[X] Plan Prepare For Slice Of Life, Destroyer Of Grimdarkness
"One last thing, if I might-" Mikuni Oriko says to you, speaking to the space within your mind. "Lancer and I have been thinking of ways we might use the runes to ward the Incubator away from Kaname-san. We're still working on it, but if we can make a breakthrough, do you think Kaname-san would mind holding on to what we come up with?"
"That isn't something I can give you the answer to right now," you reply, turning your gaze towards the pink-haired girl in question, walking beside you hand-in-hand. "That would have to be Madoka's decision to make. I can ask her for you, if you'll give me a few minutes." You give Madoka's hand a gentle squeeze, asking for her attention. She turns to meet your gaze, and from the corner of your eye you can see Sayaka framing the two of you within her heart-shaped hands. "There's something I'd like to ask you, Madoka. It's..." You know that Sayaka will undoubtedly be upset the moment she hears the words about to leave your mouth, but you'd rather she get upset while you're all in the open, rather than going behind her back to tell Madoka and potentially spoiling her trust in you. "Mikuni Oriko and her servant, Lancer, have been trying to come up with a way to use their magic runes to ward the Incubator away from you." You were right; Sayaka's face looks as though she's just bitten into a lemon. "So far, they have been unsuccessful, but if they can make something that works, would you like them to give you their completed work?"
"Hey now-" Sayaka interjects before Madoka has the chance to speak, grabbing you by the collar. "What the heck's with you and those girls, huh? It seems like every day you're getting chummier and chummier with them! Have you forgotten what they tried to do to me? To Madoka? And you're going to just, trust them, to come up with some magic bullshit that'll keep that little white rat away? You'd really trust them that much after everything they've done?"
You bring your hand up and, clasping Sayaka's hand in yours, gently pry yourself from her grip. "I understand your frustration," you say, trying your best to be a good person as you talk your friend into standing down, if you can. "Believe me, I do; and if either of those girls had not changed at all from that day, I would be just as frustrated as you are right now. I know it's hard to believe, especially since you haven't interacted with them the same way that I have, but they are changing, for the better."
"Yeah, but-" Sayaka tries to speak, to refute your claims and reignite her anger, but the smile you shoot her in that moment silences her.
"I haven't forgotten what they've done, Sayaka, nor am I trying to turn them into my friends. I'm just trying to help them become better people, because I need their help in order to keep this city safe. That's why I'm willing to trust Mikuni Oriko if she says she's working on something that can help, especially if that something can help keep Madoka safe from the Incubator; and besides, it's ultimately Madoka's choice to make. Both Mikuni Oriko and I respect her agency enough to let her be the one to make the call on her own behalf." Sayaka puffs her cheeks out, but stands down and remains silent as Madoka is at last given time to think about the choice you've presented her.
"Well... It would be nice, if they succeeded, to finally not have to listen to the Incubator trying to convince me to contract anymore; and I'd really like to believe that Oriko-chan has turned around and become a better person." That's Madoka for you, kind-hearted and trusting to a fault. "If she ever manages to come up with something, I think I'd like to accept it from her."
You can't stop Sayaka from pouting, nor can you blame her for being upset that you've grown closer to Mikuni Oriko in the past few weeks. She hasn't been around her to see the kind of person that she's turning into; to Sayaka, the Mikuni Oriko that you grow 'chummier' with by the day hasn't changed at all from the 'monster' who tried to kill her, who would have killed her had you and Tomoe-san not intervened to defend her. And now you're defending the very same girl that once tried to kill her.
You really hope that Sayaka can find it in her to enjoy the coming vacation; the relaxation is something she has been in desperate need of for a long time coming. But right now, you're finding that you can't let yourself relax. There are still things you need to take care of even now, and talk of the Incubator has given you cause for concern. "Archer, Assassin, I have need of both of you."
"Sure thing; what's up?"
"What do you require of us, master?"
"After the disaster last night, the Incubator is no doubt going to be going insane trying to run damage control; and if there are any young girls that have been orphaned because of what happened, I'm sure it will try to use the situation to press them into making contracts. I need you both to fan out to any places you can think of where the Incubator might be and keep me informed of his movements."
"Is there anywhere in particular you'd like us to look?"
"I'd prefer it if you were the one looking in the more sensitive and densely-packed areas," you say in response to Archer's question, following up with an immediate address to Assassin. "I hope you understand, Assassin, but it's better for all of us that we have Archer search the most densely-packed places. Likewise, I need you checking out the less-densely packed places, places where the Incubator is less likely to be searching out potential contractees but more likely to be running damage control. I'm counting on both of you to make sure the Incubator is caught before it has the chance to ensnare anyone else, or to twist what happened last night to its advantage."
"Come on Nurse O, it's just gotta be for one night, that's all I'm asking!"
You enter the office of Nurse Ortensia as you always do, but rather than finding the enigmatic nurse and Church operative sitting in silence with a cup of honey-lemon tea and McRemitz-san's latest report, you instead find Kure Kirika leaned over the desk, yelling in Nurse Ortensia's face while she sits there in complete nonchalance to the world around her. "Despite your repeated insistence, I fail see why I would take time out of my day to visit Mikuni Oriko."
"Duh, because she's family, isn't she? Come on, Oriko's been dying to meet you ever since she learned you existed!" Nurse Ortensia returns Kure Kirika's words with a look that says "If only she were dying for real." "Outside of her creepy uncle, you're like, the only family she has left, and she'd really like to get to know you- And deep down, I know you'd probably like to get to know her too." That, you find doubtful. "Just one night over dinner, that's literally all I'm asking you to give her! Just one night, so Oriko can get to know one of the few family members she has left!" Kure Kirika falls upon Nurse Ortensia's desk, clasping her hands firmly together as she lingers on one last word, "Ple~ease!"
"If it will get you to leave me the hell alone," you can hear Nurse Ortensia's voice unspoken, "I will consider your request, nothing more. I make no promises beyond that." She leans her head to the side, finally taking notice of your entrance amid the commotion that is Kure Kirika. "Now, unless you're dying of a terminal disease, please return to your class. I have to do my job."
Kure Kirika picks herself up off of Nurse Ortensia's desk, turning to leave looking unsure as to whether the response she received should be taken as a win or not. "Hey Akemi," she says, smiling as she passes you on her way out the door. "You got everything packed for tonight?"
You do, in fact, have your bathing suit, toothbrush, and a change of clothes packed into your school bag. "Yes," you reply, "Though I was wondering what our departure plans are set to look like."
"Well, I know you and Pinkie have your clubs after class today, right? So Oriko and I were thinking that we'd give the others time to pack their stuff up while the two of you are busy with your clubs. Then we'd all meet up at the train station after you were done, grab my mom on the way up to meet Oriko, and head out for Hakone from there." She stops, smiling again as she asks "That sound good?"
You nod your head, saying "Yes, it does. I'm really looking forward to it."
"Great! So we'll see you then!" Kure Kirika holds her hand up; she's looking for a high-five. It's a gesture you often see Sayaka asking of you, because she considers you her friend, but you aren't sure whether Kure Kirika is worthy of the same consideration as Sayaka. After all, isn't she only acting this way towards you because Mikuni Oriko told her to play nice?
You stare at the hand Kure Kirika is offering to you; you can't even remember if you've given Sayaka a high-five yet or not. Maybe, but after the conversation you just had with her not too long ago, you don't want to tempt Fate by possibly acting more friendly towards Kure Kirika than she deserves. You leave her hanging, but say "Sorry. I'm not that good with this sort of thing. I'll see you later today."
"You two sure have gotten a lot closer," Nurse Ortensia says as you approach her desk. "Why, just last month I remember you went white as a sheet when I mentioned to you that she had become a master, but now it's as if that isn't even a concern to you anymore." Without needing to look, she rifles through her desk drawer, taking out a familiar bottle of pills and shaking one loose for you. "I wonder what could have happened that would bring you both together."
You accept the offered pill, taking it and chasing it down with a sip of water from the cooler by her desk. "It's a working relationship," you respond. "She and Mikuni Oriko have proven themselves to be useful allies to me. We're still a ways from being friends, if that's what you're wondering."
Nurse Ortensia's lips cut a wiry smile, and she stares at you as she says "But you are becoming friends, aren't you? Even if it's just by a little bit, your reception of them is much warmer than it had been, if McRemitz's reports and your interaction with Kure just now are any indication."
You've been thinking a lot about that very question, ever since earlier in the morning. What is Mikuni Oriko to you?
Ultimately, she represents a different path that the you of another timeline could have taken; choosing to walk the path of extremes in order to accomplish your goal; and how many times have you found yourself wondering, whether you and she could have been allies, if only she had chosen to leave Madoka alone in her scheme? But, just as your friends have helped you to become a better person, so to are you and Tomoe-san helping to make Mikuni Oriko into a better person- Or, rather than becoming a better person, you and she are being helped to rediscover the good people that have always existed inside you, but who circumstance had closed off and forced you both to adopt hardened and ruthless personas when it seemed that no other option could bring you success.
You aren't friends with her, not yet; but you aren't not friends with her, either. She is a valuable ally to have on your side, and circumstances have allowed you to find things about her with which you can sympathize and come to an understanding, giving the both of you to find a kinship in one another. Ultimately, it's not a lie when you say to Nurse Ortensia "I suppose we are."
You don't try to hide your smile when, upon stepping out of Nurse Ortensia's office, you find Madoka waiting for you in the hall, as always. "Ready to head back to class, Homura-chan?" she asks, reaching her hand out to you, an act with you reciprocate with only slight trepidation. Is it just what Archer said to you earlier, or is Madoka even warmer today than normal?
[ ] Wat do?