Only a handful of sufficiently intact systems had been recovered, a few shield emitters and some portions of one battleship's weapons—which were clearly purpose built for the specific ship,
Also recovered is what appears to be a heavily modified, desktop sized matter printer halfway through printing a plate of material that is making the materials science lab very excited, pieces of something that is either a fusion reactor or some kind of electromagnetic cannon, and what seems to be a portable terminal that had fallen behind a cabinet and thereby been spared the destruction of the station's computer systems.
The rubble also turns up a single shield emitter so large it barely fits in a shuttle's cargo bay, and about twelve degrees arc of an impressively sized field emitter ring of unknown purpose, but with some novel metamaterials used in its construction.
The value of the shield emitters seems obvious.
- More shield emitters is going to make things easier to reverse engineer.
The bits of the battleships weapons seems like it will be hard to get much out of, but has potential. No idea if it's the
big guns or the little guns. Edit: In retrospect I'm thinking it's probably the heavy beam or cannons, but it's still not clear. It might be a torp launcher.
The Matter Printer seems to be VERY promising. More then just getting a sample of the material, having a printer that can print it? That's going to help us printing our own.
The reactor/cannon parts might just be parts of a Plasma Torpedo, as I figure it would resemble both.
The portable terminal is a mystery box if the value is in the data, or the first steps towards more advanced computer tech. Either way this should be good.
The unknown field emitter ring has my attention but I have no idea what it will be good for.