DtG: Destroy the Godmodder (The Broken Masquerade)

"Descended, Descended. From an old piece of poetry that sneaks into the minds of those of us to whom it refers. Those blessed with the threefold abilities of the perfected heart, hand and eye. A heart that refuses to allow us to die even in the face of greater trauma than has felled many gods. Hands that work wonders at a mere thought, able to play with the weave of physics like it was clay for the molding at our whim. Eyes that can see more than any mere mortal can. Look above, around. *Look* at my words. What you *see* is something that only we can.
We are the gods of the Void, immortal, all-powerful, seeing beyond sight. The flow of causality is ours to bend or break for our personal desires, and our purposes are- whether petty or grandiose- inherently divine by the virtue of our nature.
" @redoubtableEagle

{8 CP} Nerà casts Mass Polymorph on some owls, transforming them into motherf*cking T-Rexes. Hell yeah.

[1] Spinning the Ebony Scythe around twice, Nerà plunges it's armor-piercing blade into Cetus. Running along the Spine's spine, Nerà drags the blade across it. Upon reaching the end of the Spine, Nerà jumps off into the air, taking flight once more.

[1] While making the above slash, Nerà was also dropping several small grubs out of a pouch into the gash formed. They begin burrowing deeper into Cetus while Nerà finishes their first attack and when he's completed in and taken flight, the spell on the grubs ends. The Polymorph that was keeping them as grubs cease and the Cetus suddenly finds its internals full of not small grubs, but several large and feral Black Drakes which set to spewing acid all around inside the spots they're stuck in before they're crushed to death.

"Boccob, I know your ego is larger than your fear of me, but I know too that your intelligence is larger than your ego, else you would not still be alive and... prosperous. Listen to me. As equals, if not rightly superior and inferior, I speak as one mage to another, both struggling to save our planar system from utter devastation at the hands of these invaders. I fear the worst for the Throne, which is why we fight to break into Celestia here in the first place. When we march on the Mountain, I fear that there will be a greater concentration of enemy forces there than on any other plane. The Throne must be their target.
I do not honestly think that, as out forces stand, whatever forces these invaders have at past that gate can be defeated by what we could bring to bear against them. Even with my reinforcements on the way, we may very well still lose in the most important battle. We- not just us Descended, but as as natives to this universe- *need* the armies of hell to aid in taking down this extra-planar menace. You must liberate your devils from the Blood War and rally them behind you to retake Celestia. In order for this to happen the Blood War must first be paused. This is why you must have Tiamat's empire wage war on the demons. The Wrathful Ones' ire can be kept from the lawful forces of darkness just long enough for them to turn from defending reality from one source of annihilation to another. I personally planned to drag Lolth and the Daemons into the Blood War as well in order to ensure that your hold is protected. Please, Boccob, as a lordling in this material plane, in this system which stands to lose everything if you cannot save us I beg you like I have begged none before. Do what must be done to free your armies from their infernal feud and join us on the heavenly battlefield.

The Stone Giants bodyguard the Divine Soul, who heals up the least healthy of the three. The Storm Giant and Cloud Giant do their stuff attacking Cetus.
Auma inverts their Swissarmyknifemodder's lens into a highly focused one, firing a Ligh-empowered Maximized Sun Beam at Cetus directly in it's eye. He also flings another star from the crown at it.
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Visions of a dark, pulsating ball. Visions of a thousand tiny ships.
???: Our destinies only become clear to us once they've already passed.
A thousand small spikes fly out of the ball and strike the ships. Not one is spared.
???: But I never thought my destiny would be to face you again.
A vision of a standoff between a man and his shadow. Each strikes, but the shadow wins, tearing through the arm of the man.

S. H. awakens from his nightmare. He doesn't know he's about to enter another one. But he can't worry about that right now, he seems threatened by the nearby Minotaur.

Wasting no time, S. lunges forward with his mechanical leg and strikes the Minotaur's solar plexus with his mechanical arm, using his mechanical eye to pinpoint its exact location.

S. H.: I suppose I can worry about remembering my past later. I seem to be needed here.
Charge: 0/25
As a creature of informational potential contained within a metallic shell, the Minotaur has little sensory similarities to that of the human nervous system. That being said, the force of your blow firmly? dispatches it.

Can you hear me? Welcome, Sky High! Those are your initials, right?
The nedben pulls a Captain Murasa and anchors Cetus with an anchor by dropping it on them. However, the anchor is actually one of those enchanted pirate symbols for quickly training pirates for things like rigging and dramatic swordfights. It makes the skeletons into sailor skeletons, improving their damage over time and ability to anchor Cetus.
Through liberal application of⚓, you increase Skeleton Attack by 2,000, as well as deal 13,000 direct damage to Cetus!
Quick to follow up on his first attack, the Masked Man kicks off of Cetus' armor, launching himself high into the air. When he reaches the peak of his arc, he grabs hold of the sides of his shield, and as he descends he thrusts it down, stabbing deep into the beast. He then pulls out the shield (with some difficulty) before jumping backwards, getting some distance between himself and Cetus.

@The Ego

The Masked Man turns to the elf, somewhat surprised that someone has deigned to speak to him so soon after his arrival. Nevertheless, far be it from him to leave the question unanswered.

"...I am Lusiix, and I come from a world very much unlike this one."

He pauses.

"You call me "Descended", what does that mean? I'm rather new around here, you see."
Continuing a combo, you deal another 24,000 to Cetus!

Can you hear me? Hello, Lusiix!
[1x] I pick up a rock, then throw it at the fallen fighter/bomber jet. By not following the rules of prespective, the rock appears to remain at a constant size during its flight. after a few moments, it reaches the fallen fighter/bomber jet and crushes it, now a quite sizeable boulder.
[1x] I then point a hand at the dancing soldiers. Oblivion rushes forth, a tightly-controlled stream pouring from my hand and through the soldiers, piercing several without slowing down. this is, admittedly, helped along by the first targetted soldier only having one health left, but that's neither here nor there. When the stream runs out of power,it winks out, the oblivion sucked into a single point and removed.
A quick illusion makes this look like something a goku could do with energy beams like kamayomayo wave blastes.
[1x] I glance up at the weather. I don't think I have any gokuable ways to do this, so I make the effect I'm about to cause seemingly originate from the Void VIII +I; a compartment in the ship which may or may not have not existed before opens up, and fires white capsules into the sky. Soon, there are a dozen in various stages of flight, and another compartment which probably didn't exist opens up, firing up a single black tetrahedron. the tetrahedron comes to a stop, then crackles like television static. the white capsules begin to orbit it, hinges on the capsules swinging open to reveal odd bleached machinery. Grey lightning begins to crackle between the components of this aparatus as the orbits stablize, creating a horizontal ring of white machinery around the tetrahedron, with one tetrahedron-tip pointed straight down. There's an ominous whirring sound, and then the rain... stops. The whirring continues, though. Up in the sky, the black machinery turns its point somewhat,the bottom tip now aimed at a dancing soldier, and above it a shape is visible only in its effects on the rain: The acidic droplets are spiraling inwards into the tetrahedron, as though they landed in a funnel.
Quietly, beneath the whirring, is a small 'click', before a bolt of the concentrated acidic rain, its acidity significantly enhanced, lances out to strike a dancing solider. This process repeats periodically... though, if the other Descended alters their aim to target the tetrahedron, they find it twists with remarkable alacrity and immediately unleashes, not one of those bolts, but a veritable torrent of acidic rainwater, in defence; evidently it is functioning far under capacity in terms of offence when not attacked.
[0x] I scan the replica soldiers.do they have the dancing abilities too?

Entity Orders : 3 Drones bodyguard the Void VIII+I. Repair Drone repairs the Void VIII+I. Void Drones, stealthily assassinate the remaining dancing soldiers and replicas. Telepresence Drone, project alternate images of as many of the non-invisible entities here as you can manage to draw fire. Ice Drone, attempt to create ice in the path of any incoming attacks. ordinary drones without orders, kill dancing soldiers/replicas if more survive.
Void VIII+I, if you still have create charged as listed in your statline, create another repair drone. If not, attack the dancing soldiers which are still alive, if any, with your standard attack of 120,000 damage, then fire as many missiles as needed to kill any further remaining dancing soldiers, assuming such exist. If there are no remaining soldiers to target, hide stealthily and attempt to accelerate your repairs.
Elementals, move on ahead if all enemies are dead, to locate my Stuff.

Your scan of the Replica Soldier yields:
Dancing Soldier. 15/15 Hp.
Rifle: 16,000x5.
Safety Dance: Become Invincible until your next Action.
Shield Dance: Protect 2 other Entities with your Dancing. Must be done with a Partner also doing the Shield Dance.
Fast Dance: +50% Dodge.
Smart Dance: +100% Accuracy.
Multi Dance: Summon 2 Dancer Duplicates.
Annihilation Dance: Requires 5 Dancers. Deals 150,000 MHP Damage to a single target, ignoring Dodge, Shields and Armour.
More Dances: Requires Further Scans.

Duplicate Soldier. 15/15 Hp.
ACTION: Same as Dancing Soldier.

You crush the downed Jet, destroying it for good. You also use Oblivion on the Dancing Soldiers, but they remain fine, because two of them are still doing the Shield Dance to protect the other two! I guess, it splashes over onto the Duplicate Soldiers? They're just... gone. Totally gone.

"There's no need to hide, JOE. We all know it's you," says the stranger.

You have Void VIII+I funnel away the Acid for the round, attempting to pour it onto a Dancing Soldier. Once again, Shield Dance prevents them from taking damage!

I spawn on the battlefield with literally no clue what's going on. There's a precog somewhere, and quite frankly I'm allergic to predictions. I immediately erupt in a minor and communicable rash. Nearby enemies are also afflicted, the rash worsening in relation to how close they are to a precog (applies to enemies with the tag Foresight)! (Ten stages of affliction, 1: All d100 sides except 1-10 are okay for the dex roll. 2: all sides except 1-20 are okay for the dex roll. If at severity 10, you cannot pass the dex roll.) This impedes movement and any defenses or maneuvers for dodging must make a d100 dex save! If hit, extra damage x1.5 is given to the afflicted! (Severity scales with how close you are, in meters, to a precog, 10 meters being severity level one, and 1 meter being severity level ten.)
Hope this helps any attackers. Next turn I'm going to do something weird. Looks like you didn't take sickness or communicable things into account when it comes to defenses (at least for things close to Boccob, like his familiar).
[this part is /null and planning for next turn. I will put an entity made of four men of various nationalities fused into one onto the field, whom are immune to reality warping, reality warp induced effects, and reality warp created objects being applied to them! They can be commanded to extend this effect to a person or object once per turn, via them being asked "Can you see me?" to which they will respond, "Yes." "Oui." "Si." "Ja." and the effect will then be casted onto the asker or a target indicated by them! (Note, also nullifies any preexisting effects on a target. So if someone (the target) has a really good reality warp generated shield, well, too bad you can now pick up a rock from the ground and smash their skull in.) Also! This is my first time ever posting and I created an acc solely for this whole debacle. Lucky you.]
((I don't actually know how to have your attack work out, considering I don't have stats for Dexterity or Distance here.))
That being said, Boccob's forces all lose 10% Dodge. But why? He's technically on our side now.
Boccob gives you a glare.
Realizing I've fallen asleep at the narration wheel, Astrec returns to activity. Not sparing words for Cetus, they bring up the Godarm and the thing on their other hand.
"I guess it's a good as time as any for this. Let's let hope this doesn't explode on us. Preferably it explodes on them, but considering my track record at this point I think I'll just be fine if something explodes."
Astrec raises, and summons forth the power of the special. Astrec... Ascends? Bit hard to describe what you have no knowledge of.
You hands glow. On the back of your right palm, an eye opens. The Godarm morphs into an arm-cannon, then back into fingers again. Your left eye white, your right black. Sound and Light pulse and blend together around you.
...What do you do?
Smirk teleports the orb of pure oblivion back to its home plane, and then begins to try something. He tries to generate a small speck of oblivion essence in the center of the box, but something about it is off. This is because its energy is not purely Oblivion, but Oblivion that is composed of Code energy. He then tries tossing another rubber ball into this test object.
The Simulated Oblivion merely destroys the ball. Interesting, isn't it?
"Descended, Descended. From an old piece of poetry that sneaks into the minds of those of us to whom it refers. Those blessed with the threefold abilities of the perfected heart, hand and eye. A heart that refuses to allow us to die even in the face of greater trauma than has felled many gods. Hands that work wonders at a mere thought, able to play with the weave of physics like it was clay for the molding at our whim. Eyes that can see more than any mere mortal can. Look above, around. *Look* at my words. What you *see* is something that only we can.
We are the gods of the Void, immortal, all-powerful, seeing beyond sight. The flow of causality is ours to bend or break for our personal desires, and our purposes are- whether petty or grandiose- inherently divine by the virtue of our nature.
" @redoubtableEagle

{8 CP} Nerà casts Mass Polymorph on some owls, transforming them into motherf*cking T-Rexes. Hell yeah.

[1] Spinning the Ebony Scythe around twice, Nerà plunges it's armor-piercing blade into Cetus. Running along the Spine's spine, Nerà drags the blade across it. Upon reaching the end of the Spine, Nerà jumps off into the air, taking flight once more.

[1] While making the above slash, Nerà was also dropping several small grubs out of a pouch into the gash formed. They begin burrowing deeper into Cetus while Nerà finishes their first attack and when he's completed in and taken flight, the spell on the grubs ends. The Polymorph that was keeping them as grubs cease and the Cetus suddenly finds its internals full of not small grubs, but several large and feral Black Drakes which set to spewing acid all around inside the spots they're stuck in before they're crushed to death.

"Boccob, I know your ego is larger than your fear of me, but I know too that your intelligence is larger than your ego, else you would not still be alive and... prosperous. Listen to me. As equals, if not rightly superior and inferior, I speak as one mage to another, both struggling to save our planar system from utter devastation at the hands of these invaders. I fear the worst for the Throne, which is why we fight to break into Celestia here in the first place. When we march on the Mountain, I fear that there will be a greater concentration of enemy forces there than on any other plane. The Throne must be their target.
I do not honestly think that, as out forces stand, whatever forces these invaders have at past that gate can be defeated by what we could bring to bear against them. Even with my reinforcements on the way, we may very well still lose in the most important battle. We- not just us Descended, but as as natives to this universe- *need* the armies of hell to aid in taking down this extra-planar menace. You must liberate your devils from the Blood War and rally them behind you to retake Celestia. In order for this to happen the Blood War must first be paused. This is why you must have Tiamat's empire wage war on the demons. The Wrathful Ones' ire can be kept from the lawful forces of darkness just long enough for them to turn from defending reality from one source of annihilation to another. I personally planned to drag Lolth and the Daemons into the Blood War as well in order to ensure that your hold is protected. Please, Boccob, as a lordling in this material plane, in this system which stands to lose everything if you cannot save us I beg you like I have begged none before. Do what must be done to free your armies from their infernal feud and join us on the heavenly battlefield.

The Stone Giants bodyguard the Divine Soul, who heals up the least healthy of the three. The Storm Giant and Cloud Giant do their stuff attacking Cetus.
Auma inverts their Swissarmyknifemodder's lens into a highly focused one, firing a Ligh-empowered Maximized Sun Beam at Cetus directly in it's eye. He also flings another star from the crown at it.
[AG] Tyrannosaurus Rex. 60,000/60,000 Hp.
ATTACK: Crush Jaw. 10,000. Ignores AC.

You Slash a deep gash into Cetus, your Black Drakes wreaking havoc with its internals before Cetus' endo-defences annihilate them. 100k Damage.

Boccob watches you speak. He's clearly committed your actions to his memory. "...As much as I'd like to see you grovel more, very well. I will be back."
And with that, he's left yet again.

The Skeletons on Cetus tear away at it, dealing 12k Damage. In response, Cetus uses Carpet Beam, aware of the Portal in front of it's eye. Plasma washes over Cetus, dealing no damage to itself, vaporizing many of the Skeletons on it's back, before continuing past Cetus and down onto the rest of the Battlefield, dealing 25k Electric and Fire damage to everything. One Stone Giant goes down, bodyguarding the Divine Soul. The Storm Giants and Auma remain unaffected.

Understanding the situation, the Astrec's Clockwork Armillary turns towards the AGs. "Attention: You are benefitting from unauthorized healing. Stand by for correction:"
Generating two massive spheres of Acid, it hurls it towards the Storm Giant, dealing 55k damage twice.
"Your cooperation in this process is appreciated."

The remaining Giants throw boulders at Cetus. 150k Damage total. Rising up into the air, Auma casts a massive sunbeam piercing straight through Cetus' primary optic. The Spine Carrier crashes to the ground.
You've did it. 1 Godmodder Damage. Everyone gets +5 Charge.

"Fourteen," the Stranger announces. "What's that suit? Was it grown from Gods and Praetors? I see you've somehow managed to capture some of Alethea's Godmodding, but no extra Descendancy. Half marks. Drop it."

On command, the Dancing Soldiers release their Shield Dance to fire at will. Exotic Crystal, Drone Group I, and 3 Drone Group 2 Drones destroyed.

The Stranger notices Karpinsky's Sniper Rifle. "Two can play at that game." With a snap of his fingers, walls of force box JOE, Karpinsky and the Sole remaining Regular Drone into a single-file line, raised into the air. Leaping into the air, he summons a sniper rifle. While spinning about, he fires a bullet off-course, only for it to readjust mid-flight, dragging itself straight through JOE (6) and Karpinsky's (7) heads, and the Drone's optics(destroyed). "H4H! G077333M!" he crows, raising an airhorn into the air. "Oh baby, a 720 Triple Noscope! Suck on D33Z NU75!"

...Sweet Null.
He's a gamer. He needs to go down.

The Void VIII+1 Generates another Repair Drone(The Create was a mistake, but sure), and also fires 7 missiles to wipe out the unguarded Dancing Soldiers. Since everyone except for the Stranger is gone, the remaining Drones Scan him.

[???] "The Stranger". 80/80 Charge. Invulnerable!
Descendancy!: To a certain extent, this man can do practically anything, except he's stronger.


"...Are you done yet? You see me? I see you."

As he speaks these words, all Invisibility fails.

"There, that was going to get annoying. I was going to ignore that anyways, so why keep it active?"

As if things couldn't get any worse, Harrier Jets fly into view.

On the battlefield, Observation Drones fly through the portal to project an image of the Iron Prince clapping.
"Bravo. Very impressive."

At the same time, Boccob also sends a projection.
"I am currently standing in Tiamat's Palace. She isn't her- Oh." Boccob's eyes narrow.

"Hello, Boccob." Even behind the vocal processing, the Prince's voice seems colder. "We meet again."

The Archmage raises an eyebrow. "...Should I know you?"

The Prince remains still. The Projection stops running.

Stop Alethea!
Stop The Invasion:
  1. Investigate?
    1. Talk to the Armillaries?
  2. Defeat the Third Praetorian!
    1. Find a way to get to reach Celestia!
      1. Defeat Cetus! It's protecting a portal!
Foundation + CakeQuest:
  1. Locate The Foundation?
  2. ???
Current Godmodder Hp: 48
Laboratory Link: Available for all! Need to figure stuff out actually

The Void: Neutral Ground.
FIELD EFFECT: Sancturary: Nobody may attack any other.

Elemental Plane of Oblivion.
FIELD EFFECT: Oblivion. ???.

[AG] Smirk. 25/25 Charge. Has created a Metal Staff.
[A] Nanosuit. Defense Mode: +5 AC. Durability: 2. Worn!

Gate To Celestia:
Weather: Fiendish Parliament: Owls circle the battlefield. Ominous. 664 Owls left.
Field Effect: Positive-Dominant! Organic Creatures recover 20,000 Hp per round!
AG Morale: 100%
[PG][BOSS] Cetus. 397,000/864,000 Hp. 6,000 Armour. Carpet Beam: 1/3. Skeletons: 8k DoT! -20% Dodge.
[PG] Minotaur. 5,000/60,000 Hp. 5,000 Armour.
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 1/3. Backdoor!
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 1/3. x2.

[N][BOSS] Boccob. 85/85 Hp. 8 AC. Foresight: +30% Dodge and Accuracy. Starmantle: Destroys nonmagical weapons. Artifact Damage halved. Kinetic Control: Absorbs melee attacks. 0/150. Spell Reflection: Self-Explanatory. Reflects Magic! Ironguard: Immune to metal attacks! Mind Blank: Immune to Psychic attacks! Freedom: Dodge and Accuracy cannot be lowered below 100%! Justice of The Wyrm King: 35,000 Damage to anyone attacking in Melee! Shapechange: Hoo Boy this is going to be wild.
[N-Boccob] Boccob's Familiar. 40/40 Hp. 5 AC. Bodyguarding Boccob! Immune to Magic.
[N-Boccob] Arcane Sword. Time Remaining: 4/5.
[N-Boccob] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3.
[N-Boccob] Horn Devil. x2. -10 Dodge.
[N-Boccob] Barbed Devil. x3. -10 Dodge.

Left the Field!

[N-Astrec] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3.

[???] Harkener, The Newcomer. 8/40 Charge. Petrify: 6/6. Vulnerable!
[???-Harkener] Pipe Orcan. 51,000/220,000 Hp. 30% Dodge.

[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter. ON MORATORIUM.
[AG-TOG] Stone Giant Warrior. 60,000/95,000 Hp. Morale Made!
[AG-TOG] Stone Giant Warrior. 20,000/95,000 Hp. Morale Made!
[AG-TOG] Stone Giant Warrior. -10,000/95,000 Hp. Morale Made! Bodyguarding Divine Soul!
[AG-TOG] Divine Soul, Minor. 20,000/20,000 Hp.
[AG-TOG] Storm Giant 2. 85,000/175,000 Hp. 5,000 Armour. Thunderbolt: 4/5.
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Cloud Giant General. 145,000/150,000 Hp. Invisibility: 50% Dodge. Flying!
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Auma. 70/70 Hp. Crown of Stars: 7/7.
[A] Necklace of Auma. +15,000 Attack. Supplying an Intellect. Worn!
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack. Worn!
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. Worn!
[AG] Tyrannosaurus Rex. 55,000/60,000 Hp.
[AG] Nerà. 15/25 Charge. [A] Ebony Staff: Active!
[AG] Nedben. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Lusiix. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Sky High. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] iguessimherenow. 25/25 Charge.

[AG] Astrec. 666 Charge. Vulnerable! [A] The Godarm. Oblivion Buster: Active! [A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [IIIIII]. MIND: [IIIIII]. SOUL: [IIIIII].
[A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 1.

Elemental Plane of Fire: Secure Location.
Field Effect: Pretty obvious, isn't it? 20,000 Fire Damage per round.

[AG][ELITE] Iron Gear. 247,000/800,000 Hp. 10,000 AC. Immune to Magic! Antimagic Field.
[AG-TOG] Iron Golem 1. 181,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 3/3. Immune to Magic.
[AG-TOG] Iron Golem 2. 93,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 3/3. Magic Immunity: 50%

The Forest.
Morale: N/A.
Weather Effect: Targeted Acid Rain: 10,000 Damage to all AG entities per round. -25% Dodge. Did not apply this round!
Field Effect: Music! Reduced Encounter Chance.
CakePlatemobile Integrity: 80%.

[???] Dancing Soldiers. 15/15 Hp. x3
[???] Dancing Soldiers. 1/15 Hp.

[???] JAS 39 Gripen Fighter-Bomber Jet. 15,000/105,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. Stormlight This: 1. -20% Dodge.
[???] "The Stranger"?. 80/80 Charge. Invulnerable!
[???] Replica Soldier. 15/15 Hp. x2.
[???] Harrier Jet. 65,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. x8.

[AG-JOE][ELITE] Void VIII + I. 75,000/300,000 Hp. Create: 1/3. Drones available: 0. Missiles Available: 2. Invisible: 50% Dodge.
[AG-JOE] Void Drones. 20,000/30,000 Hp. x8.
[AG-JOE] Ice Drone. 40,000/50,000 Hp.
[AG-JOE] Telepresence Drone. 20,000/30,000 Hp. Projecting JOE!
[AG-JOE] Drone. 35,000/60,000 Hp. x2
[AG-JOE] Exotic Crystal. 24,000/50,000 Hp. Wagda Elemental: Active! Fyre Elemental: Active! Durt Elemental: Active!

[AG-JOE] Repair Drone. 50,000/50,000 Hp. x2
[AG-JOE] Drone. 50,000/60,000 Hp. x4
[AG] Karpinsky. 19/25 Charge. Vulnerable!
[A] Armour of Savitar. +10,000 Power. +3 AC. +6 SHP. Durability: 3. Worn!
[A] One-Size-Fits-All-Stealthsuit. +4 SHP. Durability: 1. Worn!
[A] Marzanna's Sight. +26,000 Power. 3 ACpierce. Durability: 3.
[A] The Blizzard Blaster. +30,000 Power. +30% Accuracy. Durability: 4.
[AG] JOE. 22/25 Charge. Vulnerable! Projected: +50% Dodge!
[A] Amalgamation Biosuit. 38/40 Hp. 4 Regen. 7 AC. Blood: 2/2. Light: 3/3. Oblivion: 1/5. Godmod: 11/11. Worn!
[A] Stock Nanoplate. +5 AC. +5,000 Power. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] Heavenly Nanogauntlet. +35,000 Power. +2 AC. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2.
[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Durability: 2
[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Circadian Circuitbreaker. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 2.
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[0x] 'aight, time for some subterfuge(?) composed entirely of either questions or true statements. I think the cake I'm here to retrieve probably counts as my inheritance or something. "You say you know it's me, but how do I know you know me well enough to know the me that is me? even I don't know me half as well as I know myself!"
Also why are you trying to stop Karp and me? I don't think the karp have hostile wants, and I've been told the things I'm looking for are like, my inheritance or something! you should just sorta let us do the stuffs!"
Hm, do you think I made the voice whiny enough to be convincing? I've not got much practice pretending to be a whiny ignorant idiot descended, but I think I can pull it off.
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Smirk pulls out a non trademark specific video game controller with a joystick, an a button, and a B button. He attempts to affect the Code Oblivion with a control code set to make the joystick control its movement in the cardinal directions from him, the a button cause it to go upwards, and the b button to cause it to go downwards. He then tests if the code functions by messing with the controller.
"You say you know it's me, but how do I know you know me well enough to know the me that is me? even I don't know me half as well as I know myself!"
Also why are you trying to stop Karp and me? I don't think the karp have hostile wants, and I've been told the things I'm looking for are like, my inheritance or something! you should just sorta let us do the stuffs!"
"Let me put it in words you'll understand: I don't really care who you are. My things are my things, and your things are also my things! You are not taking anything from this facility. Not without a fight."
S. H. thinks he can hear someone calling for him. But the voice is blurred. A now forgotten memory? He can't even remember his own name, how can he make sense of these passing nightmares?

S. H.: Long have I wandered... are my memories now returning?

He puts this thought in the back of his mind for now, instead electing to pick up a nearby rod of iron and use it to smash some Observation Drones. Then, when he gets a chance, he sits down with a pen and a piece of parchment. He writes...

To Whom It May Concern,

I write to you hoping you will know who I am. I believe that fate will send this letter to someone who remembers me. While I do not know if this letter will assist you in knowing who I am, I do know that I have no other options if I wish to find out who I am.

May this letter find you well.

S. H.

The paper is swept up in a sudden gust of wind as S. H. feels his power draining. Somewhere, far away, someone stands up and answers the call.

HP: ~20 Charge
DR: ~5 Charge
A'Tuin must be defeated before any entities or players in his zone can be damaged.

(OOC: This character's only known name is S. H. and should be called that in the update posts, thanks)

Charge: 0/25
[x0] " ... anyway. Out of 'compassion'- is that the word?- for the other person here who, if memory serves, was simply here to investigate, and not steal, I ask: Will you allow their ship and such to peacefully disengage?."
(The text-changes there are just me gradually ceasing my attempt to sound like the whiny ignorant version of myself; I've heard the distinction means little to this 'Gamer'.)
[1x-Conditional] If anyone successfully renders the Stranger vulnerable at any point in the round, I use Blood on them to steal their CP.
[1x] I quickly hop over to one of the ruins of the fighter/bomber jets and feed the metal material to the Stock Nanoplate and Heavenly Nanogauntlet for repair purposes.
[1x] I and the projected version of me start walking around aimlessly in various directions. There is genuinely no pattern in the walking, though the random path is determined in advance of motion and timed precisely. Once I completely randomly end up in the right place for this plan...
Light Expended! 1 CP expended!
A soft white glow issues forth from myself, precisely when either karp does a bind-attempt on the Stranger, or FF does something to them, or whatnot (if none of these things happen, then this occurs alongside my projection having some sort of seizure and speaking in two voices at once, as an alternate distraction which matches plausible outcomes.). For a fraction of a moment, the glow intensifies to a near-blinding shine, then it fades just as fast. During the fading period is precisely when a third layer of distraction activates, where the ice drone and a void drone charge towards the stranger, seemingly intent on ambushing them (starting far enough away that they won't actually reach the stranger before I no longer need a distraction; this is not their entity actions).
The purpose of the light? To obtain sufficiently precise knowledge of where Cake Guys Other Cake is, and pierce any layers of antimemeticism, scry-dampening, etc, and shine a piercing light through any physical barriers. And the one charge? To activate Cake Guys Other Cake with my descended power, which it is after all Made for.

Cake Guys Other Cake Activated!
CGOC Actions:
[1] cloak the reactivation from detection.
[1] If I do Not have the Crystalized Current's Conciousness Cleaver in my possession, locate it and, if possible, retrieve it.
[1] create something like an attack shield around the cake, conjuring a thin layer of abnormally durable distributed cake around the body which should block one attack before shattering.

I send orders to a Facility Employee with a symbiote and the appropriate modified elemental skill levels with both Space and Time elemental magic, blood clones, and one or more highly destructive techniques, such as NLSD- near light speed dirt, where earth elemental manipulation is used to accelerate a small speck near the speed of light for an armor-piercing ability which pulverises the target and superheats the area- to rig up a small alchemiter, then alchemise The Shadows left(i think it was left?) arm. Before they initiate the alchemy, they are to create several blood clones, for more eyes and ears, and envelop themselves in a Time Dilation (speed increasing) effect, while enveloping the Alchemiter in a speed Decreasing effect. Space magic is to be used to prevent all outgoing signals by removing all paths a wave could travel which lead out of this very small zone. Then, as soon as the Alchemy has begun and the Shadows left arm begins to form even a little, they are to use their highly destructive technique to destroy the Alchemiter instantly before the process can continue, leaving a tiny scrap of shadows-left-arm-bits formed from the Alchemiter, then make use of time magic to completely stop the flow of time for this scrap (while continuing to isolate it spatially).

FACILITY ORDER: Start cloning another Soulless Amalgamation body. modifications from last time: integrate a lesser proportion of P5's DNA into the main body, but include samples from Ascended Astrec,Astrecs white hand, a dancing soldier, bobEOJ (gather these samples from the battlefield bobEOJ was on, since they probably shedded some hair or something. collect via drone), a drop of Tiamat liquid - retrieved by drone, but only if Tiamat agrees to that- some DNA from Harkener- again, assuming they agree and give a sample- The Shadow DNA, from that scrap that was alchemised above- and top it all off with Symbiote DNA, not to grant powers, but to mediate all of this wildly differing DNA.
The Torso, which is what is being cloned now, will be attached to six arms and up to three heads, each arm being specialised into one of the DNA types to a greater extent in order to allow for the full expression of the genetic information within the DNA without causing a highly muddled and useless central lifeform. So in summary, the DNA types to be used are (with possibly-not-included types in brackets):

I forget, Starmaker, P5 [Reduce emphasis], Iron Prince, Althea, The Herald, Ascended Astrec, Ascended Astrecs white hand, bobEOJ, (Tiamat), (Harkener), The Shadow, Dancing Soldier, and Symbiote.
Obviously, the scientists are to be very careful not to allow any genetic backdoors like my Symbiotes have from any of these other DNA sources, and make sure all the DNA works together, and discard the dancing soldier DNA if it turns out to be useless, etcetra, etcetra.

Entity Orders: Karp and Karps Ship are advised to flee, as long as it seems possible. It would be a waste to lose the Void VIII+I on This. If ""Karp"" wants to keep fighting anyway, then still have the Void VIII+I retreat, and its repair drones too, but blow some charge on binding up the Stranger and/or rendering them vulnerable. Try to do it in a unusual way to catch their interest, and try to imply this is a personal favour to me and not connected to the reason you came here to start with.
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[x25 charge use]

The nedben decides the alchemiter's preceding system is suspicious and opts to create a differently functioning item creation machine.

An abstract system appears, sort of like arbitrary magic boxes in inventory space, but with 5 slots and you can put anything in each (including multiple items), which is interpreted conceptually according to the slot (i.e. if you put in a depiction or symbolic representation like writing a word on a piece of paper, the thing represented is interpreted). If left blank, the options are completely random-generated: descendants can spawn paper and draw things so that's nonissue. The components are not consumed and the power is provided by the machine, so it'll take however long to make a result depending on power required (measurable in turns, probably same-turn or single-turn wait for mundane objects, more complicated and powerful tools might take a few turns, large entities would take very long to create, etc.). The new items really are new items being made: it is a fundamental wellspring of something that makes on as deep a level as invoked, or can be reached with what is available to it, not simply database copying. Production can be paused and tabled for later, such as if someone tries to make something excessively powerful but that'll take ages so you'll just pause it whenever someone else has another suggestion to run, or if lots of items are being made and you want to set priorities for what gets done first.

The five slots are:
Base: the power basis, the root of the aesthetic or wider concept cloud something manifests. Probably risky to put in things you didn't make because it might draw in systems we're trying to avoid? But you could get lucky.
Lens: the shape you're going to put the result and power in, influencing the wielding of the result and granting it a few extra abilities not tied to the base. Put in a gun to get a gun, put in a paper saying weapon to guarantee some form of weapon I guess, specificity or genericism vary per purpose.
Connector: how the lens interprets the base. A piece of paper saying 'of' serves as the default option and is generally recommended to be left intact if you don't have a good idea/general pretense is fine, but things like 'to', 'amplifying', 'purging', 'stealing', 'dominating', 'loudly', 'barista', all are valid, there is potential for unusual forms there.
Magnitude: something that symbolizes strength of capabilities and initial scope of the thing. Powerful influence on how long crafting takes and immediate applicability of the result. More powerful things take longer.
Variety: how many different things the result can be used for and its future potential, second largest influence on how long it takes to craft something. Things that have a quick growth rate of capabilities (or can be used for pretty much anything already, including arbitrary conjuring and reality alterations) will take longer to make than things that have only one purpose or things that don't really improve without external assistance.

Let's see how it goes.

The nedben sort of just stands there idly because he spent all his charge on that. Whoops.
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Lusiix perks up at the sudden voice in his head.

"Yes, I hear you. Who are you, and why are you intruding upon my mind like this?"

It doesn't seem like he's entirely sure what else to do right now...
Near the Gates of Celestia, a figure appears, clad in dark grey and blue robes, they appear to be human, with dark hair and blue eyes, with the slight point to their ears, a ivory staff in their hands.

"This...isn't the Ostagar, where are the other mages, Templar? Wynne? Maker, where am I?" The apprentice mage asks himself, before he winced, looking down at a cut that he had reciecived from a Darkspawn.

"That's not good, Blighted bastards." He mutters before clenching his staff, and cautiously looking around.
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"Harkener. The vast majority of my army here isn't prepared for the battle at Celestia. My heavenly host will be on the other side ready to hold up their end of the fight. As for the units here that are ready to move through the portal, they're yours to command until I return."

Nerà cuts through planar walls to create a portal directly to P3 and Boccob in Tiamat's lair. He arms himself with a Disintigration Rod and motions for Astrec to go in first. He follows the Ascendant through the portal to the Astral Plane.
Astrec, channels the full power of his Ascendency. Wings erupt from his back, pure white growths of light form armor, and he glances over at the Clockwork Armillary. Extending his raw power, essence, presence, attempting to cripple the thing's Morale and force it to his side.
"You are not relevant here. Join us or I will remove you."
Turning away from the Clockwork Armillary, he steps towards and through Nera'sa portal. Harsh white light glows from him, and he extends the same presence.
"Prince. I have come for you. The time for negotiations is over. You have refused our offers, invaded these lands. You have no right here, no right to that tech, no rights to dare stand against our force."
Astrec expends 10 CP to supercharge the godarm. Black and white veins trace across it, and he levels it at the Prince, transferring it into the buster form.
Astrec unleashes Oblivion Buster, unleashing a deadly beam of nothing onto the Prince. Gold waves mix with it, deconstructing every hostile thing nearby into mush. Then he steps forward and grabs the Prince, turning the arm back into a hand, using it to hold the prince up and smash him down into the ground. He then fires a beam of light down, smothering the other Descended in a wave of blazing light.
[0x] 'aight, time for some subterfuge(?) composed entirely of either questions or true statements. I think the cake I'm here to retrieve probably counts as my inheritance or something. "You say you know it's me, but how do I know you know me well enough to know the me that is me? even I don't know me half as well as I know myself!"
Also why are you trying to stop Karp and me? I don't think the karp have hostile wants, and I've been told the things I'm looking for are like, my inheritance or something! you should just sorta let us do the stuffs!"
Hm, do you think I made the voice whiny enough to be convincing? I've not got much practice pretending to be a whiny ignorant idiot descended, but I think I can pull it off.
Smirk pulls out a non trademark specific video game controller with a joystick, an a button, and a B button. He attempts to affect the Code Oblivion with a control code set to make the joystick control its movement in the cardinal directions from him, the a button cause it to go upwards, and the b button to cause it to go downwards. He then tests if the code functions by messing with the controller.
You successfully manipulate Code-Oblivion!
...You do know that practically everyone does this to circumvent that, right?

You hear static. Despite there not being any air, the smell of ozone fills your nose.
"Utterly without use. What a pity."
A proxy of the Godmodder stands behind you.
"Relax. I come in peace. Hello, Smirk. I heard your wish for peace. Let's talk."
"Let me put it in words you'll understand: I don't really care who you are. My things are my things, and your things are also my things! You are not taking anything from this facility. Not without a fight."
S. H. thinks he can hear someone calling for him. But the voice is blurred. A now forgotten memory? He can't even remember his own name, how can he make sense of these passing nightmares?

S. H.: Long have I wandered... are my memories now returning?

He puts this thought in the back of his mind for now, instead electing to pick up a nearby rod of iron and use it to smash some Observation Drones. Then, when he gets a chance, he sits down with a pen and a piece of parchment. He writes...

To Whom It May Concern,

I write to you hoping you will know who I am. I believe that fate will send this letter to someone who remembers me. While I do not know if this letter will assist you in knowing who I am, I do know that I have no other options if I wish to find out who I am.

May this letter find you well.

S. H.

The paper is swept up in a sudden gust of wind as S. H. feels his power draining. Somewhere, far away, someone stands up and answers the call.

HP: ~20 Charge
DR: ~5 Charge
A'Tuin must be defeated before any entities or players in his zone can be damaged.

(OOC: This character's only known name is S. H. and should be called that in the update posts, thanks)

Charge: 0/25
You destroy one drone, write a letter, and feel a breath come out of yourself.

A'Tuin summoned.
[x0] " ... anyway. Out of 'compassion'- is that the word?- for the other person here who, if memory serves, was simply here to investigate, and not steal, I ask: Will you allow their ship and such to peacefully disengage?."
(The text-changes there are just me gradually ceasing my attempt to sound like the whiny ignorant version of myself; I've heard the distinction means little to this 'Gamer'.)
[1x-Conditional] If anyone successfully renders the Stranger vulnerable at any point in the round, I use Blood on them to steal their CP.
[1x] I quickly hop over to one of the ruins of the fighter/bomber jets and feed the metal material to the Stock Nanoplate and Heavenly Nanogauntlet for repair purposes.
[1x] I and the projected version of me start walking around aimlessly in various directions. There is genuinely no pattern in the walking, though the random path is determined in advance of motion and timed precisely. Once I completely randomly end up in the right place for this plan...
Light Expended! 1 CP expended!
A soft white glow issues forth from myself, precisely when either karp does a bind-attempt on the Stranger, or FF does something to them, or whatnot (if none of these things happen, then this occurs alongside my projection having some sort of seizure and speaking in two voices at once, as an alternate distraction which matches plausible outcomes.). For a fraction of a moment, the glow intensifies to a near-blinding shine, then it fades just as fast. During the fading period is precisely when a third layer of distraction activates, where the ice drone and a void drone charge towards the stranger, seemingly intent on ambushing them (starting far enough away that they won't actually reach the stranger before I no longer need a distraction; this is not their entity actions).
The purpose of the light? To obtain sufficiently precise knowledge of where Cake Guys Other Cake is, and pierce any layers of antimemeticism, scry-dampening, etc, and shine a piercing light through any physical barriers. And the one charge? To activate Cake Guys Other Cake with my descended power, which it is after all Made for.

Cake Guys Other Cake Activated!
CGOC Actions:
[1] cloak the reactivation from detection.
[1] If I do Not have the Crystalized Current's Conciousness Cleaver in my possession, locate it and, if possible, retrieve it.
[1] create something like an attack shield around the cake, conjuring a thin layer of abnormally durable distributed cake around the body which should block one attack before shattering.

I send orders to a Facility Employee with a symbiote and the appropriate modified elemental skill levels with both Space and Time elemental magic, blood clones, and one or more highly destructive techniques, such as NLSD- near light speed dirt, where earth elemental manipulation is used to accelerate a small speck near the speed of light for an armor-piercing ability which pulverises the target and superheats the area- to rig up a small alchemiter, then alchemise The Shadows left(i think it was left?) arm. Before they initiate the alchemy, they are to create several blood clones, for more eyes and ears, and envelop themselves in a Time Dilation (speed increasing) effect, while enveloping the Alchemiter in a speed Decreasing effect. Space magic is to be used to prevent all outgoing signals by removing all paths a wave could travel which lead out of this very small zone. Then, as soon as the Alchemy has begun and the Shadows left arm begins to form even a little, they are to use their highly destructive technique to destroy the Alchemiter instantly before the process can continue, leaving a tiny scrap of shadows-left-arm-bits formed from the Alchemiter, then make use of time magic to completely stop the flow of time for this scrap (while continuing to isolate it spatially).

FACILITY ORDER: Start cloning another Soulless Amalgamation body. modifications from last time: integrate a lesser proportion of P5's DNA into the main body, but include samples from Ascended Astrec,Astrecs white hand, a dancing soldier, bobEOJ (gather these samples from the battlefield bobEOJ was on, since they probably shedded some hair or something. collect via drone), a drop of Tiamat liquid - retrieved by drone, but only if Tiamat agrees to that- some DNA from Harkener- again, assuming they agree and give a sample- The Shadow DNA, from that scrap that was alchemised above- and top it all off with Symbiote DNA, not to grant powers, but to mediate all of this wildly differing DNA.
The Torso, which is what is being cloned now, will be attached to six arms and up to three heads, each arm being specialised into one of the DNA types to a greater extent in order to allow for the full expression of the genetic information within the DNA without causing a highly muddled and useless central lifeform. So in summary, the DNA types to be used are (with possibly-not-included types in brackets):

I forget, Starmaker, P5 [Reduce emphasis], Iron Prince, Althea, The Herald, Ascended Astrec, Ascended Astrecs white hand, bobEOJ, (Tiamat), (Harkener), The Shadow, Dancing Soldier, and Symbiote.
Obviously, the scientists are to be very careful not to allow any genetic backdoors like my Symbiotes have from any of these other DNA sources, and make sure all the DNA works together, and discard the dancing soldier DNA if it turns out to be useless, etcetra, etcetra.

Entity Orders: Karp and Karps Ship are advised to flee, as long as it seems possible. It would be a waste to lose the Void VIII+I on This. If ""Karp"" wants to keep fighting anyway, then still have the Void VIII+I retreat, and its repair drones too, but blow some charge on binding up the Stranger and/or rendering them vulnerable. Try to do it in a unusual way to catch their interest, and try to imply this is a personal favour to me and not connected to the reason you came here to start with.
Scrounging through the metal, you only manage to increase Heavenly Nanogauntlet AC by 1. Using Light and a Charge, you locate... Cake Guy's Other Cake? and awaken it.
...This can only end well...

Inside its chamber, CGOC begins to probe its surroundings. Are you looking for... the Soul-Stone? It isn't anywhere nearby, except for... On the stranger!
He has it.
He has the Soul Stone.

CGOC also does attempt to create an Attack Shield around The Cake, but it's in another room. Even then, it doesn't seem it would be able to generate an Attack Shield right now...

From the smoking remains of what was an Alchemiter, you acquire a sample of the Left Hand of The Shadow Alchemy. Additionally, you send out 6 drones to collect your desired DNA Samples: One to the main Theatre for Harkener, three to Tiamat's Palace for Ascended Astrec, Astrecs White Hand, and Tiamat (if she's present), one to where BOBeoj was, and one to the Battlefield for Dancing Soldier-blood.

Harkener shies away from the Collection Drone. "...I'm not ready to have a sample of my DNA existing in the past. Sorry."

The one sent for BOBeoj DNA enters the Godmodder's Biosphere. There, The Fourth Praetorian is playing baseball with him and a few other people. Against the protests of the others, the two of them see the Drone and wave.

[x25 charge use]

The nedben decides the alchemiter's preceding system is suspicious and opts to create a differently functioning item creation machine.

An abstract system appears, sort of like arbitrary magic boxes in inventory space, but with 5 slots and you can put anything in each (including multiple items), which is interpreted conceptually according to the slot (i.e. if you put in a depiction or symbolic representation like writing a word on a piece of paper, the thing represented is interpreted). If left blank, the options are completely random-generated: descendants can spawn paper and draw things so that's nonissue. The components are not consumed and the power is provided by the machine, so it'll take however long to make a result depending on power required (measurable in turns, probably same-turn or single-turn wait for mundane objects, more complicated and powerful tools might take a few turns, large entities would take very long to create, etc.). The new items really are new items being made: it is a fundamental wellspring of something that makes on as deep a level as invoked, or can be reached with what is available to it, not simply database copying. Production can be paused and tabled for later, such as if someone tries to make something excessively powerful but that'll take ages so you'll just pause it whenever someone else has another suggestion to run, or if lots of items are being made and you want to set priorities for what gets done first.

The five slots are:
Base: the power basis, the root of the aesthetic or wider concept cloud something manifests. Probably risky to put in things you didn't make because it might draw in systems we're trying to avoid? But you could get lucky.
Lens: the shape you're going to put the result and power in, influencing the wielding of the result and granting it a few extra abilities not tied to the base. Put in a gun to get a gun, put in a paper saying weapon to guarantee some form of weapon I guess, specificity or genericism vary per purpose.
Connector: how the lens interprets the base. A piece of paper saying 'of' serves as the default option and is generally recommended to be left intact if you don't have a good idea/general pretense is fine, but things like 'to', 'amplifying', 'purging', 'stealing', 'dominating', 'loudly', 'barista', all are valid, there is potential for unusual forms there.
Magnitude: something that symbolizes strength of capabilities and initial scope of the thing. Powerful influence on how long crafting takes and immediate applicability of the result. More powerful things take longer.
Variety: how many different things the result can be used for and its future potential, second largest influence on how long it takes to craft something. Things that have a quick growth rate of capabilities (or can be used for pretty much anything already, including arbitrary conjuring and reality alterations) will take longer to make than things that have only one purpose or things that don't really improve without external assistance.

Let's see how it goes.

The nedben sort of just stands there idly because he spent all his charge on that. Whoops.

NEW MECHANIC: The Fivefold Forge.
A method of Artifact Creation working through Bonus Actions. Running off of residual energy, the Fivefold Forge allows for group effort artifact creation.
To begin the creation process, start by adding items to the boxes. The end-product will be previewed every time you make changes to what's inside the Slots. Doing so is a Bonus Action.
The Fivefold Forge has a "Potential Reservoir". It's current cap'll right now be say... 50, but it can be increased with time. Increasing the Reservoir is done through Bonus Actions as well.
Each Artifact has a "Reservoir Cost". If there's enough energy to create the item, a player can claim and create the currently-previewed Artifact for a Bonus Action.

As if sensing a competitior, The Grand Alchemiter reignites.

The Grand Alchemiter.
A parallel Artifact-Creation System. Alchemical Artifacts cause Vulnerability. Creation involves the use of Logical Operators on items. Order of Operations has some degree of influence. Creation takes a Bonus Action. Alchemy name can be previewed for a Bonus Action.

((Here we go.))
Lusiix perks up at the sudden voice in his head.

"Yes, I hear you. Who are you, and why are you intruding upon my mind like this?"

It doesn't seem like he's entirely sure what else to do right now...
Intruding? I can't read your mind... Unless you let me, hmhm!
They call me... the Arbiter. I guess I'm a Navigator? I can't do much other than offer guidance and support. Sorry.
Near the Gates of Celestia, a figure appears, clad in dark grey and blue robes, they appear to be human, with dark hair and blue eyes, with the slight point to their ears, a ivory staff in their hands.

"This...isn't the Ostagar, where are the other mages, Templar? Wynne? Maker, where am I?" The apprentice mage asks himself, before he winced, looking down at a cut that he had reciecived from a Darkspawn.

"That's not good, Blighted bastards." He mutters before clenching his staff, and cautiously looking around.
Let's see, pulling it up, ah right! The First Layer of Mount Celestia, Lunia, what's supposed to be the Silver Heaven looks more... tarnished. Tendrils of nanotech flow up and down the slopes, carrying what seem to be... sarcophagi. A reflective slick of metal floats above the waves of the Silver Sea, keeping even the waves down. Wait, does the Silver Sea even have waves? Does this Celestia have a moon to cause tides with? Questions, questions, questions.
"Harkener. The vast majority of my army here isn't prepared for the battle at Celestia. My heavenly host will be on the other side ready to hold up their end of the fight. As for the units here that are ready to move through the portal, they're yours to command until I return."

Nerà cuts through planar walls to create a portal directly to P3 and Boccob in Tiamat's lair. He arms himself with a Disintigration Rod and motions for Astrec to go in first. He follows the Ascendant through the portal to the Astral Plane.
You open a gate to the Astral Plane, to Tiamat's new domain, her Palace in Tu'narath...
Astrec, channels the full power of his Ascendency. Wings erupt from his back, pure white growths of light form armor, and he glances over at the Clockwork Armillary. Extending his raw power, essence, presence, attempting to cripple the thing's Morale and force it to his side.
"You are not relevant here. Join us or I will remove you."
Turning away from the Clockwork Armillary, he steps towards and through Nera'sa portal. Harsh white light glows from him, and he extends the same presence.
"Prince. I have come for you. The time for negotiations is over. You have refused our offers, invaded these lands. You have no right here, no right to that tech, no rights to dare stand against our force."
Astrec expends 10 CP to supercharge the godarm. Black and white veins trace across it, and he levels it at the Prince, transferring it into the buster form.
Astrec unleashes Oblivion Buster, unleashing a deadly beam of nothing onto the Prince. Gold waves mix with it, deconstructing every hostile thing nearby into mush. Then he steps forward and grabs the Prince, turning the arm back into a hand, using it to hold the prince up and smash him down into the ground. He then fires a beam of light down, smothering the other Descended in a wave of blazing light.
You effortlessly turn the Clockwork Armillary fully under your control, and leave to enter Tu'narath. You would release a spectacular display of energy and fire the Oblivion Buster, except... The Prince isn't there. At all. From what I can tell, he isn't invisible, He isn't standing anywhere, he just... not present.

EOTB: Do you go to Celestia or not?

The PG Drones idle. They don't actually have any weapons at all. Harkener's arms buckle as he releases his planar breach. Seeing it fail to reseal itself, he telekineticaly stitches it together with a needle and thread. "Interesting. Did I hold it open too long?"

In the interest of speeding up this whole process, you all stream through the Portal to Celestia.

As stated before, Heaven is in chaos. To face the Iron Prince, the Throne of The Gods has animated, a living golden castle on legs. The battle rages on every level of the mountain, each a small war in it's own right. Standing on top of his Carrier, the Prince spots you from all the way down there.
"Are you ready?"

Thousands upon thousands of slim figures begin to emerge from the technological sludge, vastly outnumbering the Skeleton Hordes on the First Layer.

How to Play:
((I think... I think this is our first Boss with over 1 million Hp? Finally. Elevation plays a big role in this battle: You gain Accuracy and Dodge Bonuses against people below you. Fight your way up to the top to confront the Prince. Unless blocked, all AG entities will move up by 1 Elevation per round. They (and you) can also move up by using a Bonus Action, but be wise in how far you go! As an advance warning, have very little idea of how balanced this battle's going to be. This might turn into a race of over and undercompensation. But Thanks to TOG, we can have reinforcements come in if required. Here goes... something.))

Within Tiamat's Palace, a small contingent of Githyanki accompanied with a Red Dragon come to meet you with drawn swords.
"The Queen's Palace is currently off-limits to visitors. State your business!"

Much to his annoyance, Boccob's sword fades out of existence.

Pulling out a Rocket Launcher from somewhere, the Stranger launches a missile at JOE... only for it to pass through Projection-JOE instead. He curses you with strong language I'd rather not repeat. Pulling a stack of papers from somewhere, a statue that wasn't previously in the forest manifests: I can confirm that it has just spontaneously appeared. At his command, the Harrier Jets machinegun the Drones: 3 Void and Projection Drones destroyed; Ice, Repair and Research Drones take 30k damage each.

As a parting gift, the Void VII+I launches two missiles at the Harrier Jets, before flying off into orbit with the Repair Drones, who continue work on it, restoring 50k. The Void and Ice Drones work to down one of the missiled Harrier Jets, while Karpinsky shoots down the second with Marzanna's Sight. He nods, on-board with the plan to use charge to make The Stranger Vulnerable. At this moment, The Stranger is holding an Infinity Stone. Boosted with Charge, a sufficiently powerful attack will be enough to knock out his Invulnerability. ((At this point this is practically just a courtesy))

Stop Alethea!
Stop The Invasion:
  1. Defeat the Third Praetorian!
    1. Face him personally!
    2. Destroy the Lucrehulk!
      1. Reach Elevation 7!
    3. Protect the Talon of Nerà!
Foundation + CakeQuest:
  1. Locate The Foundation?
  2. ???
Current Godmodder Hp: 48
Laboratory Link: Available for all! Need to figure stuff out actually

The Void: Neutral Ground.
FIELD EFFECT: Sancturary: Nobody may attack any other.

Elemental Plane of Oblivion.
FIELD EFFECT: Oblivion. ???.

[PG] Godmodder Avatar. 1/1 Hp.

[AG] Smirk. 25/25 Charge. Has created a Metal Staff.
[A] Nanosuit. Defense Mode: +5 AC. Durability: 2. Worn!

Advantage: [Contested]
Heaven: Mount Celestia.
FIELD EFFECT: Elevation. +5% Dodge/Accuracy per Elevation! Positive-Dominant! Organic Creatures recover 20,000 Hp per round!
Forge: [Base: ][Lens: ][Connector: ][Variety: ][Magnitude: ]
AG Morale: 100%

[CEL][BOSS] Chronias, Throne of The Gods. 133/133 Hp. 13 Armour. 26 Regen. Elevation: 7.
[PG] The Third Praetorian. 70/70 Hp. 15 Armour. Elevation: 7.
[PG][BOSS] Lucrehulk Carrier. 1,150,000/1,150,000 Hp. 20,000 Armour. 150,000 SHP. Elevation: 7.

[PG] Attack Ships. 100,000/100,000 Hp. x10. Elevation: 7.
[PG][ELITE] Carrier. 300,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Elevation: 6. x2.
[CEL][ELITE] Skyfortress. 450,000/450,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. Elevation: 6. x2.
[PG][ELITE] Hekatonkhieres. 80/80 Hp. 4 AC. 10 Regen. x3. Elevation: 5.
[CEL][BOSS] Talos of Nerà. 160/160 Hp. 6 Armour. 20 Regen. Elevation: 5.
[CEL][ELITE] Iron Gear. 300,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Elevation: 5. x2.
[PG][ELITE] Unmanned Ray. 800,000/800,000 Hp. 15,000 AC. Elevation: 4.

[CEL] Epic Wizard. 25/25 Hp. Elevation: 4. x4.
[PG] Downwards Defense Grid. 125,000/125,000 Hp. x10. Elevation: 3.
[CEL] Dracolich. 31/31 Hp. Elevation: 3. x7.
[CEL] Heavenly Host. 750,000 Hp. Horde. Elevation: 2.
[PG] The Wall. 350,000 Hp. Elevation: 2.
[PG] Experi-Mentals. 1,000,000 Hp. Horde. Elevation: 1.
[CEL] Skeleton Horde. 750,000 Hp. Horde. Elevation: 1.
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 2/3. Backdoor! Elevation: 1.
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 2/3. x2. Elevation: 1.
[???] Harkener, The Newcomer. 9/40 Charge. Petrify: 6/6. Elevation: 1.
[AG-S.H.] A'Tuin, Protector Of The Weak. 250,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. Protecting all below! Elevation: 1.
[AG-Astrec] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3. Elevation: 1.
[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter. ON MORATORIUM. Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Stone Giant Warrior. 60,000/95,000 Hp. Morale Made! Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Stone Giant Warrior. 20,000/95,000 Hp. Morale Made! Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Divine Soul, Minor. 20,000/20,000 Hp. Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Storm Giant 2. 85,000/175,000 Hp. 5,000 Armour. Thunderbolt: 5/5. Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Cloud Giant General. 145,000/150,000 Hp. Invisibility: 50% Dodge. Flying! Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Auma. 70/70 Hp. Crown of Stars: 5 Remaining! Elevation: 1.
[A] Necklace of Auma. +15,000 Attack. Supplying an Intellect. Worn! Elevation: 1.
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack. Worn! Elevation: 1.
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. Worn! Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Tyrannosaurus Rex. 55,000/60,000 Hp. Elevation: 1.
[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp.
[AG] Nedben. 1/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] Lusiix. 25/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] Sky High. 1/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] iguessimherenow. 25/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] Jaggerain. 21/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.

Elemental Plane of Fire: Secure Location.
Field Effect: Pretty obvious, isn't it? 20,000 Fire Damage per round.

[AG][ELITE] Iron Gear. 267,000/800,000 Hp. 10,000 AC. Immune to Magic! Antimagic Field.
[AG-TOG] Iron Golem 1. 180,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 3/3. Immune to Magic.
[AG-TOG] Iron Golem 2. 113,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 3/3. Magic Immunity: 50%

Astral Plane: Tu'narath, Tiamat's Palace.

[???][ELITE] Adult Red Dragon. 40/40 Hp. 2 Armour. Breath: 1/2.
[???] Master Gish. 20/20 Hp. 3 Armour.
[???] Captain. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x3
[???] Gish. 35,000/35,000 Hp. x5.
[???] Githyanki Soldier. 5,000/5,000. x45.

[BOC][BOSS] Boccob. 85/85 Hp. 8 AC. Foresight: +30% Dodge and Accuracy. Starmantle: Destroys nonmagical weapons. Artifact Damage halved. Kinetic Control: Absorbs melee attacks. 0/150. Spell Reflection: Self-Explanatory. Reflects Magic! Ironguard: Immune to metal attacks! Mind Blank: Immune to Psychic attacks! Freedom: Dodge and Accuracy cannot be lowered below 100%! Justice of The Wyrm King: 35,000 Damage to anyone attacking in Melee! Shapechange: Hoo Boy this is going to be wild.
[BOC] Boccob's Familiar. 40/40 Hp. 5 AC. Bodyguarding Boccob! Immune to Magic.
[BOC] Arcane Sword. Time Remaining: 4/5.
[BOC] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3.
[BOC] Horn Devil. x2. -10 Dodge.
[BOC] Barbed Devil. x3. -10 Dodge.

[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x3.
[AG] Nerà. 16/25 Charge. [A] Ebony Staff: Active!
[AG] Astrec. 666 Charge. Vulnerable! [A] The Godarm. Oblivion Buster: Active! [A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [IIIIII]. MIND: [IIIIII]. SOUL: [IIIIII].
[A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 1.

Godmodder Biosphere.
Advantage: [HEAVY PG]
Weather: Sunny. Baseball.
Terrain: Diamond. Baseball.

[PG] The Fourth Praetorian. 90/90 Charge. Invulnerable! [A] Baseball Bat.
[PG] Megatron. 20/20 Hp. 4 Armour. Fusion Cannon: 2/2. [A] Catcher's Mitt. x2.
[PG] Mithral Golem. 120,000/120,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Immune to Magic! [A] Catcher's Mitt.
[PG] Elder Fire Elemental. 64/64 Hp. 6 AC. [A] Catcher's Mitt. x2.
[PG] BOBeoj. 20/20 Pseudo-Charge. [A] Orange Lance. Space Energy Charges: 2. [A] Delirium Coronet. +33,000 Attack. [A] Architect's Cloak. +5 AC. Chronal Energy Charges: 5. [A] Hindsight Helmet. +35,000 Attack. Chronal Energy Charges: 2. [A] Descended Energy Charge: 1 [A] Catcher's Mitt.
[PG] Certsa. 20/20 Pseudo-Charge. [A] Red Scythes. x3. Chronal Energy Charges: 9. [A] Magma U. +11,000 Attack. [A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. [A] Single Void Glove. +35,000 Attack. 10% Dodge. [A] Cloudy Days. +16,000 Attack. [A] Bronze Sword-Charm. [A] The Ball.

[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp.

The Forest.
Morale: N/A.
Field Effect: Music! Reduced Encounter Chance.
CakePlatemobile Integrity: 80%.

[???] "The Stranger"?. 45/80 Charge. Invulnerable! [A] The Soul Stone. Precognition: 50/50 SHp.
[???] Harrier Jet. 65,000/65,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. x6.
[???] Sculpture. 200,000/200,000 Hp. ???.

[AG-JOE] Void Drones. 20,000/30,000 Hp. x5.
[AG-JOE] Ice Drone. 10,000/50,000 Hp.
[AG-JOE] Telepresence Drone. 20,000/30,000 Hp. Projecting JOE!
[AG-JOE] Drone. 30,000/60,000 Hp.
[AG] Karpinsky. 20/25 Charge. Vulnerable!
[A] Armour of Savitar. +10,000 Power. +3 AC. +6 SHP. Durability: 3. Worn!
[A] One-Size-Fits-All-Stealthsuit. +4 SHP. Durability: 1. Worn!
[A] Marzanna's Sight. +26,000 Power. 3 ACpierce. Durability: 2.
[A] The Blizzard Blaster. +30,000 Power. +30% Accuracy. Durability: 4.
[AG] JOE. 23/25 Charge. Vulnerable! Projected: +50% Dodge!
[A] Amalgamation Biosuit. 22/40 Hp. 4 Regen. 7 AC. Blood: 2/2. Light: 3/3. Oblivion: 2/5. Godmod: 11/11. Worn!
[A] Stock Nanoplate. +5 AC. +5,000 Power. Durability: 1. Worn!
[A] Heavenly Nanogauntlet. +35,000 Power. +2 AC. Durability: 2. Worn!
[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2.
[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Durability: 2
[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 3
[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Circadian Circuitbreaker. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 2.

Inside Facility:

[???] Janitor. 5/5 Hp. Unaware.

[AG-JOE] CGOC. 20/20 Hp.


[AG-JOE][ELITE] Void VIII + I. 125,000/300,000 Hp. Create: 2/3. Drones available: 0. Missiles Available: 0.
[AG-JOE] Repair Drone. 20,000/50,000 Hp. x2
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"Yes, I had been asking Avernus to ask Alethea if she'd be willing to join a summit between her forces and the Descendants that have been in direct opposition to her, specifically the ones calling themselves the Centurions, presuming I successfully secure their willingness to attend. May I presume by you coming here that is a sign she would be at least somewhat interested?"
He then gets a message from Nerà about something she had seen through scrying.
"Hm, would you know anything about a Godmodder known as the Pionomodder? It appears he has taken the elemental weapons of both earth and water, so I'm likely to go to his last known location once our dialogue has concluded."
With that he quickly tosses a probe designed simply to follow the signals of Elemental Earth and Water energies, and then sends it, under heavy cloaking (everything from thermal to electrical to visual to auditory. Thing might as well not exist to an outside observer), to the Pionomodder's last known location.
"Speaking of said dialogue, we may wish to go to my newly crafted neutral zone to discuss. I have recently completed its functionality, so it would likely be beneficial for you to understand the setting for the meeting."
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The drone replies to "what are you doing here" with the words "Mad Science" in a haunting, echoing and highly dramatic quality. Then it elaborates that it is here for a sample of BOBeoj's DNA, but it can make do with fallen hairs or something, and quickly obtains a fallen piece of hair or something which presumably would've fallen off during all their exertion in this ball game. The Harkener-sent drone states that it's completely fine, don't worry about it. Other drones ask for samples as relevant.

[1x (portion here, continues after)] I use the Light special, or at least, start to. The ball of concentrated light forms...
[10 Charges] and then The Spaced Out Headband shimmers, forming a spacial distortion before me. On the other side of the distortion is the Discount Disparem, which I ask Zeyron to use at its full potential. By its power, the Light-ball is distorted, creating a Ball of thgiL. The First Light grants information; So the thgiL- Not void, because distortion is Imperfect- obscures information. the thgiL pulses out, covering the battlefield. some of it is concentrated around me, to conceal my actions in particular from sight, and to hide Zeyron from the Stranger's knowleOh for pete's sake... quiet. [I] don't have time for this... At any rate. The remainder- or rather, the majority- goes towards The Stranger, nullifying his precognition. Even if he already has StoneCopies of me... well first of all there are still hundreds of past-mes in the Stone, so he would be outnumbered in there and get no useful info. But second of all, all of those copies are from before that cyan-voiced two-faced idiot started being a notable influence again, so they won't help him. Then, I use the Light to forcefully and repeatedly reveal to reality that the Stranger is holding the Soul Stone, Repeating it loudly at the universe with all the subtlety of an Unskilled energy elementalist and the meticulous attention to and repetition of excruciating detail of a lawyer. This forces Reality to acknowledge it, and so forces the Stranger to become Vulnerable.
[1x] And the instant the Stranger becomes vulnerable, I use Blood on them, yoinking their charges...
[1x + any charge overfill from the use of Blood] Before they have a chance to respond to all this, I use the latent remnants of Time Energies around the Clockwork Carver, accelerating myself. Cloaked in the pieces of thgiL that I kept around myself, I dash closer to them and arrive less then a meter away in a moment. With precision, one hand of the Biosuit rips forwards, glowing weakly with the action power being channeled through it, and grabs the Soul Stone. It doesn't matter how the Stranger holds it; The repeated light-based universal knowledge of Every Inane Detail about the Stone hasn't ended yet. Even if it's embeded into the Strangers Body, A swirl of Vintage magic destroys its way into it... oh, good, that seems to have tired their influence out for the round... ahem, uh, the magic is around my grasping hand, vibrant octarine and violet light a short distance from my skin, but there's no way to describe how the destruction happens; the things within reach are simply Gone, leaving only purple lightning dancing over the edge of the material left behind. My fingers snag the Soul Stone, then yank it away from the Stranger and into my Suit, to the true body within.

SUMMARY1: Using the Light Special, 10 Charges, and Zeyrons help,I force vulnerability by nulling the Precognition (via the inverted Light special), then repeatedly pointing out to reality that the stone is in the strangers hand and so they should be vulnerable. Then, I use Blood to siphon as many charges as I can in the window of vulnerability, before proceeding to steal the Soul Stone from them.

[Bonus: I slot the concept bundle 'Concepts of Ice-Stasis-Electricity-Cannon-power' into the Base slot. That's the concept-bundle used to make the CCCC, by the way.]

[CGOC ACTION 1] ...In case you're wondering about why His influence is popping up again, well, controlling two bodies isn't easy. I can manage it, but if one of the bodies has a natural inhabitant fighting back... It's not even about raw force, I just can't dedicate enough focus to it. Anyway... I don't alert the Janitor. forming an Aether construct within my cakey flesh- something established back in the Thanos Fight- I passive-scan the entire complex for the Hilt of the CCCC, just to make sure as to whether it's there.
[CGOC ACTION 2] Hm. I can't do much visibly without bringing attention... I conjure a Cake Polyp. It's actually a very complicated organism, but it looks exactly like the Cake Residue you would expect to be left behind on the ground after a Cake splorshes along it without any platter below. I'm quite capable not to use any Reality-Warping on it directly; the substance of the Polyp is a mixture of pure mundanity, and the instability of the natural laws of a particular set of pocket dimensions/planes/subverses/i don't know the term known as 'The Warp' obtained via self-sustaining microgates. Assuming the Stranger hasn't investigated those particular places, the Polyp's nature should be opaque to them, giving it the ability to quietly spread throughout the base until it reaches its fruiting stage and starts conjuring hordes of disposable purpose-made cake soldiers.
[CGOC ACTION 3] Of course, I'm not confident the Stranger Hasn't Investigated the Warp, so I spend This action conjuring a different, albeit quite similar conceptually, threat. X(A/N)th -ian magic is very bizarre and oft' inconsistent, But even so, and even with the obscurity of it, I can't be confident it isn't something the Stranger knows about. I Can be sure they don't know about the Higher Energy of the Genesis System: Concealment. And the reason I can be sure about that is that the Genesis's Higher Energies are unique to each user, conforming to their own conceptions. Using the Higher Energy: Concealment, I Conceal my second creation, X(A/N)th magic powered. It is known as the Brain Cakeral. Its intellect is middling, but will grow vast as its spreads; its power, or Talent, is to nudge by seeming chance events according to its desire while concealing that anything is amiss at all. Its appearance is undetectable; Not only does its Talent give it an implicit mildly antimemetic nature, in a way not susceptible to Mnesthetic medication due to its manipulation of external chance, but the Higher Energy of Concealment contains all relevant energy signatures insofar as this is possible; the only visible sign of its presence will be the absence of whatever the Cakeral consumes for its growth. And, of course, if the Cakeral reaches sufficient levels of power, it will be able to use its excess X(A/N)thian magic to create creatures such as Will o'wisps, Golems, or the dreaded 'Wiggles', to serve it... Well, that's quite far off in any case. I leave the Cakeral to its own devices for the moment.

SUMMARY2: I scan for the CCCC's Handle, then conjure two very subtle infestations to cause the Stranger all sorts of trouble if he doesn't deal with them, one only detectable if the stranger has investigated Ravager territory and Marconen, and the other only detectable if they've investigated Xanth, the Genesis System, and achieved a complete comprehension of all or nearly all human or Cake-comprehensible concepts including the blatantly false ones.

Entity Orders: Repair drone repairs the void viii+i. other drones attack the jet or whatnot as relevant. The Facility sends another like, 5 drones in as reinforcements.
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Me -> Retcon the GORILLA out of what was previously here.

At first, there was nothing in that particular space. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, I am here... with a strangely aware glance around me, almost as if able to see beyond the standard veil of reality here.

I consider my approach. If I enforce too many rules on this battle or their workspace, I could disrupt the battle through a lengthy conversation. That could prove disastrous to... well, a lot.

I guess I'll just be cautious while laying down a few base rules for my existence here - ones that shouldn't harm any overlying structures of this battle, anyways. Here goes.

1 - I am not in this place to fight... yet. I'm here to observe and figure out this Arbiter figure, mainly. They seem interesting.
2 - Does Neutral exist as an alignment on this field here? If so I'm that for now.
3 - Depending on the need of the situation, my presence is very subject to change.

Finally, I'll... uh, I guess I'll save up a charge, assuming those exist, and inexplicably wave directly at the Arbiter's camera thing through which they are viewing us.
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"Arbiter? Navigator? Hm, I suppose it doesn't matter what you call yourself, so long as your intent is not malicious. If you are indeed present to provide guidance and support, then tell me, Arbiter, what should I be doing now?"
S.H. widens his eyes at the sudden appearance of this... army.

S.H.: Well, time to put this rod to good use.

S.H. picks up his metal rod and drives it through the Observation Drones like a railroad spike.
"Sniping Heaven Bird. Pierce the layers and reveal if the foe is borrowing the accursed way. (I'm sorry, Lord Altrin has taken the gamepiece.)"
The nedben, having no patience for walking over there, fires off a bird of light, which proceeds to zigzag around at lightspeed and burrows into P3's armor once it finally gets up there (after compensation for dodge, of course: it can just fly around and try again repeatedly if it keeps missing), contaminating it with formless armor-reducing curses and maidenly oaths of dispelling and counter-integrity. If nothing else, we might as well make it easier for others to shoot them down while we're busy fighting our way over.

As a bonus action, this is also a scan (by means of very aggressive decomposition analysis). What defense package is the Third Praetorian running? Might as well get them known quickly and countermeasures prepared.
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Nerà gates Astrec back to Celestia at the location of their choosing.

"I am certain Tiamat will allow an exception for the Lord of her domain in Hell, the God Boccob. And myself, of course. We come with urgent information that Tiamat must hear in order to save our universe from utter annihilation, something I know none here want and so none of you will delay us."

Full Round Action: Mount Celestia trembles with Divine energies, as the collective force of thousands of mortals whose power is derived from the Throne grant it their energy, allowing for an explosion of divine magic to burst from the seat of the gods, devastating the PG forces.

Auma channels a spell through the Swisarmyknifemodder, making the whole AG side Light (heh). Any AG can perform a Bonus Actions' worth of ascent with a mere Free Action. Auma fires a Star at the Experi-mentals.
The two Giants capable of flight soar upwards, with the Cloud Giant casting their support spell on the Experi-mentals while the Storm Giant uses their special on the enemy horde. Both Chuck rocks at the horde as well.
The Stone Giants and T-Rex charge the Experi-mentals, attacking them with all their strength.
The Divine Soul heals the Storm Giant, and then soars upwards on angelic wings.
Iron Golem 1 is teleported back to Celestia's base, spewing it's poison onto the enemy horde, rendering them extra vulnerable to magical attack.
The Dracoliches and Heavenly Host ascend and, along with the elevated Epic Wizards, all rain various forms of magical devastation onto the Downwards Defense Grid.
The two Iron Gears pick up a Hekatonkhier and toss it down onto the Unmanned Ray below.
Piloted by the ace daughter of Nerà, 7th of the Neranyëphim, named only G by her father (though Gloria Phi-Nerà by herself), The 4th Talos (Talons is plural of Talos) manifests a sword of bonedust, held together by a field of necrotic energies that animates it to vibrate at an impeccably high speed. Swinging the Gargantuan Bonesaw, the 4th Talos cuts into the two Heratonkhiers remaining at her elevation.
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Astrec looks through the portal, Ascended eyes analyzing the situation.

"The Prince is out of my reach. We'll have to.. fight our way up to him. Let me get a disguise."
Astrec expends a charge of Body, transforming himself into.. Karpinsky. Then he reaches up and grasps the air, a capsule summoned to his hand. Kneeling, he cracks it open, and from it pours a couple hundred nanomachines. They curl around him, and with a infusion of 10 CP to give this attack power, they begin to duplicate, thousands of nanomachines forming armor around Karp!Astrec as he steps through the portal. The horde forms floating stairs as Astrec joins the fray, carrying him up, then forming rockets on his armor. Astrec leaps up and jets towards the Wall. As he does so, he forms a mask over his disguised face, changing his voice to that of Karp.
"Iron Prince! I've.. come for you. Do not hide behind your armies! Come down and face us."
He freezes in front of the Wall, and fires the nanomachines forward, commanding the swarm to eat away at the wall.
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True Round 84
"Yes, I had been asking Avernus to ask Alethea if she'd be willing to join a summit between her forces and the Descendants that have been in direct opposition to her, specifically the ones calling themselves the Centurions, presuming I successfully secure their willingness to attend. May I presume by you coming here that is a sign she would be at least somewhat interested?"
He then gets a message from Nerà about something she had seen through scrying.
"Hm, would you know anything about a Godmodder known as the Pionomodder? It appears he has taken the elemental weapons of both earth and water, so I'm likely to go to his last known location once our dialogue has concluded."
With that he quickly tosses a probe designed simply to follow the signals of Elemental Earth and Water energies, and then sends it, under heavy cloaking (everything from thermal to electrical to visual to auditory. Thing might as well not exist to an outside observer), to the Pionomodder's last known location.
"Speaking of said dialogue, we may wish to go to my newly crafted neutral zone to discuss. I have recently completed its functionality, so it would likely be beneficial for you to understand the setting for the meeting."
"This is Alethea speaking. I am one and the same."
You ask her about the Pionomodder.
"Not Pionomodder, just Piono. Heavily augments his own abilities with Eidokinesis. Formerly Third, now Second-most powerful practitioner in The Void, though effectively the First. What else is there to say? I'm already there."
At the Neutral Ground, bits and bobs of static electricity coalesce and weave together to form the Godmodder.
The drone replies to "what are you doing here" with the words "Mad Science" in a haunting, echoing and highly dramatic quality. Then it elaborates that it is here for a sample of BOBeoj's DNA, but it can make do with fallen hairs or something, and quickly obtains a fallen piece of hair or something which presumably would've fallen off during all their exertion in this ball game. The Harkener-sent drone states that it's completely fine, don't worry about it. Other drones ask for samples as relevant.

[1x (portion here, continues after)] I use the Light special, or at least, start to. The ball of concentrated light forms...
[10 Charges] and then The Spaced Out Headband shimmers, forming a spacial distortion before me. On the other side of the distortion is the Discount Disparem, which I ask Zeyron to use at its full potential. By its power, the Light-ball is distorted, creating a Ball of thgiL. The First Light grants information; So the thgiL- Not void, because distortion is Imperfect- obscures information. the thgiL pulses out, covering the battlefield. some of it is concentrated around me, to conceal my actions in particular from sight, and to hide Zeyron from the Stranger's knowleOh for pete's sake... quiet. [I] don't have time for this... At any rate. The remainder- or rather, the majority- goes towards The Stranger, nullifying his precognition. Even if he already has StoneCopies of me... well first of all there are still hundreds of past-mes in the Stone, so he would be outnumbered in there and get no useful info. But second of all, all of those copies are from before that cyan-voiced two-faced idiot started being a notable influence again, so they won't help him. Then, I use the Light to forcefully and repeatedly reveal to reality that the Stranger is holding the Soul Stone, Repeating it loudly at the universe with all the subtlety of an Unskilled energy elementalist and the meticulous attention to and repetition of excruciating detail of a lawyer. This forces Reality to acknowledge it, and so forces the Stranger to become Vulnerable.
[1x] And the instant the Stranger becomes vulnerable, I use Blood on them, yoinking their charges...
[1x + any charge overfill from the use of Blood] Before they have a chance to respond to all this, I use the latent remnants of Time Energies around the Clockwork Carver, accelerating myself. Cloaked in the pieces of thgiL that I kept around myself, I dash closer to them and arrive less then a meter away in a moment. With precision, one hand of the Biosuit rips forwards, glowing weakly with the action power being channeled through it, and grabs the Soul Stone. It doesn't matter how the Stranger holds it; The repeated light-based universal knowledge of Every Inane Detail about the Stone hasn't ended yet. Even if it's embeded into the Strangers Body, A swirl of Vintage magic destroys its way into it... oh, good, that seems to have tired their influence out for the round... ahem, uh, the magic is around my grasping hand, vibrant octarine and violet light a short distance from my skin, but there's no way to describe how the destruction happens; the things within reach are simply Gone, leaving only purple lightning dancing over the edge of the material left behind. My fingers snag the Soul Stone, then yank it away from the Stranger and into my Suit, to the true body within.

SUMMARY1: Using the Light Special, 10 Charges, and Zeyrons help,I force vulnerability by nulling the Precognition (via the inverted Light special), then repeatedly pointing out to reality that the stone is in the strangers hand and so they should be vulnerable. Then, I use Blood to siphon as many charges as I can in the window of vulnerability, before proceeding to steal the Soul Stone from them.

[Bonus: I slot the concept bundle 'Concepts of Ice-Stasis-Electricity-Cannon-power' into the Base slot. That's the concept-bundle used to make the CCCC, by the way.]

[CGOC ACTION 1] ...In case you're wondering about why His influence is popping up again, well, controlling two bodies isn't easy. I can manage it, but if one of the bodies has a natural inhabitant fighting back... It's not even about raw force, I just can't dedicate enough focus to it. Anyway... I don't alert the Janitor. forming an Aether construct within my cakey flesh- something established back in the Thanos Fight- I passive-scan the entire complex for the Hilt of the CCCC, just to make sure as to whether it's there.
[CGOC ACTION 2] Hm. I can't do much visibly without bringing attention... I conjure a Cake Polyp. It's actually a very complicated organism, but it looks exactly like the Cake Residue you would expect to be left behind on the ground after a Cake splorshes along it without any platter below. I'm quite capable not to use any Reality-Warping on it directly; the substance of the Polyp is a mixture of pure mundanity, and the instability of the natural laws of a particular set of pocket dimensions/planes/subverses/i don't know the term known as 'The Warp' obtained via self-sustaining microgates. Assuming the Stranger hasn't investigated those particular places, the Polyp's nature should be opaque to them, giving it the ability to quietly spread throughout the base until it reaches its fruiting stage and starts conjuring hordes of disposable purpose-made cake soldiers.
[CGOC ACTION 3] Of course, I'm not confident the Stranger Hasn't Investigated the Warp, so I spend This action conjuring a different, albeit quite similar conceptually, threat. X(A/N)th -ian magic is very bizarre and oft' inconsistent, But even so, and even with the obscurity of it, I can't be confident it isn't something the Stranger knows about. I Can be sure they don't know about the Higher Energy of the Genesis System: Concealment. And the reason I can be sure about that is that the Genesis's Higher Energies are unique to each user, conforming to their own conceptions. Using the Higher Energy: Concealment, I Conceal my second creation, X(A/N)th magic powered. It is known as the Brain Cakeral. Its intellect is middling, but will grow vast as its spreads; its power, or Talent, is to nudge by seeming chance events according to its desire while concealing that anything is amiss at all. Its appearance is undetectable; Not only does its Talent give it an implicit mildly antimemetic nature, in a way not susceptible to Mnesthetic medication due to its manipulation of external chance, but the Higher Energy of Concealment contains all relevant energy signatures insofar as this is possible; the only visible sign of its presence will be the absence of whatever the Cakeral consumes for its growth. And, of course, if the Cakeral reaches sufficient levels of power, it will be able to use its excess X(A/N)thian magic to create creatures such as Will o'wisps, Golems, or the dreaded 'Wiggles', to serve it... Well, that's quite far off in any case. I leave the Cakeral to its own devices for the moment.

SUMMARY2: I scan for the CCCC's Handle, then conjure two very subtle infestations to cause the Stranger all sorts of trouble if he doesn't deal with them, one only detectable if the stranger has investigated Ravager territory and Marconen, and the other only detectable if they've investigated Xanth, the Genesis System, and achieved a complete comprehension of all or nearly all human or Cake-comprehensible concepts including the blatantly false ones.

Entity Orders: Repair drone repairs the void viii+i. other drones attack the jet or whatnot as relevant. The Facility sends another like, 5 drones in as reinforcements.

The Fourth Praetor bobs his head up and down. "MAD SCIENCE? I LOVE MAD SCIENCE!!" he lowers his voice. "Can i… can i help?"

As the Tu'ranath Drone approaches the Master Gish, they politely decline, but you do receive the rest of your desired samples. All your Drones will return to the lab with the samples they've received.

Opening a Portal to Zeyron with the Spaced Out Headband, he agrees to create a Distorted Duplicate of your Light-sphere by Awakening Discount Disparem, which you use to nullify his precognition, taking out his SHp. Boosted with the power of Light, you affirm to the world again and again that he is holding the Soul Stone, battering away at his vulnerability.

The Stranger takes a step towards you, golden light dripping from his palms. Fading into view, Karpinsky locks him with a Full Nelson.

"The mission's gone belly up, hasn't it? I need to regroup, plan things out. Consider this my farewell gift: Suit, Decima Protocol." 20 Charge expended. In a flash of light, Karpinsky and his equipment disintegrates away, leaving behind nothing but his skeleton. A strange power radiates from Karpinsky's bones, affecting all powers. The Stranger falls to the ground, vulnerable.

Activating Blood, you transfuse Charge from the Stranger to yourself. As it courses through the Biosuit and into your body, a scream echoes through your mind. Was that… Ishmael? 15 Charge gained. 30 Charge taken. Blood Power revoked.

You attempt to take the Soul Stone from The Stranger, but what was supposed to be a Vintage disintegration instead turns into an awkward grapple.

CGOC searches for the CCCC. It isn't present in the facility. They then create the Cake Polyp and Brain Cakeral.

5 more Drones added. Entities Ordered.
Me -> Retcon the GORILLA out of what was previously here.

At first, there was nothing in that particular space. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, I am here... with a strangely aware glance around me, almost as if able to see beyond the standard veil of reality here.

I consider my approach. If I enforce too many rules on this battle or their workspace, I could disrupt the battle through a lengthy conversation. That could prove disastrous to... well, a lot.

I guess I'll just be cautious while laying down a few base rules for my existence here - ones that shouldn't harm any overlying structures of this battle, anyways. Here goes.

1 - I am not in this place to fight... yet. I'm here to observe and figure out this Arbiter figure, mainly. They seem interesting.
2 - Does Neutral exist as an alignment on this field here? If so I'm that for now.
3 - Depending on the need of the situation, my presence is very subject to change.

Finally, I'll... uh, I guess I'll save up a charge, assuming those exist, and inexplicably wave directly at the Arbiter's camera thing through which they are viewing us.
Hello? You can clearly hear me. Welcome.

((For a variety of reasons, Neutral does not exist on this battlefield. It's AG or bust.))
"Arbiter? Navigator? Hm, I suppose it doesn't matter what you call yourself, so long as your intent is not malicious. If you are indeed present to provide guidance and support, then tell me, Arbiter, what should I be doing now?"
...Alright. Deep breath.

The Godmodder intends to reach Indalo Station, capital of the greatest multiversal Empire in the Void. One of her partners, the Third Praetorian is attacking the universe of a fellow ally, and we are currently hoping to repel his invasion. Reach the top of Mount Celestia, and stop him before he destroys the Throne of The Gods.
S.H. widens his eyes at the sudden appearance of this... army.

S.H.: Well, time to put this rod to good use.

S.H. picks up his metal rod and drives it through the Observation Drones like a railroad spike.
You destroy the rest of the Observation Drones. Rust in Pieces.
"Sniping Heaven Bird. Pierce the layers and reveal if the foe is borrowing the accursed way. (I'm sorry, Lord Altrin has taken the gamepiece.)"
The nedben, having no patience for walking over there, fires off a bird of light, which proceeds to zigzag around at lightspeed and burrows into P3's armor once it finally gets up there (after compensation for dodge, of course: it can just fly around and try again repeatedly if it keeps missing), contaminating it with formless armor-reducing curses and maidenly oaths of dispelling and counter-integrity. If nothing else, we might as well make it easier for others to shoot them down while we're busy fighting our way over.

As a bonus action, this is also a scan (by means of very aggressive decomposition analysis). What defense package is the Third Praetorian running? Might as well get them known quickly and countermeasures prepared.
Streaking directly towards the P3 in a beeline, or rather a birdline? Anyhow. It abruptly arcs around him before recontinuing in a straight line past his back. Turning around, it reacquires him as a target, only to be forced to curve around him again. Unable to strike him, it loops around him like a halo, analyzing his defenses in particular.

[PG] The Third Praetorian. 70/70 Hp. 15 Armour. Elevation: 7.
???: ???
Siderium: Armour primarily composed of unique non-alchemical, yet conceptually imposed iron. Cannot be affected by Eidokinesis. Takes over electronic devices brought into immediate proximity.
Sol Messiah: Divine Manipulation of Light. In addition, rolls twice to determine accuracy in his favour. Attackers roll twice to determine dodge in their favour.

Nerà gates Astrec back to Celestia at the location of their choosing.

"I am certain Tiamat will allow an exception for the Lord of her domain in Hell, the God Boccob. And myself, of course. We come with urgent information that Tiamat must hear in order to save our universe from utter annihilation, something I know none here want and so none of you will delay us."

Full Round Action: Mount Celestia trembles with Divine energies, as the collective force of thousands of mortals whose power is derived from the Throne grant it their energy, allowing for an explosion of divine magic to burst from the seat of the gods, devastating the PG forces.

Auma channels a spell through the Swisarmyknifemodder, making the whole AG side Light (heh). Any AG can perform a Bonus Actions' worth of ascent with a mere Free Action. Auma fires a Star at the Experi-mentals.
The two Giants capable of flight soar upwards, with the Cloud Giant casting their support spell on the Experi-mentals while the Storm Giant uses their special on the enemy horde. Both Chuck rocks at the horde as well.
The Stone Giants and T-Rex charge the Experi-mentals, attacking them with all their strength.
The Divine Soul heals the Storm Giant, and then soars upwards on angelic wings.
Iron Golem 1 is teleported back to Celestia's base, spewing it's poison onto the enemy horde, rendering them extra vulnerable to magical attack.
The Dracoliches and Heavenly Host ascend and, along with the elevated Epic Wizards, all rain various forms of magical devastation onto the Downwards Defense Grid.
The two Iron Gears pick up a Hekatonkhier and toss it down onto the Unmanned Ray below.
Piloted by the ace daughter of Nerà, 7th of the Neranyëphim, named only G by her father (though Gloria Phi-Nerà by herself), The 4th Talos (Talons is plural of Talos) manifests a sword of bonedust, held together by a field of necrotic energies that animates it to vibrate at an impeccably high speed. Swinging the Gargantuan Bonesaw, the 4th Talos cuts into the two Heratonkhiers remaining at her elevation.
The Gish recognizes you, and bows. "Greetings, Lord Neranyë. The Queen is aware of recent events, and has accordingly taken them into consideration. If you have anything else you wish to say, speak now. The Queen is listening."

Mount Celestia erupts with a massive column of Ether, striking the Third Praetorian right in the face.
10 Damage.

The blast cracks his mask, and causes him to shed a layer of his armour. "Oh. It's on."
((At this current moment, attacking everything with your powers wouldn't be able to pierce the AC of anything, making it practically useless, sooo...))

Entities Ordered!
Astrec looks through the portal, Ascended eyes analyzing the situation.

"The Prince is out of my reach. We'll have to.. fight our way up to him. Let me get a disguise."
Astrec expends a charge of Body, transforming himself into.. Karpinsky. Then he reaches up and grasps the air, a capsule summoned to his hand. Kneeling, he cracks it open, and from it pours a couple hundred nanomachines. They curl around him, and with a infusion of 10 CP to give this attack power, they begin to duplicate, thousands of nanomachines forming armor around Karp!Astrec as he steps through the portal. The horde forms floating stairs as Astrec joins the fray, carrying him up, then forming rockets on his armor. Astrec leaps up and jets towards the Wall. As he does so, he forms a mask over his disguised face, changing his voice to that of Karp.
"Iron Prince! I've.. come for you. Do not hide behind your armies! Come down and face us."
He freezes in front of the Wall, and fires the nanomachines forward, commanding the swarm to eat away at the wall.
Pink fire engulfs your face, transforming you into a physical copy of Karpinsky! Getting up to the wall, your nanomachines clash against those of the Prince's, annihalating each other! 225k damage to the wall!

From far above, the Prince laughs. "Not this time." he spreads his arms wide open. "This is my strength. Show me yours."

The Throne of The Gods casts Energy Substitution Meteor Swarm, aiming all 4 shots directly upon the Prince. Conjured spheres of frozen stone uselessly explode against his armour into sub-zero temperatures. That attempt useless, it sends two bolts of Positive and Negative energy towards the Heavenly Host and Skeleton Armies respectively, bolstering their numbers by 150k and 300k.

Turning his attention towards the lower battlefield, he takes a closer look at Karpinsky. Seven miniature suns grow into existence around the Third Praetor's head, his own Crown of Stars. With a flick of his hand, he sends them flying forwards to explode into globs of plasma around them, perfect mediums for Fire Elementals to manifest through. Directing the Lucrehulk's turbolasers, he takes potshots upon the AG forces. 1 Epic Wizard downed with a critical hit. 20 Damage to the other 3. 250k to the Heavenly Host. Acting with coordination, an Attack ship fires on the Talos of Nerà, only for their Hard-Light Projection-shaft to bounce off. As such, the rest reacquire their sights to target an Iron Gear instead. With 2 Critical hits, they deal 115k damage, heavily mitigated from the Golem's very well-crafted armour plating. The Carriers pelt a Skyfortress with railgun slugs for 200k, at the same time releasing a swarm of drone-fighters from the bottom of their hulls. Said Skyfortress makes Morale, and rains countless Adamantine-tipped arrows upon the Experi-Mentals for 230k, while their partner casts Dust Devil Angel, a kicking up a monstrous whirlwind of Celestial Soil that knocks a Carrier down a level, making them take 50k damage in the process.

Their blades too weak, the Hundred-Handed ones instead lift chunks of Heavenly Marble from the slopes of the mountain, using it to crush the Talos of Nerà for 132 total damage. In response, the Talos slices into two of the Hekatonkhieres for 26 Damage each, while the Iron Gears toss the Third down a level into the Unmanned Ray, the two of them taking 6 and 35k damage respectively.

Staggering from the throw, the Unmanned Ray rapidly reacquires it's balance before releasing a salvo of missiles. 10 Damage to 5 Dracoliches, 15 Damage to 2 others, 150k damage to the Heavenly Host.

The Downwards Defense Grid whirrs to life, 10 stationary monocular turrets evaluating their best course of action. Taking aim with Dark Matter Cannons, two slightly patch up the wall, adding 150k, three fire upon the Heavenly Host for 225k, another blasts away at the Skeleton Horde for 75k, and with great difficulty, the remaining four shoot at A'tuin, forcing their leave from the battlefield.

The Experi-Mentals tear away at the Skeleton Horde for 770k Damage, while the Skeleton Horde retaliates by dealing 205k damage of their own. Harkener takes a moment to recover from his previous exertion, gasping for breath. Auma's spell allows for all allies to to ascend one level once per round for free. A massive display of magic, it ripples across the entire plane. Then, he flicks one of his stars at the Experi-Mentals to deal 50k damage.

Rising, up, the Storm and Cloud Giants throw a Thunderbolt and Boulder at the Experi-mentals, boxing them in with fogbanks. The Divine Soul follows them, raising the Storm Giant's Hp up to a neat 100k. The Stone Giants and Tyrannosaurus charge forwards, attacking the Experi-mentals as well. Finally, the Iron Golem blasts a Glibglobink Shell at the horde, weakening them to the effects of magic. In total, they deal an absolutely incredible 465k to the horde.

Taking advantage of Auma's spell, the Dracoliches and Heavenly Host both move up a level and attack the Defense Grid together with the Epic Wizards. The First Wizard casts Crown of Stars, collectively granting the Heavenly Host 7. The Second Wizard casts Earthquake, dealing 30k to every turret in the Downwards Defense Grid. The Third Wizard casts Thunder Step on all the Allied Forces in the Third Layer. In doing so, they generate a massive Sonic Boom, dealing another 80k damage to the Downwards Defense Grid. Now on the Fourth Layer, the Heavenly Host easily finishes all of them off.

The Githyanki remain at ease, waiting for Nera to speak.

"Do͋ͥ̎̃͠ ͌ͣ̀̾̓̎ÿͪŏ̌ͦ̔ͤū ͊͋̊̐̾͋ͯr͑̅ͤ̉eͦͦ̐ͧ͐̽q͂͘ûͥ̊i̢̒͐̍re̅ͮ ̋̄̒̿ͭ́p̡ͯͮ͋ͮͣͤͭṙ͛͌̾̆o͐̄̕o̿f̒̓ ̵̋̑ͦ͊ͩo̍̇͗̌fͥͦͪ̒ ̸̔́̽̅͊ͧ̀m̉̿͊yͮ̒̇ͩ ̑̓̅͑ȧ̵ͪ̂ͣt͌̂ͣ̏̑͛t̡͂́͐ͪͬeͧ̄̓n̄ͮ͛̈ͪ͠t̿̊ͭ̆̒͘ȉ̡̉̄o͂̀͊ͬ̋͑̓n͐͗̓̎̒͆͢?̡́̈͊̋͑ͮ "
"Will this suffice?"
"I hear through the salt of your sweat and tears."
"Speak quickly."
"O̭r̙̞̝̬̮̘̘͘ ̰͓̗͚̪̦ń̳͖͚̯̘̘ͅo̩̟͎̱̯̞t͇͝ ̵̫͉à̮̬̲͈t̙̩͚̟̖̲ ̦͍̯̠̣̣̝a̤̲̺̯͈̫̯l̡͙͍̮l̵͕͙̖͇̪̹̤.̖̖̕"

Breathing heavily, the Stranger grapples JOE with a toothbrush in hand. He drags its bristles across the Biosuit, cleaving through everything that isn't flesh, cutting away at the armour it's built up. Biosuit Armour reset to 0. Stock Nanoplate destroyed.

"Damn you, damn Karpinsky and his fucking makeshift reality anchor made from his own corpse. Damn Karpinsky again for finding this place, thinking he can just barge in and do whatever he wants. Damn you again, because you might actually succeed. I should be in control here. I! The Chemist! O5-32! I AM IN CONTROL HERE! ME!"

Harrier Jets shoot down the Drones, but JOE's summoned even more.

"HOW MANY FUCKING DRONES DO YOU HAVE!? You know what? It doesn't matter. ACTIVATE ON-SITE WARHEAD. Think you can survive this? I don't think so."


Up in space, the Repair Drones restore another 50k Hp to the Void VIII+I, uncloaked and in near-earth orbit. In the distance, a Planetary Defense Destroyer approaches the craft.

Stop Alethea!
Stop The Invasion:
  1. Defeat the Third Praetorian!
    1. Face him personally!
    2. Destroy the Lucrehulk!
      1. Reach Elevation 7!
    3. Protect the Talon of Nerà!
Foundation + CakeQuest:
  1. Locate The Foundation?
  2. ???
Current Godmodder Hp: 48
Laboratory Link: Available for all! Need to figure stuff out actually

The Void: Neutral Ground.
FIELD EFFECT: Sancturary: Nobody may attack any other.

[GM] The Godmodder. 48/80 Hp.

Elemental Plane of Oblivion.
FIELD EFFECT: Oblivion. ???.

[PG] Godmodder Avatar. 1/1 Hp.

[AG] Smirk. 25/25 Charge. Has created a Metal Staff.
[A] Nanosuit. Defense Mode: +5 AC. Durability: 2. Worn!

Advantage: [Contested]
Heaven: Mount Celestia.
FIELD EFFECT: Elevation. +5% Dodge/Accuracy per Elevation! Positive-Dominant! Organic Creatures recover 20,000 Hp per round!
Forge: [Base: ][Lens: ][Connector: ][Variety: ][Magnitude: ]
AG Morale: 100%

[CEL][BOSS] Chronias, Throne of The Gods. 133/133 Hp. 13 Armour. 26 Regen. Elevation: 7.
[PG] The Third Praetorian. 60/60 Hp. 12 Armour. Elevation: 7.
[PG][BOSS] Lucrehulk Carrier. 1,150,000/1,150,000 Hp. 20,000 Armour. 150,000 SHP. Elevation: 7.

[PG] Attack Ships. 100,000/100,000 Hp. x12. Elevation: 7.

[PG][ELITE] Carrier. 300,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Flying! Elevation: 6.
[PG] Fighter Wing. 100,000 Hp. Horde!
[CEL][ELITE] Skyfortress. 450,000/450,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. Flying! Elevation: 6.
[CEL][ELITE] Skyfortress. 275,000/450,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. Flying! Elevation: 6.

[CEL] Dust-Angel. Moves an entity downwards. Rounds Remaining: 3!
[PG][ELITE] Carrier. 250,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Flying! Elevation: 5.
[PG][ELITE] Hekatonkhieres. 54/80 Hp. 4 AC. 10 Regen. Elevation: 5. x2.
[CEL][ELITE] Iron Gear. 300,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Elevation: 5.
[CEL][ELITE] Iron Gear. 185,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Elevation: 5.
[CEL][BOSS] Talos of Nerà. 48/160 Hp. 6 Armour. 20 Regen. Elevation: 5.

[PG][ELITE] Hekatonkhieres. 74/80 Hp. 4 AC. 10 Regen. Elevation: 4.
[PG][ELITE] Unmanned Ray. 765,000/800,000 Hp. 15,000 AC. Elevation: 4.

[CEL] Epic Wizard. 5/25 Hp. Elevation: 4. x3.
[CEL] Dracolich. 21/31 Hp. Elevation: 3. x5.
[CEL] Dracolich. 16/31 Hp. Elevation: 3. x2.
[CEL] Heavenly Host. 275,000 Hp. Horde. Elevation: 2.

[PG] Downwards Defense Grid. -12,500/125,000 Hp. x10. Elevation: 3.

[PG] The Wall. 275,000 Hp. Elevation: 2.
[PG] Fire Elementals. 50,000/50,000 Hp. x7.
[AG-TOG] Storm Giant 2. 100,000/175,000 Hp. 5,000 Armour. Thunderbolt: 1/5. Elevation: 2.
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Cloud Giant General. 145,000/150,000 Hp. Invisibility: 50% Dodge. Flying! Elevation: 2.
[AG-TOG] Divine Soul, Minor. 20,000/20,000 Hp. Elevation: 2.
[AG] Astrec. 656 Charge. Vulnerable! [A] The Godarm. Oblivion Buster: Active! [A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [IIIIII]. MIND: [IIIIII]. SOUL: [IIIIII]. Elevation: 2. [A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 1.

[PG] Experi-Mentals. 100,000 Hp. Horde. Elevation: 1.
[CEL] Skeleton Horde. 205,000 Hp. Horde. Elevation: 1.
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 2/3. Backdoor! Elevation: 1.
[PG] Observation Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Rift: 2/3. x2. Elevation: 1.

[???] Harkener, The Newcomer. 2/40 Charge. Petrify: 6/6. Elevation: 1.
[AG-S.H.] A'Tuin, Protector Of The Weak. 250,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. Protecting all below! Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG][ELITE] Auma. 70/70 Hp. Crown of Stars: 5 Remaining! Elevation: 1.
[A] Necklace of Auma. +15,000 Attack. Supplying an Intellect. Worn!
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack. Worn!
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. Worn!
[AG-TOG] Stone Giant Warrior. 60,000/95,000 Hp. Morale Made! Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Stone Giant Warrior. 20,000/95,000 Hp. Morale Made! Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Tyrannosaurus Rex. 55,000/60,000 Hp. Elevation: 1.
[AG-TOG] Iron Golem 1. 180,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 1/3. Immune to Magic.
[AG-Astrec] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3. Elevation: 1.
[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter. Elevation: 1.
[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp.
[AG] Nedben. 2/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] Lusiix. 25/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] Sky High. 2/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] iguessimherenow. 25/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.
[AG] Jaggerain. 22/25 Charge. Elevation: 1.

Elemental Plane of Fire: Secure Location.
Field Effect: Pretty obvious, isn't it? 20,000 Fire Damage per round.

[AG][ELITE] Iron Gear. 287,000/800,000 Hp. 10,000 AC. Immune to Magic! Antimagic Field.
[AG-TOG] Iron Golem 2. 133,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 3/3. Immune to Magic!

Astral Plane: Tu'narath, Tiamat's Palace.

[???][ELITE] Adult Red Dragon. 40/40 Hp. 2 Armour. Breath: 2/2.
[???] Master Gish. 20/20 Hp. 3 Armour.
[???] Captain. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x3
[???] Gish. 35,000/35,000 Hp. x5.
[???] Githyanki Soldier. 5,000/5,000. x45.

[BOC][BOSS] Boccob. 85/85 Hp. 8 AC. Foresight: +30% Dodge and Accuracy. Starmantle: Destroys nonmagical weapons. Artifact Damage halved. Kinetic Control: Absorbs melee attacks. 0/150. Spell Reflection: Self-Explanatory. Reflects Magic! Ironguard: Immune to metal attacks! Mind Blank: Immune to Psychic attacks! Freedom: Dodge and Accuracy cannot be lowered below 100%! Justice of The Wyrm King: 35,000 Damage to anyone attacking in Melee! Shapechange: Hoo Boy this is going to be wild.
[BOC] Boccob's Familiar. 40/40 Hp. 5 AC. Bodyguarding Boccob! Immune to Magic.
[BOC] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3.
[BOC] Horn Devil. x2. -10 Dodge.
[BOC] Barbed Devil. x3. -10 Dodge.

[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x3.
[AG] Nerà. 16/25 Charge. [A] Ebony Staff: Active!

Godmodder Biosphere.
Advantage: [HEAVY PG]
Weather: Sunny. Baseball.
Terrain: Diamond. Baseball.

[PG] The Fourth Praetorian. 90/90 Charge. Invulnerable! [A] Baseball Bat.
[PG] Megatron. 20/20 Hp. 4 Armour. Fusion Cannon: 2/2. [A] Catcher's Mitt. x2.
[PG] Mithral Golem. 120,000/120,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Immune to Magic! [A] Catcher's Mitt.
[PG] Elder Fire Elemental. 64/64 Hp. 6 AC. [A] Catcher's Mitt. x2.
[PG] BOBeoj. 20/20 Pseudo-Charge. [A] Orange Lance. Space Energy Charges: 2. [A] Delirium Coronet. +33,000 Attack. [A] Architect's Cloak. +5 AC. Chronal Energy Charges: 5. [A] Hindsight Helmet. +35,000 Attack. Chronal Energy Charges: 2. [A] Descended Energy Charge: 1 [A] Catcher's Mitt.
[PG] Certsa. 20/20 Pseudo-Charge. [A] Red Scythes. x3. Chronal Energy Charges: 9. [A] Magma U. +11,000 Attack. [A] Swissarmyknifemodder. +30,000 Attack. [A] Single Void Glove. +35,000 Attack. 10% Dodge. [A] Cloudy Days. +16,000 Attack. [A] Bronze Sword-Charm. [A] The Ball.

[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp.

The Forest.
Morale: N/A.
Field Effect: Countdown: 2.

[???] "The Stranger"?. 15/80 Charge. Vulnerable! [A] The Soul Stone. Precognition: 50/50 SHp. Powers Disabled!
[???] Harrier Jet. 65,000/65,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. x6.
[???] Sculpture. 200,000/200,000 Hp. ???.

[N] Karpinsky Skeleton. 100,000/100,000 Hp. Disabling all Powers!

[AG-JOE] Void Drones. 20,000/30,000 Hp. x5.
[AG-JOE] Ice Drone. 10,000/50,000 Hp.

[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x5.
[AG] Karpinsky. 20/25 Charge. Vulnerable!
[A] Armour of Savitar. +10,000 Power. +3 AC. +6 SHP. Durability: 3. Worn!
[A] One-Size-Fits-All-Stealthsuit. +4 SHP. Durability: 1. Worn!
[A] Marzanna's Sight. +26,000 Power. 3 ACpierce. Durability: 2.
[A] The Blizzard Blaster. +30,000 Power. +30% Accuracy. Durability: 4.

[AG] JOE. 28/25 Charge. Vulnerable! Powers Disabled!
[A] Amalgamation Biosuit. 26/40 Hp. 4 Regen. 7 AC. Blood: 1/2. Light: 1/3. Oblivion: 2/5. Godmod: 11/11. Worn!
[A] Stock Nanoplate. +5 AC. +5,000 Power. Durability: 1. Worn!
[A] Heavenly Nanogauntlet. +35,000 Power. +2 AC. Durability: 1. Worn!
[A] Prism Blade. +28,000 Power. Durability: 2.
[A] Eternity's Eradicator. +23,000 Power. Durability: 1
[A] Clockwork Carver. +7,000 Attack. Durability: 2
[A] Spaced Out Headband. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 2
[A] Structurally Sound Red Matter Katana. +26,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Circadian Circuitbreaker. +35,000 Attack. Durability: 2.

Inside Facility:

[???] Janitor. 5/5 Hp. Unaware.

[AG-JOE] CGOC. 20/20 Hp.


[???][ELITE] Destroyer. 150,000/150,000 Hp. 10,000 Armour. 50,000 SHp.

[AG-JOE][ELITE] Void VIII + I. 175,000/300,000 Hp. Create: 3/3. Drones available: 0. Missiles Available: 0.
[AG-JOE] Repair Drone. 20,000/50,000 Hp. x2
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[0x] The Drone send to the Biosphere replies "Well, I can't think of any reason not, so sure!"
"At the moment, I'm collecting samples from everything that looks interestingly powerful. Got any ideas about samples I wouldn't already know of?"
It then does the drone equivalent of glancing towards Certsa- probably tilting the angle of its camera, or something- and continues...
"Say, the ordinary Astrec is a highly destructive accident-fueled menace who accidentally stumbled into some kind of sacrificial contract. I think that means Certsa is a highly Constructive, deliberate and precise beneficial person who will probably intentionally seek out large quantities of small-scale mutually beneficial arrangements."
"What say we try to get them to help too?"

[1x] Well, luckily, I'm currently inside a biosuit in excellent physical condition and with great genes, which is itself wearing a nanotechnological non-"power" gauntlet, and also some alchemies which are has several useful weapons which I don't need reality warping to conjure, so obviously, I will succeed in the awkward, power-free grapple. I do so, stabbing the Stranger a.k.a The Chemist a few times in the neck and legs, and then yoinking the stone, before running away to a safe, power-active distance. Other factors in my favour are my years of practicing swordplay for the Time Being fight, which mean I'm, uh. Really really good at swords, something I doubt the Chemist has done; The Chemist's obviously unstable mental state; and my smaller propensity to rely openly on reality warping nonsense.
If necessary I expend up to 13 Charges to do this.
[1x] As soon as I reach 'powers are functional' Range, this being before the Chemist does because I stabbed them in the legs while we were grappling, I use my Organ to rip up chunks of dirt, of earth and soil from all around me and throw them into the powers-free field, all with easily enough force to send a power-free stranger tumbling into the centre and keep him trapped- as long as the dampening is in effect, anyway. As soon as I throw the dirt and soil, they're entirely mundane rocks, from an entirely mundane source, continuing on their trajectory for entirely mundane reasons. I doubt I can actually Kill the guy, power dampening or no, but keeping a kinda-mundane human trapped beneath rock for, what, a few minutes? That's easy. And, I mean, they might have mundane tech to help them, but it won't be Easy for them to access beneath all the rocks... hm. I make sure to play loud music, too, to keep any voice-activated stuff from working for a little. That should hold them down some. Sure, they did Something with the toothbrush, but they're clearly still being quite limited.
I yell in their general direction as I do this stuff:
"Wow, your arrogance evaporated quickly. and wasn't the only "O5" with more then one digit in their number Mr. Lie? But more importantly..."
"Don't you realise nukes are extremely uncreative?"
and anyway you... nghhh
... brought this on yourself."
[1x] I then slip open an eye on the back of my head, and turn away from the rubble and dirt I buried The 'Chemist' in. If the Site's going to be detonated, I might as well grab what I can, While i can, yes? But I'm not exactly well positioned to do so. So instead, I form a link between this body and the CGOC body, allowing one to create a portal to the other with ease, then jump straight up into the air to get well away from this place. Absently, I copy myself a few times with the soulstone for the extra thinking-capacity.

Entity Orders: Void VIII+I is to create a 'facsimile drone'- a drone which cloaks the Void VIII+I and pretends to be the Void VIII+I itself- and run. There's no point in combat here.
If I seem to need help grappling for the soul stone, the drones fire lasers with their inbuilt radiation guns, or something, at the Chemist to help me.

[CGOC 1] I take a moment to add phasing defences to the Cake Polyp and Brain Cakeral, letting them shift into a different layer of reality for a few minutes... or hours... once the Warhead goes off.
[CGOC 2] Next up, I cast a modified version of the arcane eye spell- one where there is no visible sign of the spell, and the vision capabilities are expanded into the energetic- and use it to take a look through every room in the vicinity for anything useful. I imagine there's a fair bit of Stuff I can take here.
[CGOC 3] I then pull on the Link to the prime body, and simultanously grab everything of value in sight (of my arcane eye search earlier). Faster then a Janitor can reasonably respond to, I take a firm telekinetic grasp on each object, then Pull them in at the same time as I rip open a portal to remove each such object from these premises. Additionally, if I happen to sense anything else created by the descended powers of Celstus instead of the Chemist in the area, I grab that too, as well as grabbing the Heart of MEKHANE if it's in the area. If I don't get the Heart, or I don't get the partially-completed Voidship I was started on, I don't leave this round, otherwise I do so through the portal.
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The nedben lifts their space helmet visor to reveal the humanlike face beneath just a little, and blows away a handful of conjured powder into a strangely large cloud of rusting agents, some conceptually imposed and others chemically mundane but specifically iron-reactive. The cloud as a whole arcs past the chaos of the battlefield, again aiming to disrupt the Third Praetorian's armor through unwelcome reactions, and if it misses it will probably hit the ship they're standing on as a large target. The cloud's trajectory is controlled by will of reality warping, so we'll see if we can hit him or not past the evasion bonus.

It is once again a scan, this time merely the nedben watching as the Praetorian reacts to see if they counter or spend action, even if just to favorably dodge.

Agents dispersed, the nedben lowers their visor again and auto-ascends through a mix of the spell effect and non-artifact flight ring they've had since the first fight.
S.H. sheds a single tear at the loss of A'tuin.

S.H.: He was a friend, regardless of me not remembering him.

S.H. decides then to make good use of his metal rod once more. He leaps into the center of the Skeleton Army and drives it straight into the ground. He then picks up a nearby skeleton and bashes it against the rod, creating a horribly loud sound and causing nearby skeletons to fall apart.