Dungeons and Dragons Megathread

Clerics get two domains (obviously) and domain spell slots, though many of their archetypes give up one of their domains.
Druids can choose to get one domain and domain spell slots, though theirs is from a limited list.
Inquisitors get access to one domain, though they do not gain domain spell slots.

The Divine Hunter Archetype gets access to one domain, but no domain spell slots. However, they add their domain spells to their spells known.
The Reliquarian Occultist Archetype gets access to one domain , but no domain slots. However, they add their domain spells to their spells known.
The Sacred Servant Paladin Archetype gets access to one domain and gets domain spell slots.
The Temple Champion Paladin Archetype gets access to the 1st-level power of one domain, but no further powers and no domain spells.

The Emissary Familiar Archetypes can use the 1st-level power of one domain once per day.
Anyone can access the 1st-level power of one domain and, at higher levels the second power of that domain, via variant multiclassing.

So if you genuinely want to build around a domain, that's perfectly possible. Some have really really nice powers, after all.

Ooh, Sacred Servant is right along the lines I'm looking for! Mucho thanks!

And.... drumroll.... it looks I roped someone into being DM of a 'Distant Worlds' Pathfinder Campaign!
Sacred Servant is nice, yes. It's a shame the Paladin only gets 4th-level spells, so the bonus-spells from the domain don't get you as far - but the archetype basically only loses some smite evil for it. Well, and your mount if you really wanted that.

And you an actually balance out that drawback (mostly) by taking the Oath of Vengeance. A normal 11th-level Paldin would get 4 smites per day, a Sacred Servant gets it two times per day - but also gets up to three extra uses of lay on hands, and with the oath that can equal 1.5 more smites.
Mind you, that's not necessarily optional, but it's an option.

By the way, the ideal use for the Holy Symbol Spirit you get from your Divine Bond at higher levels (10+) is to first use it for a caster level bonus (or some other), and only on the last use per day to lock it into lay on hands. At least if you're not using LoH heavily in combat, if you do then it's probably better to do it some other way.
Funnily enough, Merfolk do benefit a lot from having a mount - even with the Strong Tail feat, they only have a land speed of 15 after all!
Of course, explaining how exactly you then ride the mount can be quite...interesting.
Look around also which paladine archetypes or oaths you like as one of them surprisingly makes them the best single target healer prior to the cleric gaining Heal. Or into a Magical Girl.
The Paladin Magical Girl is, IMO, better than the Vigilante one, as the Paladin one lets you do a lot of fighting, the Vigilante one basically makes you a rogue with summoner spells.
Look around also which paladine archetypes or oaths you like as one of them surprisingly makes them the best single target healer prior to the cleric gaining Heal. Or into a Magical Girl.

This one I'm more going for 'beatstick' in concept. Maybe some magic girl, but more Sailor Jupiter than Sailor Mercury, if you get my drift.

I want something with a domain because Travel gets +10 movement (and Barbarian wouldn't be my preferred RP choice, though was a backup idea). Merfolk start with 5, get to 15 with a trait. Being at 25 once I hit level 4 is pretty good.
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Actually, that's an inaccurate description of the Magical Child Vigilante Archetype.
Well, at least assuming that their familiar actually works as I understand it (getting the stats and magical abilities of the different forms, able to take familiar archetypes). But then, you can basically make a build like this.

Which works out to a very nice attack of opportunity/aid another build with actually pretty good offense and defense, along with the spellcasting and of course the stunning/frightening at the start of combat. Not really that comparable to the rogue IMO.

Also, funnily enough, the Vigilante actually gets a talent that increases their land speed by 10 feet, and then (at 10th level) by another 10 feet. It's not even an enhancement bonus, so it stacks.

Mind you, that's no judgment about the Chosen One archetype, which is a very nice archetype as well.

By the way, @Q99 : You may want to use some of the tricks I used in the build above if you do have a familiar.
Now first, you'll have to ask your GM whether Chosen One can stack with Sacred Servant. Technically both alter Smite Evil, but the alteration is compatible if you ignore that RAW says no two archetypes can alter the same thing.
Then you'll have to ask whether the Chosen One's familiar can take Familiar Archetypes. If they can (either because of very strict reading of them only turning into an improved familiar, but keeping features, so avoiding the issue of them not having "talk to others of its kind" to trade out - or because of just allowing it), you can take the Guardian Archetype for your familiar.

But if you can: Your familiar now has the Bodyguard feat. Now they can improve allies AC via it - and if you do it right, that can be an up to +10.
If you have to levels of the Eldritch Guardian Fighter Archetype, that'll also grant your familiar all your combat feats. This allows them to benefit from Swift Aid - so now they can also improve attack rolls, by up to +9.
This one I'm more going for 'beatstick' in concept. Maybe some magic girl, but more Sailor Jupiter than Sailor Mercury, if you get my drift.

I want something with a domain because Travel gets +10 movement (and Barbarian wouldn't be my preferred RP choice, though was a backup idea). Merfolk start with 5, get to 15 with a trait. Being at 25 once I hit level 4 is pretty good.
Considering that you mentioned the most talented girl. Monk if you start at level 3?
Tailslaps for everyone!
Make a handstand , and then hit people with your tail like a drunken capoeira user.
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Hah, funny thing- this is a Distant Worlds campaign. I first ordered the DW book about 3~4 months ago, but it got miss-shipped, so they sent a replacement months ago.

The original just showed up, I have two copies now ^^ That could be useful.

Considering that you mentioned the most talented girl. Monk if you start at level 3?
Tailslaps for everyon!

Don't monks still kinda suck?

I do like armor too.
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Ooh. Oooh!


You know how I was talking 'gunslinger, or maybe paladin.'? And I pretty much dropped Gunslinger because, well, there's no movement booster, I would be stuck at move 15 at best. Sure they're ranged, but I don't want to always lag too far behind.

But what there is is Savage Technologist Barbarian archetype! I can plan a barbarian mermaid gunslinger!

Still not sure if I want to do that or an archetype-of-something-with-travel-domain, but I'm thinking ^^

And some of the Ultimate Intrigue stuff sounds cool but it's not up on srd yet, right?
Doing stuff for the Wraith of the Righteous game has totally made me desire more Pathfinder- or more specifically, Golarian- gaming ^^ If anyone has anything on Golarion they've wanted to do- AP, their own idea, whatever- note that you have an interested person here.
As I'd mentioned a couple weeks ago, after Wrath (assuming no one has done them) I'm considering running Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance concurrently, they cover the same general plot, a rebellion, but where in the Rebels you play the plucky freedom fighters Vengeance is Paizo's first attempt at an evil AP and you play the enforcers; the parties never meet and are too distant for one group to undo the work of another, it does give a bit of contrast.
Balance the game and emphasise the tactics parts of it, both of which it actually does fairly well.
The point I was making is it didn't actually help the game in any way since being so wholly divorced from previous iterations basically forced a near abandonment of D&D in favor of Pathfinder or just going back to 2E. There's merit in having a balanced tactical experience, but D&D has never been that and as 4E demonstrated the changes needed to make D&D such are so drastic as to have completely shattered the D&D community until 5E was released to appeal to the better parts of 2E & 3E. Now, I can look back and accept 4E for what it was because WotC are no longer trying to push it as the "improved" system, naming it 4E D&D essentially poisoned the well by ascribing it expectations the designers either could not or would not meet or remained unaware of.

Also it let me get a good one over on my buddy who really likes 4E when I told him the Collector's Edition of the 4E rule set leaked and then sent him a picture of the Brady Games Strategy Guide for World of Warcraft.:V

On another note my IRL group has abandoned the Underdark (apparently we were playing Out of the Abyss) for Barovia and The Curse of Strahd, which is way more interesting than either OotA and Tyranny of Dragons, so WotC apparently still have some decent writers, though where they've been since 5E launched I don't know.
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I think it highly likely I'm going to go Savage Technologist Barbarian Mermaid- seems like the others aren't going very high tier in their choices either.

Ironically there's almost no way for me to get a gun at first level, certainly not a gun of any quality, but I don't mind- it's quite usable without, and the rage-dex bonus it has is arguably better than the rage-con bonus, higher AC and all, and I can rage-bowfire til I get a good gun ^^

And just checking- mathwise, Greatsword is still just the best for two handed weapons, right? If I can't afford one, what else is good? Scythe maybe?
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Greatsword is the best two-handed non-reach weapon if you're not going for exotic weapons, yes.

If you want a crit-build, then there are some better ones.
The Falchion is martial, but only does 2D4 damage. Worth it though.
The Elven Curve Blade is exotic - but with it's 1D10 damage, it's barely better than the Falchion (+2 maximum damage, but only 0.5 extra average damage).
If you want reach and high-crit, there's the Fauchard, one of the very few weapons worth taking exotic weapon proficiency for. But only if you're going for a build that really benefits from crits.

So yeah, Greatsword it is. Slightly better average damage than the greataxe (0.5 more), higher minumum damage (2 instead of 1), same maximum damage, 19-20 crit range instead of x3 crit multiplier. 4 pounds lighter, for what's it worth, too.
Greatsword is the best two-handed non-reach weapon if you're not going for exotic weapons, yes.

If you want a crit-build, then there are some better ones.
The Falchion is martial, but only does 2D4 damage. Worth it though.
The Elven Curve Blade is exotic - but with it's 1D10 damage, it's barely better than the Falchion (+2 maximum damage, but only 0.5 extra average damage).
If you want reach and high-crit, there's the Fauchard, one of the very few weapons worth taking exotic weapon proficiency for. But only if you're going for a build that really benefits from crits.

So yeah, Greatsword it is. Slightly better average damage than the greataxe (0.5 more), higher minumum damage (2 instead of 1), same maximum damage, 19-20 crit range instead of x3 crit multiplier. 4 pounds lighter, for what's it worth, too.
There's also the Nodachi, it's not exotic and a bit pricey outside of chargen (if you can get it at chargen it's only 10gp more than a Greatsword) but it's got a base crit range of 18-20 without having to drop a feat for Exotic Weapon Proficiency and Improved Critical makes it's crit range 15-20 so roughly 1-in-3 hits are crits and it's even better if you take 2H fighter archetype since you get a feature that allows you to apply twice your strength modifier to two-handed weapons instead of 1.5xStr Mod.
Greatsword is the best two-handed non-reach weapon if you're not going for exotic weapons, yes.

If you want a crit-build, then there are some better ones.
The Falchion is martial, but only does 2D4 damage. Worth it though.
The Elven Curve Blade is exotic - but with it's 1D10 damage, it's barely better than the Falchion (+2 maximum damage, but only 0.5 extra average damage).
If you want reach and high-crit, there's the Fauchard, one of the very few weapons worth taking exotic weapon proficiency for. But only if you're going for a build that really benefits from crits.

So yeah, Greatsword it is. Slightly better average damage than the greataxe (0.5 more), higher minumum damage (2 instead of 1), same maximum damage, 19-20 crit range instead of x3 crit multiplier. 4 pounds lighter, for what's it worth, too.

Yea, I'm not planning on going exotic, since eventually I'll want to go 'one handed plus gun' a lot of the time (btw, my one-handed? Terbutje. Because it's as good as a longsword, but it's a club with sharksteeth in it hawai'ian style, perfect for a merbarian ^^). Falchion's good, but actually more expensive than Greatsword, so if I end up too short on GP to get the greatsword, that's out.

Affordable two-handed martials seem to be Greataxe, Scythe, Heavy Flail.

Also: I will be buff, so weight is no big concern.
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