Department of Starship Design (Trek-ish)

If we can pop the head opening move we can more then take it I think.
The Warbird has a lot of fixed direction forward cannons, and a lot of beam emitters on the top of the wing, plus on the front and rear. Comparatively it only has a few emitters that can aim directly below it, namely two of the medium beam emitters amidships. I think the strategy against it is to ambush it from below and put a bunch of torpedos into the neck to try and sever it. I think that pretty effectively mission kills it, and doesn't expose you to much return fire.

A small size comparison featuring the local Warbird, Bird-of-Prey, the Star Seeker, and a Furious Wind-class torpedo boat.
For the record, it has: 5 medium beam emitters in each wing on the dorsal surface, four medium beam emitters amidships, two medium and four heavy beam emitters to fore, two more heavy beam emitters and another four mediums aft, two heavy cannons, and six medium cannons, all of which are fixed.
And a Heavy Plasma Torpedo launcher.

For fighting the bird of prey gunships, you want to be behind them if you can, but I think we can hurt them pretty bad from the front in an alpha strike, so it probably won't matter too much.
The BoP "just" has three light beam emitters to fore, two aft, a pair each of light and medium fixed cannons, and a Light Plasma Torpedo Launcher.

So long as you can get a spread of torpedoes into it from its aft dorsal arc- a position where only a pair of medium beam emitters can bear- while it's got its shields down or in stand-by, you can absolutely bushwhack one of those warbirds. In situations like this, the cloaking device is a huge force-multiplier, since it's practically a get-one-hit-free card.

Now if the thing's already got shields up and is at combat alert, that's quite a bit more dicey; you don't actually have a good idea on how strong those shields actually are. And the amount of firepower the things can bring to bear, especially in the fore arc, is... Daunting.
Hmm the ventral arc seems a lot weaker than the aft dorsal arc, but maybe I am missing something.
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The Warbird has a lot of fixed direction forward cannons, and a lot of beam emitters on the top of the wing, plus on the front and rear. Comparatively it only has a few emitters that can aim directly below it, namely two of the medium beam emitters amidships. I think the strategy against it is to ambush it from below and put a bunch of torpedos into the neck to try and sever it. I think that pretty effectively mission kills it, and doesn't expose you to much return fire.
Sever the neck, pop the head... same outcome the command crew are gone.
The Warbird has a lot of fixed direction forward cannons, and a lot of beam emitters on the top of the wing, plus on the front and rear. Comparatively it only has a few emitters that can aim directly below it, namely two of the medium beam emitters amidships. I think the strategy against it is to ambush it from below and put a bunch of torpedos into the neck to try and sever it. I think that pretty effectively mission kills it, and doesn't expose you to much return fire.

For fighting the bird of prey gunships, you want to be behind them if you can, but I think we can hurt them pretty bad from the front in an alpha strike, so it probably won't matter too much.


Hmm the ventral arc seems a lot weaker than the aft dorsal arc, but maybe I am missing something.
... Dang autocorrupt. I did, in fact, mean the aft ventral side. At the right angle only two of the amidships beam emitters could bear, at worst it'd be the four aft mediums- the aft heavy beams can't really fire much into the ventral arc because the impulse engines are in the way.
It looks like the BoP failed their alertness check, got fragged reasonably badly, but not overly so, and then took a little more than just enough damage to take them out. Hopefully that leaves us some good wreckage to comb through for loot and data, and maybe some prisoners if they aren't AI controlled. I'm also hoping they didn't manage to send an alert to the Anchorage, or we will have to deal with its garrison.
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I just had a thought. Those shipwrecks are all left recognizably intact even when picked over but are cleared of bodies and useful things.

Is there a religious/funnary custom in play here?
I just had a thought. Those shipwrecks are all left recognizably intact even when picked over but are cleared of bodies and useful things.

Is there a religious/funnary custom in play here?
It seems like they have made new BoP out of the broken hulls we found at 𐀣.
The farthest edges, meanwhile, are picked clean, even more so than the other fields you have explored; even hull plating and structural spars have been pulled, pried or cut away—in, you might note, shapes that are rather similar to the lines of the gunships you have seen flying around in a significant plurality of cases.
The two explanations for the lack of bodies that make sense to me are either a funnary custom, or they don't have a way in/out of the nebula and need the organic material. I think the first is more likely, but it could be that the first examples of these ships we encountered outside the nebula are from a faction that have kept the faction inside the nebula trapped in here since the civil war. The scavenged wrecks we have been going through are noted to be sleeker:
They were similar to the ships that had attacked the Star Seeker at the derelict, but sleeker, more dangerous looking, at least as far as could be seen from the more intact pieces.
The other this is they either don't have the heavy industry to reprocess ship hull scrap into new ships, or don't want to take the outer hull for some reason:
if you were stripping the deck plates why not take the whole ship? There was nearly two million tons of refined materials between the various large pieces just sitting there, after all, that could be reprocessed into a new ship or any number of other things.
However they are willing to strip the wrecks for everything except the outer hull, so I think the lack of industry is more likely.

I think we are about to learn a lot about who is still alive in this nebula. If the BoP we just fought have a crew, they stuck around here for a reason, and if it is just AI, who build the Anchorage's and why set an AI to patrol this place? If it is an AI, were they worried about the losing faction coming back here?
The Paths of Medusa : Part I (26.1: Ambushed Patrol)
> Ambush the Patrol

Enough was enough.

"Mr R'Tynn, Alert One, Action Stations. Tactical, load all tubes, open all gunports, power all coils and polarize the hull plating."

As the bridge was bathed in the eerie black-purple of a combat alert, Aqyr fancied she could hear the faint thunk of the Star Seeker's armored weapons blisters folding open, and the subsonic hum of the accelerator coils spinning up.

"Helm, three-quarters impulse, slide us under and behind them. Tactical, stand by torpedoes, stand by accelerators, prepare disabling solutions. I want captures to examine, not vapor clouds that cannot answer questions."

Invisible to the patrolling gunships, the Star Seeker slid beneath the trio of craft that were almost small enough to fit in her aft shuttlebay.

"Launch torpedoes, full spread. Lances and guns to follow."​

For the first time in twenty years¹, a ship of the Stellar Union fired its weapons in anger.​

There might not have been sound in space, but there absolutely was sound on a Starship, alloy bones carrying the deep TZAOW of her torpedoes and the shrieking scream of her particle guns to all within.

For the patrol, one moment, there was nothing—the next, proximity warnings screamed as a ship—enormous, how could anything that large be that stealthy—appeared from nowhere, yellow-orange stars already streaking from torpedo bays and searing, stabbing hydrogen-ion particle beams—primitive perhaps by the standards of the galaxy at large, but still powerful, still dangerous—lashing out with the precision born of many, many hours of gunnery drills and algorithm refinements.

To call it a fight would be a misnomer—caught with shields cold by a ship that outmassed all three vessels combined, the tiny gunships simply… came apart. A single, stabbing blue-white beam lashed from the lead ship's port aft emitter, passing through the Star Seeker's Nacelle ring close enough to singe the (proverbial) paint, but that was all—but a tick later, two photonic torpedoes detonated under the ship's wings, snapping her cannons like toothpicks, and the searing beam of a particle lance slashed across her engines and aft beam emitters, leaving smashed, half-molten ruin in their wake. The other two, less alert, didn't even manage that much—and one pilot's desperate evasion of a torpedo spoiled the solution of two particle lances, and shots meant to slash away engines and weapons practically sawed the ship in half, before it vanished in the sun-bright broil of a breached fusion bottle.

A single salvo, and it was over.​

At least for the starships, now it was up to the Marines.

Stand by...

1: about a hundred years, Terran time
Mechanis threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Boarding, need 7+ (+1) Total: 18
5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3
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Since there are 4 dice and 2 ships, I think it is 2 dice per ship. That makes (5+5+1)=11 for one ship and (5+3+1)=9 for the other. I suspect those are just rolls for if there is any issue while boarding the ships, and loot rolls will be separate.
The Paths of Medusa : Part I (26.2: Boarding)
The inside of the gunship was what could only be called an engineer's nightmare, even before battle damage had sent structural beams and overloaded power conduits spilling into it. Corridors jinked and zagged unpredictably, structural spars intruding at odd angles. Even the deck plates weren't consistent for more than a few Tels at a stretch—some bare metal plating, some rubberized but with paths long worn through, others equally tattered carpet, burnt at the edges where they'd been welded into the others. Smoke hung in the air, not simply because of battle damage, but because the primary light source on the ship was actual, honest-to-gods candles. and the defenders—A hoarse, unintelligible war-cry sounded as another of the ship's crew charged the boarding party with what looked like the bastard offspring of a sword and industrial metal-saw out of a blind angle, and was promptly the recipient of three particle-rifle blasts—fought like fanatics, but that sword-saw-thing had been the most sophisticated weapon they'd seen. Most had little more than crude knives made from sharp chunks of hull-metal. The marines almost had pity—but the one that had seemingly surrendered when faced with Union Marines that had cut down three of his fellows in as many ticks when they'd charged, had damn near torn G'Lan's throat out with their (very impressively carnivorous) teeth the moment he'd drawn near enough. They were not feeling especially charitable, even if an emergency beam-out meant he'd probably live.

"I found the main Computer! Uh. I think!"
"You Think, Specialist?"​
"This system is a mess, Sir! Kludges on top of jury rigs on top of kludges—it's a damn miracle it works at all! So yes, I think I've found the center of this mess, but-"
"Good enough. MARINES! MOVE IT OUT! Specialist, directions!"​

"Stop him!"
There was a whippering TZZZARRK as a particle rifle on beam-setting neatly sliced the arms off a robed—of all things—crewperson who had been frantically inputting commands to what was obviously the reactor control. It didn't take a genius to realize they'd probably just kept the ship from going up in an overloaded reactor's objection to misuse.

"Both ships secure, captain. All told we have six casualties; one bite injury and five blade wounds of various severity, and two fatalities—one of the captains had a grenade. Unfortunately the three we managed to take prisoner all suicided before they could be stopped—one had an honest to gods poison tooth like something out of those dreadful spy novels, the other two simply tore major arteries open with their own teeth, badly enough they bled out before Medical could get regenerators on them. We're still working on the computers, hopefully that should give us some answers. More than the state of those ships did, anyway."

To Be Continued…

Mechanis threw 3 6-faced dice. Total: 14
6 6 6 6 2 2
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It almost feels like a weird mix of Klingon's (I knowing very little about Star Trek) and the Imperium of Man. A group hostile to any outsiders (presumably) scavenging wreckage of a greater age to keep themsleves going. Plus there was a mechanicus guy trying to blow up an engine and chain-swords were pretty common.
My cannibalism theory for why there are no bodies on the wrecks is seeming disturbingly plausible right now. I don't understand how they are able to make an airtight space ship with how cobbled together everything seems. I also have no idea how they replace any resources like air or water that they lose to space without a planet. I am still more than happy to take working examples of their weapons, shield emitters, and computers to study. It seems like they lost the ability to build new ship systems in the civil war, but at one point they had a pretty good tech base.
My cannibalism theory for why there are no bodies on the wrecks is seeming disturbingly plausible right now. I don't understand how they are able to make an airtight space ship with how cobbled together everything seems. I also have no idea how they replace any resources like air or water that they lose to space without a planet. I am still more than happy to take working examples of their weapons, shield emitters, and computers to study. It seems like they lost the ability to build new ship systems in the civil war, but at one point they had a pretty good tech base.
Maybe the anchorages have the systems they depend on or they get enough intruders to make up for what the anchorages can't supply.

Also keep in mind this are their light ship aka their cannon fodder vessels so standards might be lower.
Sounds like the Kazon tbh, and I think I see some W40k inspiration with them as well, they may not know how to build new ships or something.

Baseless speculation but...
Also since they are some sort of combo between silicon and carbon based life, there is a chance they have some form of probably minor psychic ability. Though I'm just saying this because in star trek the Tholians have a hive mind, while the Excalbian and the Ornithoid species from TOS:Catspaw have the power to create realistic illusions (though its unclear whether its technology or not, the aliens from catspaw at least self describe themselves as magic users, and honestly its more fun if they are). I know this is a trek inspired setting so these aliens having psychic powers is probably unlikely however...
Tholians - Images - Image #2 What is an image of the Star Trek character you found the most interesting?  - Quora Star Trek The Original Series Rewatch:
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Actually, a note. They were using candles and blades. They've been keeping their ships running for ages strictly through scavenging. I begin to sincerely doubt they even know how to actually use any portion of the ship that isn't absolutely critical. And they HAVE to scavenge because they can't actually manufacture replacement ship parts anymore.

We're looking at people who have regressed so badly after their civil war that they're clinging to existence on warships and anchorages they can barely maintain and can't build any more of, because there's no source of raw material other than wrecks and they can't make any new matter printers. They're effectively iron-age primitives piloting starships by rote memorization and ritual. Probably believe that anyone that isn't them are space demons. And I suspect that they don't have even a single actual planet or habitat to call home, just converted military stations.

And, of course, they can't leave. Because the nebula kills anyone who tries without a booster station, and the probably have no idea how to work what ones of those are left.

Oh, and the routine patrol routes are all they use because they don't actually know how to navigate anymore and are quite possibly just running on ancient autopilots.

At least that's what I see.
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I wonder how Captain Aqyr's decisions (really our decisions) here will be viewed by Fleet Command, and the rest of our people. The attempt to hail the earlier patrol was a very Starfleet thing to do, but this ambush wasn't. We initiated an engagement we could have avoided and took fatalities among the marines. We the voters are biased because we want access to the tech. In character I still think it is worth it to understand who is in our galactic neighborhood, because if they won't talk to us we need to learn about who we are dealing with somehow.

If we are shaping our culture based on our decisions here, I suspect we will end up with a culture that is more ruthless than Star Trek's Starfleet, but that may not be a bad thing. I still hope to meet some friendly aliens that we can get along with at some point.
The weird thing is we encountered their ships outside the nebula, those ships still went weapons hot immediately- but IIRC, the wrecks inside the nebula looked sleeker and more advanced than the ships we encountered outside.

Maybe some kind of prison? With a regressed but still functioning society patrolling the 'exit' booster stations to prevent escape?
I think the active ships inside the nebula are the same as the ones outside. It's the ships that were destroyed that looked sleeker.

I'd have to compare the images in the first post to the scale posts to be more sure.

Edit - I spent some time looking at the intro comic and the scale pictures. I'm as sure as I can be that they are the same ships. Furthermore I found the following quote that again points to them being the same kinds of ships.

The debris field is indeed comprised solely of one style of ship, which matches that of the patrols and attackers at the derelict; at the same time, the wrecks are notably sleeker than the active ships seen so far, with more elegant lines.
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If we are shaping our culture based on our decisions here, I suspect we will end up with a culture that is more ruthless than Star Trek's Starfleet, but that may not be a bad thing. I still hope to meet some friendly aliens that we can get along with at some point.
1 attempt to deescalate before giving surprise torpedoes feels like a good balance.

Wait this as compared to the Kadashi... are they hiding from an enemy rather then merely trapped?
We were making that guess, but who knows how accurate we were. This could be based on another setting that just seems similar.

That said, hiding is plausible given that they seem to be able to leave as evidenced by them jumping us when we were poking at the derelict that started this whole mess.

As for picking future fights, I do feel slightly more comfortable about trying to bushwack one of the warbirds, but again I only want to do so if we feel we have a good reason.

Once we loot these ships I'll do another Loot Overview post.