Dungeons and Dragons Megathread

Druids? You mean my Eco-terrorist reactionary that uses technology to fuck with the natural eco-system to bend it under his will, and hypocritically uses it to fuck up nearby towns for defying Mother Nature?
I am fully supportive of that. With one condition. If it's in an established setting that does not work that way, guve an explanation.

D&D doesn't have a setting. There is literally no meaningful default except "magic and swords and elves somewhere" and you can do away with all of those.
D&D has several first party settings and Pathfinder has one first party setting. If you are playing a game in one of these settings, follow the rules or come up with an explanation about how the rules don't work the same way for that character. Otherwise, do whatever.

Besides, you're missing the point. When we say we're refluffing the character, we are refluffing the character. The Magical Girl Cleric of Fuck the Gods I'm an Egalitarian Humanist Sugoi Desu, I can use and fuck with the Cleric chassis as much as I want, and ignore whatever I want, and change the fluff to whatever I want. The fact that this violates whatever lore about the cleric is totally immaterial because in-universe, I am not a cleric. I'm not a special exception to a setting rule because i'm not engaging that setting rule in the first place.
Yes, that is fine with me, because you aren't violating setting rules. If you are in Greyhawk, or Dark Sun, play by the rules or figure out an explanation.

Similarly, the Clerics that can defy their gods already exist in Planescape and Ravenloft, sooooooo suck a dick, Player's Handbook.
Okay, then use that as the basis of any 'rage against the heavens' character in a setting where Divine casters get power from the heavens they are raging against.

For the fifth time, what do you people think of a follower of Lamashtu, Goddess of Madness and Mother of Monsters, being a Summoner/Alchemist. I want a response on this dammit!
Or another example. Let's say you have two feats: PHB Toughness, and Toughness of Bigmos, a feat that provides +2 hit points per level and lets you reroll a Fortitude save once per day, but requires you to worship the entity Bigmos, an obscure minor god of inconvenient erections who requires that his worshippers yell "Hail Bigmos!" at the end of every sentence. Unless you remove the fluff restriction, you're going to see a lot of characters inexplicably shouting "Hail Bigmos!"

And if you think this sounds facetious, consider how every crusader/cleric multiclass character worships a mildly obscure setting-specific necromancy goddess, or how every single barbarian embodies the great lion spirit, or the suspicious number of people who wrote a period in a pit of otyughs into their backstory.
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Or another example. Let's say you have two feats: PHB Toughness, and Toughness of Bigmos, a feat that provides +2 hit points per level and lets you reroll a Fortitude save once per day, but requires you to worship the entity Bigmos, an obscure minor god of inconvenient erections who requires that his worshippers yell "Hail Bigmos!" at the end of every sentence. Unless you remove the fluff restriction, you're going to see a lot of characters inexplicably shouting "Hail Bigmos!"

And if you think this sounds facetious, consider how every crusader/cleric multiclass character worships a mildly obscure setting-specific necromancy goddess, or how every single barbarian embodies the great lion spirit.
What is so hard about understanding that my problem with going against the default fluff is doing it in settings where that is the actual situation? I have no problem with ignoring the fluff in a setting that that fluff isn't a thing.

Ignore the fluff if you want and aren't in a first party setting, as in a setting made by the makers of the game. If you are in Dark Sun, or Ravenloft, or Planescape, then compleatly ignoring the fluff with no justification is something I have problems with because then you are acting like a bad fanfiction author by ignoring the game equivalent of canon. And Pathfinder does have one setting like this. Exactly one, because Pazio focused on one setting to do stuff in.
I have a bit of a character idea for Pathfinder. The basic 'point' is that Pathfinder lacks rules to describe Lamashtu's blessings, which come in the form of mutations. Including extra limbs, claws and bizarre stat shifts. Sound familiar?

The character idea is a Chaotic Neutral Synthesist with some class that grants Mutagens. Not necessarily the Alchemist proper, though that would add access to a wider variety of buffs in the form of the desired mutation theme, and the mental score buff options are a welcome addition. Essentially, the character's eidolon would represent a mystical source of mutation, while the mutagen would be a 'mundane' source.

Several odd options for the build include a race with a Con penalty, as the Synthesist can easily negate that. Another is using Con as a dump stat for a melee character, as Con is not very useful for combat oriented feats and the Synthesist can simply replace it with the eidolon's Con score.

One big question involved in the viability of the build is the question is if the mutagen increases the eidolon based statline. If it does, then high nastiness is available because the physical statline is already freely warpable due to the Synthesist part of the build. Adding mutagen stat changes on top of that could lead to a functionally worthless 'base' form, but a combat 'form' that wrestles dragons easily. Or hides in plain sight without trying. Or can tank an army. Not excelling at things needing feats, but able to fill in any role the party might need.

Basically, hyper versatility by way of mutations. It would probably work better as a mutagen using Summoner archetype compatible with Synthesist or new class altogether. If it were setup as a seperate class altogether, it would likely be an Int based mix of Alchemist and Summoner with archetypes that do stuff like having divine casting or applying eidolon mutations through mutagen. Or using mutagen on the eidolon/summoned monsters without needing to apply it normally.
Comment on it. Please. The only comment I got was being told that the idea would work better as a refluffed Totemist or Formbound Singer.
To answer your question: Yeah, I can see an alchemist being a follower of Lamashtu. There's nothing wrong with your idea, and it uses the alchemist mechanics in a fun way. Totemist feels like a bit of a different flavor to it, to be honest; they always felt a bit more in the range of "smashy smashy raaar" than "blurgh i am mutant man."

(Actually, it's kind of exactly what's going on here: using an existing system to better approximate the fluff.)
Morphic Tide said:
I am fully supportive of that. With one condition. If it's in an established setting that does not work that way, guve an explanation.

I'm a Comic Book-style mad scientist with an agenda. I don't need to justify it any further than that, regardless of setting, unless the GM says "Super science is impossible because reasons." Not even canon D&D does that.

D&D has several first party settings and Pathfinder has one first party setting. If you are playing a game in one of these settings, follow the rules or come up with an explanation about how the rules don't work the same way for that character. Otherwise, do whatever.

No. I have full authority to fuck with, disregard, defy, and distort first party settings as much as I want without having to justify it to anyone. "Here comes Drizz't with his light saber because the fucking Millenium Falcon landed on Faerun six years ago" is legit.

Yes, that is fine with me, because you aren't violating setting rules. If you are in Greyhawk, or Dark Sun, play by the rules or figure out an explanation.

Again, no. I don't even have to give the above explanation I gave. "My special snowflake came to Athas from another dimension" is literally already a core assumption of that setting.

Y'alls ever hear of FLAILSNAILS?

Okay, then use that as the basis of any 'rage against the heavens' character in a setting where Divine casters get power from the heavens they are raging against.

No. My character can do that entirely arbitrarily. Perhaps it's a mystery the player of the character never uncovers. I guess they're just Jesus maybe? Let the cult they accidentally inspired philosophize over it, you're not entitled to shit about nothing.

What is so hard about understanding that my problem with going against the default fluff is doing it in settings where that is the actual situation? I have no problem with ignoring the fluff in a setting that that fluff isn't a thing.

Ignore the fluff if you want and aren't in a first party setting, as in a setting made by the makers of the game. If you are in Dark Sun, or Ravenloft, or Planescape, then compleatly ignoring the fluff with no justification is something I have problems with because then you are acting like a bad fanfiction author by ignoring the game equivalent of canon. And Pathfinder does have one setting like this. Exactly one, because Pazio focused on one setting to do stuff in.

Well, firstly, the reason people aren't 'understanding' is because you moved the goalposts from what you originally said. Secondly, everyone disagreeing with you is saying that the distinction is 100% totally irrelevant. The canon exists to serve me, not the other way around. If a player wants to be a sentient monster truck, the setting has to change to fit THEM, not the other way around. The setting has no value without players within it, but the inverse isn't true.

Settings, especially first party settings with required lore, are socksocks. If I can't wank my RP needs with it, it's going in the trashbin where it fucking belongs. If I want to use the mechanics of a character class to represent another idea, the fluff is not an obstacle, it can change. There's no reason, value, or productivity in creating the alternate character class of "Heal Wizard", where everything's exactly the same as a cleric except I stripped out all the religious references. Just play a cleric and ignore the extraneous bullshit that didn't exist pre-WOTC anyway.

Seriously, it's garbage, and defending it is garbage and badwrongfun. Anything that tries to restrict, or condescend down to, or wag a finger at a game table taking the toybox and scribbling all over the board is toxic poison. It doesn't have no value, it has anti-value.
I tire of the way I've been talking so far. In the end, this is a matter of preferences that don't like each other getting angry.

Soo... What features would work best for a crafting focused archtype for Alchemist? There's one feature that I think would be a good fit and a feat that would be a good idea for a bonus feat.

The feature is adding 1/2 class level to all Craft rolls. Or maybe it's adding 1/2 class level to Craft skills? It's found on a Warpriest archtype in the Advanced Class Guide. The feat allows a character to use Craft ranks in place of caster level for making magic items. I can't remember which book it's in. Might make it a bit too powerful, getting that as a bonus feat.

What other changes would be done? I think the best choice of nerf for the trade off is the body modding stuff, because it's so far apart from traditional alchemy ideas and is so weird. Just about the only thing it fits is the idea of the Chimaera, and that's a stretch. Then again, the so-called Hyde builds would probably like being able to make their own stuff. Maybe sacrifice a couple Discoveries? Then again, making it nerf the playstyle that would like its crafting the most would make it a little less powerful.

I'm kind of just rambling right now.
Comment on it. Please. The only comment I got was being told that the idea would work better as a refluffed Totemist or Formbound Singer.

You appear to speak a different English than the rest of us.

I suggested classes that would already do basically what you said ypu wanted mechanically, because taking existing mechanics and slapping new-fluff-paint on them is less work and more likely to be accepted by a DM than brewing new mechanics.

If you want to use specific PF features and brew up a class with them, go ahead. If no one is responding that that part of your post, it's probably due to not much interest in doing that particular type of homebrew.

(Formbound is basically playing Animorphs as a set of psychic powers, if anyone was wondering)
Anybody ever consider making their own OSR retro-clones?

I'm currently working on a survival horror-themed game titled "Into The Darkness".
OSR Survival Horror? Count me IN.

That being said, I tend not to design full games myself, I just pull everything I like at the time into the current campaign in a frankenstein's abomination against God.
OSR Survival Horror? Count me IN.

That being said, I tend not to design full games myself, I just pull everything I like at the time into the current campaign in a frankenstein's abomination against God.

Cool. I'm going to host it as a Play by Post game on my own gaming forum I just created yesterday. It's still a work in progress (I'm literally the only person who is registered on this forum) and I haven't made the sub-boards for Into The Darkness/OSR Horror (although I did create a sub-board for an upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade game recently), but if you want to join, I'll post a link below.

Remember, it's a very new board and very much a work in progress. I'll be posting the boards for Into The Darkness and my various D&D and OSR games tomorrow.

Home | Dante Mountain Gaming
I mentioned before I was playing with trying to make the Marksman's covering fire effective, and ended up making HotS-inspired characters. Here they are (Gestalt builds, one using PF marksman, one using 3.5)

No Scope Sniper (Nova)

Marksman (PF) 20//(see below)

Level - Class - Features - Feats

1 - (Lightbringer) Cloistered Cleric 1 - {Trickery Devotion} - EWP: Hand Crossbow, Point Blank Shot (M)
2 - Enlightened Monk 1 - - Imp. Unarmed Strike(E)
3 - Djini Bloodline 1 - - Hand Crossbow Focuss
4 - Djini Bloodline 2 - -
5 - Djini Bloodline 3 - - Psi. Meditation(M), Essence Focus
6 - Atavist 1 - -
7 - Atavist 2 - - Psionic Body
8 - Atavist 3 - - Vital Strike (M)
9 - Atavist 4 - - Subconcious Containment
10 - Atavist 5 - -
11 - Atavist 6 - - Improved Vital Strike (M), Darkstalker
12 - Atavist 7 - -
13 - Atavist 8 - - Quaelic Legacy
14 - Atavist 9 - - Precise Shot (M)
15 - Atavist 10 - - Quaelic Strike
16 - Crusader 1 - -
17 - Crusader 2 - {Aura of Perfect Order} - Greater Vital Strike (M), Focused Dreamer
18 - Gunslinger 1 - -
19 - Soulknife (PF) 1 - - Quaelic Containment
20 - Soulbow 1 - - Far Shot (M)

You'll need a +1 Adaptive (ToB) Double Hackbutt (PF), allowing you to have a 2d12 gun that reloads as a free action thanks to adaptive making those hand crossbow feats apply to you gun. The Enlightened Monk's Ki Psionics means that you get a second virtual manifester level (tops out at 14) that gives you Power Points based on WIS, which helps make up for Marksman's low PP pool. Lighbringer Clerics get a variant ability that counts as turn undead for all prerequisites and for abilities that expend uses of turn undead. Which means if you have Radiance House materiel allowed you can get an Anima Brazier, take Supernatural Exchange, and bind Halo of Scions for Turn Undead and double your pool for fueling divine feats.

At level 8, you get Augmented Shot, and can add one damage dice on an attack by expending your psionic focus. Since your focus pulls double duty (thanks to Essence Focus), you may also burn the swift action for Wind Reader and get + WIS to hit if you're worried about accuracy. Also you have Vital Strike. Your shot deals 6d12 as a standard action.

At level 15, you can no-scope snap-shot by expending psionic focus to get a standard action thanks to the Atavist's capstone ability, that same focus also covers the +dice (2 at level 14+) effect from Augmented Shot, and you've had Improved Vital Strike since level 11. Your shot deals 12d12 + your mantra bonus since you still have a focus when you take your first shot, and you can burn a spare focus on Second Chance if you miss. If your first shot hits, you can go for a second snipe (and can make it a Quaelic Strike since you're using the focus anyway, unless your DM lets you preemptively get the re-roll from Second Chance), or go for Covering Fire, spending your swift on Blanketing Assault, which makes a decent AoE debuff. If you went Aggressive Atavist, your Unarmed strike has reach, and using it to take AoO's doesn't interfere with holding weapons - kick a fool.

By level 20, you have +3 dice from Augmented shot and Greater Vital Strike, meaning you deal 20d12 + mantra bonus + 5d6 and a Debuff from your Master Technique with your snipe, you can also have picked up Aura of Perfect Order allowing you to take 11 on your shot once a round if rolling Nat 1's is a concern. The levels post 15 have been arranged so you get AoPO by level 17, but you may want to prioritize other things. For that matter, if guns are hard to get, you could take Gunslinger much earlier (like say second level) and at least be assured of having a musket. Soulbow offers you the ability to make multiple attacks if you need to, just take one hand off your gun as a free action and fire some mind arrows. (I picked it due to wording making it add more than Soul Archer). You can also have a third Psionic Focus by now, so effects that need a focus can just stay on.

Also, keep in mind if you can take flaws, you can move feats up an get your extra focuses earlier, as well as freeing up feat slots for goodies like Deadly Aim, Improved Precise Shot, Woodland Sniper, Improved Critical, etc. Or you can just write off the third focus and free up 4 feats that way.

You get a lot of the signature Nova moves. Trickery Devotion makes for a pretty good Holo Decoy. Snipe is covered by Augmented Shot + Vital Strike line. And Covering Fire does a decent job of modeling Pining Shot, and your snipe carries a debuff as a level 20 capstone. If your DM didn't nerf Dissolving Weapon, or nerfed it by enforcing Dissolving Touch's duration, you can use the Atavist capstone to enchant your soul-arrows and launch a devastating Triple Quadruple Strike (1d8+Wis+12d6Acid per hit). As for cloaking? You get invisibility 1/day from your bloodline, and you can try to find a friendly high level Telepath or Vitalist to teach you Bend Light via Psychic Chuirgery, but if LA buyoff is in effect, be a Shadow Creature, and use a Darklight to negate the dangers of natural daylight. You're still vulnerable to Daylight, but that can model detection counters to Nova. Make sure to grab the Dark template though the Umbral torc, too, as the stealth bonuses and HiPS are amazing. And of course Darkstaller makes most auto-detection senses go to roll-off.

In an Alternate build I put in Shadowsun Ninja for the ability to heal, keying off of Swordsage and Mster of the Nine (for the AoPO pick), which also gives Step of the Wind from level 1, which is great, but at the cost of less levels free for soulbow or gunslinger or cloistered cleric.

Endless Rain of Arrows (Sylvanas)

Marksman (3.5) 20//(see below)

Level - Class - Features - Feats

1 - (Lightbringer) Cloistered Cleric 1 - {Travel Devotion} - Point Blank Shot (M), Overchannel
2 - Celestial Bloodline 1 - -
3 - Ghost (Savage Progression) 1 - - Psionic Body
4 - Ghost 2 - -
5 - Celestial Bloodline 2 - - Psi. Meditation(M), Subconcious Containment
6 - Master of the Unseen Hand 1 - -
7 - MotUH 2 - - (Open Feat)
8 - MotUH 3 - - Rapid shot (M)
9 - Enlightened Monk 1 - - Improved Unarmed Strike (E), Stunning Fist (E), (Open Feat)
10 - Ghost 3- -
11 - Ghost 4 - - (Open Feat)
12 - Celestial Bloodline 3 - -
13 - Enlightened Monk 2 - - Combat Reflexes (E), Combat Casting
14 - Sacred Fist 1 - - Manyshot (M)
15 - Sacred Fist 2 - - Greater Manyshot
16 - Sacred Fist 3 - -
17 - Sacred Fist 4 - - (Open Feat)
18 - Sacred Fist 5 - -
19 - Sacred Fist 6 - - (Open Feat)
20 - Sacred Fist 7 - Precise Shot (M)

As with the other build, Ki psionics gives you extra Power Points - you end up with a virtual second manifester level of 12 for power points keyed off of WIS.

The trick here is a fun one, which you can start to play with at level 8. Ghost Savage Progression gives you Telekinesis at will at its' second level, Caster Level of 12 or HD, whichever is greater. MotUH adds it's class level (+3 from bloodline) to the CL of Telekinesis, and lets you wield a weapon with pure telekinesis with BAB = CL... and doesn't have the "your iterative attacks from BAB are capped at 4 at +20" clause, either - though your DM may add it Still, having an effective BAB of 18 at level 8 is hilarious (though it wont go any higher until level 13), and thanks to your mantra, you can effectively have both +Cha and +Wis to hit (but not +Dex). Don't neglect Dex though, Dex is still important for feat prereqs, non-telekinetic attacks, and DC of cover fire, in addition to the usual ref saves and initiative.

For full effect, you need to be higher level: Activating and maintaining concentration of your Telekinesis SLA is a standard action, and is purely a mental activity. Cue Schism (You can get it through Expanded Knowledge at 17 thanks to the 3.5 Marskman having up to 5th level powers, or as early as 13 if you have a friend with Psychic Chiurgery). You'll want to get your hand on Hank's Energy Bow ASAP so you don't have to worry about ammo, but you can basically float off that bow and rain a full attack down on foes every round while still doing other things. Sounds like Sylvanas's withering fire, no?

Note that telekinetically wielding a weapon does not let you use feats with it, but does let you use weapon properties and class features, AFAICT. Also Buff spells/powers work normally, so if your DM does let you get more than 4 iterative attacks, Zealous Fury starts to look super tempting....

For Race, Star Elf is a shoe in. Undead don't care about Constitution, you get to be a hot elf chick, and the ghost touch special ability comes in handy. With LA buyoff, you can also go for Half Fey, which boots useful stats and further dumps useless CON. This, plus the ghost bonuses gives you a solid CHA even with basically no initial investment, which is nice since telekinesis keys off of it, as does the Incorporeal subtype deflection bonus. That also makes Tattooed Monk's Bellflower Tattoo tempting, and you could substitute 5 Tatooed Monk levels for 5 of those sacred fist levels - costs you 2 levels of spells, but you get the ability to crank your to-hit and DCs up further, and some other benefits. Either way you get 4 + WIS to AC, thanks to the Sacred Fist AC bonus tracking separately but stacking with the Monk one, and you can stack it with Inertial Armor... throw in DEX mod and 1 + CHA deflection for a quite high AC, which should be around 30 + CHA + WIS + DEX at level 20 before you throw in other powers like force screen or defensive precognition.

Burst Arrows can kinda simulate some of Sylvanas's AoE tricks if you are willing to shell out for magical arrows. Blanketting Assault, if your DM lets you back-fit it from PF, plus Covering Fire also can play the debuff role. The ghost's malevolence ability simulates Mind Control nicely, and travel devotion and/or teleportation powers complete the Sylvanas package.

Unlike the last build, which was heavily feat intensive, this one leaves you some space to customize.

I'll have some more practical builds up later.

Or I can try my hand at making other characters if someone wants to issue a challenge...
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God I just want rules for kobolds already. I hate 5e's slow schedule for everything other than adventures so much.
Volo's Guide to Monsters | Dungeons & Dragons New preview stuff is up for Volo's. Supposedly 100 monsters, among other things.

Now witness the greatest of the previews.

Oh my what could it be?

Wait, we already have the Tarrasque-

A new kind of Lich?

Some sort of uber-ghoul?

Wait are you actually telling me that abomination has returned?

Oh God you were actually serious.
The Flailsnail should be selectively bred until its shell properly resembles the haft of a flail.

You know why.
So, I picked up DSPs latest mini-book offerings. Some interesting stuff:

The most recent Psionics Augmented: Occult supplement focused on Kineticists. Two archetypes: the Gambler and the Avant Guard, plus an assortment of new blasts, infusions and utility powers. The Gambler takes the Burn class feature from Kineticists and makes it more (and less) dangerous, in exchange for more power. Yes, you can kill yourself with it now, though you'd probably have to work at it. The Avant Guard is the one people here are probably going to be more interested in. It also changes up burn so its more of investment as opposed to a nova resource, and it gives you a Stand. Yes, you read that right. Its not quite going to hit all the Jojo references (as far as I know there is no first party Time Stop utility power), but between the various blasts, infusions and utility powers your going to come damn close, and you can Ora (or Muda, depending on your preference) just fine. Which is the important thing.

The other book is Soulknives III. This is the last of the Psionics Augmented books for Soulknives (for now) and it gives three prestige classes aimed at soulknives: the Marvel, the Primarch, and the Strategos. And their beautiful. The Marvel lets you be a flying brick: flight, superstrength, damage resitance, the whole package. Nothing really complicated here, but still awesome. The Primarch is blade skills focused: the main focus is specializing on the various elemental blade skills (ice, lightening, fire and metal- yes, I know thats not really a D&D element, but it suits that focus way more then earth). The real draw of the class for me though (aside from how shiny and thematic some of those specialization powers are) is the ability to swap a blade skill out for a different one for a minute. And then two blade skills. And then three. And then a floating one you pick at the start of every encounter as part of your capstone powers. For those unfamiliar with the base class, Soulknives have an somewhere to the neighborhood of 40 different blade skills, and can pick around 10. The ability to change them up on the fly is huge. The last, the Strategos, is a Collective based Prestige Class. They don't get access to the telepathy of the base classes with collective, though they do get access to the Tactician power list up to the 4th level. They do however get the ability to attack through any member of their Collective as if they were standing there, and can lend out their soulknife to members of their Collective. They get a smattering of blade skills to help with the various ways to play this class, including some nice buffs. they also get some telepathy themes powers. Overall, some of the most interesting Prestige Classes I've seen in a while.

Now excuse me, I need to go figure out a Marvel build to punch all the things to death with.
Anyone have a complete DSP product list? preferably with the books obsoleted by later compilations indicated in some way?

I cannot find the book where they explain psicrysmals.
So, I found an awesome free retro-clone of OD&D called "Delving Deeper" on the OD&D ProBoards forum that I sometimes frequent. It's good for an "original flavor" OD&D game (for times when Microlite74 Basic is too light or loose) and unlike Swords & Wizardry White Box Set, it is entirely free. I am currently reading the hypertext version of the rules.

Might be good for an upcoming OD&D campaign or online roleplay.