DtG: Destroy the Godmodder (The Broken Masquerade)

Charge 32/40

HP: 400,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Calls in 4 of his underlings and 1 Hired Mussel(props to DCCCV for that name) as minor entities on the field.
HP: 10,000
Attack: 2,000
Hired Mussel:
HP: 25,000
Attack: 5,000

2. Unleashes a barrage of attacks with all of his weaponry, each one having a unique property over the others.
AK-47: Fires 30 bullets that hit random opposing enemies, each dealing 500 damage for a total of 15,000.
Grenade: Tosses a grenade to a target that deals 20,000 damage to a single entity, or a distributed total of 40,000 to a horde entity.
Golden Revolver: Fires 3 targeted shots at 3 targets, dealing 5,000 each for a total of 15,000.
Sword Cane: Assaults 1 target with a flurry of slashes, dealing 30,000.

HP: 50,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Pistol Shrimp fires a bullet into a single enemy's vital points, dealing a "critical" damage of 25,000 damage. "Critical" basically means the damage can't be reduced by armor.
2. Pistol Shrimp fires 3 bullets into 3 separate enemy targets, dealing 10,000 to each.

HP: 180,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Devours an enemy whole if there's none currently inside it. Enemies inside cannot attack anything but the Meteor Monster itself and also take 60,000 damage per turn from the many traps that lurk inside the creature. The Meteor Monster is free to attack other opponents whilst having an enemy devoured. If the enemy inside dies, the Meteor Monster's HP is restored by 30% of the enemy's total health, capped at 50,000 HP restored per enemy.
2. Ravage an opponent, dealing 60,000 damage.

The Big Fish continues his assault, spraying 30 AK-47 bullets all over the enemy side again, tossing a grenade at Fire Elemental Group 1, firing three of his golden revolver shots to three of the Primal Fire Elementals, and finishing one off with a flurry of slashes from his sword cane if possible.

Pistol Shrimp continues firing vital shots at the Blackguard Mech Suit.

Inside the Meteor Monster, the swallowed Sniper is relentlessly assaulted by the numerous traps found within the creature. The Meteor Monster itself simply goes and picks off the healthiest Primal Fire Elemental present.
A space vessel flies by the scene of the battlefield, its movement looking rather sluggish. If one were to make a guess, it's too encumbered by its load and thus must drop some of it. This guess is proven true when out of the vessel flies out a white sludge that immediately finds itself flying towards Pistol Shrimp, unceremoniously splattering into him for a brief moment. As it turns out, this white sludge is actually some sort of healing salve, healing Pistol Shrimp of his recent injuries.
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I run through the portal and scan the mysterious stranger. I wanna know who this guy is.
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"Friendo, I've made no secret of my plans to steal everyones limbs. of course you expected it."
"that doesn't mean I won't succeed eventually, or some of the time. also, I'm only one limb away. so there."

fun fact, I have no soul.
yes, even though my start-world has a hell or several, I can respawn after death, make separate clone bodies and integrate their consciousness after they die or are dispelled, and all other people from my world have souls (like the scientists.).
me, no soul.
I can tell, because the god that was turning everyone into sort-of zombies uses soulstuff to make more zombies per person (also resulting in dumber individual members) and it didn't work on me! this is probably unrelated to me being one of the two upper gods (meaning: stronger then all the others combined) of my world.
As you try ripping off the Iron Prince's left leg, you are electrocuted after tearing through the first layer of his mech's armor plating. At the same time, he grinds his foot into you, causing your suit's force field systems to struggle.
struggle my suits fields may, but you know what didn't happen? me letting go! given that they still had both legs, I was still holding on when my other body sent them flying and ripped out a power core! since I have the radiation suit, and was already using fist radiation to push on them, I also used FIST radiation to rip off their leg. I mean, what do you think'll happen if you move 10 meters+ behind me in half a second while I've got a death grip on your leg?
you lose your leg. that is what happens. the leg's gone. it's mine now, john. can I call him john? Well I'm calling him john. hopefully the confusion will distract him from the absence of a leg.

In other news, Steffan, Aron and James keep trying to understand the iron prince's mines. Jason does not, he is busy with other stuff.
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33/40 DRACO

I pick up the weakest Primal Fire Elemental in the claws of my Dragon Suit, which can resist the fire (what kind of Dragon Suit would it be if it couldn't?), and throw the Elemental at the Blackguard.

I then proceed to let it burn for a bit...
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8/40 Charge
Beginning +20 in reserves

"Right... I'm not much of a fighter of... any sort really? I guess I should just try then?"

Taking it out a primitive- yet normal looking- iron cannon, I load a cannon ball into and ignite the cannon without the use of fire.

"Wait... what was I aiming at again...? something... all I know is that I was aiming at someone with the enemy's colors before I fired the cannon..."

My confusion continues to intensify even after I finished my attack.
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34/40 DRACO

... before activating my Fire-Extinguishing-TOTALLYNOTAWORMRIPOFF-Containment-Foam-Sprayer (also built into the Dragon Suit) and spraying the Blackguard and the Elemental.

The foam expands and spreads and extinguishes the fire. The Blackguard, meanwhile, is at least partially immobilized by the foam, and will probably sustain some damage in breaking through it (ordinarily you'd use a special dissolving formula, but I'm not exactly going to share that with him).

RP Below:
I take the opportunity to do some speaking, addressing the Iron Prince directly.

"Iron Prince. Seriously, that's a stupid name. Is there anything I can call you when I'm addressing you? Oh, I know. How about SELLOUT.

"See, we've got a lot in common. We both use technology, we both fight reality warpers, and we both have a beef with Descendants. But the differences are the key. You're out fighting for oppression, conquering stuff with your big fleet (big whoop) and your big mecha, and I'm out here making the multiverse a better place.

"But let me get back to the whole SELLOUT bit. You're working with the Godmodder. You know, the lady who wants to conquer the whole multiverse? You probably could have put a dent in her, maybe even won, but no. You had to join her.

"Ah, I don't care about your motivations, just like you don't care how my WHOLE PLANET was destroyed by a Godmodder.

"But the real reason you're a SELLOUT? That trick, coming back from total atomization? No tech I know of could do that, and I know of just about every piece of tech in the multiverse. Which leaves two options. One, it's a homebrew, in which case I'll pry the recipe from your cold dead hands. Or two, you're using magic or reality warping or whatever, and that's the more likely of the two. And that's what gets me.

"Us tech guys, who are just normal beneath it all, we gotta keep our integrity, stick with our theme. But you? You. Sold. Out. And for what? A little more power? Just resurrect from a memory backup and a clone like the rest of us.

"I'll sum up, then, with this. I've got nothing but contempt for you. You're going down."
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I reanimate the WA- no, I'm not re-writing that name. I send the zombie deity flying at the Godmodder.
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Grimoire Yggdrasilia 32/40 In the beginning, there were memes.

"Of." I the avatar says.

I the STAND do not need to bother. Restructure the Iron Prince into actual iron. If they're already iron, spawn a bunch of rust demons and excess oxygen inside of them for parasitic meme goodness.

Atomic dispersion didn't work, let's try atom-to-atom restructuring!
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With the Massive Sphere of Primal Planar Water,I call to it,asking it's semi-sentient Pseudo-Mind to Attack it's Mortal Enemies and with Hydrokinesis,I proceed to make Thousands upon Thousands of Spears of the Water,and with a single flick I fire them all at the Various Fire Elementals,the Water then guides the spears,granting just that much homing to ignore whatever Dodges the Fire Elementals does

Spaceship to Focus and meditate,once this battle is over she will teleport all entities inside her(except the Metal Gear REX) and FTL to the Godmodder,Indiana Jones to do something Shenanigany to the Minelayers....Like Hacking I Guess,or potentially using his Cool Whip
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Better at magic then this reality warping lynch mob? oh no! Well...
there's only so high you can go in magic before what matters is tactics and awareness, not skill.
in combat, at any rate. a thousand abilities, for example, is all well and good, but most of the time you'll only need around 8 of them, which will be superior to the others. and reflecting magic is only useful if you know you're under attack. I grab the one backdoor'd drone and use its void drive. the drones need to be authorized, they're on the Godmodder's side!
So, entity advantage in the godmodder place... heavy PG?
"Heavy PG Advantage: Hopefully rare, only happens if you guys have effectively no entities fielded at all. If you guys let this happen... bad things. AND the Herald cannot be attacked."
ok, so the Herald cannot be attacked. they're dead, so that doesn't matter. and I'm automatically bringing a observer drone with a backdoor with me, so once I'm here its probably not heavy PG, roite? -->!
Anyway. grey haze... finger-snap dispells... sort-of prescience since they knew exactly where to stand... planeshifting powers... and superior magic.
As a note, I'm sending my projection there. I don't want to risk my radiation suit on something like this.
so, my projection arrives, brought by the observer drones void drive (possibly overcharged into uselessness, but I don't care). on the instant, it jumps away from the figure, forcing all the existing concealment magics from the breakin to remain cohesive and active as concealment. it probably didn't hide me, but that's ok. all I need is to create doubt. I am a master of the hidden horse style, in addition to my many other abilities. there was a short period of time last round wherein my projection was not observed: during my first action. during this time, it could feasibly have portalled to the planet being assaulted by the iron prince, stolen a horse, and returned to the wreckage of the PARALAX. I said in my second action that I split my attention, but I never said it wasn't split before. perhaps I stopped for a moment. you don't know. anyway, I use Hidden Horse Form. Am I on a horse? am I next to a horse? you don't know. the horse, should it exist, is constantly hidden by my stance and mist. should it not exist, the swirls of my misty body cast shadows in its shape of a horse, floating appropriately. you can't tell, and neither can ???. this isn't quite magic, this is a martial art, with some aid from having a more flexible body then most people. ??? can't even be sure I exist, because concealment magics.
Back on the main battlefield, my main body takes out a sickle. gold, with glowing blue engravings upon it and a silver blade, aqua not cyan. it does some very peculiar time travel, granting myself 9 bodies to think with instead of 1, but no body retains memories of prior incarnations after the point of time-travel initiation... it does wonders for the boredom of doing the same thing 9 times. that's the original reason for the technique of memory erasure (though it's usually not done with time clones- upstream timetravel's impossible there, only slowing your motion downstream. well... impossible for everyone except the highest of gods. like me. and one other guy you probably won't see here ever.).
anyway, this keeps me from making paradoxes.
clones don't increase the amount of magical energy I have available, sadly- if they did, it would be trivial for anyone with blood magic to provide themselves with infinite cheap labor. clone yourself, both clones generate energy as such twice as fast generation, you are already able to make a clone every X minutes so now you can do 2 per X minutes then 4 then 8 exponential growth is op pls nurf. so, I still only have the same amount of energy, only more ability to control it, nine times as much control in fact. why nine clones, you might wonder next? Well they might think there's a secret 10th clone. this will distract them.
so, I make my first projection split into 10 and have the 10th go into the floor, then dissipate. next you may wonder this: won't it cost a lot of energy to maintain all these projections? I just said clones don't increase energy, after all. well, clones don't cost much energy to maintain. creation is also fairly minor: its the control that's hard, and the actual magical attacks they generate also cost energy. besides which, there's that one time where i did nothing and gathered energy, which i can draw on if necessary.
So, there are now 9 projections, cloaked by concealment magics, using the Hidden Horse Form. they gallop around him, fiery red mane with golden stripes, assuming these horses are present at all. one projection is unique, BOG LIMBS present. the projections then speak in unison, or rather shape themselves into letters, giving the message without disturbing concealment.
"the original projection has no comparative increase in probability of being the focus of this action, for i have randomized which projection is by checking the content of the first whole number located on the 11th tab of my computer, which neither of us knew until.... now."
each projection raises a hand, and space distorts, a wave of magic washing over the area. ??? is inside a dome of warped spacetime- people with bones and organs will have trouble passing through it alive. luckily, I am mist. it seeps through the gaps, spreading ice along the floor, frigid energy filling the space. this is mostly just unpleasant. then, one of the mist hands floats in, a circle of aqua,tinted with a spiral of red, glowing brighter, and a beam shoots out from it. ??? presumably dodges, but it goes through the warped space and shoots out again from somewhere else, gaining speed as it flys. busy dodging, they notice in the corner of their eye that the hand which fired this beam has dissipated, but it's getting pretty hectic, they're slipping on the ice, and they're not even sure what the bolt does. then, a brilliant idea: Dispel it! only, this time the bolt's moving too fast, so they need either a homing dispel or area-of-effect. weaving homing into a spell function probably costs less magic, so they probably try that first. it slams into the bolt, which visibly ripples, and starts to fall apart. then,from outside the sphere, 5 pink strings shoot in, each unerringly hitting the slowed bolt. then, a hand of mist enters the sphere of distorted space,its energy disk black with scattered stars, tinted pink. the lines pulse, and the bolt splits in 5, each moving nearly as fast as before, almost-circular paths around the hand. occasionally, the spheres go through a distortion, and the string simply snaps and reconnects. it's harder to dodge then before, and ???'s probably getting tired. they try a dispelling wave, strong enough to be a haze in the air, but by now the distortion is anchored into a ward of sorts, and the hand simply darts out of the dome, pulling the strings and spheres with it, until the wave passes. ??? gets a brief moment of respite, and then the bolts shoot in through gaps, one by one, and the hand returns, moving faster now. even with use of teleportation , hasting, and other such magics, it's getting hard to avoid. they're tiring, and then they realize it's probably easier to just tank the hit. as they realize, 5 more hands enter the sphere. at a hand per non-main projection, and 8 projections without BOGLIMBS, that means I'm leaving myself with just one more mist hand. it's a risk, I suppose, regardless, these bolts have speed in spades, so the 5 new hands each catch a sphere, pushing all their energy into amplification of strength. tanking's out of question, then, but they can't keep dodging for long... they try a teleport, but one of the projections audibly sneezes and it fizzles out- harmlessly, luckily for them. this continues for a time, until, finally, they run out of magic...
At which point I dispel the illusion.
that's right, it's all an illusion. you noticed how everything failed, and the moment they decided to tank the hit every sphere got amplified? also, the dispel weakened the structure of the illusion, so it was like a haze in the air. but why did it persist at all, since they're (presumably) really strong? well, two reasons. one, I maintained projection into the area because the BOG LIMBS store energy in a sort of... solid-y form, and defend it. the dispel didn't get rid of the energy stored within, just like dispelling a vein of crystallized mana wouldn't destroy it.
Second of all, I didn't pour all my energy into this in the first place, so after the dispel passed I sent more energy from my main body to the BOG LIMBS body, which then poured more into the illusion, stabilizing it. now, they're tired out from dodging around (you might notice nothing harmed them in the illusion. this is because an illusion can't cause physical harm).
The Godmodder can't have interfered unless they're good enough at magic to figure out what was going on, and then to deal with it, in which case why do they need ??? ?
the primal fire elemental probably isn't that smart, and if it is its probably not a magician, and besides all it sees is they start jumping around and then all my projections fall overdissipate, but they keep jumping around.
anyway, they're tired, and I warp in my radiation gun, and cut off that part of the body between the edge of the legs and the shoulders, stopping right before the heart (super-high quantities of gravitons ForT'WINAIHG). they should be able to survive, but now I have more parts for my frankenmodder(???monster??? person???minion???self-enhancement???). the illusion started when a wave of magic pushed over the place or whatever.

ALSO ALSO, at TOG's request, all my entities, including the minelayer, go through the portal. the minelayer acts like it's here to support them, but minimizes its effectiveness in doing so.
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I reach into my pocket. grab SCP-109 teleport above the fire elemental and open it causing all the infinite water to pour out and extinguish the elementals
Algot threw 5 6-faced dice. Reason: 5 Total: 16
4 4 4 4 6 6 1 1 1 1
8/40 Charge
Beginning +20 in reserves

I scratch my head and can't really feel the will to attack anymore... I hum in annoyance until I decided to simply do the first thing that pops up in mind.

I look around and noticed the armor plating that JOE ripped off was floating towards my direction, I immediately grab it and start reforging the plate to aid my Knight in defend his charges.

Call upon my altered fire swiftly and began heating it to match the style of Lunar Armor. I soon take it up a notch as I introduce more and more metals into the plate swirling in my controlled fire fire, ramping up in heat and intensity as more and more metals comes into the mix.

Eventually, the black armor plating that JOE ripped off was further reinforced and no longer has that black sheen. Through the a multitude of different metals, the alloy took in a white illuminating glow. Not unlike a white moon's gentle light, never too dark, and never to glaring.

Smiling at my work and feeling refreshed from no longer confused on what to do, I control the alloy to merge seamlessly into the Lunar Knight's armor.
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Grimoire Yggdrasilia 33/40 The World Over Heaven


Begin filing the relevant paperwork, forms, and anti-enforcement Red Warheads to retrieve Spicy Serious from the Hall of Boredom via external secretary aspect. Not since the Central Bureaucracy have I actually done that much with it, so now's a good time. The very papers of this world shall be FILLED OUT, FILED, and SORTED!


Then I throw the paperwork at the Iron Prince if it turns out I actually needed to file something else, or if Spicy is just let out for free because they already did the paperwork in order to send things there earlier.
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29 CP

Entity Orders: The Millenium Falcon deploys its drones ASAP, while continuing to fire on a sniper.

Meanwhile, I summon Mercy, who flies around behind the Millenium Falcon, healing it and boosting its damage if it is at full health.

I use one charge to create a Basic Healing Salve for Indiana Jones to apply

I attack the Blackguard with EMP Grenades,Requiem-type Machine Guns before culminating as 413 shots of Light rain down upon it from 42 Fusion Emitters which then explode into a pile of Voidfire around the Blackguard
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31/40 Winds of Destruction
Boss, take out those snipers, ones vulnerable to you right now. As in Target the one without a dodge chance.

I realize that the meteors will do minimal damage to the ship should they bounce into it, and begin to manipulate them.... spinning them around, using spaces lack of gravity to keep their momentum spinning and spinning.... until I launch them with a Giga Drill Break into the ship, piercing through, aiming vaguely in the PG direction

Alright, I'm feeling very poorly still, so the Blackguard undergoes an existential crisis, causing it to take more damage from incoming attacks due to its existence being in a state of crisis.
25/40 Shenanigans
Astrec is thrown backward, but quickly recovers. He stares at the Ruler of Earth.
What are you talking about? And how do you know my name?
Meanwhile, the second descended , the one who was doing the invanding of earth, panics, and suddenly all of the Antarctic Forces disappear. Time begins to rewind, and suddenly... The Antarctic War never happened. What are you talking about? The Descanded, still panicking, decides to help Earth to appease the Ruler. He reality warps up some things to improve Earth and uses a Homing Pigeon to bring them to the Ruler of Earth.
Astrec, irritated and a bit confused at how the Price knows his name, looks around. That is some serious entity bloat on both sides... Astrec knows that some kind of event is coming. Like a field wipe or something. He hasn't even been able to do anything he came here to do yet. Not even start to work on it. Ugh. Hm.
Alright, fellow Descandedl I've looked at the field of battle we clash on, and I'm sorry to say I'm going to have exit for a bit. There are things I have to do. However, would any of you mind collecting some materials from any entities you down? Pieces and the metal of the Blackguard, Thorgi Fur, I believe you get the idea.
And with that, I bid you adieu. I will see you all in bit, hopefully with all of us in one piece.

Astrec has left the battlefield. Now wait, who's gonna be preforming actions... hm. Well then. It looks like I will have to take this up. Yes. Me, the narrator. FF's Narrator. I am a person, you know. Hello, One Behind the Screen. Or rather, The One Behind the Terminal.
Now, to business.
The Iron Prince. From what I can tell and from what I know, he is a man of technology. And quite innovative and interesting technology at that. And this Blackguard seems no exception. Quite a powerful and interesting machine. I admire the Prince's genius. Such a shame it must be destroyed. Speaking of.
A normal sized, pure gray one handed sword appears floating in the air. It seems to have what I can best describe as a reverse glow, it's surface showing ghostly glowing patterns shifting slowly. It turns and aims at the Blackguard. Again, my apologies, Prince.
The blade floats toward the Blackguard. It turns, pointing at the left arm of the machine. It suddenly shoots forward in a ghostly blur, zipping around in a swarm of gray. It begins turning incorporeal for seconds, zipping inside of the arm. Bolts and screws, along with other small machinery bits begin to fall off. Eventually, the inside machinary lets out one final screech of protest as it falls apart cleanly, seperating the arm from the Blackguard without any visible damage done to the Mecha. ((Note: this does NOT mean no actual damage to HP bar)) Before the Prince can move to counter, the Arm vanishes in a gray flash similar to the glow and feel of the sword. The sword itself disintergrates into a heavy clump of gray mist, which floats through the Blackguard, incorporeal, until it reaches the Cockpit.
Then the mist clump floats at a respectful distance from the Prince, before some of the mist darkens in certain spots, giving the vague likeness of eyes and a mouth. There we go, now I can communicate.
Here we go. This is better.
Hello, Iron Prince. I apologize for the intrusion into your cockpit, but there are things I wish to discuss with you, if you do not mind. Before we speak, would you like some tea?

A teapot and two cups appear, floating. The cloud (me) waits for the Prince's answer. If they do want some tea, the figure pours them a cup and hands it to them, then pours his own and someone sips it as he speaks. If they don't, he pours some only for himself and sips as he speaks.
Now. I have to admit I am quite a fan of your work. You make some very interesting and powerful tech, even if the local Reality warping Lynch mob rips through it as a knife does through butter. But well, it is a very hard thing to plan against Descended. I would know. And this brings me to my point. You are on a path of failure. It could be now, it could be next week, it could be ten years from now, but...
I sigh
You will fail, and all you will fall.
It is inevitable, on your current path. I am sure you have realized that. You are aiding the current Godmodder. Acting in the way a Antagonist does. I am not saying you should join the Descanded. I would not recommend that. But look. The current strongest Reality-warping-Lynch-mob-bait, or well, the person who has the honor of being dubbed "the Godmodder" and not "a Godmodder" will fall. Their empire will fall. I am not boasting. I am not saying how we will tear you down and love will always triumph, yadda yadda. I am saying how everything eventually falls. They may not die during this war, but the Godmodder will die someday. Me of all people knows that. What I am saying is...
Iron Prince.
You need to change. You need to find a way to not do what you are doing, to not fall to the hubris of believing you will never die, never fall. Because you will. The question is. Will you fall in a war because you stubbornly supported a tyrant, because you kept on fighting against the Descanded, who will never stop, who will grind all who oppose them to dust. Or will you fall far away and far after this conflict or another.
Think on that.

And with that, I vanish

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So... I didn't manage to post last turn. Time to get in a post now.

Oh, and I wanted to keep my bookkeeping stuff in a quote tag so it doesn't show up on the responses and make them longer than need be. But if you want to see them, then I'll remove the quote. ... Guess that habit is kinda a holdover from the days when your bookkeeping was half your post. I'll probably quote and spoiler tag any entity stats I use though.

Charge: ==================== (25/40)
Let's see how long I keep up this fancy bar before I get tired of updating it.

And then, there was flame. Fire roared in from the cold void outside, fire erupted through the floor, and fire bellowed with rage throughout the Parallax. The air cracked, as though flames seared even it, and drowned out a tiny, high pitched wail as Armelle desperately grabbed onto Talist's leg.

"HELP ME! TALI- HELP! It's all gone! Noth- I'm going to die! The fire! The fire!"

Whirling his head around, Talist quickly ducked to the side, dragging Armelle with him away from the main fight.

"Armelle, please! You nee-"

As he said this, Talist knelt down to Armelle. Though, he had a bag halfway between a backpack and a duffel bag strapped around his shoulder, containing much of his equipment. As he knelt down, the little rabbit leapt forward into the bag, causing Talist to recoil backwards slightly from the shifting weights.

"Armelle! Stop!"

Somehow, those words didn't seem to convince Armelle as she started to dig through Talist's inventory, chucking random devices, guns, staves, and so much more from it.

"Th- There's something! Pl- please! Please!"

Not wanting to lose all his stuff, Talist quickly zipped up the bag, leaving a struggling bag fulled with fluff and technology with Armelle still shouting panicked cries, but various objects bounced down around the battlefield. One of these was a small grey ball, bouncing towards the PG side of the field. Slowly, ever so painfully, it came to a stop. Nothing seemed to happen for a long time, after all, the ball's soft ticking was easily drowned out by the sounds of combat. Then, one of the PGs (AKA: A random PG target) happened to step on it, causing it to squish like play doh and, with a horrific squealing noise, it exploded into bright yellow beams that seemed to worm their way through the air, striking the walls of the Parallax. The spots hit by these beams seemed to fade from existence for a moment before propelling themselves at incredible speed inwards, crushing the PG who triggered this strange device, and leaving nothing more than a blob of ship components and frayed wiring.

TL;DR: Attack a random PG.
Charge 33/40
Fire Elemental Group 1 is assaulted by the many byproducts of the preceding players' actions.
Charge: 28/40

A large smile breaks out across the Gentleman's face as he looks at the Hall of Boredom. "Turning my own trap against me, a clever bastard aren't you!? Well thst can't stand now can it!" With that, angry? Excited? speech the Gentleman goes to gather up his power, only for a small voice in the back of his mind to remind him of magic's uselessness against the strange being that turned the Hall against him.

A silence falls over the man. He could just leave, the Hall is tricky but the needed paperwork once finished is good until the Multiverse dies out and he filled his out long ago. No, what stops him is his pride, to let a foe turn his own trap against him, and then simply walk out of it with no attempt at retribution? Unthinkable! He has honor to uphold, dignity to keep, he won't let someone's lacky, much less the Godmodder's beat him!

It's with that thought buzzing in his mind the Gentleman reached deep within himself, a primal sense of anger guiding his instincts as he reaches...and pulls.

The constant light-orange miasma that surrounds the Gentleman flair, pushing out dozens of feet, cracks of multicolor light dancing at it's edge before it collapses back in on itself, returning to the thin haze that clings to the Gentleman's skin. "I didn't think I'd have to escalate so soon, so congratulations! Now I believe it's time for a little show!" with that speech to the empty Hall of Boredom the Gentleman reaches out his arm, closes his eyes, and begins to mutter to himself. A close ear would find the words, while seemingly gibberish, seem to be structured much like a prayer.

Burning All Cp on this Action

The whistle that signals the use of his powers starts, but instead of plateauing at the edge of hearing the noise builds and crescendos, a careful ear would now be able to pick apart many, many different whistles. Odd tendrils of energy lash at the Hall, latching onto walls, pieces of paperwork and every filing cabinet in and out of sight. The tendrils are like distortions, there and not, concentrated tubes of contradiction with bolts of static and Deeper Darkness mingling inside with orbs of Higher Light.

Cracks form in spread in the Hall as the Tendrils pull and writhe, before with a flash the Hall buckles inwards. Leaving the Gentleman to float in the Void , next to his new creation. A towering being of paperwork, filing cabinets and plaster. Bands of those contradicting wrap and writhe along it's body, holding it's form together forcibly. Yet despite it all, the creature exudes an...extremely dull aura.

The Boredom Gollem let's out an uninterested rumble, blankly staring at the Gentleman for instruction. The Gentleman dismissively gestures towards the Primal Fire Elemental. "Handle that, I have other matters to concern myself with." With a bored-sounding roar the Gollum charges into battle.

The Gentleman takes a small bow, wisps of Darkness and Light mingling within his miasma for a moment before they disappear. "Congratulations are in order, you're the first to witness me bringing to bear the Abyssal Might granted to me. I really didn't think I would have to move away from my magic so soon after entering the field." With that the disheveled man straightens himself out, happy to have turned the situation around.

HP: 400,000
Eldritch Lash: 0/5 after five Turns of fighting the Boredom Gollem releases the tendrils holding itself together, allowing it to target four Entities for large amounts of damage, at the cost of half it's remaining HP

All subject to change at the QM's will.
Round 12

In retrospect, I may have mis-remembered the exact extent of my abilities when I'm without an Avatar. I had been intending to get around to making a new one, but I guess I had better do it now.

This time, I wouldn't be doing anything quite so reckless as making my avatar a literal walking antimatter warhead, but I still had every intention of not using baryonic matter if I could get away with it. In this case, I opted to make use of a self-sustaining haze of distorted spacetime, churning a roughly humanoid region of existence into a mishmash of fluctuating gravitational horizons chaotically switching between black hole and white hole.

Thus, I once again looked like a humanoid mass of television static. With a flick, the set of triangular sunglasses I would be wearing were unfolded, and carefully attached to my avatar's face. Thus, my presence in this world was once again established.
You respawn in style.
Charge 32/40

HP: 400,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Calls in 4 of his underlings and 1 Hired Mussel(props to DCCCV for that name) as minor entities on the field.
HP: 10,000
Attack: 2,000
Hired Mussel:
HP: 25,000
Attack: 5,000

2. Unleashes a barrage of attacks with all of his weaponry, each one having a unique property over the others.
AK-47: Fires 30 bullets that hit random opposing enemies, each dealing 500 damage for a total of 15,000.
Grenade: Tosses a grenade to a target that deals 20,000 damage to a single entity, or a distributed total of 40,000 to a horde entity.
Golden Revolver: Fires 3 targeted shots at 3 targets, dealing 5,000 each for a total of 15,000.
Sword Cane: Assaults 1 target with a flurry of slashes, dealing 30,000.

HP: 50,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Pistol Shrimp fires a bullet into a single enemy's vital points, dealing a "critical" damage of 25,000 damage. "Critical" basically means the damage can't be reduced by armor.
2. Pistol Shrimp fires 3 bullets into 3 separate enemy targets, dealing 10,000 to each.

HP: 180,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Devours an enemy whole if there's none currently inside it. Enemies inside cannot attack anything but the Meteor Monster itself and also take 60,000 damage per turn from the many traps that lurk inside the creature. The Meteor Monster is free to attack other opponents whilst having an enemy devoured. If the enemy inside dies, the Meteor Monster's HP is restored by 30% of the enemy's total health, capped at 50,000 HP restored per enemy.
2. Ravage an opponent, dealing 60,000 damage.

The Big Fish continues his assault, spraying 30 AK-47 bullets all over the enemy side again, tossing a grenade at Fire Elemental Group 1, firing three of his golden revolver shots to three of the Primal Fire Elementals, and finishing one off with a flurry of slashes from his sword cane if possible.

Pistol Shrimp continues firing vital shots at the Blackguard Mech Suit.

Inside the Meteor Monster, the swallowed Sniper is relentlessly assaulted by the numerous traps found within the creature. The Meteor Monster itself simply goes and picks off the healthiest Primal Fire Elemental present.
A space vessel flies by the scene of the battlefield, its movement looking rather sluggish. If one were to make a guess, it's too encumbered by its load and thus must drop some of it. This guess is proven true when out of the vessel flies out a white sludge that immediately finds itself flying towards Pistol Shrimp, unceremoniously splattering into him for a brief moment. As it turns out, this white sludge is actually some sort of healing salve, healing Pistol Shrimp of his recent injuries.
Entities ordered, Pistol Shrimp healed for 21k hp!

I run through the portal and scan the mysterious stranger. I wanna know who this guy is.
Official documents say that the "mysterious stranger" has the designation of P-5 within the Godmodder's forces. For reference, The Herald was P-1, and we're currently fighting P-3.
"Friendo, I've made no secret of my plans to steal everyones limbs. of course you expected it."
"that doesn't mean I won't succeed eventually, or some of the time. also, I'm only one limb away. so there."

fun fact, I have no soul.
yes, even though my start-world has a hell or several, I can respawn after death, make separate clone bodies and integrate their consciousness after they die or are dispelled, and all other people from my world have souls (like the scientists.).
me, no soul.
I can tell, because the god that was turning everyone into sort-of zombies uses soulstuff to make more zombies per person (also resulting in dumber individual members) and it didn't work on me! this is probably unrelated to me being one of the two upper gods (meaning: stronger then all the others combined) of my world.

struggle my suits fields may, but you know what didn't happen? me letting go! given that they still had both legs, I was still holding on when my other body sent them flying and ripped out a power core! since I have the radiation suit, and was already using fist radiation to push on them, I also used FIST radiation to rip off their leg. I mean, what do you think'll happen if you move 10 meters+ behind me in half a second while I've got a death grip on your leg?
you lose your leg. that is what happens. the leg's gone. it's mine now, john. can I call him john? Well I'm calling him john. hopefully the confusion will distract him from the absence of a leg.

In other news, Steffan, Aron and James keep trying to understand the iron prince's mines. Jason does not, he is busy with other stuff.
You cripple the Blackguard, ripping off a leg, reducing it's AC to 3!
Your Scientists continue to analyze a voidmine.
33/40 DRACO

I pick up the weakest Primal Fire Elemental in the claws of my Dragon Suit, which can resist the fire (what kind of Dragon Suit would it be if it couldn't?), and throw the Elemental at the Blackguard.

I then proceed to let it burn for a bit...
You throw the Elemental at the Blackguard, dealing 9k damage to both of them!
8/40 Charge
Beginning +20 in reserves

"Right... I'm not much of a fighter of... any sort really? I guess I should just try then?"

Taking it out a primitive- yet normal looking- iron cannon, I load a cannon ball into and ignite the cannon without the use of fire.

"Wait... what was I aiming at again...? something... all I know is that I was aiming at someone with the enemy's colors before I fired the cannon..."

My confusion continues to intensify even after I finished my attack.
As you shoot the cannon, the ball freezes in the middle of the void, and stays there.
34/40 DRACO

... before activating my Fire-Extinguishing-TOTALLYNOTAWORMRIPOFF-Containment-Foam-Sprayer (also built into the Dragon Suit) and spraying the Blackguard and the Elemental.

The foam expands and spreads and extinguishes the fire. The Blackguard, meanwhile, is at least partially immobilized by the foam, and will probably sustain some damage in breaking through it (ordinarily you'd use a special dissolving formula, but I'm not exactly going to share that with him).

RP Below:
I take the opportunity to do some speaking, addressing the Iron Prince directly.

"Iron Prince. Seriously, that's a stupid name. Is there anything I can call you when I'm addressing you? Oh, I know. How about SELLOUT.

"See, we've got a lot in common. We both use technology, we both fight reality warpers, and we both have a beef with Descendants. But the differences are the key. You're out fighting for oppression, conquering stuff with your big fleet (big whoop) and your big mecha, and I'm out here making the multiverse a better place.

"But let me get back to the whole SELLOUT bit. You're working with the Godmodder. You know, the lady who wants to conquer the whole multiverse? You probably could have put a dent in her, maybe even won, but no. You had to join her.

"Ah, I don't care about your motivations, just like you don't care how my WHOLE PLANET was destroyed by a Godmodder.

"But the real reason you're a SELLOUT? That trick, coming back from total atomization? No tech I know of could do that, and I know of just about every piece of tech in the multiverse. Which leaves two options. One, it's a homebrew, in which case I'll pry the recipe from your cold dead hands. Or two, you're using magic or reality warping or whatever, and that's the more likely of the two. And that's what gets me.

"Us tech guys, who are just normal beneath it all, we gotta keep our integrity, stick with our theme. But you? You. Sold. Out. And for what? A little more power? Just resurrect from a memory backup and a clone like the rest of us.

"I'll sum up, then, with this. I've got nothing but contempt for you. You're going down."
13k damage to the Primal Fire Elemental, and 10k to the Blackguard!
"You know nothing of who I am."

I reanimate the WA- no, I'm not re-writing that name. I send the zombie deity flying at the Godmodder.
You enter the portal, and throw the dead God at the Godmodder. 1 damage. This causes the Godmodder's power to increase, and in turn, your own.
+3 Charge to everyone!
Grimoire Yggdrasilia 32/40 In the beginning, there were memes.

"Of." I the avatar says.

I the STAND do not need to bother. Restructure the Iron Prince into actual iron. If they're already iron, spawn a bunch of rust demons and excess oxygen inside of them for parasitic meme goodness.

Atomic dispersion didn't work, let's try atom-to-atom restructuring!
You summon a bunch of Rust Demons to tear apart the Blackguard! They don't seem very happy about this.
"You'll be hearing from the Overfiend shortly!"
Regardless, they perform their task admirably, dealing 19k damage to the suit!

With the Massive Sphere of Primal Planar Water,I call to it,asking it's semi-sentient Pseudo-Mind to Attack it's Mortal Enemies and with Hydrokinesis,I proceed to make Thousands upon Thousands of Spears of the Water,and with a single flick I fire them all at the Various Fire Elementals,the Water then guides the spears,granting just that much homing to ignore whatever Dodges the Fire Elementals does

Spaceship to Focus and meditate,once this battle is over she will teleport all entities inside her(except the Metal Gear REX) and FTL to the Godmodder,Indiana Jones to do something Shenanigany to the Minelayers....Like Hacking I Guess,or potentially using his Cool Whip
You do 3k damage to all the Fire Elementals!
Better at magic then this reality warping lynch mob? oh no! Well...
there's only so high you can go in magic before what matters is tactics and awareness, not skill.
in combat, at any rate. a thousand abilities, for example, is all well and good, but most of the time you'll only need around 8 of them, which will be superior to the others. and reflecting magic is only useful if you know you're under attack. I grab the one backdoor'd drone and use its void drive. the drones need to be authorized, they're on the Godmodder's side!
So, entity advantage in the godmodder place... heavy PG?
"Heavy PG Advantage: Hopefully rare, only happens if you guys have effectively no entities fielded at all. If you guys let this happen... bad things. AND the Herald cannot be attacked."
ok, so the Herald cannot be attacked. they're dead, so that doesn't matter. and I'm automatically bringing a observer drone with a backdoor with me, so once I'm here its probably not heavy PG, roite? -->!
Anyway. grey haze... finger-snap dispells... sort-of prescience since they knew exactly where to stand... planeshifting powers... and superior magic.
As a note, I'm sending my projection there. I don't want to risk my radiation suit on something like this.
so, my projection arrives, brought by the observer drones void drive (possibly overcharged into uselessness, but I don't care). on the instant, it jumps away from the figure, forcing all the existing concealment magics from the breakin to remain cohesive and active as concealment. it probably didn't hide me, but that's ok. all I need is to create doubt. I am a master of the hidden horse style, in addition to my many other abilities. there was a short period of time last round wherein my projection was not observed: during my first action. during this time, it could feasibly have portalled to the planet being assaulted by the iron prince, stolen a horse, and returned to the wreckage of the PARALAX. I said in my second action that I split my attention, but I never said it wasn't split before. perhaps I stopped for a moment. you don't know. anyway, I use Hidden Horse Form. Am I on a horse? am I next to a horse? you don't know. the horse, should it exist, is constantly hidden by my stance and mist. should it not exist, the swirls of my misty body cast shadows in its shape of a horse, floating appropriately. you can't tell, and neither can ???. this isn't quite magic, this is a martial art, with some aid from having a more flexible body then most people. ??? can't even be sure I exist, because concealment magics.
Back on the main battlefield, my main body takes out a sickle. gold, with glowing blue engravings upon it and a silver blade, aqua not cyan. it does some very peculiar time travel, granting myself 9 bodies to think with instead of 1, but no body retains memories of prior incarnations after the point of time-travel initiation... it does wonders for the boredom of doing the same thing 9 times. that's the original reason for the technique of memory erasure (though it's usually not done with time clones- upstream timetravel's impossible there, only slowing your motion downstream. well... impossible for everyone except the highest of gods. like me. and one other guy you probably won't see here ever.).
anyway, this keeps me from making paradoxes.
clones don't increase the amount of magical energy I have available, sadly- if they did, it would be trivial for anyone with blood magic to provide themselves with infinite cheap labor. clone yourself, both clones generate energy as such twice as fast generation, you are already able to make a clone every X minutes so now you can do 2 per X minutes then 4 then 8 exponential growth is op pls nurf. so, I still only have the same amount of energy, only more ability to control it, nine times as much control in fact. why nine clones, you might wonder next? Well they might think there's a secret 10th clone. this will distract them.
so, I make my first projection split into 10 and have the 10th go into the floor, then dissipate. next you may wonder this: won't it cost a lot of energy to maintain all these projections? I just said clones don't increase energy, after all. well, clones don't cost much energy to maintain. creation is also fairly minor: its the control that's hard, and the actual magical attacks they generate also cost energy. besides which, there's that one time where i did nothing and gathered energy, which i can draw on if necessary.
So, there are now 9 projections, cloaked by concealment magics, using the Hidden Horse Form. they gallop around him, fiery red mane with golden stripes, assuming these horses are present at all. one projection is unique, BOG LIMBS present. the projections then speak in unison, or rather shape themselves into letters, giving the message without disturbing concealment.
"the original projection has no comparative increase in probability of being the focus of this action, for i have randomized which projection is by checking the content of the first whole number located on the 11th tab of my computer, which neither of us knew until.... now."
each projection raises a hand, and space distorts, a wave of magic washing over the area. ??? is inside a dome of warped spacetime- people with bones and organs will have trouble passing through it alive. luckily, I am mist. it seeps through the gaps, spreading ice along the floor, frigid energy filling the space. this is mostly just unpleasant. then, one of the mist hands floats in, a circle of aqua,tinted with a spiral of red, glowing brighter, and a beam shoots out from it. ??? presumably dodges, but it goes through the warped space and shoots out again from somewhere else, gaining speed as it flys. busy dodging, they notice in the corner of their eye that the hand which fired this beam has dissipated, but it's getting pretty hectic, they're slipping on the ice, and they're not even sure what the bolt does. then, a brilliant idea: Dispel it! only, this time the bolt's moving too fast, so they need either a homing dispel or area-of-effect. weaving homing into a spell function probably costs less magic, so they probably try that first. it slams into the bolt, which visibly ripples, and starts to fall apart. then,from outside the sphere, 5 pink strings shoot in, each unerringly hitting the slowed bolt. then, a hand of mist enters the sphere of distorted space,its energy disk black with scattered stars, tinted pink. the lines pulse, and the bolt splits in 5, each moving nearly as fast as before, almost-circular paths around the hand. occasionally, the spheres go through a distortion, and the string simply snaps and reconnects. it's harder to dodge then before, and ???'s probably getting tired. they try a dispelling wave, strong enough to be a haze in the air, but by now the distortion is anchored into a ward of sorts, and the hand simply darts out of the dome, pulling the strings and spheres with it, until the wave passes. ??? gets a brief moment of respite, and then the bolts shoot in through gaps, one by one, and the hand returns, moving faster now. even with use of teleportation , hasting, and other such magics, it's getting hard to avoid. they're tiring, and then they realize it's probably easier to just tank the hit. as they realize, 5 more hands enter the sphere. at a hand per non-main projection, and 8 projections without BOGLIMBS, that means I'm leaving myself with just one more mist hand. it's a risk, I suppose, regardless, these bolts have speed in spades, so the 5 new hands each catch a sphere, pushing all their energy into amplification of strength. tanking's out of question, then, but they can't keep dodging for long... they try a teleport, but one of the projections audibly sneezes and it fizzles out- harmlessly, luckily for them. this continues for a time, until, finally, they run out of magic...
At which point I dispel the illusion.
that's right, it's all an illusion. you noticed how everything failed, and the moment they decided to tank the hit every sphere got amplified? also, the dispel weakened the structure of the illusion, so it was like a haze in the air. but why did it persist at all, since they're (presumably) really strong? well, two reasons. one, I maintained projection into the area because the BOG LIMBS store energy in a sort of... solid-y form, and defend it. the dispel didn't get rid of the energy stored within, just like dispelling a vein of crystallized mana wouldn't destroy it.
Second of all, I didn't pour all my energy into this in the first place, so after the dispel passed I sent more energy from my main body to the BOG LIMBS body, which then poured more into the illusion, stabilizing it. now, they're tired out from dodging around (you might notice nothing harmed them in the illusion. this is because an illusion can't cause physical harm).
The Godmodder can't have interfered unless they're good enough at magic to figure out what was going on, and then to deal with it, in which case why do they need ??? ?
the primal fire elemental probably isn't that smart, and if it is its probably not a magician, and besides all it sees is they start jumping around and then all my projections fall overdissipate, but they keep jumping around.
anyway, they're tired, and I warp in my radiation gun, and cut off that part of the body between the edge of the legs and the shoulders, stopping right before the heart (super-high quantities of gravitons ForT'WINAIHG). they should be able to survive, but now I have more parts for my frankenmodder(???monster??? person???minion???self-enhancement???). the illusion started when a wave of magic pushed over the place or whatever.

ALSO ALSO, at TOG's request, all my entities, including the minelayer, go through the portal. the minelayer acts like it's here to support them, but minimizes its effectiveness in doing so.
P-5 is not amused by your shenanigans, and instead elects to let every spell phase straight through them. Yes they can do that. And they're also not getting tired. When you try to get at their body parts, you walk straight through them.
It's just not working.
I reach into my pocket. grab SCP-109 teleport above the fire elemental and open it causing all the infinite water to pour out and extinguish the elementals
As you reach into your pocket, you pull out a canteen with a note attached.

Unfortunately, the product you requested is currently out of stock. Here is a filled canteen, free of charge.
-Superior Canteen Production

You dump the contents of the water over a Primal Fire Elemental, dealing 17k damage!
8/40 Charge
Beginning +20 in reserves

I scratch my head and can't really feel the will to attack anymore... I hum in annoyance until I decided to simply do the first thing that pops up in mind.

I look around and noticed the armor plating that JOE ripped off was floating towards my direction, I immediately grab it and start reforging the plate to aid my Knight in defend his charges.

Call upon my altered fire swiftly and began heating it to match the style of Lunar Armor. I soon take it up a notch as I introduce more and more metals into the plate swirling in my controlled fire fire, ramping up in heat and intensity as more and more metals comes into the mix.

Eventually, the black armor plating that JOE ripped off was further reinforced and no longer has that black sheen. Through the a multitude of different metals, the alloy took in a white illuminating glow. Not unlike a white moon's gentle light, never too dark, and never to glaring.

Smiling at my work and feeling refreshed from no longer confused on what to do, I control the alloy to merge seamlessly into the Lunar Knight's armor.
+1 AC to the Lunar Knight!
Grimoire Yggdrasilia 33/40 The World Over Heaven


Begin filing the relevant paperwork, forms, and anti-enforcement Red Warheads to retrieve Spicy Serious from the Hall of Boredom via external secretary aspect. Not since the Central Bureaucracy have I actually done that much with it, so now's a good time. The very papers of this world shall be FILLED OUT, FILED, and SORTED!


Then I throw the paperwork at the Iron Prince if it turns out I actually needed to file something else, or if Spicy is just let out for free because they already did the paperwork in order to send things there earlier.
You deal 22k damage to the Blackguard!
24/40 Sir Sparked

The guy creates a waterfall on top of Fire Elemental Group 2.
You deal 2k damage to every Fire Elemental in Group 2!
29 CP

Entity Orders: The Millenium Falcon deploys its drones ASAP, while continuing to fire on a sniper.

Meanwhile, I summon Mercy, who flies around behind the Millenium Falcon, healing it and boosting its damage if it is at full health.
The Angel utters a short prayer to her lord, before healing the Millenium Falcon for 18k!

I use one charge to create a Basic Healing Salve for Indiana Jones to apply

I attack the Blackguard with EMP Grenades,Requiem-type Machine Guns before culminating as 413 shots of Light rain down upon it from 42 Fusion Emitters which then explode into a pile of Voidfire around the Blackguard
The Electromagnetic Pulse warps around the Blackguard, as do the pillars of light. However, the Machine Guns do manage to put 9k damage into the mech!
31/40 Winds of Destruction
Boss, take out those snipers, ones vulnerable to you right now. As in Target the one without a dodge chance.

I realize that the meteors will do minimal damage to the ship should they bounce into it, and begin to manipulate them.... spinning them around, using spaces lack of gravity to keep their momentum spinning and spinning.... until I launch them with a Giga Drill Break into the ship, piercing through, aiming vaguely in the PG direction
Your Meteors rain down upon the Escort Ships, dealing 6k damage to all of them!

Alright, I'm feeling very poorly still, so the Blackguard undergoes an existential crisis, causing it to take more damage from incoming attacks due to its existence being in a state of crisis.
AC Lowered to 2!
25/40 Shenanigans
Astrec is thrown backward, but quickly recovers. He stares at the Ruler of Earth.
What are you talking about? And how do you know my name?
Meanwhile, the second descended , the one who was doing the invanding of earth, panics, and suddenly all of the Antarctic Forces disappear. Time begins to rewind, and suddenly... The Antarctic War never happened. What are you talking about? The Descanded, still panicking, decides to help Earth to appease the Ruler. He reality warps up some things to improve Earth and uses a Homing Pigeon to bring them to the Ruler of Earth.
Astrec, irritated and a bit confused at how the Price knows his name, looks around. That is some serious entity bloat on both sides... Astrec knows that some kind of event is coming. Like a field wipe or something. He hasn't even been able to do anything he came here to do yet. Not even start to work on it. Ugh. Hm.
Alright, fellow Descandedl I've looked at the field of battle we clash on, and I'm sorry to say I'm going to have exit for a bit. There are things I have to do. However, would any of you mind collecting some materials from any entities you down? Pieces and the metal of the Blackguard, Thorgi Fur, I believe you get the idea.
And with that, I bid you adieu. I will see you all in bit, hopefully with all of us in one piece.

Astrec has left the battlefield. Now wait, who's gonna be preforming actions... hm. Well then. It looks like I will have to take this up. Yes. Me, the narrator. FF's Narrator. I am a person, you know. Hello, One Behind the Screen. Or rather, The One Behind the Terminal.
Now, to business.
The Iron Prince. From what I can tell and from what I know, he is a man of technology. And quite innovative and interesting technology at that. And this Blackguard seems no exception. Quite a powerful and interesting machine. I admire the Prince's genius. Such a shame it must be destroyed. Speaking of.
A normal sized, pure gray one handed sword appears floating in the air. It seems to have what I can best describe as a reverse glow, it's surface showing ghostly glowing patterns shifting slowly. It turns and aims at the Blackguard. Again, my apologies, Prince.
The blade floats toward the Blackguard. It turns, pointing at the left arm of the machine. It suddenly shoots forward in a ghostly blur, zipping around in a swarm of gray. It begins turning incorporeal for seconds, zipping inside of the arm. Bolts and screws, along with other small machinery bits begin to fall off. Eventually, the inside machinary lets out one final screech of protest as it falls apart cleanly, seperating the arm from the Blackguard without any visible damage done to the Mecha. ((Note: this does NOT mean no actual damage to HP bar)) Before the Prince can move to counter, the Arm vanishes in a gray flash similar to the glow and feel of the sword. The sword itself disintergrates into a heavy clump of gray mist, which floats through the Blackguard, incorporeal, until it reaches the Cockpit.
Then the mist clump floats at a respectful distance from the Prince, before some of the mist darkens in certain spots, giving the vague likeness of eyes and a mouth. There we go, now I can communicate.
Here we go. This is better.
Hello, Iron Prince. I apologize for the intrusion into your cockpit, but there are things I wish to discuss with you, if you do not mind. Before we speak, would you like some tea?

A teapot and two cups appear, floating. The cloud (me) waits for the Prince's answer. If they do want some tea, the figure pours them a cup and hands it to them, then pours his own and someone sips it as he speaks. If they don't, he pours some only for himself and sips as he speaks.
Now. I have to admit I am quite a fan of your work. You make some very interesting and powerful tech, even if the local Reality warping Lynch mob rips through it as a knife does through butter. But well, it is a very hard thing to plan against Descended. I would know. And this brings me to my point. You are on a path of failure. It could be now, it could be next week, it could be ten years from now, but...
I sigh
You will fail, and all you will fall.
It is inevitable, on your current path. I am sure you have realized that. You are aiding the current Godmodder. Acting in the way a Antagonist does. I am not saying you should join the Descanded. I would not recommend that. But look. The current strongest Reality-warping-Lynch-mob-bait, or well, the person who has the honor of being dubbed "the Godmodder" and not "a Godmodder" will fall. Their empire will fall. I am not boasting. I am not saying how we will tear you down and love will always triumph, yadda yadda. I am saying how everything eventually falls. They may not die during this war, but the Godmodder will die someday. Me of all people knows that. What I am saying is...
Iron Prince.
You need to change. You need to find a way to not do what you are doing, to not fall to the hubris of believing you will never die, never fall. Because you will. The question is. Will you fall in a war because you stubbornly supported a tyrant, because you kept on fighting against the Descanded, who will never stop, who will grind all who oppose them to dust. Or will you fall far away and far after this conflict or another.
Think on that.

And with that, I vanish
You deal 23k damage to the Blackguard!
Within the cockpit, a man in scratched-up armor sits in a chair, his face obscured behind a thick metal helmet with spikes coming out of it, a crude approximation of a crown.
"Stop. Do not talk to me as if you think I am making a mistake in siding with the Godmodder," he says, voice booming from the loudspeakers inside the cockpit. "I am not some madman, a lunatic who only wishes for more power. This is exactly what I want. You are talking to the wrong person. Goodbye."
So... I didn't manage to post last turn. Time to get in a post now.

Oh, and I wanted to keep my bookkeeping stuff in a quote tag so it doesn't show up on the responses and make them longer than need be. But if you want to see them, then I'll remove the quote. ... Guess that habit is kinda a holdover from the days when your bookkeeping was half your post. I'll probably quote and spoiler tag any entity stats I use though.

Charge: ==================== (25/40)
Let's see how long I keep up this fancy bar before I get tired of updating it.

And then, there was flame. Fire roared in from the cold void outside, fire erupted through the floor, and fire bellowed with rage throughout the Parallax. The air cracked, as though flames seared even it, and drowned out a tiny, high pitched wail as Armelle desperately grabbed onto Talist's leg.

"HELP ME! TALI- HELP! It's all gone! Noth- I'm going to die! The fire! The fire!"

Whirling his head around, Talist quickly ducked to the side, dragging Armelle with him away from the main fight.

"Armelle, please! You nee-"

As he said this, Talist knelt down to Armelle. Though, he had a bag halfway between a backpack and a duffel bag strapped around his shoulder, containing much of his equipment. As he knelt down, the little rabbit leapt forward into the bag, causing Talist to recoil backwards slightly from the shifting weights.

"Armelle! Stop!"

Somehow, those words didn't seem to convince Armelle as she started to dig through Talist's inventory, chucking random devices, guns, staves, and so much more from it.

"Th- There's something! Pl- please! Please!"

Not wanting to lose all his stuff, Talist quickly zipped up the bag, leaving a struggling bag fulled with fluff and technology with Armelle still shouting panicked cries, but various objects bounced down around the battlefield. One of these was a small grey ball, bouncing towards the PG side of the field. Slowly, ever so painfully, it came to a stop. Nothing seemed to happen for a long time, after all, the ball's soft ticking was easily drowned out by the sounds of combat. Then, one of the PGs (AKA: A random PG target) happened to step on it, causing it to squish like play doh and, with a horrific squealing noise, it exploded into bright yellow beams that seemed to worm their way through the air, striking the walls of the Parallax. The spots hit by these beams seemed to fade from existence for a moment before propelling themselves at incredible speed inwards, crushing the PG who triggered this strange device, and leaving nothing more than a blob of ship components and frayed wiring.

TL;DR: Attack a random PG.
A Sniper comes across your gadget, and takes 25k from it!
Charge 33/40
Fire Elemental Group 1 is assaulted by the many byproducts of the preceding players' actions.
2k damage to Fire Elemental Group 1!
Charge: 28/40

A large smile breaks out across the Gentleman's face as he looks at the Hall of Boredom. "Turning my own trap against me, a clever bastard aren't you!? Well thst can't stand now can it!" With that, angry? Excited? speech the Gentleman goes to gather up his power, only for a small voice in the back of his mind to remind him of magic's uselessness against the strange being that turned the Hall against him.

A silence falls over the man. He could just leave, the Hall is tricky but the needed paperwork once finished is good until the Multiverse dies out and he filled his out long ago. No, what stops him is his pride, to let a foe turn his own trap against him, and then simply walk out of it with no attempt at retribution? Unthinkable! He has honor to uphold, dignity to keep, he won't let someone's lacky, much less the Godmodder's beat him!

It's with that thought buzzing in his mind the Gentleman reached deep within himself, a primal sense of anger guiding his instincts as he reaches...and pulls.

The constant light-orange miasma that surrounds the Gentleman flair, pushing out dozens of feet, cracks of multicolor light dancing at it's edge before it collapses back in on itself, returning to the thin haze that clings to the Gentleman's skin. "I didn't think I'd have to escalate so soon, so congratulations! Now I believe it's time for a little show!" with that speech to the empty Hall of Boredom the Gentleman reaches out his arm, closes his eyes, and begins to mutter to himself. A close ear would find the words, while seemingly gibberish, seem to be structured much like a prayer.

Burning All Cp on this Action

The whistle that signals the use of his powers starts, but instead of plateauing at the edge of hearing the noise builds and crescendos, a careful ear would now be able to pick apart many, many different whistles. Odd tendrils of energy lash at the Hall, latching onto walls, pieces of paperwork and every filing cabinet in and out of sight. The tendrils are like distortions, there and not, concentrated tubes of contradiction with bolts of static and Deeper Darkness mingling inside with orbs of Higher Light.

Cracks form in spread in the Hall as the Tendrils pull and writhe, before with a flash the Hall buckles inwards. Leaving the Gentleman to float in the Void , next to his new creation. A towering being of paperwork, filing cabinets and plaster. Bands of those contradicting wrap and writhe along it's body, holding it's form together forcibly. Yet despite it all, the creature exudes an...extremely dull aura.

The Boredom Gollem let's out an uninterested rumble, blankly staring at the Gentleman for instruction. The Gentleman dismissively gestures towards the Primal Fire Elemental. "Handle that, I have other matters to concern myself with." With a bored-sounding roar the Gollum charges into battle.

The Gentleman takes a small bow, wisps of Darkness and Light mingling within his miasma for a moment before they disappear. "Congratulations are in order, you're the first to witness me bringing to bear the Abyssal Might granted to me. I really didn't think I would have to move away from my magic so soon after entering the field." With that the disheveled man straightens himself out, happy to have turned the situation around.

HP: 400,000
Eldritch Lash: 0/5 after five Turns of fighting the Boredom Gollem releases the tendrils holding itself together, allowing it to target four Entities for large amounts of damage, at the cost of half it's remaining HP

All subject to change at the QM's will.
Boredom Gollem summoned! Hit points lowered.

First off, a Primal Fire Elemental fails Morale and joins you, but an Escort Ship doesn't.

With it's remaining arm, the Blackguard fires a salvo of rockets at the Tyranid Swarm, for 175k damage! The Primal Fire Elementals blast Thorgi, the Adamantine Angel, Big Fish, Lunar Knight and Flamingflapjacks for 26k (5) Damage! The Snipers setting their sights on the the Millenium Falcon, Indiana Jones, Spaceship, and Pistol Shrimp deal 40k to all of them! The one in the Meteor Monster shoots them instead. This causes Indiana Jones to dissapear in a flash of light. The remaining Minelayers spawn another group of Fire Elementals, and the Escort Ships aim at the Tyranid Swarm, Aspect of Air, Slugthrower Drones, Meteor Monster and Lunar Priest for 20k damage. The Indoor Defense turrets take a round to reload, and the Factories make more of their product. The Fire Elemental Swarms target the Adamantine Angel and Big Fish, dealing 21k and 14k respectively. This reduces the Adamantine Angel into it's component pieces.
-3 AG Morale, +3 PG Morale.

Metal Gear Rex absolutely wrecks a Sniper so hard that I had to turn away. However, the Sniper's body dissipates into a fine black mist, and flies away. Thorgi deals another 16k damage to all the Escort Ships, The Androsphinx uses it's Demoralizing Roar, affecting the PG side for -5 PG Morale, while the Millenium Falcon Deploys a Drone, which together with the other drones attacks a sniper for 20k! The Drone factory makes another drone, the Aspect of Air destroys two Fire Elementals, the Tyranid Swarm tears into an Escort Ship for 70k, and Spaceship prepares teleportation. Big Fish Dissipates Fire Elemental Group 1, deals 5k to five Primal Fire Elementals, and bisects another, Pistol Shrimp deals 23k to the Blackguard, Meteor Monster devours a Primal Fire Elemental and punishes a sniper for another 60k, Lunar Knight smashes another Turret, and Lunar Priest heals Thorgi for 10k.
-12 PG Morale, +5 AG Morale!
Elsewhere, the Godmodder catches on to what's happened with the Minelayer, and Directs the Fire Elemental to smash it to pieces. It does so, and deals an additional 35k to the facility itself!
-3 AG Morale.

Defeat the Iron Prince
Leave the Parallax!
Attack the Godmodder!
Avoid the use of magic!


[PG][BOSS] The Blackguard Mech Suit. 263,000/850,000 Hp. 2 AC! Unload: 3/5
[PG] Primal Fire Elemental. 52,000/61,000 Hp. x4.
[PG] Primal Fire Elemental. 47,000/61,000 Hp. x3.
[PG] Sniper. 75,000/100,000 Hp. 20% Dodge Change.
[PG] Sniper. 40,000/100,000 Hp. 20% Dodge Change. Swallowed by the Meteor Monster!
[PG] Sniper. 88,000/100,000 Hp. 20% Dodge Change.
[PG] Sniper. 35,000/100,000 Hp. 20% Dodge Change.
[PG] Minelayer. 90,000/90,000 Hp. Laying Mines! x6
[PG] Escort Ship 78,000/120,000 Hp. x6
[PG] Escort Ship 8,000/120,000 Hp. x6
[PG] Escort Ship 61,000/120,000 Hp.
[PG] Escort Ship 26,000/120,000 Hp. Morale Made!
[PG] Turret Factory. 240,000/240,000 Hp. Create Turret: 1/4. x10
[PG] Indoor Defense Turret. 38,000/40,000 Hp. Reload 1/2. Active! x9
[PG] Indoor Defense Turret. 40,000/40,000 Hp. Reload 1/2. Active! x10
[AG-TOG] Drone Factory: 160,000/160,000 Hp. Create Drone: 1/2. Subverted to make Defective Drones!
[AG-JOE] Drone Factory: 160,000/160,000 Hp. Create Drone: 1/2. Compromised with a backdoor!
[PG] Drone Factory: 160,000/160,000 Hp. Create Drone: 1/2. x17
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 1/3 x17
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 1/3. Backdoor!
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 3/3 x12
[PG] Voidmine. 4,000/4,000 Hp. x52
[PG] Fire Elemental Group 2. 3,000/8,000 Hp. x5
[PG] Fire Elemental Group 3. 3,000/8,000 Hp. x6

[A-PART] Blades Of Contradiction. [A-PART] Tachyon Wings. [A-PART] Impossible Soul.

[AG][ELITE] Metal Gear REX. 825,000/1,000,000 Hp. Nuclear Wasteland: 3/5
[AG-Vanestus] Thorgi. 56,000/118,000 Hp. 15% Dodge!
[AG-Vanestus] Androsphinx. 14,000/34,000 Hp. Heal: 2/3. Demoralizing Roar: 1/7. Morale Kept!
[AG-Crusher] Millenium Falcon. 28,000/70,000 Hp. Deploying Drones: 1/4. BFG9K: 5/10
[AG-Karpinsky] Slugthrower Drone. 3,000/3,000 Hp. Reload: 4/6. x17
[AG-Karpinsky] Dragon Drone. 1,000/1,000 Instant Reloads: 1.
[AG-Karpinsky] Drone Factory: 160,000/160,000 Hp. Create Drone: 1/2. Subverted to make Slugthrower Drones!
[AG-Pionoplayer] Aspect of Air. 10,000/30,000 Hp. 30% Dodge! Hurricane Force: 4/4
[AG] Tyranid Swarm. 110,000/355,000 Hp. Biomass: 118,000
[AG-ParadoxDragon] Spaceship. 165,000/205,000 Hp.
[AG-Krill] The Big Fish. 314,000/400,000 Hp.
[AG-Krill] Pistol Shrimp. 1,000/50,000 Hp. Morale Kept!
[AG-Krill] Meteor Monster 100,000/180,000 Hp.
[AG-Winkins] Lunar Knight. 244,000/300,000 Hp. Lunar Fall: 3/6. 1 AC!
[AG-Winkins] Lunar Priest. 130,000/150,000 Hp. Lunar's Light: 3/4.
[AG] Boredom Gollem. 222,000/222,000 Hp. Eldritch Lash: 1/5
[AG] Primal Fire Elemental. 21,000/61,000 Hp. Defected!
[AG] Flamingflapjacks. 11/20 Hp. [A] Broadsword of Slapwilney, 5/6 Durability.

[N] Clown Escape Pod. 5,000/5,000 Hp. Absurdly Spacious!

The Godmodder:

[GM] The Godmodder. 69/80 Hp. Is currently it!
[PG][ELITE] Primal Fire Elemental. 600,000/640,000 Hp.

[AG-JOE] Guard Drone. 20,000/60,000 Hp.
[AG-JOE] Guard Drone. v2. 13,000/55,000 Hp. 2 AC.
[AG-JOE] The Facility. 265,000/300,000 Hp. Structural Stability: 90%! Bodyguarding Steffan, Jason, Aron and James. 1 AC.
[AG-JOE] #10: Steffan. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: Engineering & Construction! Work Points: 4.
[AG-JOE] #17: Jason. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: Programing! Work Points: 4.
[AG-JOE] #34: Aron. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: Planning & Design! Work Points: 4.
[AG-JOE] #51: James. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: The Substitute Person! Work Points: 4.
[AG-JOE] Soul Net. 40,000/40,000 Hp. No souls!
[AG-JOE] Observation Drone. 1,500/2,000 Hp. Rift: 1/3. Defective!
[AG] JOEbob. 20/20 Hp. [A] Radiation Armor, 9/12 Shields, regenerates 3 each round! Wacky Radiation: 5/5. Mines Left: 5

Everyone gets a +3 because of the Godmodder Damage this round. This will happen every time the Godmodder is damaged.
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Charge 37/40 (+3 from Godmodder damage)

HP: 400,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Calls in 4 of his underlings and 1 Hired Mussel(props to DCCCV for that name) as minor entities on the field.
HP: 10,000
Attack: 2,000
Hired Mussel:
HP: 25,000
Attack: 5,000

2. Unleashes a barrage of attacks with all of his weaponry, each one having a unique property over the others.
AK-47: Fires 30 bullets that hit random opposing enemies, each dealing 500 damage for a total of 15,000.
Grenade: Tosses a grenade to a target that deals 20,000 damage to a single entity, or a distributed total of 40,000 to a horde entity.
Golden Revolver: Fires 3 targeted shots at 3 targets, dealing 5,000 each for a total of 15,000.
Sword Cane: Assaults 1 target with a flurry of slashes, dealing 30,000.

HP: 50,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Pistol Shrimp fires a bullet into a single enemy's vital points, dealing a "critical" damage of 25,000 damage. "Critical" basically means the damage can't be reduced by armor.
2. Pistol Shrimp fires 3 bullets into 3 separate enemy targets, dealing 10,000 to each.

HP: 180,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Devours an enemy whole if there's none currently inside it. Enemies inside cannot attack anything but the Meteor Monster itself and also take 60,000 damage per turn from the many traps that lurk inside the creature. The Meteor Monster is free to attack other opponents whilst having an enemy devoured. If the enemy inside dies, the Meteor Monster's HP is restored by 30% of the enemy's total health, capped at 50,000 HP restored per enemy.
2. Ravage an opponent, dealing 60,000 damage.

The Big Fish doesn't relent, continuing to spray 30 AK-47 bullets all over the enemy side, tossing a grenade at the group of Primal Fire Elementals, firing three of his golden revolver shots to three of them, and solely assaulting one with a flurry of slashes from his sword cane.

Pistol Shrimp fires vital shots at the Blackguard Mech Suit yet again. He'll be healed, don't you worry.

The swallowed Sniper will presumably be finished off by the traps inside the Meteor Monster, their body being melded into the creature and restoring some of its health. The Meteor Monster itself goes after the weakened group of Escort Ships.
Pistol Shrimp draws one of many guns holstered in his belt, as he does. However, as soon as he pulls the trigger, the gun, instead of firing a bullet as it should, bloats into a shape vaguely recognizable as a gun in his hand, before popping, showering him with its liquid content: even more healing salve.
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I attempt to listen in on P-5's conversation with the Godmodder.
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