Dungeons and Dragons Megathread

Or "invest 750 GP into a wand of cure light wound"
Use a wand of lesser restoration instead. It gives fast healing 1 for 10+caster level turns, so 11 for a base wand. This heals 11 hp per charge and handily trumps cure lesser wounds. It takes longer and doesn't work on unconscious characters, but you get more bang for your buck.
Use a wand of lesser restoration instead. It gives fast healing 1 for 10+caster level turns, so 11 for a base wand. This heals 11 hp per charge and handily trumps cure lesser wounds. It takes longer and doesn't work on unconscious characters, but you get more bang for your buck.
Isn't restoration only healing ability Damage and not regular one?
from the "lesser vigor" spell, which is a level 1 druid spell, and much more efficient in a wand than cure light wounds.

it works like @Flare said, must have gotten the names confused.

seriosly, cure spells simply don't scale well enough to be anything but trash.

IMO, even that's not their biggest issue: They're burst-healing (which has a function), but the significance of the burst healing is very random (and becomes exceedingly so the more potent the "Cure" spell until "Heal"). You could dedicate your Cleric's Level 2 spell slot to restore all of an impressive… five damage. In a fight involving CR3 enemies. Oh, and it is a Touch spell you're dedicating your slot / round's actions to.

Statistically, barring Mages (the only 1d4 HP class in 3.5 I can think of), you would get much more from the spell merely by increasing its HP restored from "[x]d8+CL" to "[x] Full Hit Die + CL". Yes, it's still fairly under-performing (Cure Moderate Wounds cast on a D6 Hit Die character would only restore 4HP more than a Level 1 Druid Spell), but it at least gives a reliable number (one consistently matching or higher than the average of a D8 at that) as well as makes its use arguable in a fight (A sure-thing +23HP on a Fighter much more considerable than a widely-variable +5 to +18 HP).
IMO, even that's not their biggest issue: They're burst-healing (which has a function), but the significance of the burst healing is very random (and becomes exceedingly so the more potent the "Cure" spell until "Heal").

They really aren't burst healing, because even f you roll max, they simply aren't enough of a burst to matter compared to damage output levels at the relevant level.

And out of combat healing is best done by those who have infinite HP drip, like Binders.
Never had a particularly large problem with in combat healing in my group, although that's largely because we've got 2 clerics and a druid so lots of healing potential if needed, with one of the clerics being RSOP? or having some other way of free maximise on cures.

We also like the approach of "let's just get hit as little as possible" seeing how much in the way of debuffing we often end up throwing out + general cowardice in battle tactics. My char, the sorcerer, does have the most cowardly way of going about things- In 90% of cases, my first action is to shunt myself into the ethereal plane and cast from there, along with a couple of defensive spells I've got on hand as well.

I mean, I kinda need it seeing as even with half my HD rolling 4s, I still only have mid 50's HP at party level 13~ thanks to LA. Still, getting it bought off bit by bit at least so thing's are alright there
With OD&D being re-released on PDF recently, I am wondering if anyone is interested in OD&D/0e or otherwise find it interesting? I've considered running an OD&D style game on the forums, most likely using a OSR retro-clone like Microlite74 or Swords & Wizardry.
Yea, basically. It also refers to the Old School Renaissance movement that recreates pre-3E D&D and reimagines it. Microlite74 and Swords and Wizardry, for example, are both emulations of OD&D with their own house rules.
Yea, basically. It also refers to the Old School Renaissance movement that recreates pre-3E D&D and reimagines it. Microlite74 and Swords and Wizardry, for example, are both emulations of OD&D with their own house rules.

Ahh, Old School Renaissance. I knew from context what I meant, but not the actual acronym.

Would Hackmaster qualify, or is that too early to count?
It sorta counts. I personally count it; but it's design intent is different enough, since it was actually a defictionalization of a parody from a long-running RPG comic strip.
Oh, yea, totally, it's a great game. But it wasn't specifically designed to emulate an older edition of D&D so much as to recreate a parody of old-school D&D, which then became it's own thing after an edition change.
Alright, then I have decided I will run an OD&D-styled campaign using Microlite74 Basic for the time being and as the game grows, more expansions will be added. Are you guys okay with a sandbox style of play?
In a D&D game which was originally going to be 3.5 but is now hybrid 3.5/PF at the insistence of certain other players.

I have 4000 gp to spend, and don't need weapons or armor.

Any suggestions? I know very little about PF magic items.
In a D&D game which was originally going to be 3.5 but is now hybrid 3.5/PF at the insistence of certain other players.

I have 4000 gp to spend, and don't need weapons or armor.

Any suggestions? I know very little about PF magic items.

Eh, PF, like 3.5, has a metric fuckton of magic items - I'd suggest just looking over the class guides for similar classes to the ones you're choosing, as most of them will have a list of recommended magic items.
What build? I'm assuming you already have a Wand of Cure Light Wounds if you can use it?
Pft, 3.5 is allowed, I can get a wand of lesser vigor if need be.

Actually, given that PF rules allows for recharging spell trigger items, I should get a Dorje of Natural Healing instead. XD

Using 3.5 DSP stuff, I am an Enlightened Monk 1/Society Mind 7, abusing Tashalatora for extra PP as per the Ki Psionics rule (this shenanigans nets me about 28 pp, all told, which is not a giant benefit for losing a level of actual manifesting, so the DM is okay with it).

(Other feats include Overchannel, Expanded Knowledge, and Psicrystal Affinity.)

That said, I was asking for items unique to pathfinder (non psionic, the small list of psionic items, I have already looked at), that are affordable on a 4000 gp budget.

The DM has given us a stack of equipment chosen from package options, and only 4000 gp to spend as we like. He does say we will be getting back to WBL, so I guess I'll be doing my best to set my prepackaged gear on fire. Most of it weapons, rather than stuff actually useful for me.
Pft, 3.5 is allowed, I can get a wand of lesser vigor if need be.

Actually, given that PF rules allows for recharging spell trigger items, I should get a Dorje of Natural Healing instead. XD

If you're playing a caster you may want: Slippers, Feather Step - Pathfinder_OGC

They negate the inability to take 5 ft steps in difficult terrain which can be important in terms of getting away from the stabby people.

Sleeves of Many Garments - Pathfinder_OGC

Useful as a fun utility item. Never purchase a set of clothes again and be dressed well for any occasion.

Similarly a Traveler's Any-Tool - Pathfinder_OGC

Is useful since it gives you masterwork tools for anything at will.

Other than that? The usual stuff for 4000 includes Headbands of +2 mental trait, Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Cloak of Resistance +2 and so on.

If you're playing Pathfinder you may as well have a Wayfinder. Wayfinder - Pathfinder_OGC