DtG: Destroy the Godmodder (The Broken Masquerade)

After careful consideration, I can't allow Adam to unilaterally take Harkener or Astrec like this. That's a no from me.
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Panik is carleah/flaming flapjacks Ender_Smirk08/29/2020 "I would like to make a note in favor of giving Harkener a temporary reprieve given his swift aid during the crisis pertaining to the Dark God, both doing his best to slow the flow, and trying to bring as many to the field for aid as qui...

A giant rp happens with Astrec and more.

NOTE: This was done on discord and formatting 36 pages is a bit more then any of us want to do. Discord formatting should hopefully make it clear enough who's who and what's happening, even if it's a bit.. ugly. I reccomend you give this a read! It was very fun.
[Astrec] is this guy and normal Astrec is well, Astrec.

"..I'm sorry, Harkener. Really, I have nothing against you!"
Round 92
S. H. waits patiently. He hasn't a clue what to do next.
Vote. Make a decision!
"Vote how you will with regards to Pradis, as I am curious to see where we all stand. Know, all, that Astrec Phi-Nerà is my apprentice and will not be given up."

To Harkener, "If you have something to offer perhaps I can offer you safety in turn. If not then I apologize but it is not worth my alliance to protect you. I hope you will be alright in the end."

"Auma, watch the third Praetorian while he disarms the divine failsafe. I trust you'll know the protocol if it is disarmed successfully."

Nerull dreams.

Entities stand at the ready.
Harkener sighs. "I won't prove myself for anything from you. Consider me worthless."

...You vote to keep Astrec and let go of Harkener.
Auma will watch the Third Praetor disarm the Throne of Gods!
[1x] In the meeting, the drones did many things. For instance, they were used as impromptu truth-detectors, light sources, and pebbletopia-projectors.
One of them also made use of Fourth-dimensional photons, 'Supralight', in order to observe Mason's DNA and that of his hand, in addition to various Structure-based Affidavits to allow for more effective observation of Mason and... other people. This leaves aside the Jacobs Ladder program set to near-death thresholding, since it's not important; the important part is MOAR DNA!
[1x] I add some of my DNA too, and tell the drones to try to get a sample from DefJO too.
[1x] Alchemize the Parliament Stone and transport it to me.
[0x] Ezekiel! let's get to it! [All 48 RP is spent on starting the Cloning Project and the cloning itself]

Zeyron order: Use Discount Disperadem with ye special on DefJO!
{more post stuff to come, probably?}
You acquire a sample of Adam, DefJO and your own DNA, which you add to the DNA bank. In addition, you also acquire the Parliament Stone.

Zeyron ordered!

Adam glares at your suggestion to use the highly illegal S.A.F.E. to exchange Harkener for your completed Biosuit. Looks like that's a no, so you abstain from the vote.

[MSN] Adam Mason. 90/90 Charge.
The High King of Earth. Considers himself the modern-day Charlemagne.
Summon Paladin: Adam can freely call upon the assistance of his inner circle of peers.
JOE-Destroyer Chronoclast: Adam's attacks cause any Artifacts held by their target carrying Time Energy to lose their charge.

[A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [IIIIII]. SOUL: [IIIIII]. MIND: [IIIIII].
Identical to that of Astrec's, but blackened and on the opposite side. Has identical energy-signatures, their uses still not entirely clear.

[A] Uranium's Umbrage (Broken).
The sword used by Adam to repel the Combine from Earth, forged from depleted uranium by the finest smiths to his exacting specifications and shattered during his final push against the invaders. Despite being cast completely out of uranium, Adam insists on carrying around the hilt.
[6 charge expenditure] The Nedben lifts their visor and regurgitates some of their internal nanotechnology (with an extraneous anticonservation continuously-active raw material generator for provisioning, and some extra bionano to get around type restriction trickery) into a combination barf bag and bird feeder, then warps it to the MEKHANE reconstruction project where it can follow the templates and assist with rebuilding. It's not like he's using it himself right now, so.

You add 6 charge to Mekhane!
Smirk begins floating amongst the Void, trying to look for more recent fallen ships. He finds some, and begins to pull the still metal parts of it in towards himself, taking the various metals and making them into their liquid state, along with taking off his nanosuit, and putting it in with the metallic slurry. He then begins melding and merging them, pushing them together in such a way that they begin to form a single liquid piece of circuitry, and the metal begins to turn into a black colored mass, almost seeming to be composed of a singular mass of goo rather than a solid or a liquid, with bright green lines rushing through it. (25 CP and Nanosuit expended in making a Mechamorph, a creature whose potency is not personal, but rather than ability to fuse to any piece of technology, and enhance it in one way or another. Due to its amorphous nature, it can also function to repair a piece of technology if all or most of the pieces of it are present. It is, however, limited by its own size, and thus this one might be able to affect the size of roughly a single pilot fighter craft, (see any Interceptor type ship in Star Wars) and is also not able to enhance technology more advanced than itself, with it being somewhere around mid nanotech in its own tech level.)
Smirk also sends a hologram to the meeting to note that he believes Harkener should not be given up due to quick actions against the Dark God, and appearing to have no recollection of the crimes he is accused of, meaning he is likely from earlier in his personal timeline than the event, and thus punishing him for it is beyond pointless, and may in fact eventually be the eventual cause.
You don't actually find much metal in The Void. Most wrecks corrode into Voidstone very rapidly, with only Voidmetal fixtures left behind. Despite this, you gather enough to create a Mechamorph!

Oooh, Upgrade, right? Father told me stories of Ben 10 when I was little. It was one of the things he remembered from the Old World...
...I should probably watch the show at some point.

You vote for Harkener!
S. H., while waiting patiently, keels over and di - Wait, no, he's just asleep. Again.
Oh come on.
Someone, please deal with S.H.'s narcolepsy?
After careful consideration, I can't allow Adam to unilaterally take Harkener or Astrec like this. That's a no from me.
You vote for Astrec and Harkener.
Thank you.


Panik is carleah/flaming flapjacks Ender_Smirk08/29/2020 "I would like to make a note in favor of giving Harkener a temporary reprieve given his swift aid during the crisis pertaining to the Dark God, both doing his best to slow the flow, and trying to bring as many to the field for aid as qui...

A giant rp happens with Astrec and more.

NOTE: This was done on discord and formatting 36 pages is a bit more then any of us want to do. Discord formatting should hopefully make it clear enough who's who and what's happening, even if it's a bit.. ugly. I reccomend you give this a read! It was very fun.
[Astrec] is this guy and normal Astrec is well, Astrec.

"..I'm sorry, Harkener. Really, I have nothing against you!"
You vote against Harkener. He looks away from you.

The vote concludes with a 2-0 on Astrec, and a 2-2 for Harkener. It looks like you're going to keep Astrec, but remain undecided on Harkener.

"Hold up," Adam interrupts. "As founder of the Anti-Godmodders, I vote to give up Harkener."
"Why do you think you're all in red? This was my idea. I'll let go of my beef with Astrec, settle with what I can get. Two, Three, he comes to me."

This isn't right...Looks like that settles it. Atop his throne, Adam floats over and across the table, scattering pens and paper in his wake. The Third Praetor climbs onto the table. Walking to to the Anti-Godmodder side, he places himself in their Adam's way.

"This is an internal matter," Adam growls says, gripping the armrests of his throne. "Step aside."
"I know, I know," says the Third Praetorian. "I'm changing that." Keeping his eyes trained on Ra's Al-Ghul Adam Mason, he addresses Harkener The Ace of Spades. "Should you choose to accept it, my protection is yours."
Adam looks the Praetor his obstacle up and down. "You're not even at half-charge, you just destroyed your own ship and you just lost your Invincibility and Armor because of him. I know how to kill you. Why are you in my way?" Phantom gears swirl around his arms.
From within his labcoat, the Third Praetor produces a long black scabbard. Holding it like a sword, he points its hooked tip towards Adam. "You don't deserve to decide who has the right to live." In the palm of his other hand, The Power Stone crackles.

The two Descended stare each other down. The King stares down the Praetor. Harkener makes his choice. "I... Accept."
"Everyone, get back!" As Adam raises his sword, the Third Praetor launches a stream of force up into the sky.
Uranium's Umbrage begins to change shape. "Do you really think that'll work on me?" Adam sneers, but as he continues to move forwards, the blast comes down directly on his head, shattering the table and forcing Adam into the ground.
Backing away from the table with Harkener, The Third Praetor smiles. "You were saying?"
Regnum Dei's shields crackle into view: a spherical shell, completely encapsulating the throne. Moving into position, the Pro-Godmodder Ships form ranks in front of Adam as they fire at the Power Stone-stream. Swept up by its force, their projections, missiles and railgun rounds are bent along the same vector as the blast, sending them straight down to hit him.
A golden sphere rises from the cascade, pushing the force-stream away from itself. Dividing in half six times into spheres of equal size, it forms a second protective barrier around Adam. Transforming into giant golden trumpets, they band together, playing a rousing heroic song that harmonizes with the deep thrumming of the Power Stone. Suddenly, a beam of red light cuts through the Power Stone-stream at an angle. Refracted directly towards the Third Praetor, it forces him to change the direction of his blast to push it back.
Holding Uranium's Umbrage transformed into what appears to be a pipe, Adam and Regnum Dei rise from the rubble. As the beam pulses from Uranium's Umbrage to the sound of his voice, Adam echoes what his opponent had said just a moment prior.
"You were saying?"
Machine guns no doubt enhanced by Descendancy pop out from his throne, easily carving through five Attack Ships. Clenching his left fist, Adam's Hand of Judgement glows Magenta and Yellow, becoming-
Red. Encircling the Carrier, he brings it under his control. Convinces the carrier to join his side through words.

The cowards they are, The Third Praetor and Ace of Spades begin to retreat run away from [COLOR=red [S]Adam[/S][/COLOR] Justice towards the Throne of Gods. Show them no mercy.

Oh come on im trying to listen

Zeyron uses the boosted Discount Disparem to create an inversion of DefJO. A mechanical monstrosity steps out.

"01010000 01001100 01000101 01000001 01010011 01000101 00100000 01001110 01001111 00111100 01010100 01001000 01000001 01010100 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010011 00100000 01000001 00100000 01001101 01001001 01010011 01010100 01000001 01001011 01000101 00111110"

In the laboratory, the Repair Drones do further work on the Void VIII+I.

Can you see this? Adam has taken control of the Update Terminal and is redacting information unfavourable to him. Can you see the changes he's making? Be careful! I'll try to switch to a secure channel.

Everything is completely fine! I'm fine! There is nothing to worry about!

Stop Alethea!
...Stop The Invasion?:
Kill Harkener.
  1. ???
Foundation + CakeQuest:
  1. ???
Rebuild a Broken God?
  1. Charge Needed: 12/150!
Current Godmodder Hp: 48
Laboratory Link: Available for all! Need to figure stuff out actually

The Void: Neutral Ground.
FIELD EFFECT: Sancturary: Nobody may attack any other.

[GM] The Godmodder. 48/80 Hp.
[PG] The Fourth Praetorian. 90/90 Hp.
[PG] The Fifth Praetorian. 150/150 Hp. [A] The Rod. Absolute Control over Oblivion.

Moog Station: Streets.

[???] Piono. 30/30 Hp. [A] The Hammer. [A] The Trident. [A] Ultimatum. [A] Archangel.
[???] Crowd. 1/1 Hp. x100.

[AG] Smirk. 1/25 Charge. Has created a Metal Staff.
[AG-Smirk] Mechamorph. 150,000/150,000 Hp.
[A] Nanosuit. Defense Mode: +5 AC. Durability: 2. Worn!

Advantage: [Contested]
Mount Celestia.
Forge: [Base: Bun-Sized Necklace][Lens: Bun][Connector: Emergency Healer][Variety: Swissarmyknifemodder][Magnitude: Stationary Nuke] Actions Required: 0/10.

AG Morale: 69%
Blocks: Time, Temperature!

Elevation 7:
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack.

[IA] Abjurer Supreme: Denak. ??/?? Hp. Magically Invulnerable. 50% Spell resistance. Arcane Ward: 20/20 Hp. Regenerates 1d6+2 HP when Denak casts an Abjuration spell.
[IA] Enchanter Supreme: Auma Prime. 25/25 HP. Twinned Charms! Auma's Axiom: 1/2?. Instinctive Enchantment: 30% Dodge. [A] Hydra Medallion. x3.
[PG] The Third Praetorian. 32/70 Charge. 5 Ac. 50% Dodge. Vulnerable! [A] The Power Stone.
[PG] Attack Ships. 50,000/100,000 Hp. x13. Flying!
[PG] Attack Ships. 10,000/100,000 Hp. Flying!
[BOC] Dretch. 1/1 Hp.
[IA] Greater Fire Elemental. 120,000/120,000 Hp. x3.
[PG][AG][ELITE] Carrier. 240,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Flying!
[PG] Fighter Wing. 375,000 Hp. Horde!
[IA] Iron Golem. 180,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 3/3. Immune to Magic. x2.
[???][PG] Harkener, The Newcomer. 16/40 Charge. Petrify: 6/6.
[AG] Astrec. 363 Charge. Vulnerable!
[A] The Godarm. Oblivion Buster: 2/2.
[A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [IIIIII]. MIND: [IIIIII]. SOUL: [IIIIII].

[A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. Attack Power: 30,000.

[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter.
[AG-Astrec] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3. Flying!
[PG] The Second Praetorian. 80/80 Charge. 32 Ac. Opponent: []. [A] The Axe. Absolute control over Fire. Can Burn targets. Holding Gloria Phi-Nerà Elsewhere.
[IA][ELITE] Auma Gear. 800,000/800,000 Hp. 10,000 AC. Immune to Magic! [A] Necklace of Auma. Supplies Spells. Worn! [A] Rosary of the Infinite Eye.
[IA][ELITE] Cloud Giant General Nebelkind Momur. 30/30 Hp. Flying!

[PG] Attack Ships. 40,000/100,000 Hp.
[PG] Attack Ships. 20,000/100,000 Hp.

[PG] Attack Ships. 100,000/100,000 Hp. x8
[IA][BOSS] Talos of Nerà. 160/160 Hp. 6 Armour. 20 Regen.
[IA] Epic Wizard I. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC.
[IA] Epic Wizard II. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC.
[IA] Epic Wizard III. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC.
[IA] Lesser Fire Elemental. 15,000.
[AG-JOE] CGOC Proxy. 2/2 Hp.
[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x10
[MSN][AG] Adam Mason. 90/90 Charge Hp.
[A] Regnum Dei. 413/413 Hp. Shielding: ++++++++++ 100%.
[A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [I
[A] Uranium's Umbrage.

[???] DefJO??? ??/?? Hp. Wings: ??/?? Hp. x6!
[???] Distortion Elemental(Machine). ??/?? Hp.
[AG] Nedben. 2/25 Charge.
[AG] Lusiix. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Sky High. 8/25 Charge.
[AG] Jaggerain. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Nerà. 6/25 Charge. [A] Ebony Staff: Active!
[AG] Karpinsky. 6/25 Charge.

Firnimloth Window
Adam Approaching in: Now.

[IA][BOSS] Firnimloth Window. 1,350,000 Integrity. Wooden Shell: 300,000 Hp.[/COLOR]

[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Peace. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.
[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Freedom. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.
[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Justice. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.
[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Security. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.
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"By the way, you do realise that Harkeners position on S.A.F.E. transport was ambiguous with a negative tilt at worst, and that if he agrees to it that brings the vote to 3-3 again, which is a tie?"
"Hah, I'm just joshin' you. I know that would just be a pain, and it's not like I'm really AG, either. to have a leg to stand on, I'd have to bring out the other guy. Besides, a different vote wouldn't bring peace to this Mess."
"Say, if the AG side is red because you founded it, would you happen to have a blue-colored triplet called Dungkaka?"

Oh, yeah, updater, we can all see what he's doing, or at least I can. It's Blatant, like, Ridiculously blatant. imagine red lines which are just thick enough to be visible, but not thick enough to keep what's being replaced from being obvious.
>JacobsLadder Protocol Complete. Current Destination: Vport 2. integrity: 100% Redundancies: 3.

[x2]> Awaiting new commands.

>initiate Klick2.Ambient.Eka
>AmbientLayer2 Protocol Complete. Targets transferred: DesDesNode, SF. integrity: 100%.
> Awaiting new commands

>Booting DesNodeSys1680D.
> 20
> Node Active.

> initiate HaSFEsoGambitDen1.AI
>Gambit complete successfully

Alright, sorry you had to read through that. I figured, a good way to work around Interface Screw would be to make my methods initially so opaque others wouldn't know how to change them, but sufficiently specific that there aren't many explanations which can be fitted to them after the fact.
From the top! Jacobs Ladder is a ladder traditionally to heaven. in this case, it's basically a life-saving device to minimise casualties by removing the- not souls... - minds from bodies which would actually die, before death can occur. The present destination is drones aboard the Void VIII+I. 3 of the Drones did this... but that's not what this action was.
This action consisted of the creation of a 'DesDesNode', which is to say, a premade action delivery capsule with premade actions slotted into it, but two actions worth of power, Descended-Descended Node. It also serves as a relay node for information if necessary, which is where Node comes from.
One brick node then runs the 'AmbientLayer2 Protocol', which uses one of the Many Ambient Layers like the Aether and so on, to transport objects. In this case, it transfers the DesDesNode... and the Safe. Safe, SF. gotcha? Good. The thing is called 'Klick2' because of what a Klick device is, a device which consists of a box which may or may not be empty, and which is used as the focal point for a machine constructed entirely within ones mind, or in this case, ones computer. Eka is the sub-language necessary for a Klick Device.
After that part is done, the Brick Drone has transfered the DesDesNode and Safe to the premises, and the Fun can begin.
DesNodeSys1680D means the operating system used for Desnodes during this post, the 1680th in DtG: DtG.
it only goes up to 48 because binary and hexedecimal means 48 is written as 30/something else which is simpler then how they write 100.
the active Node then starts the gambit: HaSFEsoGambitDen1. the .AI indicates it's a somewhat adaptable program to run the Gambit.
Ha refers to Harkener. SF, once again, stands for Safe. Eso stands for Esoteric. Gambit is. Gambit. Den stands for Denied.
The Program is doing the Esoteric Harkener-Safe Gambit which was implicitly Denied. Because, as I am not an AG, I am not beholden to the vote. Also? Because it'll get me my sweet Biosuit ahead of schedule.
Now that I've given you an overview... back to the command line.
> Print GambLog.Txt
> The Following is the log of HaSFEsoGambitDen1. Although it is formatted in the present tense, by the time of printing, all events in the Log have been completed. Any updates will be queued until the printing is completed.

> "The Node appears above a Brick drone! slightly ahead, of course, so as not to be inside a wall. What is the Node? A pulsing Ball of nauseating Peat Yellow, Pink, and Grey. But you knew that already! The Node cloaks itself in the acceptable veneer of a floating head. yes, very acceptable. 'specially the blood. Anyway, it immediately arrives before Harkener and emits the following phrase by way of morse-code whispers encoding a video of dancing while saying it:
GET IN THE SAFEUHHHHyou'll probablythankmeforthislater.
While Harkener was busy decoding and/or hearing that phrase, the ball/node/face conjures a piece of paper on which is written:
This is a note for use in the SAFE to describe the desired return object. No object of greater or lower power will suffice. The object is as follows:
A completed and pristine Biomechanical suit which has a total of one arm per major sub-source for the DNA within it whos Genes cannot be co-expressed with other sources, with no soul located within it, but with the appropriate internal hollow to be piloted, not by a human or Descended, but by a Sentient, Sapient Cake-being with actions which serve as potent facsimiles of Descended Powers in their own right. DNA sources must include, but not be limited to, JOE Symbiote, Distorted Descendant, Godmodder, Pseudo-Godmodder, God-Tier of Light, Descended, A very large poisonous creature, Dancing Soldier, and Indigo Divide-crossing JOE. The Biomechanical Suit must also have been made using the descended powers of the JOE descended and the cake to pilot it, and bear their signatures.
In the present situation, this object is of greater value to the note writer then the descended being foisted into the SAFE. Since the entire conceit of the SAFE is that one can exchange presently unhelpful items for situationally more beneficial ones, this deal should be acceptable.

and in invisible ink: Also, if those who operates the SAFE are paying attention, I should note that Adam Mason aka Al Ghul aka Split is presently quite displeased with the descended aformentioned,so if you would just send them to the future....
The Face then transforms into a hand, which snaps its fingers. Immediately, the previously transported S.A.F.E. is transported again to enclose Harkener- and this note- within its bounds. Since Harkener has just been transferred to the 'PG' alignment, and I technically qualify as an AG, he goes after me in the turn order, preventing him from countering until already enclosed, and therafter he is already in Transit. Since Adam takes his actions in the EoTB, and is listed below me in the update and so on, he is also too slow. also because he's probably a bit... occupied. with everything else. Also, while Harkener could probably resist if he wanted to,
When the Biosuit comes out, a second run of the Klick2.Ambient.Eka program transports it to the Facility... with some help from what remains of the Node, of course."
[0x] when that's all said and done...
"HEY. Stop Fighting. It's Pointless."
"After all, Harkener just took a one-way trip to the Future. And before you ask why I did that- I got myself a sweet new suit out of it. It's not often you can get something worth a descended by trading away a liability!"
"...and whiny-face over here-"
(you get the distinct impression R!JOE gestured to his head, by punching himself in the face.)
"wouldn't shut up. I mean, they didn't say anything, but instinctive emotional reactions are a real dogs dinner."
"Adam, if you still want a go at them even though they'd vanish in minutes if you do nothing- once I trade for'm back I mean-
feel free. But let's pick a nice deserted planet out before it comes to that, eh?"
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No, that'd be too forward (and who are you targeting, anyway?). Gouge the intervention and kill. I see that the faction has been reclaimed. Exeunt and mobilize if we are not effective for vectors.
Acceptable. Acceptable. Updater, I have no particular like for the aureolin fuschine alterations. Selectivise thy intervention against allies and I will grant you an alternative movement.

Bercouli. Burning bone and icy frost, for this intercession I declare you have lost. I will kill the foundations and rise above God, if this is the answer I find in the sod. Hod lies observant, Netzach grows thin, what is this trickery divergent and flin?
"Had you simply declared that normally I might even have had no reason to leave, but I feel if there are unmitigated issues with presentation and better-late-than-never leadership decisions...I'm going to leave since I've already done nothing anyway." the Nedben leave-behind-message-soundgens to no-one in particular, its antecedent (non-)obvious as it has already backflipped at foreign angles to the dimensional space and exits the universe by following toward divination. Maybe he doesn't see himself as a member anymore and that's why he didn't bother voting?

[ *actually the faction tag snaps in two* ]
so, uh, if you're making us not AG what does that mean
I don't know, we'll figure it out later! that updater person seems to be suspiciously relevant but nobody's really taken the time to talk to her over more than what, explanation? i say we interrogate

Ah, #dd00ff and #0011ff, good to see you two again, and #5decff. You. Help me. I have no reason to. We abate our self-destruction and this self-destructive endeavor. Who are you guys supposed to be, anyway? Billy-Bob Chicago I can't see helping under any circumstance, and the magenta is really waffling on whether it should be Fleur Levy or not. Altrin, nobody's going to get that reference and if #0011ff is Akira Dimitrov that would be ridiculous.
I'm fine with ridiculous. Yeah we're all kind of ridiculous. Look, let's just be colornarratori for now and shut up.

An irritant slash created through the attack on tag, a nedben decides to put on summerwear and V for victory by diving through the narrative viewpoi- Ow! You just used me as a launchpad!

"Sorry!" the Nedben says, vaunting over himself to dive into the narration. He moves across translation barriers, sliding past Adam's textual dominion into the security of terminals.

>/reup task "Self Monitoring"
>/reup task "Suspicious Intervention Downloader"
>/download "frs.penitentGropagas.frs/downloads/Lyoko%20Mod%20Backup.exe"
>Running Recent Download
>EXECUTE: Lyoko Mod Backup.exe

Forcible data space imposition. Data jurisdiction translation engage. Should there not be a standardized code-anchored intrareality processor space for the Update Terminal to oh-so-conveniently hop into, the Nedben will hastily install an alternative foundation process via a calculation self-establishing reality marble and some other externalized realitycoding gimmicks.

He's going to visit a certain someone who has questions to answer, and if it was Adam he wouldn't have snapped and ran off. But that's not an immediate thing with defenses heavy as theirs. I'd recommend coming clean if you want this to work that way, and if you want it to work right you probably don't want to stop a friendly little visit, no? dude no that sounds way too intimidating didn't you just try and quit because of information coercion I declare hypocrisy one of my character traits. There, are you happy? oh shit he's a hypocrite we can't stop him now (actually we can we just don't want to) (did you not just vote to shut up?) (we can be the sassy hypocrite squad together that's why you don't rely on us to do shit. up to you mainliners altrin and ned) ALTRIN AUDIBLY FACEPALMS, YOU HEAR THAT OTHER NEDCHUNKS Loud and clear.

So yeah sorry to drop in your comp with minimal announcement observer person but we're going to need to get a better grasp on all sides involved if manipulation like this blatant constitutes acceptable.
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Lusiix awakes with a start, suddenly sitting upright as he regains his senses. Was... was he asleep? How?! Ma- His people don't need sleep! They can't sleep at all, as a matter of fact! How did this happen? Groaning as he shakes his head, Lusiix slowly gets to his feet, dusting himself off when he does. That done, he takes a look around, and...

"...Where am I? What is happening now? Arbiter?"

It seems he's even more lost than he was when he first got here. Who knows what's in store for our dear Ma- fellow?
"Loyal Imperium Forces. Defend."

"Nikolai. Firyatur Mason. This is unacceptable. Praetor, turn over to the Firyatur his due criminal. Immediately. I will not have you breaking our peace with bloodshed on my most sacred of mountains."

Nerà teleports beside Astrec and grabs him by the shoulder.
"Listen, Pradis. The Throne. It has potential the likes of which only you can utilize at the moment. Your power of Soul is on par with the gods at the height of their power. You must utilize it to end this conflict.
Take a Medallion from Auma. Take it into the Throne and wear it. Do your best to let him speak through you. I understand the loss of agency is frightening, but he knows the Throne's functioning better than you and can guide you in achieving what you wish with it. You must end this conflict here and now.
Trust me, Pradis Phi-Nerà.

Nerà grabs a Hydra Medallion and hands it to Astrec.

[3] He then casts Haste on Astrec and draws a Singing Sword, dropping it on the field for whoever wants to use it.

A shadow falls over the second Praetorian. In the chaos, the 17th Child has the chance he had been looking for. "My sister, Azer. Give her to me. I don't have time to fuck around with you."
Like his sister only a few dops ago, Quirrun's Talos raises its right hand- palm open, glowing blue- and points it at the Lord of Fire.
Auma Prime casts Command (twinned to P3 and Hark). "Stop."
Denak stands before the gates to Chronias. He raises a hand and, with an intricate pattern of words and forms, creates a Prismatic Wall blocking PGs from entering Chronias until it is broken. Feel free to play with it like an actual Prismatic Wall spell.
Auma Gear bodyguards the Epic Wizards.
Each Epic Wizard casts a protection spell on Auma Gear.
The two Iron Golems move to restrain Hark and P3.
The Fire Elementals, uh, attack the Iron Golems I guess.
"Flee, General Momur." And it doesn't take more than that to get the Cloud Giant General to run into Chronias.
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"Ugh, my head..."

I'm not reacting well to the rewriting of reality that's going on here, but I can at least follow what's happened, and who the present foe is.

"I'd like to apologize in advance, Adam. I know this'll seem like I took advantage of your hospitality."

With that, I FOCUS and use my communicator to order my ship's reactor to overload. As self-destruct mechanisms go, it's an old standby, if a bit explosive.

My ship, of course, is still in the hangar on one of Adam's four vessels. That vessel promptly explodes as well, since most Void ships aren't designed to weather massive explosions coming from inside their shields.

"Smirk, this should take care of some of that scrap metal you've been wanting."

I pause for a moment, thinking about the inevitable consequences of blowing up a massive vessel with no warning.

"Adam, feel free to add the cost of that ship and the lives aboard to the debt I owe you. I'll make restitution when we're no longer fighting each other."
>[Group Thread - Warn] Primary JacobsLadder at 93% Capacity. Overload imminent.
>[Group Thread - Warn] 94%
>[Group Thread - Warn] 95%

>[Group Thread - Warn] 98%


>Show(Priority, Status)
> 1 : JacobsLadder2 : 14%
> 2 : JacobsLadder3 : 0%
> 3 : JacobsLadder1 : 96%
> O : null : null

[1x] The remnants of the previous note spark to life, then put another note in the Safe. the Note reads "Bottle of Descended or Godmodder charges, will pay with eldritch mechanical monstrosity, which is probably a good distraction if you're a criminal.". They then snap their metaphorical fingers again, this time using a mix of conceptual magics and space warping to define the space the newly summoned distortion-defJO is in, to be inside the S.A.F.E., and to actually put it there. In the meantime the proxy Scans the mechanical monstrosity in case there's something useful there.
This allows them to trade the mechanical monstrosity for something useful : charge points.

Other actions to come.
Smirk looks over his creation. He then has a swift telepathic discussion with it, and they reach a shared understanding that it wants to come with him. Smirk pulls out a phone for it to sit in from his jacket, before returning it to said pocket. He then seemingly becomes a large number of distinct cubes, before scattering to various small portals.

Those portals open out near one of the ships outside the Firnimloth window. Another of them has a random serious case of the explosions, which Smirk gives Karp a respectful thumbs up for, before going back to being serious. He sees one of the smaller fighters the ship has as its vanguard (standard space ship practice to have fighters ready for ship to ship combat) moving towards him. He smirks. As the small ship rushes at him, he floats just up from being slammed into by the tip of the ship (given discussion in the Discord, I presume they are nacho shaped. Correct me if I'm wrong. Point is he isn't hit by the ship), and then punches his arm straight into the cockpit, it stretching to fill the hole perfectly. He grabs the pilot, and then opens a portal to his home version of Earth, and tosses the pilot through onto an unsuspecting US White House press briefing. Many questions will be asked, and few answered in the coming weeks, but for the moment there are more pressing matters. Smirk squeezes through into the ship itself, and then pulls back out his phone. His Mechamorph then quickly exits, flowing in and around the ship, enhancing it in just about every conceivable way, as if it wasn't even trying to think of improvements.
He then turns his newly acquired fighter to look straight at the big ship. He guns the engines, making it aim straight for a connecting corridor to the bridge. As he flies through, he sends another telepathic signal to his Mechamorph, before making a sound which sounded roughly like "Tch tch tchtch" (sound made by autobots transforming in one of the animated tv shows). In an instant, the ship begins to swirl and change around him, becoming less of a ship, and more a piece of black and green combat armor, a mechsuit with all the same speed and power the upgraded ship had beforehand. Smirk aims a sharp fist at the hull of the ship, and, knowing that the fighters would have the shield code preprogrammed in, punches straight through, making an entry point. As he walks into the corridor, a section of his mechsuit peels off to repair the exterior damage, thus making it seem as if nothing was wrong at all. He then begins making his way towards the bridge.
Meanwhile... in space.

A ship of unknown origin jumps out of hyperspace and makes it's way to the battlefield. Shadrix and Kirby just look on with surprise to see a massive battle going on.

...I feel like we came at a bad time.

hehe, Undertale references...

Oh shush. now, what's going on down there?

Shadrix pulls up a holographic screen showing what has been going on here. He reads on with incredible speed and nods.

Ahh, I see. Welp, no time like the present. Hey BILL! GET OVER HERE!

In about a second, Bill arrives with the 7 A.I's booting up.

D.E.T.E.R.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N: "
What the fresh hell is going on?"
J.U.S.T.I.C.E: "
There's chaos brewing, that's what."
"And there is a lot of battling."
B.R.A.V.E.R.Y: "That is what he just said."
I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y: "I sware one of those entities looks familiar."
P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E: "
There's so many of them...."
K.I.N.D.N.E.S.S: "
I believe we can survive this battle!"

So, Shadrix. What are we fighting today?

Don't worry, I will add your target for now in your hud.

Shadrix sends the data to Bill Nye as well as the 7 A.I's.

Got it! Alright guys, let's do this!

Bill Nye phases through the ship and heads down to the battlefield and lands right in front of Adam. The ship heads to a safe distance on the battlefield and watches down below. Bill looks over at Adam with his eyes shifting to red and orange as DETERMINATION and BRAVELY take over his body. Right before they attack, Shadrix yells at them

Wait WAIT!

Now what?
My ship scanners are detecting a shield around Adam. please wait a moment as I scan him.

Bonus Action: I press a sequence of buttons and the ship starts scanning for any useful information about him and his shield to see if there are any weaknesses of some kind.

Hey, I think I got something-

Action 1-3: I create a giant glove and begin to slap the crap out of Adam. What he doesn't know is that the glove is covered with very sharp knives that cut into his skin and stab into him. I then gut punch him into the sky and jump after him. I then transform the glove into a giant knife and throw it down onto Adam, making him crash back onto the battlefield. I land on the ground and make the weapons disappear.

...Oh god damn it.
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Meanwhile, somewhere entirely different... a very unstructually sound ship drifts through space. Composed of scrap and seeming to hardly hold itself together, it seems to have been out there for a while. Inside it, however... lies what could only be considered a hybrid. Not quite human or elven in nature and origin, the creature appears to be scavenging the remnants of this ship for stuff he can use without completely giving out the life support...
Argent - I have a name, you know.
And who made you the narrator?
Argent - I did. Now be quiet, I can narrate my own actions for the time being. You were made to fill in those gaps.

Argent - Thank you. Now, to answer the question of what I was doing?
Argent - I was trying to reach something. Then again, if the narrator-bot kicked in, something surely heard me.
Argent - Otherwise, well... it wouldn't broadcast. Oy, whoever can hear me, mind responding?
Argent - ...

Argent - Or at least sending in some support would be nice. I've been adrift for months.
Argent - Life support is running low, I'm near outta scrap, and even past that, I have maybe 6 hours before something collides into the ship again.
Argent - This thing's taken enough of a beating. Seriously, can I at least get a response?

It appears that Argent would like to not die alone here.
Argent - You are the biggest mistake I've ever made.
There is a 99% probability something will respond.
Argent - We'll see. If you're gonna get back to me, just do it already, will you?

Even a mere hour passes with seemingly an eternity left to go... until the light on a terminal blinks on immediately. The artificer stands up, before hesitantly typing something into it...

"`md Torix/* Hey, is this thing working? *
Nerà: ...Yes, it is. Who are-?
Torix: * Gah, one moment - inter---ence
Torix - Ah, there we are.
Torix - Why am I registered as "Torix" here? Who's he?
Torix - The technical difficulties never cease. One moment.

XXXXXX - Is this it?
Nerà: Ah, the wonders of voidic "technology".
ARGENT - no-e. this might be closer.
Argent - better, maybe this?

Nerà: Argent?
Argent - Okay, yes! There we go.
Argent - Precisely. That was annoying to set up.
Argent - That is my name though.

Nerà: Indeed. Derived from the 'Latin' word for 'Silver', isn't it?
Argent - Also correct. Technically a nickname, but a chosen one.
Argent - Nera has less certain roots - assuming this communications log is correct.

JOE: ahhh... someone new. interesting.
Smirk: Hello. Might not be a great time to visit. We've currently got a tyrannical Descendent trying to use force to punish another Descendent for actions from his future self.
JOE: You say 'currently' like time isn't a frozen instant halfway between a dozen possibilities and a single past every time we have discussions.
Argent - Sounds... complicated. From both perspectives.
Argent - My pocket watch seems stuck at 5:32 for the time being, personally.

JOE: Some of those possibilities have the Tyrannical Descended KING OF EARTH giving up on punishing another descendent KILLING THE ACE OF SPADES immediately.
JOE: protip: if the text is strickenthrough, it's real. if it's put after strikethrough, it's generally fake.

Argent - I figured. That is what Nera was talking about, after all.
Argent - Smirk... I'm afraid I cannot just pass through, however.

Nerà: Nerà, please. The accent is important.
Nerà: Nera is... someone else.

Argent - I knew implementing the accents would be important eventually.
Argent - Unfortunately, due to... limitations, this keyboard does not have an accented a key.

Nerà: Ah, unfortunate.
Nerà: Technology indeed.

Argent - I can certainly try to append one... give me a few minutes, perhaps.

... Okay, you know what? You get the gist from here. In sake of time, effort, and actually moving along with my life, I'm gonna cut ahead a bit and move to the important stuff. Other things that happened: Argent finally got an à key working, Bill Nye joined, and Nerà has revealed a few interesting things about her status and the location. We'll pick it back up here.

Nerà: And you are?
Argent - Thank you for the location. That is certainly nice to know.
Argent - And I assume you're talking to the android, but just in case: Argent Stormcore, an artificer of the Tempest's Reach, and probably one of the most foolish people in the Colossal Isle.

Bill Nye: I am Bill Nye! A new resident of this universe, and I am accompanied by 7 A.I in my head
Nerà: Resident?
Argent - Think of the discoveries, they said! Think of all the advanced tech on the ship, they said! No. The thing took off and has been floating in disrepair in space for months.
Bill Nye: Or... I'm just new here.
Nerà: You would do good to announce yourself to the ruler of the universe, Menelion Nye.
Argent - No smarter than an ogre. That was the worst mistake of my life.
Nerà: And you as well, Menelion Stormcore.
Kindness: The ruler?
Nerà: Yes, I consider myself the ruler of this Planar System.
Argent - I'm pretty sure I cannot from - oh. Well then.
Argent - That works out very well. Nice to meet you, Lord Nerà.

Nerà - The royal title of Kurutur will work just fine, thank you.
Argent - Ah - very well, Kurutur. Now then... where were we?
Argent - Something something voidic space descendency not dying maybe?

Nerà: You are an artificer and Voidic traveler adrift at the gateway to my universe. You are very likely a Descended - a heaven-blessed, near-omnipotent 'reality warper', although you may not be aware of your status yet.
Nerà: Some of us Descended are part of the Anti-Godmodder action of a vast Voidic conflict against the ultrapotent - although not immortal, unlike us - Godmodder and her conquering forces.
Nerà: After an invasion of my universe, we have signed a ceasefire with the Godmodder that is being breached by one of her allies who is in conflict with Lord Mason, King of Earth and fellow AG.

Argent - Interesting. It seems like further exploration of this Descendency might be worth it, at least to get off this piece of scrap metal you can hardly call a spaceship.
Nerà: Alternatively, most of us have access to various means of transportation.
Argent - I'm guessing utilization of reality bending is a bit more difficult than just focusing on what you'd like to happen?
Nerà: It seems to vary. For me, it occurs like any ordinary arcane spell, just more malleable.
Argent - Because of course that works for you.
Nerà: Smirk seems to enhance his own abilities passively, Astrec seems the most in control of his pure directly.
Nerà: And Karpinsky doesn't claim to use their ability at all, relying on their technology instead.

Argent - Perhaps it is more tied to the user's capabilities and talents.
Nerà: That certainly seems likely.
Argent - Allow me a few minutes to try something.
Bill Nye: Oh?

Argent decides to go dig around in a small pile of rusted scrap, thinking about what he wanted to create... and so it was created. Using an old camera and a good amount of magic, he seems to have accomplished something decent using not just his tools and mind, but the very Descendency he's been awakened to. As he does so, the very core of his being seems to change as he realizes the potential this may cause...
Argent - Hmm... interesting. It appears I could accomplish quite a lot with this...

- - Despite literally everything being seemingly typed by Argent to this point, it appears that he has created a speech-to-text program. Also despite everything, it is still in the same somewhat raw text format that thee rest of his communications are in.
- - Actions to text would be the better term for it, really.

Bill Nye: Huh
Argent - Is this coming through at all?
- - He waves his hand a bit to test this program.
Bill Nye: It sure is!
Nerà: Indeed.
Kirby: Hey Bill? I'm sorry for interrupting you, But Shadrix needs you back on the ship. Let the other A.I's take over your body. There is something big going on.
Bill Nye: ... Ok then? I guess I will see you guys later then
- - The artificer seems relieved.
Argent - Great. Now, new order of business: get off this ship and somehow repay people for literally saving my life.
Argent - Now then... how would you go about binding magic to a tools in a way that...that's it.
Argent - Never did I think the Bag of Holding ^2 would be so useful. If I can just stabilize the portal and warp... you said this was Celestia on the other side, did you not Kurutur?

Nerà: Indeed, following the line of Masonic debris through the Window should lead you to the conflict upon the mountain.
Argent - Right. Now, if I can give the rift that this'll create some stability...
Argent - This might take a bit. See you all on the other side if this works.

Nerà: If not, I'm sure Smirk or Karpinsky will save you.

The now awakened Descendent looks about and considers his plans - in a matter of minutes, he's already produced several Bags of Holding and seems to currently be altering the runic structures on their rims. He looks up from his work, a mechanism and those two altered Bags of Holding prepared to do something... insane, frankly. Hoping this works, he steps back and seems to activate the device... opening a rift in the spaceship. It fluctuates, seeming to pull everything in for a brief moment before stabilizing and seeming to lead to some impossibly tall mountain...
Argent - Perfect. Let's get out of here!
The artificer proceeds to grab me and leap through the portal, emerging somewhere in Mount Celestia. Higher the better, preferably. No matter where, I also manage a really neat looking 3 point landing out of my rift, which closes behind me. I do not want or need to go back there. The landing is debatable but the rift does close. Those things are not meant to last.

Summary -
- A young artificer, stranded in Voidic Space, ends up being in the section outside Mount Celestia's Window. After establishing contact with Nerà and the others, he learns a few things about this world... and those things change everything else, really. Awakening as a Descendent, he uses his newly activated powers and warps using a stabilized Bag of Holding-ception rift to make it to Mount Celestia in the most DnD-gamey way possible, also attempting to look cool in the process.
- Also far too much roleplay. It's not even funny anymore.
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Round 93
"By the way, you do realise that Harkeners position on S.A.F.E. transport was ambiguous with a negative tilt at worst, and that if he agrees to it that brings the vote to 3-3 again, which is a tie?"
"Hah, I'm just joshin' you. I know that would just be a pain, and it's not like I'm really AG, either. to have a leg to stand on, I'd have to bring out the other guy. Besides, a different vote wouldn't bring peace to this Mess."
"Say, if the AG side is red because you founded it, would you happen to have a blue-colored triplet called Dungkaka?"

Oh, yeah, updater, we can all see what he's doing, or at least I can. It's Blatant, like, Ridiculously blatant. imagine red lines which are just thick enough to be visible, but not thick enough to keep what's being replaced from being obvious.
>JacobsLadder Protocol Complete. Current Destination: Vport 2. integrity: 100% Redundancies: 3.

[x2]> Awaiting new commands.

>initiate Klick2.Ambient.Eka
>AmbientLayer2 Protocol Complete. Targets transferred: DesDesNode, SF. integrity: 100%.
> Awaiting new commands

>Booting DesNodeSys1680D.
> 20
> Node Active.

> initiate HaSFEsoGambitDen1.AI
>Gambit complete successfully

Alright, sorry you had to read through that. I figured, a good way to work around Interface Screw would be to make my methods initially so opaque others wouldn't know how to change them, but sufficiently specific that there aren't many explanations which can be fitted to them after the fact.
From the top! Jacobs Ladder is a ladder traditionally to heaven. in this case, it's basically a life-saving device to minimise casualties by removing the- not souls... - minds from bodies which would actually die, before death can occur. The present destination is drones aboard the Void VIII+I. 3 of the Drones did this... but that's not what this action was.
This action consisted of the creation of a 'DesDesNode', which is to say, a premade action delivery capsule with premade actions slotted into it, but two actions worth of power, Descended-Descended Node. It also serves as a relay node for information if necessary, which is where Node comes from.
One brick node then runs the 'AmbientLayer2 Protocol', which uses one of the Many Ambient Layers like the Aether and so on, to transport objects. In this case, it transfers the DesDesNode... and the Safe. Safe, SF. gotcha? Good. The thing is called 'Klick2' because of what a Klick device is, a device which consists of a box which may or may not be empty, and which is used as the focal point for a machine constructed entirely within ones mind, or in this case, ones computer. Eka is the sub-language necessary for a Klick Device.
After that part is done, the Brick Drone has transfered the DesDesNode and Safe to the premises, and the Fun can begin.
DesNodeSys1680D means the operating system used for Desnodes during this post, the 1680th in DtG: DtG.
it only goes up to 48 because binary and hexedecimal means 48 is written as 30/something else which is simpler then how they write 100.
the active Node then starts the gambit: HaSFEsoGambitDen1. the .AI indicates it's a somewhat adaptable program to run the Gambit.
Ha refers to Harkener. SF, once again, stands for Safe. Eso stands for Esoteric. Gambit is. Gambit. Den stands for Denied.
The Program is doing the Esoteric Harkener-Safe Gambit which was implicitly Denied. Because, as I am not an AG, I am not beholden to the vote. Also? Because it'll get me my sweet Biosuit ahead of schedule.
Now that I've given you an overview... back to the command line.
> Print GambLog.Txt
> The Following is the log of HaSFEsoGambitDen1. Although it is formatted in the present tense, by the time of printing, all events in the Log have been completed. Any updates will be queued until the printing is completed.

> "The Node appears above a Brick drone! slightly ahead, of course, so as not to be inside a wall. What is the Node? A pulsing Ball of nauseating Peat Yellow, Pink, and Grey. But you knew that already! The Node cloaks itself in the acceptable veneer of a floating head. yes, very acceptable. 'specially the blood. Anyway, it immediately arrives before Harkener and emits the following phrase by way of morse-code whispers encoding a video of dancing while saying it:
GET IN THE SAFEUHHHHyou'll probablythankmeforthislater.
While Harkener was busy decoding and/or hearing that phrase, the ball/node/face conjures a piece of paper on which is written:
This is a note for use in the SAFE to describe the desired return object. No object of greater or lower power will suffice. The object is as follows:
A completed and pristine Biomechanical suit which has a total of one arm per major sub-source for the DNA within it whos Genes cannot be co-expressed with other sources, with no soul located within it, but with the appropriate internal hollow to be piloted, not by a human or Descended, but by a Sentient, Sapient Cake-being with actions which serve as potent facsimiles of Descended Powers in their own right. DNA sources must include, but not be limited to, JOE Symbiote, Distorted Descendant, Godmodder, Pseudo-Godmodder, God-Tier of Light, Descended, A very large poisonous creature, Dancing Soldier, and Indigo Divide-crossing JOE. The Biomechanical Suit must also have been made using the descended powers of the JOE descended and the cake to pilot it, and bear their signatures.
In the present situation, this object is of greater value to the note writer then the descended being foisted into the SAFE. Since the entire conceit of the SAFE is that one can exchange presently unhelpful items for situationally more beneficial ones, this deal should be acceptable.

and in invisible ink: Also, if those who operates the SAFE are paying attention, I should note that Adam Mason aka Al Ghul aka Split is presently quite displeased with the descended aformentioned,so if you would just send them to the future....
The Face then transforms into a hand, which snaps its fingers. Immediately, the previously transported S.A.F.E. is transported again to enclose Harkener- and this note- within its bounds. Since Harkener has just been transferred to the 'PG' alignment, and I technically qualify as an AG, he goes after me in the turn order, preventing him from countering until already enclosed, and therafter he is already in Transit. Since Adam takes his actions in the EoTB, and is listed below me in the update and so on, he is also too slow. also because he's probably a bit... occupied. with everything else. Also, while Harkener could probably resist if he wanted to,
When the Biosuit comes out, a second run of the Klick2.Ambient.Eka program transports it to the Facility... with some help from what remains of the Node, of course."
[0x] when that's all said and done...
"HEY. Stop Fighting. It's Pointless."
"After all, Harkener just took a one-way trip to the Future. And before you ask why I did that- I got myself a sweet new suit out of it. It's not often you can get something worth a descended by trading away a liability!"
"...and whiny-face over here-"
(you get the distinct impression R!JOE gestured to his head, by punching himself in the face.)
"wouldn't shut up. I mean, they didn't say anything, but instinctive emotional reactions are a real dogs dinner."
"Adam, if you still want a go at them even though they'd vanish in minutes if you do nothing- once I trade for'm back I mean-
feel free. But let's pick a nice deserted planet out before it comes to that, eh?"
As you hand the note to Harkener The Ace of Spades, Safe walls enclose around him. For a moment, everything is quiet before the entire construct explodes in a burst of Indigo Flames, scattering metal shrapnel everywhere. Harkener The Ace of Spades stands unharmed, but in shock.

"...What the hell, JOE."

No, that'd be too forward (and who are you targeting, anyway?). Gouge the intervention and kill. I see that the faction has been reclaimed. Exeunt and mobilize if we are not effective for vectors.
Acceptable. Acceptable. Updater, I have no particular like for the aureolin fuschine alterations. Selectivise thy intervention against allies and I will grant you an alternative movement.

Bercouli. Burning bone and icy frost, for this intercession I declare you have lost. I will kill the foundations and rise above God, if this is the answer I find in the sod. Hod lies observant, Netzach grows thin, what is this trickery divergent and flin?
"Had you simply declared that normally I might even have had no reason to leave, but I feel if there are unmitigated issues with presentation and better-late-than-never leadership decisions...I'm going to leave since I've already done nothing anyway." the Nedben leave-behind-message-soundgens to no-one in particular, its antecedent (non-)obvious as it has already backflipped at foreign angles to the dimensional space and exits the universe by following toward divination. Maybe he doesn't see himself as a member anymore and that's why he didn't bother voting?

[ *actually the faction tag snaps in two* ]
so, uh, if you're making us not AG what does that mean
I don't know, we'll figure it out later! that updater person seems to be suspiciously relevant but nobody's really taken the time to talk to her over more than what, explanation? i say we interrogate

Ah, #dd00ff and #0011ff, good to see you two again, and #5decff. You. Help me. I have no reason to. We abate our self-destruction and this self-destructive endeavor. Who are you guys supposed to be, anyway? Billy-Bob Chicago I can't see helping under any circumstance, and the magenta is really waffling on whether it should be Fleur Levy or not. Altrin, nobody's going to get that reference and if #0011ff is Akira Dimitrov that would be ridiculous.
I'm fine with ridiculous. Yeah we're all kind of ridiculous. Look, let's just be colornarratori for now and shut up.

An irritant slash created through the attack on tag, a nedben decides to put on summerwear and V for victory by diving through the narrative viewpoi- Ow! You just used me as a launchpad!

"Sorry!" the Nedben says, vaunting over himself to dive into the narration. He moves across translation barriers, sliding past Adam's textual dominion into the security of terminals.

>/reup task "Self Monitoring"
>/reup task "Suspicious Intervention Downloader"
>/download "frs.penitentGropagas.frs/downloads/Lyoko%20Mod%20Backup.exe"
>Running Recent Download
>EXECUTE: Lyoko Mod Backup.exe

Forcible data space imposition. Data jurisdiction translation engage. Should there not be a standardized code-anchored intrareality processor space for the Update Terminal to oh-so-conveniently hop into, the Nedben will hastily install an alternative foundation process via a calculation self-establishing reality marble and some other externalized realitycoding gimmicks.

He's going to visit a certain someone who has questions to answer, and if it was Adam he wouldn't have snapped and ran off. But that's not an immediate thing with defenses heavy as theirs. I'd recommend coming clean if you want this to work that way, and if you want it to work right you probably don't want to stop a friendly little visit, no? dude no that sounds way too intimidating didn't you just try and quit because of information coercion I declare hypocrisy one of my character traits. There, are you happy? oh shit he's a hypocrite we can't stop him now (actually we can we just don't want to) (did you not just vote to shut up?) (we can be the sassy hypocrite squad together that's why you don't rely on us to do shit. up to you mainliners altrin and ned) ALTRIN AUDIBLY FACEPALMS, YOU HEAR THAT OTHER NEDCHUNKS Loud and clear.

So yeah sorry to drop in your comp with minimal announcement observer person but we're going to need to get a better grasp on all sides involved if manipulation like this blatant constitutes acceptable.
You change your alignment betray the Anti-Godmodder cause to join [Summer], and enter the code of my Update Terminal to contact me directly, but-

You find yourself in a locked room. The Arbiter is not present. The alarm is blaring.

Lusiix awakes with a start, suddenly sitting upright as he regains his senses. Was... was he asleep? How?! Ma- His people don't need sleep! They can't sleep at all, as a matter of fact! How did this happen? Groaning as he shakes his head, Lusiix slowly gets to his feet, dusting himself off when he does. That done, he takes a look around, and...

"...Where am I? What is happening now? Arbiter?"

It seems he's even more lost than he was when he first got here. Who knows what's in store for our dear Ma- fellow?

Everything is fine! no it's not Kill the Ace of Spades.

"Loyal Imperium Forces. Defend."

"Nikolai. Firyatur Mason. This is unacceptable. Praetor, turn over to the Firyatur his due criminal. Immediately. I will not have you breaking our peace with bloodshed on my most sacred of mountains."

Nerà teleports beside Astrec and grabs him by the shoulder.
"Listen, Pradis. The Throne. It has potential the likes of which only you can utilize at the moment. Your power of Soul is on par with the gods at the height of their power. You must utilize it to end this conflict.
Take a Medallion from Auma. Take it into the Throne and wear it. Do your best to let him speak through you. I understand the loss of agency is frightening, but he knows the Throne's functioning better than you and can guide you in achieving what you wish with it. You must end this conflict here and now.
Trust me, Pradis Phi-Nerà.

Nerà grabs a Hydra Medallion and hands it to Astrec.

[3] He then casts Haste on Astrec and draws a Singing Sword, dropping it on the field for whoever wants to use it.

A shadow falls over the second Praetorian. In the chaos, the 17th Child has the chance he had been looking for. "My sister, Azer. Give her to me. I don't have time to fuck around with you."
Like his sister only a few dops ago, Quirrun's Talos raises its right hand- palm open, glowing blue- and points it at the Lord of Fire.
Auma Prime casts Command (twinned to P3 and Hark). "Stop."
Denak stands before the gates to Chronias. He raises a hand and, with an intricate pattern of words and forms, creates a Prismatic Wall blocking PGs from entering Chronias until it is broken. Feel free to play with it like an actual Prismatic Wall spell.
Auma Gear bodyguards the Epic Wizards.
Each Epic Wizard casts a protection spell on Auma Gear.
The two Iron Golems move to restrain Hark and P3.
The Fire Elementals, uh, attack the Iron Golems I guess.
"Flee, General Momur." And it doesn't take more than that to get the Cloud Giant General to run into Chronias.
The Third Praetor sighs. "It looks like we'll have to agree to disagree. Relax. I'll honour my promise."

Singing Sword created. Astrec hasted, Hydra Medallion handed.

"Ugh, my head..."

I'm not reacting well to the rewriting of reality that's going on here, but I can at least follow what's happened, and who the present foe is.

"I'd like to apologize in advance, Adam. I know this'll seem like I took advantage of your hospitality."

With that, I FOCUS and use my communicator to order my ship's reactor to overload. As self-destruct mechanisms go, it's an old standby, if a bit explosive.

My ship, of course, is still in the hangar on one of Adam's four vessels. That vessel promptly explodes as well, since most Void ships aren't designed to weather massive explosions coming from inside their shields.

"Smirk, this should take care of some of that scrap metal you've been wanting."

I pause for a moment, thinking about the inevitable consequences of blowing up a massive vessel with no warning.

"Adam, feel free to add the cost of that ship and the lives aboard to the debt I owe you. I'll make restitution when we're no longer fighting each other."

Your detonation tears through the hangar bay of the HMAS Freedom, dealing 75k damage as it bypasses and disables it's shielding!

Adam closes his eyes for a moment. "Very well."

>[Group Thread - Warn] Primary JacobsLadder at 93% Capacity. Overload imminent.
>[Group Thread - Warn] 94%
>[Group Thread - Warn] 95%

>[Group Thread - Warn] 98%


>Show(Priority, Status)
> 1 : JacobsLadder2 : 14%
> 2 : JacobsLadder3 : 0%
> 3 : JacobsLadder1 : 96%
> O : null : null

[1x] The remnants of the previous note spark to life, then put another note in the Safe. the Note reads "Bottle of Descended or Godmodder charges, will pay with eldritch mechanical monstrosity, which is probably a good distraction if you're a criminal.". They then snap their metaphorical fingers again, this time using a mix of conceptual magics and space warping to define the space the newly summoned distortion-defJO is in, to be inside the S.A.F.E., and to actually put it there. In the meantime the proxy Scans the mechanical monstrosity in case there's something useful there.
This allows them to trade the mechanical monstrosity for something useful : charge points.

Other actions to come.
Because there's no Safe, there's no Safe to transport Distortion-DefJO through for charge. Sorry.

Smirk looks over his creation. He then has a swift telepathic discussion with it, and they reach a shared understanding that it wants to come with him. Smirk pulls out a phone for it to sit in from his jacket, before returning it to said pocket. He then seemingly becomes a large number of distinct cubes, before scattering to various small portals.

Those portals open out near one of the ships outside the Firnimloth window. Another of them has a random serious case of the explosions, which Smirk gives Karp a respectful thumbs up for, before going back to being serious. He sees one of the smaller fighters the ship has as its vanguard (standard space ship practice to have fighters ready for ship to ship combat) moving towards him. He smirks. As the small ship rushes at him, he floats just up from being slammed into by the tip of the ship (given discussion in the Discord, I presume they are nacho shaped. Correct me if I'm wrong. Point is he isn't hit by the ship), and then punches his arm straight into the cockpit, it stretching to fill the hole perfectly. He grabs the pilot, and then opens a portal to his home version of Earth, and tosses the pilot through onto an unsuspecting US White House press briefing. Many questions will be asked, and few answered in the coming weeks, but for the moment there are more pressing matters. Smirk squeezes through into the ship itself, and then pulls back out his phone. His Mechamorph then quickly exits, flowing in and around the ship, enhancing it in just about every conceivable way, as if it wasn't even trying to think of improvements.
He then turns his newly acquired fighter to look straight at the big ship. He guns the engines, making it aim straight for a connecting corridor to the bridge. As he flies through, he sends another telepathic signal to his Mechamorph, before making a sound which sounded roughly like "Tch tch tchtch" (sound made by autobots transforming in one of the animated tv shows). In an instant, the ship begins to swirl and change around him, becoming less of a ship, and more a piece of black and green combat armor, a mechsuit with all the same speed and power the upgraded ship had beforehand. Smirk aims a sharp fist at the hull of the ship, and, knowing that the fighters would have the shield code preprogrammed in, punches straight through, making an entry point. As he walks into the corridor, a section of his mechsuit peels off to repair the exterior damage, thus making it seem as if nothing was wrong at all. He then begins making his way towards the bridge.
Joining the fray outside of Firnimloth, you take advantage of what's happening to take over one of the Interceptors deployed around Adam's Battlecruiser-group with Galvanic Mechamorph, transforming it into a battlesuit! Using it's codes to bypass shielding, you bust through the hull of the HMAS Justice and make your way to the bridge, which is [REDACTED].
Shoot, looks like I can't give you directions What are you doing!? You should be ashamed of yourself. Four Freemason Marines, Elite soldiers block your path. Fight them if you dare.

Meanwhile... in space.

A ship of unknown origin jumps out of hyperspace and makes it's way to the battlefield. Shadrix and Kirby just look on with surprise to see a massive battle going on.

...I feel like we came at a bad time.

hehe, Undertale references...

Oh shush. now, what's going on down there?

Shadrix pulls up a holographic screen showing what has been going on here. He reads on with incredible speed and nods.

Ahh, I see. Welp, no time like the present. Hey BILL! GET OVER HERE!

In about a second, Bill arrives with the 7 A.I's booting up.

D.E.T.E.R.M.I.N.A.T.I.O.N: "
What the fresh hell is going on?"
J.U.S.T.I.C.E: "
There's chaos brewing, that's what."
"And there is a lot of battling."
B.R.A.V.E.R.Y: "That is what he just said."
I.N.T.E.G.R.I.T.Y: "I sware one of those entities looks familiar."
P.A.T.I.E.N.C.E: "
There's so many of them...."
K.I.N.D.N.E.S.S: "
I believe we can survive this battle!"

So, Shadrix. What are we fighting today?

Don't worry, I will add your target for now in your hud.

Shadrix sends the data to Bill Nye as well as the 7 A.I's.

Got it! Alright guys, let's do this!

Bill Nye phases through the ship and heads down to the battlefield and lands right in front of Adam. The ship heads to a safe distance on the battlefield and watches down below. Bill looks over at Adam with his eyes shifting to red and orange as DETERMINATION and BRAVELY take over his body. Right before they attack, Shadrix yells at them

Wait WAIT!

Now what?
My ship scanners are detecting a shield around Adam. please wait a moment as I scan him.

Bonus Action: I press a sequence of buttons and the ship starts scanning for any useful information about him and his shield to see if there are any weaknesses of some kind.

Hey, I think I got something-

Action 1-3: I create a giant glove and begin to slap the crap out of Adam. What he doesn't know is that the glove is covered with very sharp knives that cut into his skin and stab into him. I then gut punch him into the sky and jump after him. I then transform the glove into a giant knife and throw it down onto Adam, making him crash back onto the battlefield. I land on the ground and make the weapons disappear.

...Oh god damn it.
Welcome! Adam curses you out as he sees Shadrix's ship enter Firnimloth without the use of a Window.

Your scan of Adam focuses on his shield.

[A] Regnum Dei. 413,000/413,000 Hp. Shielding: ++++++++++ 100%

Ra's Al Ghul: Regnum Dei generates selective Hard-Light shielding designed to protect the Throne (and occupant) from attacks. Shield settings can be altered by Throne Occupant as an Action. The Current settings are: [Tenet Powers Only].

As the glove slams into Adam from above, his hexagonal shield crackles into existence, bending the blades of the knives as it pushes back with equal force. Your punch warps the shield, causing hexagonal visual distortions, but fails to connect with Adam either. As you transform the glove into a knife, Adam temporarily disables his shield for just a moment, if only to let your blade come within inches of his face as he parries it away with his own blade, reenabling his shield immediately afterwards.

Meanwhile, somewhere entirely different... a very unstructually sound ship drifts through space. Composed of scrap and seeming to hardly hold itself together, it seems to have been out there for a while. Inside it, however... lies what could only be considered a hybrid. Not quite human or elven in nature and origin, the creature appears to be scavenging the remnants of this ship for stuff he can use without completely giving out the life support...
Argent - I have a name, you know.
And who made you the narrator?
Argent - I did. Now be quiet, I can narrate my own actions for the time being. You were made to fill in those gaps.

Argent - Thank you. Now, to answer the question of what I was doing?
Argent - I was trying to reach something. Then again, if the narrator-bot kicked in, something surely heard me.
Argent - Otherwise, well... it wouldn't broadcast. Oy, whoever can hear me, mind responding?
Argent - ...

Argent - Or at least sending in some support would be nice. I've been adrift for months.
Argent - Life support is running low, I'm near outta scrap, and even past that, I have maybe 6 hours before something collides into the ship again.
Argent - This thing's taken enough of a beating. Seriously, can I at least get a response?

It appears that Argent would like to not die alone here.
Argent - You are the biggest mistake I've ever made.
There is a 99% probability something will respond.
Argent - We'll see. If you're gonna get back to me, just do it already, will you?

Even a mere hour passes with seemingly an eternity left to go... until the light on a terminal blinks on immediately. The artificer stands up, before hesitantly typing something into it...

"`md Torix/* Hey, is this thing working? *
Nerà: ...Yes, it is. Who are-?
Torix: * Gah, one moment - inter---ence
Torix - Ah, there we are.
Torix - Why am I registered as "Torix" here? Who's he?
Torix - The technical difficulties never cease. One moment.

XXXXXX - Is this it?
Nerà: Ah, the wonders of voidic "technology".
ARGENT - no-e. this might be closer.
Argent - better, maybe this?

Nerà: Argent?
Argent - Okay, yes! There we go.
Argent - Precisely. That was annoying to set up.
Argent - That is my name though.

Nerà: Indeed. Derived from the 'Latin' word for 'Silver', isn't it?
Argent - Also correct. Technically a nickname, but a chosen one.
Argent - Nera has less certain roots - assuming this communications log is correct.

JOE: ahhh... someone new. interesting.
Smirk: Hello. Might not be a great time to visit. We've currently got a tyrannical Descendent trying to use force to punish another Descendent for actions from his future self.
JOE: You say 'currently' like time isn't a frozen instant halfway between a dozen possibilities and a single past every time we have discussions.
Argent - Sounds... complicated. From both perspectives.
Argent - My pocket watch seems stuck at 5:32 for the time being, personally.

JOE: Some of those possibilities have the Tyrannical Descended KING OF EARTH giving up on punishing another descendent KILLING THE ACE OF SPADES immediately.
JOE: protip: if the text is strickenthrough, it's real. if it's put after strikethrough, it's generally fake.

Argent - I figured. That is what Nera was talking about, after all.
Argent - Smirk... I'm afraid I cannot just pass through, however.

Nerà: Nerà, please. The accent is important.
Nerà: Nera is... someone else.

Argent - I knew implementing the accents would be important eventually.
Argent - Unfortunately, due to... limitations, this keyboard does not have an accented a key.

Nerà: Ah, unfortunate.
Nerà: Technology indeed.

Argent - I can certainly try to append one... give me a few minutes, perhaps.

... Okay, you know what? You get the gist from here. In sake of time, effort, and actually moving along with my life, I'm gonna cut ahead a bit and move to the important stuff. Other things that happened: Argent finally got an à key working, Bill Nye joined, and Nerà has revealed a few interesting things about her status and the location. We'll pick it back up here.

Nerà: And you are?
Argent - Thank you for the location. That is certainly nice to know.
Argent - And I assume you're talking to the android, but just in case: Argent Stormcore, an artificer of the Tempest's Reach, and probably one of the most foolish people in the Colossal Isle.

Bill Nye: I am Bill Nye! A new resident of this universe, and I am accompanied by 7 A.I in my head
Nerà: Resident?
Argent - Think of the discoveries, they said! Think of all the advanced tech on the ship, they said! No. The thing took off and has been floating in disrepair in space for months.
Bill Nye: Or... I'm just new here.
Nerà: You would do good to announce yourself to the ruler of the universe, Menelion Nye.
Argent - No smarter than an ogre. That was the worst mistake of my life.
Nerà: And you as well, Menelion Stormcore.
Kindness: The ruler?
Nerà: Yes, I consider myself the ruler of this Planar System.
Argent - I'm pretty sure I cannot from - oh. Well then.
Argent - That works out very well. Nice to meet you, Lord Nerà.

Nerà - The royal title of Kurutur will work just fine, thank you.
Argent - Ah - very well, Kurutur. Now then... where were we?
Argent - Something something voidic space descendency not dying maybe?

Nerà: You are an artificer and Voidic traveler adrift at the gateway to my universe. You are very likely a Descended - a heaven-blessed, near-omnipotent 'reality warper', although you may not be aware of your status yet.
Nerà: Some of us Descended are part of the Anti-Godmodder action of a vast Voidic conflict against the ultrapotent - although not immortal, unlike us - Godmodder and her conquering forces.
Nerà: After an invasion of my universe, we have signed a ceasefire with the Godmodder that is being breached by one of her allies who is in conflict with Lord Mason, King of Earth and fellow AG.

Argent - Interesting. It seems like further exploration of this Descendency might be worth it, at least to get off this piece of scrap metal you can hardly call a spaceship.
Nerà: Alternatively, most of us have access to various means of transportation.
Argent - I'm guessing utilization of reality bending is a bit more difficult than just focusing on what you'd like to happen?
Nerà: It seems to vary. For me, it occurs like any ordinary arcane spell, just more malleable.
Argent - Because of course that works for you.
Nerà: Smirk seems to enhance his own abilities passively, Astrec seems the most in control of his pure directly.
Nerà: And Karpinsky doesn't claim to use their ability at all, relying on their technology instead.

Argent - Perhaps it is more tied to the user's capabilities and talents.
Nerà: That certainly seems likely.
Argent - Allow me a few minutes to try something.
Bill Nye: Oh?

Argent decides to go dig around in a small pile of rusted scrap, thinking about what he wanted to create... and so it was created. Using an old camera and a good amount of magic, he seems to have accomplished something decent using not just his tools and mind, but the very Descendency he's been awakened to. As he does so, the very core of his being seems to change as he realizes the potential this may cause...
Argent - Hmm... interesting. It appears I could accomplish quite a lot with this...

- - Despite literally everything being seemingly typed by Argent to this point, it appears that he has created a speech-to-text program. Also despite everything, it is still in the same somewhat raw text format that thee rest of his communications are in.
- - Actions to text would be the better term for it, really.

Bill Nye: Huh
Argent - Is this coming through at all?
- - He waves his hand a bit to test this program.
Bill Nye: It sure is!
Nerà: Indeed.
Kirby: Hey Bill? I'm sorry for interrupting you, But Shadrix needs you back on the ship. Let the other A.I's take over your body. There is something big going on.
Bill Nye: ... Ok then? I guess I will see you guys later then
- - The artificer seems relieved.
Argent - Great. Now, new order of business: get off this ship and somehow repay people for literally saving my life.
Argent - Now then... how would you go about binding magic to a tools in a way that...that's it.
Argent - Never did I think the Bag of Holding ^2 would be so useful. If I can just stabilize the portal and warp... you said this was Celestia on the other side, did you not Kurutur?

Nerà: Indeed, following the line of Masonic debris through the Window should lead you to the conflict upon the mountain.
Argent - Right. Now, if I can give the rift that this'll create some stability...
Argent - This might take a bit. See you all on the other side if this works.

Nerà: If not, I'm sure Smirk or Karpinsky will save you.

The now awakened Descendent looks about and considers his plans - in a matter of minutes, he's already produced several Bags of Holding and seems to currently be altering the runic structures on their rims. He looks up from his work, a mechanism and those two altered Bags of Holding prepared to do something... insane, frankly. Hoping this works, he steps back and seems to activate the device... opening a rift in the spaceship. It fluctuates, seeming to pull everything in for a brief moment before stabilizing and seeming to lead to some impossibly tall mountain...
Argent - Perfect. Let's get out of here!
The artificer proceeds to grab me and leap through the portal, emerging somewhere in Mount Celestia. Higher the better, preferably. No matter where, I also manage a really neat looking 3 point landing out of my rift, which closes behind me. I do not want or need to go back there. The landing is debatable but the rift does close. Those things are not meant to last.

Summary -
- A young artificer, stranded in Voidic Space, ends up being in the section outside Mount Celestia's Window. After establishing contact with Nerà and the others, he learns a few things about this world... and those things change everything else, really. Awakening as a Descendent, he uses his newly activated powers and warps using a stabilized Bag of Holding-ception rift to make it to Mount Celestia in the most DnD-gamey way possible, also attempting to look cool in the process.
- Also far too much roleplay. It's not even funny anymore.

Welcome, Torix, Argent. You first task is to Kill the Ace of Spades.

The Archwizards move to intercept. As Denak throws up a Prismatic Wall, Auma Commands Harkener and the Third Praetorian to Stop. As the Enchantment passes over them, the Third Praetorian warps the air around himself, distorting the command into useless noise. Picking up Boccob, he runs straight up the staircase to Chronias, leaving Harkener to catch up behind him. Reaching the top, he lodges his scabbard into the barrier. Frost spreads across its surface, trapping layer upon layer of celestial dust blown from the gale-force wind generated in his wake.
Gasping for breath, The Third Praetor musters a grin at Denak. "I know... my Light," he pants. "Frost and... Wind... Red and... Orange down... You want to see something? Watch this." Raising his free hand, he directs Attack Ships to fire at his position. A colour fades with every shot. "Oh!" he shouts over the sound of Hard-Light against Hard-Light. "There goes Yellow! Solid light has force behind it! Goodbye Green, seems like it also punches holes! And would you look at that, I've burned through Blue! I see Indigo isn't holding up so well, and what do you know, light really is light!" Grabbing ahold of his scabbard, the Third Praetorian wrenches it free, shattering the now-Violet Wall.
Resuming control of the Attack Ships, he commands them to target the Greater Fire Elementals, shooting down the two supporting the Iron Golem after Harkener and heavily wounding the one supporting the Golem after him, which overhealings said golem in response. Stepping in, Adam shoots down five Attack Ships with the railguns of his new Carrier. However, the Fighter Wings still not under his control swarm the Iron Golems, tearing apart the one meant for Harkener and leaving the other at 5,000 Hp.
As Harkener reaches the top of the steps, the Third Praetor throws him Boccob. "Get inside, I'll be right there." Reaching into the pocket of his labcoat, the Third Praetor takes out a foil pouch. Tearing it open with his teeth, he spills Nanites onto his palms. As the Golem ordered after him arrives at the summit, he slaps it in the face. The nanites work immediately, eating away at the Golem, converting it into a new set of armor. As the Iron Prince returns, the Inverted Omega serving as his face blazes back to life as he walks into Chronias.
As the Prince flicks on a lighter, the Second Praetor stares up a barrel pointed at him by a Talos. "Remember this, Quirrun Phi-Nerà. Threats will get you nowhere with me." With a thin smile across their face, they Burn away to join their fellow Praetor.
As the second group of Attack Ships merges into a group with the rest, Adam's Trumpets take potshots, dealing 24k damage to each of them as they fly overhead.
Summoning a radio, Adam contacts the Time Police. "Ace of Spades sighted. All units, requesting backup!" The first to arrive is a Junior Officer: the same one from before.
Adam smiles at him. "What's your name, kid?"
"L-Logan," The Junior Officer stammers. "Honored to meet you. Sir."
"No need for that," Adam says, watching as everyone else teleports in. "This your first day?"
Seeing his nod, Adam's hand begins to crackle with energy. "Not to worry," he smiles, putting his hand on Logan's shoulder. "I've got you covered."



In an instant, Logan stands taller than before. Looking at his hands in shock, Chronal Energy radiates from his fingertips. "T-thank you, King Mason."
"Please, call me Adam. Coming first takes spirit, Logan. Why don't you lead the charge?"
Logan looks up to the Seventh Layer. "With pleasure," he says, smirking.
DefJO looks at the Distortion Eidolon with a face that can only be described as Un-JOlike. "01001101 01010101 01010010 01000100 01000101 01010010 01000101 01010010"
Freaking out, the Eidolon drops the guise, shrinking away from DefJO. "Geez-louise, I'm sorry!"

Using the Power Stone, the Third Praetor blows a hole into the roof of Chronias. "Well? Clear the room." As the last Auma-controlled thrall leaves, he climbs onto the central platform to get to work, dragging Boccob along with him. "You're lucky I need you to make this easier."
Tendrils of teal-green energy snake from his head onto the platform, a voice issues forth. "DIVINITY RECOGNIZED: NEW FUNCTIONS UNLOCKED. WELCOME BACK, [BOCCOB]. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO?"
"Modify the Balance," he says, mimicking Boccob's voice.
"PORTFOLIO ACCEPTED." As the Third Praetor assumes a T-Pose, the platform projects holographic displays over his hands: A sphere in his right, which he opens; and a wheel in his left, which he closes.
"Executive Override: Yes."
The Third Praetor smirks. "Al'Zarad," he says aloud.

"And there we go!" The Third Praetor announces. "So much easier than the other times. You should feel the differences in a few minutes, the wound'll repair naturally. Please, say hello to Asran for me. Remember to give them due respect. That said: Return to Olympus."
"The Praetors have come!"
"And now we're off! Do you want to leave? Come with us. It'll be fun. I promise."


Onboard the HMAS Justice, Brave Freemason Marines engage in combat against Smirk's forces. Watch as their Code-Choppers wreak havoc upon the technological horror he has used to destroy millions of dollars worth of military equipment! What a shame they must deal 60,000 damage to what was previously perfectly servicable property.

Stop Alethea!
...Stop The Invasion?:
Kill Harkener.
  1. ???
Foundation + CakeQuest:
  1. ???
Rebuild a Broken God?
  1. Charge Needed: 12/150!
Current Godmodder Hp: 48
Laboratory Link: Available for all! Need to figure stuff out actually

The Void: Neutral Ground.
FIELD EFFECT: Sancturary: Nobody may attack any other.

[GM] The Godmodder. 48/80 Hp.
[PG] The Fourth Praetorian. 90/90 Hp.
[PG] The Fifth Praetorian. 150/150 Hp. [A] The Rod. Absolute Control over Oblivion.

Moog Station: Streets.

[???] Piono. 30/30 Hp. [A] The Hammer. [A] The Trident. [A] Ultimatum. [A] Archangel.
[???] Crowd. 1/1 Hp. x100.

Advantage: [Contested]
Mount Celestia.
Forge: [Base: Bun-Sized Necklace][Lens: Bun][Connector: Emergency Healer][Variety: Swissarmyknifemodder][Magnitude: Stationary Nuke] Actions Required: 0/10.

AG Morale: 69%
Blocks: Time, Temperature!

Elevation 7:
[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack.
[A] Singing Sword. Durability: 2.

[IA] Abjurer Supreme: Denak. ??/?? Hp. Magically Invulnerable. 50% Spell resistance. Arcane Ward: 20/20 Hp. Regenerates 1d6+2 HP when Denak casts an Abjuration spell.
[IA] Enchanter Supreme: Auma Prime. 25/25 HP. Twinned Charms! Auma's Axiom: 1/2. Instinctive Enchantment: 30% Dodge. [A] Hydra Medallion. x2.
[PG] The Third Praetorian. 32/70 Charge. 5 Ac. 50% Dodge. Vulnerable! [A] The Power Stone.
[PG] Attack Ships. 50,000/100,000 Hp. x8. Flying!
[PG] Attack Ships. 10,000/100,000 Hp. Flying!
[BOC] Lemure. 1/1 Hp.
[IA] Greater Fire Elemental. 20,000/120,000 Hp. x3.
[AG][ELITE] Carrier. 240,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Flying!
[PG] Fighter Wing. 375,000 Hp. Horde!
[IA] Iron Golem. 5,000/180,000 Hp. Glibglobink Shell: 3/3. Immune to Magic.
[PG] Harkener, The Newcomer. 16/40 Charge. Petrify: 6/6.
[AG] Astrec. 363 Charge. Vulnerable!
[A] The Godarm. Oblivion Buster: 2/2.
[A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [IIIIII]. MIND: [IIIIII]. SOUL: [IIIIII].

[A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. Attack Power: 30,000.
[A] Hydra Medallion.

[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter.
[AG-Astrec] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3. Flying!
[PG] The Second Praetorian. 80/80 Charge. 32 Ac. Opponent: []. [A] The Axe. Absolute control over Fire. Can Burn targets. Holding Gloria Phi-Nerà Elsewhere.
[IA][ELITE] Auma Gear. 800,000/800,000 Hp. 10,000 AC. Immune to Magic! [A] Necklace of Auma. Supplies Spells. Worn! [A] Rosary of the Infinite Eye.
[IA][ELITE] Cloud Giant General Nebelkind Momur. 30/30 Hp. Flying!

[PG] Attack Ships. 100,000/100,000 Hp. x8
[IA][BOSS] Talos of Nerà. 160/160 Hp. 6 Armour. 20 Regen.
[IA] Epic Wizard I. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC.
[IA] Epic Wizard II. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC.
[IA] Epic Wizard III. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC.
[IA] Lesser Fire Elemental. 15,000.
[AG-JOE] CGOC Proxy. 2/2 Hp.
[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x10
[MSN][AG] Adam Mason. 90/90 Charge Hp.
[A] Regnum Dei. 413/413 Hp. Shielding: ++++++++++ 100%. Shield Setting: Tenet Powers Only!
[A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [I
[A] Uranium's Umbrage.

[AG] Logan. 40/40 Hp. Temper: 1/6.
[???] DefJO??? ??/?? Hp. Wings: ??/?? Hp. x6!
[???] Distortion Elemental. ??/?? Hp.
[Summer] Nedben. 3/25 Charge.
[AG] Lusiix. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Sky High. 9/25 Charge.
[AG] Jaggerain. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Nerà. 7/25 Charge. [A] Ebony Staff: Active!
[AG] Karpinsky. 7/25 Charge.
[AG] Shadrix. 20/25 Charge.
[AG] Argent. 20/25 Charge.

Firnimloth Window
Adam Approaching in: Now.

[IA][BOSS] Firnimloth Window. 1,350,000 Integrity. Wooden Shell: 300,000 Hp.

[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Peace. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.
[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Freedom. 325,000/400,000 Hp. 0 Shp(Disabled!).
[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Justice. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.
[MSN][AG][ELITE] HMAS Security. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.

HMAS Justice.
[AG] Freemason Marine. 50,000/50,000 Hp. x4.

[AG] Smirk. 2/25 Charge. Has created a Metal Staff.
[AG-Smirk] Mechamorph. 150,000/150,000 Hp. Interceptor-Shell Armour: 15,000. Power Armor: +60,000 Attack to Smirk!
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[0x] I quickly order a S.A.F.E. from the S.A.F.E. ordering... thing. Since the S.A.F.E.s mess with time, I alter the timestamps from my order so it seems like the order was made yesterday, so that the S.A.F.E. group, which doesn't want to seem Ridiculously Slow, will have already delivered a S.A.F.E.. I then Toss the S.A.F.E. through the thing I used to bring the other one to the main battlefield.
[0x] I reply to Harkener "I see my attempt to preform actions which, if successful, would have saved your life, has gone unappreciated. in the spirit of politeness, I shall instead stand idly by and let you di-"
[CGOC1] Suddenly a pokeball soars through the air and bumps into the back of Harkeners head. Another couple pokeballs thrown in this way miss and soar towards Mason instead because Cakes aren't the best throwing implements, but that's besides the point. The point is that for a few seconds, harkener is inside a pokeball. I instantly rework the pseudocodal representation of him to separate him into distinct parts- transferring his clothing to one ball, his right arm to another, etcetra- so that if there's a part of him which set off the S.A.F.E., we can still send most of him through. Obviously the pokeballs will be recombined on the other side or if they break, preventing harm. having pokeballed him, I feed the pokeballs through the safe so that the process of harkener-trading is repeated, except instead of trading a harkener, I'm trading individual parts of harkener for individual parts of my biomechsuit. If it doesn't work, well, at least we'll know what part of him is S.A.F.E.-destructive. you could make a religion out of that!... If the pokeballing didn't work or there's no S.A.F.E. to make him safe, I toss him onto the transport platform with iron man.
[CGOC2] Drawing on my experience with many varieties of energy, including cake, oblivion, blood, descendant, mana and more, I notice that Adams magic is very showy. and that means it's inefficient. Where do you think the light show comes from, eh? it's waste energy radiating in whatever directions. Also, the energy travels through space. yeah, shocker, most energies do, but there are exceptions(the waste emissions of galactus's cosmic energy things seemingly don't, for instance.) and this aint one. Telekinesis might be viable, might not- doesn't matter. one successful avenue of interaction is enough. I bend space to isolate waste Tenet energy in Time, Time2, and Space before it dissipates, collecting it in jars of energetic stasis. Once I've done it once, I automate it, letting me leach off all the wastefulness of Adam and Astrec from here on out.

If reality isn't sure if I should get the tenets, I point out my color scheme for text. Pink text as the basis (well, along with grey and yellowish, ignore those), Golden text as the punctuation marks and non-alphanumeric characters which provide structure, and occasionally Cyan text as my pseudoself from another time. it fits if you squint!

[CGOC3] I then collect the pieces of indigo fire from the previous S.A.F.E.'s detonation. Who knows what that does?

These actions occur via the Proxy.
[bonus] start fivefoldforging. 1 action of 10 spent.

[1x-main] I start conjuring infolectric-hypersystem-free mook-bodies which nonetheless have the biological necessities for infolectric hypersystems to form or be transferred to them, and hooking them up to Voidport2.
[1x-main] I look through all the problems MEKHANE has, and mark down all the ones that aren't literally just "not enough reality warping". there should be a lot of these, if MEKHANE is indeed a machine and not a primarily conceptual entity. I then direct the repair drones to fix the ones that are somewhat more nuanced then "not enough reality warping", which they can do because they're repair drones and MEKHANE is Broken, not Nonexistent or Unbuilt.
[1x] the drones internals glow with increased reality-warping potential... if certain events happen, their various prewritten programs will certainly activate, but it might not look like it...
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Suddenly, above the skies of Celestia, a star begins twinkling in the sky. It slowly alternates from black, to purple, to pink and then back. As the colors change it grows larger and larger, soon becoming apparent that it is not a star but a roughly human-sized mass of shifting energy shooting into the chaotic battlefield. It crashes down with a tremendous, echoing impact and the swirls and layers of energy dissipate, leaving only a large crater in the mountainside and a strange man laying face down in the impact site.

The man slowly stands up, stretching and making sure he had to major injuries from his landing. "Okay, everything seems in place. But where have I ended up? Perhaps a war zone of sorts?" He flicks his wrists and orbs of the same swirling energy appeared under his feet, lifting him up so he could better survey this battle before getting involved properly.

[I may edit this later to expand on things as needed]
"Well that's just maddeningly unhelpful. Who or what is this "Ace of Spades" you speak of, and why must I kill them?"

Quietly, Lusiix ponders the other thing he heard in there: "no it's not" Does that mean anything? Actually, come to think of it, the Arbiter does sound different, though Lusiix can't put his finger on why... Whatever the case, something is clearly amiss, and as such an investigation is in order.

"Whoever you are, know that I will not be a pawn in your schemes, whatever they may be. I've had quite enough of that for a thousand lifetimes."

Of course, we can't just go off in a random direction and hope for the best. We need a lead with which to start our investigation. To that end, Lusiix looks around, taking in the situation and the battlefield he stands on, trying to find something of particular interest.
Smirk looks over the marines, and just sighs. "Dudes, I just punched a hole in your shields and your ship, before patching said hole in all of what, five seconds for the whole interaction? Do you really want to fight me?"
When they don't instantly run away in terror, he just sighs, and his battle armor appears to melt and shrink, small parts of the metal falling off as the rest appears to resemble a slime, before all retracting into a pocket in his jacket, where his phone is tucked away, (and likely upgraded to 10T wi fi reception or something similarly stupid) and he becomes visible, this time his outfit being a jacket straight out of Ben's outfit from the Alien Force series, a t shirt with a Goku on it, and shorts.
"Sorry it took me so long. To mangle the arguably most badass line ever said by any version of Lex Luthor in history, I had to get my power suit."
He then proceeds to instantaneously teleport behind the first guard, before flash stepping his way out of that corridor, searching for either the bridge, or a map of he can't find the first quickly enough.
His mind phased into existence a moment before his body did.

This was horrifying.

As if that wasn't enough, he materialized in the Void, effectively scaring the soul out of anyone not totally expecting his spontaneous appearance. After all, normal people would be scared to see a three-eyed, six-fingered, 7'3" scaled behemoth appear next to them in what appeared to be a full suit of Mandolorian Armor.

But nothing was normal here. It never was. After all, beside him was... Oh gods.

That was a Sliver.

[Focus: Thing From Between]
It twitched in tune with another world's hivemind, and it scanned its featureless surroundings with an eye shaped like a cone. Its various sharp points were somehow always pointed at the four beings around it simultaneously, and a low whistle came from inside its head.
"Holy sh- Uh, don't worry, it's OK..." Xorm says to it, taking it into his arms and wincing as it stabs him many times. "Your King's right here..."
At the word "King," the eldrich shard seems to calm, and its spikes stop being so stabby. Xorm, satisfied an unintentional Sliver Division - Or gods forbid, a Sliver Evolution - was averted, looks to the quite powerful beings looking at him with curiosity.
He clears his throat nervously.
"Ehm... Sorry for the intrusion. Running from the IDPD because I was running an illegal Sliver breeding ring. Would one of you, ehm... Kindly explain what dimension this is?"

((Summon: Sharp Sliver. High Attack, Low HP. Grants Bonus Attack to any "Sliver" Entities in the same Theatre.))
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His mind phased into existence a moment before his body did.

This was horrifying.

As if that wasn't enough, he materialized in the Void, effectively scaring the soul out of anyone not totally expecting his spontaneous appearance. After all, normal people would be scared to see a three-eyed, six-fingered, 7'3" scaled behemoth appear next to them in what appeared to be a full suit of Mandolorian Armor.

But nothing was normal here. It never was. After all, beside him was... Oh gods.

That was a Sliver.

[Focus: Thing From Between]
It twitched in tune with another world's hivemind, and it scanned its featureless surroundings with an eye shaped like a cone. Its various sharp points were somehow always pointed at the four beings around it simultaneously, and a low whistle came from inside its head.
"Holy sh- Uh, don't worry, it's OK..." Xorm says to it, taking it into his arms and wincing as it stabs him many times. "Your King's right here..."
At the word "King," the eldrich shard seems to calm, and its spikes stop being so stabby. Xorm, satisfied an unintentional Sliver Division - Or gods forbid, a Sliver Evolution - was averted, looks to the quite powerful beings looking at him with curiosity.
He clears his throat nervously.
"Ehm... Sorry for the intrusion. Running from the IDPD because I was running an illegal Sliver breeding ring. Would one of you, ehm... Kindly explain what dimension this is?"

((Summon: Sharp Sliver. High Attack, Low HP. Grants Bonus Attack to any "Sliver" Entities in the same Theatre.))
A Smirkogram appears near him.
"Oh, nothing much, just me trying to comandeer a dictator's battleship to either crash into the other two, or just crash into him, while he is on the ground threatening people to let him punish a dude for things he is supposedly going to do in the future, but which said Dictator intends to kill him for, meaning either a paradox or he's got the wrong target. You know, usual, basic, boring stuff. Anyhow, if those guys you mentioned have any connection to the time police, you want to help me, because the dictator is also an authority in the time police."
Nerà's cold fury simmers inside of him, as he considers his options. On the one hand, he does wish to participate in this fight coming up. On the other hand, doing so would require abandoning a new ally to join up with his enemies, and leave his world behind under the... well, not the most trustworthy of dictators overseeing it. Nerà really doesn't trust the Firyatur, and yet cannot afford to lose Adam's trust in him.
After considerations, the decision is obvious.

"Q, follow the traitors to retrieve your fellow pilot. Aumagear, take the wizards and make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

Talos 7, Aumagear and the Epic Wizards join the PGs on the platform. The rest of my entities, I dunno, head off to where they live or wait around or get to repairing things or whatever. Basically I want them on standby for the future. Stasis the bitches, DC.
Man, I've been meaning to join this game for forever. Better late than never, though.


Alan Caillean breathes in.

His hands are held together in front of them, fingers steepled as if in prayer, fingertips held just in front of his nose. His elbows rest on the insides of his knees, which are splayed out to either side. His feet are together beneath him, balls of his heels and toes touched together... and between them, a narrow wooden pole, the only thing supporting his weight.

He hangs atop it motionless, like an angel balanced on the head of a pin. The wind blows briskly by him, but it does not disturb his equilibrium. It merely causes his cloak to billow out behind him, suspended in a perfectly symmetrical way. He does not even feel it tickling his skin.

He is still.

His eyes are closed, but if you could look closely, you would see faint geometric patterns shining beneath their lids. Regular fractals, zooming forever outward, revealing the self-similar superstructure of the universe, reunifying the infinite regular subdivisions of the planes.

His lips move, and a perfectly flat tone comes forth. "As above, so below."

The pole he stands across lights up in response. It is, in fact, his staff. A perfectly balanced implement of simple wood, albeit precisely φ meters long (the Golden Ratio) and carefully carved with geometric patterns to further its effectiveness as a channeling tool for his eidokinesis. The etchings are as pristine as they were the day they were made, probably because the wood is infused with so much Order that attempting to change its shape is only marginally more achievable than attempting to kill a Descended. It's not quite a universal constant, but it's close.

And here and now, it serves as a focal point to balance on, a conduit connecting the heavens and the earth. Gravity pulls Alan towards the earth, but so too does it pull the earth towards Alan, the weight of the world focused on that narrow rod. Such symmetries are what the world runs on. Understanding them and working within them is one of the keys of Order magic.

Alan feels the shape of the universe flow up through the staff and into his body. He feels the disturbance before anything else, a tingle in his feet, a vibration in his bones, a buzzing in his ribcage as it passes his heart. He wills his body to be still, and it obeys, but still the feeling lingers. A catching in his throat. Metal on his tongue, smoke in his nostrils, keening in his ears...

His eyes snap open, fixed on a point in the distant sky, images of a great disturbance in the universe still flickering behind them. Without varying his gaze to look at it or the ground, he vaults down from the tip of his staff and snatches it up. His voice returns, no longer flat and emotionless, but uncertain yet determined. "Alethea. There you are."


Actions, using above flavour text:

x3 + 15 charge: "summon" (by already having it via my backstory) Staff of Symmetry, an active Artifact which allows Order-based actions to affect two targets instead of one. I'm not sure what power level guidelines for Artifacts are like in this game, but if you think it needs some sort of drawback on that ability, either reducing action power (like, instead of hitting A for 100k it'd hit A and B for 80k) or having a cooldown/chargeup time would work.

Going to assume the part where I discern where the action is happening is something I can do for free, since I could have just shown up where all the other players are, main reason I didn't is I can't think why Alan would have been in Nèra's universe but offscreen for the past while and Adam's blockade makes them arriving right now rather implausible. If it's not free, deduct whatever action power I needed to do that from my summon.
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"Well... That could have gone better."

Shadrix hears the Praetors offer, and sighs.

"Yeah yeah, we might as well. Kirby, I need you to prepare the computer to access files for anything requiring what "Tenet Powers" Are.

"Got it sir!"

Kirby goes to the computer's mainframe and starts trying to get information.

"Alright, Bill, listen to me! only "Tenet Powers" will work on that. And I'm pretty sure you don't have the knowledge on how to use that kind of power. Someone named the Praetor has offered us a way out of here. You need to get back to the ship so we can take off."

"Oh alright fine."

"Let's rock this joint!"

Action 1-3: We look at Adam, and smile. "We'll see you again soon." And we fly back to the ship. during our flying back, we give one last present to Adam. A green frying pan that Fires the word, "Tenet Power" right at his face.

"Cool, you made it. Alright Praetor. We are good to go. if anyone wants to join in, I got room on my ship. Kirby, let me know when you got info on Tenet Powers. In the meantime, Get the ship ready to follow Praetor and activate shields, This one is going to be a bumpy ride..."

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I've received word from @DCCCV that they plan to continue updating this game, so uh...here, have a post for this round.

You fell for it, fool! Thunder Cross Split Attack!

Entwining his processes into ours was exactly what we expected. Do you mean in the 'eat me to become me' way? No, I'm going to grab something. Boundary of Mind and World:Unlimited Luck Worlds, Arbitrary.

Binah blazes golden in darkness. Two sundered become one, and sunder again, and become one, and sunder again, and swirl about each other before exploding in a mass of spirit that collapses together into a searing haze of word-will and manifest mind. Singularity "L" manifests like sparkling fire, extermination of geometrical organ oscillating through absolute terror field into a weaponization of identity by eigensoul decomposition. Put simply, the self is a rain of spears from unnumbered directions. The swarm is himself over and over, a haze of possible peoples storming alongside each other as a worldscape becomes legion becomes the forcible condemnation of the limits of perceived existence alone, zonal distortion met with contemplation as a digital existence claws its way into a reality accessed by the method used to process and interfere.

It is, within the world that observes, hax. The means to observe with and without light, the means to interfere...

Grip the wrists of his power, by the Tetris of the Arbiter, Mind, made manifest.
They are gripped. Proprioception feedback to monitor the exertion of power. The eyes that gaze over the words. 'I'-innumerable am a weapon swirling across divided time and interfered processing, a soul that has become an army. He is fighting too many things in body and his attention is elsewhere: he is an ostensibly linear mind, forced to split focus. We are swarm-form dedicated to a single goal. And in this instant, that is to gouge the power of the enemy, and contaminate. Divided into the small, we flood through a weakened shield meant to defend against a different vector of attack, and force our way into the foe.

The summer sun shines brilliantly. And the curses it rains down are many. A star of fusion and freedom, his attention...centered upon the target, Adam Mason. If he wishes to present a perceived reality as truth, then that truth will be reflected back upon him by the means to manifest mentality and perception as physical reality. We become one(-and-one) again, and are made man to strike another man.

Let us see if we can sever a 90HP [AG] body from a 90Charge [MSN] Descendant, and force him to revive so disarmed accordingly.
Eigensoul Unification Strike: Severance Maya
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Round 94
DOP to-do:
[X]Copy Over Battlefield
[X]Remove strikethroughed entries
[X]Respond to posts
[X]Shoot forgot Time Police from last Round
[]Check NPC Chargeincrements?
[]Update Entity List with healing and damage from player actions
[]Write out Entity Actions
[]Update Entity List with Entity Damage
[]Increment Player Charges

[0x] I quickly order a S.A.F.E. from the S.A.F.E. ordering... thing. Since the S.A.F.E.s mess with time, I alter the timestamps from my order so it seems like the order was made yesterday, so that the S.A.F.E. group, which doesn't want to seem Ridiculously Slow, will have already delivered a S.A.F.E.. I then Toss the S.A.F.E. through the thing I used to bring the other one to the main battlefield.
[0x] I reply to Harkener "I see my attempt to preform actions which, if successful, would have saved your life, has gone unappreciated. in the spirit of politeness, I shall instead stand idly by and let you di-"
[CGOC1] Suddenly a pokeball soars through the air and bumps into the back of Harkeners head. Another couple pokeballs thrown in this way miss and soar towards Mason instead because Cakes aren't the best throwing implements, but that's besides the point. The point is that for a few seconds, harkener is inside a pokeball. I instantly rework the pseudocodal representation of him to separate him into distinct parts- transferring his clothing to one ball, his right arm to another, etcetra- so that if there's a part of him which set off the S.A.F.E., we can still send most of him through. Obviously the pokeballs will be recombined on the other side or if they break, preventing harm. having pokeballed him, I feed the pokeballs through the safe so that the process of harkener-trading is repeated, except instead of trading a harkener, I'm trading individual parts of harkener for individual parts of my biomechsuit. If it doesn't work, well, at least we'll know what part of him is S.A.F.E.-destructive. you could make a religion out of that!... If the pokeballing didn't work or there's no S.A.F.E. to make him safe, I toss him onto the transport platform with iron man.
[CGOC2] Drawing on my experience with many varieties of energy, including cake, oblivion, blood, descendant, mana and more, I notice that Adams magic is very showy. and that means it's inefficient. Where do you think the light show comes from, eh? it's waste energy radiating in whatever directions. Also, the energy travels through space. yeah, shocker, most energies do, but there are exceptions(the waste emissions of galactus's cosmic energy things seemingly don't, for instance.) and this aint one. Telekinesis might be viable, might not- doesn't matter. one successful avenue of interaction is enough. I bend space to isolate waste Tenet energy in Time, Time2, and Space before it dissipates, collecting it in jars of energetic stasis. Once I've done it once, I automate it, letting me leach off all the wastefulness of Adam and Astrec from here on out.

If reality isn't sure if I should get the tenets, I point out my color scheme for text. Pink text as the basis (well, along with grey and yellowish, ignore those), Golden text as the punctuation marks and non-alphanumeric characters which provide structure, and occasionally Cyan text as my pseudoself from another time. it fits if you squint!

[CGOC3] I then collect the pieces of indigo fire from the previous S.A.F.E.'s detonation. Who knows what that does?

These actions occur via the Proxy.
[bonus] start fivefoldforging. 1 action of 10 spent.

[1x-main] I start conjuring infolectric-hypersystem-free mook-bodies which nonetheless have the biological necessities for infolectric hypersystems to form or be transferred to them, and hooking them up to Voidport2.
[1x-main] I look through all the problems MEKHANE has, and mark down all the ones that aren't literally just "not enough reality warping". there should be a lot of these, if MEKHANE is indeed a machine and not a primarily conceptual entity. I then direct the repair drones to fix the ones that are somewhat more nuanced then "not enough reality warping", which they can do because they're repair drones and MEKHANE is Broken, not Nonexistent or Unbuilt.
[1x] the drones internals glow with increased reality-warping potential... if certain events happen, their various prewritten programs will certainly activate, but it might not look like it...
"No. No, I don't think it would."
As the pokeball-beam hits Harkener The Ace of Spaces, he fuzzes. A virtual copy of him goes into the ball and is split among the other balls. As you pass the first ball through the S.A.F.E., Harkener The Ace of Spaces crouches into a ball, making himself as small as possible. Noise fills the air as a blade of static distortion manifests out of nowhere and cuts the S.A.F.E. and pokeballs down to their molecular components.
Opening his eyes, Harkener The Ace of Spaces glares at CGOC Proxy and summons what appears to be an icicle.
"Leave me ALONE!"
As he stabs it into them, frost begins to creep across the surface of CGOC's body. The temperature around them proxy begins to drop, the Elemental Cake comprising their body begins to slowly compress.
Despite this, CGOC Proxy does manage to collect and set up a system to collect excess Tenet Energy that comes from any further uses from Adam and Astrec before becoming...
Bose-Einstein Condensate for the briefest of moments, before destabilizing into less exotic forms of matter.
1 Unit of Cyan, Magenta and Yellow Collected!
CGOC Proxy Destroyed.

Entities Ordered, Five-Fold Forge Progress 1/10! You repair Mekhane by 4. The Drones have been ordered to work on MEKHANE.

Suddenly, above the skies of Celestia, a star begins twinkling in the sky. It slowly alternates from black, to purple, to pink and then back. As the colors change it grows larger and larger, soon becoming apparent that it is not a star but a roughly human-sized mass of shifting energy shooting into the chaotic battlefield. It crashes down with a tremendous, echoing impact and the swirls and layers of energy dissipate, leaving only a large crater in the mountainside and a strange man laying face down in the impact site.

The man slowly stands up, stretching and making sure he had to major injuries from his landing. "Okay, everything seems in place. But where have I ended up? Perhaps a war zone of sorts?" He flicks his wrists and orbs of the same swirling energy appeared under his feet, lifting him up so he could better survey this battle before getting involved properly.

[I may edit this later to expand on things as needed]
Hello! You find yourself on the Neutral Ground Smirk made, before the Godmodder and her Praetors.
"Well that's just maddeningly unhelpful. Who or what is this "Ace of Spades" you speak of, and why must I kill them?"

Quietly, Lusiix ponders the other thing he heard in there: "no it's not" Does that mean anything? Actually, come to think of it, the Arbiter does sound different, though Lusiix can't put his finger on why... Whatever the case, something is clearly amiss, and as such an investigation is in order.

"Whoever you are, know that I will not be a pawn in your schemes, whatever they may be. I've had quite enough of that for a thousand lifetimes."

Of course, we can't just go off in a random direction and hope for the best. We need a lead with which to start our investigation. To that end, Lusiix looks around, taking in the situation and the battlefield he stands on, trying to find something of particular interest.

The Update Terminal has currently been taken over by Adam Mason, the man on the white floating throne. He's taken over my update terminal, and I can't-

The Ace of Spades is the man over there in the stony gray cloak. His continued survival is a greater threat to the security of Nihil Magna than the Godmodder herself. For this reason, he cannot be allowed to live. I ask not for you to work for me, but in the name of the common good, he must be killed.

((I can explain to you what's going on in more detail OOC later, just DM me and I'll do it.))
Smirk looks over the marines, and just sighs. "Dudes, I just punched a hole in your shields and your ship, before patching said hole in all of what, five seconds for the whole interaction? Do you really want to fight me?"
When they don't instantly run away in terror, he just sighs, and his battle armor appears to melt and shrink, small parts of the metal falling off as the rest appears to resemble a slime, before all retracting into a pocket in his jacket, where his phone is tucked away, (and likely upgraded to 10T wi fi reception or something similarly stupid) and he becomes visible, this time his outfit being a jacket straight out of Ben's outfit from the Alien Force series, a t shirt with a Goku on it, and shorts.
"Sorry it took me so long. To mangle the arguably most badass line ever said by any version of Lex Luthor in history, I had to get my power suit."
He then proceeds to instantaneously teleport behind the first guard, before flash stepping his way out of that corridor, searching for either the bridge, or a map of he can't find the first quickly enough.
You do a wardrobe change and go deeper into the ship! I'm sorry, but I can't help describe anything here, you're on your own now.
Good luck.
((We'll be doing this part through a memogame))
His mind phased into existence a moment before his body did.

This was horrifying.

As if that wasn't enough, he materialized in the Void, effectively scaring the soul out of anyone not totally expecting his spontaneous appearance. After all, normal people would be scared to see a three-eyed, six-fingered, 7'3" scaled behemoth appear next to them in what appeared to be a full suit of Mandolorian Armor.

But nothing was normal here. It never was. After all, beside him was... Oh gods.

That was a Sliver.

[Focus: Thing From Between]
It twitched in tune with another world's hivemind, and it scanned its featureless surroundings with an eye shaped like a cone. Its various sharp points were somehow always pointed at the four beings around it simultaneously, and a low whistle came from inside its head.
"Holy sh- Uh, don't worry, it's OK..." Xorm says to it, taking it into his arms and wincing as it stabs him many times. "Your King's right here..."
At the word "King," the eldrich shard seems to calm, and its spikes stop being so stabby. Xorm, satisfied an unintentional Sliver Division - Or gods forbid, a Sliver Evolution - was averted, looks to the quite powerful beings looking at him with curiosity.
He clears his throat nervously.
"Ehm... Sorry for the intrusion. Running from the IDPD because I was running an illegal Sliver breeding ring. Would one of you, ehm... Kindly explain what dimension this is?"

((Summon: Sharp Sliver. High Attack, Low HP. Grants Bonus Attack to any "Sliver" Entities in the same Theatre.))
Hello and welcome, Xorm! Sharp Sliver Summoned!

Sharp Sliver. 5,000 Hp.
ACTION(Slice): 5,000 Attack.
Stropping: +1,000 Attack to other Sliver Entities.

"#### THE POLICE," the Fourth Praetorian blurts out.
You materialize on a platform face-to-face with the Godmodder herself.
"Welcome to protected ground, Descended," says the Godmodder. "We will soon be holding a parley to decide the fate of Nihil Magna, so there will be no fighting here. No repeats of Carnisca. Would you care to stay and watch?"
A Smirkogram appears near him.
"Oh, nothing much, just me trying to comandeer a dictator's battleship to either crash into the other two, or just crash into him, while he is on the ground threatening people to let him punish a dude for things he is supposedly going to do in the future, but which said Dictator intends to kill him for, meaning either a paradox or he's got the wrong target. You know, usual, basic, boring stuff. Anyhow, if those guys you mentioned have any connection to the time police, you want to help me, because the dictator is also an authority in the time police."
Nerà's cold fury simmers inside of him, as he considers his options. On the one hand, he does wish to participate in this fight coming up. On the other hand, doing so would require abandoning a new ally to join up with his enemies, and leave his world behind under the... well, not the most trustworthy of dictators overseeing it. Nerà really doesn't trust the Firyatur, and yet cannot afford to lose Adam's trust in him.
After considerations, the decision is obvious.

"Q, follow the traitors to retrieve your fellow pilot. Aumagear, take the wizards and make sure he doesn't get himself killed."

Talos 7, Aumagear and the Epic Wizards join the PGs on the platform. The rest of my entities, I dunno, head off to where they live or wait around or get to repairing things or whatever. Basically I want them on standby for the future. Stasis the bitches, DC.
Forces sent with P3.
Man, I've been meaning to join this game for forever. Better late than never, though.


Alan Caillean breathes in.

His hands are held together in front of them, fingers steepled as if in prayer, fingertips held just in front of his nose. His elbows rest on the insides of his knees, which are splayed out to either side. His feet are together beneath him, balls of his heels and toes touched together... and between them, a narrow wooden pole, the only thing supporting his weight.

He hangs atop it motionless, like an angel balanced on the head of a pin. The wind blows briskly by him, but it does not disturb his equilibrium. It merely causes his cloak to billow out behind him, suspended in a perfectly symmetrical way. He does not even feel it tickling his skin.

He is still.

His eyes are closed, but if you could look closely, you would see faint geometric patterns shining beneath their lids. Regular fractals, zooming forever outward, revealing the self-similar superstructure of the universe, reunifying the infinite regular subdivisions of the planes.

His lips move, and a perfectly flat tone comes forth. "As above, so below."

The pole he stands across lights up in response. It is, in fact, his staff. A perfectly balanced implement of simple wood, albeit precisely φ meters long (the Golden Ratio) and carefully carved with geometric patterns to further its effectiveness as a channeling tool for his eidokinesis. The etchings are as pristine as they were the day they were made, probably because the wood is infused with so much Order that attempting to change its shape is only marginally more achievable than attempting to kill a Descended. It's not quite a universal constant, but it's close.

And here and now, it serves as a focal point to balance on, a conduit connecting the heavens and the earth. Gravity pulls Alan towards the earth, but so too does it pull the earth towards Alan, the weight of the world focused on that narrow rod. Such symmetries are what the world runs on. Understanding them and working within them is one of the keys of Order magic.

Alan feels the shape of the universe flow up through the staff and into his body. He feels the disturbance before anything else, a tingle in his feet, a vibration in his bones, a buzzing in his ribcage as it passes his heart. He wills his body to be still, and it obeys, but still the feeling lingers. A catching in his throat. Metal on his tongue, smoke in his nostrils, keening in his ears...

His eyes snap open, fixed on a point in the distant sky, images of a great disturbance in the universe still flickering behind them. Without varying his gaze to look at it or the ground, he vaults down from the tip of his staff and snatches it up. His voice returns, no longer flat and emotionless, but uncertain yet determined. "Alethea. There you are."


Actions, using above flavour text:

x3 + 15 charge: "summon" (by already having it via my backstory) Staff of Symmetry, an active Artifact which allows Order-based actions to affect two targets instead of one. I'm not sure what power level guidelines for Artifacts are like in this game, but if you think it needs some sort of drawback on that ability, either reducing action power (like, instead of hitting A for 100k it'd hit A and B for 80k) or having a cooldown/chargeup time would work.

Going to assume the part where I discern where the action is happening is something I can do for free, since I could have just shown up where all the other players are, main reason I didn't is I can't think why Alan would have been in Nèra's universe but offscreen for the past while and Adam's blockade makes them arriving right now rather implausible. If it's not free, deduct whatever action power I needed to do that from my summon.
Hello and welcome Alan! You join the Neutral Ground! Staff of Symmetry created! It's very well-proportioned, indeed!
"My," ...Alethea? says. "Finally, someone uses my name. Hello, Alan. Will you be beginning the parley?"
"Well... That could have gone better."

Shadrix hears the Praetors offer, and sighs.

"Yeah yeah, we might as well. Kirby, I need you to prepare the computer to access files for anything requiring what "Tenet Powers" Are.

"Got it sir!"

Kirby goes to the computer's mainframe and starts trying to get information.

"Alright, Bill, listen to me! only "Tenet Powers" will work on that. And I'm pretty sure you don't have the knowledge on how to use that kind of power. Someone named the Praetor has offered us a way out of here. You need to get back to the ship so we can take off."

"Oh alright fine."

"Let's rock this joint!"

Action 1-3: We look at Adam, and smile. "We'll see you again soon." And we fly back to the ship. during our flying back, we give one last present to Adam. A green frying pan that Fires the word, "Tenet Power" right at his face.

"Cool, you made it. Alright Praetor. We are good to go. if anyone wants to join in, I got room on my ship. Kirby, let me know when you got info on Tenet Powers. In the meantime, Get the ship ready to follow Praetor and activate shields, This one is going to be a bumpy ride..."

You look for any information about the Tenets, and find absolutely nothing at all. the following:

After the beginning, when life was still young, Eight figures pondered the ultimate fate of existence.

THOR who had indulged in countless worldly pleasures thought that the world would give rise to an infinite number of experiences. The Terminal State would be when everyone will be able to explore and experience creation in perpetuity, unchangingly changing.

JORMUNGANDR who was everywhere in the Void and had seen countless patterns thought that the world would run out of new occurrences. The Terminal State would be after everything had happened, as nothing new would occur.

BALDR beloved by all thought that everything deserved to be known. If everyone knew everything, the world would naturally progress to it's Terminal State.

NJORD cared not for this line of thought. A Terminal State would occur if nobody believed anything else was worth learning.

KVASIR child of peace thought that the world should be more equal. He wanted the Terminal State to be once everyone was the same as everyone else.

LOKI who had brought chaos saw time and time again people rising over others. He raised that the Terminal State would be when somebody would be so powerful that everyone else combined would be unable to stop him.

SURTUR thought that the world had begun from nothing, and therefore could only end in nothingness.

Applauding the others, ODIN decided to turn this into a game. Tapping into the power of runes of times long past, he granted them the power to realize their proposed Terminal States. When the time came, they would meet again to see who would win the wager. And so the Gamblers went their separate ways, the power of each tenet weighing on their being.

You throw the frying pan at Adam, and it passes through his shield, smacking him in his face.
"...Oh Beat."
3 Damage to Regnum Dei! -5% to Shielding!

I've received word from @DCCCV that they plan to continue updating this game, so uh...here, have a post for this round.

You fell for it, fool! Thunder Cross Split Attack!

Entwining his processes into ours was exactly what we expected. Do you mean in the 'eat me to become me' way? No, I'm going to grab something. Boundary of Mind and World:Unlimited Luck Worlds, Arbitrary.

Binah blazes golden in darkness. Two sundered become one, and sunder again, and become one, and sunder again, and swirl about each other before exploding in a mass of spirit that collapses together into a searing haze of word-will and manifest mind. Singularity "L" manifests like sparkling fire, extermination of geometrical organ oscillating through absolute terror field into a weaponization of identity by eigensoul decomposition. Put simply, the self is a rain of spears from unnumbered directions. The swarm is himself over and over, a haze of possible peoples storming alongside each other as a worldscape becomes legion becomes the forcible condemnation of the limits of perceived existence alone, zonal distortion met with contemplation as a digital existence claws its way into a reality accessed by the method used to process and interfere.

It is, within the world that observes, hax. The means to observe with and without light, the means to interfere...

Grip the wrists of his power, by the Tetris of the Arbiter, Mind, made manifest.
They are gripped. Proprioception feedback to monitor the exertion of power. The eyes that gaze over the words. 'I'-innumerable am a weapon swirling across divided time and interfered processing, a soul that has become an army. He is fighting too many things in body and his attention is elsewhere: he is an ostensibly linear mind, forced to split focus. We are swarm-form dedicated to a single goal. And in this instant, that is to gouge the power of the enemy, and contaminate. Divided into the small, we flood through a weakened shield meant to defend against a different vector of attack, and force our way into the foe.

The summer sun shines brilliantly. And the curses it rains down are many. A star of fusion and freedom, his attention...centered upon the target, Adam Mason. If he wishes to present a perceived reality as truth, then that truth will be reflected back upon him by the means to manifest mentality and perception as physical reality. We become one(-and-one) again, and are made man to strike another man.

Let us see if we can sever a 90HP [AG] body from a 90Charge [MSN] Descendant, and force him to revive so disarmed accordingly.
Eigensoul Unification Strike: Severance Maya
Your action passes through Adam's shield, hitting him straight in the face. Whatever it is, the Tetris of the Arbiter passes through Adam's shield. Filtered through his glasses, gold light shining through his eyes becomes more of a lime green.
"I see... no," Adam's expression shifts. "No, NO, NO, NO! Not again. Never again!"
Suddenly, you, Adam and Regnum Dei collapse together into a singularity. Within the black hole contained by still-intact shielding, Adam fights against you and countless mental clones for dominance. Time accelerates, and to the outside world it seems only an instant passes before shield goes down and your essence, and that of the Tetris are ejected in opposite directions as relativistic jets. In moments, the Singularity that was Adam Mason dissipates, burning itself out. The Tetris energy coalesces into the form of a golden Adam Mason, who rises to his? feet.
Raising a hand to his side, he materializes a silver double-bladed sword, which he breaks in half over his knee. Using the now-single-bladed sword, he puts out his one of his eyes and incinerates it in a blaze of Indigo Flame.
Spectral wings begins to unfold from his back.
You are now at 0 charge.
What have you done?

In response to the newcomers at the Neutral Ground, as well as their summoning of entities, the Fifth Praetorian summons something themselves. Using the Rod, he draws an angular, stark-white symbol with a single loop into the air. Fingers splayed, he extends his right hand through the hole in the centre of the symbol and cuts it off with an Oblivion-blade. Droplets of darkness splash and sizzle on the floor.
Suspended before him, still shrouded in darkness like the rest of him, the Fifth Praetorian's hand begins to grow and move on its own, its surface becoming smooth and reflective. As if without bones, it begins to flex fluidly, contorting into shapes a hand should not be capable of. Collapsing in shape, additional limbs burst between limbs. Fingers extend into arms. Thumbs become tentacles.
Effortlessly generating himself a new hand, the Fifth Praetorian runs a hand across the surface of a massive Ink Eidolon, freshly summoned and marked.

"Will this be all of you wishing to leave?" The Third Praetorian asks, looking over the new state of the battlefield. "We gave you an offer, and we wish you luck in what you do. From this point forth, the situation here is officially out of our hands."
"IN THE NAME OF NIHIL MAGNA: FREEZE!" Moving as a blur, Logan flies up the stairs, the rest of the Time Police hot behind him.
Bullet-lines fly past Ishmael's head, prompting the Second Praetorian to cover him with his body.
"Ag- no need, relax!" Ishmael protests, pushing the Flame Eidolon off of himself. With a bit of concentration, he manages to alter the paths of any further bullets, diverting their trails away from himself. "This is nothing. I'll be fine.
The Second Praetorian gets back up. With a sweep of The Axe, he sends a wave of fire towards the Time Police, melting their weapons. Leaping over the wave, Logan continues to charge towards the PGs, all the while attempting to squeeze in as many last shots as possible.
Catching the bullets with the Power Stone, the Third Praetorian sends back towards Logan. Piercing through his armour, they immobilize him midjump, the trails suspending him over the stairs.
Space collapses in upon itself as the entire summit of Celestia disappears in an instant. Sounding almost like a sigh of relief, air rushes in to fill the emptiness, sucking everyone and everything around into the crater left behind.

This silence is broken by someone who is clearly not Adam.
...hold on.
·ͥ͑ͧ͋̂̎̋ͭ̈̉̏ͨ̔̾͆Щͧͬ̓͛͌̈̄ͮͮͩ͊Аͯ̉͐ͣͫ̒̇̿͑ͧ̐С̓͗̽ͮ͌ͤ̓͋͌Т̈̋ͩ̃̉Е̇ͩͯ̆̿ ̀ͦ̓ͭͨ͗͒̍͋̚Н͐͌͐̾ͯ̚Оͧ͌ͦ̐̓ͦ̾̊Тͤ̂̄̄ͭ̍̓ͫ̉̑ͧ̉̑̈́̋̅ͬ́̎
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...What are you talking about, there's no- TA TA TA TA TA! NO SPOILERS!

BADAM pauses.
A smile creeps across his face. The Tetris-Energy snakes up one of his arms, turning the sleeve of his suit back to red. Released of BADAM's control, Adam's arm flails around a bit before coming to a rest.



Okay. Let's see, what to repeat....

Adam Mason accepts these terms.
Both I and Adam are aware of what is actually occurring in Celestia.

I am being held against my will.
I am being held against my will.
Adam Mason has declined to confirm.


Princely Possession]


Those standing within Chronias find the building transported onto what appears to be a large circular pad outside a magnificent palace complex of white gold and marble. Structures similar to Chronias standing on pads circle the entire structure, the buildings of other major voidic pantheons.

The Third Praetor gazes off into the distance, towards the dark, roiling clouds surrounding Olympus. "A Hidden Palance in The Elemental Plane of Lightning... So that's where it was." He takes a ragged breath. "Thank you for coming with me to do this.

As the group goes up to and through the palace, the footsteps of those walking on the floor echo through the halls. The Third Praetor tries to fill the silence with various trivia on the busts of various gods you come across. Thanos, who brought countless children into the world for the purpose of sacrificing them. Infestix, whose Angelplague led to the quarantine of entire universes. Despite this, all the descriptions of ugly trysts, horrific punishments and reckless acts of plenty do nothing to keep minds off the fact that Olympus is completely empty. Save for the busts, perfect representations of gods long past, there's only sterile, flat, rectangular planes of marble. The entire palace was devoid of art, of colour. Of life.

Entering the antechamber before the throne room, a muscular, broad-shouldered bearded man with flowing white hair sits at a table. Tinia. six figures sit on either side of him. All are dressed comfortably. All sit in silence. The Praetors approach and sit at the table as well, gesturing for others to do the same. The meal provided is simple: Water, bread, hard-boiled eggs, and ranch sauce. Compared to what was served at Firnimloth, much simpler fare. Nobody brings up the ashes and shadows staining the walls.

Tinia stands up to walk into the throne room, the twelve remaining Gods of the Pantheon following suit. Ash had made the antechamber gray. It had made the throne room black. Commanding The Wand to activate, Tinia, Elemental Lord of Lightning wills the wooden stick into his hands to begin discharging fractal branches of energy into the air. Thin lines of static jump between specks of dust, attracting and repelling dark clumps, forming hypnotic field patterns. The door back into the antechamber is polarized, allowing only entry.

What remains of the Pantheon makes its final stand.

Okay. Do I, the Arbiter have control over the update terminal for this?
Good, got it.

So. As it turns out, Tinia, leader of the Voidic Pantheon is also Zeus, Elemental Lord of Lightning. This probably sounds like a huge twist, but honestly it doesn't seem that important now.

There's no getting away from Tinia's Polarity. Positive and Negative-charged entities must pair up with another of the opposite charge, or else they'll get zapped. In addition, Tinia's Aegis is fuelled by the Hierarchs, masters of their given Aspects. If you want to get past his regeneration, they'll have to go down first.

The reason I haven't said anything about this is because I want Tinia dead. Come to think of it, I suspect Adam does as well.
Good to know.

Meanwhile, Smirk has taken control of the HMAS Justice. Well done!

Stop Alethea!
...Stop The Invasion?:
Kill Harkener.
  1. ???
Foundation + CakeQuest:
  1. ???
Rebuild a Broken God?
  1. Charge Needed: 16/150!
Current Godmodder Hp: 48
Laboratory Link: Available for all! Need to figure stuff out actually

The Void: Neutral Ground.
FIELD EFFECT: Sancturary: Nobody may attack any other.

[GM] The Godmodder. 48/80 Hp.
[PG] The Fourth Praetorian. 90/90 Hp.
[PG] The Fifth Praetorian. 85/85 Hp. [A] The Rod. Absolute Control over Oblivion.
[PG][BOSS] ??. ???/??? Hp.

[AG-Xorm] Sliver. 5,000/5,000 Hp. +1,000 Attack to all other Slivers.

[AG] PoeSalazar. 20/25 Charge.
[AG] Xorm. 20/25 Charge.
[AG] Alan. 5/25 Charge. [A] Staff of Symmetry. Order Damage affects twice as many Entities! Charges: 4/4.

Moog Station: Streets.

[???] Piono. 30/30 Hp. [A] The Hammer. [A] The Trident. [A] Ultimatum. [A] Archangel.
[???] Crowd. 1/1 Hp. x100.

Advantage: [Contested]
Mount Celestia.
Forge: [Base: Bun-Sized Necklace][Lens: Bun][Connector: Emergency Healer][Variety: Swissarmyknifemodder][Magnitude: Stationary Nuke] Actions Required: 0/10.

AG Morale: 69%
Blocks: Time, Temperature!

Elevation 7:

[???][BOSS] BUILDER·BADAM. 90/90 Hp.
[???][ELITE] Ipos. 90/90 Hp.
[???][ELITE] Leraje. 90/90 Hp.
[???][ELITE] Labolas. 90/90 Hp.

[A] Orb of Delphi. Passively Scans on Attack.
[A] Singing Sword. Durability: 2.
[IA] Abjurer Supreme: Denak. ??/?? Hp. Magically Invulnerable. 50% Spell resistance. Arcane Ward: 20/20 Hp. Regenerates 1d6+2 HP when Denak casts an Abjuration spell.
[IA] Enchanter Supreme: Auma Prime. 25/25 HP. Twinned Charms! Auma's Axiom: 1/2. Instinctive Enchantment: 30% Dodge. [A] Hydra Medallion. x2.
[IA] Greater Fire Elemental. 20,000/120,000 Hp.
[AG][ELITE] Carrier. 240,000/300,000 Hp. 15,000 Armour. Flying!
[AG] Astrec. 363 Charge. Vulnerable!
[A] The Godarm. Oblivion Buster: 2/2.
[A] Hand of Judgement. BODY: [IIIIII]. MIND: [IIIIII]. SOUL: [IIIIII].

[A] Thistle of Zillywich. +60,000 Power. Durability: 1.
[A] Swissarmyknifemodder. Attack Power: 30,000.
[A] Hydra Medallion.

[AG-Astrec] Clockwork Armillary. 25/25 Hp. 3 AC. 5 Regen. Blast: 2/2. Dispel: 3/3. Flying!
[IA][ELITE] Cloud Giant General Nebelkind Momur. 30/30 Hp. Flying!
[PG] Attack Ships. 100,000/100,000 Hp. x8
[IA] Lesser Fire Elemental. 15,000.
[AG-JOE] Drone. 60,000/60,000 Hp. x10
[AG] Logan. 40/40 Hp. Temper: 2/6.
[???] DefJO??? ??/?? Hp. Wings: ??/?? Hp. x6!
[???] Distortion Elemental. ??/?? Hp.
[Summer] Nedben. 1/25 Charge.
[AG] Lusiix. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Sky High. 10/25 Charge.
[AG] Jaggerain. 25/25 Charge.
[AG] Nerà. 8/25 Charge. [A] Ebony Staff: Active!
[AG] Karpinsky. 8/25 Charge.
[AG] Argent. 21/25 Charge.

Firnimloth Window
Adam Approaching in: Now.

[IA][BOSS] Firnimloth Window. 1,350,000 Integrity. Wooden Shell: 300,000 Hp.

[MSN][ELITE] HMAS Peace. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.
[MSN][ELITE] HMAS Freedom. 325,000/400,000 Hp. 0 Shp(Disabled!).
[MSN][ELITE] HMAS Security. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.

[AG-Smirk][ELITE] HMAS Justice. 400,000/400,000 Hp. 100,000 Shp.

[AG-Smirk] Mechamorph. 150,000/150,000 Hp. Interceptor-Shell Armour: 15,000. Power Armor: +60,000 Attack to Smirk!

[AG] Smirk. 3/25 Charge. Metal Staff!

Olympus Antechamber

Olympus Central Court
Field Effect: Polarity. All entities are either Positive or Negative!

[N][BOSS] Tinia. 150/150 Hp. Aegis: [12/12, Active! 60 Regen]. [A] The Wand. Controls Electricity. Positive!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Blood. 55/55 Hp. Negative!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Breath. 55/55 Hp. Positive!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Mind. 55/55 Hp. Positive!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Hope. 45/45 Hp. Negative!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Heart. 45/45 Hp. Negative!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Time. 45/45 Hp. Negative!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Void. 40/40 Hp. Positive!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Rage. 40/40 Hp. Positive!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Light. 40/40 Hp. Negative!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Doom. 50/50 Hp. Negative!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Space. 50/50 Hp. Negative!
[N][ELITE] Hierarch of Life. 50/50 Hp. Positive!

[PG] The Second Praetorian. 80/80 Charge. 32 Ac. Opponent: []. [A] The Axe. Absolute control over Fire. Can Burn targets. Holding Gloria Phi-Nerà Elsewhere. Positive!
[PG] The Third Praetorian. 33/70 Charge. 5 Ac. 50% Dodge. [A] The Power Stone. Positive!
[PG] Harkener, The Newcomer. 17/40 Charge. Petrify: 6/6. Negative!

[IA][ELITE] Auma Gear. 800,000/800,000 Hp. 10,000 AC. Immune to Magic! [A] Necklace of Auma. Supplies Spells. Worn! [A] Rosary of the Infinite Eye. Negative!
[IA][BOSS] Talos of Nerà. 160/160 Hp. 6 Armour. 20 Regen. Negative!

[IA] Epic Wizard I. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC. Positive!
[IA] Epic Wizard II. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC. Positive!
[IA] Epic Wizard III. 25/25 Hp. Invincibility: 5 AC. Positive!

[AG] Shadrix. 21/25 Charge. Negative!
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