DtG: Destroy the Godmodder (The Broken Masquerade)

"Fascinating. Sadly, {I}'m about to be 'pulled' back into the future, and {I}'m not sure my goals will square with yours. Also, I have no arms. Regardless of if I agreed with your request, there's little for me to gain by agreeing now instead of whenever I can actually make good on this... I also don't know what joining you entails."
That's CGOC talking. Cake Guys response is rather different.
CGOC proceeds to put themself into a stasis so they can return when they reach the Future of DtG:DTG, around the dark god fight or TOGworld assault. Cake Guy does something likely indescribable probably for something cake based or something.
Mageye returns to the field. The Burden spins around him. The Stones glow. He speaks, one word.
"We will join."
Despara takes hand.

The Healer has vanished without a trace, and thus cannot accept the deal.
Neo looks at the figure. "Unfortunately, to avoid making more time paradoxes than I may have already caused, I will have to return to my own time promptly. Are you fine if we continue this discussion then, since I don't feel it would be too useful for me to join, and then jump forwards many years. Better, if I make my decision when it will actually have immediate effects, don't you think?"
The Mage hesitates.

"A Time-Traveller? How intriguing. I will await your rearrival."

"As for the rest of you, come with me. We have much work to do together."
"Welcome to The Council."
Round 59: RE:SUME.
...I took some time to think. We've made out mistakes, but we need to move on. Right now, there are people depending on us.

Let's try this again, shall we?
Shadow of The Future

The Dark God has a high attack, regeneration, and Hp. In addition, he counterattacks back at anyone who dares hit him. His Soul Bar allows him to respawn if he kills a sufficiently powerful opponent. If you drop your artifacts, you will be invincible. On the other hand, that means he will focus his power on destroying the universe. If he destroys Nerà's Native Universe, it'll be all over.

In short, this is a damage race. Give it your best shot!

Stop Alethea.
Stop The Invasion:
  1. Destroy the Dark God!
  2. Get Planetside!
  3. Defeat the Third Praetorian!
  1. Locate The Foundation.
  1. Investigate?
Current Godmodder Hp: 50
Laboratory Link:

The Void
Entity Advantage: [Heavy AG]

[???][BOSS] The Dark God. 500,000/500,000 Hp. 250,000 Regen. Enthralls Thralls entities struck. Counterattacks. Souls: 1.
[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Hypersaber. +40,000 Power. Durability: 2.
[A] Power Armour. Mode: Heavy Lifting. +7,000 Power. +1 AC. Durability: 3.
[A] Unbreakable Katana. +45,000 Power. Durability: 9.
[A] Neutron Edge. +50,000 Power. -20% Accuracy. Durability: 3
[A] Collapsible Cutter. +20,000 Power. +4 ACpierce. Durability: 2
[A] Dead Star Plate. +6 AC. -25% Dodge. Durability: 5.
[A] Exotic Crystals.
Slowly Losing Power!
[N][BOSS] Nerà's Native Universe. 1,500,000/2,500,000 Shell Integrity. Cursed: 20,000 DoT!

[???] Harkener, The Newcomer. 40/40 Hp.
[A] Stoneskin Hide. Petrify: 5/6.
[A] 272. +25,000 Power
[A] Darude S&Storm. Anything Goes: Consumes Artifacts for power. 1 Round left.

Unattended Artifacts:
[A] Summoner's Stave. Boosts Summoning Power. Durability: 2.
[A] 18D. x3
[A] Hypersigil. Demon Available. Souls: 36.
[A] Blank Cruxite Bust. Can be used to depict someone!
[A] Card of Majora. Durability: 1
[A] Zodiac Killer. Inactive!
[A] Broken Sigil.
[A] Industrial Armor. +4 AC. Durability: 3.
[A] Cerebrocrown. +33,000 Attack. Durability: 2
[A] Ship Destroyer. +30,000 Attack Destroying Ships. Durability: 2
[A] Asteroid Tower Shield. +1,000 Attack. +2 AC. Durability: 2

[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter.
[AG-ORIGIN] Pipe Orcan. 123,000/220,000 Hp. 30% Dodge.
[AG] JOE. 10/20 Hp.
[A] Amalgamation Biosuit. 26/40 Hp. 4 Regen. Blood: 1/2. Light: 3/3. Oblivion: 3/5. Metal: 3/7. Godmod: 3/11. Worn!
[A] Stock Nanoplate. +5 AC. +5,000 Power. Durability: 4. Worn!
[A] Ferrous Nanogauntlet. +35,000 Power. +2 AC. Durability: 3 Worn!
[A] Cursed Void Maiden's Scarf. +75% Dodge. +5 AC. Rounds Active Left: 1. Worn!
[A] Orrery Mantle. +5 AC. Cursed. Durability: 2 Worn!
[A] Vox Umbra. 10 SHP. Durability: 5. Worn!
[A] Tesseract Belt. Temporal Energy Charges: 2.
[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2
[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
[A] Hellcaller. Fiends: 1/2.
[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Temporal Energy Charges: 1. Durability: 2
[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
[AG] ParadoxDragon. 9/20 Hp.
[A] Penumbra Phantasm. +15% Dodge. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] The Shadowscythe. +45,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Keter Scion of Sakkakh. Can be eaten.
[AG] Smirk. 20/20 Hp.
[A] Nanosuit. Defense Mode: +5 AC. Durability: 3. Worn!

The Forest
Morale: N/A.

[AG-Karpinsky][ELITE] Void VIII + I. 300,000/300,000 Hp. Create: 1/3. Drones available: 0. Missiles Available: 9. Invisible: 50% Dodge.
[AG-Karpinsky] Void Drones. 30,000/30,000 Hp. Invisible: 50% Dodge. x8.
[AG-Karpinsky] Ice Drone. 50,000/50,000 Hp. Invisible: 50% Dodge.
[AG] Karpinsky. 10/20 Hp.
[A] Armour of Savitar. +10,000 Power. +3 AC. +6 SHP. Durability: 4. Worn!
[A] One-Size-Fits-All-Stealthsuit. +4 SHP. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] Marzanna's Sight. +26,000 Power. 3 ACpierce. Durability: 3.
[A] The Blizzard Blaster. +30,000 Power. +30% Accuracy. Durability: 4.
[AG] Astrec. 9/20 Hp.
[A] The Godarm. +50,000 Power. Clockwork. Worn!
[A] Hand of Judgement. +36,000 Power. Ascend: 4/6. Worn!
[A] The World Cube. +8,000 Base Attack. 4 Regen.
[A] Death's Ankh.
[A] Clear Thought. +18,000 Attack.
[A] Perfectly Generic Object.

World of Nerà: The Material Plane

[PG] Minotaur. 55,000/55,000 Hp. 25,000 SHP.

[AG][TOG] Ishmael. 20/20 Hp. Unarmed.
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Auma. 7/70 Hp.
[A] Necklace of Auma. +15,000 Attack. Supplying an Intellect. Worn!
[A] Lunar Authority Wand. +4 AC. 4 Regen per round. Worn!
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack. Worn!
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. Worn! [A] The Shadowskin. +5 AC. Worn! 10 SHP.
Flame Aegis: 2 Rounds Left. Can be unleashed.
[AG] Nerà.

We are Back!
Whatever Nedben just coughed up in a vaguely disturbing manner, it blorped out of Unlimited Luck Worlds and preempts the Dark God's counterattacks with aimless rambled realities. Words turn to existence, interceptory shells of ships on the horizon and fallen towers. What is destruction against the already destroyed? A juxtaposition of invincible and already dead tangles all enemy reactive assault. Also it gets reality everywhere and it's disgusting.
Last edited:
((No formatting because I'm a lazy shittt)

Dark Gods.
It's time.
We will Destroy the..
Well, Dark God.
Look, I'm just gonna do the epic attack now, m'kay?
> PLAY: Endless Climbing (Homestuck Album Five)

The boy pushed the stool into place and stepped onto it, peeking out the window so he could see the ongoing battle. The Royale Palace under siege by the Aphoties, a coup. He watched as they set up their laser turrets, blasting apart the evil men. The boy looked at the Palace. His mom had told him that the men in the palace were evil. They, she said, were the reason they lived in this shack instead of one of the fancy biotowers that the upper class lived in.
He cheered for them as he watched. They would make everything better! He yelled out "go A-pop-its! Hoora-" His cry was cut short as his mom walked into the room, and scooped him up.
"Astrec! You shouldn't be watching that! Now, go back to your room." He cried as she plopped him back in his room and locked the door. The six year old sighed and fell onto his cot, the smile returning to his face. The Aphoties would save them! They would lift everyone out of poverty, whatever that was! His family wouldn't be unhappy anymore! He wanted to be like them one day. A hero.

-=Two Years Later=-

The Aphoties had just been yet another lie, yet another tyrant force. The cycle of oppression had continued. Eight year old Astrec was sad. But he was hopeful! The new rebel group, they would save them! The heros, he thought. He wanted to be a hero. They were amazing. They would save everyone!

They didn't.

And so it had gone. Astrec Pradis grew up watching tyrants fall, only for more tyrants to rise. And yet he remained hopeful. The next group wouldn't be evil. He clung to that bit of hope. He became a scientist, beating the odds of his world and going to collage, getting a degree in Elemental Technology. He enlisted to help in the newest government. Their leader, who called himself The Meckhane, was a kind man. A strict one, sure, but, Astrec thought, he was what this planet needed. He would be the one to finally lead a successful government, to restore rights, Astrec hoped.
Astrec invented a new technology during this time, Planar Rigs. Power Armors that could allow one to emulate the powers of Elementals. As per usual, he turned this revolutionary technology over to the government to use.
16 days later, the Rigs had been mass-produced, and suddenly, using them, the government cracked down. Protesters were slaughtered. The congress deestablished. Everything, gone.
Astrec learned that his parents had died thanks to a Rig-armored soldier.

Hope shattered, idealism gone, Astrec packed up his stuff, and left the labs in the dead of night, using the elements of Distortion and Shadow to hid his escape. And he re-invented himself, as Astrec Pradis, black market arms dealer. He sold his inventions, hoping that they would be used to destroy the tyranical governments that popped up in the endless cycle of his broken world. Eventually, he expanded to deal with Voidic technology as well, and ventured out into the Void. Years later, his world finally stabilized, forming a invention based society, becoming known in the void as a major producer of all sorts of tech. At that point, Astrec had become the Voidic equivalent of a crime lord. And then the Godmodding War started. And Astrec entered it. He saw the opportunity it presented. War was good for business, after all. And so he became a Descended. And slowly, something began to happen.
"I'm a idiot", Astrec Pradis thought as he sat in Karp's ship. A moraleless asshole of a idiot who deludes themselves into thinking they can be a hero. Wise up, me, he thought glumly.
Astrec sighed again. He wanted to change. He wanted to. He wanted to live up, be the hero his six year old self had wanted to be. Instead he was a selfish arms dealer who had probably caused the death of thousands. All he had cared about was money.
And then he had come to this godmodding war. Slowly, he realized what he had become. He wanted to change. Be the hero. Make up for his crimes, which now included summoning <0>, pissing off Dagon, and making a deal with a primal force of evil.
And the dark god.
He had to change.
And all he had done was flee, flee from the monster he had let into this world.
No, he had to fix this.
Astrec opened his eyes, and sat up.
He was going to kill the Dark God. He was going to hunt down <0>. He would help Nera's universe. He would -fix this-. He would be a hero.

He would change.

Astrec sends a quick message to Karpinsky letting him know he has to leave his quest. Astrec opens up a portal, and steps through it, reappearing back to the battlefield.
It was time.


Astrec, now returned to the battlefield, stares down the Dark God, who stands(?) in the middle of the battlefield(?). He made this mistake. He let this being enter this universe. He let it kill, directly and indirectly, thousands of innocents.
It's time to fix this.

He closes his eyes, a shining gold aura appears around him. It fluctuates and pulsates as he raises his hands into the air, calling upon a forgotten construct. A golden liquid begins to rain from the sky, swirling around him, and being absorbed into the aura, which grows bigger by the second. Then, the construct descends, revealing itself.

A Comb. A Impetus Comb, specifically.
= = = = > AP: Comb Rave - - - REINNOVATION

..and then Astrec opens his eyes, the air around him now so thick with the Pang Nectar all one can see is his outline. He lowers his hands, and with a simple whoosh, the nectar is absorbed back into him, turning his skin, actually, his entire body, into a kaleidoscope of gold and yellow. A few stray bits of nectar congregate around him, forming a set of wings. Astrec breathes in, then stares down the Dark God, readying all his weapons.
ASTREC: Hey! Dark God!
ASTREC: I'm Astrec Pradis. The guy who accidentally summoned you.
ASTREC: Which as we all known, was a huge mistake.
ASTREC: I've made a lot of mistakes.
ASTREC: Too many.
ASTREC: But here? That doesn't matter.
ASTREC: What does matter? You and me.
ASTREC: And let it be known.
With a swift yoink, he whips out Clear Thought with one hand, and levels it at the Dark God.
With the other hand, he pulls out a remote, and clicks a button on it, before throwing it back into hammerspace. A portal opens up, and he glances at it.
ASTREC: Only one of us is matter in the end.
ASTREC: Let's go.
The portal expands to a ridiculous size, and begins to glow. Astrec grips Clear Thought with both hands, and channels the power of both of his godarms/godhands into it. Then, he zips towards the Dark God, raising his blade. The Dark God easily spots him, and raises his blade to counter-
And then the portal begins spitting out hundreds of objects, weapons, everything.
Astrec brings his blade around in a arc, slicing through the God's stomach, as his foe finds their blade knocked to the side by a barrage of mannequins in different poses. He ducks to the side, and brings the blade down into the Dark God's leg, as more stuff hits: a piano, a action figure collection, a elemental bomb, a suitcase, a cage containing a Chaos Daemon (which promptly busts out, rips the God's leg off, and flies off), a collection of flamethrowers, a slime, some clocks, a Godmodder figurine, the IMPETUS COMB, and more more more, all of this hitting as Astrec flies from side to side, shredding the Dark God to ribbons.
But oh, we're not done yet. Not by a long shot. Astrec whips out the remote again, and presses a few more buttons. A huge voidship suddenly pops out of a wormhole, a voidship, as in happens to be, emblazoned with a fancy (A) logo. Which, unless you're braindead, pretty clearly in this situation means it belongs to Astrec. Panels on the ship slide to the side, and countless weapons pop out: Missile Launchers, Voidfire Sprayers, purity bombers, wave motion guns, oblivion shotguns, drone launches… everything. Seriously, it's pretty ridiculous. The Dark God looks up at it- wait nevermind he got nailed in the head by a doll- and oh dear god what is the doll doing to it look away children.
Astrec looks at the doll now sewing together the Dark God and a swarm of Chaos Spirits, shrugs, and presses another button on the remote.
The ship fires.
The Dark God is immediately hit from every side by every weapon imaginable. Telefragging bombs, drones, missile strikes, lasers, cannonballs, mini-nukes, mini-black holes, rainbow holes, white holes, ultraviolet holes, a plain up bullet barrage, oblivion energy, distortion, EVERYTHING.
But once again, we are not done here. Astrec holds up Clear Thought again, and honey swirls around it, condensing on the blade and giving it a golden aura similar to Astrec´s. And then, he brings it around for another slice, sawing through the God´s lower torso and depriving it of legs.
Yeah, the God is not having a good day in the slightest.
The ship, done firing, retreats back through the wormhole.
Astrec stops slashing the God for a second, and tilts his head.
ASTREC: Oh, yes, the extra soul.
ASTREC: How shall I deal with that..
A smile appears on his face.
Astrec shapes some of the honey into a phone, dials a number, and speaks into it for a minute, arguing with someone on the other end. Finally, they reach a agreement, and the phone melts back into honey, which Astrec absorbs for some healing.
ASTREC: Alright, he should be here in a minute.
As he waits, Astrec idly codes some stuff on the World Cube, spawning several explosions inside the Dark God, then adding some debuffs to it to slow the Dark God´s regen.
As time goes by, the void around the battlefield suddenly begins to grow.. Darker, somehow. Irrational fear begins to grow in the minds of everyone present, and they begin to look around, muttering. What´s going on? The air, in addition, grows hot, hot, hotter. Astrec, with the honey swirling around him, is unaffected. He smiles.
ASTREC: Any minute now…
And then BAM. A giant rift opens up in the center of the battlefield, and out strolls a huge… thing. It´s skeletal, with unnaturally large bones. Seriously, the thing is huge. Flames swirl around it, and screams can be heard from the rift before it suddenly closes. The being somehow smiles. And then it speaks.
...it should be noted that it is speaking, despite having no vocal cords.
The being rattles as it spins around, smiling disturbingly at everyone present.
Mr. Bones lets out a disturbing, hollow, laugh.
It laughs again.
It strides over to the Dark God, and leans down to stare. It reaches slowly towards the God, then plunges its skeletal hand into the God´s chest, and rips out something. The God feels a sense of loss… oh god, the thing took the Dark God´s extra soul.
The being suddenly teleports, into what looks like a cross between hell, a barbecue, a carnival, and a roller coaster. The soul can see a huge roller coaster, stretching into infinity, hundreds of cars going along it. Mr. Bones proceeds to drop the soul down into the one of the cars, and steps into the car with it, despite being way, way, bigger then the car. He smiles again, and laughs, as the car jets along through twists and turns.
It gestures to the infinite coaster they are on.
It lets out another, horrid, laugh, and vanishes in a puff of flame, leaving the Dark God´s soul to traverse the Wild Ride forever, never to return to its host, never to aid in the revival of it once it perishes.
Astrec smirks as, back above Nera's universe, the Dark God writhes, soul gone. For good measure, he whips out the Cube again, and channels some more rave power. He feeds the cube some honey to superpower it, then, glowing with energy, types something, and then holds up his hands, catching two canisters of elemetental energy, specifically Distortion and Life, from the portal. He pours the Distortion into the Life, and hurls that mix at the Dark God, right as he hits "Enter" on his keyboard, combining the Distorted Life Energy with the script to delete the Dark God's soul eating ability, removing the ability for it to steal other's time. He then watches as the Dark God slowly begins to regen from his attacks. Now, that won't do! That will simply not do AT ALL. So clearly, the only good path of action to take is too brutally remove its inherent regen ability through numerous war crimes.
First, he creates some more Distorted Life energy, this time adding a sample of Blighted Flame to it, a concoction made from Oblivion, Void, and Death energy. This creates Unn Essence, which Astrec quickly fills a vat full of. He then dunks the Dark God in the vat. He then pours some Balefire, mixed with some Distorted Reality and Creation energy, into the vat as well. The Dark God is now having a even worse day. Astrec laughs, then presses a button on the remote again, creating a wormhole, which yoinks the vat with the Dark God in it into it. The wormhole also leads to the Elemental Plane of Oblivion. The Dark God, who has now been eaten through by Oblivion in its raw form, is then reyoinked through the wormhole and back to the Battlefield. Then, Astrec uses a combination of the Ascendant Drive and World Cube to apply all of the anti-regen debuffs he can, eating through any regen the God may have remaining. Or it would, if balance wasn't a thing. Because it is, all this does is significantly weaken the Dark God's regen, by a *lot.*

Astrec stares, admiringly, at his work. But, oh, we're not done just yet. For he hasn't actually unleashed the power of the rave. Because each rave has a focus, something it's meant to do, and his hasn't actually done that yet. The purpose of his rave is to create a item, using the immense power of creativity, but he was just channeling it to kill this fool. So, let's actually use it, shall we?

Astrec pulls the Ascendant Drive off its chain, and chucks it into the air, before creating several Elemental Nodes of Creation, which begin unleashing Creation Energy into the drive. Then, he types something into the world cube, and portals begin opening around the floating Drive. He then throws up a couple of cubes, which float in the air and begin projecting forcefield walls around, ensuring the payload from the portals will not hit the other portal's content.
Then the portals activate, revealing themselves to be portals to each of the elemental planes, and begin spitting out elemental energy into the drive, empowering it. More Pang Nectar and honey flow into the drive as well. Astrec then turns towards the Dark God, and pulls out a fishing rod. He then casts the rod, sending a hook into the Dark God's stomach. After a few minutes, he reels in his catch: The Fragment of Forever. But wait! You say. But Carleah, the Dark God ate that thing and broke it down to get the soul! You say. I say screw you, because I do what I want.
Astrec holds up the Fragment, and turns off the portals, placing the Fragment into a slot on the now-elementally empowered Ascendant Drive. With a flash, the Drive T R A N S FO R M S, turning into the Comb Rave empowered version, the Ouroboros Drive. He lifts this newfound device up, and rehooks it to the chain, hanging it around his neck. Astrec raises up his hands, and channels the raw power of his Artifacts. The Hand of Judgement, the Godarm, Clear Thought, The World Cube, and the Ouroboros Drive. He smiles, before resuming a neutral expression. No, he must not get lost in the power. He breathes in, and leaps towards the Dark God, clenching the Godarm-Hand into a fist, and.. And.. annd.. Oh my god..


The Dark God finds itself on the receiving end of the most epic punch in the history of the Void, as Astrec punches them right in the gut. Astrec kicks off, floating backwards, and readies himself for another uppercut…


The Thistles of Zillywich have been traveling, spinning end over end, through the void, for quite a long time now. These weapons of mythical origin were launched into the Void by a unknown force after being teleported out of the hands of Aqua Enemis, their owner, by the same unknown force. They were seperated from the other weapon they were launched with, the Hammer of Zillyhoo, but unlike that weapon, their journey across the void has nearly come to a end. In fact, it's gonna end in 1..
Astrec suddenly jerks back as two Trickster empowered needles traveling at near-lightspeed (but not really because that'd kill everyone here) suddenly rocket at of nowhere and slam into the Dark God's heart, nearly ripping the God apart and sending ridiculous amounts of built-up energy into the Dark God. Astrec stares at the Needles. He then shrugs, and yoinks the Needles out, adding them to his Artifact Inventory. Then, he turns back to the Dark God, additionally channeling the Thistles' power into the kaleidoscopic powerstorm he's channeling from his other artifacts. He then throws a few more punches, sending the Dark God head over feet into a random forcefield that suddenly appears. Astrec summons a huge lance of pure power, and slams it into the Dark God's shoulder, pinning the God to the wall. He summons a second, and slams it into the other shoulder. Then he summons a sword, and brings it around in a slash of pure energy, slashing through the God's stomach. He brings the sword around again, dual-wielding it with Clear Thought, and performs a quick series of alternating slashes, the dark god's mind and body being torn to bits. He summons up a shotgun, loads some more power spears, the Thistles, and the swords, and fires it, sending the artifacts at ridiculous speeds into the Dark God, then gravity-yoinks them back into his hands. He then performs more punches, MOOOOORE! Then, he pulls out the Entropic Key, and connects it to some Order and Chaos Nodes, then performs a P-P-UUURGE on them, racking their body with purging lasers. Then Astrec summons up a giant Wave-Motion Cannon, and fires it!
Astrec summons up a phone, next, and gives a call to the good 'ol Crawling Chaos, Mr. Nyarly the Great Old One. After a bit of negotiation, he hangs up, and quickly flies a few feet back. Thirty seconds later, the Horrorterrors finish their ritual, and a blast of ink and psychic energy slams into the Dark God. The ink, the Dark God soon finds, is very acidic, eating throught their flesh, bone, and artifacts. The physic energy ravages their mind, and they quickly go completely batshit insane, screaming and scratching at things that aren't there. Astrec, laughing, continues a barrage of punching, knocking the Dark God every which way as they suffer. Astrec drops a vial of ink on the ground, then manipulates it, forming a servant, which lunges forward, as Astrec throws out more vials, and Dark God finds itself teamed on by Astrec and a army of inkclones, which aid Astrec in punching the Dark God to death. Astrec just laughs, continuing to give the Dark God hell, which is suddenly helped by the Portal reactivating, spitting more random stuff into the Dark God. The Dark God is beat in the face by the doll, which reappears holding the Dark God's ripped off leg from earlier, before the Doll smacks the Dark God all the way into the furthest ring, where a couple Horrorterrors have a feast. Then, a Voidic Warship, decimated by a stray oblivion blast from a couple of raider ships, falls from the sky, shearing through the Horrorterrors and cutting the God in half. Again. Since it was also cut in half earlier in the attack. Astrec teleports the Dark God back, and activates the Ouroboros Drive, as flies back, leaving the Dark God alone.. And then the Ouroboros drive thrums to life, and a huge sphere appears around the Dark God, trapping the God in the Center. The Dark God looks around the Sphere's core, finding it to look like a… dungeon? Some words appear in front of it: ESCAPE THE DUNGEON! The Dark God looks at it, sighs, and rushes down the hallway in front of them, ready to get this over with. As they run, the ceiling dispenses a rolling boulder behind them, and they move faster, trying to escape! But then, a boulder is dispensed in front of them, rolling towards them! They stop, and look to both sides. Oh god, they're gonna be crush-
And then a trapdoor opens, dropping them to safety! Wait, no, it's a maze. They begin traversing the labyrinth, but the boulders follow them through the trapdoor, chasing them through the maze! They move as fast as they can, solving puzzles, slaying beasts, and finally making it to the end of the labyrinth, escaping the boulders. They enter a large chamber, and a giant bird drops from the ceiling, attacking them! It steals some of their swords and armor, eating them, before being slain. Then, a staircase pops up in the chamber, and water begins to rise, forcing them to run up the stairs to escape the water, with the bird's ghost chasing them! The Dark God makes it to the top, and escapes, only to enter the wrong door and end up in the Room where you are Punched by Level 20 Tarrasques with Monk Levels. Despite the name, they are actually hit by Spells from Level 20 Tarrasques with Wizard Levels, before entering the Room where you are Hit by Spells from Level 20 Tarrasques with Wizard levels, where they are punched by Level 20 Tarrasques with Monk Levels. Next up, the room of people named Carl. It's horrible and I have to refrain from saying what happened in there for the children watching. Alright, I'm just gonna put the rooms in a list.
- The Room full of Rock Lobsters throwing rocks at you while they run you over with their Zambonis.
- The room full of wiseass men who ask your philosophical questions (IE: how do you cross infinite points in finite time? by walking. NEXT!), who you must prevent from finding a wiseass answer for your question in order to pass.
- A room full of cuddly puppies that are actually the Terminator's twice-removed cousin in the death robot family tree and rip you to shreds.
- A room full of a bunch of poop emojis.
- The Taint. It's not even a room.
- The Room of pointlessly long speeches.
- The Room of angry librarians with chainsaws.
- The room of angry chainsaws with librarians.
- The room of the Dark God getting punched.

- The Room of planes falling from the sky onto your head.
- The Room where you fall into mt. Ebbot.
- The Room with a endless pit.
- The Room with a finite pit.
- The Room that loops back to the start.
- The room that loops back to what looks like the end but actually loops back to the start.
- The Fetch Quest room. Oh god. This is a very horrible room and I'm sorry for including it.
- The Grim Reaper Room.
- The Homestuck fans dressing up anyone who enters in Homestuck cosplay room.
- The chainsaw room.
- The bathroom.
- The bricks falling from the sky room.
- Congress.
- The generic "run across the assembly line and avoid getting cut in half by lasers and buzzsaws" scene room.

- The Roomba

- The Doom where hundreds of SBURBans with the classpect Heir of Rooms beat you up.
- The Homestuck haters who rip anywhere wearing Homestuck cosplay to pieces room.
- The Room where you get heckled by a 1 billion man crowd. That then reveals themselves to actually just be 1 billion bombs, and explode.
- The Death Room.
- The Life Room.
- The Life into Death room.

- Norway.
- the Room where JOE takes over QMing but all his post responses are 'Play CTG', forcing people to guess their way through.
- Play CTG.
- Play CTG.
- Play CTG.
- Play CTG.
- Play CTG.
- The room where you Play CTG.
- The Room where the phrase "Play CTG" is erased from Joe's mind.
- The Room where you play the Ouroboros Drive in 9D Chess,
- The Room where you Enter the Gungeon and have to go through *that* Dungeon 13521 times before you finally beat the Dragun and escape.
- The Part where it kills you.
- The Room where you have to go through Aperture Testing Facilities.
- The Room where you have to play three copies of Touhou at once, and every time you get hit a hammer appears from nowhere and wallops you. Also, hardest difficulty.
- That Room that leads back to the room here Bricks are constantly falling.
- The Room where you are thrown through a shredder.
- The Room where you have to play every bullet hell game ever at once.
- The Room where Praetorian Clones beat you up.
- The Room where the Advanced Superiors beat you up, but are actually infinite snakes in a trenchcoat and not actually the Superiors,
- The Room where you start over, again.
- The Room where a Piano wielding a chainsaw beats you up.
- The Room.
- The Room where Tricklebot takes you through a recreation of DLE.
- The Room where you binge watch Ten Elves Destiny.
- The Room where you binge watch TOG and Trickle's Bizzare Adventures.
- The Room where gamers rise up.
- The Room where the End is Nigh.
- The Room where in 1998,The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
- The Room where you Play SBURB.
- The Room where you play SGRUB.
- The Room where Pope Bill performs a exorcism.
- The Room where you fight DMK.
- The Room where you fight all of the Alternate Universe Sans.
- The Room where Descended beat you up.
- The Room v2.
- The Room where a bottle singularity eats you.
- The Room where there's a supermassive black hole.
- The Room where TOG critiques you.
- The Room where Plague infects you.
- The Room where Team Sleuth all perform their ninth level comb raves on you. Twenty times.
- The Room where you are accosted by a squad of 20th level Mememancesrs.
And finally, the EXIT!

The Dark God stumbles out of the dungeon, which implods behind him, and falls to the floor, near death from the experience he just had. Astrec just laughs and summons a anvil, dropping on the Dark God's head. The Dark God then discovers that the Anvil is made of Blackguard. Needless to say, this shatters the thing's skull quite easily. Astrec *still* doesn't let up, and kicks the thing, into the air, and a missile barrage hits him, before Astrec channels gravity magics to hurl into it the missile launcher, where the ammo it uses explodes, ripping off more of the Dark God's body.
Then, Astrec rolls a Catenative Doomsday Dice Cascader, except all of the bubbles just contain more CDDCs, which contain more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and more..
The number that it rolls is so big the Dark God proceeds to go insane trying to read it, scratching and tearing at themselves as Astrec takes potshots with more Nectar-formed guns, adding into the Dark God's no good horrible very bad day. But again, we aren't done. The Dark God is suddenly double-teamed by holograms of <0> and Dagon, who play of game of Tennis for Two with the Dark God as the ball, as Astrec continues to snipe, snipe, snipe.
Then, Astrec channels the power of Pulchritude, green and white mixing with his gold aura, and with his infinite charisma, talks reality itself into letting him hire a army. Reality obliges, and the World's Greatest Army™ arrives! They consist of…
The General Squad, composed of only the finest commanders of Unreality, filled to the brim with every stereotype you can think of!
The Plucky Protagonist Divisions, full of all the tropes you could think of, with at least 724 Chosen Ones!
The Plucky Sidekick Soldiers! Do I really need to describe them?
The ANIME MECHA SQUUUUUAD! This division is made up of 901,612,413, fucking awesome mechas! We have the Dakkanatior! The Property Damager! The Missile Marauder! The Infinity Jaegar! Metal Gear Rex Aleph! The Ascendant! And so many more!
The Elites! These heavies are equipped in the finest of power armors, wield miniguns, devour sandviches at a startling pace, and can withstand even galaxy-shattering blows!
The Red Shirts! The Red Shirt division stretches on forever. Literally forever. And yet somehow this doesn't come with any drawbacks whatsoever.
And then, finally, we have the Vehicles! Airships armed with Oblivion weaponary, Tanks powered by Magetear, ATVs, Motorcycles that gotta go fast, flying ambulances with mediguns taped to them!
And then they charge!
First, the Heavies circle the Dark God and begin revving their miniguns, along with throwing up shields. Then, as they prepare, airships harass the God, while the Mechas swoop in, raining ammunition down! And of course, we have the Red Shirts, who never let up, literally burying the Dark God in nameless, mindless, bodies.
Astrec takes a quick break to point out that the army are actually just constructs of Reality and don't have minds, and our advertisers return to being happy.
Speaking of…
...and as Billy Mays finishes up, the Sidekicks open fire and rush in with the Protagonists, having their backs and encouraging the Protagonists to keep on fighting, ignoring minor injuries like gaping holes in their chests and missing limbs.
After a long, hard, battle, the Dark God digs themselves out of the pile o deadf Red Shirts and manages to slay all of the remaining Red Shirts.. Right as the Heavies open fire, their miniguns, rocket launchers, gravcrush engines, nano-machine blades, and so much more hitting the dark god from one side… and then the Protagonist Division hits, arriving from the other side, and the Dark God is even more brutally murdered..
-=SEVERAL HOURS LATER (but not really)=-
The Dark God finally has finished slaying the army, and stands atop a pile of corpses several hundred feet high. They sigh, and look up…
Just in time for all the Vehicles to rain from the sky and smash into them, exploding in a giant boom.
Astrec then walks up, and the Ouroboros Drive pulses again, and channels the power of the Thistles! A Giant, !!!!!!!!ZILLLY!!!!!! Version of Astrec dualwielding lollipop maces appears, and bashes the Dark God's head in, then uppercuts it into the sky, then leaps up and smacks it downwards. Then, they summon a second Zilly Astrec, who summons a third, who summons a fourth, who summons a fifth, and then they merge to form the Zillyzord, which turns to face the Dark God. They open their mouth and fire a giant candy beam at the Dark God, then replace the Dark God's blood with liquid sugar. Then, they stuff a Infinite Candy Generator down the Dark God's throat, and the Dark God's stomach bursts as it reaches maximum capacity from the candy. The Zillyzord then does a variety of fortnite dances on top of the Dark God. Except since they're on a permanent sugar high and also magical trickster bullshit, they're moving at x2,000 speed, and are also wearing Draconium-tipped boots. In other words, kick hell! Then, they throw the Dark God into Fortnite: Trickster Royale! Then, they split into 99 Mini-Trickster Astrecs, who all join the Battle Bus of Zillywiddle, which dumps them onto the Island of Zillybar. A ruthless competition ensues, in which one determined Zillystrec manages to slay the others and reabsorb them, stealing all of their MAD L00T, then faces off against the Dark God, who foolishly tried to hide. But as they prepare to send the Dark God to the Great Trickster in the sky, the Storm gets them both! Except the Storm is the Wither Storm, so it eats the Zillystrec and turns into the ZILLY STORM, and eats the Dark God. They enter the ZILLY STORM's stomach, only to discover it dissolves food by having 300 hyperactive, bouncy, Zillystrecs with hammers constantly Bouncing around. The dark god is brutalized. The Ouroboros Drive suddenly shorts out, causing the STORM to vanish and, and leaving the Dark God to fall 300 feet down into a volcano, where it slowly falls down and down until it reaches the core of the Fortnite: Zilly Royale world, where it meets GODHEAD ZILLYSTREC PRADIS, who gives it a kiss, melting the Dark God's brain into carmel. Literally. It's disgusting. The Dark God knows the only way to fight back is to summon DEMONHEAD ZILLYSTREC KINGPIN, so they do so! But then it turns out that the two are best friends, and they merge, turning into ZILLY-S-DO-PIP-PIP-CHEERIO-GLOCK-DO-DEE-KEK-LOL-HAH-GUFFAW, god of all tricksters, who smites the Dark God with a absurd amount of ZILLY weapons.ZILLY-S-DO-PIP-PIP-CHEERIO-GLOCK-DO-DEE-KEK-LOL-HAH-GUFFAW then explodes, and the Ouroboros Drive lets out a ding, done.
That done, Astrec calls in a couple of favors, and has a quick meeting with TOG II, god of all tanks. He makes a deal involving the world's smallest violin, a can of boiled green beans, some cars, a giant foot, bill nye action figures, and three tons of cooked salmon, and TOG II grants him a GIANT TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK.
TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK time. The TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK rolls onto the field, and pelts the Dark God with shells. Then, it summons a array of minitanks, each with a specialty! Leg Tanks! Winged Tanks! Lightning Tanks! Drone Tanks! Walking Tanks! Giant Tanks! Little Tanks! Gianter Tanks! Zilly Tanks! Demigod Tanks! All of these Tanks and more drive towards the Dark God, and level their barrels at him. Astrec shouts.
All of the Tanks fire, raining shells, fire, water, spears, lightning, rockets, cannonballs, dogs, cats, lizards, snakes, other tanks, guns, cars, and other projectiles (and more stuff that isn't normally considered a projectile) upon the Dark God. Their duty done, the Tanks return to Tankhalla. Then, the TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK runs the Dark God over, then backs up, and runs him over again. And again. And again. And then it bounces up and down on the flattened Dark God. Then, it backs up, and turns to the side, opening fire with its side guns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, and assorted other weaponary. Then, it turns again so its main barrel faces the Dark God. The barrel glows…
The Dark God is blasted by the biggest avalanche of projectiles the Void has ever seen. Words fail to describe it. It's just glorious. I'm sorry, I can't describe this in words. Once all of it is done, the TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK finishes up with a giant laser, and rolls off back to Tankhalla, Astrec handing it a tidy amount of Tankcoins for its trouble.
Astrec then channels the power of the Godarm, tapping into the glory of Another Era, namely that of Psi. Goldenrod flame crackles around him, and the outlines of five other people form around him, each slowly solidifying until they become solid, if faceless. Astrec holds his arm up, and the other figures each whip out weapons: A Bow, a sword, a axe, a set of knives, a trident.. All sorts of stuff. The Ouroboros Drive crackles, and suddenly the… Banhammer, or at least a Goldenrod copy of it, appears in Astrec's hand. He levels the hammer at the Dark God, and rushes it, the other figures following suit! He starts off by bashing the Dark God's head in. Next, two of the figures, one red, the other pale purple, agress from the side, a axe being brought down, knives swirling around and being impaled from every angle. The figures with the trident and sword leap up and come in from above, trident going the Dark God's head, sword aimed for the neck. Then, the one with the bow fires out a barrage of arrows in quick succession, pinning the Dark God to a convenient wall. As a finisher, Astrec raises up the hammer, and each of the figures assemble behind him, and they all lunge in for one final epic finisher barrage, before all of them (and the hammer) fade back into dust, leaving only Astrec. Astrec then transforms the Godarm into a mega-buster, and fires out another Oblivion-powered laser into the Dark God's heart. And another. And another. And another. He then backs up, and brings his Pang Nectar-coated sword, Clear Thought, around in a swipe, cutting through the Dark God's torso and coating him in Nectar. Astrec then leaps to the side, and invokes a sacred command…


From the sky, the God of Guns, Kaliber, descends. She grants Astrec the holy weapon of the Chosen Gunman, the Armistice. Astrec whips around this behemoth of a gun, leveling its holy barrel at the Dark God. Kaliber declares the Dark God impure, and Astrec knows there is only one thing he can do.
He opens fire, spraying the Dark God with lead. Then, the Armistice changes forms to RPG ARMISTICE MODE, and rockets and all sorts of explosives are sent the Dark God's way! Next up is FLAMETHROWER ARMISTICE MODE, which I don't need to describe. Needless to say, FIRE EVERYWHERE. After that, SNIPER RIFLE ARMISTICE MODE, a single bullet exiting the barrel and entering the Dark God's skull at high velocity. That done, he returns the Gun to Kaliber, who he thanks. She ascends back into the heavens, but not after smiting the Dark God a few times. Astrec then gets another idea, and ENTERS THE GUNGEON!
[The Gungeon is a ancient building located in Universe DRG-45 (a universe which has been placed under quarantine by the Time Police, due to numerous temporal anomalies and dangerous entities residing there, along with one of the main organizations coming from there being very hostile), which contains the legendary Gun that can Kill the Past, which can be used to remake someone's past. Further research of the gun's properties is needed. Gungeon is also the home of the powerful deity Kaliber, who's power has been ranked as Gamma-class, making her a powerful enemy. Avoid her at all costs if traveling in DRG-45, if you are there for some reason]
Astrec enters the gungeon with nothing but his wits, his gun, his prosthetic arm of mass destruction, and approximately thirty tons of explosives. First, he breezes through Chamber One, easily defeating the Bullet Kin and Gun Nuts! He faces off against the Gatling Gull, who fights valiantly, but meets a tragic end when Astrec obliterates him with a laser from halfway across the room. Then, he enters Chamber 2: Gungeon Proper. This proves a bit more of a challenge, but he still manages to fight his way through, only loosing 1 heart, and is met with the Ammoconda, who he makes short work of. Next up, the Black Powder Mine! Explosions and minecart hijincks ensue as Astrec blows things up, nukes some idiots, finds MAD L00T, and gets to the boss of this floor: The Cannonbalrog. Astrec engages in combat, as the Cannonbalrog sends projectiles and explosives every which way, and manages to fell the beast with a well placed shot after a long, grueling battle. Next up, Floor Four: The Hollow, afterlife of shells. Astrec plows through the ghosts, bullet kin, and ghost bullet kin, managing to get a good set of guns, his luck turning around as he makes it to the boss: The Wallmonger! It prepares to attack.. And he justs punches it in the face, shattering it into hundreds of pieces. Godarm, bois. Finally, floor five: the Forge. Astrec finally has some trouble, as he slowly runs out of gun ammo and takes several hits, but he manages to make it to the final boss: the High Dragon. A epic battle ensues as Astrec throws everything he has at the Dragun, firing rockets and dodging pistol shots, gunning down fireballs and shotgunning spikes.. And with a roar, finally, the High Dragun falls! Astrec then advances on, and takes the Gun that can Kill the Past. He raises the gun, and levels it at the Dark God, and fire / / / / / / / / / //////////////////// /ERROR TEMPORAL ERR///RR…..'/E//ER//////DETECED/////

...The Dark God rather messily erupts into glitch, static, and time, as the bullet from the gun hits him in the chest, shattering through his very existence. He floats there, jerking back in forth as reality glitches, bits and pixels falling away. Anyone monitering the Void here detects wild chronal energy spikes, and the Time Police are alerted. Astrec lowers the Gun that can Kill the Past, and throws it to the side. He sighs, and walks up to the glitching Dark God. Or well, he floats through the air since this is space.
The Dark God, worn out from the brutal barrage of attacks sent its way, finally just falls to the ground, near death.

Astrec tilts his head, and walks over to the god.
ASTREC: Nice seeing you.
He then punches the Dark God's face in.
The golden Comb Rave aura *finally* dies down, and Astrec stares, satisfied, at the *utterly* broken Dark God.
And we're done.

Big ass attack. Main goals: HUGE REGEN LOWERING, and damage.
Damage his spare soul and ability to collect souls. Not removed, but heavily damaged, and if people continue focusing down those things, they could be removed..
Also, the Ascendant Drive is upgraded to the Ouroboros Drive and I activated one of my callbacks, from all the way back in Antebellum: the Trickster Thistles. Add the callback damage to the main two goals, and add the Thistles artifact to Astrec's inventory, I guess.

TOTAL WORDCOUNT (including the RP below this that I'm putting into the power of Reinnovation): Around 10,600 Words. Of course, by the time I post this that count will be inaccurate because edits and also this note.

The following is a really long piece of RP I wrote up while on vacation, to set up side plots I have planned. The average player can ignore this. BUT FOR DC: I put the power of most of these words into the Comb Rave.
The Hero of Brine, suspended from the ceiling of his prison, was thinking. He thought and had thought of many things in his long, long, lifespan, especially has he had nothing else to do. His thoughts were of revenge, of slaughter, of how he would utilize his powers once he escaped this horrid place, and generally just of dark things. But we are not here to dwell on this "Hero"'s thoughts. No, we are here to talk about some other people. Namely, the two people entering the Hero's prison right now. The Heir and The Lady.

Eris Brand, the god-tier Heir of Void. Eris was a unknown figure in the Void, though he doubted that would last for long. Eris had a bit of a odd history and reason for being here. And when I say weird, I mean "he sounds like a Sue because that's really really stupid" levels of weirdness. Eris came from a session of SBURB in which thanks to a rogue player, all of his coplayers had perished, leaving him unable to finish the game. But thanks to the guidance of a horrorteror, some future sight, and his own love of Voidic History, he had discovered a alchemical code that proved to be his salvation: that of the Mainframe. The mainframe had been the biggest spaceship in history, the headquarters of Engietech, a company that was hundreds of years ahead of their time. One that had never revealed their secrets, up to the day Psi blew the mainframe apart with a well-placed Dragon Charge on his rampage, annhilating nearly all of Engietech and killing the owner, Engie Ninja, a universe eater. For half a year, Eris farmed out grist from his session, until he had enough to create the Mainframe, and a couple of incredibly heavy duty cloaking devices, fulfilling his SBURB role by inheriting all of Engietech's secrets. He boarded the Mainframe, activated the devices to hide the fact that the most valuable stockpile of weaponary, technology, draconium, and other valuables in the void had just been recreated, and left. With nothing to do, Eris set a goal for himself, that of using his newfound power and technology to shape history for the better. As he researched the tech he had, and gained better understanding of it, as well as innovating, he decided to enter the prison of the Hero of Brine, who was in possession of the second largest shard of the Red Dragon, slay the Hero, and take the Shard, which he could use to advance the tech he had and bring his stockpile up to modern Voidic standards.

Hestia Green, the Glass Lady, former semi-Godmodder. Hestia was incredibly old, having been alive at the time of the Psi-Godmodding War. She was formerly the Glass Queen, godmodder on the Court of Pane the Omega Godmodder. Even as Pane had gone insane and declared himself a king, a savior, she had stayed, until he was slain by Psi, and the Godmodding powers he had gifted her had faded. Afterwards, she fled, and for hundreds of years she had remained hidden in one corner of the void or another. Eventually, she had emerged, deciding to make up for her old choices. She had come to the prison to retrieve Pane's crown, the keystone upon which the prison was built. The raw elemental power contained within the crown had been harnessed by the prison's builders, keeping the Hero contained. She knew the only way to take the Crown would be to kill the Hero.

Eris and Hestia had met, and chosen to work together. Hestia had agreed to help Eris decode the technology Pane had left behind and incorperate it into Engie's Tech. Eris had agreed to help her with her goals and to dig up the old artifacts of the Psi War. And so they had set out, to the prison of the Hero of Brine, to slay him, to take his artifacts, and to take the shard and crown.

And now, they were here.
The Hero of Brine cocked his head as the pair walked through the door, and a smile crossed his face.
"/-WELCOME-\" The Hero's voice echoed across the room.
Eris looked up at him, and appearificated his 2x3dent into his hand. "Hello, Herobrine".
"That is the general gist of what we have come to do, yes." Hestia spoke.
Eris breathed in slowly and began charging up a oblivion shot.
Herobrine let out another laugh.
Before the Hero could get another word in, Eris pointed at him and flicked his wrist, the charged shot of pure Oblivion energy rocketing out towards the suspended Hero. He followed up with a couple of grenades, then dashed to the side, narrowly avoiding being impaled by a spire made of pure elemental chaos energy erupting where he was just standing. Hestia followed suit, leaping backwards to avoid a second spire, then summoning up her own weapon, Shatterform, and cutting apart the tendrils the Hero was summoning for her.
The Hero laughed as their attacks each slammed into him harmlessly. "/-REALLY. THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE.-\"
The Hero closed his solid white eyes, and then opened them again, two solid beams of red erupting from them, one aimed at Eris, the other at Hestia. Eris tried to roll out of the way, but was too slow, and his shields were blasted aparts, as well as some of his armor. Hestia swapped Shatterform from Sword to Shield form, and raised, deflecting the laser the side. Then, she raised her hand, and conjured a barrage of glass knives, firing each of them off each quickly, two hitting the Hero's eyes, one at his throat, and the last at the tendrils of corruption he was extending towards a dazed Eris. Each of the knives met their target, and the Hero screamed as his eyesight was stabbed out. The knife to the throat had no effect, but the one aimed at the tendrils easily cut through them, leaving Eris safe
"/-DIE. DIE. DIE.-\" The Hero continued to scream, and Hestia found barrage of attacks coming at her. A hand made of corruption grabbed and hurled her upward into a barrage of spikes, which pinned her to a wall and left her open for more hands to pummel her, before swiping her downwards to the floor, and spears and floating blades made of more corruption flying towards her, forcing her backward towards a corner.
...and then Eris, seeing a opening, rushes forward, leaps up, and slams his 2x3dent into the Hero's side, impaling the prongs straight throught the mass-murderer. The Hero stops screaming to slowly turn and face Eris, who's now hanging from his 2x3dent. The Hero lets out a small growl as.. Cracks(?) in his body slowly form around the stab-location. A hand of corruption pops out of the ceiling and makes a lunge for Eris, who drops off his 2x3dent and onto one of the huge chains holding the Hero up. The hand makes a leap at him, and he rolls to the side, causing the hand to slam into the chain and be obliterated by the sheer amount of creation, reality, and distortion magykks containing the chain. Eris then quickly whips a pair of elemental guns out of hammerspace, sets them to fire a mix of reality and distortion blasts, and opens fire on the weakened Hero, who resumes screaming. Eris is forced to drop the guns and leap to another chain as some spires rocket down from the ceiling, impaling the chain part where he was just standing. Meanwhile, Hestia swaps Shatterform into chainsaw form, and shreds the corruption weapons attacking her to bits. Then, she assembles a hookshot out of glass, and fires it at the space above the Hero, yoinking her up to above him, where she drops down, and then raises up and hurls down Shatterform, impaling the glass(?) chainsaw in the Hero of Brine's head. The Hero stops screaming, and waves of red energy rip out from him. A crimson aura condenses around him, and the chainsaw and 2x3dent are ripped out and hurled down to the floor below. The aura suddenly splits up, forming a trio of figures, each a clone of the Hero. Hestia and Eris quickly agress the clones, Hestia with more glass knives, Eris with one of his Void abilities, [Divide by Zero], launching a blast of static at them. Each of their attacks passes through the clones, which tilt their heads, then each lunge forward, and with inhuman teamwork, unleash a beatdown on the pair, sending them hurtling down hard to the floor below. Eris activates another weapon in his techsuit, projecting a wall of force above him and Hestia, deflecting the projectiles the clones open fire with. He then rolls to the side, and activates a antigravity pulse, grabbing a clone and flinging it out of the air and into a chain, where it explodes. The two remaining clones split up, one dropping down and smashing Eris to the side with a well-placed kick, and the other transforming its hands into a pair of dual blades and making a lunge to stab Hestia in the throat. Hestia, seeing it coming, creates a glass whip and yoinks the nearest weapon, the dropped 2x3dent, into her hand, bringing it up just in time to counter the blades of the clone. The clone's arms instead transform into a pair of hammers, and Hestia finds the 2x3dent smacked, again, to the side. She then conjures another knife and sends it flying it at the clone, then has it weave in and out of the clone, chopping it to bits. She then gets up and repeats the glass lasso trick to grab Shatterform. Meanwhile, Eris fires another [Divide by Zero] bolt at the clone, stunning it for a second. In this second, he whips another elemental gun, this one attuned to earth and creation, and fires a couple bolts around the clone, creating a tomb of earth and stone around. The clone soon recovers from the stun, and summons up a scythe, slashing the tomb to bits and dashing towards Eris, who then whips out a glowing warhammer and brings it up in a swing, annihilating the clone. Erris then grabs the 2x3dent from the floor, and he and Hestia turn to face the writhing Hero of Brine. Erris looks at her, and she nods. Erris whips out a chunk of a creation-infused metal, and sacrifices it to infuse their weapons with a aura of raw creation for a few minutes, deadly to the Hero. The pair of them then lunge up, each bringing their weapons around in a arc, and.. And…
Herobrine screams again, and his eyes open up, the liquid chaos that ran through his body dripping out of his empty eyesocket. Crimson energy again forms, and a pair of ball and chains appear shacked to both Hestia and Eris's ankles pulling them down to the ground. Hestia, with inhuman speed, cuts her shackles off and hookshots to one of the chains, and peppers the Hero with knifes. Eris hits his shackle with a [Divide by Zero] bolt, poofing it, then flies up, and pulls the pin on a Creation Node-powered grenade, hurling it into the Hero's face, where it detonates, ripping off some of the hero's flesh. Eris and Hestia jump out of the way of a few more eye-laser beams, and continue attacking. Corruption bolts begin flying from every wall of the room, turning the fight into a bullet hell. Eris and Hestia are forced to stop attacking so they can get out of the way of the projectiles, but even then, they both take a few hits, forcing them downwards.
Eris pops a life energy cell, healing himself. Hestia molds glass across her body, sealing her wounds. They look at each other, and Eris pulls out a Air Energy cell. Hestia smiles. Eris chucks the cell into the air, and Hestia leaps above it, just in time to catch the wave of energy it releases as it detonates, hurling her upwards, chainsaw in hand, towards the Hero. She raises the chainsaw up.. And.. and.. Oh my god it…

The Hero of brine falls limp, the cracks spreading across his entire body. And then it shatters, the shard of Brine the Hero had replaced his spine with for power falling silently to the ground, along with the contents of his inventory. Erris stares.. And then the full force of his exhaustion hits, and he nearly collapses. He takes a few breaths, and turns to face Hestia as she lands and turns to stare at the scattered shards of the Hero of Brine.
"Did… did we actually just kill freaking Herobrine?" He says, voice shaking.
"I think *I* did." She responds emotionlessly.
"Well then." He turns to stare.
"Do.. do we just take the stuff and go?" Erris asks.
"What else are we gonna do?" She questions. "Send a postcard, maybe? 'Having a good time, wish you were here!'".
"Alright, alright, no need to be all sarcastic."
Erris approaches the main shard of Brine, a pulsating, pure red length of crystal-like fang. He quickly pops it into hammerspace, taking care not to touch it. As Hestia walks over to the rune-covered circle where the Crown of Pane sits, he loots the stuff the Hero dropped.
NETHARRIA: A ornate scythe decorated in the finest crimson, with a blade made out of pure, unalloyed, unbased, Draconium, and which crackles with black energy. A absolute beast of a weapon, which has almost unparreled control over Oblivion, Chaos, and Void, and which can cut through anything. In addition, the wielder can summon up clones made of solid oblivion, for comboing. This baby can cut right through you and into your soul, so I would highly reccomend not getting cut by it. People cut by it are covered in a special type of oblivion acid, that eats through their armor and soul very quickly if not contained.

BRINE: A simple ring… or is it? Upon equipping, the wielder can transform their arm into a mass of pulsating, dark blue flame, which they can use to rip through the very essence of someone. It can also transform into a arm cannon, or into a arm scythe or arm picaxe. Has near-absolute control over oblivion and fire. Also holds the ability to twist nearby elemental magic into a corrupted form under the wielders command, and can also spread a Taint-like corruption that can puppet corpses and be shaped into different foms.

THE REFLECTOR: A pure black shield, with purely cosmetic, rapidly flashing fracture of purple running across it. Can be summoned with but a thought, and can be set to hover around the wielder, automatically teleporting into the path of attacks. The wielder can perform a dash forward, shield of cthulu style, sending a wave of consuming purple flame rocketing forward, and can absord and reflect attacks coming at the shield. Passively increases the amount of punishment the wielder can take and how much stanima they have.

LIQUID CHAOS: What it says on the tin. Chaos energy in its rawest form, ready to be used in the creation of all sorts of stupidly powerful weaponary. Can be smelted along with Draedon's Flames in a Visionary's Forge to create Pure Draconium, which is much, much, much, *much*, more valuable and expensive then its unpure cousin, and can be used to create weaponary that even highly experienced Descendend would be afraid of.

DRAEDON'S FLAME: Oblivion energy in its rawest form, only obtainable from killing a Oblivion Elemental (which you can no longer do), or somehow getting to the very center of the Elemental Plane of Oblivon and extracting some. Or if you have the Rod, but yeeah, that's not happening. As mentioned above, can be used to create Pure Draconium.

EXODIAN SOUL: hooboy. This bad boy is a tiny fragment of the Red Dragon's Soul, distilled with a bit of Herobrine's. While it's only a bit, that doesn't stop it from being immensely destructive, decaying anything near it rapidly and slowly erasing whoever holds its' sense of identity and self, turning them into a blank husk, if it is not handled correctly. Someone with enough willpower could probably be able to force the soul's mal intent out, claiming its power for themselves. This would have numerous effects, including granting them a fraction of the raw physical strength of the dragon itself, which is enough to punch straight through Blackguard and even Mythogaum. Be very careful around this thing.

Hestia walks over to Pane's Crown, and looks at it. Well then. She kneels down, and takes it.


GLASS CROWN: A simple crown forged of what looks like glass (but somehow isn't fragile), and with the symbol of a Omega with a crack running through it engraved on the front. It hums with the power of the elemental planes. The wearer, or just owner, of this can command glass and all forms of it, has all of the knowledge that once belonged to Pane, and has pretty good control over *all* elements, (Although it's Oblivion magykks are incredibly bare bones, only allowing small blasts and nothing else. Not even defense against oblivion.) making this quite the broken weapon. It also molds itself to fit the wearer's head.

Hestia silently places the crown on her head, where it shapes itself to become smaller, fitting her head. She heads back over to Eris as he finishes hurling all of the !!MAD!! !!L00T!! into hammerspace. They look at each other.
"Got everything?" She asks.
"Yep, ready to go. You?". He responds, casting a glance over the corruption covered chamber.
She closes her eyes for a minute as she processes the immense knowledge running through her head from the Crown.
"Hestia?" He raises a eyebrow as she stays silent.
She blinks, snapping out of it.

And with that, they leave.

Black sludge swirled around on the ground, slowly forming a human shape. Shaky laughter echoed throughout the empty chamber. The fools. They had defeated him and took the shard, sure, but the shard was just a physical manifestation of the link. Herobrine was weakened without it, sure, but he was a living link to the remnants of Brine, a walking battery of destruction power. He wouldn't die from the loss of the shard, no more then a human would from the loss of a arm. Herobrine eagerly reformed in the middle of the room, black sludge pooling together and creating a human form. They had taken the keystone of his prison, the crown. The remaining wards put in place had been weakened enough by time that he could just… and there. All gone. Forming a curved blade in his hand, along with ornate armor and a cape for old time's sake, the Hero of Brine stepped through the entrance to his chamber, and brought the blade down with a swipe. Red lightning crackled from it, spreading across the entire hallway, which shook, bits of stone falling. The lightning spreads through the entire prison, and the Hero sends another pulse of energy through the sword, the lighting intensifing… and most of the walls of the prison collapsing. The Hero sheathed his blade, and smiling, strode free of his prison.The human form slowly solidified, as Herobrine returned once more. With a wicked laugh, he strode from the chamber, free once more.
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"Whugheyo, Harkener! How've things been for you?"
"Oh, it was probably only a few seconds maybe or none at all on your end, but you... ok, there are good odds you Would believe it, its not like much is off limits in this world... what I got up to in that time(or not in that time)."
"Then again, most of it had already happened. makes you wonder about freedom and determinism, I guess. I should probably read up on how time travel works again..."
Aheh...we're... ah, [on 3 actions/ round now. hm.
...wait nope we're on ????ACtions ka,.mround,.
1) Well, the first thing I'm going to do is heal myself. Being at half health doesn't suit me, for all my suit suits me. ; P
Now, I could try to actually heal myself. But you know what? I don't feel like doing such a favour for this bodys owner. So instead I'm going to replace all the damaged body parts with animated cakes, which I am quite used to, in order to be in the way of the other guy whenever he wakes up.
2) then I walk over to the Dark God. heh. Alright. I put on the Ferrous nanogauntlet, and raise it to my side. With a mental command, four small blobs of nanotech split off, flying through the air, dodging and weaving while launching bolts of ambient energy to whittle him down, piercing tiny millimeter holes in his flesh. They spin, and buzz, and dodge around, until eventually He gets tired enough of trying to swat them for them to get close and unload the nanotech bombs they'd formed inside themselves, knocking him back. In the meantime, I reformed the Nanogauntlet. Temporarily, the Nanotech of the gauntlet primarily coagulates into two distinct structures. A rather large, rocket propelled, sledgehammer, and an Radiation Gun-based energy field generator around the hilt. As Val'Elzathor stumbles to a stop, I twirl the hammer behind my back and walk over to him, sticking out my left hand to offer a game of RPS. If he doesn't oblige, of course, I hit him with a sledgehammer. otherwise, though, if he obliges, I incant the traditional beginning phrase. "R, P, S, Shoot!". Val'Elazathor does something unimportant, and I hit him with the Sledgehammer. That Is what RPS stands for, you know. Rocket-propelled Sledgehammer. As the God goes flying, I switch on the Radiation Gun tech, Aetheric Particle collision spectra playing along the Sledgehammer as I use the rocket propulsion to dash forwards and smack into him again, this time launching him nearly straight up. In the time it takes him to fall back down, I carve a familiar circle into the ground...
"...Harkener. Care to join me? It'll be just like Ολδ τιμεσ! "
After waiting a moment for the choice, I return the Nanogauntlet to its previous state as a gauntlet, and...
2.1?) Stab the Prism Blade into the ground- It's the only sword I have on my person, as it happens- right as Val'Elzathor reaches ground level, forming a circle of seclusion.
Like Old Times ;)
"You can have the finishing blow this time if you like, though, Assuming he's low enough for this to even be a finisher. inversion, keep things fresh."
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Re-entering reality from the state of being ripped into shreds from another parallel dimension and into this one. Winkins first moments in the new universe ends up being buried straight face first into the ground before pulling the will to pull himself out.

Still reeling from his crash into the ground, Winkins subconsciously grasp the Asteroid shield he grown familiar due to his inclination towards lunar relative objects and pulling out the charge he was keeping when he wasn't scattered into the waves of reality.

35 Charge.
(x1)Exiting Weird Astral Travel Shenanigans,Paradox attacks the Dark God with his final charge of the Shadowscythe
(x1)He then Alchemises Keter Scion of Sakkakh&&Wooden Staff
(x1)before consuming the Keter Scion of Sakkakh.
Nerà takes advantage of being in their home plane to summon the power of the gods. The Minotaur dies in a burst of holy light exploding inside their brain.

Auma transfigures their wounds into not!wounds, healing himself slightly. He also checks what the swissarmyknifemodder has in terms of a Regen mode.

Nerà makes a formal request to The Corporation to have a S.A.F.E. delivered to the main battlefield.

"Ishmael. Cover Auma while he heals himself. I must discover why, in what should be a secure village in my empire, there is chaos and beasts like this."
Nerà gestures to the Minotaur.
"Something is very wrong here, and I intend on ensuring that no region under my banner remains in such a state for long."

Nerà casts Fly on themself and soars into the air, trying to get a quick view of the town.
Hungry visitor has an idea...
Universes are too big to defend without killing all attackers. What is the solution BESIDES killing the attackers?
Making a small universe. So HV cuts off a portion of Nerà's Native Universe and attaches an OVER_UNIVERSE_DRIVE.
The speed meter shows that it currently travels 4 OUL/h (Over Universe Length per hour) in over universe space (the stuff that somehow exists outside of universes).
Unless the Dark God is able to exist outside of an universe or able to teleport through over universe space or able to move the Nerà's Native Universe towards my escape fragment, the fragment should be safe and able to grow into a replacement. Thus the damage race turns into a different kind of race. A universe race.
To keep it safe, HV also leaves a suitable guard for the fragment. HV undergoes duplication and one stays inside and the other one says in the main Universe.

Universe fragment. HV1. Date unknown
I decide to set up a minimum of defense against theoretical dark god attacks. Since there is an auto-retaliation, you can't just put up super blasters. It has to be an indirect attack. Or an defense, never can stop thinking about defense when you are a guardian.

Make a layer that will activate the next defense if the former did not work.
-First defense:
Force field. Yeah it is a force that forces stuff to not go inside this universe. You're not affected while inside tho.
Second defense:
Fusion. Attempting fusion to any too strong things like a big universe is dangerous and very short.
This is a small fragment. If the fragment is under attack, HV1 will fuse with the fragment and turn it invincible for the time of the fusion (about 1 hour).
Third defense:
Etheral. Turn etheral and let the intruder fall into over universe space. This might also make them vanish since till now only universes can exist in over universe space.
Fourth defense:
Self destruct. The structure of the fragment falls into much smaller fragments (still immortal tho) and then reforms when the fusion is about to run out. Lets hope no particle accelerators are around.
Fifth defense:
OVERDRIVE. The OVER_UNIVERSE_DRIVE increases output drastically up to 10 OUL/h to escape the menace.
Sixth defense:
Time encasement. After fusion, HV1 will be able to access the fragments universe abilities. Projecting these, the fragment can use its time ability on anything inside.
In this case, the timelines into the future refuse to run and end existence itself, which would normally kill the universe (but it is immortal). If it is good enough to kill any universe, will this environmental factor stop the attacker in their tracks?
Seventh defense:
God. Using the power of the fragment, 1 miracle could be performed depending on the situation.
Ok seven defense layers for now.

Now the replacement universe plan has to be fleshed out. Universes need nutrients to grow, like humans do. That is why any other universes except the Nerà's Native Universe should be drained for nutrients.
This requires a magic system to be set up, which will seem beneficial, but slowly drain their universes almost endless resources.
-System ports attached to fragment hull.

That is all HV1 could think of for now.

Nerà's Native Universe. HV2. Date unknown.

Setting up Anti-Teleport System.
Function: Teleport things that get into radius away. Ignore HV2.
After making it, it begins to tunnel down and and constantly teleport away air trying to invade the radius. I am currently following the ATS. Upgrading ATS.
ATS can now float and won't tunnel anymore. Returning to surface.
Need additional bodies to use artifacts.

[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
Worn by HV3
Katana. Used to harm. Used to KILL
"Taste my s t r u c t u r a l l y SOUND red Matter Katana. WEEEEEEEE"
HV3 slashes and the structure of destruction sounds over the field, reddening the sky as the Katana slashes the air in non physical manner.
It is hard to tell wether the dark god will slide into pieces or just stay the same since that is how sharp Katana usually do it.

[A] Hypersaber. +40,000 Power. Durability: 2.
Worn by HV4
Hypersaber. High hight. Saber. Used to fence.
HV4 points down and the Hypersaber descends, increasing in speed.
Then it suddenly pulls back, a faint.
Wait how did it get over there...
Hypersaber does not make sense...
what if I...
The Hypersaber suddenly appears and disappears leaving 3 holes in the dark god. Then in a blur the rest of the 40,000 holes appear on the dark god.
Yeah this is a powerful weapon.

[A] Power Armour. Mode: Heavy Lifting. +7,000 Power. +1 AC. Durability: 3.
Worn by HV5
Power Armour. Powerful. Used to lift.
HV5 lifts the [A] Unbreakable Katana. +45,000 Power. Durability: 9.
and the [A] Neutron Edge. +50,000 Power. -20% Accuracy. Durability: 3
grows a new arm and also lifts the [A] Collapsible Cutter. +20,000 Power. +4 ACpierce. Durability: 2
Various cutting tools. Powerful.
A faint sound of something sharp being moved very fast and a quick flash can be noticed. What a powerful triple uppercut combo!

[A] Dead Star Plate. +6 AC. -25% Dodge. Durability: 5.
Worn by HV6
Dead Star plate. Useful for defense. REDUCE SELF DODGE TO NEGATIVE VALUE. Used for intercepting attacks.
HV6 now attracts all attacks coming any HVs with an accuracy of 25%. HV6 mentally prepares for death.

[A] Exotic Crystals.
Slowly Losing Power!
Worn by HV7
Exotic Crystals. Useful for ???. Slowly losing power.
HV7 crushes the Exotic Crystals into a fine dust and snorts it.

[A] Stoneskin Hide. Petrify: 5/6.
Worn by HV8
Stoneskin Hide. Very hard. Used to petrify.
Petrification increases durability. Thus....
HV8 petrifies HV6 (which tanks for the team). "Good luck HV6"

[A] 272. +25,000 Power
Worn by HV9
272. Number. Used to count.
HV9 thinks a bit. Then he counts down from 272. What will happen if the countdown has ended?!

[A] Summoner's Stave. Boosts Summoning Power. Durability: 2.
Worn by HV10
Summoner's Stave. Long and has a knob on the end. Used to boost summoning power.
HV10 summons loads of Artifacts and then consumes them using [A] Darude S&Storm. Anything Goes: Consumes Artifacts for power. 1 Round left.
He also consumes following Artifacts:
[A] Zodiac Killer. Inactive!
[A] Broken Sigil.
[A] Card of Majora. Durability: 1
[A] Blank Cruxite Bust. Can be used to depict someone!

A strong beam of power attempts to carve the dark god from this plane of existence.

[A] 18D. x3
Worn by HV11 & HV12
18D. x3. Hexadecimal Number. Used to count.
HV11 imitates HV9 and counts down from 18D. This is a much longer process, so HV12 helps him use the artifact.

[A] Hypersigil. Demon Available. Souls: 36.
Worn by HV13
Hypersigil. Looks pretty intricate and kinda cool. Demon available. Used to deal with Souls.
HV13 sells the souls of HV14 to HV100 and calls a demon soldier for every soul spent (100-14+36=122). The horde of 122 demon soldiers attacks the dark god.

[A] Industrial Armor. +4 AC. Durability: 3.
Worn by HV101
Industrial Armor. Looks efficient and mass produced. Used to defend.
HV101 uses Industry to create 122 lesser industrial armors after creating a blueprint of his industrial armor. The demon soldiers are now harder to kill.

[A] Cerebrocrown. +33,000 Attack. Durability: 2
Worn by HV102
Cerebrocrown. A crown made of Cerebro. Used to instill feelings of authority.
Using the Cerebrocrown, HV102 leads the demon army against the dark god. "In the name of HVism! Attack!"

[A] Ship Destroyer. +30,000 Attack Destroying Ships. Durability: 2
Worn by HV103
Ship Destroyer. Looks like ... a big gun????
HV103 does some research and then fully and mercilessly destroys the Dark God's favorite ship (HV420 x HV 69). Wait...
HV420.2 and HV69.2 produced.

[A] Asteroid Tower Shield. +1,000 Attack. +2 AC. Durability: 2
Worn by HV104
Asteroid Tower Shield. Large Tower. Made of Asteroids. Doubles as shield.
HV104 grabs the tower and joins the orbit. Nice place. HV104 begins base building, adding several orbital cannons, preparing an orbital strike.

[A] Tesseract Belt. Temporal Energy Charges: 2.
Worn by HV105
Wait why... would you need a Tesseract Belt. Ah... Temporal Energy...
HV105 sends HV1 the Temporal energy to critically lengthen HV1xfragment fusion time.

[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2
Worn by HV106
Prism Blade. Breaks light into different wavelengths. Also very sharp. Can be used to cut and create rainbows.
HV106 reduces the darkness of the dark god by shooting a rainbow at him and also cuts him afterwards (the perfect weapon).

[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
Worn by HV107
Eternity's Eradicator. Looks very finite in use. Used to eradicate eternity.
HV107 limits the Dark gods regeneration to functioning about 1 year irl maximum from this moment on by eradicating the eternity on it.

[A] Hellcaller. Fiends: 1/2.
Worn by HV108
Hellcaller. Used to call hell.
HV108: "Hello this is HV108. Is this Hell?"
Hell: "Yes. Why do you call me?"
HV108:" I wanted the second Fiend."
Hell: " Oh yeah. Here you are."
A fiend joins the demon army.

[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Temporal Energy Charges: 1. Durability: 2
Worn by HV109
Clockwork Carver. Sharp and precise. Used to make clocks out of wood and has temporal energy in it.
HV109 sends the temporal energy to HV1 to lengthen the fusion time. Also begins to work on carving some clocks that produce temporal energy.

[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
Worn by HV110
Headband. Used to go to space... I think.
HV110 travels to the Asteroid tower shield and helps HV104 with setting up the orbital cannons. Then he spaces out. After he comes to senses again, the orbital cannons laid great devastation upon the dark god. Must've been the Headband.

[A] The Shadowscythe. +45,000 Power. Durability: 1.
Worn by HV111
Scythe. Made of Shadow. Unique. Used to reap shadow corn/wheat/cereals.
HV111 eats also [A] Keter Scion of Sakkakh. Can be eaten.
Then he reaps some shadow corn for Sakkakh, also known as Sabbath. As new Scion of Sakkakh he has to do his religious deeds finely. Wait how does this help the situation.

HV112-HV420 try to terminate HV111 for going rogue.

HV2 looks upon the mayhem caused by HV3-HV420. What a great day to be alive.
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[A] Tesseract Belt. Temporal Energy Charges: 2.
Worn by HV105
Wait why... would you need a Tesseract Belt. Ah... Temporal Energy...
HV105 sends HV1 the Temporal energy to critically lengthen HV1xfragment fusion time.

[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2
Worn by HV106
Prism Blade. Breaks light into different wavelengths. Also very sharp. Can be used to cut and create rainbows.
HV106 reduces the darkness of the dark god by shooting a rainbow at him and also cuts him afterwards (the perfect weapon).

[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
Worn by HV107
Eternity's Eradicator. Looks very finite in use. Used to eradicate eternity.
HV107 limits the Dark gods regeneration to functioning about 1 year irl maximum from this moment on by eradicating the eternity on it.

[A] Hellcaller. Fiends: 1/2.
Worn by HV108
Hellcaller. Used to call hell.
HV108: "Hello this is HV108. Is this Hell?"
Hell: "Yes. Why do you call me?"
HV108:" I wanted the second Fiend."
Hell: " Oh yeah. Here you are."
A fiend joins the demon army.

[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Temporal Energy Charges: 1. Durability: 2
Worn by HV109
Clockwork Carver. Sharp and precise. Used to make clocks out of wood and has temporal energy in it.
HV109 sends the temporal energy to HV1 to lengthen the fusion time. Also begins to work on carving some clocks that produce temporal energy.

[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
Worn by HV110
Headband. Used to go to space... I think.
HV110 travels to the Asteroid tower shield and helps HV104 with setting up the orbital cannons. Then he spaces out. After he comes to senses again, the orbital cannons laid great devastation upon the dark god. Must've been the Headband.
a bunch of these are mine.
Round 60
Whatever Nedben just coughed up in a vaguely disturbing manner, it blorped out of Unlimited Luck Worlds and preempts the Dark God's counterattacks with aimless rambled realities. Words turn to existence, interceptory shells of ships on the horizon and fallen towers. What is destruction against the already destroyed? A juxtaposition of invincible and already dead tangles all enemy reactive assault. Also it gets reality everywhere and it's disgusting.
Slicing at spatial boundaries with a taloned hand, the Dark God opens up a portal of his own. Channeling power from his native dimension, the rift spews out obscene amounts of fractalline lightning in an effort to keep your Unlimited Luck Worlds at bay.
Counterattack chance reduced to 75%!

DtG: Destroy the Godmodder (The Broken Masquerade) IC - Action

((No formatting because I'm a lazy shittt) Ladies. Gentlemen. Nedbens. Dark Gods. It’s time. Today? We will Destroy the.. Well, Dark God. Look, I’m just gonna do the epic attack now, m’kay? > PLAY: Endless Climbing (Homestuck Album Five) YEARS IN THE PAST, BUT NOT MANY…. ACTUALLY, I LIED, IT...

((I'm not quoting this, it's way too long.))

Returning to the battlefield via portal, Astrec stares down The Dark God! Summoning a strange liquid, he uses it to fill -wait, that's an Impetus Comb. Are you- Yep. he's activating a Comb Rave, and it's called…

REINNOVATION? Nice! That's a great name!
Pang Nectar accumulates around his shoulders, forming a pair of wings. He addresses the Dark God!
"Hey! Dark God! I'm Astrec Pradis, The Guy who accidentally summoned you. Which as we all know, was a huge mistake. I've made a lot of mistakes. Too many. But here? That doesn't matter. What does matter? You and me. And let it be known:

With a remote in one hand, Astrec opens up another portal. As he turns to glance at it, The Dark God races towards him. As he closes the distance between them, they raise the Unbreakable Katana overhead. Wheeling back around, Astrec raises Clear Thought blocking the blow in a two-handed grip of his own. Despite channeling power through both of his augmented arms, the force of the strike sends him reeling backwards, no ground to keep him upright.

"Rule One:" The Dark God growls, "Never take your eyes off your opponent in an attempted monologue."

Astrec grins. Behind him, the portal ejects a multitude of items right towards the Dark God, forcing them back. Closing their eyes, The Dark God concentrates on absorbing everything that comes his way. Pressing his advantage, Astrec dives in through the stream. Bringing forth his blade, he swings it in an arc, slicing through the Dark God's stomach. Opening up the shadowstuff, half-absorbed projectiles spew out into the Void.
"A personal pocket dimension? How cute."

Continuing to attack, Astrec brings his blade down into the Dark God's leg. As he does so, a cage is sent towards The Dark God's other leg. A Chaos Daemon breaks out, only to be subsumed by the darkness.
"Mmm. I've missed the taste of Khorne-flakes."

Seeing this happen, Astrec flies away from The Dark God. Retrieving his remote, he presses another group of buttons on it.

Bristling with weapons of all varieties, a Voidship with Astrec's (A) logo emerges from a wormhole.

Watching this unfold, the Dark God laughs. From the portalstream, a cursed doll strikes him and explodes, releasing a swarm of Chaos Spirits who are quickly assimilated
"The forces of Chaos are mine to command and cons-"

Whatever The Dark God is saying is cut off as Astrec's Voidship opens fire, unloading its entire armament. As they're left staggering from the Salvo, Astrec dives towards them again. As gold Jocose Honey swirls alongside bue stolen Godmodder Fire, Astrec cuts deep into The Dark God's lower torso, horizontally bisecting them. Taking advantage of their temporary incapacitation, Astrec continues to slice at the Dark God.

Out of things to fire, the Voidship engages its reverse thrusters, moving back through the portal.

Stopping his assault for a moment, Astrec tilts his head.
"Oh, yes, the extra soul."
"How shall I deal with that.."
"Oh. Oh."

Shaping some of their Honey into a phone, Astrec dials a number. Just before he's about to speak into it, the Dark God drops his act, lunging towards Astrec. Taking advantage of his low guard, they take the Clear Thought, plunging it into their chest to absorb its energy.
"No more fooling around."

As the broadsword crumbles away, The Dark God regrows a set of thin, spindly burning blue legs composed of Godmodding Energy.

Extending one hand, he traps Astrec in a field of telekinetic force. Giving him a once-over, he takes the waiting phone from their hand, and crushes it.
"You're not taking anything from me today," he says. "On the other hand…"

Rifling through Astrec's inventory, The Dark God finds his Portal Remote and The World-Cube, both of which he melts. Then, using his mind, he grabs ahold of Astrec's Voidship. Overpowering the retroboosters, he pulls the vessel out of its wormhole, holding it in place. Without another thought, The Dark God effortlessly disassembles the entire Voidship, reducing it to a mass of unconnected nuts, bolts and metal plates.
"Oh, I'm sorry," the Dark God says. "That must've taken so much effort to build."

Pulling the engine from the wreckage, The Dark God sets his foot on it. "What's this, an Improbability Drive?"
Gritting his teeth, Astrec bursts in a flash of gold and yellow light so bright that The Dark God has to shade his eyes. Breaking free from his imprisonment, Astrec pushes the deity off of the engine.

"Not Improbability. Ascendant."

Raising it above his head, Astrec Astrec opens a Portal to the Elemental Plane of Creation, which begins to channel its energies into the device. Focusing some more, he generates more portals, which also begin to channel energy. Raising his hands, he channels all of his Nectar and Honey as well, making sure that none of the energy-streams cross each other. In a flash of light, the Ascendant Drive Transforms.

It becomes...
Oh, Simeon.
It becomes...

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Nedben, Dark God. I present to you… The OUROBOROS DRIVE. Faster, Smaller, Smarter."

Taking out a small chain, Astrec affixes the Ouroboros Drive to it, which he wears around his neck.

It's so small

Alight with new power, he punches the starstruck Dark God clean in the stomach, causing them to double over.

This has been the most epic punch in the history of the Void.

Kicking off, he readies himself for another uppercut, just as the Thistles of Zillywich come zooming in out of nowhere.

Jerking back, the two Needles embed themselves into the Dark God's chest. Consuming one of them, he pulls out the other.
"I believe you're going to want this?"

With a flick of his wrist, the Needle finds itself square in the chest of Astrec. A pair of feathered wings burst from the Dark God's shoulders, identical to those developed by adult Cherubs. A symbol of hope, desecrated.

Charging at the Dark God, Astrec generates a forcefield to slam him into. Creating a pair of force-lances, he jams them through his shoulders, pinning him down. Creating forceblade, he slashes it across the Dark God's chest, only for them to invoke the Curse of Repetition. As the blade dissipates across their chest. As Astrec loads a shotgun and fires a shotgun, The Dark God's laugh echoes across the Void.
"All this… aggression? Why? Why fight your heart like this?"

Pulling out the Entropic Key, Astrec links it to a pair of Order and Chaos Nodes. Pointing it at the Dark God, he sends a beam of white light directly at their face. Altering his pupils, the Dark God invokes the <0>. Oh dear.

Focusing his eyes, he blasts against the stream with red Chaos energy.
"There's something you need to know, Hex, Pradis, whatever you call yourself now..."
"I'm not the Chaos Butterfly."
"And you're not
Rose-Eater Praefortis."

The sustained blast intensifies, overwhelming the Entropic Key. As it shatters in his grip, Astrec drops it and bolts. Sliding off the Forcefield, the Dark God slowly advances towards him. Picking up broken handle of the weapon, he examines it.
"How did you remember this, Hex? Do you remember everything? Is it just shards and pieces, splinters of something else?"
Clenching his fist, he pulverises what remains of it.
"Stop trying to be their Hero, Hex. Give up while you still breathe."

Summoning a new phone, Astrec dials up a number.

Greetings; salutations; Iä, iä; hello. You must be truly desperate.

Wait, is that-

I see. This will only take a moment...

Coming out of nowhere, a psychic beam of an impossible colour tears straight through The Dark God's head. He falls to the ground, writhing in agony, clutching at his temples.

In the near-distance, the Mask of an Unfathomable One gives Astrec a wave.

You now owe me a favour.

...With his second wind, Astrec reactivates the Ouroboros Drive. As he moves away from the Dark God, the drive generates a huge opaque sphere to enclose them.

Images of elsewhere flash across its surface: A man with a trident, aboard a grey weapons platform. Another man in chains, eyes glowing stark-white. A queen, wearing a glass crown. The Iron Prince, standing in the waters of the Silver Sea. A spellcaster with a crystal arm, hugging another woman, one with pink hair. A pair of people stand at the foot of a white throne, brother and sister: One crackling with electricity, the other blazing with fire. A dragon with five heads. A plastic bottle, held b-

Breaking free, The Dark God, shatters The Sphere. Summoning an Anvil, Astrec tries to drop it over their head, only for it to pass right through. Creating a Missile Launcher, he throws the entire thing at the Dark God, detonating it in his body. Distracting them with an Alternian Doomsday Device, Astrec begins to take potshots with a pair of pistols, for all the good it does. Glowing green-and-white, he calls a grand army to his side, which charges forward in a direct assault.

Calling a flamethrower to his hands, Astrec takes the time to give another sales pitch:


I shouldn't need to tell you that this looked amazing, which it was. Unfortunately it was also an absolute massacre. You have three guesses as to who won, and the first two don't count.

Standing atop a pile of corpses, the Victor watches as Astrec walks towards him at eye-level.
"Oh, feeling brave again? I'll just have to change that."
Around his neck, the Ouroboros Drive pulses again to create a giant mechsuit replica of Astrec, which punches the Dark God in the face yet again.

As the Z-Mech crouches down for an uppercut, The Dark God grabs it by the fist, flipping the machine over onto its back. With one of his burning legs, he grinds it's heel into the machine's face, slowly burning through the armorplating.
"Come on, where's the Astrec I know?"
Within the cockpit, Astrec calls in yet another favour, gaining an audience with TOG II. As he finishes making the deal, The Dark God reaches in through the mech's ruined face to pick him out.
"There you are!"
With one hand pulling at each of his legs, The Dark God grins.
"Make a wish, any wish! Maybe you'll even live long enough to see it come true."
Astrec smiles.
"I wish.. I wish that you'd be blown away."
"Wait, wha-
Unbeknownst to him, while distracted, tanks of every conceivable variety had been filing into the battlefield. By now, all of them had finished acquiring their sights.

For the second time today, The Dark God is blasted by yet another absolute avalanche of projectiles. One might even say that this barrage had achieved the legendary, eternally desired, "enough dakka". Of course, I won't even dare suggest that. This was beautiful, and something you absolutely should have been there to see.

As the Tanks roll back to Tankhalla (Tank Paradise), Astrec extends his left arm, alight with Goldenrod energy. As he clenches his fist, a massive heavy hammer solidifies in his grip. Rushing The Dark God, he raises the Hammer up over his head, allowing him to catch it in his grip. Flicking the Descendant away, The Dark God throws the hammer back at him. Spinning through the Void, it splits into five. From each of these five, the silhouettes of five people form, their features indistinct. One of them, a red woman with sharp wings buries a spectral axe into Astrec's shoulders, while another one, a purple man in purple surrounds him with a wheel of blades, stabbing him simultaneously eight times. The rest of the figures begin to crowd him, beating him in every possible direction. And then they stop. The silhouette of a man in Goldenrod stands over Astrec. Manifesting a hammer identical to the one he was going to use, Goldenrod brings it down on Astrec's head, hard.

As the figures fade away, The Dark God begins to monologue.
"That arm you're wearing? I'm really interested in knowing how you even learned how to make it. Seeing it certainly brings back memories."

As he comes to, Astrec attempts to flex the Godarm, only for it to freeze.
"There should be no reason for you to even understand its significance, but it's Special. More special than you could possibly imagine. I know that you can tell that it's powerful. Why do you think it brought me here?"

With a snap of his fingers, the Dark God reactivates the Godarm. Morphing it into an armcannon, Astrec charges it up with Oblivion Energy.
"Go on. I dare you to try."

He fires a laser right where the Dark God's heart should be. Boom.
"Draedon will not save you."
"Richard will not save you."
"Or Hera."
And again.
"Or Alicia."
And again.
"Or any other member of the Hand. The Past Will Not Save You! The power of two destroyers are in-no, literally are your hands! Darkness is second nature for your kind. It runs through your veins. You have been chosen. You thought it was a blessing, but now a Curse. Consider it an honour! Hero is subjective. Take Ahriman for example! Hero of Brine. You'll never be their hero, but you can be mine. I invoke your new name: Azazael! Judgement calls."

Against his will, Astrec's right arm begins to move. Slowly, but surely, the Hand of Judgement moves his arm up, until it points at the sky.


From the flames, a woman with six arms Descends: Kaliber, Burning Goddess of Bullets. Extending a hand, she presents him with a simple revolver, with a barrel burning with the Indigo Fire of Time: The Gun That Can Kill The Past. The Godarm picks it up, and points the barrel at Astrec's head. He tries to move his trigger finger, only to fail. Attempting to move his other hand… he finds himself unable to do so as well. Both of his arms had been compromised.
"Go on," The Dark God urges. "Pull the trigger."

Channeling the powers of a Descended through The Gun that Can Kill The Past, Astrec augments its velocity. Turning his body around so that the bullet will go through The Dark God as well, he pulls the trigger before they can react.

As the Bullet that Can Kill The Past rips through both of them, they explode in a burst of cosmic static. Chronal energy readings does a massive spike, as not one, but two people get shot.

Consuming his extra life, The Dark God is the first to return.
"This isn't over, Pradis," he says to the mess that was previously Astrec. "Not by a long shot."
Suddenly, a portion of him explodes into static again. Cosmic Aftershock.

The Dark God Takes 743,000 Damage. His Regen is reduced to 175,000.
Astrec is currently dead. His remaining artifacts are unattended.
A Thistle of Zillywich is also available to be picked up.
"Whugheyo, Harkener! How've things been for you?"
"Oh, it was probably only a few seconds maybe or none at all on your end, but you... ok, there are good odds you Would believe it, its not like much is off limits in this world... what I got up to in that time(or not in that time)."
"Then again, most of it had already happened. makes you wonder about freedom and determinism, I guess. I should probably read up on how time travel works again..."
Aheh...we're... ah, [on 3 actions/ round now. hm.
...wait nope we're on ????ACtions ka,.mround,.
1) Well, the first thing I'm going to do is heal myself. Being at half health doesn't suit me, for all my suit suits me. ; P
Now, I could try to actually heal myself. But you know what? I don't feel like doing such a favour for this bodys owner. So instead I'm going to replace all the damaged body parts with animated cakes, which I am quite used to, in order to be in the way of the other guy whenever he wakes up.
2) then I walk over to the Dark God. heh. Alright. I put on the Ferrous nanogauntlet, and raise it to my side. With a mental command, four small blobs of nanotech split off, flying through the air, dodging and weaving while launching bolts of ambient energy to whittle him down, piercing tiny millimeter holes in his flesh. They spin, and buzz, and dodge around, until eventually He gets tired enough of trying to swat them for them to get close and unload the nanotech bombs they'd formed inside themselves, knocking him back. In the meantime, I reformed the Nanogauntlet. Temporarily, the Nanotech of the gauntlet primarily coagulates into two distinct structures. A rather large, rocket propelled, sledgehammer, and an Radiation Gun-based energy field generator around the hilt. As Val'Elzathor stumbles to a stop, I twirl the hammer behind my back and walk over to him, sticking out my left hand to offer a game of RPS. If he doesn't oblige, of course, I hit him with a sledgehammer. otherwise, though, if he obliges, I incant the traditional beginning phrase. "R, P, S, Shoot!". Val'Elazathor does something unimportant, and I hit him with the Sledgehammer. That Is what RPS stands for, you know. Rocket-propelled Sledgehammer. As the God goes flying, I switch on the Radiation Gun tech, Aetheric Particle collision spectra playing along the Sledgehammer as I use the rocket propulsion to dash forwards and smack into him again, this time launching him nearly straight up. In the time it takes him to fall back down, I carve a familiar circle into the ground...
"...Harkener. Care to join me? It'll be just like Ολδ τιμεσ! "
After waiting a moment for the choice, I return the Nanogauntlet to its previous state as a gauntlet, and...
2.1?) Stab the Prism Blade into the ground- It's the only sword I have on my person, as it happens- right as Val'Elzathor reaches ground level, forming a circle of seclusion.
Like Old Times ;)
"You can have the finishing blow this time if you like, though, Assuming he's low enough for this to even be a finisher. inversion, keep things fresh."
"...JOE, I'm still angry about you sending me into the past," Harkener says.

JOE? or Cake Guy replaces sections of his body with Cake, restoring 3 Hp to himself.

Peppering The Dark God with nanoexplosives,they detonate for 43k damage. Slamming the rocket-powered sledgehammer into him, you wind him for another 23k damage. Slamming him again, you send him reeling backwards, staggering from the blow for yet another 33k damage in a display of what makes you you.

Harkener looks at the Magic Circle.
"As much as I'd like to stab Va-him for what he's done-slash-will do, I don't think I should. If I do the thing again, It's probably going to end up making him my retroactive nemesis or something. And honestly? I don't want to deal with that."
You have a point.
...I also really want to ask what the future holds...
Re-entering reality from the state of being ripped into shreds from another parallel dimension and into this one. Winkins first moments in the new universe ends up being buried straight face first into the ground before pulling the will to pull himself out.

Still reeling from his crash into the ground, Winkins subconsciously grasp the Asteroid shield he grown familiar due to his inclination towards lunar relative objects and pulling out the charge he was keeping when he wasn't scattered into the waves of reality.

35 Charge.
Respawning, Winkins picks up the Asteroid Shield!
((There's no charge anymore. Not right now, at least.))
(x1)Exiting Weird Astral Travel Shenanigans,Paradox attacks the Dark God with his final charge of the Shadowscythe
(x1)He then Alchemises Keter Scion of Sakkakh&&Wooden Staff
(x1)before consuming the Keter Scion of Sakkakh.
Breaking through JOE's Barrier with the Shadowscythe, Paradoxdragon brings its hard-sound blade down upon The Dark God's chest, leaving it there. 14,000 Damage, a critical hit. As he turns around, they absorbs it into themselves, incorporating its stark-white Tron Lines across their body.
"...This can't be good..."

Keter Scion of Sakkakh && Wooden Staff = Wooden Staff.
Looks like the Wooden Staff already has bits from the Scion.

ParadoxDragon then puts the scion in his mouth, and tries to close it, only to fail as a tree trunk grows out of his throat.
CONTACT THE WHISPER_FREE BRANCH AT █̸͜͢ █̴̶̢͞͞ █͜͡ █̀͢͜ █̕͝ >

Retreating back down ParadoxDragon's throat, the tree makes itself scarce.

...Two Unfathomables in one round. Yikes...
Nerà takes advantage of being in their home plane to summon the power of the gods. The Minotaur dies in a burst of holy light exploding inside their brain.

Auma transfigures their wounds into not!wounds, healing himself slightly. He also checks what the swissarmyknifemodder has in terms of a Regen mode.

Nerà makes a formal request to The Corporation to have a S.A.F.E. delivered to the main battlefield.

"Ishmael. Cover Auma while he heals himself. I must discover why, in what should be a secure village in my empire, there is chaos and beasts like this."
Nerà gestures to the Minotaur.
"Something is very wrong here, and I intend on ensuring that no region under my banner remains in such a state for long."

Nerà casts Fly on themself and soars into the air, trying to get a quick view of the town.
40,000 Damage. Detonating the Minotaur's head, Nerà disrupts its teleportation abilities, sending it into a berzerk frenzy.

They then request a S.A.F.E.!
Great choice, why didn't we do that earlier?

"Actually," Ishmael says, "I can explain what's happening: The Iron Prince and his machines are occupying the place."

Flying up into the air, Nerà scopes out what's happening. On the outskirt of town, pearlescent white machines are busy at work around an archway leading elsewhere.
Hungry visitor has an idea...
Universes are too big to defend without killing all attackers. What is the solution BESIDES killing the attackers?
Making a small universe. So HV cuts off a portion of Nerà's Native Universe and attaches an OVER_UNIVERSE_DRIVE.
The speed meter shows that it currently travels 4 OUL/h (Over Universe Length per hour) in over universe space (the stuff that somehow exists outside of universes).
Unless the Dark God is able to exist outside of an universe or able to teleport through over universe space or able to move the Nerà's Native Universe towards my escape fragment, the fragment should be safe and able to grow into a replacement. Thus the damage race turns into a different kind of race. A universe race.
To keep it safe, HV also leaves a suitable guard for the fragment. HV undergoes duplication and one stays inside and the other one says in the main Universe.

Universe fragment. HV1. Date unknown
I decide to set up a minimum of defense against theoretical dark god attacks. Since there is an auto-retaliation, you can't just put up super blasters. It has to be an indirect attack. Or an defense, never can stop thinking about defense when you are a guardian.

Make a layer that will activate the next defense if the former did not work.
-First defense:
Force field. Yeah it is a force that forces stuff to not go inside this universe. You're not affected while inside tho.
Second defense:
Fusion. Attempting fusion to any too strong things like a big universe is dangerous and very short.
This is a small fragment. If the fragment is under attack, HV1 will fuse with the fragment and turn it invincible for the time of the fusion (about 1 hour).
Third defense:
Etheral. Turn etheral and let the intruder fall into over universe space. This might also make them vanish since till now only universes can exist in over universe space.
Fourth defense:
Self destruct. The structure of the fragment falls into much smaller fragments (still immortal tho) and then reforms when the fusion is about to run out. Lets hope no particle accelerators are around.
Fifth defense:
OVERDRIVE. The OVER_UNIVERSE_DRIVE increases output drastically up to 10 OUL/h to escape the menace.
Sixth defense:
Time encasement. After fusion, HV1 will be able to access the fragments universe abilities. Projecting these, the fragment can use its time ability on anything inside.
In this case, the timelines into the future refuse to run and end existence itself, which would normally kill the universe (but it is immortal). If it is good enough to kill any universe, will this environmental factor stop the attacker in their tracks?
Seventh defense:
God. Using the power of the fragment, 1 miracle could be performed depending on the situation.
Ok seven defense layers for now.

Now the replacement universe plan has to be fleshed out. Universes need nutrients to grow, like humans do. That is why any other universes except the Nerà's Native Universe should be drained for nutrients.
This requires a magic system to be set up, which will seem beneficial, but slowly drain their universes almost endless resources.
-System ports attached to fragment hull.

That is all HV1 could think of for now.

Nerà's Native Universe. HV2. Date unknown.
Setting up Anti-Teleport System.
Function: Teleport things that get into radius away. Ignore HV2.
After making it, it begins to tunnel down and and constantly teleport away air trying to invade the radius. I am currently following the ATS. Upgrading ATS.
ATS can now float and won't tunnel anymore. Returning to surface.
Need additional bodies to use artifacts.

[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
Worn by HV3
Katana. Used to harm. Used to KILL
"Taste my s t r u c t u r a l l y SOUND red Matter Katana. WEEEEEEEE"
HV3 slashes and the structure of destruction sounds over the field, reddening the sky as the Katana slashes the air in non physical manner.
It is hard to tell wether the dark god will slide into pieces or just stay the same since that is how sharp Katana usually do it.

[A] Hypersaber. +40,000 Power. Durability: 2.
Worn by HV4
Hypersaber. High hight. Saber. Used to fence.
HV4 points down and the Hypersaber descends, increasing in speed.
Then it suddenly pulls back, a faint.
Wait how did it get over there...
Hypersaber does not make sense...
what if I...
The Hypersaber suddenly appears and disappears leaving 3 holes in the dark god. Then in a blur the rest of the 40,000 holes appear on the dark god.
Yeah this is a powerful weapon.

[A] Power Armour. Mode: Heavy Lifting. +7,000 Power. +1 AC. Durability: 3.
Worn by HV5
Power Armour. Powerful. Used to lift.
HV5 lifts the [A] Unbreakable Katana. +45,000 Power. Durability: 9.
and the [A] Neutron Edge. +50,000 Power. -20% Accuracy. Durability: 3
grows a new arm and also lifts the [A] Collapsible Cutter. +20,000 Power. +4 ACpierce. Durability: 2
Various cutting tools. Powerful.
A faint sound of something sharp being moved very fast and a quick flash can be noticed. What a powerful triple uppercut combo!

[A] Dead Star Plate. +6 AC. -25% Dodge. Durability: 5.
Worn by HV6
Dead Star plate. Useful for defense. REDUCE SELF DODGE TO NEGATIVE VALUE. Used for intercepting attacks.
HV6 now attracts all attacks coming any HVs with an accuracy of 25%. HV6 mentally prepares for death.

[A] Exotic Crystals.
Slowly Losing Power!
Worn by HV7
Exotic Crystals. Useful for ???. Slowly losing power.
HV7 crushes the Exotic Crystals into a fine dust and snorts it.

[A] Stoneskin Hide. Petrify: 5/6.
Worn by HV8
Stoneskin Hide. Very hard. Used to petrify.
Petrification increases durability. Thus....
HV8 petrifies HV6 (which tanks for the team). "Good luck HV6"

[A] 272. +25,000 Power
Worn by HV9
272. Number. Used to count.
HV9 thinks a bit. Then he counts down from 272. What will happen if the countdown has ended?!

[A] Summoner's Stave. Boosts Summoning Power. Durability: 2.
Worn by HV10
Summoner's Stave. Long and has a knob on the end. Used to boost summoning power.
HV10 summons loads of Artifacts and then consumes them using [A] Darude S&Storm. Anything Goes: Consumes Artifacts for power. 1 Round left.
He also consumes following Artifacts:
[A] Zodiac Killer. Inactive!
[A] Broken Sigil.
[A] Card of Majora. Durability: 1
[A] Blank Cruxite Bust. Can be used to depict someone!

A strong beam of power attempts to carve the dark god from this plane of existence.

[A] 18D. x3
Worn by HV11 & HV12
18D. x3. Hexadecimal Number. Used to count.
HV11 imitates HV9 and counts down from 18D. This is a much longer process, so HV12 helps him use the artifact.

[A] Hypersigil. Demon Available. Souls: 36.
Worn by HV13
Hypersigil. Looks pretty intricate and kinda cool. Demon available. Used to deal with Souls.
HV13 sells the souls of HV14 to HV100 and calls a demon soldier for every soul spent (100-14+36=122). The horde of 122 demon soldiers attacks the dark god.

[A] Industrial Armor. +4 AC. Durability: 3.
Worn by HV101
Industrial Armor. Looks efficient and mass produced. Used to defend.
HV101 uses Industry to create 122 lesser industrial armors after creating a blueprint of his industrial armor. The demon soldiers are now harder to kill.

[A] Cerebrocrown. +33,000 Attack. Durability: 2
Worn by HV102
Cerebrocrown. A crown made of Cerebro. Used to instill feelings of authority.
Using the Cerebrocrown, HV102 leads the demon army against the dark god. "In the name of HVism! Attack!"

[A] Ship Destroyer. +30,000 Attack Destroying Ships. Durability: 2
Worn by HV103
Ship Destroyer. Looks like ... a big gun????
HV103 does some research and then fully and mercilessly destroys the Dark God's favorite ship (HV420 x HV 69). Wait...
HV420.2 and HV69.2 produced.

[A] Asteroid Tower Shield. +1,000 Attack. +2 AC. Durability: 2
Worn by HV104
Asteroid Tower Shield. Large Tower. Made of Asteroids. Doubles as shield.
HV104 grabs the tower and joins the orbit. Nice place. HV104 begins base building, adding several orbital cannons, preparing an orbital strike.

[A] Tesseract Belt. Temporal Energy Charges: 2.
Worn by HV105
Wait why... would you need a Tesseract Belt. Ah... Temporal Energy...
HV105 sends HV1 the Temporal energy to critically lengthen HV1xfragment fusion time.

[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2
Worn by HV106
Prism Blade. Breaks light into different wavelengths. Also very sharp. Can be used to cut and create rainbows.
HV106 reduces the darkness of the dark god by shooting a rainbow at him and also cuts him afterwards (the perfect weapon).

[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
Worn by HV107
Eternity's Eradicator. Looks very finite in use. Used to eradicate eternity.
HV107 limits the Dark gods regeneration to functioning about 1 year irl maximum from this moment on by eradicating the eternity on it.

[A] Hellcaller. Fiends: 1/2.
Worn by HV108
Hellcaller. Used to call hell.
HV108: "Hello this is HV108. Is this Hell?"
Hell: "Yes. Why do you call me?"
HV108:" I wanted the second Fiend."
Hell: " Oh yeah. Here you are."
A fiend joins the demon army.

[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Temporal Energy Charges: 1. Durability: 2
Worn by HV109
Clockwork Carver. Sharp and precise. Used to make clocks out of wood and has temporal energy in it.
HV109 sends the temporal energy to HV1 to lengthen the fusion time. Also begins to work on carving some clocks that produce temporal energy.

[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
Worn by HV110
Headband. Used to go to space... I think.
HV110 travels to the Asteroid tower shield and helps HV104 with setting up the orbital cannons. Then he spaces out. After he comes to senses again, the orbital cannons laid great devastation upon the dark god. Must've been the Headband.

[A] The Shadowscythe. +45,000 Power. Durability: 1.
Worn by HV111
Scythe. Made of Shadow. Unique. Used to reap shadow corn/wheat/cereals.
HV111 eats also [A] Keter Scion of Sakkakh. Can be eaten.
Then he reaps some shadow corn for Sakkakh, also known as Sabbath. As new Scion of Sakkakh he has to do his religious deeds finely. Wait how does this help the situation.

HV112-HV420 try to terminate HV111 for going rogue.

HV2 looks upon the mayhem caused by HV3-HV420. What a great day to be alive.
Hungry Visitor attempts to carve out a piece of Nerà's Native Universe, only to find it too hard to do so. Universes tend to be made out of some hard stuff!

They then split into multiple clones of themselves, who go out to pick up as many artifacts as possible. Some of them try to take other people's artifacts, but fail.
Summoner's Stave, 18D, Hypersigil, Blank Cruxite Bust, Card of Majora, Zodiac Killer, Broken Sigil, Industrial Armor, Cerebrocrown and Ship Destroyer picked up.

As HV11 holds the three 18Ds, he begins to glow with a blue aura, as the three artifacts move to place themselves on top over his hands and head. Surrounded in a shimmering haze, HV11 is consumed in an explosion of dark energy, sending waves across the void. As the smoke clears, HV11's upper skeleton rises, it's spinal cord eposed and floating in the void, head and hands replaced by the three 18Ds, lit with a ghastly glow.

"Rise, Collector of Life, Entity 40!"

Using the Hypersigil, HV13 generates an army of demons, which HV14 gives a copy of the Industrial Armour to.

Lying on the ground, The Dark God flickers. Suddenly, a green blade sprouts from his chest, followed by goldenrod markings.
"There's no need to hide, Infini. I know you're here as well."
"...Oh crap."

Opening his mouth, The Dark God sings a high note. Immediately, Darude S&storm explodes, disrupting the circle, scattering bone fragments across Harkener's arms. 10 Damage.
"Nice try, JOE. But it won't work again."

Extending the Collapsible Cutter, he tries to bring the Collapsible Cutter down upon JOE, hard. 17 damage.

Raising his hands into the air, he creates a shifting, shimmering sphere of violet energies, which he throws at Nera's Native Universe. Upon contact, the sphere reacts with the Universe's light, weakening the ability of the matter within to the corrosion of the Void. 250,000 damage.

Harkener sighs. "Everything's changed, hasn't it?"
As he raises 272, it momentarily flickers, assuming the form of a sword, which Harkener uses to strike at The Dark God. Finding a weakpoint in the Dead Star Plate, he slides the blade through, dealing 48k Damage.
Drawing the sword from his chest, The Dark God uses it in tandem with the Unbreakable Katana to to cross-slash Harkener, breaking his sword in the process. 19 Damage.
Dropping the green blade, it returns back into The Dark God's chest. "I have only you to thank for this, Infini," he says. "How does it feel, giving your worst enemy his new favorite weapon?"
"S-shut up!"
"Really? Is that the best you can manage?"

Out of Void Energy, JOE's scarf explodes. Why? I have no idea. Chalk it up to Alchemiter issues. 4 damage.

On Nerà's world, the headless minotaur charges at, firing explosive bolts of radiation. Leaping in front of Auma, Ishmael catches the projectiles in a field in front of him, keeping them away from Auma while they heal themselves for 35 Hp.
"I used to learn light magic," Ishmael explains with a grin. "Thank goodness it's coming in handy here right now!"

Focusing the power, they convert the radiation to heal Auma for another 5 Hp.
"Phew! Didn't think I still had it in me."

Stop Alethea.
Stop The Invasion:
  1. Destroy the Dark God!
  2. Get Planetside!
  3. Defeat the Third Praetorian!
    1. Find the Silver Sea
  1. Locate The Foundation.
  1. Investigate?
Current Godmodder Hp: 50
Laboratory Link:

The Void
Entity Advantage: [Heavy AG]

[???][BOSS] The Dark God. 285,000/500,000 Hp. 175,000 Regen. Enthralls Thralls entities struck. Counterattack Chance: 75%. Extra Lives: 0.
[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Hypersaber. +40,000 Power. Durability: 2.
[A] Power Armour. Mode: Heavy Lifting. +7,000 Power. +1,000 AC. Durability: 0.
[A] Unbreakable Katana. +45,000 Power. Durability: 9.
[A] Neutron Edge. +50,000 Power. -20% Accuracy. Durability: 3
[A] Collapsible Cutter. +20,000 Power. +4 ACpierce. Durability: 1
[A] Dead Star Plate. +6,000 AC. -25% Dodge. Durability: 1.
[A] Exotic Crystals.
Slowly Losing Power!
[???][ELITE] Entity 40. 150/150 Hp. 16,000 Armor. Spawn 13: 1/2.

[N][BOSS] Nerà's Native Universe. 1,250,000/2,500,000 Shell Integrity.

[A] Death's Ankh.
[A] Perfectly Generic Object.
[A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 4.

[???] Harkener, The Newcomer. 11/40 Hp.
[A] Stoneskin Hide. Petrify: 6/6.
[A] 272. +25,000 Power
[A] Darude S&Storm. Anything Goes: Consumes Artifacts for power. 1 Round left.

[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter.
[AG-ORIGIN] Pipe Orcan. 123,000/220,000 Hp. 30% Dodge.
[AG-Hungry Visitor] Demon Army. 122,000/122,000 Hp.
[A] Industrial Armor. +4 AC. Durability: 3.
[AG] JOE. 13/20 Hp.
[A] Amalgamation Biosuit. 9/40 Hp. 4 Regen. Blood: 2/2. Light: 3/3. Oblivion: 4/5. Metal: 4/7. Godmod: 4/11. Worn!
[A] Stock Nanoplate. +5,000 AC. +5,000 Power. Durability: 3. Worn!
[A] Ferrous Nanogauntlet. +35,000 Power. +2,000 AC. Durability: 2 Worn!
[A] Cursed Void Maiden's Scarf. +75% Dodge. +5,000 AC. Rounds Active Left: 0. Worn!
[A] Orrery Mantle. +5,000 AC. Cursed. Durability: 1 Worn!
[A] Vox Umbra. 10 SHP. Durability: 4. Worn!
[A] Tesseract Belt. Temporal Energy Charges: 2.
[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2
[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
[A] Hellcaller. Fiends: 1/2.
[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Temporal Energy Charges: 1. Durability: 2
[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
[AG] ParadoxDragon. 20/20 Hp. Sakkakh-Boosted.
[A] Penumbra Phantasm. +15% Dodge. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] The Shadowscythe. +45,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Keter Scion of Sakkakh. Can be eaten.

[AG] Smirk. 20/20 Hp.
[A] Nanosuit. Defense Mode: +5,000 AC. Durability: 3. Worn!
[AG] Astrec. 0/20 Hp.
[A] The Godarm. +50,000 Power. Clockwork. Worn!
[A] Hand of Judgement. +36,000 Power. Ascend: 4/6. Worn!
[A] The World Cube. +8,000 Base Attack. 4 Regen.
[A] Clear Thought. +18,000 Attack.
[AG] Winkins. 20/20 Hp.
[A] Asteroid Tower Shield. +1,000 Attack. +2 AC. Durability: 2
[AG] Hungry Visitors. 19/20 Hp.
[A] Summoner's Stave. Boosts Summoning Power. Durability: 2.
[A] 18D. x3
[A] Hypersigil. Demon Available. Souls: 0.
[A] Blank Cruxite Bust. Can be used to depict someone!
[A] Card of Majora. Durability: 1
[A] Zodiac Killer. Inactive!
[A] Broken Sigil.
[A] Cerebrocrown. +33,000 Attack. Durability: 2
[A] Ship Destroyer. +30,000 Attack Destroying Ships. Durability: 2

The Forest
Morale: N/A.

[AG-Karpinsky][ELITE] Void VIII + I. 300,000/300,000 Hp. Create: 1/3. Drones available: 0. Missiles Available: 9. Invisible: 50% Dodge.
[AG-Karpinsky] Void Drones. 30,000/30,000 Hp. Invisible: 50% Dodge. x8.
[AG-Karpinsky] Ice Drone. 50,000/50,000 Hp. Invisible: 50% Dodge.
[AG] Karpinsky. 10/20 Hp.
[A] Armour of Savitar. +10,000 Power. +3 AC. +6 SHP. Durability: 4. Worn!
[A] One-Size-Fits-All-Stealthsuit. +4 SHP. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] Marzanna's Sight. +26,000 Power. 3 ACpierce. Durability: 3.
[A] The Blizzard Blaster. +30,000 Power. +30% Accuracy. Durability: 4.

World of Nerà: The Material Plane

[PG] Minotaur. 40,000/55,000 Hp. 25,000 SHP.

[AG][TOG] Ishmael. 20/20 Hp. Unarmed. Bodyguarding Auma!
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Auma. 47/70 Hp.
[A] Necklace of Auma. +15,000 Attack. Supplying an Intellect. Worn!
[A] Lunar Authority Wand. +4 AC. 4 Regen per round. Worn!
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack. Worn!
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. Worn! [A] The Shadowskin. +5 AC. Worn! 10 SHP.
Flame Aegis: 2 Rounds Left. Can be unleashed.
[AG] Nerà.
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"...JOE, I'm still angry about you sending me into the past," Harkener says.
"First of all that was completely an accident, I was just getting revenge on myself and hoping to finish pebbletopia and somehow you tagged along- Which might not even be because you played pebbletopia, since Mirror didn't show up."
"As much as I'd like to stab Va-him for what he's done-slash-will do, I don't think I should. If I do the thing again, It's probably going to end up making him my retroactive nemesis or something. And honestly? I don't want to deal with that."
"Secondly, we already know every way he'll interact with you before the Ravine, and by that point you already serve as a major cause of his defeat and send 20 charges into his home realm to retaliate against him."
"But fair enough. No point making that worse."
Oh, you were bluffing?"

[1] Raising the Hellcaller, a wave of Fiends pours out. Taking command, I order them into a defensive formation as, essentially, chaff. I need a few moments to heal.
[2]with a few moments of hard-won space, I focus on Entity 40. Collector of life, huh? I collect that too. raising a hand of the Biosuit,it flares red as I use [Blood], suctioning life from its collector and gathering it into a sphere. Before eating it, I [Bonus] Scan it, ensuring its safe for my use, and then, if it is, absorb it. Otherwise, the Blood splashes into a portal, storing it for later.
[3] Having healed myself somewhat, I find I'm not quite satisfied with that. Using [Light], I imitate Ishmael's preformance. I might not have as much practice with Light magic, but I do have descendancy on my side, and the power of a God Tier in my suit, letting a healing glow wash over me, and my living armor. If the healing has power remaining after healing me, the aura grows, washing over Harkener as well, healing them with the excess.

...I also really want to ask what the future holds...
"Well, ask away! I've not made any secret of my knowledge, you know. If you've got any questions, I'm more then willing to answer them, assuming I don't not dislike your absence."
For example, this guy? Val'Elzathor? I have it on good authority he'll be a fair bit Weaker then the average descendant once we're done with him. Him possessing even a metaphysically willing one will be a surprise, and I've done that twice for free!"
(at Val) "
Seriously, man. Quit while you're ahead! Or Alive!"

Also, an alchemiter use if possible: I check the Archangel Blade recipe I got earlier with the keep-same-form-get-other-function operator and the thistles of zillywitch. the hope being to replace Harkeners sword temporarilly.... ooh, what if I get the Dark God to hold the blade? decisions, decisions...
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HV1: Man I hate it when universes are too sturdy to cut.
HV2: Well I hate it when HV3-HV420 are wasting their efforts

HV11: *getting replaced by HV11.2*

HV2: Yeah what now?
HV1: We should charge up something big and then deal 500.000 damage

HV2: OK ... I'll let the blank cruxite bust depict DAI (Destructive Artificial Intelligence) so we have a blueprint
[the artifact does their job]
HV1: OK lets go to work.

After some construction, several server buildings and backup thingies have been made, afterwards the robot overlords take over and finish.
DAI assesses risks and deems the end of the current universe as highest priority risk. After that come the players which are very powerful.
DAI starts building a big bomb after deeming a certain amount of explosive force sufficient.
Sadly the integrated HV13 had to be replaced by HV13.2 since the DAI instantly neutralized HV13. Yeah... this was probably not the smartest idea, but the result is very smart.
The way is paved for the robotic overlord dystopia.

HV1: HV13.2 I think we should aid DAI.

HV13.2: didn't it kill my predecessor?

HV1: Yeah but. It is a very powerful entity.

HV13.2: Oh. hm

HV:2 Man I am bummed out the universe cut did not succeed.
New plan: Love until Oblivion cries for mercy. (Read: I equip the Dark God.)

Don't say I didn't warn you. (Don't say he didn't warn you either.)

I will kill you slowly. And you will enjoy it.
The nedben is shapeless, invincible, terrifying, unbound by reality. Fractalline lightning, power, the shattering nothingness...all of it will be devoured by the unborn and the will of the dread mother whose chastisement is to experience all the ravages of they beneath Hell-and-Hell before you die. Without cause, flesh is not carved, but worked. The Dark God is pulled into the breath of things that Are Not, and the nedben invincible is but abstraction. Fingers from things without present fingers tear at the scale of titans not to shatter the form, but reshape it. What is regeneration when the template to regenerate is altered? Wither before my love. Drown in it. Eat me, drink me, breathe me, fill yourself with me until nothing is left but our annihilating grace and our maddening dreams. We worm deep, we know what we're doing. Into him we climb, sadistic and merry. Pain, pleasure, the laws of reality and they that bend them, things drift together. Your flesh is mine. You are already me. I am thou, and thou art I. There is no futility in resistance, because there is nothing to resist. I am already I. You are we. Be. A terrible union of things that should not be.

Break him. I must obey. This is the way of things. In communion, we feast. Assail. The prince with stars in his eyes is the Dark God, and the Dark God is him, and enrapturing rampaging terrible inchoate absolute puissant love without second thoughts and erasure itself perishes before we-and-we-and-we-and-thousandfold-infinite-trinkinion-many-more all overwhelming. Come with me if you want to live and die anyway. This is the choking of plagues turned to vigor, the dance of Boddho and Veshali in the sleep of kings, cry of the seagulls, house of the primordials, and the rims of the sky. I will paint things that cannot be and feed every last one of this batch of illegal wonders into your sorry excuse for a divinity, dear sweet selfsame cur. The nedben proceeds to do so, impossibility a sickeningly sweet gruel laced with strawberries and the piercing sound of Heaven reached by violence, Gjallarhorn Nirvana. It is delicious, and vaguely overt. How can you escape what appears in your own throat, and suffuses your own body like your own cells and energy patterns? The nedben is infections, infestations, nectar and ambrosia. He is the nutrient-fog of the Hudlar and the mutagenic charge of the Wyld. In shapelessness he is all shapes, in not being he is all things. In conflict he is peace, in sickness and in health you are mine, mine, a thousand times mine, me! Never take from me again, because you're me and it's just redundant! Decoherence, enlightenment, a dance of all meaning and none of it. Gurgling, sliding, seas that encroach, winds that buffet, land that rises, fire that burns, all symbols are but poetry before us. Enthrall yourself, o Dark God. Counter yourself and fall deeper into your self-love that is We. Out of one, many. Out of many, one. We were one in the beginning, and we shall be one in the end.

The Dark God is already Nedben. Consume. Kill. Be. Equip. All but irrelevant flavor. We are. Is it suicide? Is it drugs? Is it dieting? Is it the plague? Is it narcissism? Is it power within itself and enlightenment? We do not care. We are anyway.
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(x1)I turn my gaze inwards, what does the Tree Inside me do ??
(x1)I try alchemising Wooden Staff||Health Potion
(x1)I engage a Smackdown onto the Dark God, as I attempt to burn him with Sunlight.Spears of Sunlight, raining down onto him at incredibly high speeds and upon hitting him, explodes into Pockets of Sunlights which further explodes into Solar Flares
I await the SAFE the arrive.

Nerà dispels the abjuration enchantments in the small area around where the enemy crafts landed. Immediately, scouts from enemy Nations (underdark armies, fiend clans, far-north dwarf tribes, the distant dragon kingdoms, the rival easterner empire, so on) appear within the suddenly free space inside the Empire. Nerà casts a spell, sending messages to each of them.
"Bring your armies. This territory is yours for the taking. My infrastructure, my technology, my necrotic thralls, my richess, my spellbooks. Anything within the region encompassing these villages and the city to the north is yours if you can take it."
Nerà orders all undead in the promised area to act as if dismissed, and for all citizens to escape to their designated evacuation routes and portal centers. It's doubtful that any of the armies daring enough to attempt to finally seize their opportunity to grab at the Empire's bountiful land would be able to survive the invasion force and each other long enough to cause any real trouble against the zombie ambush, but it was better safe than sorry.
Nerà teleports beside his two allies, grabs them and teleports to one of the Emperor's bases of operations in the capital city. It's time to fix this damned problem already.

(The gods continue smiting the Minotaur with what strength they can spare)
Instead of attacking the Dark God normally, Smirk decides to think first. He quickly notices the Unbreakable Katana in the Dark God's weapons list, and formulates a plan. He calls into existence a cueball ore ninja star, and throws it at the Katana. Anyone who knows about the Katana knows that the only recorded weapon type capable of breaking it is one based on Cueball. As a bonus, while the attack isn't directed at him, if the Dark God tries to stop the throwing star, he gets to get hit instead, using up his chance at a counter by attempting to save the katana.

He then pulls out his communication waypoint thingy, and begins speaking to P2.
"Hello. I would just like to ask why you guys seem to be completely not caring about the Dark God thing tearing into a Universe? I mean, seriously, if we don't kill this thing, you are sort of responsible for the results at that point, and I think there are enough souls in the universe he is attacking to give him nigh limitless extra lives if it gets through. Also, if you say one thing abour this being tactical or battle lines stuff, I will be forced to go right to your present location and slap you. Similar results for them if you do decide to help and the 'Centurions' decide hitting you is the best plan, rather than fighting the giant Dark God."
Round 61
"First of all that was completely an accident, I was just getting revenge on myself and hoping to finish pebbletopia and somehow you tagged along- Which might not even be because you played pebbletopia, since Mirror didn't show up."

Secondly, we already know every way he'll interact with you before the Ravine, and by that point you already serve as a major cause of his defeat and send 20 charges into his home realm to retaliate against him."
"But fair enough. No point making that worse."
Oh, you were bluffing?"

[1] Raising the Hellcaller, a wave of Fiends pours out. Taking command, I order them into a defensive formation as, essentially, chaff. I need a few moments to heal.
[2]with a few moments of hard-won space, I focus on Entity 40. Collector of life, huh? I collect that too. raising a hand of the Biosuit,it flares red as I use [Blood], suctioning life from its collector and gathering it into a sphere. Before eating it, I [Bonus] Scan it, ensuring its safe for my use, and then, if it is, absorb it. Otherwise, the Blood splashes into a portal, storing it for later.
[3] Having healed myself somewhat, I find I'm not quite satisfied with that. Using [Light], I imitate Ishmael's preformance. I might not have as much practice with Light magic, but I do have descendancy on my side, and the power of a God Tier in my suit, letting a healing glow wash over me, and my living armor. If the healing has power remaining after healing me, the aura grows, washing over Harkener as well, healing them with the excess.

"Well, ask away! I've not made any secret of my knowledge, you know. If you've got any questions, I'm more then willing to answer them, assuming I don't not dislike your absence."
For example, this guy? Val'Elzathor? I have it on good authority he'll be a fair bit Weaker then the average descendant once we're done with him. Him possessing even a metaphysically willing one will be a surprise, and I've done that twice for free!"
(at Val) "
Seriously, man. Quit while you're ahead! Or Alive!"

Also, an alchemiter use if possible: I check the Archangel Blade recipe I got earlier with the keep-same-form-get-other-function operator and the thistles of zillywitch. the hope being to replace Harkeners sword temporarilly.... ooh, what if I get the Dark God to hold the blade? decisions, decisions...
JOE Summons another pair of Pit Fiends! Casting Blood on 40, He steals 13 Hp from it, scanning the liquid taken.
...It's Liquid Death. 40 is Undead.
This cursed elixir, I assume you won't drink it?
Using Light, you heal yourself for 12 Hp, as well as Harkener for 6.

"...Thanks, JOE."

I have a lot of questions. There's just so many to ask!

"The Future is both now and later, leading to a single cosmic possibility, one ending. Infinite, branching possibilities. One thousand suns! One thousand moons! Together, they set one thousand times!"
HV1: Man I hate it when universes are too sturdy to cut.
HV2: Well I hate it when HV3-HV420 are wasting their efforts

HV11: *getting replaced by HV11.2*

HV2: Yeah what now?
HV1: We should charge up something big and then deal 500.000 damage

HV2: OK ... I'll let the blank cruxite bust depict DAI (Destructive Artificial Intelligence) so we have a blueprint
[the artifact does their job]
HV1: OK lets go to work.

After some construction, several server buildings and backup thingies have been made, afterwards the robot overlords take over and finish.
DAI assesses risks and deems the end of the current universe as highest priority risk. After that come the players which are very powerful.
DAI starts building a big bomb after deeming a certain amount of explosive force sufficient.
Sadly the integrated HV13 had to be replaced by HV13.2 since the DAI instantly neutralized HV13. Yeah... this was probably not the smartest idea, but the result is very smart.
The way is paved for the robotic overlord dystopia.

HV1: HV13.2 I think we should aid DAI.

HV13.2: didn't it kill my predecessor?

HV1: Yeah but. It is a very powerful entity.

HV13.2: Oh. hm

HV:2 Man I am bummed out the universe cut did not succeed.
Using the Cruxite Bust, The Hungry Visitors Alchemize a Destructive Artificial Intelligence, which begins to create a bomb.
Bomb Power: 37,000.
New plan: Love until Oblivion cries for mercy. (Read: I equip the Dark God.)

Don't say I didn't warn you. (Don't say he didn't warn you either.)

I will kill you slowly. And you will enjoy it.
The nedben is shapeless, invincible, terrifying, unbound by reality. Fractalline lightning, power, the shattering nothingness...all of it will be devoured by the unborn and the will of the dread mother whose chastisement is to experience all the ravages of they beneath Hell-and-Hell before you die. Without cause, flesh is not carved, but worked. The Dark God is pulled into the breath of things that Are Not, and the nedben invincible is but abstraction. Fingers from things without present fingers tear at the scale of titans not to shatter the form, but reshape it. What is regeneration when the template to regenerate is altered? Wither before my love. Drown in it. Eat me, drink me, breathe me, fill yourself with me until nothing is left but our annihilating grace and our maddening dreams. We worm deep, we know what we're doing. Into him we climb, sadistic and merry. Pain, pleasure, the laws of reality and they that bend them, things drift together. Your flesh is mine. You are already me. I am thou, and thou art I. There is no futility in resistance, because there is nothing to resist. I am already I. You are we. Be. A terrible union of things that should not be.

Break him. I must obey. This is the way of things. In communion, we feast. Assail. The prince with stars in his eyes is the Dark God, and the Dark God is him, and enrapturing rampaging terrible inchoate absolute puissant love without second thoughts and erasure itself perishes before we-and-we-and-we-and-thousandfold-infinite-trinkinion-many-more all overwhelming. Come with me if you want to live and die anyway. This is the choking of plagues turned to vigor, the dance of Boddho and Veshali in the sleep of kings, cry of the seagulls, house of the primordials, and the rims of the sky. I will paint things that cannot be and feed every last one of this batch of illegal wonders into your sorry excuse for a divinity, dear sweet selfsame cur. The nedben proceeds to do so, impossibility a sickeningly sweet gruel laced with strawberries and the piercing sound of Heaven reached by violence, Gjallarhorn Nirvana. It is delicious, and vaguely overt. How can you escape what appears in your own throat, and suffuses your own body like your own cells and energy patterns? The nedben is infections, infestations, nectar and ambrosia. He is the nutrient-fog of the Hudlar and the mutagenic charge of the Wyld. In shapelessness he is all shapes, in not being he is all things. In conflict he is peace, in sickness and in health you are mine, mine, a thousand times mine, me! Never take from me again, because you're me and it's just redundant! Decoherence, enlightenment, a dance of all meaning and none of it. Gurgling, sliding, seas that encroach, winds that buffet, land that rises, fire that burns, all symbols are but poetry before us. Enthrall yourself, o Dark God. Counter yourself and fall deeper into your self-love that is We. Out of one, many. Out of many, one. We were one in the beginning, and we shall be one in the end.

The Dark God is already Nedben. Consume. Kill. Be. Equip. All but irrelevant flavor. We are. Is it suicide? Is it drugs? Is it dieting? Is it the plague? Is it narcissism? Is it power within itself and enlightenment? We do not care. We are anyway.
Nedben forcibly enters The Dark God, and feeds them... kindness? Saccharinity? Needless to say, Nedben now has control over themselves.
(x1)I turn my gaze inwards, what does the Tree Inside me do ??
(x1)I try alchemising Wooden Staff||Health Potion
(x1)I engage a Smackdown onto the Dark God, as I attempt to burn him with Sunlight.Spears of Sunlight, raining down onto him at incredibly high speeds and upon hitting him, explodes into Pockets of Sunlights which further explodes into Solar Flares
Let's see, scanning....
Did that help?

Wooden Staff || Health Potion = Flask of Restoration. A long, hollowed-out wooden tube containing at least a pint of healing potion.

ParadoxDragon throws explosive plasma-spears at Nedben, which explode to deal a critical 48,000 Damage to them!
The resulting Solar Flares kill the Dead Star Plate. By Kill, I mean it's ruined. You haven't killed something that's already dead yet.

I await the SAFE the arrive.

Nerà dispels the abjuration enchantments in the small area around where the enemy crafts landed. Immediately, scouts from enemy Nations (underdark armies, fiend clans, far-north dwarf tribes, the distant dragon kingdoms, the rival easterner empire, so on) appear within the suddenly free space inside the Empire. Nerà casts a spell, sending messages to each of them.
"Bring your armies. This territory is yours for the taking. My infrastructure, my technology, my necrotic thralls, my richess, my spellbooks. Anything within the region encompassing these villages and the city to the north is yours if you can take it."
Nerà orders all undead in the promised area to act as if dismissed, and for all citizens to escape to their designated evacuation routes and portal centers. It's doubtful that any of the armies daring enough to attempt to finally seize their opportunity to grab at the Empire's bountiful land would be able to survive the invasion force and each other long enough to cause any real trouble against the zombie ambush, but it was better safe than sorry.
Nerà teleports beside his two allies, grabs them and teleports to one of the Emperor's bases of operations in the capital city. It's time to fix this damned problem already.

(The gods continue smiting the Minotaur with what strength they can spare)
Several armies converge upon the landing site, engaging within a pitched battle!
Nerà and his allies teleport elsewhere.

Instead of attacking the Dark God normally, Smirk decides to think first. He quickly notices the Unbreakable Katana in the Dark God's weapons list, and formulates a plan. He calls into existence a cueball ore ninja star, and throws it at the Katana. Anyone who knows about the Katana knows that the only recorded weapon type capable of breaking it is one based on Cueball. As a bonus, while the attack isn't directed at him, if the Dark God tries to stop the throwing star, he gets to get hit instead, using up his chance at a counter by attempting to save the katana.

He then pulls out his communication waypoint thingy, and begins speaking to P2.
"Hello. I would just like to ask why you guys seem to be completely not caring about the Dark God thing tearing into a Universe? I mean, seriously, if we don't kill this thing, you are sort of responsible for the results at that point, and I think there are enough souls in the universe he is attacking to give him nigh limitless extra lives if it gets through. Also, if you say one thing abour this being tactical or battle lines stuff, I will be forced to go right to your present location and slap you. Similar results for them if you do decide to help and the 'Centurions' decide hitting you is the best plan, rather than fighting the giant Dark God."
Because the Dark God is currently Nedben choking on Nedben, the Cueball Ninja Star hits the Katana, followed by Nedben themselves. -3 Durability to the (allegedly) Unbreakable Katana, 25,000 Damage to Nedben.

Smirk calls P2

"Aside from Ainigma, Alethea has barred us from assisting you. We are to defer to him in this operation, and he is staying his hand. As they say these days, I trust that you are in good hands with Ainigma. I know that he is watching you closely. If he decides to step in, he will."

Nedben continues to gasp for breath as they choke on themselves. Their healing factor fails to tick up this round!
Entity 40 hides the Hp Values of JOE, Nedben, and ParadoxDragon. Have they taken damage? Who knows?

Harkener picks up the Thistle of Zillywich, Perfectly Generic Object, and Death's Ankh, the latter of which he hangs around his neck.

Walking up to Nedben, he stands on top of their upper lip, looking down their maw.
"Hey! Are you able to respond?"


"Guess not. Listen, I'm about to send some help down your way!"
"Let's see if I remember my lessons right..."

Using the solitary needle as a focus, Harkener waves it around a bit, before pointing at the green cube, sending a sphere of light its way. In a flash of light, the Perfectly Generic Object is gone, replaced by... a pumpkin? Hefting it up over his head, he chucks it down Nedben's gullet.
"I smelt something sweet wafting up, it seems to be occupying V-them! The pumpkin I sent down? It's loaded with saccharine goodness, I think it might help you!"

The AG forces do not attack. Remember to order Entities around!

Meanwhile, a S.A.F.E arrives in Nerà's general vicinity.
Auma heals himself to full Hp. That was fast.

Stop Alethea.
Stop The Invasion:
  1. Destroy the Dark God!
  2. Get Planetside!
  3. Defeat the Third Praetorian!
    1. Find the Silver Sea.
  1. Locate The Foundation.
  1. Investigate?
Current Godmodder Hp: 50
Laboratory Link:

The Void
Entity Advantage: [Heavy AG]

[???][BOSS] The Dark God Nedben. ██████/500,000 Hp. 175,000 Regen. Counterattack Chance: 75%. Extra Lives: 0. Possession ends: next round.
[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Hypersaber. +40,000 Power. Durability: 2.
[A] Unbreakable Katana. +45,000 Power. Durability: 6.
[A] Neutron Edge. +50,000 Power. -20% Accuracy. Durability: 3
[A] Collapsible Cutter. +20,000 Power. +4 ACpierce. Durability: 1
[A] Dead Star Plate. +6,000 AC. -25% Dodge. Durability: 0.
[A] Exotic Crystals.
[A] Trickster Pumpkin. Eat?
Slowly Losing Power!
[???][ELITE] Entity 40. 135/150 Hp. 16,000 Armor. Spawn 13: 2/2.

[N][BOSS] Nerà's Native Universe. 1,250,000/2,500,000 Shell Integrity.

[???] Harkener, The Newcomer. 17/40 Hp.
[A] Stoneskin Hide. Petrify: 6/6.
[A] Death's Ankh.
[A] Perfectly Generic Object.
[A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 3.

[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter.
[AG-ORIGIN] Pipe Orcan. 123,000/220,000 Hp. 30% Dodge.
[AG-Hungry Visitor] Demon Army. 122,000/122,000 Hp.
[A] Industrial Armor. +4 AC. Durability: 3.
[AG-JOE] Pit Fiend. 100,000/100,000 Hp. 3,000 AC. 15,000 Regen.
[AG] JOE. 20/20 Hp.
[A] Amalgamation Biosuit. ██/40 Hp. 4 Regen. Blood: 1/2. Light: 1/3. Oblivion: 5/5. Metal: 5/7. Godmod: 5/11. Worn!
[A] Stock Nanoplate. +5,000 AC. +5,000 Power. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] Ferrous Nanogauntlet. +35,000 Power. +2,000 AC. Durability: 1 Worn!
[A] Orrery Mantle. +5,000 AC. Cursed. Durability: 0 Worn!
[A] Vox Umbra. 10 SHP. Durability: 3. Worn!
[A] Tesseract Belt. Temporal Energy Charges: 2.
[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2
[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
[A] Hellcaller. Fiends: 0/2.
[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Temporal Energy Charges: 1. Durability: 2
[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
[AG] ParadoxDragon. ██/20 Hp. Sakkakh-Boosted.
[A] Penumbra Phantasm. +15% Dodge. Durability: 1. Worn!
[A] Flask of Restoration. +20,000 Power. Uses: 3/3.
[AG] Smirk. 20/20 Hp.
[A] Nanosuit. Defense Mode: +5,000 AC. Durability: 3. Worn!
[AG] Astrec. 0/20 Hp.
[A] The Godarm. +50,000 Power. Clockwork. Worn!
[A] Hand of Judgement. +36,000 Power. Ascend: 6/6. Worn!
[AG] Winkins. 20/20 Hp.
[A] Asteroid Tower Shield. +1,000 Attack. +2 AC. Durability: 2
[AG] Hungry Visitors. 19/20 Hp.
[A] Summoner's Stave. Boosts Summoning Power. Durability: 2.
[A] Blank Cruxite Bust. Can be used to depict someone!
[A] Card of Majora. Durability: 1
[A] Zodiac Killer. Inactive!
[A] Broken Sigil.
[A] Cerebrocrown. +33,000 Attack. Durability: 2
[A] Ship Destroyer. +30,000 Attack Destroying Ships. Durability: 2

The Forest
Morale: N/A.

[AG-Karpinsky][ELITE] Void VIII + I. 300,000/300,000 Hp. Create: 1/3. Drones available: 0. Missiles Available: 9. Invisible: 50% Dodge.
[AG-Karpinsky] Void Drones. 30,000/30,000 Hp. Invisible: 50% Dodge. x8.
[AG-Karpinsky] Ice Drone. 50,000/50,000 Hp. Invisible: 50% Dodge.
[AG] Karpinsky. 10/20 Hp.
[A] Armour of Savitar. +10,000 Power. +3 AC. +6 SHP. Durability: 4. Worn!
[A] One-Size-Fits-All-Stealthsuit. +4 SHP. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] Marzanna's Sight. +26,000 Power. 3 ACpierce. Durability: 3.
[A] The Blizzard Blaster. +30,000 Power. +30% Accuracy. Durability: 4.

World of Nerà: The Material Plane: Imperial Base of Operations

[PG] Minotaur. 40,000/55,000 Hp. 25,000 SHP.

[N] Transdimensional Safe-based Item Exchange Network.

[AG-TOG] Ishmael. 20/20 Hp. Unarmed. Bodyguarding Auma!
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Auma. 70/70 Hp.
[A] Necklace of Auma. +15,000 Attack. Supplying an Intellect. Worn!
[A] Lunar Authority Wand. +4 AC. 4 Regen per round. Worn!
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack. Worn!
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. Worn!
[A] The Shadowskin. +5 AC. Worn! 10 SHP.
Flame Aegis: 1 Rounds Left. Can be unleashed.
[AG] Nerà.
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if the current facility doc is accurate, but two turns behind, then they have 29 RP... lets see...
I buy the '+AC' upgrade from the Steffan Specialty three times, targetting the Amalgamation Biosuit, and have them send in two drones and two Drone Mk2 drones, having the Drone Mk2's bodyguard me while the Drones attack Val as their orders.
I have a lot of questions. There's just so many to ask!
"Well, get asking. Be warned, though- I mostly know about the Distant future. there were only, like, two mentions of this:war total, by then."
[Bonus] I scan the Amalgamation Mechsuit's health bar.
1) Seeing as some of my alchemies seem to be running out of durability (and the dark god seems occupied with nedben, 'd hate to mess that up), I move on to trying to figure out a way to fix that. I pick up a wrench and try tapping the Ferrous Nanogauntlet with it, letting the Nanogauntlet eat the wrench to make new nanobits- and also for 'food' because it was a wrench made of uranium. Did this work?
2) raising a hand, I decide maybe I should do something about the Dark God. pointing some fingers in a finger gun from my biosuit at their limbs, I mime shooting at a few of their limbs.
bolts of a sorta mixed grey that I swear looks kinda yellow, even though it definitely isn't at all, shoot out as I use [Oblivion] to vaporize away the limbs the Dark God was using to hold all its alchemies- except they aren't vaporized, but Gone. I'm helping! With less body mass, the Dark God will have an easier time overloading on trickster energies! That's how drugs work? I say with no experience whatsoever? whatever, i'm possibly right.
3) I pick up all the alchemies it dropped. the Trickster Pumpkin doesn't count, that thing went down its gullet so it isn't held by a limb.
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"I will now eat this pumpkin. What pumpkin? The Trickster Pumpkin."
The Dark God Nedben proceeds to eat the Trickster Pumpkin.

This is totally not a terrible idea and it sure seems like it's peachy keen Trickster time everybody! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!

Tricksterdark God Nedben is a sight to behold.


Indeed, it seems that Nedben's salvadordaliitis is really kicking in. Squiddle de dee, squiddle de dum, everyone sing a squiddley song...
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(x1)Well it did say protection...I try to vaguely direct this innate power to...Er protect Nerà's Native Universe ?? Will it heal it, or maybe it will construct a wooden shield ?? Who knows.

(x1)I watch the Dark God go bonkers and blink confusedly...Should I slap it in the face ?? That's probably a good idea. I slap the Dark God in the Face. This is not a good idea in hindsight but oh well. I've already slapped them.

(x1)I try to shed some Light onto my HP Values, by just looking over myself for any missing Limbs,Wings and scratches on them etc.
Are attack shields still a thing...
HV1 ponders on this question. Then a translucent object, similar to an onion appears in his hand, a ball made out of attack shields.
What is its use here? There is only attack and be attacked and be attacked is very low right now.
HV1 shrugs and applies the ball to the teleportation shield. What an incredibly safe zone.

DAI analyzes the new type of shield and notices that it can shrug off several bombs. Communication is opened.

HV13.2: *cellphone rings* "Hello Hungry 13 here. What can I do for you?"
DAI: This is Intelligence 1. This is a terrorism threat. Give us more resources or we bomb you.
HV13.2: Ah you are the one who killed my predecessor. I am not sure you want to be like this. We made you. We can destroy you.
DAI: *electronic voice counts down*
HV13.2: *processors overclock and head grows warm, water cooling activates, in other words: starts sweating*

Several new complexes and resources appear, managed by their copy of DAI. Now a lot more bombs are being built, all of them to sufficient destructive force.

HV 2: Was that really necessary?
HV13.2: Believe me.
A small spark appears somewhere as i come back, immediately using all three notes of energy to figure out what happened after it fizzled away. (Really sorry for disappearing, never got a notification for some reason)

Edit: also been busy with school, but that's no excuse to be absent
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