Avatar of Mandos
Someone tried to develop it as a weapon of war you see.
Institutionalized CoDzillas.
I thought that didn't pan out or something. Clerics of National Ideals that is.
Someone tried to develop it as a weapon of war you see.
Institutionalized CoDzillas.
It turns out that Politicians and Rulers don't represent the entirety of their Countries.I thought that didn't pan out or something. Clerics of National Ideals that is.
Uh, no. They are explicitly called out as not a thing. Forge of War talks about attempts to develop them, and those attempts failing.This is correct, you can be a Cleric of anything that you believe in sufficiently.
Clerics of patriotism are a thing for example.
Uh, no. They are explicitly called out as not a thing. Forge of War talks about attempts to develop them, and those attempts failing.
Functionally equivalent to Extra Attack, but at 3rd level, and stacks with the Extra Attack you get at 5th level.Almost everyone agrees that the Path of the Berserker subclass of the Barbarian in the 5E PHB… well, sucks. Terribly. Which is a shame because the overall premise / what they were aiming for isn't that bad, and the Mindless Rage feature shows that they do have at least some inkling of what they're doing. As such, how does this sound to people as a quick "fix" to the Primal Path / Subclass?
Frenzy: As-is (Optional Rage state, grants a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action)… but does not cause a level of exhaustion upon rage's completion.
Fine in theory, in practice screwed over by the need to balance it against... not just murdering the creature with that extra attack you get as a bonus action. I'd consider just allowing the Barbarian to cast Fear once per short rest, even if raging, with either a flat DC or the one you listed there.Intimidating Presence: As a bonus action, choose one creature within 30' that can either see or hear you. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + Proficiency Bonus + your Strength modifier) or be frightened until the end of your next turn. If the creature succeeds on its saving throw you can't use this feature again on that creature for 24 hours.
Retaliation's always been fine, to be honest.Retaliation: When you take damage from a creature that is within 5 feet of you, you may immediately (not as a reaction) make a melee weapon attack against that creature if you are not incapacitated.
True, if being kept optional there likely should be a consequence to Frenzy besides "You can't use the Attack bonus action on the first round of your Frenzy". If trying to keep things simple, possibly disable Danger Sense during Frenzy? So you sacrifice Advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects you can see, but effectively gain +1 Melee Weapon Attack per round. Sound good?Functionally equivalent to Extra Attack, but at 3rd level, and stacks with the Extra Attack you get at 5th level.
My first draft of the Doom-Seeker basically pinched Frenzy, and balanced ditching the exhaustion by including a temporary cost and further limiting the number of turns it applied. Eventually I decided to balance that feature against Action Surge, instead. This version is... busted. Why would you not enter Frenzy with every rage?
Keep in mind that Frenzy only applies while Raging, and Intimidating Presence can be done at any time. Frenzy (as a Rage) also eats up one your daily rages, but Intimidating Presence is unlimited use. Keeping in mind your consideration of turning it into Fear, either turn it into such an ability instead (probably becoming an Action as a result) or go with the "Single-target single-round Fear" version highlighted above to keep it competitive?Fine in theory, in practice screwed over by the need to balance it against... not just murdering the creature with that extra attack you get as a bonus action. I'd consider just allowing the Barbarian to cast Fear once per short rest, even if raging, with either a flat DC or the one you listed there.
Were it granted earlier in the hierarchy, I'd agree. But it's a Level 14 ability, and as such I feel like it is a bit underwhelming and competes with one's (typically) vastly increased Reaction options by that point.
It's 3.5? The Kickstarter says 5E or Pathfinder.Hm. An interesting setting on Kickstarter from the creators of Erfworld.
Salt In Wounds is just the sort of setting element I like to see in Exalted, actually. Shame the system's 3.5e/Pathfinder, but what can you do? I'm sure some people here will get a kick out of it.
Whoops, chalk that up to a misreading.
Understandable: Pathfinder and 3.5 are done much more frequently than Pathfinder and 5E.
Would be amusing, but on reflection the wizard spells I'd be gaining from the Eldritch Knight side would be a bit out of theme. I found this version of the Warden on DM's Guild to be the best match for theme and power.
Would be amusing, but on reflection the wizard spells I'd be gaining from the Eldritch Knight side would be a bit out of theme. I found this version of the Warden on DM's Guild to be the best match for theme and power.
Hm. An interesting setting on Kickstarter from the creators of Erfworld.
Salt In Wounds is just the sort of setting element I like to see in Exalted, actually. Might back.
It could be the guy who did the original idea. Otherwise that's sketchy.Haha. Somebody actually decided to profit off it.
[Necro, Staff Pick][D&Dish] The city built around the tarrasque.
It could be the guy who did the original idea. Otherwise that's sketchy.
It's not, according to the Kickstarter. And, well, I guess it's kind of telling that the question's made it into the KS FAQ.It could be the guy who did the original idea. Otherwise that's sketchy.
Salt in Wounds Kickstarter said:Back in 2004 on the RPG.net D&Dish forums, user Thomas T. suggested the idea of a city built around the D&D monster the Tarrasque. The basic concept for the city is that, discovering that they were unable to kill the beast, a party of heroes figured out how to contain the monster; chaining and anchoring it with immoveable harpoons. A fortress was built around the chained creature, and a schedule of ritualized butchering was instituted to keep the Tarrasque from ever regaining enough strength that it could break free.
Within a generation, the wardens of the monster began to realize the incredible value of its butchery and that's exactly where I stopped reading the forum thread (after a few entries), not because the posts weren't great (they were, and judging by the length of the thread there must be gold there) but rather because I wanted to make my Tarrasque city, because my brain was already obsessing & teasing at possibilities, and I wanted to provide as much insulation for that process as possible.
You can view the thread here http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php…
The thread made a composite Tarrasque city and you can view the pdf here.
Salt in Wounds on the other hand is *my* Tarrasque city