[X] Take a moment for yourself before your date to "get ready" after your club and abuse your time-stop ability to travel to a flower shop to buy Madoka a bouquet of tulips and gerbera flowers
[X] Get dinner
-[X] then do something else
--[X] Go to the fountain that looks beautiful at night to make wishes with Madoka
---[X] Snuggle with Madoka and share your hopes and dreams with one another, before finally kissing her
----[X] What are your hopes and dreams?
-----[X] To experience the future and to spend the rest of your life with Madoka
[X] A semi-fancy restaurant, not so fancy to be too uncomfortable for Madoka
"Two for Pretty Cure, please," you say to the girl at the box office, handing her a 5000¥ bill. She gives you your change and two tickets, which you give to Madoka to hold. "Did you want us to get snacks as well?" you ask, gesturing to the concession stand. Madoka nods enthusiastically, and the rest of your change is spent on a large bucket of popcorn, two sodas, and a box of some candy you've never heard of chosen at Madoka's insistence. Snacks in one hand and Madoka's hand in your other, you hand off your tickets, make your way to the designated theater, and take your seats. The lights dim, and after what feel like far too many coming attractions, it's time for the movie to start.
It's about three minutes into the movie when the opening credits roll, only moments after a hole is opened in the sky and thousands upon thousands of animal mascot characters come raining down to earth, and you have absolutely no idea who any of these characters are. The main character Hibiki - at least, the movie presents her in such a way that you presume she will be the main character - is somewhat of a clutz, and you haven't yet gotten a read on her friend Kanade. You can guess, though, that the both of them, as well as the majority of the girls you've seen so far in these opening few scenes, are all magical girls. From the opening credits, you're guessing that this will be a crossover event between characters from multiple entries in the franchise.
Madoka is smiling though, so that's all that matters to you.
"What's going on here?"
"These people are kind of strange."
At less than ten minutes in, the movie introduces its cast of villains, who in keeping with the crossover theme are an ensemble cast from, you assume, the same entries as the numerous cast of magical girl characters. Their plan involves something called the 'Prism Flower' that is apparently the reason for the countless thousands of magical girl mascots - fairies, according to the movie - having poured out form the sky en masse.
You have to hold in a laugh as the massive cast of magical girls all go through their transformations. It's all so flashy, so showy, so extraneous. You won't begrudge Madoka for looking so enthralled by the showy spectacle, but you know from experience that if a puella magi tried to make a go of a big, showy transformation like that, they would be taken down long before they were finished.
The villains, as you learn shortly after all twenty-one girls have finished their transformations, are made from their reborn negative energy and under the control of an evil power called the 'Black Hole' which seeks to destroy the Prism Flower, without which the connection between the human world and the fairy world will be broken. But no one knows where the Prism Flower is, short of 'somewhere on earth'. Huh. Once you cut away the chaff and forget that you don't know what the heck is going on or who anybody is, you're actually finding yourself getting a little invested in this. Maybe if you stop thinking about this so hard and just enjoy the time you're spending with Madoka, you'll actually end up having a good time.
"Black Hole's power is already starting to engulf the world!"
"if that happens, the Prism Flower will wither along with the earth!"
"Indeed! It's only a matter of time before the Prism Flower loses its power!"
Your hands clench the armrest of your seat as numerous massive crystal spires tear out from underground, causing a scene of ruin that destroys several brightly-coloured buildings. You can feel your heart racing as you imagine Walpurgisnacht, seeing in your mind the destruction that witch has caused in place of the animated crystals on the screen. "Homura-chan?" Madoka whispers, leaning over as she grabs your hand. "Are you okay?"
Madoka's touch and the sound of her voice are enough to calm you. She's safe. She's safe and she's right here beside you. It's just a movie. It can't hurt her. "Yes," you whisper back. "It's passed now, so there's no need to worry."
"We shall destroy the Prism Flower, extinguish every spark of life, and every glimmer of hope, and create a world of infinite darkness! Such is the will of Black Hole!"
You would be lying if you said that you weren't enjoying this. Though the movie has thus far been nothing but nonstop action between the Precure girls and their various villainous counterparts, you're finding that that actually works to the movie's benefit. There's no real overarching plot tying this to any previous installments in the franchise that you have to worry about not being able to follow, and while you're sure that you're missing numerous callbacks and references that a fan such as Madoka would catch, the nonstop action is enough to keep you entertained. The fact that Madoka is thoroughly enjoying herself watching the spectacle is certainly helping your own enjoyment.
"The strongest combination is obviously all of us!" proclaims Cure Melody, as she and Cure Rhythm vanquish the ice duo, Freezen and Frozen, capping off the stretch of beautifully animated scenes in which each Precure team uses their special attacks to defeat their respective series's villain. Madoka's eyes are aglow, and on screen each of the twenty-one Precures is elated at their victory over evil, but you can tell that the battle is nowhere near finished. As each villain was defeated in turn, you saw the dark energy leaving their bodies behind, arcing skyward.
Joy turns to terror as the sky turns red, splitting apart to reveal "I am Black Hole. All shall turn to black. All shall become a world of darkness"
"Where? Where is he?" you hear one of the Precures ask, to which Melody responds with "It can't be!" Their heads turn skyward, and after several shots that pan across the earth, the form of Black Hole is revealed, a massive expanse of shifting darkness stretched out across space, with glowing crimson eyes and a mouth wreathed in violet flame. The music builds to a pounding crescendo as Black Hole unleashes its attack, a bullet of negative energy that tears apart the sound barrier as it races down towards the Precures on earth. The sky is torn asunder, and a city is wiped from the earth as the bullet impacts, radiating destruction in a violet mushroom cloud that sends the Precures flying.
You feel your heart stop, and your breathing turns ragged as you clutch at your chest. "Homura-chan, are you alright?" Madoka asks. The dull light of the screen has dyed her eyes a deep crimson, but there's no hiding the concern that shines through in them.
"I'll be fine," you respond, trying your best to stand without disrupting the people sitting around you. "I just need to get some fresh air. I'll be right back." You duck out of the theater just as Cure Melody's heart pendant is engulfed in a burst of crimson light.
You make straight for the bathroom, splashing your face with water as you attempt to wash those thoughts from the forefront of your mind. It's not Walpurgisnacht, you struggle to remind yourself. It's just a movie, it can't hurt her. Madoka is safe. She's sitting in the seat next to you, safe, waiting for you to come back.
It takes a few minutes more, and several more splashes of water on your face, before you can coax your body into calming down. You should probably return to your seat now. Madoka is no doubt worrying for your health at the moment.
You return in time to see a spectacle of light set to upbeat music, as each of the twenty-one Precures combines their special attacks into one, throwing their all against the expansive darkness of Black Hole., who returns fire with his own weapon, a beam of pulsing red and black energy. It looks like the movie is about ready to reach its conclusion, and not wanting to disrupt the finale for anyone else, you opt to stand off to the side while you watch.
Golden light reaches black and red as the Precures' final attack collides with that of Black Hole. "I will swallow all light. You are powerless before Black Hole!"
"No matter what happens, our hearts won't be swallowed by darkness!"
"The light in our hearts will always shine towards tomorrow!"
"All the wonderful meetings we've had will guide us on our new journeys of growth!"
"We'll never stop! No matter what stands in our way!"
"We're stepping into our shining future with the ones we love! You won't take that away from us!"
"Absurd!" Black Hole proclaims "Even if you win, you'll still be separated!
"Hummy and the other fairies are bound to us by the love in our hearts!" Cure Rhythm proclaims back.
"We won't lose!" adds Cure Melody "No matter what happens, we're gonna press straight on towards the future!"
Colour! Every colour of the rainbow and then some combine together in one final push against the darkness! "What?" Every Precure joins together to shout as one, and with a final exclamation of "This cannot be!" Black Hole is defeated. For a moment, the light holds in the shining form of a twinkling star against space, before fading as the sun rises over a world saved. The credits roll as the tearful Precures embrace, but their tears aren't those of victory or joy, but rather of loss. They've lost something precious in gaining their victory, and Hey, weren't there a bunch of those fairies still around? Where did they all go?
"Homura-chan!" Madoka races towards you, the first to exit the theater. As she reaches you, she throws her arms violently around your waist, crying into your chest as you hold one another tight. "I was so worried about you! Are you alright?"
With Madoka clamped tightly to your waist, it is only with some difficulty that you are able to move out of the way of everyone else trying to exit the theater. "It was just my heart acting up, that's all. Don't worry, Madoka; it's passed now, I'm fine." The two of you stand there, for as long as it takes, while you stroke Madoka's hair and wait for her to calm down and dry her tears. "Come on," you say, as Madoka's tears finally cease and she is able to smile, meeting your eyes with her own. "Let's go get something to eat. You can tell me what you liked about the movie while we're eating."
"... And I had completely forgotten about Black Hole, so after Melody and Rhythm defeated Freezen and Frozen I really thought that was where the movie was going to end."
Wanting to take Madoka someplace she had never been, yet someplace that was both of high quality while lacking in pretentiousness, you ended up taking her to a little cafe that neither of you had ever heard of. Your meals are nothing spectacular - Madoka gets soup and a sandwich, while you get grilled chicken and pasta in a rich sauce - but they're satisfactory and filling enough that you're willing to consider dinner a success. "It was really scary when Black Hole showed up, since I wasn't expecting it to happen like that."
Not having previously been a fan of the franchise yourself, you have little to add to the discussion, and so Madoka has been the one leading your dinner conversation. You'll still speak when you can, but perhaps a movie not tied to an existing franchise, with a large cast of characters you could barely keep up with, would have made for a more even conversation. "I could see it coming, but I suppose my heart wasn't prepared to see him even though I knew it was coming."
Madoka casts a worried stare in your direction. "Are you sure you're okay, Homura-chan? Maybe you should speak to your doctor, or to Nurse Ortensia, about upping your medication if your heart is giving you problems like that. That was almost as bad as the one you had on your first day."
"I'll be fine, really. I just needed some fresh air and some water on my face."
You place your hand on top of Madoka's, but she quickly turns the gesture around on you, linking your fingers together. Her hands are warm, and her fingers are just a little bit greasy from the fries that came with her sandwich. "I'm glad. I got so scared when you suddenly ran out of the theater that I could barely pay attention to what was going on."
"But did you still enjoy the movie in spite of that?"
"Yeah. It was a lot of fun, getting to see all the different Cures working together like that."
You smile, saying "I'm glad to hear that. I found myself enjoying it too, even though it was hard to keep track of who was who at times. I think I lost track of Melody once or twice when all the pink Cures were trapped in the sand labyrinth."
"I know what you mean. I've only seen Fresh, Heartcatch, and Suite myself, so there were some Cures that I didn't know either." Madoka stops herself, adding "Suite is the one that's airing right now. It's the one that has Melody and Rhythm in it."
"I see. Maybe you could tell me more about it, then?" Even if you don't particularly care enough to invest the time needed to become a fan yourself, you don't mind having the chance to hear Madoka speak about something with enthusiasm. Anything to keep the conversation going.
After dinner, the two of you took the train back to your apartment, and from there it was only a short walk over to the park. Night has fallen, and " The stars are beautiful out tonight, aren't they?" you ask, holding Madoka's hand as the two of you stroll through the grass. "Not as beautiful as you, though."
Madoka blushes, desperately trying to hide the red cabbage on her face as she stammers back "I-I think you're really pretty too, Homura-chan."
You round the bend, and the fountain comes into view. At night, coloured lights make the spray of water shine like a rainbow. You fish a 10¥ coin from your pocket, playing with it in your hand as you ask "Do you want to make a wish?" You have to check - and double-check - every centimeter of park that your eyes can touch to make sure that the Incubator is nowhere around to hear Madoka's wish. Madoka smiles and nods her head, and you hand her the coin in your hand, grabbing another one for yourself. With silent voices, you both toss your coins into the fountain. They hit the water with a soft *plunk* and quickly sink to the bottom. Still in silence, Madoka leads you over to one of the nearby benches, and together you gaze up at the stars.
"What did you wish for, Homura-chan?" Madoka asks, huddling up as close to you as your bodies will allow.
"What did I wish for?" What have wishes ever brought you? The pain of having to lose Madoka, over and over again, never able to save her or free her from her suffering. Wishes did that, to you and to her. Still, if you had one wish, just one wish that you wanted to see granted, it would be "To experience the future with you, and to grow old and spend the rest of my life with you." Yeah, it would be that. "Now, what did you wish for?"
"Homura-chan!" Madoka pouts; you've done something wrong. "Didn't anybody tell you that you're not supposed to say what you wished for? Now it's never going to happen. Still..." Madoka's face is so close to yours; you can smell dinner on her breath. "... It was a nice wish, that you made. Even if you told me, I'd still like to see it come true..."
Your heart is racing, and the signals Madoka is sending are clear. You lean in, lips pursed together, and it's as though she's leaning in at the same time. "I'm sorry, Homura-chan," Madoka says, as for the second time your lips meet the flesh of her hand. "I really enjoyed tonight, and I'd really like to kiss you, but it still feels like it's too soon for us to be doing things like that."
Do you
[ ] Walk Madoka home, then go back to your place by yourself
-[ ] to practice Isa
-[ ] to hunt a witch
--[ ] by yourself
--[ ] with
---[ ] Archer
---[ ] Tomoe-san
---[ ] Kyouko
---[ ] Mikuni Oriko
---[ ] Everybody
----[ ] servants included
[ ] Ask Madoka if it would be alright to stay the night
-[ ] at your place
-[ ] at her place
--[ ] What do you do then?
[ ] Other (write-in)