[X] Plan How To Give Kyoko Hope
"Alright girls, it's time."
After lunch, and after the adults have cleared the table and done the dishes, Archer addresses you and the others. "Now's a good time for me to help you out with your magecaft, if you want." He looks to you, and to Hitomi; he also looks to Sayaka, but lacking his beginner materials there's little he can teach her, as you understand it. "I'll be more than happy to help out any of you, if you want it."
You have an interest in furthering your Reinforcement, and you see Hitomi elect to join in Archer's study circle as well; though that was something which you expected. What you did not expect was to see Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika elect to join in as well. "You speak so highly of Archer-san's teachings," she says. "I'd like to see what Archer-san has to teach as well, if I might."
"And if Oriko's gonna be watching, then so am I!"
You hadn't seen Madoka's hand when Archer made his initial roll-call, but as soon as she hears Kure Kirika's words, Madoka's hand is up. "Me too! I want to see what Homura-chan is doing."
"So that's one-" Archer counts off for each of the girls with raised hands; you, Madoka, Hitomi, Mikuni Oriko, and Kure Kirika. "-two, three, four, and five." He looks over at Sayaka, Tomoe-san, and Kyouko, who for one reason or another have opted not to join in; and there's one more person that has opted not to join in, as well. "You know, I thought you would have wanted to sit in for this," Archer says to Kure Minako. "Don't you want to see what your daughter can do?"
Kure Minako looks unsure, and her words reflect this. "I mean, I guess I'm a little curious about what it is my daughter and her friends get up to when I'm not around, but..." There's a sad look in her eyes as she glances over at her daughter, and she says "The less I know, the easier it is for me to pretend like she'll be okay."
You aren't sure that's how it works, but there's little you can do to convince her otherwise. Wisely, your servant decides to leave the matter be as well, saying to Kure Minako "Well, alright. But just know that you're welcome to watch if you decide you've changed your mind. I'm sure your daughter would appreciate seeing you take an interest in her life." Again, Archer's eyes glance over to Sayaka, Tomoe-san, and Kyouko, and he asks of Kure Minako "Well, if you don't want to watch us, can I ask you to keep an eye on those three? Especially red and blue; they're liable to get into trouble if no one's around to keep them in line."
Kure Minako nods at Archer's request, and the girls opting out of his magecraft lesson file out for more time on the beach. Now, it's just the five of you plus your instructor, but before you can get started, there's something you'd like to take care of. "Archer, would you be willing to check the Elements and Origins of Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika before we get started?"
The pair stare at you as you speak their names, and your words prompt Mikuni Oriko to ask "Pardon me, Akemi-san, but what are those? 'Elements' and 'Origins', what are they?"
"I dunna what an Origin is, but Elements must refer to, like, elements in Pokemon, or something," Kure Kirika offers as a suggestion for her girlfriend. "You know, Akemi's a fire-type, Shizuki's a grass-type, and so on." She looks to Archer, hoping to find conformation for her idea in his eyes. "Right?"
"You're farther from the mark than you think you are," Archer says, dashing Kure Kirika's hopes of confirmation. "But, all things considered, you could have done a lot worse. Elements and Origins are concepts in magecraft that determine who someone is, and what sort of things they can do with their magical energy. For someone just starting out with magecraft, it's useful to know your Element and Origin because it can give you a better idea of where your strengths and weaknesses might fall, or give you an idea of what you might be able to accomplish as a mage. For example, both my Element and Origin are 'Sword'. I don't think I need to explain to you what that allows me to do; but that should give you an idea of what your own Element and Origin might let you accomplish."
"You mean, crap out an entire world of swords, right?" Kure Kirika asks, a question to which Madoka's eyes go wide; that's right. She wasn't there that night to see Archer's Unlimited Blade Works. "You mean, that's something one of us could do?"
"You would need to have both your Element and Origin aligned to 'Sword', and even then, the ability to create a Reality Marble is something that's a much higher level of magecraft than what I can teach you in the time we have." Kure Kirika rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest just as Archer says to her and Mikuni Oriko "Alright, now I need for both of you to hold out your arms so I can check for your Element and Origin."
"Oh, no, that's quite alright Archer," Mikuni Oriko says, pulling her arms back a safe distance as your servant asks for them. "Really. I just want to watch, that's all. You don't have to go out of your way on my account."
"Are you scared, perhaps, Mikuni-san?" Hitomi asks, taking a seat desire her on the opposite side from where Kure Kirika is seated. "There's really nothing to be afraid of; it's just like having your pulse taken, nothing more."
Come on, Oriko, it'll be fun!" On the opposite side of Mikuni Oriko from Hitomi, Kure Kirika is hard at work convincing her lover in a different manner. "We could be hiding the ability to crap out entire worlds, and we'd never know it otherwise. Just imagine it; a whole world where the only thing that matters is us. It could be all ours, but we'll never know until we try." Kure Kirika uncrosses her arms, presenting them to Archer as she says "Here, I'll do it first."
Archer hesitates for a moment, looking into Mikuni Oriko's eyes as if to ask permission to touch her lover, before laying his hands on her arms. "It's a little out of the ordinary," he says, finally pulling his hands back after about a minute of investigating the pulse of Kure Kirika's soul. "But I guess it is fitting for you, to have both your Element and your Origin as 'Love'."
"You hear that, Oriko?" Kure Kirika asks, giving her lover a kiss as soon as Archer is finished. "From the very bottom of my being, I'm nothing but in love with you."
Mikuni Oriko smiles, and with a roll of her eyes she relents, saying "Very well, I suppose there's no harm in letting you take a look, Archer." Mikuni Oriko undoes the sole point which fastens her wetsuit jacket at the front, taking it off to reveal what she's done to her sleeve of Command Seals; rather, it's become an entire tattoo jacket of Command Seals, covering almost the entirety of her back and shoulders, then snaking around her shoulders to cover her arms near to both elbows as well as parts of her breast. As a single sleeve, her Seals were clustered so close together that her arm looked like an unidentifiable mess of crimson scar tissue, but now that she's spread them out along the length of her back, biceps, and breast, their patterns, some jagged, some swirling, some in shapes you can't even begin to describe, are more easily identifiable.
Hitomi stares with eyes wide open; she's probably never even seen a tattoo before outside of the movies, and yet to her here is a girl completely covered in them in such a way that she appears like a hardened Yakuza leader. You think you see now why she chose to wear her wetsuit jacket to the beach. "Mikuni-san, what..." Hitomi's words fail in her mouth. She gasps, her brain struggling to find the right words to convey her thoughts, eventually settling on a very simple "What are those?"
"These are Command Seals, the marks by which a master is granted the right to command their servant."
Mikuni Oriko's words do little to calm HItomi; rather the opposite, they seem to have invited in her even more suspicion than before. She continues to stare at Mikuni Oriko, but her words are directly squarely to you as she asks "And... If I chose to summon a servant, like you've asked of me, would I... Would I end up with half my body tattooed like Mikuni-san?"
"No," you respond, showing Hitomi the two sets of Command Seals at your wrist. "Mikuni Oriko is a... Special case." And you'll leave it at that. You see no reason to invite any more shame on Mikuni Oriko than the reveal of her Command Seals must have already brought her. "In a normal case, a master would only have three Command Seals, located at the back of your hand or on your wrist. I have two servants, but even with six Command Seals nobody but other masters ever seems to notice that we have them. Were you to summon Saber, I see no reason why you would be any different."
"I see." Hitomi finally manages to break her gaze away from Mikuni Oriko's mass of Command Seals, and she says to you "Well, this is certainly unexpected. I wish you had told me that becoming a master came with... Tattoos."
While you and Hitomi have been talking, Archer has been surveying the pulse of Mikuni Oriko's soul. As soon as your servant has finished, Mikuni Oriko hurriedly puts her wetsuit jacket back on, and Archer says "You've got 'Light' for an Element, and 'Prudence' for an Origin. I'm not sure if I agree with those choices, but far be it from me to argue with your soul."
After that episode, the five of you break off into groups; somewhat. While you've nominally splintered into three groups of two, consisting of you and Madoka, Hitomi and Archer, and Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika watching on the sidelines, occasionally one or both members of another group will come and mingle with another group. Currently, you're working on practicing your Reinforcement.
"Hey, Homura-chan, can you tell me a little about what you're trying to do?" You look up form your practice as Madoka speaks to you. "Sorry, I didn't mean to distract you. I'm just curious about what you're doing, is all."
"It's not a bother at all, Madoka," you respond, snuggling up close to your girlfriend as you think about how to best explain what Archer has taught you about Reinforcement. "Do you see what Archer and Hitomi are working on?" you ask her, pointing over to the pair as Archer works on instructing Hitomi on Reinforcement. "We're working on a discipline of magecraft called Reinforcement. It's used to make objects, well... More, of what they are, I guess would be a good way to put it."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, Reinforcement makes an object it's used on stronger, but in addition if you were to use it on, say, a pencil, that pencil's graphite would wear out slower, make more visible marks, and be less susceptible to fading." To demonstrate, you make a few marks with the pencil you've been using, before gently applying the slightest amount of Reinforcement to the pencil, and making another set of marks. The difference is noticeable, and you say to Madoka "See the difference?"
Madoka nods, but just as she's made an affirmative "Mhm," she is interrupted by Kure Kirika. "You think you can give me a hand here, since you're such an expert and all?" You're hardly an expert; Archer would be the better teacher to ask for if Kure Kirika needs help, but Archer is currently very deep in his tutelage of Hitomi; so it looks like you'll have to do. "I've been trying to follow along with what you're doing, but, well..." Kure Kirika gestures to the blades that have been left scattered around the couch where she and Mikuni Oriko are sitting. Mikuni Oriko, deep in her own self-study, doesn't seem to notice the large number of blades at her feet. You hope she notices before she cuts her feet on them. "I have no idea if I'm doing this right or not."
"Well, what are you trying to do?"
"I'm trying to make these more blade-ey, but they're already pretty sharp, so I don't really know if I'm doing this right or not."
[ ] How do you suggest helping Kure Kirika?
-[ ] Material hardness test
-[ ] Practical test
-[ ] Get Archer to help her
-[ ] "Just go back to kissing Mikuni Oriko and leave me alone."
-[ ] Other (write-in)
[ ] What do you do after everyone is done studying?