"McRemitz-san, what can I do for you? ... Right, I understand. I'll have him join you right away." As quickly as she picks it up, your master sets her phone down on the couch beside her. "Archer, McRemitz-san says that she's ready for you to join her. She said to meet her in the same place that you did on Monday."
"The same place as Monday?" That would be the foot bridge off Main Street that crosses into Kazamino. "I can do that. It'll take me about a half-hour to meet up with her, and then about another twenty minutes for us to reach the 'Church'. I'll contact you when we've arrived."
Or if something goes wrong.
You're hoping that nothing goes wrong, but with what's in the cards for the 'Church', who's to say. It pays to be on your guard. "Let me know when McRemitz-san is done, too. I'll be looking forward to hearing how it all goes."
"Right. Until then, just keep practicing the way that you're doing," you say, getting in the last word over your master as you head out. You haven't felt the need to change what you're wearing since leaving the hospital, but that's just fine. With the next half-hour to be spent walking down the street in full view of the world, your civilian attire is what this mission calls for.
As you walk, you take the time to give consideration to the things you've received from your 'employer' today. With everything else that's happened, it feels like you haven't had the time to give them their proper consideration, but now that you have a half-hour where the only thing you need to do is walk in a straight line, you figure now would be the perfect time to properly consider them.
The sword of the first Hassan, and the spear used by the warrior-teacher Scáthach.
Both are useful, but you find yourself picking holes in both of them, namely in their shared ability to impose death upon their target. While having that would have been useful when fighting against Mikuni and Kure, you aren't sure whether the witches of this city experience 'life' in the same way that your master does, or if the concept of 'death' is the same to them as it is to a mortal. They're both useful if they work as intended, to be sure, but it's that lack of surety as to whether they
would work that leaves you second-guessing.
Still, if the fancy struck you, you wouldn't be averse to at least giving it a try, just to see.
However, you will say this about your 'employer'; for whatever it may or may not care about your master, it's absolutely correct when it says that she could use a vacation when this is all over. You can't see into the future to know whether you'll be able to join her, or to even see her once this is all over, but on the topic of her deserving a vacation you're in complete agreement with your 'employer'.
Hey, we're a conglomerate of Human consciousness, not a hive mind. Some of us care about you and your Master, and it's us that care enough to try and make this be your last job, so cheer up a little!
Oh, so we're back to that now? For whatever reason, despite that being the line with which your 'employer' sent you out into the world on this mission, this is the first you're hearing of that part of the deal actually being upheld. Before, it had been wishful thinking at best, the carrot to get you to comply,
but now...
With your mind giving its full attention to pressing matters, the half-hour of your walk has come to a close with the sighting of McRemitz-san, already in position and waiting for you by the foot bridge. "You're late," she says, pointing to her watch. "By a full minute. Did you know that?"
"Oh no, how will the world ever recover?"
"Keep it up; maybe the snakes over that way will eat you while you're perched on the roof."
'As if I'd let myself get eaten while I'm serving as the backup. What would you do, then?"
"Same thing I've always done- Punch my way out if things get rough."
The walk over the rest of the way is spent in silence, but all the while you can't help but wonder what the prying eyes of this city must be thinking- Your face is certainly Japanese enough, but your tanned skin and silver hair mark you as
different. Walking beside you is a foreign woman, her clean-pressed suit and sharp features giving her an air of unapproachability that goes beyond the
differentness inherent to her foreign face. Add that with the fact that this is your second such meeting, and that you're both heading in the same direction, and one can only wonder as to the thoughts of an onlooker.
And here you are, two days later. The warehouse looks to be in the same dilapidated state that it had been on Monday; you can only hope for the sake of the flock that the shepherd has at least finished making the inside hospitable. "Well, this is our stop. I imagine you'll be wanting me to get up on the roof again?"
"Correct. Keep watch for anything suspicious; and this time, if you spot my familiar about to get eaten, do something about it, will you? Shoot the damn snake if you have to. Saint Patrick didn't take shit from any snakes, and neither will I."
You hold yourself back from asking if McRemitz fills that canister over her shoulder with Guinness, and take up your post atop the nearest structurally-healthy roof in spitting distance of the 'Church'. In spirit form, no one can see the crazy man perched atop the roof of a warehouse.
"Alright master, things are looking good so far. I'm in position overlooking the warehouse, and McRemitz has just thrown up her familiar and is heading inside."
"Good. Keep me informed if anything happens- And I do mean anything, this time, even if it's as innocuous as McRemitz-san's familiar being eaten by a snake."
"Right. I'll be sure to let you know the instant our scaly friend makes a meal out of her scrap bird. You've been practicing, I take it?"
"Good. I'll talk to you again if I see anything."
"Ah, the inquisitive sister from a foreign land returns after all!" Father Zetsubou greeted Bazett as she entered, smiling as he directed her to join the rest of the congregation. "I'm so glad to see that you have decided to join us after all."
With her left eye, Bazett watched the world through the eyes of her familiar, that tiny stone bird fluttering about overhead, while with her right eye she studied those of the flock who had already joined. The crowd was decently-sized with members of all ages, and there seemed to be no indication that this was everyone who would be coming before the night was done. "The pleasure is mine, Father. Personally, I'm just glad you've allowed a curious outsider like myself to see what all the fuss is about."
"Oh, nonsense, all are welcome here. Come, come," he motioned, leading Bazett through the crowd towards the makeshift podium where his daughter stands waiting. "Sister Kibou has made you a present- Look." Wordlessly, Sister Kibou handed Bazett her present, a string of rosary beads with a handmade representation of the Church's symbol strung up with them. The little wooden cross and sunburst are painted an orange-red, with black filling in the engraved highlighted areas.
"Your daughter made this?" Bazett asked, as she took the string of beads and placed them in her pocket. "She has a skilled hand."
"Yes, well, my daughter always did have an eye for art. She was the one who painted the murals on the walls, too."
On Monday, the walls had been a bare white of newly-drying paint. Now, praying hands, sunbursts, and many twisting and turning decorations lined the walls, all painted using black as the primary colour, with white, orange-red, and greys of all shades serving as highlights. To make meaning out of every shape and design seemed impossible to Bazett, and the more carefully she looked, the more fiercely the designs seemed to twist and turn into unidentifiable nothingness. "It certainly looks rather striking."
"I was inspired by visions I saw in a dream." Ah, so Sister Kibou can speak, after all. "The Righteous Sister showed to me the images she wished to display to the world, and asked for the use of my hand to create them." A moment's glance down to the girl's hand revealed no silver ring on her left middle finger; but Bazett couldn't yet discount the possibility of this girl being a mage. She might have hidden her silver ring, or might still be a mage despite not belonging to Akemi's order.
But to hear the voice of the 'Righteous Sister', if what she says is true, would indicate to Bazett that her guess last night was correct; that she and her father have some ability to commune with whatever the 'Righteous Sister' is. There might still be something else at work here.
Another person entered, a young girl with wavy emerald locks; she couldn't have been older than Akemi, by Bazett's guess. She too must be a new initiate, as Father Zetsubou strode up to her, presenting her with the same welcome that he had to Bazett.