Department of Starship Design (Trek-ish)

Wow. That suggests they retained significant industrial and technological capabilities some 750 terran years after the civil war hit the research station. To have so catastrophically declined over 250 years, and only fully abandoning this station 80 years ago shows a far less gradual decline and far more unstable circumstance for these people than previously implied.
Maybe they had a second civil war which let the cargo cult take power?
Based on the sharp declines... I'd guess that each of them was the point at which some critical piece of infrastructure finally coughed its last and died. The civil war broke their ability to build any NEW things, so every time a major station broke down or was destroyed, they fell further and further. They must have somehow lost their planets or any other areas they could seriously settle, or perhaps gave up the ability voluntarily? Anyway, things are declining faster and faster as they lose more and more capabilities. If this was their only shipyard, they may well now have a finite number of ships, steadily declining as they fall apart even with the scavenging.

There's still a lot of pieces missing, but most of them are probably long gone.
[X] Investigate what are probably wreckage fields at 2A & 3B
So much to learn and with stealth and blast weapons to suprise enemies with
The Paths of Medusa : Part I (30.1 : Finishing Up)
> Investigate 2A & 3B

The area at 2A has what looks like a larger, even more elaborate version of the booster stations in it—with the bottom third simply gone and a cometary splatter of once-molten material around the edges of the massive crescent left by whatever inconceivably powerful weapon was used; and the bleeding scar in the bubble behind it has all but engulfed the megastructure in particle-charged clouds. Some of the halo of ships surrounding it—with, you might note, a telling linear gap to what must have been the origin point of the weapon that had, it seems, effectively destroyed the massive station in a single blast—do provide a few pieces of containment field projectors for some manner of energy weapon, however.

Whatever 3B was, it appears to have exploded spectacularly—almost half the ovoid bubble has been blasted away, filling much of the space with irregular clouds of nebula gasses. A few knots of ships on the edges provide some additional weapons samples, but between the dangerous faux-lightning and two hundred years of scavenging, there simply isn't much in the way of functional—or even identifiable—technology to be had.

Time to leave this area, and hopefully proceed on your escape.

Stand By…

Hmm, does that sort of super weapon suggest another force attacked them at some point? It's unlikely these people managed to fully salvage or fully maintain whatever super capital destroyed the station, and we've seen no evidence for any third class of ship. Be that in docking logs, production logs, or the research station.
The Paths of Medusa : Part I (30.2 : Leap of Faith)
"Field density rising…"
"We're getting power in the coils! Distribution net is holding at seventy-eight percent efficiency."​
"Hmm, try switching to four-phase, see if that helps."​
"Switching… efficiency climbing, eighty-two percent and rising!"​

One hardly needed to be told, not with the strange, pulsing zunzunZunZun sound coming from the warp drive as the ancient station remote-energized the coils, getting louder and faster like an old chemical-powered combustion engine revving up.

"Energy levels reaching critical density!"​
"Stand by to divert power to the Deflector and dampeners, let's try and have a smoother ride this time-"
"Externally Driven Warp in five… four… three… two… one-"​

This time the drive gave a throaty Tra-TEEER rather than a tortured scream as it went to warp.​

"We're…" the Navigational officer sounded distinctly stunned, before he swallowed and reported "The ship is now traveling at Warp Factor seven-point-eight, Captain. Deflector and dampeners holding, power load is within expected parameters."

Stand By…

Mechanis threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Arrival Total: 6
6 6
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An additional 5 Warp Factor over our sprint speed. 32 times faster than sprint. I really hope we picked up some rough knowledge of how these things work with all the salvage and data.
The Paths of Medusa : Part I (30.3: Arrival)
"Warp field strength declining! Collapse imminent!"​
"Realspace reversion in three, two, one-"​

With a burst of psudomotion, the Star Seeker arrived—still within the nebula, but that wasn't unexpected.

"No recent Ion trails detected , captain. There is what appears to be a partially assembled—or possibly disassembled—station of a similar design, though larger size, to the 'Anchorage' type encountered earlier off our port stern."​

"Navigation reports we are closer to the edge of the nebula, captain. Particle field density in the surrounding clouds is notably reduced, though still not sufficiently to allow for long range communications and of sufficient strength to interfere with our sensors."

"Two passages out of the area detected, captain. This area seems less stable; we're seeing much greater deviation in the cloud-walls and up to twelve Tels of active fluctuation. We probably don't want to linger too long here, just in case, but should still have at least some warning if collapse of the area is imminent."​

"Recommend proceeding at Alert Four, captain. I don't like the look of those cloud fluctuations and want to keep a close eye—and active sensors—on them."

There are two choices here: First, to proceed at Alert Three or Four due to the instability in the local tunnels, and second, to investigate the larger Anchorage nearby or exit by one of two possible passages, labeled A and B respectively.

[ ] Alert: Proceed at Alert Four
[ ] Alert: Raise to Alert Three

[ ] Action: Investigate Anchorage
[ ] Action: Check Passage A
[ ] Action: Check Passage B
Mechanis threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 4
4 4
Mechanis threw 4 6-faced dice. Total: 13
1 1 1 1 5 5 6 6
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[X] Alert: Raise to Alert Three
[X] Action: Investigate Anchorage

@Mechanis Could you provide a bit of guidance as to the implications of alert 3 vs 4?
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[X] Alert: Raise to Alert Three
[X] Action: Investigate Anchorage

@Mechanis Could you provide a bit of guidance as to the implications of alert 3 vs 4?
TLDR version, Alert 4 is "Yellow Alert but for Dangerous Environmental Stuff™ and Alert 3 is "Red Alert for the same"

Edit: basically, Alert 4 is for "this environment could be dangerous to the ship, so we're going to higher readiness" while Alert 3 is "this environment is definitely dangerous, be prepared for sudden manuvers and or damage control tasks" though obviously this is a simplification.
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Continuing with my documenting of the loot. As before I'm moving all the previous batches into the quote at the end.

a single plate of what appears to be a Duranium based meta-alloy that has your materials lab very interested, you were also able to recover portions of the station's main computer,
From the next loot after this post, we get some new alloy for what I assume is hull/armour material.

I'm unsure if the computer recovery is just data or if it will also help us for future computer tech but either way I'm happy with the find. Maps make this much easier.

"Look at this place… the sheer size of those printers! Tyran, Y'liss, spread out, try to find the main computer."

Printers = Good. Big printers = better!

"That… is not a matter printer. It looks like one, but I worked on ours enough for that- R'Yan! Pack this whole room up! We'll sort out the grain on the ship, out of this rad-field!"


While the station (and surrounding wreckage) provide a reasonable trove of technical samples to look over

Undefined loot.

do provide a few pieces of containment field projectors for some manner of energy weapon, however.
A few knots of ships on the edges provide some additional weapons samples,
More bits for energy weapons. At this rate the whole disrupter theory project is looking less and less important. Ah well, not like we could have known ahead of time. It will probably still give a starting point for reverse engineering the bits we've picked up.

Only a handful of sufficiently intact systems had been recovered, a few shield emitters and some portions of one battleship's weapons—which were clearly purpose built for the specific ship,
Also recovered is what appears to be a heavily modified, desktop sized matter printer halfway through printing a plate of material that is making the materials science lab very excited, pieces of something that is either a fusion reactor or some kind of electromagnetic cannon, and what seems to be a portable terminal that had fallen behind a cabinet and thereby been spared the destruction of the station's computer systems.
The rubble also turns up a single shield emitter so large it barely fits in a shuttle's cargo bay, and about twelve degrees arc of an impressively sized field emitter ring of unknown purpose, but with some novel metamaterials used in its construction.
Here, they find a small portion of what was once a shield emitter array, there, a partial data pull from a machine shop's computers, elsewhere pieces of beam emitter and cannon barrel of a configuration unlike anything seen before.
a few partially intact cannon components and a small number of similar beam emitters, in two different varieties
In addition to some small technical samples pulled from the captured ships,

The value of the shield emitters seems obvious.
- More shield emitters is going to make things easier to reverse engineer.
--More shield emitter's is always nice. I'm feeling quite good about us being able to have shields on our first warship.

The bits of the battleships weapons seems like it will be hard to get much out of, but has potential. No idea if it's the big guns or the little guns. Edit: In retrospect I'm thinking it's probably the heavy beam or cannons, but it's still not clear. It might be a torp launcher.
--The parts of the beams and cannons sounds very interesting, as they are a new configuration. I'm not sure if it's just a new mount type of the same kind of energy weapon or if it's a different type of energy weapon. Either way, sounds good to me!

The Matter Printer seems to be VERY promising. More then just getting a sample of the material, having a printer that can print it? That's going to help us printing our own.

The reactor/cannon parts might just be parts of a Plasma Torpedo, as I figure it would resemble both.

The portable terminal is a mystery box if the value is in the data, or the first steps towards more advanced computer tech. Either way this should be good.

The unknown field emitter ring has my attention but I have no idea what it will be good for.

The machine shop data could be for anything. Whatever it is having the raw data should help a fair bit.
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[X] Alert: Raise to Alert Three
[X] Action: Investigate Anchorage
Do note, we were just warned that lingering here is dangerous. Might be time to start reigning in the loot impulses.
Though it will certainly be worth it if we can find a map.