[X] Freeze 4/1 -> 4/2
[X] Talk
-[X] to everyone
--[X] briefly updating them about the current situation, and to tell Hitomi that she shouldn't need to look into Alina's identity any longer, though ask if she's found anything of note if she got around to it before now
[X] Hold hands with Madoka like a happy couple *how l-l-lewd!*

Er, do we vote for the Isa training vote as well? Or did Homura not have enough time to complete a full training session?

😨 Soooo, didn't actually realize that this Witch was one from canon. This Witch is more powerful than she's supposed to be in canon (I'm pretty sure), and I think I may know why. Apparently Elsa Maria may be a reference to Jeanne d'Arc, and if my hunch is right Elsa Maria may be drawing power by piggybacking off of Jeanne d'Arc's legend now that this reality's a mash of PMMM and the Type-Moon-verse, where legend and history grants significant power to an entity or object.

EDIT: Added in Isa vote
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Er, do we vote for the Isa training vote as well? Or did Homura not have enough time to complete a full training session?
We should also be voting on our practice session, yes. And yes, this witch is vastly stronger than her canon iteration, but that's as much a function of her being the boss fight for part 2 as it is anything to do with the two universes meshing. Witches of this timeline are of a higher power bar in general, so in order to make the mid-boss for the entire quest a satisfyingly challenging fight, I had to make her jaw-droppingly powerful and a threat we have to take seriously.

If Walpurgisnacht is Walpurigsnacht, then think of Elsa Maria as being our equivalent to Skadi from Sayaka Quest.

EDIT: When you say to update everyone on the current situation, how much detail are we giving them, is there anything we want to specifically tell them, and is there anything we specifically want to avoid telling them?
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[q] Talk
-[q] to Madoka
--[q] A bout how much you want to kiss her.

[x] Talk
-[x] to Madoka
--[x] About this evening's date.
-[x] to Hitomi (+ Madoka/Sayaka if interested)
--[x] About recent happenings Re: the Church, Father Despair, & Sister Hope
EDIT: When you say to update everyone on the current situation, how much detail are we giving them, is there anything we want to specifically tell them, and is there anything we specifically want to avoid telling them?
Just a general overview of info the rest of the Puella Magi are also aware of, like capturing Alina and her father, the threat of the Witch and their familiars, they were being mind controlled, etc. I suppose she wouldn't really bother telling them about the Witch hunt/training session though.
Attn, @Nuew and @NMS;
Do you have a vote for what we gained from practicing Isa? Enetious has us at [X] Freeze 4/1 -> 4/2 , and I need to know if your votes are the same or if you want us to have improved something else.
[X] Freeze 4/1 -> 4/2
[x] Talk
-[x] to Madoka
--[x] About this evening's date.
-[x] to Hitomi (+ Madoka/Sayaka if interested)
--[x] About recent happenings Re: the Church, Father Despair, & Sister Hope

Eh, why not?
Attn, @Nuew and @NMS;
Do you have a vote for what we gained from practicing Isa? Enetious has us at [X] Freeze 4/1 -> 4/2 , and I need to know if your votes are the same or if you want us to have improved something else.
That's alright with me. Sorry, I must have missed that in the post :(
Yeah, I was at Cardiff, and didn't want to try reading SV on mobile until I was back. Sorry.

[X] Freeze 4/1 -> 4/2
[X] Talk
-[X] to everyone
--[X] briefly updating them about the current situation, and to tell Hitomi that she shouldn't need to look into Alina's identity any longer, though ask if she's found anything of note if she got around to it before now
[X] Hold hands with Madoka like a happy couple *how l-l-lewd!*
Yeah, I was at Cardiff, and didn't want to try reading SV on mobile until I was back. Sorry.
You should go to Cornwall next time. Dig up something special and be the hero we need you to be. But no, good to have you back.

Unfortunately, your vote puts us at 2-2, so hopefully we'll get a third vote one way or another by the time I'm able to sit down and write up a post proper.
"Extra, extra, read all about it! A PMMM/Fate/Stay Night quest is stalled due to a lack of votes! Please participate in the Mitakihara Grail War today by casting your vote!"

EDIT: @SVS maybe you could make a temp post after this one that'll alert people?
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Omake, side Hitomi - She is the Sister
"Sweetie, is something wrong?" Hitomi's mother asked, staring at her daughter from across the dinner table. "You haven't touched your food." Her father too, stared at her, but his judgement remained silent, save for the slight chewing of what had once been a cut of stir-fried pork.

"I guess I'm just not feeling hungry tonight, mother."

"Do you think you're sick?"

Hitomi's stomach churned, but not from the stomachache her mother presumed it to be. "I don't think so." Instead, Hitomi's stomach churned at the thought of what her friend had said to her at lunch earlier that day. "May I be excused from the table?"

Her mother smiled, but underneath that smile her lips were thin and fraught with concern. "Of course, dear. I'll wrap this up and save it for later, how's that?"

Hitomi stood, bowing as she said "Thank you, mother. Hopefully my appetite will have returned before too long." Still under the watchful gaze of her parents, Hitomi left the dining room, turned the corner, and headed up the stairs to her bedroom on the second floor.

That had been two hours ago, and still Hitomi was unable to shake the sickening sensation in her stomach. 'It could have been me,' she thought, over and over again, that one pernicious sentence which she found impossible to extirpate from her mind. 'If Akemi-san hadn't told me to leave that night, the body that Archer-san found could very well have been mine.'

And there, sitting on her desk in the same place she had tossed it aside after coming home that night, was the rosary necklace given to her by Sister Hope. It was expertly crafted, especially the sunburst emblem that formed the centerpiece of the necklace, but something about it, it's mere presence in Hitomi's room, gave her a sense of impeding dread; a kind of inescapable and yet strangely addicting prickle against the back of her neck whenever she looked at or held the thing. 'Akemi-san said that Archer-san found this same symbol on the back of the body's neck...'

An east-facing window on the bedroom wall gave Hitomi a beautiful view of the river, and if she craned her head just a little bit, she could make out the school, the train tracks crossing the river into neighboring Kazamino, and the apartment complex where Akemi-san said that Tomoe-san lived. 'Mitakihara is such a beautiful city,' Hitomi thought, opening the window and letting the cool evening air roll in. 'It's just such a shame that so many terrible things have happened recently.'

Quickly, before the impulse was lost, Hitomi grabbed the rosary necklace and made for the window. Bracing herself, she reeled back, and with all her might flung the accursed thing as far as she could, unwilling to release the breath she was holding until she heard the satisfying *plop* of the necklace hitting the water of the river below.

With thoughts of the rosary necklace still fresh in her mind, Hitomi booted up her laptop. Akemi-san had asked her to do some light digging into the life of Sister Hope, a girl whose name Akemi-san claimed was 'Alina Gray'. Hitomi had never searched for information about a real, currently-alive person before, and so it was with more than a little trepidation that her fingers typed out the katakana for the girl's name, not entirely sure what would happen once she hit <-Enter. "Well, here goes nothing," she said to herself, taking that last step forward.

"Three-time winner of Mitakihara Junior Artist's competition cinches fourth consecutive gold"

"Mitakihara mourns the loss of one of their own, leaves behind husband, 47, and daughter, 16"

"Three years in a row, Mitakihara Junior High student places top 5 in prefecture-wide matheletes competition"

"Mitakihara Municipal Junior High student stuns judges at science fair with her study on thorium reactors"

"Mitakihara Junior High student wins third consecutive gold at Junior Artist's competition"

And that was just the first few entries to be found. "Oh... My," was all the stunned Hitomi could say as her eyes scanned the title of article after article describing the brilliance of this girl under Akemi-san's surveillance. Not sure where to start, Hitomi clicked on the most recent article at the top of the page.

"Every year, the Mitakihara Junior Artist's competition plays host to a wide variety of styles and subject matter from some of the city's most talented young artists. From painting, sculpture, woodworking, model craftsmanship, and more, and every year it brings us great joy to cover the competition and see from where new talent might arise in our very own city." Accompanying the opening sentences was a picture that showed a display table filled with a number of pieces in the described styles, as well as several others that didn't quite fit the mould.

"However, as with every competition some artists stand out more than others, and while we are always gladdened to showcase the entire competition, we know what all of you reading this at home are really interested in. So without further ado, allow us to introduce the winners of this year's Junior Artist's competition and the creations that won them their prizes."

"In third place-"
the accompanying picture is of a young boy, with short brown hair and bright green eyes, standing proudly beside a sculpture that could generously be described as 'Picasso in the third dimension'. "-is eighth year student Sakamoto Ryouji. if his sculpture looks like a mess, that's because it is- Literally! According to the artist, this sculpture was made from litter that he picked up at various times in the park, re-purposed and given new life as a physical expression of environmental awareness. For the creativity and talented eye that it took to turn trash into treasure, as well as for his proactive role in the community which helped prompt this piece's creation, Sakamoto has won himself his first bronze in the Junior Artist's competition. We very much hope to see more work from him in the future."

Second place was much the same as the first, another young boy winning on the back of a piece about environmental awareness. But in first place, Hitomi found that the winner had gone for a much different approach. Standing beside a series of - nine! - paintings was a lime-haired girl that Hitomi easily recognised as Sister Hope.

"I think that anyone familiar with the Junior Artist's competition in recent years could have called this one, and they would absolutely be correct. Bringing with her a whopping nine paintings is three-time winner Alina Gray, and though quite macabre compared to previous years' submissions, Gray's unusual choice to bring the traditional Kuzosu genre into the twenty-first century has cinched her her fourth consecutive win in the Mitakihara Junior Artist's competition."

Each of the nine paintings was given its own showcasing in the article, which also went into the history of the Kuzosu genre and how each painting represents one of the nine stages of death according to Buddhist tradition, before ending on a decidedly more somber note as Hitomi read "Gray, who recently lost her mother, must no doubt have been influenced by her passing in creating these most recent masterpieces, but make no mistake. We are not giving her the gold medal out of any sense of pity for her; she has earned this win fair and square with her masterful use of colour, technique, and the intricate ways in which she seamlessly blends the traditional with the modern, though we are certain that this win will do little to ease the pain of her mother's passing."

"We hope to see more from our three winners, and from all the entrants into this year's Junior Artist's competition. I, for one, will no doubt be keeping a closer eye on the works of Alina Gray after this. Her transcendental masterpiece could easily herald a new age focused on the revitalisation of traditional genres of Japanese art in the modern era. This has been yours truly of the Mitakihara Times, signing off once again."

"Let's see... Returning to the main page of her search, Hitomi clicked on the next article, eager to learn more about the apparent genius whom Akemi-san had conscripted her to research. "She certainly seems like an interesting girl," Hitomi mused, as her eyes scanned an article which described her top placement in a recent mathematics competition. "I wonder how she got tangled up in this strange business with the 'Church'."

As her investigation took over and fully engrossed her concentration, Hitomi never noticed that the rosary necklace she thought she had thrown away was still sitting there on her desk.​
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Omake, side Oriko - Bookends
Oriko would never forget that day, that mid-September afternoon when she and Kirika decided to meet up at the mall after classes were out. They sat together in the food court, and shopping bags full to bursting were stuffed underneath their table. They talked, laughed, smiled; they had only been together for a month at that point, but already the energetic girl had completely wormed her way into Oriko's heart, unlocking a side of her that she had never known existed.

Then, "Hey, Mikuni-" a familiar voice called out from behind, prompting Oriko to turn her head in its direction. "What's up?" It was Asako Komaki and her friends, Namekata Akira, and Nagatsuki Miyuki. The four girls exchanged polite waves, and as the group of three drew closer to the table where Oriko and Kirika sat, Komaki said "Hey, I recognize you-" pointing to Kirika as she spoke.

"You do?" This was news to Kirika.

"Yeah, you're Mikuni's new boyfriend, right? She's got a picture of you as her phone background."If Komaki's words were meant as a joke, neither Oriko nor Kirika found them to be particularly funny. "Though I've got to say, you're a lot cuter in person. What's your name?"

Before Kirika could take offense at Komaki's question, Oriko cleared her throat, saying "Kirika, these are some classmates of mine, Asako Komaki, Namekata Akira, and Nagatsuki Miyuki. Asako-san, Namekata-san, Nagatsuki-san, this is Kure Kirika, my girlfriend," with extra emphasis added on the 'girl' in 'girlfriend'.

Komaki immediately pulled away from Kirika, as though recoiling at the touch of heated metal. "Oh," she said in a flat tone. "That's a pity then. Come on, let's get going. Don't want to intrude on their little date too much, do we?" Her head turned left, then right, with the nodding heads of her friends their signal to move on. As they walked off, Oriko could faintly make out Komaki's words as the three girls faded into the distant crowds. "Geez, where does Mikuni get off dating some hideous dyke like that? I really thought she of all people would know better..."

That was the moment
, Oriko remembered, as the Mitakihara skyline raced by from the window of the otherwise-empty traincar that she and Kirika occupied, that it all started. Kirika was slouched over, leaning against Oriko's side, asleep. Oriko hoped that she was asleep, otherwise it meant that her girlfriend was drooling on her shoulder for no apparent reason. The train car jostled lightly as it ran past a pedestrian crossing, and Oriko had her answer as her chocolate-haired girlfriend was roused from her slumber. "... Oriko? She spoke the name with all tiredness on her voice. "Are we home yet?"

"Not yet, dearest. We've still got another fifteen minutes before we reach the Shirome station." Taking a crumpled-up napkin out of her pocket 'How long has this been sitting there?' Oriko dabbed at the drool that Kirika had left on her shoulder, before stuffing the napkin back in her pocket.

"Hey, Oriko..." That was an unusual tone to Kirika's voice, almost as if she were embarrassed to speak. "Do you- Do you really not like it when I hurt myself trying to be useful to you?"

"I hate it." Kirika sighed, looking away from Oriko as her answer came. "I've always hated the way in which you put yourself below me. You are not, and never will be, any less an equal partner in our relationship than I am. And, if at any point I ever gave you the impression that you were somehow beneath me, then you have my most heartfelt apology because I never meant for you to feel that way."

"No! No! You've never made me feel like that!" The pair were lucky that the train was unoccupied, or else Kirika's frantic shouts would no doubt have caused some alarm. "You... You're the first person who's ever made me feel like I mattered, and I just want to be useful to you, in any way I can. If I can offer you my body, my mana, or any other part of me that you want, you can have it! You can have all of me if you want!"

Oriko smiled, wrapping her arms around Kirika. "I already have all of you, dearest. Now, I want you to have all of you as well."

For a moment, Kirika was unresponsive. It took her what felt like an eternity to raise her arms up and reciprocate her girlfriend's embrace. "Okay. Then I promise you, for real, that I'll stop hurting myself in the name of being useful to you." the two lovers tightened their embrace, and Kirika added "But I still want to be useful to you! Just tell me how and I'll do it, no questions asked!"

Oriko laughed, kissing Kirika on the cheek for her enthusiastic response. "Alright then. You can help me by laying low and recovering. And, you can also help by continuing to be on your best behaviour around Akemi-san and Tomoe-san. It is they on who our second chance rests, so be nice to them, okay?"

"Okay! Anything else?"

"Oh yes, there's plenty more. For starters, you can..." The words that Mikuni Oriko whispered into Kure Kirika's ear were for her alone. "Every day, until you're completely better. Am I understood?"

"And afterwards?" Kirika asked with an eager tone.

"And every day after that, if you'd like."

The Soul Gem that Lancer presented to her master was stained with blood, and thick fountains of the crimson liquid still fell from Lancer's arm onto the floor. Oriko accepted it anyway, wiping it off with a napkin as she took the deep blue stone. "Lancer, I have a new assignment for you. In the park on the far southwest end of Mitakihara, a witch will be appearing very shortly. In the area is Kaname Madoka, the puella magi who escaped from you four days ago, and two uninvolved civilians. Kill the others, but leave the civilians alive, am I understood?"

"Understood, master. They shall not escape."

Lancer vanished into the night, leaving Oriko alone with the body that lay on the floor in front of her, their long blue hair sprawling out in all directions, stained with blood that leaked from the gaping hole in their chest. Oriko approached the body, her face a mask of emotionlessness. She stared at the Soul Gem in her hand, and then back down at the body Lancer had torn it from. "I'd almost hate to use this, but I suppose it would be a waste to get rid of it now." She sneered as she pocketed the Soul Gem, and gave the corpse a swift kick, little caring when her pristine white shoe came back stained with blood. A single kick, at first; and then a second. A third, and her blows turned harsher and harsher with each fell of her leg.

"How do you like that, you stupid bitch? Do you like how it feels to be kicked when you're down? This is what you deserve for all the months you spent making me miserable!" The corpse of Asako Komaki made no response, its face frozen in the same look of shock it had worn when Lancer ended her life as Oriko kicked and kicked, letting loose months of pent-up frustrations on the corpse of her tormentor. "Let's see you tell me to kill myself now! Let's see you call my girlfriend a whore now!" A strange and guttural sound forced its way out of Oriko's throat; she couldn't tell whether she was laughing or crying. This girl, this horrid
thing that was once a person had made her life hell for so many months, and now she was dead.

So why didn't Oriko feel any better?
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Omake, side Kirika - The Girl is Loved
"Berserker, by my command-" Kirika held her hand out firmly as she spoke, staring down her maddened servant wreathed in shifting black shadows. Behind her stood Oriko, holding on tightly to her girlfriend's shoulder, able to do no more than support her in this endeavour "-you are to permanently reduce your rank in Mad Enhancement to its lowest possible level." Once those words were spoken, the command sprang to life, setting the sigils at the back of her hand alight until one among their number had burned away.

Berserker howled as the command fell upon him, writhing where he stood until the shadows that had overtaken his form faded away, revealing underneath a full suit of steel plate, coloured like the midnight sky on a starless night. He stared at Kirika, and underneath his helmet must have been contemplating the girl seated before him, so small a creature she was, sitting in her chair. Berserker raised his arms, and Oriko's body tightly clenched; she feared for the worst, that the command had failed, or perhaps had worked in reverse and brought the servant to even greater madness. But her fears passed when the black knight instead reached for his helmet, removing it to reveal the man underneath.

His skin was white, his face European, his features aged. His eyes were like dark pools, and his violet hair fell down to his shoulders. "My master," the servant said, taking to the knee with his helmet tucked under his arm, "I am servant Berserker, and if it would please you, I humbly place myself at your service."

Kirika lay in the bed she shared with Oriko, her hand stretched towards the ceiling as she admired the Seal given to her by Oriko to replace the one she had lost in reigning Berserker in. Beside her sat Oriko, shirtless, and adjusting her bra. The long sleeve of crimson Seals covered her arm, from her wrist all the way up to the back of her shoulder blade, and even after giving one up to replenish the Command lost that night, there were so many lining every centimeter of her lover's flesh that Kirika could hardly see a difference.

"What's it like," Kirika asked, causing Oriko to turn towards her girlfriend. "Having that much power contained in your arm, I mean; what's that like?"

"It has its uses, I will admit to that much," Oriko said, looking down at the girl lying beside her. "But looking back on what it took to obtain, the person that I am now would not want to have that power." Oriko tried to put on a smile, but Kirika knew enough to see that her smile was false. "Still-" Oriko reached for her pajama top, and slid an arm into place as she continued speaking "Now that I have it, I would be disrespecting the lives I am responsible for if I were to let them all go to waste. That's why I plan to make sure that every one of them is put to a proper and respectful use."

"So while I ask that you not spend your Seals frivolously, dearest, if you need to use one you can do so without fear." With both arms snugly in their proper sleeves, Oriko leaned over to give Kirika a kiss. But as she did so, her nose wrinkled, and she pulled back saying "Dearest, when was the last time you washed that shirt?"

Kirika blinked, and her head bobbed up and down, not sure whether to look at Oriko or at her shirt, a faded black tee with the logo of some Swedish death metal band whose name she couldn't pronounce. "Uh... Maybe the day you got kidnapped by the witch?" she offered, not quite able to remember for herself.

Oriko clicked her tongue, and in an instant had thrown the offending shirt off of her girlfriend, and into the laundry hamper. "Dearest, that's disgusting. You can't just keep wearing the same shirt to bed every night."

"Well, it's always there on my side of the bed, and it's not like I can really walk over and grab a new one out of the dresser or anything." Kirika stopped herself, upon hearing the snappy town in her voice. She hung her head, saying "Sorry. I shouldn't be getting snappy with you just because I can't walk."

Oriko smiled, and now free from the offending scent of her lover's shirt, could lean down and give Kirika a proper kiss. "I'm right here, dearest. If there's anything you need me to get for you, don't hesitate to ask."

"Yeah..." Kirika's voice trailed off as she stared up at the ceiling once more, losing herself in thought, until, "Hey, Oriko? I was thinking, about what Tomoe said earlier today. I think- I think I would like to see my mom on Sunday."

"Really? What's changed your mind?"

"Well, she's always been really supportive of our relationship, even though she's never had to be. I guess I at least owe it to her, to say hi once in awhile." Kirika rolled over, so that she was on her side facing Oriko, her head in perfect position to receive the waiting hand of her girlfriend, whose touch she was eager to melt in. "And, I mean, Tomoe has a point- She's family; I should at least try to spend time with her, while she's still here."

Oriko smiled, stroking her hand through Kirika's hair. "Your mother is still rather young, isn't she? I'm sure she'll be around for a long time. But if you want to go see her on Sunday, then I'll let her know that our plans have changed."

Kirika melted under Oriko's touch, and like a purring kitten her voice carried with it her utmost contentment as she said "Thanks. I really love you, Oriko; you know that?"

"... So, you want to tell me what that was all about?"

The small dining room felt even more cramped under the oppressive gaze of the Kure matriarch, as she and her beet-faced daughter sat at the table. "Mom, we weren't doing anything, I swear!"

"Uh-huh." The mother Kure didn't believe her daughter for a second. "Then maybe you can explain why you both needed to be half-naked if you weren't doing anything."

"Well, I mean, we were gonna do that, but we hadn't done anything yet when you-"

"When I interrupted you and Oriko and preserved your chastities, you mean?" The mother Kure crossed her arms over her chest, huffing as her daughter's face turned an even darker shade of red. "Kirika... What am I going to do with you? I know you and Oriko are eager to explore the boundaries of your relationship, but don't you think you're still too young for that kind of thing?"

"We're both fifteen, mom; it's not like we're little kids or anything. We knew what we were doing, and we both wanted it, so what's wrong with that?"

"Kids... You slap a second digit next to their age and suddenly they think they know everything." The mother Kure stared at her daughter, sighing, shaking her head as unpleasant memories filled her thoughts. "I was exactly the same as you when I was your age. I was young, foolhardy, I thought I knew everything about everything. That's when I met your father. Oh, sure, we hit it off great, and like everyone our age we were so sure that it'd never happen to us, that we were 'special'." She scoffs. "Your grandfather beat me black and blue when I told him I was pregnant. You know how old I was? Sixteen, just a year older than you are now."

"I had to drop out of school when you got too big for me to hide, and a few weeks after I turned seventeen, there you were. And through all that, through getting pregnant at sixteen because I was to stupid to use protection, through dropping out of school, to having you, to marrying your father, I still thought I knew everything, that everything that was happening to me was fine. As long as I had him, and I had you, that everything would turn out fine for me. Do you know when it hit me, that I didn't know a goddamn thing? When I walked in on your father, fucking another woman in what was supposed to be our bed. And, I know that Oriko can't get your pregnant the way your father got me pregnant, but I still want you to be careful, and to not make the same mistake I did. You might think you love her that much right now, but if something goes wrong I don't want to see you hurting the way that I was..."

Kirika had known that her mother was on the younger side, but this was a story and a side of her mother she had never known. "And I know, everything I just said went in one ear and out the other, because that's exactly how I was at your age. But that's fine. You'll make mistakes, and you'll learn from them. And I'll still be here to support you when you mess up, just like your grandma and grandpa are still here to support me when I mess up."

Kirika stared at her mother, not quite sure what to say in the face of everything she had heard. "Do you... Do you ever regret having me?"

"No. I regret letting your father knock me up, and I regret having to drop out of school because of that, but I do not, and will not, ever regret having you as my daughter." The mother Kure got up out of her seat, walked over to her daughter, and wrapped her arms around the girl. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me, Kirika. I just want you to be happy, without making the same mistakes that I made. If your relationship with Oriko makes you happy, then I'll support you. I just... Want you to be careful, that's all."

"No, mom, you're right. I-" Kirika smiled, as she returned her mother's embrace. "Yeah, we'll be careful."
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Day 25 Chapter 1

Saturday... You awaken, in a surprising change of form, in your bed this beautiful Saturday morning. You know it's a beautiful Saturday because you're going on a date with Madoka today. Very little could happen that would make today not beautiful, and the few things that could are better left unsaid and unthought. Amy is curled up at your side as you awaken, and for how close she gets to you when she sleeps you're very thankful that you aren't allergic to cats. It's a shame about Madoka's father, though; you won't be able to take Amy with you if you move in with them like you're sure they're hoping you do. Maybe Tomoe-san will be willing to take her; she's already taken in one stray, and Kyouko gets along with Amy well enough...

Your heart stops as you realize what you've just thought, and you scold yourself. There's nothing to be gained thinking of a future that won't ever come.

Archer is waiting for you in the kitchen, breakfast already served. "I saw you had the ingredients out for miso soup, so I hope you don't mind that I thought I'd save myself the trouble and make that instead of getting fancy."

"It's fine. I'm sure it's better than my attempt." In that sense, you don't mind having for breakfast the same thing you had last night for dinner. And true to form for Archer, "... Wow. I was right." You're fairly certain that you used too much karachi mustard and soy sauce in your nattō, which gave it a more tangy flavour than it should have had, but Archer's has a more balanced and complex flavour than yours did, on top of the addition of long onions, which you had sworn you didn't have when you checked last night. In addition, by merit of not having to cook for a vegetarian Archer was able to add flavours to the meal that you were unable to, namely the tender grilled salmon he's served alongside everything else.

"I forgot to ask when you got home last night, but how did everything turn out with you and the other servants?"

"Fine," Archer replies, taking a seat across the table from you. "The first witch was really easy to put down. The second... Less so; I can see how it might have caused you girls trouble. Turns out, once we got to the witch, that the reason it was so harmful to you is that the familiars were basically washing themselves in the Grief-corrupted water that poured off of the witch. So every time they would have touched you, it would be like the equivalent of having someone wringing napalm out of a sponge."

Ouch. "But you were able to defeat the witch, correct?"

"Yes. Lancer had the misfortune of taking a bath in the witch-water, but once she got over that she set the witch on fire and that was the end of it." Unfortunate, that the servant would suffer the same fate as the master. At least the witch was dealt with; that's the important part, and you're confident that, once comfortably stationed inside her own home and with Kure Kirika and a Grief Seed by her side, Mikuni Oriko could handle any sympathetic pain from Lancer's Griefing. "Incidentally, I should warn you that Lancer is absolutely terrifying when she's angry. Seriously. I can't remember if I've told you this or not, but do not piss her off if you can avoid it."

"I'll try my best not to, in that case."

Once breakfast is finished you head to the shower, and then change and get dressed for school, all the while thoughts of your date with Madoka refusing to leave your head. But the Madoka in your head can't compare to the Madoka in your arms, and in just a few minutes she'll be there. And in just a few hours you'll be on your date, for real.

Do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Madoka
--[ ] Wait for Sayaka and Hitomi to join you before saying anything
-[ ] to Sayaka
-[ ] to Hitomi
--[ ] About what? (write-in)
[ ] Don't talk
-[ ] unless someone else talks to you
[ ] Other (write-in)

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Major objectives:
-Grow your social capital with Kaname Madoka, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi, Tomoe Mami, and Sakura Kyouko
-Cultivate your alliance with Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika
-Track down and eliminate the servant Assassin before it can cause further harm
-Prevent the catastrophe of the "black mountain" from occurring
-Further your knowledge of rune magic and practice your chosen rune(s)
-Prevent Kaname Madoka and Miki Sayaka from contracting and becoming puella magi
-Defeat the witch known as Walpurgisnacht
-Enjoy your date with Madoka after class

-Investigate, identify, and prevent the occurrence of the event that caused a fundamental force of this universe to be twice overwritten
-Protect your master from harm in this unusually dangerous loop
-Further your master's skills in magecraft, now that she has mastered the fundamentals of Projection
-Aid your master in coordinating her allies so that they stand a better chance of defeating Assassin, as well as any other threats that may appear
EDIT: @SVS maybe you could make a temp post after this one that'll alert people?
So, what I've ended up deciding to do is move 25-1 to where it is now, and in its place, along with the places marked "Coming soon!" are going to go a number of omakes, so that even if we don't get another vote or a tiebreaker for awhile, I'll still be able to provide content. I had wanted to do this coming series of omakes in -between days 25 and 26, but this break provided me with a better opportunity to do them without disrupting the flow or my ability to type up posts.

Also, to anyone that has already voted, you do not need to move your votes. You can keep them right where they are and I'll count them just fine.

It's been 36 hours since Twix cast his vote, and we've been stuck at 2-2 ever since with no sign of any additional votes coming out of the woodwork. At this time, I think the best option would be, much as I'd rather not because I actually like seeing two competing votes and not just a bandwagon, for one of our current voters to change theirs so that we can get a tiebreaker.

So, Attn @Nuew, @Enetious, @NMS, and @WanderingTwix;
I need for the four of you to come to a consensus.
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[X] Freeze 4/1 -> 4/2
[X] Talk
-[X] to everyone
--[X] briefly updating them about the current situation, and to tell Hitomi that she shouldn't need to look into Alina's identity any longer, though ask if she's found anything of note if she got around to it before now
[X] Hold hands with Madoka like a happy couple *how l-l-lewd!*
Omake, side Madoka - Evening, With Thoughts of You
Welp, guess it's about time Kyuubey made his move on Madoka, if he hasn't been slinking around in the shadows for a while already. I really like how you described the whole situation between Kyuubey and Madoka, with Kyuubey being more of an omnipresent thing in Madoka's shadow that tries to tempt her. Real nice touch there.
Omake, side Sayaka - See, There's this Girl...
And so we finally get to see what got Sayaka so worked up, and I actually didn't anticipate that it'd be something like that that would set her off (was expecting something like what we've seen before, like bad language or something Kyoko accidentally/intentionally insults), so that's a nice change.

Really liked both of the omakes so far, so feel free to keep them coming (within reason of course, not burning yourself out or anything). I would give you an upvote for both of the omakes, but alas I'd already upvoted the posts that were there beforehand :/.

*looks at NMS' post* Well, time to change my vote to NMS' original one, for you see the votes should be perfectly balanced, as all things should be. /s
Day 25 Chapter 2
[X] Freeze 4/1 -> 4/2
[X] Talk
-[X] to everyone
--[X] briefly updating them about the current situation, and to tell Hitomi that she shouldn't need to look into Alina's identity any longer, though ask if she's found anything of note if she got around to it before now
[X] Hold hands with Madoka like a happy couple *how l-l-lewd!*

You find Madoka waiting at the intersection as always, and as always the smile on her face when she sees you is enough to set your heart aflame. "Homura-chan!" she calls out, racing towards you with arms open, engaging your body in a warm hug as soon as your proximities meet. "I can't wait for our date later."

"Nor can I." Though you know for a fact that you slept well, if memory serves you had trouble falling asleep, owing to thoughts of this afternoon streaming through your head nonstop. "Do you have a preference for where you'd like to eat after the movie?"

Madoka shakes her head. "Nope! I'm sure anywhere you pick will be fine, so I'll let you decide!" Madoka breaks away from the embrace, moving to your side and lacing her fingers together with yours. "If I trust Homura-chan to pick somewhere, then I know I won't have any problems."

"I'm glad to hear that." Together the two of you walk, hand in hand, perfectly content to enjoy the beautiful Saturday morning as a couple. This is fine. This is perfectly fine.

You can never have too much time with Madoka, but the time you have her just for yourself is just right. That's when you see blue and green, waiting at the crosswalk in their usual places. Sayaka, to her credit, looks as though a load has been taken off of her shoulders. 'That's good,' you think to yourself. Between whatever happened with her and Kyouko, and having Kure Kirika back at school, she's been under a lot of stress lately, so seeing her returned to form and in her usual high spirits is a welcome change of pace. "Madoka! Homura! What's up?" she calls out, waving enthusiastically as you and Madoka catch her eye.

On the other hand, Hitomi doesn't look much better than she did when you saw her yesterday afternoon, and for that you can't blame her. Out of all your previous timelines, this timeline is the closest she's ever come to magic, and you can't imagine what the news you broke to her over lunch yesterday is doing to her. To think, if you hadn't pulled her out of there, that body could very well have been hers that Archer found. That would have been this timeline's ticket to game over, of that you're confident. "You're both looking well, Madoka-san, Akemi-san."

"Is something wrong, Hitomi-chan?" Madoka asks, to which her response is a silent nodding 'yes' from her seaweed-haired friend. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Perhaps another time, Madoka-san. Right now I-" Hitomi yawns, quickly covering her mouth as the tiredness given sound escapes her mouth "I'm sorry. My sleep last night was rather lackluster, and I fear I may not be at my sharpest today."

"That's okay, Hitomi-chan, you can tell us whenever you feel comfortable."

"Mhm." You nod your head to Madoka's words. "I have good news regarding yesterday's... Findings, if you'll call them that." Finding a dead body, that is. "While Archer and I have not dealt with the problem one hundred per cent, we have, if our information is correct, found the way to at least put a stop to it until the problem can be dealt with." From there, you give a brief overview of last night's events, stopping once Alina was safely in Tomoe-san's custody.

"And... That's it, then?" Hitomi asks, with a tone that does little to indicate that your words have abated her nervousness. "Now that you have Alina safe from the witch, there shouldn't be any more of what Archer found yesterday?"

"That's what we're all hoping. Incidentally, you don't need to do any further digging on her, now that we have her in protective custody." Though, if Hitomi has found anything, you wouldn't be averse to hearing it.

"I wasn't able to find all that much on her, anyway." Your gaze turns slightly towards Hitomi. What did she find? "Just some newspaper articles about various scholastic awards she won in junior high - junior art competitions, mathematics, science fairs, that sort of thing - it looks like she was a very gifted student, for the most part." You don't like the way Hitomi's tone descended slightly just now; she has to have found something else, something bad, by the sound of things. "Then I found an obituary for her mother, dated just a few months ago, and the only other thing I found after that was a piece about her most recent submissions to the junior art competition."

Hitomi takes a folded piece of paper out from her pocket, unfolding it and handing it to you. It's a printed copy of the most recent article, dated just last month a few days before the current loop would have started. A familiar Alina Gray stands beside a series of nine paintings which you presume to be hers, as you read from a section Hitomi had highlighted. "... though quite macabre compared to previous years' submissions, Gray's unusual choice to bring the traditional Kuzosu genre into the twenty-first century has cinched her her fourth consecutive win in the Mitakihara Junior Artist's competition." A second highlighted section, further down, reads "... Gray, who recently lost her mother, must no doubt have been influenced by her passing in creating these most recent masterpieces, but make no mistake. We are not giving her the gold medal out of any sense of pity for her; she has earned this win fair and square with her masterful use of colour, technique, and the intricate ways in which she seamlessly blends the traditional with the modern, though we are certain that this win will do little to ease the pain of her mother's passing."

"Thank you," you say, as you hand the paper back to Hitomi. You can't help but wonder, what would have happened had the Incubator gotten hold of her before the witch?

"Geez," Sayaka shudders as she removes her head from your shoulder. "Not to be rude or anything, but what is with girls our age and dead parents? I swear, it's like Madoka and Hitomi are the only ones who still have both of theirs. What gives?"

You aren't sure you have an answer for that.

[ ] What's your plan for the school day? (write-in in detail)
[7 -> 8] Sayaka - From regular friends to good/trusted friends. For reference, 6 is liking them, 7 is base friendship, 8 is much closer/trusted friends, 9 is best-friend territory, 10 is even higher to the point of either intense romance or turning their relationship into an effective familial bond
[7 -> 8] Hitomi - Same as Sayaka
[4 -> 4.5] Oriko - From outright dislike to simple distaste while somewhat understanding her. Transitory period from Dislike (4) to Neutrality (5) from their continued cooperation. Kirika still sits at a solid 3 though due to her mental distortion.

By the way, should we include Servant/side character relations as well? The only one of them that's really ranked at the moment is Bazett, and I'm pretty sure that such rankings would still be applicable/useful to note, such as Homura and Archer's bond or Homura's budding acquaintances/friendship with the Archery Club.

[X] What's your plan for the school day?
-[X] Try to pay attention to class
--[X] Continue to work with your group on your project and try to get a read on the mental state of Kaede, just in case
-[X] Sit with your friends at Lunch
--[X[ Couple antics with Madoka
--[X] Wholeheartedly thank Sayaka and Hitomi for being your friend and supporting you despite your job, doubly so for Madoka
-[X] Go to the Archery Club after school
[X] Switch perspectives to Archer
-[X] Find Caster
--[X] Ask him if he can divine any information of the foreign Puella Magi that may or may not be planning to go to Mitakihara to exact revenge on Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika
--[X] Ask him for his honest thoughts on the whole "Black Mountain" situation, just his opinion without needing to use his precognition. Share your own thoughts as well.

I'm legitimately concerned that Kaede will end up contracting with Kyuubey - who'd be fine with lower-grade Puella Magi for the moment to restore the ecosystem somewhat - and wish for Homura to only love her, or something like that. I'm guessing that in such a case we'd be shunted to Archer's POV to try and fix it if it were to come to pass. Now that I think about it, the perfect time narratively for something like that to happen would be for it to occur in the middle of Homura and Madoka's date, for maximum shock factor and Urobuchi-ness. We may need to have Archer monitor Kaede after school for a bit if her mental state has degraded since the last couple days.

Included a death/badness flag in the lunch sub-vote if you want to go that route, though regardless I'm sure it's a very nice change to have such positive social connections again/people who care for and helps her after who knows how many timelines.

Also reintroducing Caster and Archer's rooftop conversations back into the mix, while also hopefully getting a hint at the possible revenge plot before it blindsides the group at the worst possible time.

EDIT: Forgot that the Archery Club has practice on Saturdays, added it into the vote
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