There is something to be said about keeping it simple with this new workhorse freighter.
I'm gonna go over the iron road updates to figure out how much it's main hull weighed.
Edit: the iron road main hull is 218 kt. I'm gonna opt for a 150 kt mono hull to make the new "light" freighter the kind of ship that you can just pump out.
A good cargo ship would actually have cargo on the outside of its hull, it can deliever its cargo by detaching them from its hull and picking up new cargo quickly.
It be easier to build because your not internalizing everything.
Less resources thrown at the ship basically.
These are some examples of a cargo vessel, slap on some Rings and a paint job and its perfect.
Just have a zone for them to drop off cargo for later retrieval.
Iirc, Trek does this too for some vessels. In particular, the Earth Cargo Service ships we see in ST:E. With large trapezoidal cargo containers strung along a spindly main hull.
Question remains how unloading is handled. If it's all transporters, a solid hull is easier and cheaper to build than a shitton of modular attachment points. But if shit has to be physically moved, cargo containers will drastically reduce turnaround on ships.
At the same time though, there really isn't such a thing as port infrastructure outside our home turf.
Iirc, Trek does this too for some vessels. In particular, the Earth Cargo Service ships we see in ST:E. With large trapezoidal cargo containers strung along a spindly main hull.
Question remains how unloading is handled. If it's all transporters, a solid hull is easier and cheaper to build than a shitton of modular attachment points. But if shit has to be physically moved, cargo containers will drastically reduce turnaround on ships.
At the same time though, there really isn't such a thing as port infrastructure outside our home turf.
External containers are for super freighter aka ships going between established ports. I'm calling our next project a light freighter aka can take cargo to any of our colonies in its rangd.
I think there might be a size limit to what you can transport, the largest I remember seeing was from voyager where they transported water like a hundred gallons with a container with it.
Why such a focus on a light cargo freighter? Dont what we got already qualifies?
I think there might be a size limit to what you can transport, the largest I remember seeing was from voyager where they transported water like a hundred gallons with a container with it.
Why such a focus on a light cargo freighter? Dont what we got already qualifies?
Then would starting off with a light version just hurt any colony effort? Since you need large parts to build with. Cant do it all with just one replicator or matter printer, your gonna need heavy duty equipment and resources, so a light freighter isnt optimal for colony efforts.
Then would starting off with a light version just hurt any colony effort? Since you need large parts to build with. Cant do it all with just one replicator or matter printer, your gonna need heavy duty equipment and resources, so a light freighter isnt optimal for colony efforts.
Then would starting off with a light version just hurt any colony effort? Since you need large parts to build with. Cant do it all with just one replicator or matter printer, your gonna need heavy duty equipment and resources, so a light freighter isnt optimal for colony efforts.
We already have the Iron Roads as medium-large cargo haulers with a cruise of 2.5, but they are big and expensive to build. Only 15 even got approved as of our last update on them. But the Gold Roads still see several new vessels built each year, with hundreds in service.
The new vessel, if it ends up being a cargo vessel following prior discussions, will properly replace the Gold Road class as an interstellar light hauler. We aim for a warp factor of 2.5 or higher on cruise, while being small enough to build two at once in existing slips. Which we can expect to make out-system mining efforts and colonies alike more viable.
Iron Roads can build colonies, the new ships will tie them into the wider economy.
We already have the Iron Roads as medium-large cargo haulers with a cruise of 2.5, but they are big and expensive to build. Only 15 even got approved as of our last update on them. But the Gold Roads still see several new vessels built each year, with hundreds in service.
The new vessel, if it ends up being a cargo vessel following prior discussions, will properly replace the Gold Road class as an interstellar light hauler. We aim for a warp factor of 2.5 or higher on cruise, while being small enough to build two at once in existing slips. Which we can expect to make out-system mining efforts and colonies alike more viable.
Iron Roads can build colonies, the new ships will tie them into the wider economy.
Pretty sure we want a cruise speed of at least 3 (the close we get to 4 the better), if we think about sending them out on interstellar trips regularly.
Pretty sure we want a cruise speed of at least 3 (the close we get to 4 the better), if we think about sending them out on interstellar trips regularly.
Of course! We want this thing to go as fast as we can manage without compromising cargo capacity.
it will need to wait until we see numbers and the grid of course, but I doubt a dual core will be worth it, save perhaps the protium reactor. Wish I had a module grid for the Gold Road to compare.
...both our existing cargo ships have a secondary hull. Including the one we designed.
Also, we are not contractually obligated to be 100% optimal at all times. If we are to be 100% optimal, every single cargo vessel becomes a perfect sphere, and that's BORING.
Next on the docket is the Iron Road refit. Only a few decisions need to be made in this case, as the refit will be relatively minor. First, there is the matter of whether or not to replace the existing Particle Lances with Type 2 turrets or simply leave them as is. Second is installing additional computers and or auxiliary reactors to better handle the increased load of modern weapons; in the case of Aux reactors, three additional mounts would be enough to power basic systems and fight (especially if the Lances are retained), but up to eight could be mounted, though this would reduce cargo capacity slightly as portions of the cargo hold would need to be refitted to carry the reactors. For the latter, either two additional Aux cores or a secondary computer core could be fitted; only the latter would impinge on the cargo capacity however.
The final matter is the ship's shuttle complement; obviously the Type One will be replaced by Type Two Shuttlecraft, there is the suggestion to reduce the total establishment number to 8 Shuttlecraft and four pairs of shuttlepods, with the former occupying the main shuttlebay and the latter in the secondary shuttlebay, leaving sufficient flex room for either four additional Shuttlecraft or eight Shuttlepods as required. [ ] Replace the six Particle Lances with Type 2 Turrets.
[ ] Do not replace the Particle Lances. [ ] Add (3-8) Aux Reactors 3 would be a reasonable minimum, especially if the particle lances are replaced. If you do replace them, six is recommended. Will slightly cut into cargo capacity, but not too badly for 5 or less, more would have small but nontrivial effect on capacity.
[ ] Do not add Aux reactors on the other hand, it's not a warship, and probably doesn't need to be able to run all the weapons and the industrial plant at the same time. [ ] Add 2 Aux Computer Cores Quite sufficient for basic needs, especially if lances are not replaced.
[ ] Add a Secondary Computer Core Will firmly handle computational needs. Minor but nontrivial effect on cargo capacity.
[ ] Do not add more computing hardware. On the other hand, do you really need to be able to run the matter printer, both labs, the shields, and all the weapons at the same time? [ ] Do not modify shuttle establishment. Continue to use 10 Shuttlecraft
[ ] Switch to 8 Shuttlecraft and 8 Shuttlepods establishment. Secondary Shuttlebay will be reassigned to contain shuttlepods, primary bay will have 8 Shuttlecraft and 4 free spaces
Please Vote By Plan
One Hour Moratorium
Hull Type: Hemicircular
Secondary Hull: None
Maneuverability: High
Evasion: 202 + 2-12 (Emergent Property: Nimble); 2 1d2 save rolls (Emergent Properties: Emergency Evasive & Jink), may double Evasion for one turn per engagement (Emergent Property: Sprinter)
Shields: 132
Point Defense: 19.4
Endurance: 33
Sustained Damage: 47.8
Burst Damage: 149.2
Other: 10.1
Final Tactical Score: 208
Science: 14
Engineering: 6
Sprint Speed: Warp 4.65
Cruise Speed: Warp 3
Independent Operations Time: 25 Yennian Standard Months in standard configuration, 42 Yennain Standard months in maximum endurance configuration
Decks: 25
Crew: 75
Shuttles: 1 Shuttlecraft, 2 Shuttlepods
Cloaking Device: Yes
Either the Furious Winds are in the fore ground of that shot, or the Halberd is skinnier than I thought. Looks like the Winds have a bigger warp ring.
Refit wise, absolutely ditch the lances, they're just too outdated. I'd say keep the auxiliaries to the absolute minimum we can get away with because we don't want to impinge on the carry capacity of a cargo ship.
The refit Furious Wind looks really cool with the beam emitters and extra engines, it's much better than its old life as a torpedo boat. I think it makes for a useful and multipurpose small or medium warship to fill out our fleet. Those max and cruise warp speeds are impressive, and I think it has enough endurance for patrols of our local area, or transits to our colonies. The renders of it firing its weapons and in formation with a Veiled Halberd look really cool @Mechanis. Are you planning to add the Veiled Halberd and refit Furious Wind to the Completed Designs threadmark? Please don't feel pressured to do so if you are busy, you have been putting out a lot of updates and making some cool models.
I really like the little pointed fins in various places on the refit Furious Wind. It really sells the raygun gothic look.
No maneuverability gains, but evasion has more than tripled, there are save rolls and once per encounter it can double its monstruous evasion.
Comparing defense is somewhat pointless against an unshielded ship, but endurance nearly tripled and shields are equal to 11 times the old endurance.
As for damage... Yeah, it dunks on the old one to a spectacular degree. In fact it's more dangerous than the Star Seeker as launched.
Science and Engineering aren't stand out areas aside from being substantially more advanced than the old model. And finally the warp speed increase is life changing, in addition to being able to keep up okay with the newest cruiser.
The refit Furious Wind is everything I was hoping for. It also looks very good. I can't wait to see a shot showing every one of our ships to scale.
As for the refit, I've come up with the following. I went with the low ball on computers as it was said that won't impact cargo. I went with 6 aux reactors because that is the number listed as "recommended". With the greater awareness of possible dangers I'm willing to take a slight capacity hit to help make sure the ship will stand up as best as possible in the event of a battle. The refit Iron Road should be able to beat any of our pre-disruptor ships like a drum. No idea if they will be able to stand up to hostile aliens, but I figure we give them the best chance possible.
I sacrificed 2 shuttles for 8 pods because that feels like it would add more flexibility to the ship. Feels good to me.
[X] Plan: Following Recommended Numbers
-[X] Replace the six Particle Lances with Type 2 Turrets.
-[X] Add (6) Aux Reactors
-[X] Add 2 Aux Computer Cores
-[X] Switch to 8 Shuttlecraft and 8 Shuttlepods establishment.
These guys are gonna be solid little ships for a very long time. In retrospect, I'm glad that my desired plan (just bolt on some emergency guns) failed.
As for the Iron Road, I think some light upgrades are in order, but it's not a military craft so we don't need to go all-on
-[] Replace the six Particle Lances with Type 2 Turrets.
-[] Do not replace the Particle Lances.
-[] Add (3-8) Aux Reactors
-[] Do not add Aux reactors
-[] Add 2 Aux Computer Cores.
-[] Add a Secondary Computer Core
-[] Do not add more computing hardware
-[] Do not modify shuttle establishment.
-[] Switch to 8 Shuttlecraft and 8 Shuttlepods establishment.
[X] Plan Modest Improvement
-[X] Replace the six Particle Lances with Type 2 Turrets.
-[X] Add 4 Aux Reactors
-[X] Add 2 Aux Computer Cores.
-[X] Switch to 8 Shuttlecraft and 8 Shuttlepods establishment.
2 fewer reacrors tha Jalinth's plan, otherwise identical. Expect small firepower cut for slightly more cargo.