Am I the only one just waiting for Chibi to show up, and the chaos to be caused through the discovery of him just existing?
Yeah, it will be nice when Chibi shows up. Taylor is going to love him. Hopefully he is a better companion than his mother.
I am also waiting for the monsters to start crawling out of the woodwork more and Sunny's response being her breaking out her old gear.
Taylor's reaction to that weaponry should be interesting.
... Is it possible to die of laughter?
Is taylor aware of what (or who) sunshine is yet?

Time to go play okami hd!
Edit: i had to go on a two hour round trip to walmart to buy a new hdmi cord! I feel great pain but worth it!
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Either way, Taylor is the chosen High Priestess for the city (possibly the nation). Chosen by the goddess herself and being groomed by the goddes (or the goddess's messanger if that's what you believe).
One generally does prefer to think of the top god of one's pantheon as being a little dignified, instead of, well...

Humans transfer human frailty unto the gods (in ancient Greece any thunderstorms were considered to be the results of Hera and Zeus feuding)
Jupiter was more dignified than Zeus but then the Roman gods pretty much existed before the Greek and roman gods started getting associated with each other.

Which is how you get things like Saturn being a seen as a benign god who oversaw a golden age for mortals, Mars being not just a more honorable god of war but an agricultural guardian deity arguably having two mothers and no father as well as gods with no Greek counterparts associated with them like Janus and Orcus and of course some of the stuff the Greeks saw as spirits were viewed as being gods by the Romans.

Also, amusingly enough the Roman Gods had to wait to make their intentions known just like other citizens and even then said intentions would by interpreted by the public officials.
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The thing is that one tends to think of ones own gods and especially pantheon heads as dignified and responsible. Not those one doesn't believe in. Ancient Greeks were a lot more respectful of Zeus than their surviving myths look to a modern audience, and I suspect much the same applies to Odin. This probably means that people without a Shinto cultural background would be more likely to recognize Sunny as Amaterasu.
The thing is that one tends to think of ones own gods and especially pantheon heads as dignified and responsible. Not those one doesn't believe in. Ancient Greeks were a lot more respectful of Zeus than their surviving myths look to a modern audience, and I suspect much the same applies to Odin.
Well, of course they were. They didn't want to be on the receiving end of that whole 'smiting' thing.
The thing is that one tends to think of ones own gods and especially pantheon heads as dignified and responsible. Not those one doesn't believe in. Ancient Greeks were a lot more respectful of Zeus than their surviving myths look to a modern audience, and I suspect much the same applies to Odin. This probably means that people without a Shinto cultural background would be more likely to recognize Sunny as Amaterasu.
also, there's some debate about how consistent the surviving depictions/characterizations of the Olympians actually was with the majority of their interpretations when they were actively worshiped
, given the pov of most of the surviving myths involving them is from a specific city-state/cultural group (i spent a while following a discussion in another thread-amoung other things,the highly negative depictions of female/feminine characters was allegedly due to the rather misogynistic culture/beliefs of..Athens, i think it was? who's interpretations/telling of the stories are the vast majority of the surviving ones today)-
its something like all of the hundreds of vaugely judeo-christian sects/splinter religions that are around today, with wildly varying/inconsistent interpretations of their scripture/recorded events...

for an example of how heavily the versions of the gods differed, i think the Spartans considered Aphrodite as a War Goddess...
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