Eye of the Storm
Special thanks to my lovely co-author and wife, @hellgodsrus, without whom I would never would have been able to take part in creating half my fics, and our girlfriend @SolarFlare for being awesome and also betaing! Also special thanks Prime Betas @Tamahori and @32nd_freeze and @Ganurath for being betas and feeding me validation and feedback between updates!

Eye of the Storm

Colin felt like Odysseus, pulled between Scylla and Charybdis - utter destruction of everything he believed in or awful, terrible sacrifice. His hands were tied. As much as he wanted to do the right thing - and get the just rewards for it - there was no easy answer here.

He wished, so very much, that for once the world would work like a machine, each part following its assigned route, function able to be restored with repair, refinement, miniaturisation. Instead of all these… systems and -

No. That was the kind of thinking that led to people like Lilith.

He sighed briefly and put down his tools. He wasn't making any progress like this. Something different was needed - perhaps he could talk to Gallant and Kid Win, discuss the Lilith situation with them before the reinforcements arrived later tonight.

He hadn't missed the holes in Gallant's gauntlet - ballistics indicated it came from a fork, but both boys had told him that was Gallant - Dean's relationship with Glory Girl and nothing to do with Eden. They had both been adamant that if he tried to use it as an excuse to do anything, they'd be fighting it all the way.

Damn Piggot and her power plays. He had a profile on Lilith, he could work with that - what he couldn't work with was her going behind his back, announcing the investigation into her actions, and demoting the status of New Wave. Alienating allies was the last thing this city needed - with the gang war escalating, Lung's death and the subsequent power vacuum he left behind, with Eden's sudden and seemingly lawful arrival, with the Empire's loss of Hookwolf -

"Damn it all." He growled. He had been working on a counter to Lung - it was good that the villain was gone, but he wasn't sure which part about it stung more; the fact that someone else had done it, and done it so permanently, or the hours spent on trying to make a sedative that would overcome Lung's regeneration that had amounted to nothing. Less than nothing. A loss of time that he could have spent being productive since it would never be needed again.

Shadow Stalker had been her usual difficult self, refusing to admit to anything until pressured heavily, but they had learned significant facts from her regarding Miss Hebert. Her power only worked in whichever body is awake. Her brain was in the Beastie - Khanivore. Sedating Khanivore might work to prevent Taylor from interfering in any ongoing operation. Miss Barnes also had information - and was willing to testify that Lilith had threatened her with grievous bodily harm with a parahuman power.

It was unlikely to amount to anything, though - while Miss Barnes was only facing fines for her use of a firearm her parents had the license for, it still cast doubt upon her testimony. Shadow Stalker's own punishment felt too light, in his eyes for what seemed to be near-criminal negligence of her Wardly duties to pursue a friend's grudge and obsession.

As the Director had put it; "The only reason we're not shipping you off to juvie or a Simurgh Containment Zone is because we need the manpower, and can't be seen shipping away Wards while calling in for backup. Which is why you will be wearing an ankle monitor at all times. If it is removed for any reason - sit down and listen, Miss Hess - As I was saying. If it is removed for any reason, you will be considered an armed and dangerous villain until such time as you can be brought into custody. If it comes off by accident, I expect you to call it in and get it back on ASAP."

"But - it's electrical, it'll fuck with my power!"

"We're aware."

"That's all you have to say about it?!"

"Miss Hess, perhaps you don't understand just how deep a hole you've dug yourself. We've been lenient on your solo patrols and abrasive attitude because you got results, and our city is too desperate to turn away what little progress it can get. That is no longer the case. What you have done - several more deaths, usage of lethal crossbow bolts, training a civilian in unlicensed firearm usage, stalking, pulling civilians into an active gang war, and going behind your superiors backs at every stage. Let me be clear, Miss Hess; the moment this gang war is over, you are being shipped out, and will never see Brockton Bay again. You have exceeded your bounds so much that I am tempted to throw you into a cell three times and call it your three strike limit, then file an official request to give you a cell in the Birdcage. Am I understood?"

Sophia had not been very happy about the tightening of her leash, but it was, in Colin's eyes, for the best. And he agreed with the Director - if she hadn't been so useful, she would never have been tolerated. Or he wouldn't have tolerated her, at least - and even her utility had been suspect. But a cape who was a hero, at least notionally was… less time wasted than chasing after her instead of real villains.

Discounting the fact that, as far as the letter of the law was concerned, she may as well be a villain.

Armsmaster was, he was ashamed to admit, distracting himself. His to do list bleeped reproachfully at him from the corner of his vision, its shorthand translating into a list of unfinished business. Talk to Gallant about New Wave and influence Hebert (pending Khanivore? Gives PR to Eden, may want other name, brainstorm in meeting, get Hannah onside on this) has over them (is this more of Lilith's technology or simply natural charisma/trigger trauma on Brandish's part/other???)/Talk to KW about friendship with Hebert (has she changed rapidly recently suggestive of editing)/push for further investigation of remote body technology for D/nontinker-tech sedatives in case neutralisation pushes into them/range options?/if beasties can have powers comparison to threat from organised Blasto -

There was a buzz from the intercom. "Sir? It's Gallant. You wanted to speak with me?"

A tap on the panel and the door opened, admitting Dean into the workshop. I should look over his armour while he's here. Billable hours, I need more specific isotopes for the nanothorn project - "Thank you for coming, Dean." Colin nodded as the door shut behind the boy. Sadly for his budget, Dean wasn't in his armour, just the undersuit and dress helmet. It was a pity he hadn't splurged on getting his armour comfortable enough for casual meetings, like Colin's own.

Stop thinking of tinkering, it's time to be the leader of the Protectorate, not the Tinker.

"Sorry I didn't bring the armour, Chris wanted to smooth out the fork-holes himself." Dean removed the helmet with an apologetic wince. Reading emotions was almost as good as reading thoughts, Colin knew, when it came to people as focused as he was. He also knew the boys didn't want him going behind their back and using the incident as evidence to further alienate New Wave - which he had been against from the beginning in the first place, for a multitude of reasons. Similar to the ones he'd thought of before with Sophia, honestly.

"It's fine," Armsmaster lied, then tried not to wince as his own lie detector pinged him. "I was hoping we could walk down to the debriefing together. Go over a few things before we arrive."

Dean nodded, his expression indicating he knew it was a lie too - the boy had a good heart, just some issues in talking to people, familiar to Colin's own, but so different. "If you say so, sir. What can I help with?"

"I was hoping you might have some insight into New Wave's bridge to Eden." He realised he needed to clarify - "I know she is a nullifier, but the emotions the others felt towards her should be useful, yes?"

Dean nodded, slowly this time. A constant battle, Colin knew, when it came to information gathering like this. A desire to respect privacy, but a firm belief in doing the right thing, which often required breaching that privacy. "It's complicated, sir. I think - I think the majority of New Wave wants to protect her. What form that takes though varies quite a lot, though."

"Hmm." How to ask for details in a way that didn't seem blunt or rude? Could he approach the problem obliquely? "I understand that your power isn't completely… discreet with the data it provides."

Dean shrugged, uneasily. "It's less that. The separate emotions are always clear. It's just not always clear what they add up to." The minute twitches of his face indicated frustration, which made sense - he had said this to Colin before. "And around Taylor - she kind of has a way of pulling people in to her, I think, of getting people to see their own problems reflected in her."

"Leadership through empathetic mirroring?"

"Something like that, yeah."

Had this affected Chris? Was it an unintentional or deliberate effect - and could it be being used by Lilith to gather allies? The carrot of her appealing, vulnerable, friendly daughter, the stick of the villainous biotinker. The issue was the lack of evidence for how the mental editing and Master effects of the technology Lilith used on her daughter worked; in cases like with Heartbreaker it was clear his long-term victims were literally no longer themselves, entirely reshaped and conditioned into who Vasil wanted them to be. But it wasn't clear if Lilith's technology was that extensive, invasive - and if it was, it would have strong downsides that weren't clear either.

And there was still that lengthy period between Lilith's trigger event and recent action where she had done very little until seemingly 'provoked' by New Wave's actions with her daughter. Was this a ploy? Had she been planning the 'Garden of Eden' for those years? Or was it purely reactive?

"Is there anything else I can help try to clear up, sir?"

Colin checked his task list. "How is Chris handling the situation?"

"He's - conflicted, I think. It's hard when someone you've been friends with for a long time suddenly becomes the enemy without doing anything you can see as being wrong…" Dean winced. "Are you alright? You seem - frustrated."

"The situation is a challenging one." He couldn't be seen as weak. "I need to consider it more rather than rush into taking action."

"... which is what you think Pigg - uh, the Director will recommend."

He gave Dean a look for that near-slip up, but nodded. "She would prefer the new threat dealt with as quickly as possible, yes."

"I'm not certain Lilith is as much of a threat as she's made out to be. Angry at the system, yes, but it was more… territorial, in nature, I think, than outright aggression."

"That's still aggression. And, ultimately, we represent the 'system' she is angry at." Armsmaster took a breath. Was there anything else he needed Dean for, at the moment? "Come on. We'd better hurry up, to get to the meeting."

"Yes sir."


The Director looked the kind of tired that Colin was familiar with himself. The kind of tired which ate away at efficiency until you came out of it the other side with new, stronger focus; the kind of focus that was good for getting things done, but bad for appearances, for PR. Rennick, beside her, was just looking haggard.

"What did you learn." In the light of the screen behind her and the fading evening sky, he could see the wisps of hair around the Director's head, pulled out of its normal tight bob by stress.

"Lilith's creations are becoming more varied, and at a rapid pace. It could be either a case of entirely new creations, grafts, or rapid recycling of material. If given a chance to adapt to our strategies, she will make things much harder on us." Hannah, as always, cut to the point of what Piggot had actually asked. "She's stressed, too. Feels the need to respond to pressure from the Empire and the press conference."

"But she didn't outright start or provoke hostilities."

"Only barely." Colin wished he was allowed his halberd at meetings like this. He didn't know what to do with his hands, without it, and settled for folding his arms. "Khanivore certainly threatened us, though I was able to defuse the situation. New Wave still claims neutrality - "

" - but neutrality is ultimately a statement of allegiance. Especially housing at least part of Khanivore." The Director tapped her fingers twice on the dark wood of the table. "Any word from Halloway on potential names should she adopt a cape persona?"

Colin frowned internally. He'd wanted to propose that idea, but apparently Piggot had had it before him - or moved on it before him, at least.

"If she isn't announcing herself publicly as Khanivore… depends on the angle we're going with. Her power's some sort of nullification by her own report, and her… inhuman appearance could lead to comparisons to Crawler." Rennick brushed a sweat-slick lock of hair from his forehead. "Halloway thought maybe Wurm, Creep - or if we're going for links to Lilith's chosen name that highlights biblical danger, Therion or something from the Goetic texts, which might suggest Fallen links. I thought perhaps a play off Khanivore might work - Mongol or Mangle - "

"Mangle. We'll keep it in reserve." Piggot tapped the desk twice again. "Gallant? Any sign of direct emotional manipulation of the Dallon family?"

"Nothing unusual. Or. Not in the way you think. I don't think - I think if it is happening it'd be more social pressures. And I'm not sure it is."

"So why are they housing the girl, then?"

"Because in all likelihood, Brandish would accuse us of trying to use her as emotional leverage should we have taken custody," Colin said. "And given Miss Hebert's physical situation, keeping her in custody under supervision with only one half of her would be difficult and likely futile. Keeping her with the Dallons is a situation that will likely force escalation on Lilith's end, which we can justifiably respond to without drawing their ire. Unless they are truly Mastered, in which case this will reveal that."

Piggot made a face. "Lilith isn't easily baited. And we do intend to handle the Empire as well. Speaking of which…"

The door opened. Colin had a moment in which he was barely able to form the words oh no in his mind as he recognised the figure in the doorway before they swaggered in.

"You miss me much?" Challenger grinned, a sharp slash of white teeth behind her painted lips. She vaulted easily into one of the chairs, letting her massive axe rest in her lap. Of course, she gets to bring her weapons

She was followed by others. Bastion, who he gave a terse nod to - man was competent, if horrifyingly racist, transphobic and homophobic, likely here to attempt to save his reputation - a Ward with a crossbow he didn't recognise, Astrologer, Garuda. He gave a slightly deeper nod to Garuda, who returned it.

"Boots off the table."

Challenger folded herself lower in her chair. "It really is like I never left, eh?"

"We've managed to cut a good chunk off the public property collateral damage budget, though." Rennick gave her a tired but fond glare. "Not that the villains have done anything to help that."

"Saw the reports. Lung got creamed." Challenger looked like she wanted to give another boisterous laugh but stopped herself. "I've been getting better, you know."

"I don't doubt it. All the same, it's good to see you again."

She grinned, and her attention turned to the Director. "So what's the what with the Empire?"

"They'll be moving out in force through the next few days, our sources inform us, clearing out the remnants of the ABB and the various splinter gangs that have already developed in and around the Docks. Patrols will be in groups of three, two at a time, with other forces on standby to act directly against Empire capes." Rennick touched something on his tablet, and a map of the Bay, neatly divided, folded onto the screen. "We've asked you here specifically as counters to some of the Empire forces as determined by Armsmaster - " the work of several afternoons, turned into a footnote; Colin didn't think so.

He cleared his throat. "I've also determined team groupings so any team should be able to handle every Empire cape with the assets they have available." An eye-flick brought up his spreadsheet. "Velocity, Garuda and Ace will act as reserves, given their high mobility. I'll head up the lead team with Kid Win and Challenger - "

"Guessing I'm on disruption duty, focusing on Crusader, Fog and the like?"

"Not Fog. He was in Boston, last we'd heard."

"Ah. This is what happens when you leave a city for a while. Everyone else moves too."

Colin cleared his throat. "You'll be dividing cape pairs who prefer to work together like Victor and Othala or Fenja and Menja." He'd forgotten just how much Challenger liked interrupting him - she'd changed her costume while she was away as well, the red bodysuit now coated in a small, smug black jacket off which her epaulettes dangled, her hair in a tightly coiled braid that dropped down her front off her shoulder. "Second team is Miss Militia, Gallant, and Bastion - a slower moving force, but one capable of handling and dividing any force the Empire deploys against you." And a little test for you, Bastion - Dean will most likely not tolerate any feelings or comments you make against Hannah. "Third team will be Assault, Aegis and - " He paused for a moment, looking at the young man - he'd simply requested a younger flying Blaster and it took a moment to place his name from the costume - "Buckaroo, who can act together as all around brawlers." Hindsight made him regret making his request so vague; putting Buckaroo and Assault together was a mistake, and they'd drag Carlos down with them. "Fourth team - "

He paused as a message icon popped up. Urgent. The level of urgent that was normally reserved for messages from Dragon. Judging by the change in the Director's expression, she'd read the subject line too; Empire Unmasked! Max Anders is Kaiser?!

"Well." Rennick huffed. "That's… a problem."

Colin quickly skimmed through the message - names, faces, occupations, addresses - it was all very thorough and matched up with what was (and in his opinion, should not be) in the PRT databases - the sort of easily guessed details that he himself had observed upon arresting Empire capes dozens of times.

Hannah was scrolling rapidly on her phone. "Look at the CC."

Sent not just to the PRT, not just to the Protectorate, but - news stations. FUCK. Not just local ones, either. Other addresses - the public ask address for Uber and Leet, Faultline, addresses of businesses linked to the Elite and Accord, addresses that were presumably linked to the Undersiders, some sort of mercenary's address that might be Coil -

"This is going to be chaos."

"For those of us who accidentally cannibalised their tablets, anyone care to share?" Challenger raised a hand half-heartedly.

"Someone just unmasked the Empire. Their entire cape roster." Rennick was already typing furiously. "And not just to us but to the villains, the press. One website is already running a story on it. It'll be everywhere in under an hour."

"Looks like we'll be deploying now then."

"Before you do - there's one address I know of that I can't see on the CC list." Hannah frowned. "Eden's."

Colin looked to make sure. Shit.

"Isn't that too obvious?"

His eyes flicked to Dean. "Sometimes things are obvious because they're right."

"Hebert is not accustomed to how capes handle things like this. And it was only earlier today that she was saying we needed to take more obvious action against the Empire. What other way than to ensure they have nowhere to hide?"

"How would she have gotten this information though?"

"We're still not sure how her mastering technology works. More likely she hired Tattletale of the Undersiders. We know she's worked with them before."

"Then why are they on the CC list?"

"Misdirection, or Tattletale trying to play us against each other - "

Everyone was talking over each other. Chaos, already. The adrenaline was pumping through him, hard and fast.

"QUIET!" The Director's fist came down on her desk, shutting up everyone. "If it was Eden, Lilith is going to be unbearably smug about it. Regardless, a quick briefing on what to expect from them in a fight, please, Armsmaster?"

His back straightened. He could work with this. And when I take down Eden and the Empire… maybe that'll give me the acknowledgement I deserve.

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God damn it, Coil.

Fuck you and your escalating levels of evilness. I knew it was probably going to happen but well... with Hookwolf out of it, things will be a bit better.

Purity is going to be a bitch though. God I hope she is in boston with Aster and Theo, Fog and Night. If Fog is in Boston, she probably is too. That'll keep her from immediately going on a rampage in Brockton, but may also keep Aster safe.

Taylor can, at least, deal with her if needs must.

But yeah, the Empire is fucked. So hard. And its only escalating further as Khanivore with her powers is just waiting to omnom the problems the bay has.

And when Leviathan shows up? Heeeere comes the Kaiju fiiight!
She was followed by others. Bastion, who he gave a terse nod to - man was competent, if horrifyingly racist, transphobic and homophobic, likely here to attempt to save his reputation -
Oh, this'll be fun. There is absolutely no way this'll trigger a Gay Pride Kaiju Rampage.

He paused as a message icon popped up. Urgent. The level of urgent that was normally reserved for messages from Dragon. Judging by the change in the Director's expression, she'd read the subject line too; Empire Unmasked! Max Anders is Kaiser?!
Welp. This'll be chaotic. We are officially entering World War Brockton. Which, I realize it's a stupid name, but now that I've typed it I'm too lazy to backspace.
Ahhh Bastion, there's the American cops we know and love (sarcasm/)

Before the end where the Empire reveal happened I was about to say that Eden needs to jump on the fact that one of the reinforcements was a known racist homophobe, cuz *clearly* a homophobic racist is brought in to deal with the homphobic racist gang and not the group made up of a mix of races with LGBT leadership.

Also: Fuck Cauldron. Fuck them for giving Tom his powers, backing, and free reign over BB.
Meanwhile, Lilith and New Wave's leaders are sleeping together in what may or may not be a sex ball.

The PRT/Protectorate: "We know what you did last night!"

Lilith/New Wave: "Whether we sleep together is none of your business. Fuck off."

PRT/Protectorate: "Aha! We knew it! ...wait, what?"
Coil you motherfucker, got me swearing at work with your bullshit. Couldn't resist throwing Lilith under while you were at it could you? Not that I'd believe it was her that did it, takes too much intelligence to un-name all the empire capes then to incriminate yourself? Unlikely at best, framed is more likely.

I really like this perspective from armsmaster, it's given the reader a nice view into the PRT and protectorate, their thoughts and feelings on events. From the conflicted feelings from the wards to the hardline attitude and bitterness from Director Piggot. Even the attention seeking behaviour from armsmaster all felt real. They feel like actual people and not just puppets to convey plot points.

Thank you for another chapter of emotional turmoil and masterful storytelling. You never fail to get some sort of rise out of me and reel me further in to your story. Looking forward to how this progresses after such a bomb has been dropped
My real question here is why Cauldron is allowing external variables into their experiment. The defeat of one of the biggest single threats could be politicked into being an excuse not to send reinforcements. They're allowing the escalation coming from coil and Piggot for a reason, I think. Possibly they're projecting another Eagleton scenario that could slow down Scion? Or maybe they're planning to shape Lilith into an asset of their own?

Something stinks, and it's not just because Bastion has never washed his ass.
My real question here is why Cauldron is allowing external variables into their experiment. The defeat of one of the biggest single threats could be politicked into being an excuse not to send reinforcements. They're allowing the escalation coming from coil and Piggot for a reason, I think. Possibly they're projecting another Eagleton scenario that could slow down Scion? Or maybe they're planning to shape Lilith into an asset of their own?

Something stinks, and it's not just because Bastion has never washed his ass.
The experiment is to determine whether or not the emergence of parahuman feudalism is viable without their active involvement. The process of said emergence inevitably involves the responses of external factors. In blunt terms, the experiment is to find out what happens to a city where they stay hands off.
Well... Coil has decided it's time to start shoving the pieces off the board.
Coil is like a cat, he's decided that they're paying too much attention to Eden so he's slowly pushing pieces off the table until someone notices him.

I kind of want to know what happens when a THINKER sees Anti-Powers Taylor though. It'd be hilarious if Coil's doing something his power plotted and then Khanivore just goes "HA! Fuck you!" and his power goes "You can't do that! Someone shoot her!"
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At a guess, Coil's power doesn't get along well with Taylor's - either it cuts out if he gets too close to her, or she causes him to get faulty results.

Which might not be too much of an issue, if she weren't smack dab in the middle of/interacting with the PRT/Protectorate, New Wave, Eden, Travelers (via Eden), Tattletale/Undersiders (via Eden), and the Empire.

Too bad he won't have been expecting New Wave/Lilith to get drunk (Taylor doesn't need alcohol to cause crazy decisions), and the resulting powered beasties.

Though, in a way it's funny that this has done more to bring about New Wave's dream of cape accountability than anything else, since with this all but the Protectorate's/PRT's identities have been compromised.
Coronal Mass Ejection
Written by @SolarFlare (SORRY FLARE DIDNT MEAN TO PING YOU), editted by @hellgodsrus and I.

Coronal Mass Ejection
The footage is grainy and jerky, a cheap camera in low light mode. The alley shown is dimly lit, with a brighter wash at each end from street lights, and the far end blocked by a pair of dumpsters. Flare limps into view at the near end, using what looks like a piece of street sign as a crutch. One leg of her costume is noticeably darker than the other, and she's leaving a small trail of blood behind her. When she's about level with the camera she looks behind her, before whipping back forward and beginning to move faster. A few trash cans bounce into view, followed by a jagged silvery form, quickly gaining ground as the camera shakes. Flare's improvised crutch slips, sending her to the ground sprawled in front of the onrushing mass of ringing, sliding metal. The camera whites out, before freezing on a blocky mess of pixels.

The next piece of footage is from a security camera, the timestamp and numeration taking up a large portion of the view, though it's still recognisable as a similar, if different alleyway. Flare falls into view in an intersection. This alley is perpendicular to the first. The footage slows, steps forward frame by frame. Flare's hand comes up, and the center of the image is utterly whited out, the teenage hero hidden inside a circle of brilliant glare. The color returns to the image, camera switching out of low light to catch a shower of white yellow droplets spattering across the wall and ground before slowly cooling to orange. The blinding light disappears, leaving a few small trash fires and the glowing liquid, revealing an unmoving Flare and a metallic object against a wall ten feet from her, its edges cooling down from yellow to orange and red. The video ends.
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The jig's up
But she can say she was being hunted and acted accordingly
But the PRT is like a petty bully getting caught most times so I doubt she's gonna get away scot free
The jig's up
But she can say she was being hunted and acted accordingly
But the PRT is like a petty bully getting caught most times so I doubt she's gonna get away scot free
They're gonna need to do some serious kangaroo court BS to do anything to someone for blowing away a serial murderer they couldn't escape from in self-defense if it goes to court.
Well, we all know how hard it is for that to happen in Worm. Just ask Canary!
That required a lot of plot fiat to justify even with the human master, vague Ziz resemblance, and squick angles.

A classic Wildbow Grimderpification Moment.

And this has none of those and is written by someone who isn't a high on grimderp.

They're gonna bluff like hell tho.
That's the thing, though. They're gonna push to bring Flare in to stand trial for manslaughter, probably while trying to push Ward membership as a plea deal.

At which point, Lilith is gonna go "Nope! You are not taking her away so you can force her to confess crimes she didn't commit." and then the PRT get to claim she's obstructing justice.

Even if it doesn't work (and Lilith is known to be explosive), then they get to bleed Eden out of money for legal fees. After all, the System can afford to waste money on inconveniencing people it doesn't like.
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So... I just want to say that Criminal murder charges could probably be laid at Hookwolf's feet for his own death. After all, if he wasn't attempting a murder at the time, he never would have been killed. (I'm not a lawyer, don't @ me.)