[X] Plan Model Students (Without the Archer portion for the reasons SVS mentioned.)

Also I can't remember but do we actually need medicine or are we just faking it?
But how will we know what they look like? Neither Caster nor Michiru told us what they look like, and even if we found them, how would we know it was them out of, say, some other school-aged girls who are skipping? It's not like we know what they look like to confirm that the girls we've spotted are in fact them.
Well, if they're dressed like Puella Magi at the time, then Archer would know. I'd assume that they do most of their hunting while Michiru's at school as to not be bothered, while at night they'd focus on ambushing and running Michiru out of "their territory". At least, until Michiru's gone and they can spend their time leisurely.

Other than that, if Archer spots no Puella Magi, he spots no Puella Magi. It's just something for him to do while Homura's at school and Minako's working. Regardless, a bit more time for him to acclimate to Asunaro's general layout wouldn't be remiss since the Incubator moved operations there. :p

Actually, speaking of, what happened to Juubey? Wasn't it supposed to be stationed in Asunaro's area/"sector"? Or did Kyuubey determine it to have been sufficiently corrupted by Human civilization and decided to take action against it? 🤔
Also I can't remember but do we actually need medicine or are we just faking it?
We are 100% faking it, and Caren is 99% confident that we're faking it. But it's a good opportunity for both to keep tabs on the other, and we do have to keep up appearances.
Actually, speaking of, what happened to Juubey? Wasn't it supposed to be stationed in Asunaro's area/"sector"? Or did Kyuubey determine it to have been sufficiently corrupted by Human civilization and decided to take action against it?
You want answers? Then make sure we survive this quest and get the good end so those answers can be revealed in the sequel.
[x] Plan Model Students (Without the Archer portion for the reasons SVS mentioned.)

We want to give them space, not leave them alone with our girlfriend.
We want to give them space, not leave them alone with our girlfriend.
Yet at the same time, we should probably spend more time with them to make up for all the time we've spent with Oriko and Kirika lately.

And while we're on the topic of spending time with people, maybe if we're dead-set on spending all this time with Kirika, we should spend some of it with Minako as well. We're more okay with Kirika being our sister than we are with Minako being our mom, after all, even though we only get one by getting the other. In the long run, I think we should really sort out what our priorities for socialing in these last few days are, just in case something bad happens or we later come to regret putting our social points in a different basket.
Day 42 Chapter 3
[X] Plan Model Students (without the Archer portion)

Like the devil on your shoulder, Kirika tempts you to skip school, saying "Let's go hang out at the mall and do sister-stuff together. Come on, it'll be fun!" She has one good reason to do so, namely that you'll be giving Sayaka and Hitomi their space by skipping school for the day, but everything else about her suggestion is screaming at you that it's a bad idea.

You sigh, placing a hand on Kirika's shoulder as you say to her "While I appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I must insist that we attend school." Your words earn you an immediate pout from Kirika, but you press on undaunted. "I'd love to hang out more with my big sis, but there's way too many reasons why we shouldn't be skipping school to do it. Just for starters, I want to give my friends their space, not avoid them completely. That'll just make me look guilty, on top of whatever they'll think when they figure out I'm skipping school to be with you."

"hey, what's wrong with me, huh?" Kirika shoves your hand form her shoulder. "Got a problem with your big sis or something?"

"No, but Sayaka isn't exactly your biggest fan. I'm especially worried about how she'll react to my skipping school to hang out with you instead. Then there's your mother to consider- How do you think she would react if she heard you were skipping school? I'm confident she'd be very unhappy with you, possibly to the point of revoking the deal you and she have about letting you stay with Mikuni Oriko. Would you like that?"

It's those words which beat Kirika, and she hangs her head in shame as she mutters "No, mom wouldn't like that at all," as you pat your big sis on the back for comfort.

"I know you don't care that much for school, but considering everything that's against the both of us, I don't think skipping would be in either of our best interests."

"Yeah, you're right..." Kirika looks up from her head-hanging, and asks you "How come you're the one that's always smart and mature and stuff, when I'm supposed to be the older sister?"

"We all mature at different rates. I'm sure one day you'll get there too." When the day comes that Mikuni Oriko orders her to be mature, that is. You sit back in your seat in silence, taking in your small victory while you can, when a thought strikes you. Where are you supposed to sit at lunch today? You want to sit with Madoka, ideally, but that would come into conflict with 'giving your friends their space,' and you don't feel good about forcing Madoka to choose between you or her friends; not to mention how that might look to them, forcing her to choose between someone she's only known for a month versus people she's known for most of her life.

You want to be near your girlfriend, but you don't want to ruin the relationship she has with her friends... Your friends.

<Homura: Please help me Madoka.>
<Homura: I don't know where to sit for lunch. I want to give Sayaka and Hitomi their space, but I want to sit with you, but I don't want to force you to choose between me or your friends and ruin your relationship with them like I did, but I don't know the first thing about social interaction.>
<Homura: Please help me, Madoka. You're my only hope.>

You wait on baited breath for Madoka's response, and when your phone finally vibrates you snap to check her response without a moment's hesitation.

<Madoka: Weihihi, dont be so dramatic, Homura-chan. Youll be fine.>
<Madoka: Im sure Sayaka-chan and Hitomi-chan won't mind if I see you for a little bit, but your right about not making it look like ur forcing me to chose btween them.>
<Madoka: Why not sit with Kirika-chan or the archery club today?>

<Homura: Thank you, Madoka. I knew I could count on you.>
<Homura: I'll see you shortly. Love you.>

You put your phone away with a content smile on your face. If Madoka believe that you'll be fine, then you'll make sure that you'll be fine.

The train comes to a halt at the station nearest the school, and you and Kirika make ready to depart. You can already see Tomoe-san's golden curls waiting at the platform; you've just come to assume that Tomoe-san and Kirika walk to school every day now, considering the proximity of Tomoe-san's apartment and the train station. Before the two of you exit the car, you turn to Kirika and wrap your arms around her. She's so short; it's almost like hugging a less-cuddly version of Madoka. "Thank you," you say to your big sis. "For inviting me to spend the night, and for your earlier offer. If it weren't such a bad idea, I might have actually taken you up on it."

"Uh, thanks," Kirika responds, weaseling her way out of your embrace. "If you ever want to hang out later, I'd be fine with that. You're... You're pretty cool, as far as little sisters go, and I wouldn't mind spending more time with you." As if she's forgetting something, Kirika suddenly affects a completely different tone as she adds "But we'd have to include Oriko! I'm not going anywhere without my Oriko! ... And Pinkie can probably come along too, if you wanted. we could make it, like, a sisters double-date, or something." Spotting the two of you inside the train car, Tomoe-san waves, prompting Kirika to course-correct. "But, we should probably get moving soon. We'll be late otherwise."

You try to pay attention in class today, you really do, but having been through the first period's lecture so many times now you find it impossible to care despite your best efforts. You'll have to re-learn how to pay attention in class if you somehow manage to defeat Walpurgisnacht and make it past your loops. Fortunately, class passes without a hitch, as usual, and from there comes the daily ritual.

"Are you ready, Homura-chan?"

"Yes," you say, rising as Madoka escorts you to the nurse's office, waiting outside for you as you enter the abode of "Nurse Ortensia, I've come for my daily medication."

"Akemi, always such a delight to see you," says Nurse Ortensia as she reaches into the drawer of her desk where she keeps your medication. "You come just as I'm starting to enjoy my morning tea. How do you do it?"

"I guess I'm what you'd call a natural," you reply, downing the offered medicine with a cup of water. "What about yourself? Passed any information on my friends and I along to your higher-ups lately?"

"What the Church doesn't know about Sakura Kyouko or Mikuni Oriko won't hurt them." Nurse Ortensia smirks, adding "Not that I enjoy the sight of children being hurt, or anything like that."

"That's why you work undercover as a nurse, right?" You return Nurse Ortensia's smirk right back to her. "Speaking of Mikuni Oriko, I have a request of you that she asked me to make."

"Please, don't tell me- It's another invite to dinner, isn't it?" Nurse Ortensia rolls her eyes when the answer is obvious on your face. "Kure's been bugging me about it ever since she found out we're related; and how is Kure, by the way? I remember you once hated the idea of her being a master, but now you two are practically like sisters."

"Archer is dating her mother. So yes, we are practically sisters."

"Good for you. Why don't you go bug her about dinner instead of me, then?"

"Because this may be your last chance to get to know your cousin." You aren't sure how safe it is to tell Nurse Ortensia about Walpurigsnacht, but if she's been this lackadaisical about reporting to the Church higher-ups when it comes to her actual job here, then maybe there's a chance she'll keep what you're about to tell her quiet as well. "On Sunday, an incredibly strong witch will be making landfall in the city. It'll be worse than the one that appeared two weeks ago, and I don't know how many of us will survive the fight against it; or even if any of us will. Mikuni Oriko is a very good friend of mine, and I know it would mean the world to her to be able to get to know you; so if you care even the slightest about getting to know her, then this week may be the last chance you have."

You won't lower yourself to a dogeza for this woman, but for the request of your friend you will bow as you say "Please; I'm asking you on behalf of one of my very good friends. You and she are family, and I implore you to take the chance to get to know her while you still have it."

But for her constant sighing, Nurse Ortensia is silent as she takes in your plea. "Fine, if it'll get you and Kure to stop bugging me about this, I'll go have dinner with the little tyke. Does she have a date she'd prefer?"

"Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday-" the nights when Mikuni Oriko will be without Kirika "-are when I'd guess she'd have time to have you over for dinner," you answer. "I can give you her number, and the two of you can figure out the specifics." You scratch out Mikuni Oriko's cell number on a piece of paper, and hand it to Nurse Ortensia as you say "Thank you. I know you probably don't want to do this, but you'll be making Mikuni Oriko very happy with your presence."

Nurse Ortensia looks at the number you've given her, slipping the piece of paper into the pocket of her coat as she says "I'm sure she will. Now, since you're not currently dying I think it's time for you to get back to class."

"Of course. I'll be looking forward to hearing all about your dinner plans when I see you tomorrow."

[ ] Wat do?
[x] Sit with the Archery club for lunch.
-[x] When prompted, explain that your currently having a... you wouldn't call it a fight, but there is some friction in you normal friend group.
--[x] Ask if their is any advice you should be following, aside from giving your friends some space

[X] Plan Only Slightly NMS
-[X] Sit with the Archery club during Lunch
--[X] Try not to nervously peek over at Sayaka and Hitomi every now and then, but fail
--[X] When prompted, explain that you're currently having a... you wouldn't call it a fight, but there is some friction between you and a couple of your friends in your usual Lunch group
---[X] If they press you further and they're insistent enough, cave in and inform them that this "not-fight" stems from you having told them something in confidence, with Sayaka wanting to "not see you while [she's] thinking about it" and Hitomi wanting to be alone while she's thinking about it, accidentally implying that you weren't friends anymore only to clear it up later via text
----[X] You're probably overreacting over nothing... right? Something something your mind is your own worst enemy something something.
---[X] If they offer any advice on what you could do to, take it, however don't bring it up otherwise
--[X] Talk to your club members about the first big archery event of the year that's happening around a couple weeks from now, and whether or not they should do any sort of specialized training sessions to prepare everyone for it (unlike what they did last time, apparently); even practicing as if they were operating under tournament rules would be helpful towards preparing everyone for the environment they'll be participating in
-[X] After school, go to your club and practice it's namesake
-[X] After club, meet up with everyone to go Witch hunting
--[X] Hunt in random trios of Puella Magi, while the Servants go in duos (with one team going with three, probably tacking Assassin onto the weakest team for support)

I doubt the Archery club will push all too much, though I put in a section just in case they're really insistent about it for whatever reason (possibly due to Homura's quick glances at Sayaka and Hitomi, and maybe Sayaka/Hitomi's own reactions towards seeing Homura?).

Voting ahead to make sure there's enough for a full update, as lunch shouldn't take all too long and Homura wouldn't really need to talk about anything important with the Archery club after having just talked to them before. Well, unless some kind of event occurs that necessitates a vote (like if Sayaka and/or Hitomi want to talk with Homura, or if the school gets trapped in a life-draining Bounded Field, etc.). Regardless, don't really expect all of it to go through immediately (such as the Witch hunting part).
Day 42 Chapter 4
[X] Plan Only Slightly NMS

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Taking Madoka's advice from earlier, you've brought your lunch over to the table where the archery club is seated. "Sure thing, Akemi," Mochizumi-san says, scooting over to allow you a place to sit. "Have a seat." You do as you've been invited to, though you can't help but spare a passing glance backwards towards your usual table, where you can see Madoka, Sayaka, Hitomi, and Tomoe-san talking. You can't hear what they're talking about, but you can tell- "What brings you this way?"

Mochizumi-san's question catches you off guard. "Huh?"

"You usually sit over there with your friends, don't you?" Tanaka Haruo asks, motioning in the direction of your usual table. "We don't mind you sitting with us, but you've got to admit it's not like you. Did something happen?"

"I..." You don't want to call what's going on between you and your friends 'a fight' because that's nowhere close to the truth. How close to the truth can you afford to get before the other members of the archery club reject you the way your friends did? "I'm currently going through a... Bit of friction, between some of my friends and I, I guess would be the nicest way to put it."


"Like, what kind of friction?"

You'd rather not, but Kasuga-san and Mochizumi-san are looking at you like there's more to the story, and they clearly want to hear it. "Yesterday at lunch, I told them something that was pretty personal, and they didn't take it as well as I was hoping. So I'm giving them some space while they work out their issues with the things I said, and I'm hoping I'm just over-reacting and things will be back to normal by the end of the week." Because if it isn't, you might never have the chance to regain their friendship.

The males among the archery club look around among one another, none of them having any advice to offer. "Don't worry about a thing," Mochizumi-san says to you, as she drapes an arm over your shoulder. "Frankly, I think you've got the right idea. Just give your friends their space for a few days, then talk to them and try to smooth things over. Your friends are good people, they'll come around in time."

"Thank you." You crack open the lunch Archer packed for you; your father has gotten into the habit of packing extras of your main dish in case of Sayaka, but in spite of that your portions are far smaller than the massive piles of food your teammates are occupied with. You have no idea where they put it all; Mochizumi-san especially. She's one of the shorter girls in your class, and yet she's able to devour portions of similar size to Kasuga-san, who's a year older than her and almost as tall as Kaname Tomohisa. In fact, based on her lunch portions and the amount she ate Saturday evening, you're fairly confident that Mochizumi-san probably eats more in a day than Kyouko. Where does she put it all?

"We've got our match with Shirome coming up soon," you say. "How good are they?"

"Good," Kasuga-san says. "Shirome's got some of the best athletic teams in the entire Kanagawa region. Honestly, I'm terrified of having to face them first, because unless we do our absolute best we can pretty much kiss any chance of moving up in the brackets this year goodbye."

"Then we'd better start practicing," you say. "I know we already are practicing, but in light of how good Shirome is, I think it would be best for us to do some more specialised drills, practice as if we're under tournament rules; things like that."

"Pssh, Shirome sucks." Your lunch with the archery club is interrupted by a surprise visit form your big sis. "The school's got all of one good thing going for it."

"And what might that be?" Kasuga-san asks, eying the table's interloper as she takes her seat beside you.

"My girlfriend," Kirika says, opening up the lunch said girlfriend made for her. "She goes to school in Shirome, and she's by far the best thing about the school there."

Before anyone else has the chance to ask "Who the heck is this?" you say to the other members of the club "This is my step-sister, Kure Kirika. She's in class 3-A."


"I remember you," Kasuga-san says. "You showed up to practice in a wheelchair once. Akemi said you were waiting for your girlfriend to pick you up, but you didn't look too happy to be there." At first, it sounds like Kasuga-san is going to ask Kirika to leave, but then he says "I'm glad to see you're looking better than you were last time."

"Well, messing up my legs wasn't a fun experience. But I got them back, and my mom started dating Homura's dad." Kirika leans over, draping her arm over your shoulder the same way Mochizumi-san did not too long ago. "So now Homura and I get along a lot better than we used to."

"For which I'm very grateful," you say. "You were much more of a pain to deal with back then. I really prefer the new you."

"Anyway," Kasuga-san says, coughing into his hand. "I was talking about the quality of Shirome's athletic teams, not about the quality of the school itself. Regardless of your opinion of the school, Shirome's archery team is good, and we're going to need all the practice we can get in if we want to beat them." The others at the lunch table, yourself included in light of Kasuga-san's assessment of Shirome's archery team, all nod heads in agreement. "The match is on the eighth, and you're welcome to come out and cheer us on if you'd like to give your step-sister the support."

Unless... "Your girlfriend's not on the archery team for Shirome, is she?" Mochizumi-san asks.

"Nope!" Kirika shakes her head as she digs into the sweet, peanut-scented pile of noodles prepared for her by Mikuni Oriko. "She used to be president of the student council, until some stuff happened that I'd rather not talk about. But she's not on the archery team, or any sports team for that matter." Kirika smile, sighing as she says "I love Oriko more than anything, but that girl just does not have the aptitude for sports. Maybe swimming; she's a pretty good swimmer, but her hair's wa~ay too long to do swimming competitively and she doesn't want to cut it 'cause she likes having long hair."

You smile, eating your lunch contentedly as the conversation turns towards the mundane. Though you can't help but look over your shoulder to see how your friends are doing.

The team is meeting at
[ ] Mikuni Oriko's place
[ ] Tomoe-san's place
[ ] your place
-[ ] Can Nagatsuki Miyuki make it?

[ ] Is there any new business you need to address before going hunting? (write-in new business)
-[ ] With Tomoe-san
-[ ] With Kyouko
-[ ] With Mikuni Oriko
-[ ] With Kirika
-[ ] With Nagatsuki Miyuki

[ ] Where do you go to hunt? (write-in a location(s))
[X] Plan Homucave Is A Go
-[X] Tomoe-san's place
-[X] Is there any new business you need to address before going hunting?
--[X] Yes; you're sure that Tomoe-san and Oriko are sick of having to host everyone all the time (not to mention the slight guilt you feel at not really being able to host yourself without a lot of inconvenience for everybody), so after today's Witch hunt perhaps some of them should start on some preparations on creating a secret base for the Holy Sextet somewhere in Mitakihara, presumably where it's most convenient for everyone to rendezvous at
---[X] Of course they'd use Caster's Territory Creation as a base, where he could go wild and not be constrained by Mami's rules and her apartment's space limitations, and Lancer could help set up the necessary Bounded Fields (for miscellaneous usage, defensive wards, stuff to prevent it from being noticed by the public, etc.) and aid in any excavation or land manipulation that might be needed using her Primordial Runes
--[X] With Nagatsuki Miyuki
---[X] asking her about her Grief Seed situation; how many does she personally have, were the two Grief Seeds she's been seen to have only hers or are they split among her and her friends (in case they need to gets some Grief Seeds for them as well in the future), etc.
-[X] Where do you go to hunt?
--[X] One team of Puella Magi and a team of Servants will hunt in Shirome, a bit more towards the center of the city since they recently hunted at the border of it and Mitakihara
--[X] One team of Puella Magi will cover the Industrial District in Mitakihara while one team of Servants take the Residential District and another takes the Business District
--[X] How the locations are chosen per team will be randomized (much like how they're already being randomized into two teams of Puella Magi and three teams of Servants), with Rider presumably picking up the ones in Shirome at the border to reconvene after everyone's done hunting
-[X] Who gets the Grief Seeds?
--[X] Give it to the people that have the least amount of Grief Seeds, though limited to three per person; not like the people who have 30+ Grief Seeds to their names needs them considering they're mostly using them as half-use batteries at this point, though the three per person limit is so that it doesn't inspire any jealousy over certain people "doing all the work" for a single person's gain

Sooo, how are Homura's friends doing? :V

Also remind me, but which directions are Shirome and Asunaro in relation to Mitakihara again? Mostly asking in order to determine the exact location of this theoretical base that the Holy Sextet may or may not create in the near future.

Since they're going at this hunt pretty early after school has ended (with no detour to the Mikuni residence this time) and the fact that Homura can be no help to the presumed construction planning process, she might be able to go out with Madoka after this... maybe. Same with Archer and Minako. 🤔

Hm, I wonder how many Witches each team will eliminate by the time the hunt ends for the day? Probably just 1-2 depending on the difficulty of the ones they encounter, I think; that'll give them around 5-10 Grief Seeds as a haul today if they do things right.

EDIT: Actually, you already accounted for the Grief Seeds they got on the last couple hunts without us having to choose who the seeds go to, right SVS? Also do we know how many Grief Seeds Miyuki has in comparison to everyone else (since they've presumably distributed Grief Seeds in the last couple of hunts including her)?

EDIT2: Added a Miyuki conversation point to determine her stock of Grief Seeds and whether or not they should be setting aside Grief Seeds for the other two Puella Magi (for storage purposes) or not.
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--[X] Yes; you're sure that Tomoe-san and Oriko are sick of having to host everyone all the time (not to mention the slight guilt you feel at not really being able to host yourself without a lot of inconvenience for everybody), so after today's Witch hunt perhaps some of them should start on some preparations on creating a secret base for the Holy Sextet somewhere in Mitakihara, presumably where it's most convenient for everyone to rendezvous at
---[X] Of course they'd use Caster's Territory Creation as a base, where he could go wild and not be constrained by Mami's rules and her apartment's space limitations, and Lancer could help set up the necessary Bounded Fields (for miscellaneous usage, defensive wards, stuff to prevent it from being noticed by the public, etc.) and aid in any excavation or land manipulation that might be needed using her Primordial Runes
What if something happens to Caster and/or Lancer on Walpol Night? Will the base still be there?
Also remind me, but which directions are Shirome and Asunaro in relation to Mitakihara again? Mostly asking in order to determine the exact location of this theoretical base that the Holy Sextet may or may not create in the near future.

Since they're going at this hunt pretty early after school has ended (with no detour to the Mikuni residence this time) and the fact that Homura can be no help to the presumed construction planning process, she might be able to go out with Madoka after this... maybe. Same with Archer and Minako.
Shirome is to the northwest following the train tracks, while Asunaro is straight west. Both are an hour+ commute from Mitakihara, which we'll be constrained by even if we're not going to Shirome to meet with Oriko. Because she'll have to make that same commute down to meet us.
Actually, you already accounted for the Grief Seeds they got on the last couple hunts without us having to choose who the seeds go to, right SVS? Also do we know how many Grief Seeds Miyuki has in comparison to everyone else (since they've presumably distributed Grief Seeds in the last couple of hunts including her)?
It's not included on the character page, but I do know how many Seeds we should all be up since then.
+1 from the witch Mami and Kyouko fight when no one else was looking
+1 from the night after that when everyone else hunted while Homura and Kirika had dinner with the family
+4 from the two nights that everyone went out and hunted in teams
Pending however many more we find from our hunts tonight. Miyuki only had 2 Grief Seeds when we first met her, and we have no idea whether those were just hers, or if she was holding Seeds for the entire Shirome trio. Distribution of the above Seeds hasn't really been decided on.
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What if something happens to Caster and/or Lancer on Walpol Night? Will the base still be there?
Anything Lancer made out of Runes will definitely stick around. Caster's Territory Creation is a bit iffy, as it largely depends on how much he's using his Territory Creation skill to maintain a "territory" and how much of it is simply Magus ingenuity (of which he is one when he became the true King of Uruk) and whatever was specifically dispensed from the Gate of Babylon.

For Caster, personally I'd rule that anything physical that he created/decorated/dispensed would stay, however any passive/active effects that would normally be present in his "territory" (such as security measures, Bounded Fields, wards, alarms, buffs to allies when in the territory, debuff to invading enemies, etc.) would cease to function. Any GoB dispensed Mystic Codes would be fine, such as in the case they're using such things for running water or as an AC unit or something like that.

We're just lucky that Lancer can set up the wards and Bounded Fields herself (along with Oriko) so they don't have to rely on Caster's Territory Creation for that.

Actually, it'd probably be advantageous for them to create this theoretical base along the local Leyline (or just tunnel under Madoka's house I guess, but I don't think she'd be very happy about that) so that the passive (and some active) effects of it can be maintained without a Master or Servant fueling it with magical energy. If I recall correctly, the largest local Leyline is along the river?
Shirome is to the northwest following the train tracks, while Asunaro is straight west. Both are an hour+ commute from Mitakihara, which we'll be constrained by even if we're not going to Shirome to meet with Oriko. Because she'll have to make that same commute down to meet us.
Well, luckily Kyoko is an impatient person by nature then. She might actually be amiable towards having Rider pick up/drop off Miyuki instead of waiting on her all the time.
Actually, it'd probably be advantageous for them to create this theoretical base along the local Leyline (or just tunnel under Madoka's house I guess, but I don't think she'd be very happy about that) so that the passive (and some active) effects of it can be maintained without a Master or Servant fueling it with magical energy. If I recall correctly, the largest local Leyline is along the river?
Mitakihara's two main leylines follow the river and the train tracks, with smaller branches all reaching in a southerly direction away from the city sprawl. What would probably be the best place for us to build a Batcave would be at the triangle-shaped "peak" of land north across the train tracks from Mami's apartment, where the train tracks cross the place where the river's branches meet. That's where the largest "cluster" of leyline is.

Other places I'm seeing that would be good (but not as ideal) locations (in order of best to not-so-best) would be the brown building near Hitomi's house that's across the tracks from Downtown, near the lake in the park (which also happens to be very close to Madoka's house), or near Homura's apartment. If we got Kyouko and Caren to agree to a refinishing project, the basement of the Sakura Church might also be nice, but it's also nowhere near as good a place to build if you're interested in a leyline construction project as the other places I've outlined.
First off:
[X] Plan Homucave Is A Go

In response to this
Anything Lancer made out of Runes will definitely stick around. Caster's Territory Creation is a bit iffy, as it largely depends on how much he's using his Territory Creation skill to maintain a "territory" and how much of it is simply Magus ingenuity (of which he is one when he became the true King of Uruk) and whatever was specifically dispensed from the Gate of Babylon.

For Caster, personally I'd rule that anything physical that he created/decorated/dispensed would stay, however any passive/active effects that would normally be present in his "territory" (such as security measures, Bounded Fields, wards, alarms, buffs to allies when in the territory, debuff to invading enemies, etc.) would cease to function. Any GoB dispensed Mystic Codes would be fine, such as in the case they're using such things for running water or as an AC unit or something like that.
While this isn't exactly the same there is precedence for all of Gilgamesh's stuff, including wards and bounded fields, to persist after he's gone. In Ishtar's interlude in FGO she drags the MC with her to raid Gilgamesh's treasury and runs into all sorts of alarms, wards, and traps. This is explicitly set after Gilgamesh is dead. Now granted there are differences in the circumstances, but I would say that if Gilgamesh wanted to go through the effort of making the hideout permanent then he would be able to do so.
Day 42 Chapter 5
[X] Plan Homucave Is A Go

It usually takes Mikuni Oriko a little over an hour to come down to Mitakihara from Shirome, but fortunately you had archery club today so the wait time between club's end and her arrival was negligible.

"Come on, what's taking so long?"

Well, negligible for you, at least.

Kirika watches as you and the other members of the archery club pack it in for the day, anxiously kicking her feet back and forth underneath the bench on which she sits. "Just calm down," you say as you take a seat beside your big sis. "Mikuni Oriko should be arriving at the station soon, hopefully. Then we can figure out what we're going to do about getting Nagatsuki MIyuki down here, and get things started from there."

"I know..." Kirika looks down at the ground as she says "But tonight's gonna be the last time I get to see her until the night before... Well, you know."

"Great job out there today, Akemi," Mochizumi-san says as she passes you and Kirika. "Really, I mean it. You do like you did today and we just might have a shot at beating Shirome. Just, ah-" she scratches the back of her head as she reaches for her water bottle just underneath where Kirika is sitting. "-Just don't try any of that crazy stuff you sometimes do, okay? I know you want to make your dad proud, but I"m sure he'd agree with me that you need to get your fundamentals down before moving on to the crazy stuff."

"Hey, so you're the girl who likes the guy who likes Tomoe, right?" Kirika asks, causing Mochizumi-san to recoil as she glances around to make sure no one else heard. "How's that going?"

"Don't say that out loud, dummy!" Mochizumi-san looks around again. Fortunately for her, the others are too engrossed in their own 'guy talk' to have likely heard anything. "Geez. Anyway, it's... He's still stuck on Tomoe, but only 'cause he hasn't done like I said he should and talked to her already; and how'd you know about that, anyway?"

"'Cause Tomoe's my classmate, and she and Homura are both my friends, and it's not like we don't talk to each other about this kind of stuff. But don't worry, uh, Mochi, was it?" Mochizumi-san nods. "Don't worry about a thing, Mochi. I know love's the most important thing in the world, so you don't gotta worry about a thing. I'll keep quiet about your little secret."

"Uh, thanks, I guess."

Mochizumi-san heads off after that, and when Kirika's phone buzzes with good news the two of you head off to the train station to pick Mikuni Oriko up. Funny, then, how Mikuni Oriko is the one to quite literally pick Kirika up as the two lovers meet at the station. It's just a few centimeters off the ground, but the taller Mikuni Oriko has no trouble at all hoisting the smaller Kirika up off the ground as the two lovers embrace. "How was your day, dearest?"

"A lot better now that you're here."

Mikuni Oriko puts Kirika down, and you say as she turns to you "I spoke with Nurse Ortensia earlier today, just like you asked me to. She agreed to have dinner with you one night this week, and I told her that tomorrow, Thursday, or Friday would probably be your best nights to see her. I also gave her your number, but if you'd rather not wait for her to call I can give you her office number so you can call her tomorrow."

"Ah, thank you so much, Akemi-san," Mikuni Oriko says. "I wonder what I should think about making for dinner. You don't happen to know what sort of food Caren-san likes, do you?"

"I'm afraid not. That's probably something you'll have to discuss with her."

You're glad Tomoe-san lives so close to the school, though you wish there were a better way to get the team together that didn't involve an hour-plus commute regardless of who was hosting. You hake your head, inwardly cursing Mikuni Oriko's father for choosing to live in Shirome and not Mitakihara. Though again, you remind yourself, it's not as if he knew what his daughter would get involved with in his absence.

You go to knock on the door of the Tomoe apartment, but your host is already waiting for you. Caster's doing, no doubt. "Akemi-san, Mikuni-san, Kure-san, good afternoon," Tomoe-san says, welcoming the three of you into her apartment. As always, snacks, tea, and a Kyouko making her way through both of the former are waiting for you at Caster's table. You take your shoes off at the door, joining your host and her roommate with Mikuni Oriko and Kirika in hot pursuit behind you.

"Thank you for agreeing to host us tonight," you say to Tomoe-san. "To both you and Mikuni Oriko, thank you. Your patience is saintly, especially considering the heightened inconvenience of hosting at my apartment."

Tomoe-san politely waves your comment off, but Mikuni Oriko says "Please don't compare a sinner such as myself so highly as a saint, Akemi-san. I am unworthy of your praise."

"My point being," you say, choosing not to acknowledge Mikuni Oriko's self deprecation in favour of staying on track. "I was thinking it might be beneficial for us to set up a, let's call is a secret base, somewhere in Mitakihara or Shirome that's a neutral territory, so that we can meet up without having to deal with the inconvenience of always needing someone to host our meetings."

"What, ya mean like a Batcave or sumthing?" Kyouko asks. "Are we gunna have a butler with that, or are we gunna be expected ta make our own snacks an' do our own dishes?"

"Well, as long as I'm there I don't suppose Lancer would have a problem continuing to serve as our butler," Mikuni Oriko offers. "Though, we'd need a stocked pantry and kitchen accoutrements if we were to want snacks in the first place.

"Then there's also the matter of setting up this secret base idea of yours," Tomoe-san adds. "I don't dispute that a neutral gathering place where no one of us is expected to constantly be the host would be beneficial, but where would we even set this up; and how, for that matter?"

"I don't know about the where-" But you're sure you can figure out a good 'where' given the time. "-but I'm sure that between our servants the how should be easy enough." You poke a finger against Caster's table. "Particularly Caster. Given his abilities and his decorating skills, I'm certain he could pull the job off if we could convince him to lend a hand. After that, Lancer and Mikuni Oriko could lend their skills to set up a Bounded Field so nobody else manages to bungle their way into our base uninvited." Maybe they could also use their runes to help with the construction?

"Now, before we move on to discussing tonight's hunt, there's the matter of our missing sixth man I'd like to address." You turn to Kyouko and ask her "Would you be willing to have Rider zip over to Shirome and pick up Nagatsuki Miyuki?"

Kyouko rolls her eyes, asking "Ya sure are looking ta rack up that tab'a yers, ain't ya?"

"I guess you didn't get enough of Sayaka's lips last night to satisfy your cravings," is what you want to say, but you hold your tongue. There's no need to be so crass. "Yes," you say instead. "I suppose I am."

Kyouko rolls her eyes again, saying "A'ight, just give it a few and Four-Eyes'll be here." You give it a few minutes, though when "a few minutes" are up and you have yet to see any sign of Nagatsuki Miyuki you consider- A peal of emerald lightning cuts through the orange glow of the evening sky. "And, there they are," Kyouko says, as Rider knocks on the sliding glass door of the patio, steadying a very uncomfortable-looking Nagatsuki Miyuki.

"I don't... Ever... Want to do that again," Nagatsuki Miyuki says as she stumbles into the living room once Tomoe-san has opened the patio door for her. She looks as though she's about to throw up.

"Yeah, it's pretty shitty the first time," Kyouko says, offering Nagatsuki Miyuki a seat beside her. "Beats taking the train though, don't it? 'Sides, ya get used to it after awhile."

"Alright, now that we're all here, let's talk about how we're going to divide up the workload for tonight." You turn to your host, who already has little strands of ribbon all set for drawing. "Tomoe-san, if you would?"

"Thank you," Tomoe-san says as she takes the floor from you. "Mikuni-san and I were talking a bit on her ride down, and we've decided that tackling a mix of Mitakihara and Shirome locations would be our best bet for tonight."

"We'll be working in four teams tonight," Mikuni Oriko adds. "Two teams of puella magi and three teams of servants. That way, we can cover a larger area than if we were partnering masters and servants on the same teams. We'll split the load between checking Shirome and Mitakihara, and hopefully we each come back bearing good results."

The six of you draw straws, and once the two teams of puella magi are assigned, you find yourself asking "Fate really likes pairing us together," to Kirika, who is holding the same colored ribbon as yourself. "Doesn't it?"

Kirika pouts as she stares at the ribbon she's drawn. "I was really hoping I could work work Oriko tonight, too," she says. "Not that I mind you, it's just..."

"It's not so bad, is it?" asks Tomoe-san, holding the matching third strip of ribbon, making her the third member of your team tonight. "Sisters should cherish the time they have together, right?"

"I'm not complaining," you say; though you are curious as to how you keep getting paired with Kirika, night after night. You've hardly worked with Tomoe-san or Kyouko at all recently, to the point that somewhere along the line you find that you've gotten closer to Mikuni Oriko and Kirika, people who were once your enemy, than to people who have consistently been your allies across numerous timelines. Fate can be such a strange mistress. "Maybe I'd like more chances to work with other people, but I can't complain if the result is someone I know I fight well alongside."

Tomoe-san nods, making a "Hmm" sound in affirmation of your sentiments. "Then, shall we be off?"

Do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Tomoe-san
-[ ] to Kirika
--[ ] About what?
Where do you go to hunt?
[ ] Shirome
[ ] Mitakihara

You've been paired with Rider and Assassin. Do you
[ ] Talk
-[ ] to Rider
-[ ] to Assassin
--[ ] About what?
Where do you go to hunt?
[ ] Shirome
[ ] Mitakihara
-[ ] Residential district
-[ ] Business district

(Choose only Homura or Archer perspective)​
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