"Oh, man, that was lame!" Kyouko loudly exclaims, as she and Nagatsuki Miyuki exit the abandoned office building. "That was the one we beat up last night, too! I can't believe it!" The redhead jabs her foot into the ground in front of Tomoe-san, and asks the blonde "Did ya really have ta give us the same exact witch that we fought last night?"
"Well, you were bemoaning Nagatsuki-san's performance last night, so I thought I'd give her another chance to prove herself to you." Tomoe-san responds to Kyouko's provocations with a cool head and a logical response. "I trust her performance was better this time around?"
"I mean... Yeah," Kyouko is forced to admit the flaws in her complaint in the face of Tomoe-san's coolness. "But still, that was really lame'a you and Caster, making me fight the same witch as last night." When Tomoe-san chooses not to respond to Kyouko's repeated complaints, the redhead passes the torch to you, saying "Alright Four-Eyes, you and Spooky are up next" as she claps you on the back.
"Very well." You pass Kyouko and take your place at your partner's side, asking her "Are you ready?" Nagatsuki Miyuki nods, and with a "Then we'll be off" you lead her inside, leaving Tomoe-san and Caster with a "Let's see what you've got in store for us."
All is silent as you and Nagatsuki Miyuki enter the abandoned office building; Tomoe-san's strips of ribbon cover the walls, twisting this way and that as their colours change in simulation of a witch's
labyrinth, mimicking the esoteric geometry with eerie precision as the black and gold tunnel of flotsam forms itself around you and your partner. "Sakura's got a bit of an attitude problem, doesn't she?" Nagatsuki Miyuki asks. "How do the rest of you put up with her?"
"There's a good heart inside her," you say, thinking back through the timelines to let your mind cherry-pick the best moments you've seen from her. "It just takes her a long time to get used to you before she's comfortable showing it."
"I see... She's got a lot of nicknames for people, doesn't she?" You nod;
if Nagatsuki Miyuki thinks that Kyouko's nicknames for her teammates are something, she should wait until she hears what Kyouko's nickname for her own girlfriend is. "I mean, 'Four-Eyes' isn't exactly something I'm not used to hearing; and I guess calling Mikuni 'Big White' and Kure 'Crazy' makes sense; Mikuni's tall and-" Nagatsuki Miyuki motions to her breasts with her hands, saying "-Well, you know; and Kure's not exactly all there in the head; but how'd you end up with 'Spooky'? You don't... Seem like a spooky person, for the most part. Keeping my friends and I locked in the basement for a week was kind of weird, but... I get it; as much as I hate it, when I look at it from your perspective, I get it. So where'd that one come from?"
"When Kyouko and I first met, she found me to be a much more unsettling person than she does now. I am sorry for keeping you and your friends locked in the basement for as long as I did. If there had been another way..."
"No, like I said,
I get it. Koito-chan was... I don't know if there
was another way to make it so no one had to die."
You nod, and chance to ask "And speaking of, do you know how much longer you're likely to be grounded?"
"If I'm lucky? Mom and dad
might let me out of the house after I turn twenty." You don't join in when Nagatsuki Miyuki lets out an awkward laugh at her words; you don't know if she's being serious or not. "Can I use you to vent for a bit, if that's okay?" You nod; that's what you offered to be here for. "It's... It's really hard, being stuck in my room all the time. It's where I used to do all my drinking, when I thought mom and dad were asleep, and every night I'm stuck there I keep wanting to reach under my bed to grab something to drink. That's why, for as much as I don't really like any of
you, I like being around you; because when I'm not trapped in my room, I don't feel like I need to drink to deal with my problems."
You smile, and say "I'm glad to hear that you've found something that helps; and your Soul Gem will thank you for keeping your emotions clear. Speaking of which, have you had the chance to ask your friends when they would like to have their Soul Gems cleared?"
"Well, I could probably use one after we're done here tonight." Nagatsuki MIyuki shows off her Soul Gem to you; disguised as a decoration on her battle costume, you don't think you would have seen the wine-red rose had it not been brought to your attention. Darkness licks at the rose's petals; nothing to be concerned for at the moment, but after the strenuous night of exercise still to come you can see how Nagatsuki Miyuki might think a cleansing tonight would benefit her. "As for the others, we all agreed that if we were going to have one 'day' where we all get cleansed, it'd probably be Sunday. If you can catch us during our lunchtime study session, that'd probably be the best time to do it."
The ribbons on the wall shook, like the web of a spider when a fly is trapped and struggling.
It's time, you think, wondering which witch Tomoe-san and Caster have decided to pit you against. You form your shield, producing from its confines a length of cord, which you tie around yours and Nagatsuki Miyuki's ankles. She stares at you in confusion, and you say "I can bring you into timestop with me if you're attached to me. Don't worry; there's enough here that we won't trip the other up."
"Do you have a plan?"
"I do," you say. "You'll take the lead, and I'll cover you. Once the witch shows itself, we'll both switch to ranged attacks and take it down from a distance." Your bow forms in your hands, while Nagatsuki Miyuki forms her pistol in her left hand. "You're free to use anything
except fire."
Nagatsuki Miyuki looks at you in confusion, and says "Why not fire?"
"Because my rune is that of ice. If you use fire in tandem with my own ice, it'll melt my ice and create a steam cloud that'll make it harder for us to see the witch to hit it."
"Got it." The look on confusion on her face fades, and the glow surrounding Nagatsuki MIyuki's pistol changes from red to yellow.
Yellow was for conjuring spires of earth, right? That should be useful. You're both ranged combatants, though you more so than her; so she can use that to make spacers between the the two of you and the witch and allow you to keep your advantage at range.
The shaking intensifies, now accompanied by a booming crash as you catch your first sight of your opponent as it barrels down the nearby stairs and makes a sharp left, facing the two of you with its eyeless head and a mouth stretched too wide for its face. The witch's body is large and black, and it lumbers towards you at incredible speed on six stubby legs that don't appear to be capable of carrying the witch's body at the speed which they do. Its thick tail, acting like a club, tears deep gashes in the walls of the 'labyrinth' as it crashes forward, angling its gaping maw at the both of you.
Now that you think of it, it looks an awful lot like the monstrous form of Noh-Face from
Spirited Away. You'll have to see if you and Madoka can watch that again some time; you really enjoyed it.
[ ] Wat do?