The Bird Lady
- Pronouns
- She/Her
Do I have to rewrite my plan, or...?
[X] Plan Gem for a Gem
Good. I am immensely dissatisfied with these rewrites. I wish I hadn't deleted them in the first place. If I hadn't spent half of the previous quest's life planning for this sequel I'd probably just quit all together after this. The first two are demonstrably worse in quality than their original versions, with only minor changes because I don't want to deal with this update any more than I already have, and I didn't even bother changing the third one because Mami was already beating on Kazumi before any debuffs.Agh, I feel so bad for kickstarting all of this. Really didn't mean to make you feel like you had to go back and redo it all, SVS.
That would be a waste of my time more than it would solve anything. I usually have no problem cranking out a decently-sized update on a per-day basis, but when I'm expected to juggle combat for 18 people with as many items that all need to be addressed, and when it takes multiple updates just to move the story along by just a single call to vote, that's what frustrates me. What frustrates me even more is having to redo all of that because I wasn't able to squeeze in one specific item that would have completely changed the dynamics of every combat encounter.If I may be so bold, may I suggest scaling back to weekly updates rather than daily? It might allow you more room to plan out your chapters and won't stress you out as badly.
Honestly? Fuck if I care. I don't even want to do this at the moment. Come back at whatever time tomorrow is for you and maybe I'll be in a better mood.
Just as long as we make sure to follow the KISS method in the future, this can probably be prevented from happening again.First of all, here are the original three Chapters that SVS' deleted. Next let's pretend that Archer was never a part of the vote. I don't care that Archer doesn't get to do some fancy stuff at no notice, not at the cost of making everyone feel stressed out and killing SVS' muse. Problem solved, as there was nothing wrong with these original chapters as written and I personally found them quite refreshing due to the great fight scenes and choreography.
Since the alterations are acceptable. I do hope that SVS is okay.
I hope SVS is okay as well. Hope I didn't drive him off...
Ooo, I'm loving the criticism, that's so much better than how the original vote was formatted! Formatting more neatly for plans like this has always been a weakness of mine, though normally it isn't this bad when I have access to a proper computer to look over and refine it after I write it up initially (Xenforo 2 makes it a huge pain to edit larger plans on a phone, at least on mine anyways). Would've been great to have it like this back when I formulated it.Alright, Enetious, I hope you're okay with some criticism, because I decided to make comment on your original vote.
[] Plan Archer's A Charming Guy
-[] Master Vision is on by default to check out the new enemy Servants
-[] (Archer) Fleur de Lys as planned, targeting the Saints and their Servants to charm and debuff them for a time, and then prepare to Eye of the Euryale Ramses II
--[] Depending on the situation, Eye of the Euryale any male Servant that's giving them trouble (Saber if he decided to come out or Rider if he survives the shot to the heart once), otherwise provide general fire support
Okay, this part could be way simplified. It has a ton of working components and complex parts. Also, do remember that SVS asked for more specific plan names. I would work it like:
[] Plan: Charming & Defense
-[] Master Vision the enemy Servants
-[] (Archer) Use Fleur de Lys to debuff enemy opponents and provide fire support
--[] Use Eye of the Euryale on Ramses, but if another susceptible Servant gives a lot of trouble, use it on them instead
This way, there's a lot less conditional actions. Because of that, it's less confusing to read and internalize and gives SVS an easier time with more freedom. I actually do like how you use Bold to make NPs stand out; that makes it a bit easier to follow, and harder to miss something. And yes, the plan name is boring, but we don't need really interesting plan names. Not to say that we can't have interesting plan names; they just need to be more descriptive.
-[] Rider will use Dromeus Komētēs to take advantage of Archer's distraction in order to blitz the couple of Saints before them and to steal their Soul Gems
--[] Saber will cover him to make sure that their Lancer doesn't try any tricks, and while Archer takes care of their Rider
--[] Mami will focus on Witch Girl while Kyouko focuses on Wakaba
This part contains a lot of needless separation, redundancies, and weird formatting. I would work it like this:
-[] (Achilles) Use Dromeus Komētēs to take advantage of Archer's debuffs and blitz the saints to steal their Soul Gems, while Diarmuid covers him to make sure that Scathach doesn't try anything
-[] (Mami & Kyoko) Have Mami focus on the Witch Girl while having Kyouko focus on Wakaba
Like before, the simplification makes it way easier to go through everything, and helps to connect actions. Also, note my use of parentheses to mark character actions; this helps the separate parts pop out, and also makes it easier to read.
-[] Berserker will overpower and overwhelm the enemy one and then try and target their Berserker's Master in order to aid in trying to get their Soul Gem; divert to take on their Saber if he decided to go on the offensive
--[] Kirika will be focusing on Orange Girl to steal her Soul Gem while you focus on their leader to distract her; you have reflexes built up enough over the many years you've been looping to adequately stall your opponent even without time stop, so use them, and Reinforce your body to help you keep up somewhat
Same as before. This could probably be simplified, and you could stand to remove a lot of the fluff on the Kirika vote. SVS already knows all that stuff, so you don't need to write an essay on it. This could go like:
-[] (Lancelot, Kirika & Homura) Have Lancelot work with Kirika and Homura to blitz Boudica and her Master in order to get their Soul Gem. If Sigurd joins in, have Lancelot divert to fight him.
That's half the mass of your vote, but still gets the same point across while being clearer on what's happening. If multiple characters are working on the same goal, conjoin their vote. If it starts to get large enough that you kinda blank out, do it like this:
-[] (Character 1 & 2) Do a thing
--[] (Character 3) Do another thing that works on top of the aforementioned thing but it separate
Because like that, it keeps everything tidy while providing a good break-up of character actions. You could have Homura as Character 3 if you wanted her to do something more than just join in. I should also note; at this point we should refer to people by name rather than using Class names, because either we have to do a rather chunky longer name (I.E Saber of Blue) or we refer to them by only class name, which can get confusing.
-[] In general, don't put their Saber's Master in any real danger enough to warrant Saber coming out to fight, so don't prioritize her for Soul Gem stealing and binding, just fend her off
--[] Oriko will be providing battlefield control and defense to whoever needs it and to corral the Saints to where they need to be; she'll use precognition to also provide warnings telepathically
I don't think I have much to say here, but you're building Oriko's vote off of Diarmuid's vote without proper explanation. You should only do that if these actions build off of eachother, and explain why, while you're at it. And yet again, you have a problem with making too many reactive parts. So something like:
-[] Try not to aggravate Sigurd's master enough to make him join the fight
-[] (Oriko) provide battlefield control with precognition and give defensive aid to whoever needs it
So all in all, a more simplified version of your vote would be something like:
[] Plan:
-[] Master Vision the enemy Servants
-[] Make sure that you don't hurt Sigurd's Master enough that he's forced to join in
-[] (Archer) Use Fleur de Lys to debuff enemy opponents and provide fire support
--[] Use Eye of the Euryale on Ramses, but if another susceptible Servant gives a lot of trouble, use it on them instead
-[] (Achilles) Use Dromeus Komētēs to take advantage of Archer's debuffs and blitz the saints to steal their Soul Gems, while Diarmuid covers him to make sure that Scathach doesn't try anything
-[] (Mami & Kyoko) Have Mami focus on the Witch Girl while having Kyouko focus on Wakaba
-[] (Lancelot, Kirika & Homura) Have Lancelot work with Kirika and Homura to blitz Boudica and her Master in order to get their Soul Gem. If Sigurd joins in, have Lancelot divert to fight him.
-[] (Oriko) provide battlefield control with precognition and give defensive aid to whoever needs it
It's still not great, but it provides a lot more simplified and easier to follow version. Characters are properly separated with parenthesized names to help make them stand out, there's a lot of open-ended plans that leave a lot of breathing room for what SVS tries to write, there's a lot less fluff for that matter, characters are properly named, and it's properly formatted.
All in all, I think your biggest problems are:
1. You seem to write 1000 words when 10 will do, providing a lot of needless fluff that gets confusing and gives too much to think about when SVS has to write.
2. You don't leave a lot of breathing room when writing stuff, a lot of which might not even get used, which wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for problem #1 causing these problems to multiply against each other
3. Your formatting is off; you seem to use the double-hyphen even when those actions have nothing to do with each other
4. You separate a lot of stuff that should be packaged together, and just as well, you're bad at saying who's doing what; providing names like Saber in an Apocrypha, or making it really hard to tell that Homura's vote is supposed to be about Homura, not Kirika.
Sorry if that wasn't good criticism, but I think you could stand to improve your voting by a lot.
I actually wish you had never put forth the effort to do this. Seriously. I hate the rewrites, but I hate even more the fact that your attempt at rewrites prove I didn't have to delete my originals or change all that much about them to accommodate. That ruins it even harder for me, because now I can't even be unhappy about settling for my shit, because I know your shit came out better. There is no possible way I come out of this situation being happy with the result, not unless I can un-delete the originals.Alright, I pull and all nighter and crash like an hour before @SVS' post, and this is what I come back to? *pulls up sleeves* Alright, let's get this wild ride rolling again!
No, I am not okay. I am furious with myself for having deleted the originals, and I can't even think about coming back to this without getting mad at myself for having done that. I tried, I really did. I woke up this morning, thought to myself "I guess I can try coming back to it today" and then a few hours later I was fuming because I knew I had fucked up and there was no way to fix my mistake. Fuck, I don't even feel good about coming back for long enough to post this.
Oh don't worry, these are the actual originals that I told you I had cached in the PMs, not the altered ones (they weren't really rewrites since I mostly just changed/tacked on things at the end of the last two chapters, the vast majority of the setup, tone, and writing quality came from your original chapters).I actually wish you had never put forth the effort to do this. Seriously. I hate the rewrites, but I hate even more the fact that your attempt at rewrites prove I didn't have to delete my originals or change all that much about them to accommodate. That ruins it even harder for me, because now I can't even be unhappy about settling for my shit, because I know your shit came out better. There is no possible way I come out of this situation being happy with the result, not unless I can un-delete the originals.
If you can't think of anything, you can always answer whether or not Kirika would tell Archer about her tattoo.I feel as if there should be more, but I can't think of anything.