But is Archer prepared to give Homura "the talk"?
But will Archer be able to deduce what Homura's on about, on account of him being Emiya Shirou? (only kinda /s) We also have to account that Archer's "experience" is actually much less than even his still living self's due to the fact that his original route avoided any forms of romance, and I doubt Alaya's been having Archer do anything of the sort during his eternity as a Counter Guardian, only endless slaughter.

Also fair point on the whole part 3 thing; just assumed that you were going to keep splitting them up between parts to keep it consistent with the divide between Parts 1 and 2, not that it really matters in the end :p.
But will Archer be able to deduce what Homura's on about, on account of him being Emiya Shirou? (only kinda /s) We also have to account that Archer's "experience" is actually much less than even his still living self's due to the fact that his original route avoided any forms of romance, and I doubt Alaya's been having Archer do anything of the sort during his eternity as a Counter Guardian, only endless slaughter.
Well, he still boned Saber that one time with the CG dragon. Even if he never went for romance, and even if it was just the one time for mana transference, he still technically knows about the motion of the ocean, even if he's got less action under his belt than present Shirou. I think, despite the crippling handicap that is being Emiya Shirou, he'll be able to put two and two together and not have it equal five.
Wait. Alina Gray.
As in, MagiReco Alina Gray (minus the entire Kamihama thing)?
Though, considering the significantly stronger Witches, I wouldn't be surprised if there's Kamihama-grade stuff going on in the background, or something?

I'm fairly sure Homura's too gay for Madoka to imagine that a guy and a girl could do that. Or 'what do two girls do beyond kissing' (which is 'luminous' each other, obviously)
Wait. Alina Gray.
As in, MagiReco Alina Gray (minus the entire Kamihama thing)?
Though, considering the significantly stronger Witches, I wouldn't be surprised if there's Kamihama-grade stuff going on in the background, or something?

I'm fairly sure Homura's too gay for Madoka to imagine that a guy and a girl could do that. Or 'what do two girls do beyond kissing' (which is 'luminous' each other, obviously)
One and the same, yes. Even though I have no plans to make MagiReco a thing in this quest, I've been taking elements from it to pad out the wider world- We've got MagiReco's witches; and way back at the beginning of the quest when she was still an antagonist, I had a number of MagiReco names fluffing up Oriko's killcount. Clip Girl is actually Satomi Touka's younger sister. Things like that. But no MagiReco, and no Kamihama.

'What two girls do beyond kissing' is, if Oriko and Kirika are any indication, cohabitation and even more kissing than before.
Apparently so, but she hadn't contract. And hope she is more mentally stable than in MagiReco
Well, having a ravenous people-eating witch brain-controlling her for the better part of two weeks couldn't possibly have been good for her. I'd keep an eye on her when it comes times to do the sequel; her mental stability might surprise you yet.
Hopefully no fascination with Death and Witches
Death box got checked when she did a series of painting celebrating the 9 stages of death according to Buddhist tradition as a way of coping with the death of her mother. Witch box may very well already be checked as well. Like I said, we should keep an eye on her when it comes time for the sequel to roll around.
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Day 32 Chapter 2
[X] Plan Breaking News: American Statue of Liberty attacks Japan; War Declared! /s

"There's something I need to ask you," you say to Archer as you sit down for breakfast. Your servant looks as though he should be worried by your words, but says nothing. "Last night, I could hear the springs in McRemitz-san's mattress crunching almost nonstop. It sounded really uncomfortable, but when I asked her if she wanted a new mattress, she said it was the best sleep she had ever gotten. I didn't understand, so when I asked her how that could be, she told me that I should ask you instead of her."

"I still don't understand, so I was hoping that you might be able to help me shed some light on what McRemitz-san meant. Was she just trying to be polite?"

Archer stares at you in silence as you speak, letting your words pickle for a few seconds before letting out the loudest sigh you think you've ever heard coming form him. "Of course it had to be me who has this talk with her," he says to himself, shaking his head as your confusion does nothing but mount each time the buck is passed to someone else. First McRemitz-san tells you to ask Archer, then Archer laments that he has to be the one telling you. Why is it so hard to get an answer out of the people around you? He sighs again, but this time when he speaks, he speaks directly to you. "Okay, I had been hoping to avoid having this conversation with you, but I guess since I'm playing the role of your guardian it's my responsibility."

"You see, Homura, when two people love each other very much, they..."

"... And, will I-" you force yourself to swallow the lump that has formed in your throat. "Will Madoka and I one day do, um, that?" you ask, even if, throughout Archer's explanation of the facts of life, you still haven't been able to puzzle out how two girls might even go about 'doing' that.

Archer nods, little relishing the fact that he had to be the one to say all of this to you. "I don't know if, as puella magi, your hormones work quite the same as a muggle's would, but I imagine that once Madoka is aware of this sort of thing, she'll be on you like bees on honey." You must have looked appalled at Archer's words, because he quickly follows them up with "Don't look so scared. It's a natural part of growing up and deepening your relationship with someone. I just recommend waiting until you're both old enough to know you aren't making a mistake when you finally decide to take that leap with her."

Archer's words strike a chord with you, and you ask "... What about Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika? They've been together for much longer than Madoka and I have, and Kyouko is constantly making insinuations about them and... This kind of thing. Do you think they-"

"I'm not in a position to comment on Mikuni and Kure," Archer says, cutting you off before you've had the chance to embarrass yourself by going into detail about what those two
might be doing. "Although frankly, I think you've got enough on your plate that you don't need to be worried about how far your friends have gotten."

"Your friends,"
Archer called them, your mind unable to escape 'the talk' he gave you over breakfast. Are they your friends? All things considered, you've spent more time this timeline with Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika than you have your actual friends, is how it feels. Or is that just the necessity of the working situation you've found yourself in?

You wish you had an answer. You don't think you can call Kure Kirika a friend, not yet; but what about Mikuni Oriko? You don't think it would be fair to say that you hate her anymore; how could you, when she's been so useful to you as an ally that you've even intervened on her behalf against a rival faction of puella magi seeking to do her harm? At the start of this timeline, you would have had no qualms about allying yourself with those other girls if it meant killing Mikuni Oriko, but now... Now you've gotten to know her, the real her that was always underneath the murderous face you've only ever known; you've worked alongside her; helped her; defended her.

What is Mikuni Oriko to you?

"You look so gloomy, Homura-chan," Madoka says, wrapping her arms around you as soon as you're both within arm's reach. Her closeness is making you uncomfortable after everything Archer told you over breakfast. You don't like that you're feeling uncomfortable around your girlfriend. "... It has to do with what happened last night, doesn't it? That was a... A witch, right?"

"... I'll tell you when we see Sayaka and Hitomi," you say, hesitant to return Madoka's affections, but also afraid to let go of her. Awkwardly, the two of you walk in silence, and all of Madoka's attempts to talk to you are met with your inability to respond in anything but a blubbered "...Uh..." You imagine you must look like a fish gasping for air, but fortunately there are no mirrors within eyesight with which to confirm your suspicions.

There are, however, Sayakas. One of them, to be exact, and fortunately she's followed closely behind by Hitomi, who is doing an admirable if not altogether successful job of restraining her when, upon seeing you, she bursts out with "So, like, what the hell happened last night, huh? You got some answers for us, or what?"

Hitomi, defeated, hangs her head and sighs, unable to stop Sayaka from making things worse. "I'm sorry, Akemi-san," she says. "I tried to get her to promise that she wouldn't bring that up until you'd had the chance to speak, but..." You can't fault her; even in this timeline, when she's thus far been on her absolute best behaviour, Sayaka is still a handful.

"No. You all deserve an answer," you say, hanging your head to hide your darkening eyes. "Last night, we-" your tongue stumbles over your words. "The witch we were up against was... Intelligent, in a way I've never known witches to be before. It..." The next ten - maybe; you quickly lose track of time as the words pour from your mouth - minutes are spent giving your friends an overview of everything that happened last night; starting with a brief refresher of the background, the 'Church of the Righteous Sister', 'Sister Hope' and her father, and the witch holding them in bondage; and finally, the calamitous moment last night when the dam broke and the witch's plan to devour the city was laid bare for you and your allies to see in full.

"I'm sorry..." you say, falling to your knees; just talking about what happened last night exhausting you almost as much as actually living through it had. "I let them all down. I tried my hardest and so many people still ended up dying." You can't bear to look at any of your friends, Hitomi least of all; she and her parents were almost victims to the witch as well; and if she had never spoken up about wanting to learn magecraft, there would have been no way for you to know the danger she was in until it was too late.

Yet despite that fact, which in your mind should have been cause for Hitomi to never speak to you again, you are instead greeted by her outstretched hand, helping you to rise again. Then, as soon as you are standing, her open palm strikes you like a thunderclap. "That was for all the people that died," she said; you can't fault her for her actions, though Madoka and Sayaka certainly look shocked. "And this-" she says, immediately following her strike up with a hug of such warmth as only Madoka's are reserved. "-is for everyone else, myself and my parents included, who are still alive because of you."

"Yes, people are dead because you and your allies were unable to figure out the witch's plans in time, but blaming yourself for something that was completely out of your control hurts you far, far more than any slap I could ever give you, Akemi-san, so I hope the one was enough." Hitomi breaks away from her embrace of you, letting Madoka and Sayaka step in to take her place. "I can't imagine how stressful this has been on you, Akemi-san, but Mitakihara's greatest defender can't afford to get lost blaming herself for things that aren't her fault."

"You survived, despite everything you've been through. Sometimes, we have to take the little victories when they come, so that we have the strength to seize the larger victories we have yet to reach."

"Sometimes, these things happen, even when you're doing your best. First time you deal with it is always the hardest."

Hitomi's encouraging words mingle with those of Archer and McRemitz-san's Lancer servant, and for the first time all morning, a faint smile manages to find its way onto your face. "Thank you," you say, finally finding within you the strength to meet your friends' embrace with one of your own. "I've been hearing that all morning, but I guess I needed that little extra push to make it really stick."

"Akemi-san, are you there?" It's Mikuni Oriko; you were just thinking about her earlier, too. What impeccable timing.

"I am,"
you reply, hoping that amidst all the morning's commotion your friends won't grow concerned from your spacing out. "Did you need something from me?"

"I just wanted to let you know, you don't have to send Archer to pick up mattresses."
Were Mikuni Oriko not who she is, you might be inclined to ask her how she knew you had been thinking about getting Archer to do just that. "It would be an unnecessary hassle for him to bring them with him on the train. I know a good store in the Hakone area he can go to once we've arrived. They'll have air mattresses, I'm sure of it."

"Thank you. I guess I almost sent him to do something that would have only caused us more of a hassle, didn't I?"

"I'd also advise you not to have him go shopping for batteries, if you need them, until Monday. Please trust me on this."

"If you say so."

"One last thing, if I might- Lancer and I have been thinking of ways we might use the runes to ward the Incubator away from Kaname-san. We're still working on it, but if we can make a breakthrough, do you think Kaname-san would mind holding on to what we come up with?"

When do you want to ask Madoka about this?
[ ] Right now, while MIkuni Oriko's question is still fresh in your mind
[ ] Later, when you and Madoka are in private and Sayaka isn't around to get mad
[ ] At lunch, so you can get the inputs of Tomoe-san and Kure Kirika

[ ] What's your plan for the school day? (write-in in detail)

[ ] What is Mikuni Oriko to you? (write-in)​
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[X] Plan Prepare For Slice Of Life, Destroyer Of Grimdarkness
-[X] Right now, while Mikuni Oriko's question is still fresh in your mind
--[X] If Sayaka has a problem with it, remind her that this is ultimately Madoka's decision and unlike her Sayaka hasn't had to listen to the allure of the Incubator whenever she's alone. Assure her that you could have Mami and Caster look over whatever they're cooking up if only to assuage any doubts as to the function of what they make.
-[X] Telepathically ask Archer and Assassin if they could search for the Incubator today while you're at school; ideal areas to search for it would be the hospitals and wherever they bring newly orphaned children due to the recent massacre
-[X] What's your plan for the school day?
--[X] Pay attention to class and excel
--[X] Work on your school project in the library; check to see if your teammates for the project were affected by last night's disaster, and be prepared to comfort them in whatever way seems right alongside your other teammates if any were
--[X] At lunch sit with your friends
---[X] Ask Madoka if she's given any thought as to if she wants to learn Magecraft, even if it's just through Formalcraft and the use of Mystic Codes like what Sayaka wants to do
----[X] Speaking of, telepathically ask Archer how/when he's going to obtain teaching material for Sayaka, you never did ask for specifics on that at the time
---[X] Ask everyone if they've got everything packed away that's necessary for the trip, like clothes, toothbrushes, a swimsuit, etc., and if they informed their parents on where they'll be for the weekend. Channel your inner Homumom when doing this.
---[X] Ask Kure Kirika where and when they're all going to meet up after school for the trip to Oriko's beach house
-[X] What is Mikuni Oriko to you?
--[X] She ultimately represents how you were becoming before this anomalous timeline, and her progression towards becoming a better person is reminiscent to yourself discarding of such tactics in order to be a better person for Madoka and your friends. By putting yourself in her mindset - which wasn't that difficult to do with how you were once becoming - your ability to sympathize with her grew exponentially and you ended up caring for her and her well-being along the way. You aren't necessarily friends, but you aren't not. You find yourself sharing a kinship with Oriko, and a bond has formed through helping her improve her life like you did yours at the start of this timeline.

I'd rather not have Homura do something behind Sayaka's back as Sayaka would probably take it as a betrayal of trust. Also one of the pros of having a non-Gilgamesh precog on the team; she'll know and take care of some things before Homura even knows it's a thing. Oriko probably saw Homura ask her to make something like that in the future and decided to get a head start on it :p.

On a side note I wonder if there are any significant amount of survivors of the familiars' attack on the city that are all spouting the same descriptions of the creatures in question, baffling authorities.
Oriko probably saw Homura ask her to make something like that in the future and decided to get a head start on it.
She either saw Archer swearing a blood feud against Panasonic, or she saw him tangling with Heracles who was also shopping for batteries. You can imagine either one to your heart's desire.
On a side note I wonder if there are any significant amount of survivors of the familiars' attack on the city that are all spouting the same descriptions of the creatures in question, baffling authorities.
It's almost like nobody actually knows what happened, except that a bunch of people wound up dead.
There were no survivors.
"…and that's why dragons, not storks, are responsible for human reproduction. Questions?"
"So, basically, my not-dad did it with King Arthur, am I hearing that correctly?"
Day 32 Chapter 3
[X] Plan Prepare For Slice Of Life, Destroyer Of Grimdarkness

"One last thing, if I might-" Mikuni Oriko says to you, speaking to the space within your mind. "Lancer and I have been thinking of ways we might use the runes to ward the Incubator away from Kaname-san. We're still working on it, but if we can make a breakthrough, do you think Kaname-san would mind holding on to what we come up with?"

"That isn't something I can give you the answer to right now,"
you reply, turning your gaze towards the pink-haired girl in question, walking beside you hand-in-hand. "That would have to be Madoka's decision to make. I can ask her for you, if you'll give me a few minutes." You give Madoka's hand a gentle squeeze, asking for her attention. She turns to meet your gaze, and from the corner of your eye you can see Sayaka framing the two of you within her heart-shaped hands. "There's something I'd like to ask you, Madoka. It's..." You know that Sayaka will undoubtedly be upset the moment she hears the words about to leave your mouth, but you'd rather she get upset while you're all in the open, rather than going behind her back to tell Madoka and potentially spoiling her trust in you. "Mikuni Oriko and her servant, Lancer, have been trying to come up with a way to use their magic runes to ward the Incubator away from you." You were right; Sayaka's face looks as though she's just bitten into a lemon. "So far, they have been unsuccessful, but if they can make something that works, would you like them to give you their completed work?"

"Hey now-" Sayaka interjects before Madoka has the chance to speak, grabbing you by the collar. "What the heck's with you and those girls, huh? It seems like every day you're getting chummier and chummier with them! Have you forgotten what they tried to do to me? To Madoka? And you're going to just, trust them, to come up with some magic bullshit that'll keep that little white rat away? You'd really trust them that much after everything they've done?"

You bring your hand up and, clasping Sayaka's hand in yours, gently pry yourself from her grip. "I understand your frustration," you say, trying your best to be a good person as you talk your friend into standing down, if you can. "Believe me, I do; and if either of those girls had not changed at all from that day, I would be just as frustrated as you are right now. I know it's hard to believe, especially since you haven't interacted with them the same way that I have, but they are changing, for the better."

"Yeah, but-" Sayaka tries to speak, to refute your claims and reignite her anger, but the smile you shoot her in that moment silences her.

"I haven't forgotten what they've done, Sayaka, nor am I trying to turn them into my friends. I'm just trying to help them become better people, because I need their help in order to keep this city safe. That's why I'm willing to trust Mikuni Oriko if she says she's working on something that can help, especially if that something can help keep Madoka safe from the Incubator; and besides, it's ultimately Madoka's choice to make. Both Mikuni Oriko and I respect her agency enough to let her be the one to make the call on her own behalf." Sayaka puffs her cheeks out, but stands down and remains silent as Madoka is at last given time to think about the choice you've presented her.

"Well... It would be nice, if they succeeded, to finally not have to listen to the Incubator trying to convince me to contract anymore; and I'd really like to believe that Oriko-chan has turned around and become a better person." That's Madoka for you, kind-hearted and trusting to a fault. "If she ever manages to come up with something, I think I'd like to accept it from her."

You can't stop Sayaka from pouting, nor can you blame her for being upset that you've grown closer to Mikuni Oriko in the past few weeks. She hasn't been around her to see the kind of person that she's turning into; to Sayaka, the Mikuni Oriko that you grow 'chummier' with by the day hasn't changed at all from the 'monster' who tried to kill her, who would have killed her had you and Tomoe-san not intervened to defend her. And now you're defending the very same girl that once tried to kill her.

You really hope that Sayaka can find it in her to enjoy the coming vacation; the relaxation is something she has been in desperate need of for a long time coming. But right now, you're finding that you can't let yourself relax. There are still things you need to take care of even now, and talk of the Incubator has given you cause for concern. "Archer, Assassin, I have need of both of you."

"Sure thing; what's up?"
"What do you require of us, master?"

"After the disaster last night, the Incubator is no doubt going to be going insane trying to run damage control; and if there are any young girls that have been orphaned because of what happened, I'm sure it will try to use the situation to press them into making contracts. I need you both to fan out to any places you can think of where the Incubator might be and keep me informed of his movements."

"Is there anywhere in particular you'd like us to look?"

"I'd prefer it if you were the one looking in the more sensitive and densely-packed areas,"
you say in response to Archer's question, following up with an immediate address to Assassin. "I hope you understand, Assassin, but it's better for all of us that we have Archer search the most densely-packed places. Likewise, I need you checking out the less-densely packed places, places where the Incubator is less likely to be searching out potential contractees but more likely to be running damage control. I'm counting on both of you to make sure the Incubator is caught before it has the chance to ensnare anyone else, or to twist what happened last night to its advantage."


"Come on Nurse O, it's just gotta be for one night, that's all I'm asking!"

You enter the office of Nurse Ortensia as you always do, but rather than finding the enigmatic nurse and Church operative sitting in silence with a cup of honey-lemon tea and McRemitz-san's latest report, you instead find Kure Kirika leaned over the desk, yelling in Nurse Ortensia's face while she sits there in complete nonchalance to the world around her. "Despite your repeated insistence, I fail see why I would take time out of my day to visit Mikuni Oriko."

"Duh, because she's family, isn't she? Come on, Oriko's been dying to meet you ever since she learned you existed!" Nurse Ortensia returns Kure Kirika's words with a look that says "If only she were dying for real." "Outside of her creepy uncle, you're like, the only family she has left, and she'd really like to get to know you- And deep down, I know you'd probably like to get to know her too." That, you find doubtful. "Just one night over dinner, that's literally all I'm asking you to give her! Just one night, so Oriko can get to know one of the few family members she has left!" Kure Kirika falls upon Nurse Ortensia's desk, clasping her hands firmly together as she lingers on one last word, "Ple~ease!"

"If it will get you to leave me the hell alone," you can hear Nurse Ortensia's voice unspoken, "I will consider your request, nothing more. I make no promises beyond that." She leans her head to the side, finally taking notice of your entrance amid the commotion that is Kure Kirika. "Now, unless you're dying of a terminal disease, please return to your class. I have to do my job."

Kure Kirika picks herself up off of Nurse Ortensia's desk, turning to leave looking unsure as to whether the response she received should be taken as a win or not. "Hey Akemi," she says, smiling as she passes you on her way out the door. "You got everything packed for tonight?"

You do, in fact, have your bathing suit, toothbrush, and a change of clothes packed into your school bag. "Yes," you reply, "Though I was wondering what our departure plans are set to look like."

"Well, I know you and Pinkie have your clubs after class today, right? So Oriko and I were thinking that we'd give the others time to pack their stuff up while the two of you are busy with your clubs. Then we'd all meet up at the train station after you were done, grab my mom on the way up to meet Oriko, and head out for Hakone from there." She stops, smiling again as she asks "That sound good?"

You nod your head, saying "Yes, it does. I'm really looking forward to it."

"Great! So we'll see you then!" Kure Kirika holds her hand up; she's looking for a high-five. It's a gesture you often see Sayaka asking of you, because she considers you her friend, but you aren't sure whether Kure Kirika is worthy of the same consideration as Sayaka. After all, isn't she only acting this way towards you because Mikuni Oriko told her to play nice?

You stare at the hand Kure Kirika is offering to you; you can't even remember if you've given Sayaka a high-five yet or not. Maybe, but after the conversation you just had with her not too long ago, you don't want to tempt Fate by possibly acting more friendly towards Kure Kirika than she deserves. You leave her hanging, but say "Sorry. I'm not that good with this sort of thing. I'll see you later today."

"You two sure have gotten a lot closer," Nurse Ortensia says as you approach her desk. "Why, just last month I remember you went white as a sheet when I mentioned to you that she had become a master, but now it's as if that isn't even a concern to you anymore." Without needing to look, she rifles through her desk drawer, taking out a familiar bottle of pills and shaking one loose for you. "I wonder what could have happened that would bring you both together."

You accept the offered pill, taking it and chasing it down with a sip of water from the cooler by her desk. "It's a working relationship," you respond. "She and Mikuni Oriko have proven themselves to be useful allies to me. We're still a ways from being friends, if that's what you're wondering."

Nurse Ortensia's lips cut a wiry smile, and she stares at you as she says "But you are becoming friends, aren't you? Even if it's just by a little bit, your reception of them is much warmer than it had been, if McRemitz's reports and your interaction with Kure just now are any indication."

You've been thinking a lot about that very question, ever since earlier in the morning. What is Mikuni Oriko to you?

Ultimately, she represents a different path that the you of another timeline could have taken; choosing to walk the path of extremes in order to accomplish your goal; and how many times have you found yourself wondering, whether you and she could have been allies, if only she had chosen to leave Madoka alone in her scheme? But, just as your friends have helped you to become a better person, so to are you and Tomoe-san helping to make Mikuni Oriko into a better person- Or, rather than becoming a better person, you and she are being helped to rediscover the good people that have always existed inside you, but who circumstance had closed off and forced you both to adopt hardened and ruthless personas when it seemed that no other option could bring you success.

You aren't friends with her, not yet; but you aren't not friends with her, either. She is a valuable ally to have on your side, and circumstances have allowed you to find things about her with which you can sympathize and come to an understanding, giving the both of you to find a kinship in one another. Ultimately, it's not a lie when you say to Nurse Ortensia "I suppose we are."

You don't try to hide your smile when, upon stepping out of Nurse Ortensia's office, you find Madoka waiting for you in the hall, as always. "Ready to head back to class, Homura-chan?" she asks, reaching her hand out to you, an act with you reciprocate with only slight trepidation. Is it just what Archer said to you earlier, or is Madoka even warmer today than normal?


[ ] Wat do?​
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I was only able to get through half of the checklist of things before I found a good point to break at, so feel free to either copy+paste the remainder in full, or modify it to fit with the new information we got about our departure from Kirika. And there's still more that needs to fit into this post, so don't forget to vote for everything that's on the agenda.

I initially thought that Oriko found out about The Talk and was ribbing Homura about it.
Oriko's beach house still has two beds even without the extra mattresses. If she wanted to rib on Homura she would have just offered to let her and Madoka use one, if they'd like.
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[x] Tell sayaka to stand down gently
[x] Return her high-five
[x] Try to focus in class.
-[x] Fail because you're too busy trying to keep your mind out of the gutter.
[X] Plan Leave The Urobutcher In Mitakihara
-[X] Tell Sayaka to stand down gently
--[X] Ask her if she has any other ideas that could possibly ward off the Incubator of all things, and inform her that if it's really bothering her you both could always follow up with Mami and Caster - or even Archer with his Structural Analysis - in order to deduce the exact purpose of whatever device Oriko and Lancer may come up with before handing it off to Madoka; not that Mami and by extension Caster would allow anything to happen to Madoka what with Caster's precognition
-[X] Leave her hanging
--[X] But apologize after
-[X] Pay attention to class and excel
-[X] Work on your school project in the library; check to see if your teammates for the project were affected by last night's disaster, and be prepared to comfort them in whatever way seems right alongside your other teammates if any were
-[X] At lunch sit with your friends
--[X] Ask Madoka if she's given any thought as to if she wants to learn Magecraft, even if it's just through Formalcraft and the use of Mystic Codes like what Sayaka wants to do
---[X] Speaking of, telepathically ask Archer how/when he's going to obtain teaching material for Sayaka, you never did ask for specifics on that at the time
--[X] Ask everyone if they've got everything packed away that's necessary for the trip, like clothes, toothbrushes, a swimsuit, etc., and if they informed their parents on where they'll be for the weekend. Channel your inner Homumom when doing this.
-[X] Go to your club and do archery things
--[X] If you're not the best at archery in the club, ask a senior for some aid in improving your form; if you're the best at archery in the club help someone else improve their form in preparation of the upcoming archery tournament

Homura hasn't really even high-fived with Sayaka yet, if I'm recalling things correctly, so high fiving Kirika before she's even had a chance to accept a high five with Sayaka will only set off some future flag where Sayaka snaps over Homura getting too close with Oriko and Kirika over her. Luckily Homura has her social awkwardness as a prime excuse for not high fiving Kirika.
Homura hasn't really even high-fived with Sayaka yet, if I'm recalling things correctly, so high fiving Kirika before she's even had a chance to accept a high five with Sayaka will only set off some future flag where Sayaka snaps over Homura getting too close with Oriko and Kirika over her. Luckily Homura has her social awkwardness as a prime excuse for not high fiving Kirika.
I actually think Homura has high-fived Sayaka, all of one time. I could be wrong, but I can't remember when it was and I'm not prepared to go trawling through over 500 posts to find it, so until/unless I do you can feel free to have us act however.
Omake, side Alina - Feed Me, Alina
I miss you, mother, Alina thought to herself as she touched her brush to the canvas. The dull, rust-coloured pigment streaked against the muted greys and blues decorating the bloated corpse of the painting.
"Feed me,"
It was almost imperceptible, a tiny voice spoke on the wind, almost so faint that Alina thought there was nothing to it. "Hello?" she called out, turning her head away the canvas and her paints to glance around her studio. "Is anyone there? Father?"
"Feed me."
There it was again, louder, and clearer this time; distinctly the voice of a woman, one that was disturbingly familiar to the girl with the lime-coloured hair. It couldn't have been father, not with that voice, but perhaps "Mother?" Alina called, the faintest hope a dying ember in her heart, knowing it would be too good to be true. Her mother had been cremated, and her ashes sat on the mantle above the fireplace in the living room, but even still, this voice sounded much too much like that of her mother's to be ignored.

"Feed me!"
"What was that?" There was nobody there, and yet the voice asking Alina to feed it was as clear as day. Alina looked around the studio once more, hoping that this time she might see what she had failed to see the previous two times, but all she could see was the shadow of a lone snake, dancing upon the wall. The shadow, for lack of a better term as there was clearly no snake present to cast it, had appeared in the corner of Alina's eyes over a week ago, appearing out of a sunburst she had painted on the studio wall ever since the night she saw it in a dream.

But the shadow had never talked to her before. This was, assuming the stress had not simply caused her mind to snap, an unprecedented discovery! "My goodness!" Alina exclaimed, scooting her chair over to the wall where the shadow rested, pressing her hands against its slender and serpentine 'body'. "You... You can talk? You can talk!" she exclaimed, honestly hoping that this was real, and not just the figment of her fractured mind. "This is incredible!"
"Feed me Alina, feed me now!"

Alina was taken aback; not by the fact that the shadow was talking, nor at the forcefulness of its demand. Rather, Alina was taken back by the simple fact that she didn't know how to feed the shadow. She had her suspicions, of course, but even they made little sense. A few days ago, she had sliced her finger open while cutting a piece for one of her art projects. Her blood had stained the hardwood floor, but upon returning to the project not an hour later, the blood had completely vanished, even though neither she nor her father had gone to clean it up. Instead, she had found only the shadow, lickings its lips with a tongue that didn't exist. "... I'm afraid I don't know how to. Should I-" she glanced over to the razor from the other day's project "-slice my finger open again for you? Is that even what you eat?" At that, the shadow made a satisfied sigh, and Alina reached her hand over for the razor, stopping only once the shadow spoke to her again.
"Actually, I'd much rather have something a little more... Fresh."
Then, the shadow did something that should have been impossible; it peeled
off of the wall, moving freely in the air as though it were a real snake, as real as one which could defy the law of gravity. Gently, it snaked its way around Alina, until it was resting upon her shoulder, and into her ear it whispered.
"And I know exactly how you can help me..."


Alina's eyes snapped open as the teacher slammed their hand down upon her desk. She blinked once, twice, before the realization struck her. She was in class, and had apparently been "Dreaming in class, Gray? That's hardly like you."

"Apologies, sensei," Alina said, picking her scarlet head up off her desk. She could feel her classmates staring at her, which only caused the redness of her face to deepen. "I promise it won't happen again."

The teacher's eyes lingered on Alina just long enough to leave her with one last shameful glance, saying to her "See to it that you don't," before turning back around and returning to the board.

Alina brought a hand up to cover her mouth as a yawn tried to escape. Fortunately, it was lunchtime, and there were no teachers in the cafeteria to give her a hard time about sleeping in class. "Hey, Alina, are you okay?" asked the girl with the russet-coloured hair sitting beside her. "First your father started that weird cult, then you and he just up and disappear for an entire week. Then six-hundred people end up murdered in their own homes, and it's only after that that you pop back into the world; and now you're falling asleep in class. You never used to do that."

"Sorry Touka," Alina said to her friend, catching another yawn as she undid the latches on her lunch box. "It feels like I've been asleep for a hundred years, but I'm still really tired. I don't even know why." While Alina unpacked her lunch, Touka reached over, pressing her hand against the lime-haired girl's forehead.

"Well, you don't have a fever. But after everything you've been through, I think I've earned the right to be concerned." Pursing her lips, Touka then asked "Maybe you can tell me what happened to you during the week that you and your father vanished."

Alina shook her head; tamagoyaki. Again. She didn't hold it against her father; after all, he was still coping with mother's death just the same as she was, but she knew that he knew she didn't like tamagoyaki. But her mother had loved her father's tamagoyaki. "Again, I'm sorry, but I don't really remember anything." Alina strained her mind, trying desperately to recall anything about the past week, but it all seemed so far away. "The last thing I clearly remember was... Losing my student ID last Friday, and then some guy dressed in red came to the warehouse father was using for his 'Church' and gave it back to me. After that, I... Can kind of remember something about... I think they might have been snakes? I can't really seem to recall what they looked like very clearly, except that they were black. Then there was a room covered in gold, and father was crying, and there was a redheaded woman speaking to us in English but..." Alina stopped herself from saying any more, instead saying "But all of that feels like it was also part of my dream, so I really don't know."

"Could that guy in red have drugged you, maybe?" Touka asked; though Alina doubted that was the case. "Maybe he drugged you so he could take you to his creepy porn hideout. Did you check yourself out when you finally came to?"

Alina nodded her head, responding to her friend's inquiry with "Relax, Touka, I'm fine. I'm not even sure if the guy in red was real or not, but if he was he didn't do anything to my body."

"Still, have you thought about going to the police? You vanished for an entire week. I think at that point, you're entitled to a little help in figuring out what happened to you."

"I didn't really think I needed to until you said I had been gone for a week," Alina replied. She didn't like tamagoyaki, but she wasn't going to let father's cooking go to waste. "I woke up from what I thought had been a really weird dream, and got dressed like I was going to school, and it wasn't until you said anything to me that I even realized I had been gone for an entire week."

Touka sighed, shaking her head as though she'd never make her friend see the apparent severity of the situation. She had vanished for an entire week, and yet she was acting like absolutely nothing was wrong. "Well, maybe you don't think this is anything serious right now, but I hope you change your mind." A sly smirk sliced across Touka's cheeks, and she said as she leaned in close "And maybe while you're at it, you'll finally realize you need to tell Misono-san that you think she's cute before you disappear again, this time for good."

Alina's face went scarlet, and she shoved her friend away. "I do not! How many times do I have to tell you, Touka, I'm straight! I don't like Misono-san like that!"

"Then why do I always catch you staring at her in class? Why do you always get such a dreamy look in your eyes whenever you think nobody's watching you watch her? Why do you always get so flustered whenever anyone mentions you and her in the same breath? Why do you try so hard to deny it when it's clear you're both interested in each other; huh?"

Alina was steaming, but under her friend's relentless questioning, she finally broke, admitting "Fine; so maybe I think she's cute. So what?"

"So ask her out!" Touka sighed, throwing up her hands in exasperation. For being a certified genius, her friend was an idiot, she was convinced. "It's not rocket science, you know. Just tell her you think she's cute and that you want to go out with her. You don't have to make everything so complicated, you know." Under her breath, Touka grumbled "Not like you did at the science fair two years ago."

The pair shared a laugh as soon as Touka had finished grousing, but on the inside Alina was terrified. Not of the prospect of asking out Misono Karin, no; she was terrified because she could still hear the voice from her dream inside her head, the one that sounded like her mother.
"Feed me, Alina. Feed me all night long."
She hoped that it would go away soon, now that she was no longer asleep.​
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And thus the downside of memory erasure strikes again. The victim has no idea that there's a problem and no way to handle said problem if it pops up again.

On a side note I find it a little odd that the teacher was so insensitive. Hundreds of people died yesterday, wouldn't his first thought be that she had lost somebody, not that she was daydreaming?
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