these fucking thoughts, these fucking words and shapes that do
nothing to really help.

iwanttodie but I can'tbecause then she'll be alone

Screw your courage to the sticking place, girl.
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Incubation 1.4
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely wife @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved! Extra special thank you to @LacksCreativity , @32nd_freeze , and @Tamahori for their help in deciding some significant plot points!


"Turning on suspension fluid in three… two… now."

Jets of red, flooding in, filling up the chamber - syrupy and warm and tingly against my raw abraded skin, lifting me up then flowing over and around me, leaving me hanging in the crimson mixture, looking through the glass at Mom's frazzled face as she fiddled with the controls.

Blessed, blessed relief. The horrible itching soothed, and - despite a couple of hiccups involving bubbles - back to using my gills. It still felt weird exhaling down my own neck, but it was good.

So, so good.

I finally managed to rest. It had been - a very long week. A very very long week of living in the bathtub, feeling my skin get more and more raw, my teeth come loose in my jaw, hearing Mom desperately working for days on end and not being able to do anything to help because she wouldn't let me. She'd been working nonstop to make my new tank, to keep my other body alive and breathing, to repair the implant…

Time enough for me to stop trying to deflect reality settling in. I was a monster. After everything that had happened in my life, I wasn't human anymore. I could act like it, sure, but - at the core of it all, I wasn't anymore. I was this. This thing reliant on Mom's power to stay alive.

I had no agency anymore. No - individual freedom. I was never going to escape, never going to be free of the nest.

But if I could, would I? My hands were made to rip and tear. Claws to slice and dice. Teeth to cut through the toughest of meat. Existential crises were a little hard to get over, but - what else did I have? I could obey Mom, go back to having a 'normal' as possible life, forget I ever was a monster, just - keep on keeping on. Or I could do something. Was it wrong for the scarred outcast kid to want an out? A way to not be myself anymore? To be someone worth looking at?

Life was what life was. I couldn't go back to how it was, so I'd just have to live with it.


"Mrrrh." I scrunched my face up - lip twisted to the side - and forced my eyes open. Wiggled my hair - not hair. Hair? Yes, hair. My head felt - lighter than I remembered. And colder. "M-" I coughed. "Mom?"

She was slumped in her office chair, head down, snoring softly. Good. She needed the rest more than I did.

Everything… seemed to be working right. And - the tank up against the far wall of the basement. Me. I finally got to look at myself, and - man, I was ugly. Though, that might just be because of the raw skin and patches where I could see it healing - scabbing over in that wrinkly wet way scabs go when they can't dry out, and… yeah. Looked like I'd been through hell.

I glanced at Mom's desk. She had a notebook open, half-filled with gibberish and another thing with me - my in-tank body - sketched hastily out, covered in notes. Need more armour, increase external survivability (arachnid), grow better skeletal structure (howinsert?), promote bonegrowth internally? Feedmix ideas. NEED TO IMPROVE FLUID RETENTION IN SKIN. sebum?????

I wasn't going to pretend to understand it. All I knew is that it looked like Mom maybe… maybe was considering upgrading me? I doubted it'd be so I could go out and fight crime or anything - more likely so I wouldn't die if I broke the tank again. Which was fair enough - this week had been hell.

Now, how do I get Mom to bed? I rubbed at my ear - itchy, had she cut into me to install the implant again? Last I'd checked she'd been trying to make something that would grow through this body's skull - getting distracted. I could try and wake her up, help her up the stairs, but - if she was awake and realised I was awake, there was little chance of getting her back to sleep.

Buuuut, I wasn't exactly Alexandria, so…

"Hey, Mom?" I whispered, gently shaking her shoulder. "Moooom? Bed's upstairs."

She murmured something, but flapped an arm at me. Eh, it'd do. I put her arm around my shoulder and she barely supported her own weight like some kind of - mom-zombie, stumbling alongside, leaning into me.


My fists clenched. She's asleep, it's okay.

"Tr'd to keep her safe…"

"You did," I murmured back, pausing on the stairs, keeping her from falling back down. Maybe I should have just put her on the couch. That would have been the smart thing to do but - getting back down the stairs would be way harder than getting up the rest. Damnit. "You kept her safe."

Her. Not me. I - was still having doubts over whether or not I was the original Taylor. I hoped I was, but - it ate at me more than I'd like to admit.

"Not enough… owl?" Her eyes were blinking more open. "Shouldn't be moving around, the control network is settling in and there will have been neural degeneration - "

"I feel fine, Mom. But you were passed out in your chair. So -" I got us to the top and pushed open her door with my foot. "Let's get you to bed, okay? I'll - I'll stay with you."

Would probably need to change the sheets in the morning, I wasn't sure whose blood we were covered in, but it was hopefully only mine. What did it say that I was only thinking about that now?

"Need to… monitor vital signs… and check modulator switch." Her head rested on my shoulder. "Head feels like it's going to burst I have so many thoughts. Heart hurts thinking about you being hurt. I love you."

Ah, yes, the return of my tear ducts. "I love you too, Mom," I clung to her tightly. Not too tightly, but - holding her close. "Come on. We - could both use the rest." I threw open the sheets and duvet, gently guided Mom onto the bed, and pushed her until she was laying down. "Check everything in the morning."

"You're important." Her hands clung to me. So thin and hard. She'd lost weight after - after Dad. But this was the first time I could really see it, see how small she'd gotten, how tired. Her hands were curved hard claws, like my other body's. But not from strength.

"You're important too." I detangled her fingers from mine just long enough to walk around to the other side of the bed, despite her noises of desperation, and climbed in next to her. "You can't - keep me safe if you're not safe, right? Sleep."

"Mmkay." She rolled over, wrapped her arms around me. "Safe. Gotta… gotta keep you safe…"

Sleep wasn't easy.


"So," I started, as Mom took my blood pressure with one of those cheap first aid kit hand-pump-arm-wrap thingies, "As far as I can tell, no signs of seizures, my voice works better than I ever remember, and my left pinkie shakes when I yawn. I think my uh - control network or whatever you called it is working fine."

"Sensation is reduced, though. You've lost feeling in some of your extremities because I took too long to do this." Mom hissed again, that frustrated not-swearing noise.

"Mom. I can live with that. We can live with that. It's better than something like - I dunno, my face not working." I shrugged. "... now I'm wondering if you'd be able to grow me a new human body. Like a clone."

"No. I'd need to harvest your body for that and - no. I wouldn't be able to repair it if it went wrong. No."

"Okay, okay, just - throwing ideas out there." I held my hands up in surrender. Was extremities my fingertips and toes or my intimate parts? She'd certainly only poked my fingers and hands with her little needle, not anywhere else. But I wasn't going to check elsewhere while Mom was sitting in front of me.

"Everything seems fine, otherwise…" Mom shined a light into my eyes and I tried to wave it away. And now everything was dark. I needed to replace the lightbulb in here or something, working only from desk lamps can't have been doing Mom any good. "Now let's try the switch. Shifting control in three… two…"

I jolted in my tank. Like waking from a nightmare where I'd been falling and just hit the ground. Tentacles writhed around me and my heart wasn't beating any faster but - whoa. Maybe I should blink or at least close my eyes before doing that next time.

My body sort of… slumped like a puppet with cut strings. Still breathing and everything, just… sleeping where it sat.

"Hello? Oh, good, this thing's still on. Hi, Mom!" I waved a big clawed finger - aww, it was still missing one of the nail-talon things -

"Any motion issues? Any pain?"

"Only if I poke the bits that aren't done healing. Like my finger. Or my teeth. Teeth still feel loose, but uh. Nope, can still control everything as well as the first time." Tentacles were still really fun.

"Okay. Okay. Switching back in three… two…"

I closed my eyes this time, but was even more disoriented when my sense of balance told me I was too far forward and already falling - Mom put her hands on my shoulders and kept me upright. "Whoa…" I grumbled, shaking my head. "I'm - definitely going to try sitting down properly before switching again. That sudden sense of balance is… ugh." Flexing my hands - "Everything's running fine, far as I can tell."

"And if I do this…" A glance over at my tank saw a feeding tube extend to my body's mouth. "Can you feel anything?"

I frowned. "Um. Not really? Kind of have an urge to swallow but I can't tell if that's placebo or not. Or is the word I'm thinking of psychosomatic?" I frowned harder, stroking my chin and looking up at the ceiling.

"Okay. So I might be able to improve your other body while you're at school. That's… good." She wrung her hands, slowly.

"I've still got that phone that's connected to the staff repeater so I can call you if something's gone wrong with me. If I feel anything while I'm there that I can't explain, I'll just call." I shrugged. Felt like it'd be simple enough - at first I thought it was weird that they'd give me that, given Panacea went to the same school, but since the seizures were a brain issue and she didn't do brains…

"Good. And text me regularly with updates. If you feel another seizure coming on, report to the nurse's office immediately." She paused. "And do the same if Emma bothers you again."

"I will." I promised, and hopped off the bench to stretch. "Mmnnhh, so… now what? Like - I know you said you don't want to get involved in any costumed frippery -" Yep, she glared at that, "- but… what happens if we get 'approached' by one of the gangs. It's going to happen, at some point, especially if you have to keep buying suspicious amounts of materials."

"I have plans for that."

A long silence.

"Such as…?" I tried prompting her.

"Such as things that aren't your problem. At the moment you need to think about catching up on the week of schoolwork you missed. Especially as you couldn't exactly check your email for the catchup work that was sent."

Damnit, she was right. I sighed. "Alright, I'll go catch up. Don't forget to eat, okay?"

"I won't. You need to eat too. Your body has effectively been starved for a week."

Huh. But I didn't feel that hungry…

"New plan, I am going to make a buttload of lunch."


"Hey." I grinned, sitting down at the table next to Chris. "Ya miss me?"

"Holy shit, Taylor." He almost choked on his sandwich. "You can't just sneak up on a guy like that."

"Sure I can. What, you think I was dead or something?"

"You dropped off the radar for a week and a half, so - I dunno. Maybe?" Chris winced. "I mean… it is Brockton Bay, after all."

"Yeah, totally, so why aren't you on your knees praising the heavens I'm back, then?" I snorted.

"I'm still eating my sandwich?"

"Fair enough." I shrugged, digging into my own. Heh. Bet Winslow's cafeteria didn't even have fresh bread. Suckit, Emma. "So, did I miss anything in my week-and-a-bit-long death-cation?"


"Like a vacation, but people think I'm dead because people are weird and jump to conclusions."

"Well… that was a rumour going around that someone might have tried to poison you on the bus and carry away your body? It doesn't make any sense, in hindsight, but…"

I shook my head and swallowed. "No, that was just - another stress-induced seizure, but way worse than any I've had so far. Been at home recovering, y'know?"

"You definitely sound better than you did."

"Hah. Must have knocked my head in the right way for once. Feel better, too."

His lips twitched. "I'm glad you're alive."

"Thanks. Me too." I grinned and nudged him with my elbow. "So… notice anything different?"

A slow look of horror dawned on him. "Uh - shit. Um. You've uh… done something with your hair?"

I snorted and pulled my hoodie back.

"Oh, wow, yeah, you definitely did something with your hair. Very punk. Or - did the doctors need to shave it to - um. Get to the - " He winced. "Brain and, um. Do stuff to it?"

"I mean, yeah," I sighed, "But they shaved as little as possible and Mom took me to a hairdresser to make it look presentable afterwards. Anyways, I like it."

Mom had to shave the side of my head almost completely. But a short and slightly more straightened style - made me feel kinda badass. The straightening wouldn't hold for long and I didn't know how I'd sort it out once it wore off but now all I needed was some tattoos. Not that Mom would let me get them, probably. She'd thrown a Mom-fit about my haircut sending the wrong message and worrying about me getting into fights.

But what else was I meant to do with one side shaved? Went with my scars at least. I looked like some kind of traumatic-backstoried sci-fi protagonist. Who was secretly a monster living in her mother's basement. But then again, most traumatic-backstoried people ended up capes, if what my online research taught me. Some academic term called 'the trigger-event theory'. Mom had powers, I kinda had an investment in learning about them. Even if research had been difficult from the bathtub then with her fussing over me.

"Mm." Chris tilted his head and stared at me intently, which I raised an eyebrow at. "Yeah. It suits you."

"Thanks. My clothes don't really - go with the look yet. But I've got time to change my wardrobe."

"Are you hinting you'd like me to go shopping with you?"

"Uh -" I blinked. "No, I was just - wait are you insinuating I'd date you for your wallet?"

"No, no, that's Victoria's shtick -" he paused, another dawning look of horror crossing his features. "Don't tell her I said that. Please."

I laughed at him. "Your secret's safe with me." For now.

"What's my shtick?"

"Ahshit-" Chris flinched and ducked his head.

Victoria was floating a few inches off the ground, food in hand, peering at Chris loomingly. But smiling, because of course she was. It was… hard to feel bitter when I knew I was actually a twelve foot long lizard-octopus, but still.

"Nothing! Nothing."

She looked at me.

I shrugged.

She smiled. "Taylor, right? I like the hair. It's neat."

"Um. Thanks?" Why was she liking my hair, she - I thought we weren't meant to like each other.

"No more mocking Dean, Chris. He spends a lot of time tutoring you on math." She reached out, keeping her tray balanced on one hand like a waitress while she ruffled his hair, then skipped off in floating leaps to her normal table and friend-fans.

Chris slumped in his chair. "Argh. Kill me now."

"Sorry, still working on finger strength, can I get a raincheck for strangling you?" I grinned. "Surprised you only got away with a hair-ruffling. Isn't she usually a bit more… protective of her, ahem, purse strings?"

"No! She's - I know you don't like her and after your first day that's fair, but she's super nice. But I do think they had another fight last week, right after -" he paused. "Ah. Right after you vanished. Dean's probably going to do something stupid and romantic to win her back after school, like putting a giant radio in the trunk of his car and serenading her."

"What." My eyes widened. "Has he - you're saying this like he's done it before."

"He tutors me for math. Um. Occasionally he'll talk about, uh. Relationship woes. Not that I can really relate what with the whole no girlfriends ever and him having his whole thing with literally Glory Girl, and also being lusted after by like, a third of the school, but - yeah. According to him they're both… big fans of drama. In every sense."


"Sometimes he runs ideas for winning her back past me. They, um, always sound very over the top. The serenading idea came up once - it's a movie reference? Something about John Cusack and a boombox..."

I couldn't help it - no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stifle my giggling. "Oooh, I really don't want to miss my bus, but I don't really want to miss that either."

"I don't think he's um, planning on trying that at school. I could be wrong, though? There was that time he filled her locker with roses."

"No wonder a third of the girls like him. The rest though, they probably look at a locker full of roses and think, 'well, great, now how am I meant to find my homework?'."

"I think Victoria actually said that. Then, um, they kinda had one of their." He made a wobbly hand gesture. "PDA moments."

Yeah. Bitter me had not appreciated constantly coming across the pair looking like they were on the verge of turning into a porno against the nearest solid surface - neither did most of the school to be honest, and even they seemed kind of embarrassed about it. But - teenagers. It wasn't like they were the only couple. Just the most obvious one because of all the Glory Girl groupies.

I joined him in making a face. "Well. Any good news I've missed?"

"One of those Wards tours. We got the speech last Friday. You know how it goes."

"Damn, I wanted to ask if all that spandex ever gets itchy." I chuckled. "It's good to be back."

"Your mom still a bit intense?"

"A bit." I swallowed. "She was very… scared. By the whole. Collapsing frothing on the bus and needing to go in for surgery thing."

"Yeah. My parents definitely wouldn't react well to that." Chris scratched at the back of his neck. "How's classwork going? I imagine um. You had a lot of work to get done."

"Nah, turns out if your reason for absence is 'seizures and brain surgery' you just get stuff to read up on. That being said," I huffed, "It hasn't done me any favours in the learning department. Might have been good timing, actually, I think I managed to miss an essay assignment for biology." Which was sort of ironic, maybe.

"Yeah... I heard people complaining about that one. Probably sane to miss it."

Heh. Not like I could ask Mom for help - they'd be asking if I was a Tinker. "Well, that's school covered. Anything neat on PHO?"

"Oh! Actually, yeah, I saw this video - Hammerhands vs Merchants - and I thought you might be interested…"

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Incubation 1.5
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely wife @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved! Extra special thank you to @LacksCreativity , @32nd_freeze , and @Tamahori for their help in deciding some significant plot points!


The one thing I liked about World Affairs was that the topic of the month was always cape-related. If only because capes were the only people making noticeable waves these days. That wasn't entirely fair, there were all sorts of giants of industry and politics stuff, but it still almost always tied back to capes somehow.

Oh yes, said small country was voting for a new leader because the last one was - wait for it - assassinated by a parahuman! Actually, I think that was how the african warlord states started. I hadn't been paying much attention to those classes. It was one of the first topics, back when I was still paranoid about having a seizure in front of everyone and making a fool out of myself. Curling into the back corner of the classroom and avoiding any potential scrutiny.

Mr. Jensen had been nice - one of the few teachers that actually noticed I didn't want attention and went out of his way to make sure I didn't get it. Treated me as close to a person as anyone did. No, bitter thoughts. I was past that. He had a couple of nasty scars too, so - maybe he got it.

And he didn't do cringe-worthy things like ask us to call him Adam or "Mr. J", like a certain teacher a suckup ex-bestie of mine had complained about when I definitely wasn't listening.

Anyway. Today's topic was… dun dun duuun, the Simurgh's attack on Canberra! Wait. When the fuck had she - oh. Probably while I was living under a rock in the bathtub. Well. That was awkward. I had the ability to sleep through Endbringer sirens?

It was actually something about the Cold War and how it had ended, but all anyone was talking about was the attack on Canberra, so Mr. Jensen had sighed and given in, turning the class into a roundtable discussion of the Endbringers.

"Everyone, before you start the usual discussion of fights, I'd rather you actually focus on the aftermath of them. The fights themselves only last hours, if that, but this is World Affairs, not a versus board on PHO. Talk about the effects Endbringer attacks have on the local economy, ecology, and our culture in general. At the end I'll assign a project for the class. This will be group work, groups of three - yes, I'll let you work with your friends. I'll give each group a location and an Endbringer, and you can all tell me how that will affect the area. Due in by next class."

Ah. Damnit, group work. Well, it was fine, but Mom wouldn't let me go over to others' places or let me invite them over to work. So… convincing people to do work at school during breaks it probably was. Fun. And there was the general issue of not really having friends -

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Uh, sure." I looked up, it was - shit, what was her name? She had sort of… golden skin, not in the tanned way that some very made up actors or capes did but naturally, and really long hair done up in a bun. Anne? Was it Anne? Was I forgetting that? Argh. This is why I avoided people. "Uh - this is gonna sound so rude - Anne, right?"

"Abby, actually." She smirked a little, leaning forward and resting her chin in her hand. "Mind if Al sits with us?"

I shrugged. "I didn't really have any plans for a group so… I guess so?" Why couldn't Chris be in this class, we'd probably work well together. Probably. Or spend our time verbally shitposting at each other.

"Sweet." Her eyes were lingering on me - was she - looking at my scars? But she didn't look disgusted - "I like the new haircut. It suits you."

Huh. That made three for three. "Thanks. Guess long hair just - wasn't for me, huh?" I chuckled, a little self-depreciative, a little nervous. Why were people paying attention to me all of a sudden? I should have worn a beanie.

Someone else slumped into the other chair at the table - glasses, reddish short hair, a face that was somehow both pointed and round. "Hey. Hey, Abby."

"Al." Abby smiled.

"Oh hey, uh… Taylor, right?" Al extended a freckled hand. "Al. They-them."

Oh. Kinda fit, they looked pretty androgynous. "Yeah." I shook. "Sorry, I must have looked like I was trying to figure it out."

Now the question was - was I the odd one out? These two clearly knew each other, but - Al was different, like me with my scars.

"Nah, s'cool, just giving pronouns is sensible, you know? I'm guessing you're she-her but if not…"

I shook my head. "Nah, I'm - pretty happy with my body-gender alignment. You're assuming correctly." I'm not sure 'godzilla' was a gender, anyways.

Abby smirked. "Another joins my evil cis cult. Mwahaha." Cis? What?

Al elbowed her. "Idiot. So, uh. Endbringers, huh? Pretty fucking heavy."

"I'm sure we could find something heavier if we looked closer to home." I grimaced. "I mean - no offense, but isn't the whole 'cis slash not-cis' thing a bit of a risk in a city that's at least one-third infested with Nazis?" Wait - shit, that wasn't an invitation to make things heavier - people are hard.

"Maybe we'll get lucky and the Simurgh will come down to make them all glitter, rainbows, and gays." Abby pulled out a notepad and pen. "Honestly though, we can't let Nazis - literal actual factual Nazis - stop people from being who they are."

"Yeah, seriously. The Protectorate does not do enough about them."

I mean… I agreed. But I wasn't sure how they could do more. Maybe if Mom let me out of the basement - nah. Wasn't going to happen. I could barely fight off her; how was I meant to manage against a living blender like Hookwolf?

And Abby was still looking at me and I couldn't tell what that look meant. I settled for an awkward nod. A swallow that I felt pull at where my scars stretched onto my throat.

"Right. So… Endbringers. Uuuhhh… well, we've seen what Leviathan's done in general to shipping and stuff. But I can't remember if he actually targeted ships or just - seaside cities like Brockton and people didn't want to risk it." I fiddled with my hands. There weren't as many scars on them - more on my arms.

"I mean, in between attacks aren't the Endbringers asleep? He'd have to be attacking the ships during those attacks and I don't think that'd hurt the shipping trade that much. I think though he made people more afraid of the sea? Da always talks about beach holidays and I can't think of a single person who'd want to go on one now." Abby scribbled something down on her notepad. "It's interesting that there's still a lot of cargo planes though. The Simurgh hasn't made us afraid of flying."

"Yeah. Fun stat, but Leviathan's actually taken out more aircraft than she has. During attacks, I mean."

"That's because any city big enough to get his attention usually has an airport." I raised an eyebrow. "I'd wager there's more aircraft in the hangars than the sky during attacks."

"Still." Al shrugged. "Fun stat."

"Mm. And anyways, I think the Simurgh's made us afraid of going to space. Wasn't there that guy who tried to make a moon-base and the Simurgh fucked it all up?" I had a vague memory about the guy becoming a ziz-bomb, but it'd been a while. I could be remembering wrong. Wait. Waaait a second, it was coming back to me now - Mannequin! The guy in the Slaughterhouse Nine. Right. Heavy thoughts are definitely the theme today.

"Sphere! Right. In general given her tendency to do things like that, people have been afraid of making too much progress because what if Endbringer, which honestly is reductive and probably leads to the results they'd want anyway." Abby waved her pen dramatically. "Like with the Nazis. We can't live our life in fear." And then she gave me that look again the one I didn't know -

I wasn't going to live in fear. Well… not once Mom upgraded me. Maybe. Social fear didn't count, right? "Right." I nodded. "Can't live in fear. Might as well live it up while we can, yeah?"

"Yes." Abby had this - hooded-eye smile that I still wasn't understanding and it made me wriggle a bit. Was this a trick like the kind of ones Emma had pulled when in public? I just - I couldn't know.

"Abby. Be nice."

"But I am being nice. Very nice."

"I have no idea what's going on." I grumbled. "Can we go back to talking about the Endbringers?"

Abby's lips twitched. "Of course. So then…"


>Hey mom, bus is going to be late catching first one i can but a tinker broke into the garage overnight so a couple got dismantled

<stay safe, stay with others, don't draw attention to yourself
<sit middle of the bus no window seats
<keep firm grip on railings/seat in front of you and be prepared to brace

>mom you're being paranoid again, it'll be fine

<if it'll be fine, it'll be fine because you do those things

>there hasn't been a car accident or gang accident involving school buses for months
>the gangs sorta learned their lesson after the protectorate went apeshit on them for the last fight that a bus got caught in

Yup, she was still being… Mom. How as I meant to avoid drawing attention to myself and act like I was preparing for the bus to crash. If it did crash, I'd be interrogated about knowing beforehand.

>I'll just act natural and stick to not drawing attention to myself. Cos if it does crash, people are going to be wondering why i was prepared

<we will Talk about this

Fuck. Capital T talk. I sighed and slipped the phone into my pocket and started looking around for somewhere to wait for the bus. Or someone I knew. But I didn't actually know that many people…

I balanced myself as I strolled down the edge of the raised garden-thing by the front. Oooh, there was Chris. And Dean. They were talking about something, their backs to the garden edge I was walking along.

I couldn't help myself. I prowled a little as I snuck closer, listening in because I was a terrible person.

"... seem more relaxed. I don't think I've seen you look this happy this whole week." Dean bumped Chris gently. "Anything I should know about?"

"No. Just had a - a not-bad day. Are things going okay with, uh. The whole plan thing for you and Victoria?"

"You're deflecting, Chris." Dean was smiling as he said it, so - I wasn't sure how to feel about that. Was he being mean to my friend? Yeah. Chris was definitely someone I'd consider a friend. "Does this have anything to do with that girl you always sit next to at lunch - Taylor, right?" Wait, he was talking about me now?

"No!" Chris scuffed his shoe. "... a little bit."

"I know you were worried about her. Does… she know that you were worried?"

"No! No, I couldn't - and she is just a friend, really. Barely even that, she's just someone who tolerates me doing my - babble thing."

Well, now would be the perfect time to drop in and let him know otherwise. But I sorta felt guilty about listening in now. Fffff -

I sighed. "Y'know, Chris -"


"I really do consider you a friend." I ruffled his hair as I sat down next to where he was leaning on the wall.

Dean grinned. "Hey, Taylor. It is Taylor, right? I'm terrible with names."

"That's me." I grinned.

"I don't think we've properly met before. I'm Dean." He reached out to shake my hand. Firmish grip. He was… handsome, I guessed, in a young-and-pretty guy fashion. Not really something I was interested in.

"So I heard you tutor Chris in math, and occasionally torture him with drama."

"Is that what he told you?" He raised an eyebrow and grinned at Chris, who was hiding his face in his hands with his shoulders shaking. I think he was laughing.

"Oh, yeah, you're planning to go all John Cussack on her, aren't you?"

His smile faded a little, but he shook his head. "Maybe. We'll see."

Aaaand once more we come across a prime example of why I don't do people. Fuck me and my inability to read the room. "Well, uh. Hope it goes well, whatever happens." A sort of awkward silence. "Chris, save me," I stage whispered at him.

He flashed a spasmodic smile. "So, uh, how about them buses?"

We both looked at him for a moment before we burst out laughing. He joined in, thank fuck. It was just so - 'aristocrats!' of him. "I heard a Tinker broke into the garage overnight. But that was mixed with rumours of Nazis breaking in to take them on drunken joyrides and other much less plausible shit. But the only Tinkers we have in the Bay are on the Protectorate side, right?"

"There's also Leet, but… maybe someone new looking for parts." Dean shrugged. "Don't know why they went for the Arcadia buses for that though. It's not like they're in the world's best shape, and I'd have thought there'd be pretty good security around them."

"Yeah, I'd go for a public bus terminal." Chris coughed. "If I were a Tinker, that is."

Suspiciously specific denial aside - "Why even do that when there's a junkyard? I can't remember where it is but - we've also got the trainyards, right? Pretty much abandoned, full of old trains nobody'll miss. Or, hell, even the boat graveyard - though I guess that'd be more for material than parts."

Dean shrugged. "There'd probably be parts there too. Maybe whoever it was just really doesn't like Arcadia."

"Maybe the bus driver forgot to pick them up one time?"

I snorted, putting on a fake villainous voice, "How dare they forget me! I'll show them! They'll never forget me ever again!" Heh. "... do you think that means we might be going to school with a Tinker that isn't in the Wards?"

"Speculating on identities is usually a fast-track to get on someone's list." Dean's face was serious. "I'm pretty sure it's actually against school policy as well."

"I know, it's just - well, the Wards already go here, it'd be kinda hilarious if Arcadia was like - cape-kid central. Or is underage cape central more accurate?"

"I think it'd be cape-kid if your parents were capes. Like New Wave." Chris looked kinda anxious. "Like how if you're married to a cape, you can get the 'cape-spouse' tag on PHO."

"Kid cape, maybe?" Dean raised his eyebrow.

"Young-adult cape's a bit of a mouthful, even if it is more accurate." I hummed. Like 'humanoid with extra bits'.

I looked back towards the steps idly, just in time to lock eyes with Abby as she strode down looking like she owned the place. She gave me another weird wriggle-inducing smile and a pretty little wave, which I returned in my hamfisted way.

"Another friend?" Chris noticed.

"Uh. I - I don't know?" I shrugged and let out the wriggle now that Abby wasn't looking. "She keeps - giving me weird smiles and I don't know what to think about it."

Dean blinked. "Huh."

"Huh what?" My head shot around so I could glare at -

"I think she's hitting on you."

"... what." I - what? My mind came to a screeching halt. "What? I - why would she - huh???"

"Oh my god." Chris was looking up at me with this - look of awe that I really wasn't sure what to make of. "You don't know?"

"Know what?"

"She's the president of the LGBT-plus club. She's, um. Pretty openly gay."

"Victoria helped her set up for a meeting one time, and I helped Victoria. She's pretty cool." Dean shrugged. "Victoria thought about joining, but given everything she figured she wouldn't have the time. And… between you and me, she has a tendency to absolutely take over groups, and that maybe wasn't the best idea."

My mind was still doing that 'everything is on fire panic aaaahh!' spongebob thing. "But - I'm hideous?" Why… why would she find me hot? I - okay, admittedly after a week of starvation, my 'too fat in some places' problem had been resolved in the unhealthiest way possible, but still.

"What?! Taylor, you're not hideous, you're really pretty!" Chris stopped, and began to turn scarlet. "I - I mean, you're - "

"I think what Chris meant was internalised views on how one looks has nothing to do with how people see you." Dean looked around. "I… really should be getting going soon."

"A-are you sure because it sounded like he was calling me pretty." My face was heating up so much.

"Well, that's just fact." He gave a little salute. "See you both around."

"Wait, Dean, you can't just leave - " Chris flailed. "Anddd he's already gone."

I'm not sure I could look at him and he couldn't look at me, so we were both just - god we're such dorks - standing and sitting around, red-faced and awkward. "W-wwell. Um. I'm - glad people think I look nice? Even - even if I can't really understand it… um…" Hood! I had a hoodie! I could hide in it! Come on where's my bus hurry the fuck up and save me please.

Chris coughed. Several times. "Um. Yeah. I. I um. I was - was wondering. Would you um." He shrunk. "Um. Forget it."

Was he going to ask me out? Or was that just my overexcited imagination getting away on me again? Don't hope too hard. "Haaa, uumm. Yep. Okay." I nodded. Just - saying things. "I uh. I think that's my bus coming in just now, uhm. See you tomorrow?"

"Yup. U-usual spot?"

"Of course." Um. Shit. Uhhhh. AAAAHH! "See ya." I awkwardly waved and stumbled a few steps away before fixing my gait. Yup. I had no idea if this was my bus or not, I was climbing on and going aaaall the way to the back where I could hide forever and never return to this mortal plane as Taylor Hebert, only Monster Girl. Hahha.

My phone buzzed. Fuck.

<taylor are you okay you seem uncomfortable

>I'm fine, just had a really embarrassing conversation with friends

<you just started twitching, just wanted tocheck it wasn't something i'd done
<wait what conversation

>uhhhhh i am in no way ready to discuss this with my mother
>could we um. Shelve it for until i get home

<no you can't go on a date

>no i
>i dont want to go on a date!
>but apparently people want to go on a date with me???????????

How the hell was I was meant to - gah! Mom why are you like this. Dean was - smooth, in hindsight. Chris was nice, and adorably awkward, but - gah two, electric boogaloo! He was a good friend, but -

I remembered that smile Abby gave me and had to wriggle again. What was I meant to make of that?

<what are their names

>mom put down the knife

<i just want their names for background checks

>believe it or not that's exactly why I'm not giving them
>mom, i get that you're… paranoid, for lack of a softer term, but
>I am *not* interested in dating right now
>nor am i at all interested having my potential lovelife micromanaged
>plus if my potential boyfriend/girlfriend/whateverfriend breaks my heart, i can bury them myself

<I still want to do background checks

>and you're not worried that might bring the wrong kind of attention?
>like, the only people i can think of that do background checks are police or hitmen
>or i guess journalists but
>If anything actually gets far enough *then* i *might* give you names
>for now its just people tellig me i look good and me having no idea how to handle the fact that other people consider me pretty
>like, whyyyyyyyy?? I have hrorible scars and stuff

<Taylor of course you're pretty
<but you should be paying attention to your surroundings instead of texting

>mom you're biased though

I sighed and looked up. Oh. Ohhh, fuck.

>... do you think you could pick me up at the library?

<taylor what did you do

>i got on the bus because of awkwardness and it was the wrong one
>at least im going to end up at the library so i can look and see if they have the new book in that series ive been reading


Damnit. Well, she couldn't text and drive, so I had time to think about…

… about the way Abby's smile made me feel things that Chris and Dean's compliments didn't. Uuuuhhh. Okay, if I - thought of the extremes, like - super soft girls, hard muscled guys, firm bouncy breasts to rub my face in -

My face flushed as I realised I was thinking of Victoria. Of Miss Militia being harder and more toned, and Battery's suit was so skintight, wasn't it - and being held in Alexandria's strong arms, her lifting off her helmet -

Fuuuuuuuck. And - they -

I pressed my thighs together and dropped my head, biting my lip hard. Fuck. A week of starvation came with - well, a week of inattention to certain needs and boy they were making themselves felt now.

Alexandria was - so out of reach though. But Abby - wanted me. And I could only imagine us replacing Dean and Victoria, pressing her up against the wall and biting her neck - mmmph. Fuck. Fuuuck. I had it bad.

And I was… gay, I guess. Lesbian? I wanted to - curl up wrapped round a female someone and have them wrapped around me. Yup.

This is why I hadn't thought about this kind of thing before.

And it - it wasn't like Abby probably liked me anyway. It was probably - her being cruel and Dean being kind, or vice versa, or - something like that. And Chris was just being nice. No-one could like this face, after all.

But… I had another face. No, who am I trying to kid, if they didn't like this face they wouldn't like mine. Even if the tentacles could be put to good use on… girls. Gaaaah. No, that wasn't a helpful image. Especially as my tentacles were spiky, that would never work. And - only weird people would be attracted to that me like that. Yeah, no chance of that happening.

Eventually the bus stopped outside the library. I didn't bother with the whole public view thing, or librarian, I just grabbed a few books I was interested in, a few more that looked interesting, and checked out. Just waited on one of the benches playing some stupid game on my phone trying to distract myself while waiting for Mom.

Sigh. I understood her paranoia, but - it was still a bit overbearing. A lot overbearing.

The car ride home was horrible. I hesitated to actually get in, my heart racing, just - it never got any easier. Buses were okay. Buses were different in feel and sound and size and there weren't seatbelts. I knew they were there for my safety. But that didn't stop the feeling of my chest being constricted. Didn't stop me from - feeling like if I looked to the driver's side I'd see Dad again. Smiling at me. Reaching over as the light grew brighter and -

Mom understood. Even if she was quiet. She grabbed my hand, tightly, and didn't let go.

Not until I told her she needed both hands on the wheel to drive safely. I could - deal with the freaking out part when we got home.

Incubation 1.6
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely wife @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved! Extra special thank you to @LacksCreativity , @32nd_freeze , and @Tamahori for their help in deciding some significant plot points!


If I was ever going to get a vehicle, it would be a scooter. Or a motorcycle or something. Girls that liked girls - liked girls in leather, right? That was a thing? Was I being horribly stereotyping of myself?

I mean. Assuming that all of this wasn't just due to the sudden realisation that people could, maybe, ever, find me attractive. That I wasn't dashing headlong into thoughts about who or what I was because -

Nope. Vehicles. Think about vehicles. Cars were - not good for me. Not that motorcycles were much better. Even more unsafe. Actually, why not just never move around at all and stay in one place forever. Much saner.

Though, getting a scooter… using it in my real body… that gave me some funny thoughts.

An intern steps into the workshop, getting Armsmaster's attention. "Uh, sir, we've got reports of a scooter being ridden around town by some kind of 'horrible monster' -"

Armsmaster's glowering is visible despite the helmet in the way. "Just because Taylor Hebert has disfiguring scars does not make it right to call her a horrible monster!"

"B-but sir-!"

"Remedial sensitivity training, NOW!"

It brightened my mood a little.


Home. Glorious home.

"Is there anything I can help with before I vanish to my room to - read or do homework or anything?" I paused as I stepped out of the car. "Uhhh. Shit. Um. Some of my homework is group-based. Would it be okay for me to go visit -"

"First we need to talk about transport. And this mysterious not-dating thing." She got out of the car, pushed the door shut hard - not quite hard enough to be a slam, but close.

"I -" I sighed, hauling my backpack over my shoulder. "It's not - well - gah." How do I tell my mother I'm into girls? "I - sort of nearly got asked by a friend but he - decided not to at the last minute and - I think a few girls have been hitting on me? Or - flirting? And I have no idea how to handle that. Any of that. And um." I coughed, getting it all out in one big rush, "IthinkImightbelessbeans?"

Mom blinked. "... I'm sorry, I think I heard you say you had fewer… beans?"

"Less beans. Le- les - I'm gay." God I'm so fucking stupid.

"Oh. Good."

"... not what I was expecting but um. Yay?"

"Taylor. I will always love you. You already know this. And it's not like I'm not also attracted to women, so I'm not sure why you thought I'd act like some Empire monster about this." She opened the door. "Speaking of them though, this probably should be a more private conversation."

"Oh, no I - I wasn't -" I clutched at what remained of my hair in front of my face. "I wasn't really thinking you'd act like that I just - you're still my Mom, and - you wanted to - want to - run background checks on anyone I'm potentially interested in. Or are interested in me. I don't know what I was expecting but this is um. Less dramatic than I thought?" I stopped for a moment and facepalmed. "... I'm an idiot, you ran with Lustrum back in the day, of course you'd be fine with me being gay." Saying it again felt - weird but. Good? It felt good to say it. I'm probably gay.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes, dropped the keys in the bowl by the kitchen. "I do still think that it's sensible to ensure that people who want to date you aren't… threats, of any kind, to your safety."

"Mom, let's be honest, if someone wanted to hurt me, like - actually hurt me, they wouldn't do it by trying to seduce me. Arcadia's actually pretty good about shutting down bullying like that." I'd seen it happen before. Seducing someone just to break their heart - kid got expelled and there were rumours of stalking charges going around. "And she's - kinda president of the LGBT-plus club so…"

"Emotional hurt is still hurt, and positions of authority are no guarantee of strong moral character. What if she stalks you or harasses you?" Mom sat down on the sofa. "And that's not getting into transport or safety issues while you're out and about with this girl."

"Then she probably would have had something to say about the whole mysterious seizure-related basement-flooding absence the other week…" I sighed. "Well - I dunno. I'm not even sure I want to pursue it that far. Like… she's just - she thinks I look good? And - she's been smiling at me a lot but I don't even know her that well. If she wants to take me out to dinner or something - which reminds me, uh - nevermind - and - well I'm not going to go out to dinner with her without getting to know her first."

I needed more friends my age, discussing this with my mom was weird.

"No, not nevermind, talk to me."

"I don't feel hungry." I shrugged and winced. "Like… ever. Don't really feel full either." Not until it was sitting at the back of my throat. "Like when I woke up after you fixed the implant - no hunger pains or anything. I don't think I ate until you mentioned the starvation."

"... damnit. Damnit! Sorry, that's - I should have thought of that." Mom made a face. "Sorry. I will - get to work on that as soon as I can. Stupid - minimal feedback channels - "

"Hey, no, it's fine - it's actually kind of nice not having to worry about hunger pains or anything. I'll just set an alarm on my phone to remind me to eat until I get back into the habit of usual meal times." I chuckled a little. "On the upside, I managed to lose that belly fat that's been bothering me?"

Mom did not appreciate my smile. "Starvation is not a healthy diet."

"Hehhh… yeah." I slumped. "So. Transport. Um. Buses? I guess if she has a car I might just have to - grin and bear it? The buses are pretty comprehensive though, so - hopefully we'll be able to manage with that. As for safety, um. I'm pretty sure she'd know places that are relatively safer from the Empire? If nothing else, I know there's a few places around the PRT HQ that advertise as being more gay positive, probably because they're right across the road from the cops."

"I meant transport in general, but yes, you probably should avoid ever being alone in public or go anywhere near the Boardwalk or the city centre. I'll contact some people, see if I can get a list of businesses for us to avoid."

I blinked. "What's wrong with the Boardwalk? Isn't it firmly in Protectorate territory? The Wards patrol along there like every other day."

"Enforcers tend to be Empire dropouts. No." Her mouth pursed. "Buses… we'll randomise your schedule to ensure no-one can track you easily from day to day. But on each trip I expect you to keep note of your surroundings, if you see anyone looking at you I want you to let me know immediately."

I sat down on the couch and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Mom, I can't really do that. My scars are - kind of attention grabbing. Sure, most people just take a few moments to glance and then either look away disgusted or try to avoid eye contact with me, but it's going to look weird if I get my phone out to text every time someone looks at me. And - you know that saying about the innocent don't run? I think there's a fine balance between avoiding attention and being so overt about trying to avoid attention that it's attention grabbing."

AKA, Mom your paranoia is getting to me.

"Well, we'll set up a route that involves changing buses. If anyone is on both buses, then they're likely following you. Are you happy, or do you need a home invasion to see I'm trying to keep you safe."

I scowled momentarily, but sighed. Though, chances were, if we did get a home invasion, my money was on people following Mom home for buying suspicious amounts of things. "Fine. That - I guess that'll work. I'm still - why would someone want to follow me? Aside from my dour attitude and appearance, I'm really no different from any other girl. I know the ABB won't want me because I'm not pretty enough to be considered merchandise. Not exotic enough to be worth something despite the scarring."

Mom growled, low in her throat. "You don't know that."

"They go for pretty girls nobody would notice missing. Generic, attractive, everything I'm not. And I didn't even realise I was gay until like - an hour ago, so the Empire wouldn't be interested."

"Won't be interested in you yet, and I'd prefer it if you didn't - both denigrate yourself and imply that if I don't agree I somehow view you as a sexual object." Mom pinched her nose, her breathing heavy and teeth bared. "Why do you always do this? Act as if this world isn't full of people who love to hurt others, revel in it, and fail to understand that what I ask is simple and keeps you alive and safe?"

"Huh?" I frowned. "Oh. Sorry, I - didn't mean that - sexual object thing at all." I sighed. "I know the world is full of horrible people, but -" But Abby had said something about that. "But we can't let ourselves live in fear, let them stop us from being who we are. Abby said that when - we were talking about the Empire, and one of her friends that's um. They-them pronouns."

"If Abby and her friend want to risk both their lives then that's fine, but as my daughter - " She paused. "Is Abby the girl who is interested in you?"

Fuck, shouldn't have namedropped her. "Uh. Actually, Victoria Dallon was the girl who first complimented my hair…"

"I thought I said we'd be avoiding cape nonsense!"

"I can't help it if the only team of public-identity capes has a girl who likes my hair on it! I'm not going to go joining her in kicking ass just because she likes my hair!" I threw my hands up. "If we're avoiding cape nonsense, why am I going to the same school the Wards are known to go to?!"

"Because it's a better school, isn't full of gangs like Winslow, and doesn't have stupidly high fees like Immaculata! You wanted to go to Arcadia!"

"You can't - argh!" I dragged my hands down my face. "I'm not actively trying to get involved in cape nonsense, okay? I actually kind of hate her!"


"Great!" I threw my hands up again. "Why are we fighting? Why do we - always fight. I don't want to live my life hidden away like Rapunzel in her tower, or - I don't know, have you force me to pretend to be mad to avoid the Trojan war."

"Odysseus chose that himself and he would have avoided a lot of pain if it worked." Mom sighed. "But. Point taken. But if you're not hiding, then you need to be sensible."

"Mom," I stood up, strode over to hold onto her tightly, "I'm not going to actively go out and try get myself hurt or killed or anything. I'm not that stupid. But I do want to have a chance to go out and be with friends and experience being a teenager. And you can't tell me you didn't do anything stupid when you were younger." I drew back with a small grin.

"I did. Part of being a parent is hoping that your children won't be as stupid as you were."

"I sincerely promise I won't join a feminist gang. Or any gang. Maybe the LGBT-plus club to help me figure out how to gay better, and um. Meet other girls who might also be into girls. But uh. No gangs. Hell, I can't even join any of the big ones because I'm not a Nazi and I'm not asian, and I can't think of any small-time gang. Would drugs even work on me since I'm - y'know." I shrugged in the general direction of the basement.

Mom folded her arms. "Drugs might work on you. No drugs. Besides, they'd come from the gangs and they would cut their products. Especially the Merchants."

"Pretty sure all the big gangs deal in drugs, but if I was going to try any - which I'm not - I think I'd just stick to weed. Mellowing out sounds kinda fun."

"No drugs."

"Yup. Got it. No drugs." I nodded and smiled.

"I mean it." Mom was still heavily scowling.

"So did I." I still kept smiling though, because - I really couldn't wipe it off my face and I wasn't sure why. There was something just really funny about it. "Did you ever do drugs?"

"Taylor." She sighed, pulling me back in. "I just want you to be safe."

"I know. And I feel safe. A bit smothered, but safe." I rubbed her back. "Did you get any of those - things you were talking about doing while I was at school done?"

"I've started work but otherwise no, there hasn't been any real, practicable progress."

"Oh!" I just had a brainwave. "I think I just figured out why your response to me coming out threw me off so much." Mom raised her eyebrow at me so I continued, nervously. "When you said - good, it - I guess it made me think you'd be disappointed in me if I was straight?"

"What?" She shook her head. "No, of course not. Who you love has nothing to do with how I feel about you."

"Well - I said I was gay, you said good, like - like any other answer wouldn't be good."

"That isn't what I meant at all, Taylor. I meant good as in 'it's good you feel able to tell me' or 'it's good'... I don't know, in the sense that your sexuality isn't bad. I suppose you are a little more unsafe because you're gay but I wouldn't want to - stop you being yourself." She shifted a little.

"I'm sorry, I - guess your paranoia's been rubbing off on me a little bit." I hugged her tightly.

She hugged me a little more grumpily. "Mine is sensible caution about threats, not reading into other people's behaviour as - I don't know, part of some evil feminist conspiracy or something."

"Heh. So uh. How's… work going? Like the work for money not the - other work. On me. Um. Dang that feels awkward to say out loud." She had kind of taken a week and a bit off to take care of me in the bathtub - family emergencies were fine and all, but… can't have looked good for the uni.

"Well, I'm behind on teaching, my colleagues are still idiots, and I have to go in for a meeting of Governing Body tomorrow and hear all about the bursar's new plan to waste money on his friend's construction firm instead of allocating any more funding to mental health assistance for the student body." She rubbed her thumb over my shoulder. "And I need to write a paper in about a week, with a quarter of the reference material I need. And I'm still pretty sure I'll need to take out a mortgage on the house. Again."

Ah - "Is there… anything I can do to help there?" I couldn't really go raiding gang stockpiles until I was finished being upgraded, I couldn't get a job because jobs were unsafe...

She shook her head. "No, it's just. This stupid power. I wish it had let me heal you in some way that didn't take security from your future. At least I'm not paying as much health insurance as before, I suppose."

"I uh. Had a thought…" I coughed into my hand. "But I guess that idea isn't really doable yet."

"What idea would this be?"

"I remember you saying that your power -" she gave me a look and I nervously hunched in on myself. "W-well, um. That remote-piloting bit that you - forced to work the other way for me that's meant to let you pilot the beasts - is that just to let you control them, or could it work to let anyone be a candidate to pilot?"

"... yes, but I'm - I'm not selling them to people, I don't want to get involved in anything like that."

"Maybe you don't have to sell them to people - but, if, say," I rolled my hand, trying to get my thoughts moving, "We set it up so they could be… rented? I've heard about how the Empire has like - dogfighting rings, and they're apparently pretty popular - despite the moral horribleness of it -"

"If we're taking money making tips from Nazis, I think we're making a mistake." Mom rubbed at her eyes. "No, I'll just… try to pick up more papers, and maybe try and talk to some old friends…"

"Mom, I mean - hear me out?"

She gave me a look, but nodded. "Fine."

"Imagine dogfighting rings, but instead of dogs, it's your Beasts being piloted by people who pay a lot of money for the privilege. People betting on the fights. Hell, it'd make for awesome TV, and people - you know what the estimated figures on Protectorate merchandising profits are, right? I know this is - kinda out there, but maybe… maybe it's a potential path to take? There are Rogues that don't get into the whole hero-villain shtick, just - unlucky people who ended up with powers and are just trying to make a living." My throat almost closed up at the next part - "And - the Dockworker's Union's sort of - fallen apart without Dad. If they're willing to work on IOU's until we start making a profit, then… then maybe we'll… we'll be able to help."

"The thing is, you know that'd be a target for villains wanting to get into this mess. But. I'll bear it in mind." Her fingers were twitching. "The startup costs would be very high though."

"Which is why I said we could work up to it. Mostly - I think it'd mostly be dependent on your ability to - y'know, make combat Beasts relatively easier than just me in the basement. I could try and visit Kurt and Lacey sometime or invite them over to talk about it, maybe?"

If Mom upgraded me enough, I'd be able to go raid gang storehouses, get their ill-gotten gains and - and put them towards this. Brockton Bay wasn't the kind of place where you looked too hard in the history of the cash you were getting - there were higher-than-anyone-would-like odds that the money had been in the hands of the gangs or involved in criminal activities at some point. I'd need to be careful about it though. Mom probably wouldn't agree to it but if I snuck out - and I totally could…

"That would mean telling them about you."

"They are my godparents." I shrugged helplessly. "And uh - just had a thought, we - you - remembered to make the new wall of the tank a door, right? In case something happens and I need to get out?"

"Yes." Her eyes narrowed again. "Why are you asking?"

I leveled a deadpan look at her. "No offense, Mom, but the week in the bathtub was kinda painful and I don't want to go through that again if I don't have to should I need to come out of the tank."

And in general it might be nice to get out of the suspiciously red fluid once in a while. I didn't want to claim anything about its provenance but… well, it was sort of red and goopy, and Mom had claimed making it had broken the blender…

"Alright. I'll need to build in some kind of drain and sluice mechanism beyond just the door though."

"Huh." I blinked. "Surprised that wasn't - already a thing. How old was the nutrient solution I was in when I - uh. Found out?"

"I meant automatic, rather than a hose at the bottom leading to the sink."

"Ooooh. Right. Sorry, yeah, that'd make sense." What's a sluice mechanism? Is that like a window-wiper? It sounds like some kind of window-wiper thingy.

Mom's fingers were still twitching. Hadn't really stopped since I mentioned the Beast Fight Arena idea. I guess that meant she… really was thinking about it? Even as I watched she blinked, patted her legs briskly and stood up. "Right. Well. I have some things I need to work on - could you make dinner?"

"Uh, sure. Any requests?" I made my way into the kitchen to look through the pantry and fridge.

"Something with plenty of protein. You still need to build up your body's muscle mass again. And… maybe your other body's instincts might help it feel more like food?"

I grinned with both mouths. "I'll be a regular old carnivore."

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Outside the Tank
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely wife @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved! Extra special thank you to @LacksCreativity , @32nd_freeze , and @Tamahori for their help in deciding some significant plot points!

Outside the Tank

"Hey, Chris?"

Ack. He felt his shoulders flinch at the sound and his head darted up, current project mostly forgotten. "Dean. Hey. Great of you to just - leave me to my own demise the other day." He really wasn't bitter or unhappy - honestly! Guy gave him a chance and he blew it on his own terms. But Dean had kind of dropped him in it so - yeah. A little miffed. He was a little miffed.

"You did fine, I'm sure." Dean cocked his head. "But you… chickened out of asking her out, didn't you."

"I just - yeah. Yeah, I was the big chicken."

"Hey. Don't be down on yourself. You can ask her whenever you feel ready." The impact of his hand on Chris's shoulders. "Or maybe she'll ask you."

"Hah. As if she'd - want me."

"Don't be down on yourself. But, uh. Speaking of Taylor." Dean sat down beside him. It was incredible that until he sat down you never really noticed that he was kind of short - barely taller than Chris. He just had that kind of persona and feel and untouchability that swelled him til he seemed a giant. "Speaking of Taylor, do you mind if I ask something that's maybe a little rude?"

"If it's about her scars..." She'd mentioned a car accident, but he'd never seen any car crash victim with scars like that before. Not that he'd really seen any survivors with scars - Panacea usually fixed everything right up.

"No! No, not - probably not that. I just noticed that her…" Dean sighed, and made a gesture with his hand. "They were kind of… dim."

Chris stared at him trying to work out what he was saying for three seconds before he got it. "Her emotions? No! No, she's - I mean, she's generally pretty down and kinda grumpy, but in a snarky, Dennis way, not in like a Sophia-I-hate-you way. Are - she's not a sociopath, Dean!"

"I didn't say she was. And even if she was, that'd be - well, not okay, but plenty of people with limited ranges of emotion are great people." Dean smirked. "Like the amazing Beard."

Chris shook his head with a sigh. "You cheat with your power there. I keep speaking up the wrong time or - misjudge what he means because he's so blank. He actually cracks jokes, sometimes. Incredibly dry - so dry nobody realises they're jokes until he clarifies and it's like - shit, what did I do wrong this time - oh hah hah, good one, sir."

"Yeah. So even if she doesn't have the full emotional spectrum - for whatever reason - that's okay. I just wanted to check if you - or she - knew about that. She's certainly very good at - normal people emotional stuff that I'm not good at."

Chris thought about it. "... I don't know. She seems to have the full range like you or me or anyone on the team bar Sophia."

"Okay, I know I joked about her having the emotional range of a particularly angry teaspoon once, but - " Dean shook his head. "It's different. Sophia's colours are all just as bright. Brighter even. Just - fewer colours. Taylor it's like I'm looking at her from underwater or from really far away."

"Do -" Chris frowned. "Does your emotion-vision actually get obstructed by anything other than distance? And walls, I guess."

"Not really, but it's not like I can pick one person out of a crowd of people unless they're really obvious. Which is probably why I didn't notice before." Dean bobbed his head. "And that Victoria was avoiding her to try and make up for the faux pas on her first day."

Which wasn't exactly Victoria's first faux pas, but she always apologised, and tried to make it right. So. He could kind of forgive her even if Taylor couldn't. It helped that he knew the context of the incident, that Victoria hadn't exactly had the greatest week outside of school before the thing - not that that was an excuse. What Victoria did was severely fucked up. But she hadn't meant it, so… best not to spend too much thought on that. It just went around in circles.

"Huh. So she's - dim, despite what was probably the overwhelming flusteredness we were both feeling after I - calledherpretty." He wasn't entirely sure if he was hoping she'd remember or forget that. Sometimes she forgot things that he thought were pretty big. Like a few days simply - hadn't happened.

Dean grinned. "Yeah. You lit up like a christmas tree. She felt… something, but it was a lot dimmer."

"Are you - sure? Neither of us could get a word out after you left us."

"Well -" Dean grimaced. "Actually… her face was brighter than her colour, if - you know what I'm trying to say."

… huh. He did understand. Kinda. "It'd be… pretty weird if she turned out to be a cape with some kind of anti-thinker ability, huh."

"The likelihood of that is catastrophically low. More likely it's something genetic or to do with other stuff in her past. Or maybe you're right and she's a remote controlled robot person."

Chris elbowed Dean. "I never said that!"

"Well, I hope you and your remote controlled robot girlfriend have fun - "



Call it stereotypical if you wanted, but Abby liked her flags. Because they were all over her walls. She'd even have the rainbow wallpaper if she could. And posters. Lots of lesbian flag posters. It felt like a big hug from the universe, and a big fuck you to the homophobic dickbags that still lived in this country, this city. Her little queer fortress.

It wasn't the largest fortress. When she pushed her chair back from her desk it bumped into her bed. Rolling out of said bed was an exercise in momentum control to prevent herself from smacking her face on the wall.

But she'd not had any complaints from the few girlfriends she'd bought back here, so.

She was interrupted by her phone ringing. Unknown caller - it was her LGBT soc phone, so there was a reasonably high chance it was a crank caller or other douchebag. But she answered anyway.

"Hello, this is Abby of the Arcadia LGBTQ+ society speaking, how can I help you?"

"Oh, um - hey, Abby. It's Taylor." Taylor - Taylor! With the shyness and the complete unawareness of how hot she was. And the scars which… it was hard not to think of, but not right to. "I uh. Couple reasons for calling, I guess, but um. Y'know that group homework we've got for World Affairs?"

They'd gotten it a few days ago, met up to go over it at the library at school. Taylor hadn't really been available for meeting up outside of school - "Yeah? I'm not sure why you're calling the society phone about it…"

"Um. Right. I - sorta forgot to get your's or Al's number before class ended or anything and - but - um. Beans."

"... I'm sorry, what?"

"L- gaaaaah why is it so hard to say!?" A flump, meaning she probably just flopped down on her bed. Don't think about her in bed. She might have flumped onto a… chair. Or a couch. Or the arms of a beautiful woman - stop that, Abigail. "I realised you were hitting on me in class after a friend helped point it out and then pointed out you're the leader - er - president of the LGBT plus club which I had no idea about and um. I was sort of thinking about it on the bus and realised I'm gay?"

Abby blinked. That was… a lot to unpack. "Okay. Um. Congratulations on discovering your sexuality. I'm glad I helped with that, I guess, unless it made you uncomfortable." She'd had this talk with people before, why was this one making her nervous?!

"I'm not sure anyone's comfortable getting flirted with the first time but - the more I think about it the more it makes me feel… wiggly."

That was an adjective she hadn't encountered before but… okay. "Okay. So… I want to check something quickly. Are you calling me as the president of the queer society? As someone you're doing homework with? Or as the girl who was flirting with you?"

"Um… yes?"


"W-well - I wanna join the society, because - I have no idea how to figure any of this out on my own, and - the homework thing is kinda something that needs to be done more than just during lunch because god forbid Mom lets me out of the house for anything that isn't school during school hours, and um. I guess I do kinda - wanna try figure out what the - the flirting means?"

"Well. At the moment it just means I find you attractive. That's all it has to mean if you want." Her stomach felt like a mass of writhing octopi - why did it always do that? She hadn't even had sushi today! "Joining the society sounds like a great idea. And on the homework front - do you have an email address?"

"Uhmm - I think so? I haven't really had any reason to email anyone in ages and the computer's kinda slow, let me just - check what it was." A long pause. "Um. W-what if… what if I was hoping the flirting meant um. More?"

"Um. Then I'd say that - while you're discovering yourself it's probably best to move slowly and be careful and - " curse her selfish heart - "And I think that. Maybe we could talk more about it after watching a movie together some time?"

"That… that sounds nice." Damn her, she could hear the smile. Imagine the way it twisted her cheeks and damn how does she make that look so good, how does she not know how good that makes her look. "Oh, found my email, it's uh - … wow, really fucking old. I'll just um. Make a new Dragonnet account." Another long pause. "T underscore carnivore underscore one one seven. Big T and C though I don't know if that shows up in the address or just login."

"Right. I'll email you in a sec with what we've done so far and we can continue to organise stuff at school? Just email back and forth with ideas." Since her mom seemed to be super controlling and all.

"Okay. That's - man, it's been so long since I had to do any group work."

"How on earth have you managed to avoid it so far?"

"Annoyingly well-timed seizures." Taylor huffed. "On one hand, just got some surgery to help with that - hence the haircut - so it hopefully wont be as much of a problem going forward. On the other… no more potentially dodged assignments. Heard the biology essay I missed was absolutely killer."

"It really was." Seizures? From - whatever had caused the scars. No, stop that! People are not defined by their injuries. "I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow then."

"Uhm. Yeah. Did… did I say something wrong?"

"No! I just - do you want to still talk? About, uh…" Shit. What was there to talk about. "...ssstuff?"

Very smooth, Abby.

"Um - I - I dunno. God, I must sound like some hermit desperate for human contact or something." Soft laughter. "It's been - it's just been so long since I've had anyone other than Mom to talk to outside of school."

The rant from earlier. "So she's very protective?"

"Bit of an understatement, but - yeah. Ever since the accident she's been a bit paranoid - I can't really blame her for it, I mean - we lost Dad and look how I ended up - but it still gets a bit overbearing -"

"You ended up beautiful though."



"Y-yep! S-till here. Just - um. Um. Aah?" Was that a - confused panic noise? "Y-you're - pretty beautiful y-yourself, y'know."

"Nah, not like you are." But she felt her cheeks heating up. "Thanks."

"G-great! Um. I - I um. Thank you. Too. um. Uh. I - think I'm going to - scream into my pillow and dance for a bit and why am I still talking?"

"Because you're adorable when you ramble?"


My heart. Too cute.

"Okay, Taylor, I've sent you an email, and invited you to the shared folder Al and I are working on for the homework. I've also sent you my number so you can call me on my personal phone instead of my society president phone." Oh gosh was she doing that 'twirling a lock of hair around my finger' thing again? "I'll, uh. Fair warning, to give you time to think on that idea - I'm going to ask you out in a few days? So. Yeah. Plenty of time to think about that."

"Y-yes. Okay. Um. Thankyou. I should go." Ooh, she knew that one - the words swelled up under the disappointment that it wasn't an immediate yes - she's just figured herself out Abby, cool it - bursting from her mouth -

"Byebye, Commander Taylor Shepard~"


Click. Ah, she was so adorable. Had she gone too far with the commander line? Just - Taylor was so adorable and shy but also so badass looking. Seeing her at school, imagining the little smile she might get -

I fall so damn hard, every time.

Genesis 2.1
Taylor's Ten Quick Tips To A Terrific Social Circle!: Step one; scream internally forever. Step two; ??? apparently people enjoy my company????? Step three; FRIENDS :D
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely wife @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved! Extra special thank you to @LacksCreativity , @32nd_freeze , and @Tamahori for their help in deciding some significant plot points!


Okay. I could do this. I wasn't here, I was at home in my parent's basement, and that did not sound as reassuring in my head as I'd hoped it would.

I didn't have World Affairs again until just before lunch today. Homework had gone okay, Abby hadn't - teased me in a work environment, and there weren't - weren't hints that Al knew more than people with eyes did because apparently Abby hadn't been subtle about her initial appreciation but aaaahhhhhhhhh. It had taken me a while to summon up the courage to ring her. A couple of days of - panicking.

And avoiding Chris. It wasn't entirely on purpose it's just - I wasn't sure what to say to him and every time I thought about it my stomach seemed to lurch sideways. What ever I decided to say was going to get very awkward very quickly.

And I still needed to smack Dean upside the head if I get the opportunity. And - and that was it for school this week. Unless I wanted to try getting Panacea on my side - would she even be able to heal my monster if I got hurt on my 'go out and hunt down money' plan? Would she even be willing to?

I'd like to say fate took it out of my hands, but that would be lying.

I chickened out and after staring at the back of her head for a couple of moments trying to bring up the courage to say hi, I left. My locker wasn't even in this hall, stupid, stupid, no reason to be here for a 'chance' meeting, nothing to - to make it seem natural, and I didn't want her to get the idea I was using her - But isn't that the whole point? - no shut up brain you stupid - argh!

And, I was nervous about revealing I was an illegal biotinker experiment. That probably didn't normally lead to fun happy conversations about helping each other out and hair braiding; that probably lead to screaming and running and Mom getting arrested.

And, and Victoria was around and I still didn't - yeah. No. No talking to Amy right now.

God, I hated this feeling.


Morning break. A chance to relax and - talk to Chris about what happened a few days ago. I'd just been putting it off and off and - today was the day. Fuuuuuck.

I sat down at our usual table, in the corner, got my snacks out and - sort of just sat there anxiously tapping my feet and feeling too not-hungry to eat.

"Uh, hey, Taylor." There he was, finally. And my face immediately flushed when I remembered what he'd said to me, remembered all the ways I'd thought this conversation might go - him screaming at me, claiming I'd lead him on, him being a jerk about it, him crying - and that caused another swell of panic.

"H-hey. Chris. Umm." How do I tell the guy that almost asked me out on a date I figured out I was lesbian less than an hour later without making him think it's his fault? Maybe I should have asked Abby.

"So. The weather's been nice this week. I don't know if you like the sun, but."

"The sun's alright. Fiery and. There."

We both sort of just sat there awkwardly for a few minutes. Just. Gathering up the courage to speak.

"So I kinda - "

"I was wondering if - "

Why did we have to speak at the same time? I hid my face in my hand. "Sorry. You go first."

"Um, no, it's okay! You go first."

"Okay." I bit my lip and squirmed in my seat and - thank fuck I'd left my hood up because it was kind of comforting right now. "Remember how you guys - told me Abby was openly gay and - Dean said she was hitting on me?"

"Oh." His face fell a bit. Then rose. "Oh! Oh - um, congratulations, Taylor? I guess? Is that an appropriate thing to say to a friend when they have a significant other?"

"I - don't know if I have a significant other I just - figured out I'm gay too?" I clutched at my head to stop myself from flailing around like an idiot. "And - god, I feel like the timing couldn't be worse," I moaned. "Right after - what happened. And then it took me a few days to even - think about it and not kind of panic."

"Yeah, I can - see why that would be uh. Awkward." I risked a glance and yup his face was around about as red as mine felt. "But still. Congratulations are in order I think? Sexuality is complicated. So. Congratulations."

"Thanks." A horrible terrible no-good thought occured to me and I began to grin. "Now we can pass the time looking at cute girls together."

Chris shrunk a bit. "Ah - thanks. I think?"

"Like um…" I tried - and completely failed to think of anything. "Uuhhh…" I slumped. "Nevermind. Sorry. Trying to salvage the mood after this - bluegh of a - a - whatever this is. Was. We're still friends, right?"

"Of course. That's not even a question. I'm not - " He shook his head. "I'm happy for you. Really. It's more that I'm having a hard-to-focus day and I'm struggling with working out how you think this changes things?"

"I'm not sure." I admitted quietly. "I thought you'd hate me, tell me I was leading you on… Anxiety's just a horrible thing." Deep breath. "It's not you, it's me. Literally I couldn't find a single thing about you that'd put you in the 'do not date' pile. I just - figured out I'm gay and not attracted to guys? Yeah, it - doesn't really make sense to me either, you're kinda prime adorkable boyfriend material, but.... I'unno." I shrugged helplessly. "Feels cliched and rude to say you're like the brother I never had."

"Well." Chris looked more than a little bashful. "L-let's not change things then. That's - much less anxious." His smile was bright and hopeful.

I dropped my head in my hand and laughed. "Yeah. That sounds much better." Haven't lost my friend. That's good. "No idea what to talk about now though."

"Uh…" He coughed. "As newly appointed siblings - I was going to ask how math is going. I know you're in a higher stream than me, so - I was hoping I could get some additional tips and advice."

"Huh." I blinked. Surprisingly mundane after - everything else. But not unwelcome. "Sure. What're you stuck on?"

He started pulling a book out of his bag, and that's how we spent the rest of midmorning break.


"Hey, Taylor." Abby sat down next to me and smiled. "Just us today, Al had a family emergency and had to leave at break earlier."

Ahaaaaa why me? "That's - unfortunate? I hope everything's okay. Or - ends okay. Goes well." We'd spoken and worked together for over a week now, why was the thought of the two of us alone so terrifying?

"Yeah, to be honest I think they're just skipping. They do that sometimes." She tucked a wisp of hair behind her ear and gave me a smile with those soft, warm, pink looking lips -

Fucking hell -

Did my heart skip a beat there? It felt like it did. My face felt like a furnace. "S-so. Um." Fiddling with my fingers, twisting and weaving and unweaving and - "You're - looking really really nice today." I think I was up to two weeks without a chance for privacy. Oh god, Mom probably knew half the things I did just based on how my actual body reacted but she couldn't tell me until now and -

I was so horrified and embarrassed all at once.

"Thanks. You too." Her lips twitched. "I like the logo on the hoodie. Commander."

"I - I thought you might - like it after - ohgodkillmenow." I dropped my head into my folded arms, slumping over the table. It felt like a great idea at the time - yay, fellow fan, and now I was paying for it.

"Well, I did like it. So. Well done, you." Her smile spread a little wider. "Who's your normal squad?"

"Talibrations, no question." I paused. "Though they're so good together I always feel bad when I accidentally get into a romance with Tali. I haven't figured out how to score Ashley yet, either, no matter how hard I try… aaand in hindsight maybe I should have figured out which way I swing a lot sooner."

Abby giggled. "It's okay. My lesbian awakening was… that greek mythology game, with the capes in ancient greece? I remember seeing - in hindsight super pixelated - Athene and thinking 'step on me' and that was it, I was done."

I had to think for a moment, but when it came to me - and the art in the manual - "Oh. Oh yeah, I - wow. I can definitely feel that." Now that I knew what to look for it was just - leaping out at me. "Step on me, Abby?"


I hid my face in my arms again.

A gentle giggle. "One day at a time, Taylor. Eventually we'll see about stepping."

"It's been two weeks since I've had any time to - take care of myself and I am coiled tighter than a bazillion springs." I groaned, looking up at her. "I really shouldn't but - do you wanna maybe skip lunch and just - y'know. Hang out in the way two girls interested in each other hang out?"

"Taylor." Her voice was more serious. "I meant it when I said we should try and take things slowly. I don't want to - scare you off. And you should work out what you like and if we like each other before we get all… hormonal and teenaged."

I sighed and slumped a little bit further. "Intellectually, I know you're right. Emotionally and hormonally, monkey brain see, monkey brain want to do. I'm sorry, I'll - blgh. I'll try to slow down." I supposed the only real question was - did I want her? Or did I just want the feeling of intimacy?

"I mean, I'd love to. Really. It's just not the sensible or right thing to do." She shifted in her chair. "Really… really I'd love to."

"I'm sick of always having to put aside fun for sensible or 'right'." I sighed. "Even if I -"

"Hey so do you want to skip lunch and hang out?" Abby blinked. "Fuck - sorry - damnit now I'm being a hormonal mess - "

"Fuckit. Let's be hormonal messes together." I grinned a little lopsidedly, even if my heart was racing at the thought. "Something something learning experience, pun about studying anatomy?"

"You are such a dork." Abby grabbed my hand. "Come on."

I just grinned and followed her out.



So that was what it felt like. I vaguely remembered plans for the day that didn't involve suckling on Abby's neck, or her fingers gliding over my skin, or those little noises she made as she ground into my leg - buuuut they were taking a solid backseat to wondering when that closet would be free again. When I could feel her hands roaming up my back under my shirt, tracing over my scars -

Fucking hell, she managed to make me feel truly good about them for possibly the first time since I got them. The attention I'd normally hate, twisted into lavish feather-light touches, intimacy, and -

I bit my lip and gazed dreamily out the window, not giving a single fuck about my mussed up hair in the reflection. Had we made a mistake rushing into something like that? Maybe. Was I going to ever regret it? Hell no. She'd tried to apologise for it, for touching my scars and kissing them, but I wouldn't let her.

Her lips had felt even softer than they looked. Was that why it was called seven minutes in heaven? Fuck seven minutes, I wanted seven hours of her all to myself. The smell of her hair, the taste of her skin, embedded in my memory forever. The sound of her breath leaving her lips.


If only I was a poet; I might have been able to do her justice with descriptions.

"Ms. Hebert?"

"Hm?" I looked forward - fuck, which class was this? "What's happening?" Shit, how many times had she called me to start using my last name?

Mrs. Grace just sighed. Oh. Her. Math! "Pay attention, please." Right. I couldn't even do that on the walk to class and accidentally bumped into a few people. "Tammi, could you answer the question on the board?"

"Sure. It's…"

Aaaand my attention was back on Abby. I bit my lip and hid my mouth behind my fist. Fuck, I wanna do that again. I couldn't tell if I was more tense or less. When I got home I was going to have to find some excuse to get Mom to leave me alone for - oh. Oh fuck.

I checked my phone.

That was… a lot of texts. From Mom. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

<respond to this message
<the basement is behaving strangely
<are you okay
<I am checking the news there are no reports of attacks on arcadia
<if you have kidnapped my daughter I am going to murder you

And that went on for another hundred or so…

"Taylor, put your phone away-"

"I'm sorry, I've gotta go, it's - family emergency." I hiked my bag up over my shoulder.

"You can't use that excuse in the middle of class."

I can when my mom is horribly paranoid, has a bad feeling, and won't stop texting me on the phone I'm not meant to be texted on because it's for when I'm thinking I'm about to have a seizure. And that she apparently thinks I've been murdered. Or kidnapped. And is currently sending detailed graphic threats about what she's going to do to whoever hurt me.

"Fine, give me detention or whatever, it'll be easier to deal with than whatever apocalyptic fit Mom's about to have if I don't call her." I paused halfway out the door. "Sorry, she - does get intense."

And out into the hall before anyone could say anything. Dialing… surely she'd pick up instantl-

"Whoever this is, I hope you know the unending pain I will put you through if Taylor's not completely unharmed - "

"Mom, I'm fine!"

"They're making you say that aren't they."

"No, Mom, nobody's making me say anything, and I can prove it. Mrs. Grace - the math teacher, remember her? - is probably about to send a message to the office to message you that I just walked out of class because I just noticed the hundred or so… rather graphic texts you sent. Let me get out to the front gate and I'll -" god I hate this part - "I'll explain everything I can."

"Then why - your - the basement had a few disturbances. So I know you're not okay. You'd need some kind of - extreme physical sensation for that kind of feedback loop."

"That good, huh?" I mused, quietly, mostly to myself. "Look, um - it was an extreme physical sensation, but it wasn't pain. Kind of um… the opposite?"

"...was someone - Taylor!"

"It was all consensual, I swear." I hissed, ducking out the door to the steps. "Mom I - I'm a hormonal teenager and I've had over two weeks without any kind of privacy not really helped by - how much time you spend in the basement and my sudden awareness of how what I do can… make that act weird. It was just - making out in a closet and - I kind of really enjoyed it?"

"Was it with this Abby girl?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not confirming or denying anything until I know you won't - do anything… over the top to her." … fuck that was a confirmation, wasn't it? "She was worried about scaring me away, but I suggested it, and I don't want you to scare her away, okay?"

Down the steps, clack clack clack, aaaand the slow realisation that the buses won't be running for another hour and home really was way too far to walk. Shit.

"I thought you said you weren't going to do anything like that yet, Taylor."

"I said I wasn't planning on going out on dates." I sighed. "I'll admit the whole - emotions getting the better of me happened, but I do not regret it in the slightest." I couldn't help but smile a bit. "I mean… apart from worrying you, that part I do regret. But um -" I looked around quickly. Didn't really want this part overheard. "She - did things. That made me feel good about myself for - what feels like the first time since I got them."

"I could do without details." A long pause. "... I don't… you haven't felt good about yourself in that long?"

"Not like… that. And - it's um. Not the kind of feeling I'd get from my mother, so…"

"Right. Right, of course. Sorry." A sniff and another pause. "Sorry. I'll just let you get back to school then."

"Mom, I'm - I'm sorry I made you worried. And - the thoughtless things I said."

"No, no, it's - it's fine don't worry."

"I can hear you sniffling, it clearly isn't."

"It's fine. Um, I hear the kettle boiling, I have to go."

"Mom - " And she'd hung up.

Fuck. Fuuuuuck.

Now how was I meant to get home? Wait - I could just… find the button on my implant, turn it off or down or something, talk to her through the speakers in the basement, and… and then come back to school to find out someone's decided I'm dead and called an ambulance or something. Which we couldn't afford to deal with.

I didn't know what Mom was feeling and my way with words felt like the worst. I sat down on the pavement and leaned against the wall, running my hand through my hair, finally fixing it up a bit. I - definitely said the wrong thing when I mentioned how good she made me feel about - about having the scars. Was it even feeling good about having them or just - not bothered by them for once?

But it wasn't the wrong thing. It was how I felt. And if Mom was freaking out because she'd made me feel fragile and made of glass and like I was defined by my injuries or by being a giant lizard monster, then that was kind of true, wasn't it?

Blurghh. One day, things would finally make sense.

I heard someone else coming down the steps and glanced their way, wondering if Mrs. Grace had sent someone to collect me. But uh, nope. It was Panacea. Amy. "Hey." I waved half-heartedly.

"Hey." She pulled a cigarette from her pocket and lit it up. She had one of those cool lighters, the flip-tops that closed with a satisfying clink instead of just a normal corner store plastic cheapie. She took a long drag and sat down on the steps just out of arms reach from me.

Huh. Panacea smoked. I thought she couldn't heal herself, but - hell, I understood the need for something to keep the days from sucking, I wasn't gonna call her out on it. Healing ungrateful beggars at the hospital probably would have driven her to drinking if she was old enough for it.

She eventually broke the silence half way through her smoke. "Think we bumped into each other in the halls earlier."

"Did we?" I frowned, trying to remember - "Shit. Sorry, I've been - kinda distracted since -"

Amy smirked, blowing smoke out the corner of her mouth. "I noticed."

"Ooof course you would." I felt my face heating up and looked away.

"Speaking of things I've noticed," she took another drag. "Mind telling me why you're brain-dead?"



Genesis 2.2
teenagers are braindead, news at 11
i am updating at 3 fucking AM because i can't sleep and have a stressful day ahead of me. please enjoy
Special thank you to my coauthor and lovely wife @hellgodsrus and the many betas helping feed me validation. Feedback and thoughts are loved! Extra special thank you to @LacksCreativity , @32nd_freeze , and @Tamahori for their help in deciding some significant plot points!


"Uhh -" Think faster, think FASTER! "I've been called stupid before buuuut that's a new one." I paused. "... ok, no, it isn't really, but it's the first time I've been told that by a healer…?"

"Oh, you're stupid too, but I meant it literally."

I rolled my eyes with a huff. "Okay, not my greatest moment of wit, but -" I gestured vaguely around us. "Isn't there some kind of policy against this being done publicly?"

"Your body's fucked and you're covered in scars. People bother me about this kind of thing publically all the time." She shrugged, snorted out a long stream of smoke, like a grumpy dragon. A look slightly undercut by the curly hair covering most of her face, but. "So. Do you want me to heal you or not?"

"Uh." I blinked. How do I get out of this? "I dunno. You don't do brains - or cosmetics. Letting you do that feels like it'd be opening up a Pandora's Box that I don't want to be responsible for."

"That's why you bumped into me earlier, isn't it? There's no point being bashful now." She sucked angrily on her cigarette.

"Actually, that was because I was distracted and… well, I've kind of been avoiding running into you because of this." I sighed. But - I didn't know that I was a remote-controlled corpse until recently? So why was I - that felt like it made no sense.

"So…" Amelia scowled at me. "So you want to be like this. Or think you do."

I frowned. "That's - a bit of victim blaming there. Of course I don't want to be like this, but I've learnt to deal with it and I don't want to deal with the rather pointed questions I'm going to get if I suddenly show up for class tomorrow clear-skinned and bright-eyed." I sighed. Damnit. Now I felt like… not as good as earlier.

"Which part have you learnt to deal with?"

"The scars. Only learned about the other parts just the other week."

"Right, which is why before this past week you were scowly and angry, but finding out about your nerve damage made you just so fucking cheery."

I coughed and looked away. "That was more the figuring out I'm gay and - y'know." Damnit damnit damnit now wasn't the time to get flustered. But Abby was… good to me, I think. How was I meant to deflect the miracle healer? She's not even in your year-group my ass! Well. She wasn't, but still. Here we were.

"Sure." Amy flicked the cigarette away.

Passive-aggressive. Yay. "Sorry, but - I'd appreciate it if you could just… not tell anyone about the whole brain dead thing? Please? Mom's probably going to kill me when I get home just for talking with you and - urgh." I leaned my head back until it thumped against the brick wall. Ow.

Her eyes narrowed. Flickering. She was going to say no wasn't she?

"... okay."

"Not literally…" I sighed. "... is this nerve damage you mentioned unrelated to brain stuff or…?" I held out my hand and she poked it.

"Yeah. Also you are really malnourished." She frowned. "Is your... mom feeding you?"

"Oh. um. Yes, but I think I have that thing where I don't realise I'm hungry until it's really clearly too late and - fuck, I missed lunch today, didn't I?" I muttered that last bit more to myself than her.

"Right. Okay." She brushed down her jeans. "I have to go now."

"Okay. Um. Have a good day?" I waved as she awkwardly stumbled back up the steps. It was almost funny how she was clearly stopping herself from looking back at me.

Aaand I was back to my original problem. The buses weren't going to start up for another hour. I could text Abby - wait. Shit. No I couldn't, she didn't have a phone linked to the staff repeater. Uhh… I had a couple of twenties in my pocket and there was a food shop just across the road. I needed to feed myself.


"Hey, Chris." I waved as he strolled over. He seemed surprised to see me.

"Hey. Thought you would have been in detention."

"Aww, did Mrs. Grace tattle on me?"

"Actually, I was sort of looking out the door window when you walked past my class on the phone."

"Oh. Oh, yeah, wow, that - that's a coincidence and a half." I chuckled. "Nah, Mom was just… I know I'm meant to only use this to contact her in case of - seizures or anything like that, but sometimes she just has these moments where she's like 'oh no, something has happened to my baby' and sends me like a hundred texts - well, the first five were for me, the rest were for whoever kidnapped me."

"But you… haven't been kidnapped?" Chris frowned, sitting on the bench next to me.

"Yeah. Well spotted." I sighed. "Doesn't stop her though. You know the phrase 'helicopter mom'?"


"Now imagine 'helicopter gunship mom'."

He winced. "Ouch. Are there any upsides?"

"As long as we haven't had an argument I can reliably get a pick up if I need it." Also known as the 'damnit, Mom, why won't you pick up?!' I'd been suffering for the last hour. "Though that usually comes with an interrogation as to why I needed it in the first place, so… not entirely sure that counts as an upside." I shook my head tiredly. Still hadn't fixed the buses yet, so I had another ten minutes before mine arrived. "Did those math tips help?"

"Um, kind of? I… got distracted. But before then they were alright, I think."

"Well, that's good, I guess." I shrugged. "You should probably look into keeping a set of lower-dosage meds in your bag so you can take them here if you've forgotten them in the morning. Might help?"

And who was that I spotted over Chris' shoulder, trying to shoo Glory Girl off into the arms of Dean? The Dallon girls seemed to be bickering about something. I just hoped it wasn't me. Ooh, Victoria was hovering and Dean seemed to be trying to say something but neither side was listening.

"I've thought about it before, but -" Chris sighed. "I keep getting distracted and forget to mention it to anyone."

"That's awkward. Want me to text you a reminder in an hour?" … wait did I just ask for his number? In a really roundabout way? I'm gay, damnit, I need to not give him the wrong idea but we've already talked about this, and - gahhhh.

"Um. Sure? If you want?" He gave me a look. "Are… you okay?"

I shook my head and slumped. "It's been a long and confusing day. My social life might have some new highlights, but that argument with Mom this afternoon might have made home life that much more difficult. I mean - how are you meant to console your mother on the fact that it's not a failure on her part that you don't feel attractive? Did I even say that right? Ugh. Life is confusing. And hey, maybe if I do something to help out a friend I'll feel better about myself at the end of the day."

That was… probably a bit too much to drop on him all at once.

"... that's a lot. But, um. Okay. If helping me can help you then I'm all for it."

Woo. Awkward phone number get!

Thankfully the topic changed to something less awkward after that.


The bus ride was… weird. Because it was heading in the wrong direction. Just spent the whole time looking out the window before getting off near the mall. Went in there, got myself a snack, headed out in time to catch the actual bus home.

I had to look around, see if any head was familiar. Anybody on both buses was 'definitely following you', Mom said. Then again, it wasn't like I knew everyone on the previous bus, given the window staring and everything. Was that person in the green coat the same person in a green coat from the last bus? Or was it just someone wearing a coat? Should I be suspicious of the mother and her loud, small child with the pink backpack?

No. I was…

Damnit, her paranoia was rubbing off on me. And she wasn't answering the phone so I wasn't going to bother texting ahead.

I kept my head down, my hood up, and waited until after my stop to hit the button. I could afford to walk back an extra bit, but anyone doing the same past the last stop? Definitely following. Otherwise they would have just gotten off at my normal stop.

This plan was totally, absolutely, one hundred and ten percent foolproof.

I hopped off the bus, and started down the street towards my house. A bit of a longer walk, but it took me past some shops so I could maybe get a drink or something as well. Looking back at my bus -

Someone walking the same way I was. Hoodie.

No, that was just being silly. People lived this way too. Maybe they were going to the shops.

Definitely just being too much Mom at the moment. Definitely.

I looked back again. Hoodie was loitering after me awkwardly, pretending to look in the window of a nearby shop with overexaggerated motions.

… clearly my stalker was as new at this as I was at being stalked. So… I decided to have a little fun with them. Go into this store, small purchase, go across the road, make another small purchase, oooh, this was that second-hand shop. Browsing the clothing section for a whole ten minutes, carefully pulling out my phone and damnit, low battery - I couldn't warn Mom after all.

I had to fight to keep my laughter down as I exited the store and they were still in there, visible through the window. I might have smirked a bit.

Okay, so I probably hadn't lost them. And even if they were new they were - following me.

On one hand, I doubted they were going to expect Mom's reaction to their existence and their actions, hell, I didn't know what she was going to do to them - on the other hand… someone was putting time and effort into tailing me. That meant someone else might. Or someone employed them to. Or - why would anyone want to follow me? I was just the scarred girl with nothing interesting at all going on in her hidden life in the basement!

I could maybe try get into the neighbour's house, to throw them off the trail, but Mom had kinda forbidden me from ever talking to them and she didn't either, so… that option was potentially more risky. And I think they'd maybe moved out too, so.

Welp, only one option left. I rounded a corner and while out of sight of my stalker, I punched myself in the shoulder as hard as I could. Fuck, ow, god this aches - why did I think this was a good idea? Maybe my basement self would be squirming and - Mom'd notice and - and… overreact?

We passed the stop I usually got off at, and continued walking towards my house. Yep. No chance of anything but being a stalker now.

I trudged up past the rotten step, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. "Mom! I'm home! Can we talk?"

"I'm in the kitchen." Her voice was raspy and quiet which - damnit, now was not the time for guilt, now was the time for paranoid anger Mom ready to kill Hoodie with a toothpick.

"Sorry I'm late, but, um, remember how we switched it up to two buses in case I was followed?" I dumped my bag on the couch and skittered into the kitchen, inwardly pre-wincing.

"Yes, and, um." A sniff. "Do you think I've been being - too harsh with you? I think maybe - " Mom sniffled. "Yes. I've been - stifling you, I can see that now. And I'm sorry -"

I grabbed her and held her tight despite my aching shoulder. Damnit, stalker, why did you have to pick today? "A little bit but let's talk about that later because, um. Well - you see - I uh -"

"No, I um. This is important Taylor. Part of your safety is, um." She sniffed again. "Mental safety. I don't want to have damaged that. You should be happy."

I could hear some scuffling and a muffled yelp outside. "I really think that - this could wait a moment." What was going on out there?

"It - um. Am I being pressuring about - not pressuring you?" She winced.

"No it's - sorry, I - really just need a moment, something's happening outside…" I stepped back and went around to the back door, frowning heavily.

"Taylor?" Mom's voice was distant as I stepped out, round the side of the house. "Taylor - what's wrong - ?"

The two of them were half crouched under the window. I recognised both almost immediately.

The one closest to me and the back of the house was Hoodie, whose hood had fallen back to reveal a mess of brown curly hair and an obstinate, freckled glare. Her hand was half outstretched to the other one, dressed in jeans and a nice dark shirt, one arm hanging unresponsive at her side, the other with mobile phone held up and out of reach by her red hair.

I grit my teeth and took a deep breath. My stalker was Amy. Emma was here for some reason. And Amy had attacked Emma.

"Taylor? What's going on out there?"

Emma made a frantic and incomprehensible gesture with her phone hand, eyes wide and panicked. Amelia made a similar, different gesture, then tried silently lunging at Emma again while Emma crouch-backpedaled, flailing her hand at me again.

I took a quick step forward and kicked Amy in the ribs. "Nothing, just a cat going through the bushes, apparently." I might have hated Emma but I wasn't going to let Amy do - whatever it was she was doing. Healer or not, Emma's arm was unresponsive and she stalked me! So that was like two reasons not to be gentle.

"Are you sure?" The sound of footsteps, that I was distracted from as Amy tried to grab my ankle, her face red and other arm clutched round her torso before a sudden Emma interception pulled her hoodie hood up over her head, pulling the drawstring tight. "You sounded worried earlier. Taylor - Taylor, were you followed?"

The shadow of my Mom approaching the window from inside, the rattling of her starting to open it -

I stepped on Amy's wrist with my other foot - a muffled, unhappy sound came from somewhere around my thighs - leaning against the windowsill and just shrugged. "I thought so, but turns out a couple of similar-height people have the same taste in jacket, and - well, that's why I was late. I thought I was being followed but our paths diverged after I stopped to grab a snack from one of the shops."

"But… there aren't any shops between your stop and here?"

"Yeah, I got off on the one after so if they followed me past my usual stop, I figured they were definitely following me, but thankfully it didn't come to that." I shifted my stance a little, raising one knee into something that hopefully muffled any further noises. Felt like it might have been a nose.

"... are you sure you weren't followed? You're acting very - oddly."

"It's been a stressful day." I winced. "Coming out to my friend, the - thing that happened at lunch and the talk we had…"

Mom seemed to shrink back a bit. "Oh. Um. Well. I'll be inside when you want to talk." She began to shut the window, then paused. "Don't stay outside more than three minutes, or I… might end up assuming kidnappers."

"Don't worry, I'll be in in five." I smiled. "Should probably water the garden or something while I'm out here."

Mom gave me a sad smile but nodded, shutting the window and turning away.

Which was good because the next moment my legs turned completely numb and I fell over backwards onto the grass.

I growled. "Amy, you've got about five seconds to fix this before I call for help and Mom comes running with knives."

"You attacked me! Self defence with a parahuman ability." She glared. "It's only fair given what you and your thuggish friend here - "

"I'm - " Emma stopped her fierce whisper. "Look, we need to have this conversation somewhere Mrs. Hebert can't hear us. Why were you even following Taylor?"

"Because she's a Master victim, obviously. Why are you here?"

"Probably because she cares more for me than you do, little miss trespasser." I stopped, seeing Emma's face. "Well, she likes to think she cares, anyway. And it's not self-defence -" I grunted and propped myself up into a sitting position, "When you're the one breaking the law first. If I was a victim, Mom would know you're here. And I don't think any of us want to see what she'd do about it."

Emma opened and closed her mouth. "Look can you just - fix us and we can explain - "

I scowled at her. "What the fuck is this we nonsense?"

" - we can explain what's going on, somewhere Annette won't find us and murder us."

"So there is something parahuman going on."

"Obviously. Just - fix our limbs, um. Meet Taylor and I at that um, that park? The one nearby where…" Emma's eyes flicked to me again. "Where, um. We used to hang out? Is that okay, Tay?"

"I - I haven't really been out of the house for anything other than school in a while. Is it the one in -" I pointed vaguely… north-western. "Thataway?"

Amy scowled again. "The one full of drug dealers?"

"I meant more the, uh, the kid's playground bit but yeah, that one."

"So we can be arrested for pedophilia instead. Wonderful plan, Barnes." Wait, they knew each other?

"Look, either we can all be arrested for that, or you can be arrested for stalking me. And… Emma too, maybe, I - honestly don't remember seeing you following, but you're here, and I still have no idea why."

Emma shuffled. "I'll explain at the park. Just um. Go there as soon as you can. Please?"

Did I want to? No. But did my desire for answers and a chance to escape the house overwhelm that? Yes. "Fine. Don't know how this talk with Mom'll go but - fine." Now to turn my glare at Amy. Was I impatient about getting my newly found paraplegia cured? Yes. Yes I was.

And if she decided not to, I'd break out of my tank and bite her fucking stupid pretty little head off.

"I'll be there too." She glared, tapped Emma and my ankle, then crouch-limped away. "You'll be fine in thirty seconds or so."

We better be.

"... okay but seriously, have you been hanging around for a while, or just intercepted my stalker on coincidence?"

Emma winced. "Um. Bit of both? Um. It's good to see you're - up and around again. After the… incident at the diner the other week."

I frowned. "Diner? Weren't we on the bus?" Oh, great, I could feel my toes again.

Emma gave a long sigh of relief and shook out her hand slowly. Flexing her fingers like I was with my toes. "Yes. On the bus. Good. Um. I'll explain my reasons at the park - here." She dug into her pocket and pushed a slip of paper across the grass towards me. "Text me if you can't make it before six? Please - I know you have no reason to trust me but it's - it's really important, Taylor."

"I -" Did I really want her to have my phone number? A way to contact me? "Okay." I slipped it into my pocket - "You should… probably get going then. Before Mom comes to investigate." Just because I didn't like her didn't mean I wanted her dead.

I wanted to make a reply of 'you better not use this to harass me in class' but… she seemed genuinely worried and it was throwing me off. What the hell was going on?

"Okay." She gave me a small smile. "Okay, I'll - I'll see you there then."

I shooed her off and slowly got to my feet as she crouch-waddled away. That was… a thing.

Time to face the Mom.
