Department of Starship Design (Trek-ish)

Emergency Force Fields 35, Quantum-Subspace Field Theory 50, Mk2 Med+Sci. 10+10 = 105
I'm mostly in agreement, though I'd be okay with holding off on Nadion weaponry for a turn given how well the Particle Lance turned out.

We can probably hold off on Mk3 tech given it's usually just more space efficient than Mk2. Warp 5 would be nice, but we don't need the power generation, and as a whole we couldn't really take advantage of the speed given how small our polity is and how much slower our Explorer is
I'm mostly in agreement, though I'd be okay with holding off on Nadion weaponry for a turn given how well the Particle Lance turned out.

We can probably hold off on Mk3 tech given it's usually just more space efficient than Mk2. Warp 5 would be nice, but we don't need the power generation, and as a whole we couldn't really take advantage of the speed given how small our polity is and how much slower our Explorer is

I think we should go for the most bizarre tech on offer, the next time the tech tree shows up.
Hope something like this is on offer. :p
Type 14 Particle Rifle
Been doing some background stuff for what the end of turn, which is taking longer than expected. To tide you over, have a Particle Rifle:
Trek is a setting where you don't see a lot of, you know, tanks and such, and that's mostly because when everyone can put a fist sized hole through four inches of steel plate with a handgun they're kinda just not really all that useful.
Trek is very much a naval focused setting and it doesn't help the tech needed to make tanks work in such a setting is the tech used for shuttles which becomes the whole issue raised in red vs blue
"If you've got a ship that can carry a tank, why not just put guns on the ship and use it instead?"
Very nice job on the model for the rifle. I like how it works on the same 2 stage accelerator system as our new particle lances. What applies to ship grade weapons also sometimes applies to personal weapons I guess.

The Star Trek phaser designs always seemed to completely ignore how practical it was for anyone to hold them. The Type 1 phasers always seemed horribly unergonomic to aim more than a couple meters. At least the Type 2s usually had something approximating a real grip, but most designs still seemed actively user hostile.
Is the issue with star fleet phasers was that the Roddenberry did not want starfleet to carry things that looked like pistols to drive in that starfleet wasn't the navy in space.

User comfort and aiming were not considered out of universe.
Is the issue with star fleet phasers was that the Roddenberry did not want starfleet to carry things that looked like pistols to drive in that starfleet wasn't the navy in space.

User comfort and aiming were not considered out of universe.
I know, the problem is that they just ended up looking goofy when the actors held them because there was not good way to aim them so you can sometimes tell the prop was not pointed the same direction as the special effects as a result. And that even with some of the props that just look like more rounded pistols anyway.
Honestly I would not be surprised if the in universe reason was also "we don't want this to look like a gun" too, because Starfleet Is Not A Military is a pretty big political policy for the Federation.

But yeah, most of the weapons you will see out of me will be identifiably guns, because the design of firearms in terms of overall shape is largely dictated by factors that remain the same regardless of what you're shooting.
I like it when setting make their weapons actually practical as weapons, but then I also like silly things like the Force Lance from Andromeda. I just don't like things in the uncanny valley of badly designed gun.

I know Star Trek basically invented the stun setting, but I wish other settings got more creative with the non-lethal weapons and had specialized weapons that disable but don't just knock the target unconscious. I feel like there is more room for creative scifi story telling if there isn't just a "I shoot them and they are unconscious with no consequences" option. Maybe something that is the equivalent of a highly directed flashbang, or a high tech taser with better safety protocols.
Honestly I would not be surprised if the in universe reason was also "we don't want this to look like a gun" too, because Starfleet Is Not A Military is a pretty big political policy for the Federation.

Man Star Trek has some really distinctive prop design, almost everything on screen at least in old trek loos like its had some thought put into it.

Could be worse, other star trek species aren't much better.

Ferengi phaser: I can see them not wanting their weapons to look like weapons, I'm going to assume 'its a multi-tool', is what they were going for; like the federation they probably don't want to appear immediately violent.

scalosian Weapon: From a TOS episode uhh...

Viridian Organ harvester: I think this thing teleports out your organs, doesn't need to look like a gun.

There are some really cool looking sci-fi weapons though, even if they may be impractical.

Jem'Hadar Rifle: Looks like a gun...

Bajoran Phaser: Bronze happens to be my favorite color...

Cardasian Phaser: A little funky... but its nice looking.

Guinan's Gun: ...

There are a lot more, that show up in random misc episodes, honestly Star Treks pretty good at designing pretty weapons.
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I like it when setting make their weapons actually practical as weapons, but then I also like silly things like the Force Lance from Andromeda. I just don't like things in the uncanny valley of badly designed gun.

I know Star Trek basically invented the stun setting, but I wish other settings got more creative with the non-lethal weapons and had specialized weapons that disable but don't just knock the target unconscious. I feel like there is more room for creative scifi story telling if there isn't just a "I shoot them and they are unconscious with no consequences" option. Maybe something that is the equivalent of a highly directed flashbang, or a high tech taser with better safety protocols.
One of the things this setting does is that there's no magic stun beams; the "Stun setting" on a disrupter is just literally "we use the electrolaser that normally is used for making Nadions as a taser" (Phasers of course do the same thing, but can use all sorts of other things- with the right programming you can get pepper spray out of the things. Though that does drain the battery pretty quick and the armory officer will yell at you for getting pepper spray residue all over the inside of the thing's working bits.)

You can always expect me to never use the term nonlethal when it comes to weapons; but the actual proper term sublethal (or less-than-lethal), because the Star Trek Stun is pure magic and no amount of physics fudging by slapping "Quantum" or "Subspace" in front of things can make it work without just handwaving how nerves work. (Well, I suppose if you had good enough Psi tech you could make a "knock people out" beam with technologically replicated telepathy, but that's not exactly an easy or low tech solution.)
you could make a "knock people out" beam with technologically replicated telepathy, but that's not exactly an easy or low tech solution.)

The amount of times the bridge crews of the franchise are conked out or otherwise beaten by aliens with some sort of psychic powers, you would think there would be more psychics aboard federation ships. all it takes to get psychic powers in the setting is flying too close to the galactic barrier, and having a high enough ESP rating. We do see technology do psychic stuff a few times too, and telepathy is enabled by some form of strange chemical.

"After unshielded exposure to the barrier at the edge of the galaxy, Gary Mitchell developed this ability, among others."


Psychokinesis, or telekinesis, is the ability to transport and control objects with the power of the mind without applying any evident physical force. After unshielded exposure to the barrier at the edge of the galaxy, Gary Mitchell developed this ability, among others. Evidence obtained from...
I was playing a detective in a Star Trek game, and I ended up blatantly affirming that Federation Security detectives have training to resist telepathic and empathic abilities. Sorta surprised Starfleet doesn't do that.
Project Farstrider: Engineering Systems
> 1 Medium medical bay
> 2 Medium Laboratories
> 1 Aux Sensor

The next step is, of course, to determine the ship's various engineering systems. Firstly, there is the matter of Transporters. While a single medium bay would be sufficient for most basic cargo handling tasks given the ship's size, this could be extended to a large sized bay if desired for greater capacity. A secondary medium transporter bay could also be optionally fitted in the secondary hull.

[ ] Main Transporter: Use a Medium Bay
[ ] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay

[ ] Secondary Transporter: Do not add a secondary Transporter
[ ] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay

Next is the matter of industrial systems—given the ship's secondary role as a colony ship, the ability to bring a modest industrial base to support an early stage colony is highly recommended. For heavy industry, the ship could carry either one or two large Workshops, or a Matter Printer and possibly a single large workshop. Up to six standard sized Workshops could be added to the main hull; a pair could also be added to the ship's secondary hull.

[ ] Heavy Industry: Do not add heavy industry to the ship.
[ ] Heavy Industry: Add (Write-in amount, 1 or 2) Heavy Workshop(s)
[ ] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [ ] With a Heavy Workshop as well.

[ ] Light Industry: Add no standard Workshops
[ ] Light Industry: Add (Write-in amount, between 1 & 6) Standard Workshops
- [ ] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.

Presently there is 15.1 CI remaining in budget.​

A/N: Should be pretty much back to your regularly scheduled program, as I've got far enough in the prep work that it should be ready when I actually need it.
Less possible transporters then we thought were possible, same with large workshops and matter printers. Thus I'm going all out. Yes it will limit cargo a bit, but we are still going to have plenty I'm sure. This will make sure it can support new colonies and get them up off the ground as fast as possible.

[X] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay
[X] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay
[X] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [X] With a Heavy Workshop as well.
[X] Light Industry: Add 6 Standard Workshops
- [X] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.
[X] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay
[X] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay
[X] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [X] With a Heavy Workshop as well.
[X] Light Industry: Add 4 Standard Workshops
- [X] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.
[X] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay
[X] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay
[X] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [X] With a Heavy Workshop as well.
[X] Light Industry: Add 4 Standard Workshops
- [X] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.

That.. seems OK.
Any particular reason for only going for 4 workshops? A Large Cargo Bay takes the same room as 2 standard Workshops and gives 2 Engineering score vs the 4 each for the two extra Workshops.
[X] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay
[X] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay
[X] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [X] With a Heavy Workshop as well.
[X] Light Industry: Add 6 Standard Workshops
- [X] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.

My dreams... ruined. Still, not much reason to give this ship anything less than the absolute max of shipboard industry given how useful it'll be for establishing colonies and infrastructure.
just wanted to leave some space incase we get to add things like hydroponics and the like to the ship
Stuff like that gets put in converted cargo bays/is below abstraction, at least for now.
For example the Star Seeker has a few that are set up for Aquaponics because that's more efficient than packing the same space with MREs.

Cargo Bays are designed to be fairly multipurpose spaces, generally.
[X] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay
[X] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay
[X] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [X] With a Heavy Workshop as well.
[X] Light Industry: Add 6 Standard Workshops
- [X] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.
[X] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay
[X] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay
[X] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [X] With a Heavy Workshop as well.
[X] Light Industry: Add 6 Standard Workshops
- [X] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.
[X] Main Transporter: Use a Large Bay
[X] Secondary Transporter: Add secondary Medium Transporter Bay
[X] Heavy Industry: Add a Matter Printer (2 CI)
- [X] With a Heavy Workshop as well.
[X] Light Industry: Add 6 Standard Workshops
- [X] with 2 additional Workshops in the secondary hull.