Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

No, I mean we know they weren't magical girls during Elsa Maria or Wallyworld. As in, Homura knows. Asunaro only had the Soujus and Michiru at that time, and we know this because we know it wasn't until around that time that Kyubey started recruiting in Asunaro. Your jabs only work if we assume the Saints moved into Asunaro after the fact, which we have no indication of; in fact, we have the opposite, since we know the Hijiri family lives in Asunaro.
Oh, wow, Kyuubey must have been very desperate then to contract them all at such a late age. Not too surprising though. 🤔

Regardless, even if Homura knows this, it's a chance to sow doubt and discord among the Saints and their Servants (they are Heroes after all, and I doubt they'd like working for child experimenters and killers/inhumane experimenters of people who've saved so many innocent lives, especially for no reward in the form of the Holy Grail). Think of it as a classic Homura manipulation to make them question whether all they've thought was true, especially since they don't want to kill the Saints. It also supplements exposing Kyuubey's type of deceit - namely that of selective truths.
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Oh, wow, Kyuubey must have been very desperate then to contract them all at such a late age. Not too surprising though. 🤔

Regardless, even if Homura knows this, it's a chance to sow doubt and discord among the Saints and their Servants (they are Heroes after all, and I doubt they'd like working for child experimenters and killers/inhumane experimenters of people who've saved so many innocent lives, especially for no reward in the form of the Holy Grail). Think of it as a classic Homura manipulation to make them question whether all they've thought was true, especially since they don't want to kill the Saints. It also supplements exposing Kyuubey's type of deceit - namely that of selective truths.
Funny you should mention this; A thought has been going through my mind for a while about how Atalanta would react if she knew the white cat that the Saints talk to has been tricking children into an early death, arguably a Fate worse than death, and harvesting their Souls for thousands of years.

Probably wouldn't do anything for most Servants, but it could start to plant the seed of doubt considering her history...
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Ah, I have to admit, I love to hate Kyubey.
Scathach as the Lancer of Blue? That's bad, but to be fair, we got Bryn. Lorewise, at least, I think that our legend is better. And Boudica has, for someone of so little reknown, at least in comparison to Lancelot, devastatingly good stats; but then again, her legend probably fits the Berserker class better than 'lot, anyway. I am looking forward to how this turns out!
Okay, not gonna lie, but the fight choreoography and the BGM came out amazingly this update. Love how Archer influenced Kirika into naming her Time Alter after her adoptive grandfather's technique. Seriously though, the play-by-play between both pairs of opponents was very entertaining - kinda reminds me a little of the Mami v. Homura fight in Rebellion actually, which was very well executed.
Day 5 Chapter 15
[X] Plan Archer's A Charming Guy (part 2)

Before her brain had registered that she was being attacked, Kirika had been rammed through the roof by the orange-haired girl. She hit the floor, hard, wincing as she crashed into a piece of rubble dangerously close to where her Soul Gem sat on her back. Maki Kaoru, landing beside her, quickly turned and delivered a powerful kick to Kirika's side, sending her flying into the wall.

"So, you're one of those two little murderers, right?" Kaoru asked. "How's it feel, knowing that the shoe's on the other foot now?"

"It'd feel better if the shoe actually fit, 'cause you're seriously out of date with that accusation" Kirika replied as she pulled herself up, readying both her claws and her body for her opponent to charge again. "I haven't killed anyone in eighteen months. If I did, Oriko'd be really mad at me."

"Would she now?"

"She's my everything," Kirika replied. "I'd hate to disappoint her." Kirika swung her claws as she charged forward, but Kaoru made no effort to dodge her blows, only crossing her arms in front of her face. Kirika's claws sliced cleanly through the fabric of her opponent's clothes, but shattered the instant they struck the flesh underneath. Or what passed for flesh, that is. "What?" Kirika tried again, and again, calling on her claws and striking at her opponent three more times in rapid succession, but each time she tried her claws were broken when they struck Kaoru's arms.

With her opponent's sleeves torn to shreds, Kirika could now see what was going on. The skin on Kaoru's arms was completely smooth and black, like a piece of obsidian. "You done yet?" Kaoru asked as the skin of her legs turned the same glossy black colour as her arms. "Then it's my turn." Her single kick was easy to avoid, her punch easy to block; but even the passing of Kaoru's leg was enough to knock the wind out of Kirika's lungs, and her punch easily shattered Kirika's arm.

"Guess it's time to get serious, then," Kirika said, wincing as she forced her broken arm into a fighting posture. "Time Alter: Double Accel!"

Kirika leaped forward, using the force of her own body's acceleration as a projectile weapon against her opponent as she drew another set of claws. Her claws still shattered against Kaoru's blackened skin, but this time the force of her kicks moving at two-times speed was enough to send the orange-haired girl flying. Kaoru crashed into the wall with enough force to leave a crater, and had to quickly pull herself to safety as Kirika struck, her claws embedding themselves in the wall. Kaoru retaliated with another kick, but Kirika released her hold on her claws, performing a backflip up the wall to avoid the attack, before dropping with her legs spread open. With one swift motion, she caught the orange-haired girl's head between her thighs, twisting her body around as the two of them fell to ensure a clean blow to Kaoru's immobilised head. That was finally enough to draw blood.

"You're almost as fast as Saki," Kaoru said as she pulled herself up, wiping away the blood running down the side of her face. "That's good; means you might actually be a challenge!"

"You're wrong," Kirika said, tensing her body to pounce as soon as she declared "I'm faster. Time Alter: Triple Accel!"

Kaoru ducked, attempting to strike with a rolling kick while Kirika was still airborne, but Kirika was faster. Wheeling her body around in midair, Kirika retaliated with a kick of her own. Only Kaoru's timely raising of her arm prevented the kick from liquefying her head, but Kirika had already kicked off of Kaoru's arm before she could counter. The pair grappled as Kirika rebounded into her opponent, with Kirika again drawing blood when she headbutted Kaoru, before sending her flying with a three-times-speed kick to the chest. "I'll be taking your Soul Gem now!" Kirika proclaimed as she charged towards Kaoru at three-times speed, only to be interrupted as the wall beside her was blown to pieces.

Two dueling servants came crashing through the wall just as Kaoru picked herself up off the ground. The two Berserkers were opposites in every way; one, a male with dark hair and black armour; the other, a female with bright hair and white cloth. Their weapons were a blur as they fought, neither shield nor sword, nor whatever the male Berserker was holding - for the weapon appeared to change its shape with every swing, attempting to find purchase where the female Berserker would allow for none - finding their opening to harm the enemy. The ground under their feet shattered as they fought, and the entire building shook as its foundations gave way to the rage of the clashing servants of madness.

"Berserker!" Both Kirika and Kaoru shouted to their servants in unison, sparing only a moment from their own battle to look at one another as they both called out to the same servant.

The female Berserker was the first to break their stalemate. When the chance presented itself, she spun her entire body around, using her long cape like a combination of whip and shield to break through the flurry of blows coming from the male Berserker. Her attack forced him to duck, but that only brought him in range of a punishing blow from her leg. The male Berserker tossed his weapon into the air as he flew, repositioning himself to land on his hands in order to deliver a series of punishing kicks when the female Berserker attempted to close the gap during his flight. His weapon came down in the form of a hammer, crashing against her raised shield as he quickly retrieved it, renewing the onslaught.

"Kick her ass, Berserker!"

"Don't let him beat you, Berserker!"

The female Berserker spun again, once more using her cape as a weapon, but this time the male Berserker was prepared. He parried her blows, before breaking his weapon into two smaller swords, striking through her defenses once, twice, before rejoining them into a single weapon to strike thrice. The female Berserker was thrown, back through the wall, and for a brief moment it looked as though the male Berserker would join his master in the fight against her orange-haired opponent; until the female Berserker - bloodied, but not yet broken - dove back into the fight again, tackling the male Berserker and crashing their bodies through the opposite wall.

Without wasting a beat, Kaoru lunged as soon as the coast was clear of their rampaging servants, but Kirika ducked. She grabbed the orange-haired girl's outstretched arm and used it as leverage to fling her opponent across the empty room. Crashing into the wall, the orange-haired girl disappeared from Kirika's field of view for an instant, before reappearing behind her.

"Got you!" Kirika cried, wheeling her entire body around as she drew her claws. "I wonder how much it'd hurt if I stuck these claws right through your face-!" Her claws penetrated, but they penetrated the air, and not the face of her opponent. "What?" Standing by the wall where she knew she had kicked the orange-haired girl into, Kirika could now see another girl, except this one had long blue hair, and was holding an open book in her hands. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment Kirika could see her own amber eyes reflecting in the sheen of the other girl's glasses. Then, the sound of cracking glass filled her ears, and she wheeled around in time to see the orange-haired girl's fist breaking through one of Oriko's barriers. It took only a fraction of a second more for her hand to punch through the barrier, and both her and her opponent's eyes went wide as Kirika felt something penetrate through her intestines, before her body lost all feeling below the waist.

"Kirika!" That was Oriko's voice... Oriko's gotten a lot taller lately, Kirika thought; and the ground's gotten a lot closer, too.

Oriko looked down at Kirika, who was splayed out on the ground with a fist-sized hole going clean through her body; then she looked at the pair of girls who stood over Kirika. An army of drones formed behind Oriko, each one thrumming with mana. "Oriko..." Kirika barely managed to sputter out the name. "Be careful, they... The orange one's skin is like diamonds; I couldn't put a scratch on her."

"Is that so?" Oriko asked. Her eyes narrowed, and her drones formed into a pair of long barrelled lattices. "Then I'll just have to hit her with something that can."

"You might want to reconsider attacking me right now," Kaoru said. "Wouldn't want to hit this, would you?" In Kaoru's hand, her blackened fingers slick with blood, was a bright orange diamond. "So, what's it going to be? Revenge, or reason?"

Just then, snow fell down from the sky, passing through the hole Kaoru had made when she tackled Kirika into the building. Snow in October was unusual in Japan, and the falling white flakes caught the attentions of Oriko, Kaoru, and Umika. No, it wasn't snow at all... At the snowflakes came to land, it quickly became apparent that they were not snowflakes at all, but white lily petals. "Oriko... Tell me I'm dreaming, and this is all just a really weird metaphor for how in love with you I am..."

"I'm sorry, dearest, but this isn't a dream," Oriko replied. An urgent signal pierced through her mind, and she saw what those fallen white lilies really were. "You said I had two options," Oriko said, turning to Kaoru, the drones comprising her lattices glowing white-hot as they readied their charge. "Well, I just thought of a third option. You won't die, of course, but I can guarantee you won't like it."​
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So interesting thing I noted on rereading:

Then, the sound of cracking glass filled her ears, and she wheeled around in time to see the orange-haired girl's fist breaking through one of Oriko's barriers. It took only a fraction of a second more for her hand to punch through the barrier, and both her and her opponent's eyes went wide as Kirika felt something penetrate through her intestines, before her body lost all feeling below the waist.

Kaoru wasn't expecting to actually hit Kirika with that blow. OR at the very least didn't think, if it did hit, that it would do that much damage.
Day 5 Chapter 16
[X] Plan Archer's A Charming Guy (part 3)

The opening shot was fired by Mami, her muskets firing in sequence one by one on the girl who was her opponent. Wakaba MIrai had made straight for Kyouko, so that left Mami with the black-haired girl, the one who looked like Kazusa Michiru but wasn't. In the brief second between when Mami's muskets were discarded and when her new volley was ready, Kazumi charged, swinging wide with the long black weapon in her hands. It wasn't quite a spear - more like a staff with the arms of a cross near the head - and it came down like a hammer. The roof splintered from its blow as Mami jumped out of the way. "Sorry!" Kazumi shouted, as Mami landed on the roof of the building next door. "I promise this'll go a lot smoother if you just stand still!"

"How curious," Mami said, calling on another volley of muskets, which opened fire as soon as they were ready. "Are you concerned about the collateral damage, or about me?"

"Yes!" Kazumi swung her staff around, catching Mami in the stomach. Despite the crunch that resounded as the staff crashed into Mami's ribs, it was Kazumi who was wincing the harder of the two from that attack. "I don't want to hurt you! I just don't want you to hurt my friends!"


Kyouko turned her head as the impact of Kazumi's attack echoed, but her moment of distraction was enough for Mirai to take the lead, dealing a punishing blow to Kyouko as she yelled "Keep your eyes on me, moron!"

"I'm fine, Sakura-san," Mami said as she scrambled to her feet. Her breathing was harsh - that attack had definitely broken at least one rib, she was sure of it - but she wasn't about to let a few broken ribs slow her down. "Keep your eyes on your own battle!" It wasn't as though she was missing her shots; each one had found their mark on the black-haired girl. But like the other girl Mami had shot at, the black-haired girl's body kept regenerating with every shot Mami took.

Mami called on another musket, but Kazumi swing her staff, knocking the weapon's shot far off into the distance. But at this close a range... Ribbons wrapped themselves around Mami's leg to form a turbine-powered greave, and with a cry of "Turbina Dinamo!" she kicked, sending Kazumi flying high into the air. With her opponent airborne, Mami opened fire, but rather than letting her body absorb the hits, Kazumi swung her staff in a wide arc, blocking each bullet in sequence before landing, and charging Mami with her staff. A ring of muskets formed around Mami as the two dueled, muskets firing in sequence as Kazumi blocked or tanked each shot made on her.

On the building beside them, Rider clashed spears with the enemy Lancer. Rider was faster on foot than his opponent, but she was far and away more flexible, more fluid, able to bend her body to avoid his strikes in ways he had never seen before, save perhaps from his master and her allies. Rider struck with all his speed, but the enemy Lancer gave him no opening to exploit that speed; and unlike him, she wasn't limited to just the one spear. As soon as he had struck, her fingers traced the Tiwaz rune, and she called down another three spears to prevent him from reaching her. She wasn't so much throwing her spears as she was launching them, as Caster might with swords from his Gate of Babylon. Rider parried with his shield, but spears found their way around to his backside. Rider spun around, taking the hit but preventing the spears from penetrating his heel. She really was able to harm him, huh?

Crimson bullets soared over the battlefield, homing in on the enemy Lancer, but with little more effort than the wave of her spear each of his shots was knocked aside. Without missing a beat, she swatted Archer's arrows from the sky one by one, all the while weaving in and out of Rider's strikes as though it were nothing to her. The enemy's Saber and Rider had yet to show themselves, but with Archer off providing fire support, Saber guarding the otherwise-useless master of Assassin, and Rider and Berserker being kept busy with their own battles, Rider didn't know if their team could even handle those opponents appearing. Spears clashed, and Rider brought around his shield to bash the enemy Lancer's face in. Instead, she used his shield as a springboard, leaping high into the air and avoiding the next thrust of his spear, before tracing the Tiwaz rune once again and calling on spears of her own to rain down. Their bodies were a blur of colours as they clashed, spear and shield and spear in constant flux.

Mami had no trouble ignoring the fight between Rider and the enemy Lancer, but Kazumi made the mistake of diverting her eyes for just a moment to watch the clash of spears between her servant and her enemy's; in that moment, Mami struck. A volley of musket-fire overwhelmed Kazumi, a swift kick disarmed her of her spear, and a flick of Mami's wrist called forth a trail of ribbons marked with crimson Berkano runes along their length. In seconds, Mami had Kazumi immobilised within her ribbons. The black-haired girl struggled against the bindings, but the Berkano-laced ribbons were too strong for her to break free of.

"I'm terribly sorry about this, dear," Mami said to Kazumi, reaching for the crimson bauble hanging from her right ear. "This will only hurt for a moment." Mami tugged, ripping the Soul Gem from Kazumi's ear. Mami didn't smile as her eyes locked on the thin trail of crimson trickling down Kazumi's earlobe, but as long as her opponent wasn't going anywhere, she felt comfortable pocketing the Soul Gem.

"G̸i̷v̵e̵ ̶t̴h̸a̸t̶ ̷b̵a̸c̵k̷.̵.̶.̴" Kazumi growled, struggling even harder against her bindings. "G̷̥͓͝i̴͉̇v̷̝͊͗ę̶̝̏͠ ̸̯͍̀̆ḭ̴̥̀͑t̷̟̍ ̸͖̖̅͋b̴̖̞̌ä̵͙̈́c̸̢̻̋k̸̢͕͑!̵̡̇̄" Before Mami could reinforce her bindings, Kazumi had ripped herself free, grabbing for her staff before leaping on top of Mami. "T̸͖͔̈́h̶͖̻͍͆̚a̵͖̣̅̾ṱ̸̊̈͠'̷̬̝̀̀ş̵͙̉͝ ̸̖̱̱͑̓̕m̵̢̋̾̎ḯ̸̟̖͘ń̷̘͖͇ḕ̶̡̲̚!̴̠̠̅͠ ̵̜̠̌G̵̢͍̊í̷͓̘v̶̡͕̼͑e̷̟̺̐͘ ̷͕͈͓̂i̴͈̾̆͂t̸͕̓ ̷̡̔͌̈́b̴̳̪̿̈̆͜a̷̘̗͒c̵͔̅͒k̶̳̞̝̀ ̶̺͆͂t̵͔̫́̂̈́o̷̗̜͑̆̑͜ ̷̛͕̏͘m̴̦̭͆e̷͔̮͑!̷̨̬͆" Kazumi's charge knocked Mami to the ground, pressing her staff tightly against Mami's chest to keep her pinned down. Wild mania filled Kazumi's eyes; she leaned in, biting down on Mami's ear. Sharp pain shot through the right side of Mami's head, and something wet stuck to her cheek and the side of her jaw. When Kazumi reared her head up, Mami could see a piece of her ear clenched tightly between Kazumi's bloodstained teeth.

Kazumi spat Mami's ear out and leaned in again, biting her neck this time. Mami felt Kazumi's teeth break the skin, but before she let the girl tear a chunk from her neck, she called on a volley of muskets, forcing Kazumi back and off of her as her guns expended their ammunition. She clamped her hand down on her neck, but that did little to staunch the bleeding, and left Mami with only one hand with which to fight back. It's not like she'd actually die if she bled out. Throwing caution to the wind in the name of finishing the fight quicker, Mami eschewed putting pressure on her neck wound and called on a volley of muskets for each hand.

Mami readied her guns to fire, as Kazumi brought her staff up. "L̸̙̦͆͝ĩ̸̙͍̟̈́̇m̸̭͓͈̿̓̈́̐ì̵̡̠̓ţ̸͔̱̝̐̈̚͝i̶̩̜͍͆̍̈́́ ̵̫͒͌͛Ȅ̶̝̽̀̇s̶̺͉̥̞̐̚-!̷̦́̆" Her screaming was unintelligible, but something strange happened in that moment; white flakes of snow, falling from the sky. No, those weren't snowflakes...

Petals of white drifted down from the sky; Archer's work, no doubt, Mami thought, paying the petals no mind. Her opponent, on the other hand...

Unlike Mami, Kazumi was completely enraptured by the falling petals, only somewhat snapping out of it once the novelty had worn off. The look of wild mania had yet to leave her eyes, but in the brief moment in which she was calm Mami did all she could, lashing Kazumi in several layers of Berkano-laced ribbons. "I'll have to remember to thank Archer for the assistance when this is all over," Mami said, stifling a grimace as her injured ear and neck throbbed with pain. The side of her face and much of her shirt were stained a deep crimson, but she didn't have the luxury of paying any mind to her appearance at the moment. This was- "Ooh-" Mami caught herself as her body listed; she couldn't afford to go falling unconscious in the middle of a fight. "Now, what to do about you...?"


Watching Assassin's sister deflect your arrows as though they aren't even worth her time is really grating on your nerves. First, there's the fact that Scáthach shouldn't even be possible to summon as a servant. Second, even though her sister would be the first choice to fight her, there's the slight Geis problem that prevents just that from happening. Third, the second problem means your team is down one servant when it comes to countering Scáthach in the future; and by the look of things, you're going to need a servant who can counter her. You feel a phantom pain in your heart as you gaze upon the spear in her hand; it's another Gáe Bolg, no doubt about it; and for some reason, she has the ability to make multiple copies of it.

You can see Homura, doing you proud as she uses the skills you taught her to keep the leader of the Pleiades Saints at bay. So far, the enemy's Saber hasn't shown himself; that's good, and it problably won't change until Homura goes in for the kill - or for her Soul Gem, as the case may be - so hopefully you've still got time before you have to worry about Sigurd appearing. Oriko had been supporting Homura as well, for a time, until she suddenly rushed off towards the hole the orange-haired girl had tackled Kirika into. Speaking of Kirika, you can see her and the orange girl tangling through one of the holes their Berserkers have made in the course of their own fight. Berserker was right; Kirika really has been improving. She's gotten some good hits in, but so far nothing she's done has gotten though the black armour the orange-haired girl's skin is covered in.

Meanwhile, Kyouko and the master of the enemy's Rider are going at it - again - and thankfully the enemy Rider hasn't made an appearance either. That's good.

That's not good.
Your eyes widen as you see Kirika suddenly freeze up, moments before the orange-haired girl blows through one of Oriko's barriers; and straight through Kirika's chest. That's your daughter. That's Homura's Big Sis and Minako's little Halloween pumpkin; and now there's a hole through her chest. Your hands clench; and if that weren't bad enough you see Kazusa Michiru - or whoever it is that looks like her - has seemingly gone berserk and, after tackling Tomoe to the ground, is attempting to eat her like a feral Dead Apostle.

Things have taken a turn for the worse in no time at all, and you'd be damned if you don't do anything to save your eldest daughter and her teammate. "Trace, on!" You've got in mind a certain weapon for this; you hope it works. It has to work. You envision the sword of Chevalier d'Eon, working the Projection into your preferred form which you nock upon your bowstring. You're sure the morning news will have something to say about this.

"Fleur de Lys!"

You turn your head just as a million white lily petals fall from the sky, burning their beauty into your vision just long enough for it to matter. "What was that?" Asami saki asks.

"That was probably our Archer," you say. "I'm not sure what all of that was about, but I trust Archer not to do something like that without a reason."

"Uh-huh." Asami Saki nods; strange; you two should be fighting right now, shouldn't you?

You're glad you aren't fighting when an urgent message reaches your mind's ear. "Akemi-san, there's two girls down here with Kirika and I," you hear Oriko's voice saying from inside your head. So that was why she dove after Kirika earlier. Does that mean something's happened to Kirika? "They... They've got Kirika's Soul Gem, and she's too badly injured to move on her own."

Oh, fuck.
This is just what you needed to hear, that the Saints have one of your team's Soul Gems in their possession; and it's the one belonging to your Big Sis, too. Mom is going to kill you if she finds out.

"How about we make a deal," Asami Saki says. A deal? Wasn't this the girl who just a few nights ago was talking about this being a war of extermination? "By now, I'm sure you've heard that your little serial killer friend is currently without a Soul Gem, no? Well, one of ours is currently without a Soul Gem as well. So, let's make a trade. Hers, for Kazumi's; how does that sound?"

[ ] Accept the deal
-[ ] and leave Asunaro
--[ ] What do you do after returning home? (write-in)
-[ ] but keep fighting
--[ ] What's the plan if you decide to keep fighting? (write-in)
[ ] Reject the deal
-[ ] What do you counter with? (write-in)​
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[X] Accept the deal
-[X] And leave Asunaro
--[X] If they do not honor it, have everyone capable blow this place to high hell with no concern for collateral. If they want to mess around, then we'll give them the Mt. Hiei treatment.
--[X] Before leaving, ask if they even know why Kirika and Oriko killed in the first place, and if they believe that a bad person can turn a new leaf. If they're just relying on Kyubey for information, then honestly they deserve sympathy for not figuring out what he's like yet.

It's a good enough deal. But honestly, if they don't honor it, then they should know that trying to kill someone on information gained from a bad informant and then proceeding to screw them over is not only immoral, but a bad idea.
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So @SVS, I'm confused, did you just completely ignore Archer's portion of the vote during all the fighting? Heck, he was supposed to do something at the very beginning of the battle that probably could have turned the tide in Kirika's battle - preventing her Soul Gem from being stolen - as well as pacifying Kazumi (Fleur de Lys). I was hoping the reason for it not happening was due to you waiting for a perfect narrative time to do so while still abiding by the vote, but apparently not? :confused:
So @SVS, I'm confused, did you just completely ignore Archer's portion of the vote during all the fighting? Heck, he was supposed to do something at the very beginning of the battle that probably could have turned the tide in Kirika's battle - preventing her Soul Gem from being stolen - as well as pacifying Kazumi (Fleur de Lys). I was hoping the reason for it not happening was due to you waiting for a perfect narrative time to do so while still abiding by the vote, but apparently not?
I couldn't make it fit. I gave a passing mention to Archer shooting at stuff somewhere, but every time I'd ask myself "Okay, can I fit in Archer doing something here?" I just kept coming up empty. I already had a dozen other things you wanted me to work in, some being a lot harder than others to work with. My brain didn't even want to address Lancelot versus Boudica or Achilles versus Scat because I just could not think of a good way to make their battle scenes flow well into the rest of what I was doing.

But sure, let's go. I don't know when I'll have anything to show for trying to cram Archer in there somewhere, but I'm already pissed off enough at everything that's happened to me today. What's one more thing going to hurt?
I couldn't make it fit. I gave a passing mention to Archer shooting at stuff somewhere, but every time I'd ask myself "Okay, can I fit in Archer doing something here?" I just kept coming up empty. I already had a dozen other things you wanted me to work in, some being a lot harder than others to work with. My brain didn't even want to address Lancelot versus Boudica or Achilles versus Scat because I just could not think of a good way to make their battle scenes flow well into the rest of what I was doing.

But sure, let's go. I don't know when I'll have anything to show for trying to cram Archer in there somewhere, but I'm already pissed off enough at everything that's happened to me today. What's one more thing going to hurt?
Uh, sorry if I upset you, didn't realize you were having a bad day. :(

Maybe take a bit of a break before doing anything (or nothing)? Unless writing helps you de-stress or something, which it might for all I know. Sorry again for stressing you out, I know that you have to juggle a lot of different variables here. Gonna put some invisitext below that you could ignore if you want - just a suggestion without having to rewrite everything, but I understand if you don't want to deal with it right now.

Archer's role was very important in order to prevent the Saints from curbstomping the Quintet and their Servants by charming those that could be charmed (high Magic Resistance could probably shrug off most of it's charm effects due to it's NP rank, but it would definitely charm all the enemy Puella Magi barring special circumstances like a Wish) and debuffing their physical parameters to allow the Quintet an advantage to match the disadvantage of facing unknown enemies and variables.

A perfect point for Archer to launch the NP from his perspective would be just after Mami rage-boosts Kazumi (and while Kirika gets maimed again) instead of the Homura-Asami exchange.
Maybe take a bit of a break before doing anything (or nothing)? Unless writing helps you de-stress or something, which it might for all I know. Sorry again for stressing you out, I know that you have to juggle a lot of different variables here. Gonna put some invisitext below that you could ignore if you want - just a suggestion without having to rewrite everything, but I understand if you don't want to deal with it right now.
Well if I leave it, it's just going to keep pissing me off until it gets done, isn't it?

I don't think you really see how troublesome having to address Archer hitting each of the Saints is going to be for me- I have to, quite literally, redo every piece of combat interaction, bar a few, because now I have to take into account what his debuffs are doing to them. So no, your suggestion is not really helpful because it's not really applicable to reality, especially if you want me applying it to the Kirika vs Kaoru fight - a fight which, may I remind you, is happening inside of a building? Archer only has one chance to hit Kaoru, and if he hits her before the fight starts that's going to change that entire update unless I decide to ignore it.

But really, if you didn't want me to have to rewrite everything, maybe you should have said that before I deleted the previous three updates.
I'll level with you, having to write this fight has pissed me off in a way I don't think any part of the previous quest ever did. It's put me in a really bad mood, and if I have to sit here and stare at this shit my fingers have coughed up I'm liable to just kill a character or two and leave it at that, fuck you, no do-overs. I don't want to, but that's how frustrated this is making me, and letting it sit for a few days won't make it any better, because it'll still be there waiting for me whenever I decide to come back, and those would have been days we could have, you know, actually been moving things forward. Which is what I wish we had been doing instead of sitting around waiting for me to finish writing something that apparently wasn't good enough.

Wally was a very close second, and in fact we were actually supposed to get the Bad End during that fight. The first time Wally fired the World Destructor, the players voted to defend, which I had marked as an insta-game-loss because we didn't have anything that could defend against the World Destructor. I only changed my mind at the last second, but the truth is the Wally fight was so frustrating that I really did come that close to ending the quest right then and there. I don't like being this frustrated about something that I should, in theory, want to write, but when I feel like I'm being forced to write it sucks all the enjoyment out of it.
I don't think you really see how troublesome having to address Archer hitting each of the Saints is going to be for me- I have to, quite literally, redo every piece of combat interaction, bar a few, because now I have to take into account what his debuffs are doing to them. So no, your suggestion is not really helpful because it's not really applicable to reality, especially if you want me applying it to the Kirika vs Kaoru fight - a fight which, may I remind you, is happening inside of a building? Archer only has one chance to hit Kaoru, and if he hits her before the fight starts that's going to change that entire update unless I decide to ignore it.
Actually, it kinda is really easily slottable into that moment. Fleur de Lys rains rains down upon it's opponents, and by launching it as an arrow Archer could cover a lot of ground - including through the holes of buildings as there were two Berserkers fighting in it.
But really, if you didn't want me to have to rewrite everything, maybe you should have said that before I deleted the previous three updates.
Wait what?! O.O
I'll level with you, having to write this fight has pissed me off in a way I don't think any part of the previous quest ever did. It's put me in a really bad mood, and if I have to sit here and stare at this shit my fingers have coughed up I'm liable to just kill a character or two and leave it at that, fuck you, no do-overs. I don't want to, but that's how frustrated this is making me, and letting it sit for a few days won't make it any better, because it'll still be there waiting for me whenever I decide to come back, and those would have been days we could have, you know, actually been moving things forward. Which is what I wish we had been doing instead of sitting around waiting for me to finish writing something that apparently wasn't good enough.
I actually really enjoyed all three of the updates, barring only the small final part of the third. I thought you did a great job with the fight scenes thus far, as well as the dialogue between the characters during the fight scenes. It certainly wasn't "[not] good enough".
Actually, it kinda is really easily slottable into that moment. Fleur de Lys rains rains down upon it's opponents, and by launching it as an arrow Archer could cover a lot of ground - including through the holes of buildings as there were two Berserkers fighting in it.
Okay, what the hell does this thing actually do then? At first you made it seem like Archer was shooting it like he does one of his regular Projections, now you're saying it rains down on opponents, and the wiki makes it look like Archer is just shooting them with flowers. What the hell does this thing actually do?
Why would I keep them up and give you guys the wrong impression about what's happening? Why would I keep them up if I have to go back and change literally everything about the combat choreography to account for Archer debuffing the Saints?
I actually really enjoyed all three of the updates, barring only the small final part of the third. I thought you did a great job with the fight scenes thus far, as well as the dialogue between the characters during the fight scenes. It certainly wasn't "[not] good enough".
Congratu-fucking-lations, then, because you enjoyed them more than I did.
Okay, what the hell does this thing actually do then? At first you made it seem like Archer was shooting it like he does one of his regular Projections, now you're saying it rains down on opponents, and the wiki makes it look like Archer is just shooting them with flowers. What the hell does this thing actually do?
It would literally just drop flowers or whatever from the bladerrow as it's being fired, dropping off the projectile as it's traveling across whatever trajectory Archer puts it on. That's why I specified having it being fired over the Saints' position rather than at them (now if it were broken, that'd be different... probably).

You have only a brief moment to confirm the identity of the two unknown servants before they spring out and attack; they are both woman, with the darker-garbed of the pair being the one you guess is Lancer. She wears a dark, skintight bodysuit decorated in black and gold, and as she charges forward with two spears, the brilliant ruby hanging over her brow gleams as it catches the nonexistent moonlight. It reminds you of a Soul Gem. Her face is uncomfortably familiar - is that Assassin? - though framed by hair of a slightly redder shade than that belonging to Nurse Ortensia's Assassin. That can't possibly be Assassin, you think, as you scan the enemy servant with your master's vision.
Strength - B
Endurance - B
Agility - A
Mana - C
Luck - D
Noble Phantasm - A+
Magic Resistance - A
God Slayer - B
Hero Creation - A
Item Construction (Spear) - C
Primordial Rune -
W̸̪͝i̴̙͋͠s̴͎̺̪̞̑d̷̹̲̣̏͑o̴̡̓m̴̺̯̬̓͝͝ ̸̨̟̰̤͘o̸̱̗͇̓͑̿̚f̸̝̯̩̾ ̵͔̹͕̔̂ͅD̸̨̰̘̅̒̈ú̵̄͒̀̈́͜ň̵͎͚ ̸̭̠̙̘̓S̸̹̅͜͠c̵̪̱̆̑͜á̸̮̪́̋̓i̴̛̲͌t̴̡̹̋h̶͇̆͠ ̶̞̬̙̳̒̉̃̕-̴̩̄̿ ̷̧̼̻̠͊͒̑͠A̴̖̘͍͆̓̐͒+̷̱̟̖̓̂
Gáe Bolg: Soaring Spear of Piercing Death - B+
The cursed spear of Cú Chulainn, which originally belonged to another, has returned to its original owner's possession. Carved from the bones of the great beast Curruid by the warrior-woman Scáthach, the Gáe Bolg is a weapon whose strike is sure to pierce the heart of its opponent when thrust. However, when thrown from the foot, the Gáe Bolg soars with enough force to break the back of an entire army. A powerful, two-in-one spear that combines both abilities into a single Noble Phantasm.

Ǵ̷̪̺͔͇̍̈̀̇̐̒̃͒͛͗̚͜͝͠ą̷̨̧̧͙̘͇̥̮̫̮̥̤̪̘͐̈́̀͋͘͠t̶̜̥̘̥̟̬͈̭͗̿̈́ͅę̸̨̡̛̛̮̬̰̞͖͕̃̍̐͐͐͛͊̀̃̋̈́̓͝ ̵̞͕̰̓͆̂̂̏͛̅̿͗͛̚͠ǫ̶͇̟̭̯͙̦͓̦̟̬͉͍̘̆ͅf̵̢̭̹̖̦̉̈́̄̑͜ͅ ̶̡̜̼̮̭̗̠͖̭͇͍̲̻̣͍̎͋̋̑̕͠Ṣ̷̨̣̪̠̦̗͎̮̌k̶̛̬̑̑̎̽̈́̋y̸̡̢̡̛͓̪͓̩̮͓̱̗̘͇͇̽͐̈̅̍̏̅ẽ̵̖͚̬͇̯͍̤̓̌͌̃̋̾̈̈́̊͘ ̵͙̦̇̽͌̔́-̵̰̂̔͂́͘ ̶̰͇̪̮͚͖̻̩̳͉̰͕̲͙̄̒͌͂͊͝ͅÄ̴̜̤̜͑̑͂͑͂̈́̔̌̕͠͠͠͠+̶̡̪͕̞͙̫̙͈̭̞͕̹̱̏̑̚
Ï̵̜̪̳̳̃̾͊ ̵͚̘̼̦̭̭̦̻̰̈́͌̑̕͜w̶̢͚͍̼̜̍͋͌̿̊̓͌̈́̊̋̊̽͝î̴̡̠̙ḽ̴̖̦̈͆̊́̑͒̚͠ļ̶̙̯̱̞͆̉̏̓̉͗̑͌͑͐͝ ̵̩̤͙̬̃̃̽̅͊̌̈́͛͒͊͘̕͝n̸͔͉̹͐̔̑̔̿͒͝o̶̡͙̪͌̍̅̈́̕ͅṱ̷̛̮͖̅̀̓͋̋̽̎̍͛͝ ̷̨͎̫͖̪̩̱̘̔͂́̑̿̈́̕͘͜g̷̰͎̱̲̓̔͜͝ȓ̶̙̗̜̫̣͉͖̬̰̪̆͑̽̓͝o̵̘̎́ẁ̶̨͔̺͙̤̟͓̦̫̥̥̻ ̵̘̥͎̖̤̪̥̣̆̓̌̆͆̃͗̈̽͊̄́͋o̴̢̟̻͚̲̹̠̖̺̱̬̲̦͐͐̾̈̉͜l̵̡̙̭̤̯̥̰̲͖̰̈̊̀̉͑d̴̨͙̹̠̯͍̦͈͍̺̲̹͎͍͊̐̆̊̀̉͜͝.̴̧̙̮͙̦̞͈͖͉̫͇̹̬͌̈́̀̅ ̷̠͉̳̣̠̻̪̗͎̑̈́̾͠I̸͎͍͍̟̥̹͚̹̖̽̆̃̽ ̴̧͚̙̹͖̻̤͕̠̞̰͒̎̇̓̐̏ŵ̶̛̯̠̟̞͆͛̋̅͌̒͠i̴̡̲͓͕̠̗̺͇͖͍̘͌̒̈́͘l̴̛̫͉͎͚͎͖̜̠̏͒͂͐̊̀̆̏̚͝͠͝l̷̻͚̠̯͖͓̜̞̫͔̇͘ͅ ̶̻͖͍̬̭̠̘̫͌̌̾͠n̶̼͛̌̀̓̓͗͝o̵̜͒̑͝t̸̡̧͍̻̤̭͍͎̪̞̥̝͕̀ ̵̡̡̢͖͍͙̱̱͙͚͍̰̱̈͗͑̈́͊̀́́͆͒̅̒͆͝d̷̡̉ḭ̷͓͕̪̻̪̗̊̊̾̌͘ͅè̸͓̼̖͓̖̰̣̦.̶̛̣̣̝̤̣͔͈̥̪͖̖͗̀̄̑̃̀̓̅̔͘͝͝ ̴̡̜̦̩͕͕̗͎̘͍̩̈́̌͋̑̍͊͒̆̓̿̈́̐̍͒̚I̸̬͖̟̬̯̞̖͐͂̽̽̆͐̇͘͝'̷̢̢͚͕̜̤̼͔̬́̂̓̊̇̐̈́̆̆̚͝͠ͅv̶̡̧̪͈͈̤͎̲̰̪̣̆́́̑̈́̓̈́̀̀̾͐̅̚̕͠é̷̹̹͓̖̠̥̰͍̯̼̬̣͑̓͛̈́̑̚̚͠ ̵̯̹̹̩̖̩̼͈̳̥̪͓͛̇̕c̷̨̢̧̰̪̹̪͙͙̗͂̓̈́͐͆͝ḩ̵̱̦̮͍̺̠͖̗̥̻̈́̈́̆͝ͅa̶̡̤̤̼̦͕͈̪̥͙̼̮̹͒̈͋̌̀ͅñ̵̹͉͓̈́̈ǧ̵̛̖̆́̀͐͗͛̈̽̾̆̿͝ę̵̠͚̠̃̏̐̏̂̒͝d̸̜̞͚͖̻̺̪̀͂̔̅͛͊̔̉͌̊̿̿̏͠ͅ ̸̝̰̄͌̐̀̎́̊̃̈́͗ͅi̷̡͇̼͕̹̥̘̼͇̺͚͔̤͛̑͜n̴̡̮̗̅̇͜ṭ̵̡̙̜̮̭̥̹͇͉͕͊̈́̌͐̕͝ơ̴̻̙̞͉̦͉͔̤͉̯̇̀ 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Your master's vision confirms that the enemy's Lancer is in fact not your own team's Assassin. You recall Assassin having a twin sister; this is most likely her. Her physical parameters are on the higher end of average - that, in and of itself, isn't enough to cause you worry - but her ability to slay the divine is worrisome, because it means she can bypass Rider's protection and potentially harm him. In addition, her final skill and her second Noble Phantasm leave you terrified. Why can you not read them? Attempting to do so is like staring at the witch-runes for far too long; or worse. You feel your mind going numb before you force yourself to pull away and focus on the battle in front of you.

Of course, your worst fears are confirmed when you see the enemy Lancer making for Rider.

The enemy's Berserker is tall, with long bright crimson hair blowing in every direction even without a breeze, and a sword and shield that gleam even without light. She wears white and red and leather armour of brown, and a fur-lined cape of white flows out behind her. You trust Berserker to have a handle on his opponent, but you still believe it pertinent to check on the enemy Berserker, in case she too has something off about her that might throw the battle against you.
Strength - B+
Endurance - B+
Agility - A+
Mana - D
Luck - C
Noble Phantasm - A+
Mad Enhancement - D++
Riding - C--
Affection of the War Goddess (Andraste) - A
Battle Fervor - EX
Charisma - B--
Esuprastus - B
Named after her husband and given to her by Andraste as a Sword of Selection, much like Gram and Caliburn. However, due to its significantly lesser fame, its power as a Noble Phantasm is lesser than those more famous swords. Rather than being classed as an anti-fortress, this Noble Phantasm might be better thought of as an anti-house.

Icenian Exemplar - B
Boudica's Chariot. Sealed with the activation of Affection of the War Goddess due to the forgoing of her Riding skill. When called upon, it actively shields all allies under Boudica's leadership. It's also as fast as Gordius Wheel, though it cannot fly like Gordius Wheel, meaning that it can be used offensively and for travel but has limited maneuverability.

Thrice-fold Victory -A+
A manifestation of Boudica's three major wins, followed by a pathetic defeat to an army only a tenth the size of her own. Upon each battle, a + parameter is applied to each of Boudica's stats, up to two applied on the third battle. Using However, this causes her to undergo severe rank-downs upon the fourth battle, after which Thrice-fold Victory will be reset.​
The enemy's Berserker leaves you completely stupefied. Her physical parameters are all on the higher end, matching those of your own Berserker, except all of them have an additional modifier attached to them. Her skills are similarly on the high, and she possesses three Noble Phantasms. As she clashes blades with Berserker, her mental faculties appear to be similar to his; she doesn't appear to be affected by the Mad Enhancement you had expected would plague a Berserker. In fact, she seems as competent as Kirika's Berserker, if not demonstratively outmatched in terms of the versatility of their current weapons. A shield and sword can only get you so far against an opponent whose weapon can be anything.

Something white bursts over your head. Is that snow? you ask yourself. No, it's... Flowers? What the hell? "Thought these might come in handy," Archer says.

"Yes, the bouquet was a nice distraction. Now if only Oriko or Kirika were able to catch it, we'd be all set."

Your sister and her lover are not, in fact, able to catch Archer's bouquet; they've got their own battles to worry about, and you have yours. Maybe some other time. Tomoe-san and Kyouko break off to focus on Wakaba Mirai and the girl who looks like Kazusa Michiru, and as soon as you take your eyes off Kirika the orange-haired girl has pile-driven her through the roof, leaving only you and Oriko to deal with Asami Saki. You know Oriko doesn't have the footwork to keep up with someone as fast as Asami Saki, so that just leaves you. "Well, that was a whole lot of nothing" Asami Saki says to you, as electricity writhes around her arms. "If some pretty flowers are the best your team can do, then maybe it would just be smarter if you surrendered right now."

"No thanks," you say, drawing your bow and readying a flight of arrows. "The flowers might look stupid, but I'll trust my father to know what he's doing; he and my teammates."

You loose, arrows of ice soaring not to where Asami Saki is, but where you think she will be. You aren't trying to seriously harm her; if you do that, her Saber who has yet to make an appearance may decide to step in and fight, so as long as you can immobilise without grievously harming Asami Saki, you'll be satisfied. You overshoot, freezing a wide patch farther out than where Asami Saki comes to a stop. She's not moving as fast as before; you notice. Her lightning whips lash out at you, but Oriko throws up a barrier between you and Asami Saki's attack, breaking it immediately to retaliate with a barrage of mana bolts from her drones. Asami Saki is unable to dodge, and Oriko's barrage tears her to shreds.

Unfortunately for you, it would appear that Asami Saki also has the regenerative abilities you've heard several of your teammates complain about, and once her wounds are healed she immediately bounds backwards to the building next to this one. Uttering "Trace on," under your breath, you course mana through your body to Reinforce your legs as you bound off in pursuit, with Oriko following not far behind. "Are you sure you should be following me?" you ask, as you loose another volley of arrows towards your opponent. What if someone else needs the help?"

"Nobody else is in immediate danger," Oriko replies, calling on a pair of barriers to herd Asami Saki into the path of your arrows' flight. "I should be able to help you for a little while, at least."

You'll trust Oriko to know best, and resume the attack. Asami Saki bounds off of Oriko's barriers, but is too slow to avoid having her limbs caught in the path of your arrows. Archer's flower show did something to her, didn't it? You attempt to close the gap - perhaps now that her legs are frozen, you'll be able to take her Soul Gem and put an end to things tonight - but your attempt was one ill-fated. Oriko's cry of "Fall back!" comes just a second too late, and your face is met with a flurry of punches from Asami Saki's electrified fists.

Asami Saki's punches hurt, but you quickly recover to loose another volley of arrows as you fall back. This time, Asami Saki is ready; the air around her heats up as she charges it with electricity, melting your arrows in flight and freeing her legs, just in time for her to be knocked back down again by a blast from Oriko. Asami Saki picks herself up, her legs crackling as they regenerate. "What the hell did you do to me?" she asks, struggling to stand and wincing every time she puts pressure on her legs. "It was that stupid Archer of yours, wasn't it? What did he do to me? Saber! Get your ass out here and kick their asses already?" When Saber refuses to show, Asami Saki turns her anger on Oriko, asking her "You're Lancer's master, right? What are you doing hiding him away? Scared Saber will beat her again? Scared she'll die?"

"At least Oriko cares about her servant. Can you say the sa-?"

Your words are cut off as the roof shakes. The entire building shakes, courtesy of the two dueling Berserker casually crashing one another through its walls at every opportunity. The orange-haired girl had done the same thing, pile-driving Kirika through the roof and into the building below; now, it would appear that the two Berserkers are alternatively attempting to either aide their master, impede the enemy master, or impede one another from either attempt. You won't take your eyes off the battle to check which Berserker is winning, but- "Kirika!" Oriko's eyes go wide, and she immediately turns tail and makes for the hole in the adjacent building's roof.

"I'm guessing something bad has happened to the little black one?" Asami Saki asks. "That would be such a shame, wouldn't it? After all those girls she's killed, wouldn't it be fitting for something bad to have finally happened to her?"

Oh, that does it. You don't waste any time bringing your bow up, loosing another volley of arrows towards Asami Saki. "You know, for someone in your position, you sure talk a lot more than you probably should."​
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Agh, I feel so bad for kickstarting all of this. Really didn't mean to make you feel like you had to go back and redo it all, SVS.
If I may be so bold, may I suggest scaling back to weekly updates rather than daily? It might allow you more room to plan out your chapters and won't stress you out as badly.

Before her brain had registered that she was being attacked, Kirika had been rammed through the roof by the orange-haired girl. She hit the floor, hard, wincing as she crashed into a piece of rubble dangerously close to where her Soul Gem sat on her back. Maki Kaoru, landing beside her, quickly turned and delivered a powerful kick to Kirika's side, sending her flying into the wall.

"So, you're one of those two little murderers, right?" Kaoru asked. "How's it feel, knowing that the shoe's on the other foot now?"

"It'd feel better if the shoe actually fit, 'cause you're seriously out of date with that accusation" Kirika replied as she pulled herself up, readying both her claws and her body for her opponent to charge again. "I haven't killed anyone in eighteen months. If I did, Oriko'd be really mad at me."

"Would she now?"

"She's my everything," Kirika replied. "I'd hate to disappoint her." Kirika swung her claws as she charged forward, but Kaoru made no effort to dodge her blows, only crossing her arms in front of her face. Kirika's claws sliced cleanly through the fabric of her opponent's clothes, but stopped just short of making a clean slice through her flesh. Or what passed for flesh, that is. "What?" Kirika tried again, and again, calling on her claws and striking at her opponent three more times in rapid succession, but each time she tried her claws always stopped short of a clean cut, embedding themselves in her enemy's arms without even slicing all the way through.

As Kaoru finished the job of tearing her sleeves to shreds in order to remove the embedded claws, Kirika could now see what was going on. Save for the gouges carved by her claws, the skin of Kaoru's arms was a smooth, glossy black, almost like obsidian. "You done yet?" Kaoru asked, as the skin of her legs turned the same glossy black colour as her arms. "Then it's my turn." Her single kick was easy to avoid, her punch easy to block; but even the passing of Kaoru's leg was enough to knock the wind out of Kirika's lungs, and her punch easily shattered Kirika's arm, sending black shards flying off her hand as her blow made contact with Kirika's arm.

"Guess it's time to get serious, then," Kirika said, wincing as she forced her broken arm into a fighting posture. "Time Alter: Double Accel!"

Kirika leaped forward, using the force of her own body's acceleration as a projectile weapon against her opponent as she drew another set of claws. Her claws still failed to cleave through Kaoru's blackened skin, but this time the force of her kicks moving at two-times speed was enough to send the orange-haired girl flying. Flecks of black scattered everywhere as Kaoru crashed into the wall with enough force to leave a crater, and had to quickly pull herself to safety as Kirika struck, her claws embedding themselves in the wall. Kaoru attempted to retaliated with another kick, but Kirika released her hold on her claws, performing a backflip up the wall to avoid the attack, before dropping with her legs spread open. With one swift motion, she caught the orange-haired girl's head between her thighs, twisting her body around as the two of them fell to ensure a clean blow to Kaoru's immobilised head. Counting the blood staining the wall from when Kaoru had impacted it earlier, that made twice now Kirika had drawn blood.

"Uh, shit" Kaoru said as she pulled herself up, wiping away the blood running down the side of her face, her arms crackling with orange energy as her glossy black skin repaired itself. "I swear, this doesn't usually happen."

"I'm sure it happens to a lot of girls your age," Kirika retorted, readying another set of claws. "Don't worry, I won't take it personally that you can't stay hard for me. You really aren't my type, anyway."

Kaoru snorted, and flexed her newly-repaired arm. "You know, you're almost as fast as Saki, but she's never able to land a hit on me like you can. This is going to be fun!"

"You're wrong," Kirika said, tensing her body to pounce as soon as she declared "I'm faster. Time Alter: Triple Accel!"

Kaoru ducked, attempting to strike with a rolling kick while Kirika was still airborne, but Kirika was indee faster. Wheeling her body around in midair, Kirika retaliated with a kick of her own. Only Kaoru's timely raising of her arm prevented the kick from liquefying her head, but Kirika had already kicked off of Kaoru's arm before she could counter. The pair grappled as Kirika rebounded into her opponent, with Kirika again drawing blood when she headbutted Kaoru, before sending her flying with a three-times-speed kick to the chest. The chest of her shirt was torn open from Kirika's kick, and the black coating over her skin was shredded, layers tearing away to reveal the muscles of her abdomen.

"I'll be taking your Soul Gem now!" Kirika proclaimed as she charged towards Kaoru at three-times speed, only to be interrupted as the wall beside her was blown to pieces.

Two dueling servants came crashing through the wall just as Kaoru picked herself up off the ground. The two Berserkers were opposites in every way; one, a male with dark hair and black armour; the other, a female with bright hair and white cloth. Their weapons were a blur as they fought, neither shield nor sword, nor whatever the male Berserker was holding - for the weapon appeared to change its shape with every swing, attempting to find purchase where the female Berserker would allow for none - finding their opening to harm the enemy. The ground under their feet shattered as they fought, and the entire building shook as its foundations gave way to the rage of the clashing servants of madness.

"Berserker!" Both Kirika and Kaoru shouted to their servants in unison, sparing only a moment from their own battle to look at one another as they both called out to the same servant.

The female Berserker was the first to break their stalemate. When the chance presented itself, she spun her entire body around, using her long cape like a combination of whip and shield to break through the flurry of blows coming from the male Berserker. Her attack forced him to duck, but that only brought him in range of a punishing blow from her leg. The male Berserker tossed his weapon into the air as he flew, repositioning himself to land on his hands in order to deliver a series of punishing kicks when the female Berserker attempted to close the gap during his flight. His weapon came down in the form of a hammer, crashing against her raised shield as he quickly retrieved it, renewing the onslaught.

"Kick her ass, Berserker!"

"Don't let him beat you, Berserker!"

The female Berserker spun again, once more using her cape as a weapon, but this time the male Berserker was prepared. He parried her blows, before breaking his weapon into two smaller swords, striking through her defenses once, twice, before rejoining them into a single weapon to strike thrice. The female Berserker was thrown, back through the wall, and for a brief moment it looked as though the male Berserker would join his master in the fight against her orange-haired opponent; until the female Berserker - bloodied, but not yet broken - dove back into the fight again, tackling the male Berserker and crashing their bodies through the opposite wall.

Without wasting a beat, Kaoru lunged as soon as the coast was clear of their rampaging servants, but Kirika ducked. She grabbed the orange-haired girl's outstretched arm and used it as leverage to fling her opponent across the empty room. Crashing into the wall, the orange-haired girl disappeared from Kirika's field of view for an instant, before reappearing behind her. "Got you!" Kirika cried, wheeling her entire body around as she drew her claws. "I wonder how much it'd hurt if I stuck these claws right through your face-!"

Her claws penetrated, but they penetrated the air, and not the face of her opponent. "What?" Standing by the wall where she knew she had kicked the orange-haired girl into, Kirika could now see another girl, except this one had long blue hair, and was holding an open book in her hands. Their eyes met, and for a brief moment Kirika could see her own amber eyes reflecting in the sheen of the other girl's glasses. Then, the sound of cracking glass filled her ears, and she wheeled around in time to see the orange-haired girl's fist breaking through one of Oriko's barriers. The black coating was cracked open as Kaoru's hand slammed into the barrier a second time, but it took only a fraction of a second more for her to punch clean through the barrier. Both her and her opponent's eyes went wide as Kirika felt something penetrate through her intestines, before her body lost all feeling below the waist. It had all happened so fast; Kirika wasn't sure if the blood coating Kaoru's hand had been there before the attack, or after.

"Kirika!" That was Oriko's voice... Oriko's gotten a lot taller lately, Kirika thought; and the ground's gotten a lot closer, too.

Oriko looked down at Kirika, who was splayed out on the ground with a fist-sized hole going clean through her body; then she looked at the pair of girls who stood over Kirika. An army of drones formed behind Oriko, each one thrumming with mana. "Oriko..." Kirika barely managed to sputter out the name. "I'm sorry. I... I can't feel my legs."

"Don't worry about a thing, dearest" Oriko said. Her eyes narrowed, and her drones formed into a pair of long barrelled lattices. "Give me just a moment to clean up around here, and I'll have you back on your feet in no time."

"You might want to reconsider attacking me right now," Kaoru said. "Wouldn't want to hit this, would you?" Kaoru's blackened hand was cracked, and the origin of the blood staining her hand was up for debate. What wasn't up for debate was the bright orange diamond she held. "So, what's it going to be? Revenge, or reason?"

Just then, an enormous explosion rocked the building, and a brilliant violet light set the sky ablaze.

Major character unlocked!
Misaki Umika is the master of Caster of Blue, though she's also something of a Caster herself. If Hijiri Kanna is to be believed, she is capable of altering, rewriting, or creating artificial memories from scratch. The quality of her work is up for debate, if Hijiri Kanna's memory problems are any indication, but even so, her skills should not be underestimated simply due to how dangerous they are.​
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The opening shot was fired by Mami, her muskets firing in sequence one by one on the girl who was her opponent. Wakaba MIrai had made straight for Kyouko, so that left Mami with the black-haired girl, the one who looked like Kazusa Michiru but wasn't. In the brief second between when Mami's muskets were discarded and when her new volley was ready, Kazumi charged, swinging wide with the long black weapon in her hands. It wasn't quite a spear - more like a staff with the arms of a cross near the head - and it came down like a hammer. The roof splintered from its blow as Mami jumped out of the way. "Sorry!" Kazumi shouted, as Mami landed on the roof of the building next door. "I promise this'll go a lot smoother if you just stand still!"

"How curious," Mami said, calling on another volley of muskets, which opened fire as soon as they were ready. "Are you concerned about the collateral damage, or about me?"

"Yes!" Kazumi swung her staff around, catching Mami in the stomach. Despite the crunch that resounded as the staff crashed into Mami's ribs, it was Kazumi who was wincing the harder of the two from that attack. "I don't want to hurt you! I just don't want you to hurt my friends!"


Kyouko turned her head as the impact of Kazumi's attack echoed, but her moment of distraction was enough for Mirai to take the lead, dealing a punishing blow to Kyouko as she yelled "Keep your eyes on me, moron!"

"I'm fine, Sakura-san," Mami said as she scrambled to her feet. Her breathing was harsh - that attack had definitely broken at least one rib, she was sure of it - but she wasn't about to let a few broken ribs slow her down. "Keep your eyes on your own battle!" It wasn't as though she was missing her shots; each one had found their mark on the black-haired girl. But like the other girl Mami had shot at, the black-haired girl's body kept regenerating with every shot Mami took.

Mami called on another musket, but Kazumi swing her staff, knocking the weapon's shot far off into the distance. But at this close a range... Ribbons wrapped themselves around Mami's leg to form a turbine-powered greave, and with a cry of "Turbina Dinamo!" she kicked, sending Kazumi flying high into the air. With her opponent airborne, Mami opened fire, but rather than letting her body absorb the hits, Kazumi swung her staff in a wide arc, blocking each bullet in sequence before landing, and charging Mami with her staff. A ring of muskets formed around Mami as the two dueled, muskets firing in sequence as Kazumi blocked or tanked each shot made on her.

On the building beside them, Rider clashed spears with the enemy Lancer. Rider was faster on foot than his opponent, but she was far and away more flexible, more fluid, able to bend her body to avoid his strikes in ways he had never seen before, save perhaps from his master and her allies. Rider struck with all his speed, but the enemy Lancer gave him no opening to exploit his speed; and unlike him, she wasn't limited to just the one spear. As soon as he had struck, her fingers traced the Tiwaz rune, and she called down another three spears to prevent him from reaching her. She wasn't so much throwing her spears as she was launching them, as Caster might with swords from Babylon. Rider parried with his shield, but spears found their way around to his backside. Rider spun around, taking the hit but preventing the spears from penetrating his heel. She really was able to harm him, huh?

Arrows from Archer, some kilometers off, soared overhead, striking who-knows-which enemies. The enemy's Saber and Rider had yet to show themselves, but with Archer off providing fire support, Saber guarding the otherwise-useless master of Assassin, and Rider and Berserker being kept busy with their own battles, Rider didn't know if their team could even handle those opponents appearing. Spears clashed, and Rider brought around his shield to bash the enemy Lancer's face in. Instead, she used his shield as a springboard, leaping high into the air and avoiding the next thrust of his spear, before tracing the Tiwaz rune once again and calling on spears of her own to rain down. Their bodies were a blur of colours as they clashed, spear and shield and spear in constant flux

Mami had no trouble ignoring the fight between Rider and the enemy Lancer, but Kazumi made the mistake of diverting her eyes for just a moment to watch the clash of spears between her servant and her enemy's; in that moment, Mami struck. A volley of musket-fire overwhelmed Kazumi, a swift kick disarmed her of her spear, and a flick of Mami's wrist called forth a trail of ribbons marked with crimson Berkano runes along their length. In seconds, Mami had Kazumi immobilised within her ribbons. The black-haired girl struggled against the bindings, but the Berkano-laced ribbons were too strong for her to break free of.

"I'm terribly sorry about this, dear," Mami said to Kazumi, reaching for the crimson bauble hanging from her right ear. "This will only hurt for a moment." Mami tugged, ripping the Soul Gem from Kazumi's ear. Mami didn't smile as her eyes locked on the thin trail of crimson trickling down Kazumi's earlobe, but as long as her opponent wasn't going anywhere, she felt comfortable pocketing the Soul Gem.

"G̸i̷v̵e̵ ̶t̴h̸a̸t̶ ̷b̵a̸c̵k̷.̵.̶.̴" Kazumi growled, struggling even harder against her bindings. "G̷̥͓͝i̴͉̇v̷̝͊͗ę̶̝̏͠ ̸̯͍̀̆ḭ̴̥̀͑t̷̟̍ ̸͖̖̅͋b̴̖̞̌ä̵͙̈́c̸̢̻̋k̸̢͕͑!̵̡̇̄" Before Mami could reinforce her bindings, Kazumi had ripped herself free, grabbing for her staff before leaping on top of Mami. "T̸͖͔̈́h̶͖̻͍͆̚a̵͖̣̅̾ṱ̸̊̈͠'̷̬̝̀̀ş̵͙̉͝ ̸̖̱̱͑̓̕m̵̢̋̾̎ḯ̸̟̖͘ń̷̘͖͇ḕ̶̡̲̚!̴̠̠̅͠ ̵̜̠̌G̵̢͍̊í̷͓̘v̶̡͕̼͑e̷̟̺̐͘ ̷͕͈͓̂i̴͈̾̆͂t̸͕̓ ̷̡̔͌̈́b̴̳̪̿̈̆͜a̷̘̗͒c̵͔̅͒k̶̳̞̝̀ ̶̺͆͂t̵͔̫́̂̈́o̷̗̜͑̆̑͜ ̷̛͕̏͘m̴̦̭͆e̷͔̮͑!̷̨̬͆" Kazumi's charge knocked Mami to the ground, pressing her staff tightly against Mami's neck to keep her pinned down. Wild mania filled Kazumi's eyes; she leaned in, biting down on Mami's ear. Sharp pain shot through the right side of Mami's head, and something wet stuck to her cheek and the side of her jaw. When Kazumi reared her head up, Mami could see a piece of her ear clenched tightly between Kazumi's bloodstained teeth.

Kazumi spat Mami's ear out and leaned in again, biting her neck this time. Mami felt Kazumi's teeth break the skin, but before she let the girl tear a chunk from her neck, she called on a volley of muskets, forcing Kazumi back and off of her as her guns expended their ammunition. She clamped her hand down on her neck, but that did little to staunch the bleeding, and left Mami with only one hand with which to fight back. It's not like she'd actually die if she bled out. Throwing caution to the wind in the name of finishing the fight quicker, Mami eschewed putting pressure on her neck wound and called on a volley of muskets for each hand.

Mami fired, all guns blazing, but Kazumi brought her staff up. "L̸̙̦͆͝ĩ̸̙͍̟̈́̇m̸̭͓͈̿̓̈́̐ì̵̡̠̓ţ̸͔̱̝̐̈̚͝i̶̩̜͍͆̍̈́́ ̵̫͒͌͛Ȅ̶̝̽̀̇s̶̺͉̥̞̐̚t̴͚͕͐̊̎ë̸̱̹́̾r̸̞̬̔̾ͅṇ̷̛̲̲i̵̮̺̲̭͑̚!̷̦́̆" Her screaming was unintelligible, but at this point words were clearly no longer necessary. A brilliant light coursed outwards from the centerpiece of the staff, burning away all of Mami's bullets, before a massive explosion rocked the building. Rather than a mushroom cloud, the violet burst of light shot skyward, growing arms as it reached its point to form a cross shape high in the sky.

You turn your head just as a massive explosion rocks the building next door, burning your eyes on the brilliant violet cross lights up the night sky. "What was that?" you ask.

"That was probably Kazumi," Asami Saki says. "She can be rather... Well, I think explosive is the right word, when someone touches her Soul Gem." Did that mean Tomoe-san was successful in securing the Kazusa Michiru lookalike's Soul Gem? But then... Is she okay now? "Don't worry; Mirai informs me that your friend is fine. A few broken ribs, maybe, and she's definitely lost some blood, but she's mostly unharmed."

You didn't even realise you had been holding your breath, but as Asami Saki confirms Tomoe-san's safety - what proof do you have that she's telling the truth? - you hear yourself exhale. "Akemi-san, there's two girls down here with Kirika and I," you hear Oriko's voice calling from inside your head. So that was why she dove after Kirika earlier. Does that mean something's happened to Kirika? "They... They've got Kirika's Soul Gem, and she's too badly injured to move on her own."

Oh, fuck.
Apparently, 'you aren't out of the woods just yet' isn't enough to describe exactly how not out of the woods you are. Assuming Tomoe-san is still alive after that explosion, your team has secured one of the enemy's Soul Gems. But then, they've also got one of your team's Soul Gems... And it's the one belonging to your Big Sis, too. Mom is going to kill you if she finds out.

"So, how about we make a deal," Asami Saki says. "By now, I'm sure you've heard that your little serial killer friend is currently without a Soul Gem, no? Let's make a trade. Hers, for Kazumi's; how does that sound?"

[ ] Accept the deal
-[ ] and leave Asunaro
--[ ] What do you do after returning home? (write-in)
-[ ] but keep fighting
--[ ] What's the plan if you decide to keep fighting? (write-in)
[ ] Reject the deal
-[ ] What do you counter with? (write-in)
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