Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Sorry; I screwed that up a tad. Changed that. Also sent Hitomi and Saber up for the sniper battle, to hopefully increase chances of catching the sniper through multi-angle fighting and giving Hitomi some battle experience while letting her work with a capable senior who can bail her out in a medium-risk situation.
Sorry; I screwed that up a tad. Changed that. Also sent Hitomi and Saber up for the sniper battle, to hopefully increase chances of catching the sniper through multi-angle fighting and giving Hitomi some battle experience while letting her work with a capable senior who can bail her out in a medium-risk situation.
The Saber who has a distinct tactical disadvantage against the specific Archer we know Usagi has? I mean, I understand not putting Hitomi in the path of a pair of unknowns, but still.
Perhaps swap out Saber with Lancer? Have Oriko summon up her drones to attack the sniper from multiple angles?
The sniper is just Atalanta + possbily her master correct? If so sending Oriko and Lancer is probably fine. She isn't going to want that fight what with the class advantage.
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I don't think that's a thing here?
I thought it was, because:
Yes, I am of the Archer class, and as such I naturally have a class disadvantage against Lancers.

Okay, that makes things a lot better. Though still, it should be noted that Atalanta isn't actually a boar when she uses Agrius Metamorphosis. To quote the wiki:
It is a cursed Noble Phantasm where Atalanta possesses the power of the Magical Beast by wearing the pelt on her body. Rather than becoming a Monstrous Beast herself, wearing the pelt causes Atalanta to become a Monstrous Human.
So she's just using the power of a Monstrous Beast, rather than actually becoming a boar. If that'll matter or not to Diarmuid's whole curse, or if the curse is still in effect even after being proc'd, is still up in the air. I'd be willing to bet that it's still up, knowing that SVS won't make it easy on us.
I don't think that's a thing here?

ITs more to do with talk in the thread about how our Saber is fated to die by a boar, and this Archer apparently can turn into a boar?
It s a thing here, as Plague pointed out, and has been since the very first thread. But I was also specifically talking about Atalanta's NP.
So she's just using the power of a Monstrous Beast, rather than actually becoming a boar. If that'll matter or not to Diarmuid's whole curse, or if the curse is still in effect even after being proc'd, is still up in the air. I'd be willing to bet that it's still up, knowing that SVS won't make it easy on us.
Hey now, I'm not a monster. I'll never throw anything at us that we actually cannot defeat.
I'm not good with making votes but screw it.

[X] Plan: Responding to War with Class
-[X] Send someone to go back Kyouko up (you may choose more than one)
--[X] Everyone who is not Oriko, Lancer, Mami and Caster
---[X] In short; everyone on full-out battle mode
-[X] Send someone to deal with the sniper on the roof. (you may choose more than one)
--[X] Mami & Caster
--[X] Oriko & Lancer

If a Saber and Rider is here, sending away the 2 Servants that have a disadvantage against them will probably be for the best. Or maybe class advantage doesn't exist here but Saber still has a disadvantage against Archer of Green cause of one of her NPs.

Huh, guess it's both. Ninja'd.
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If a Saber and Rider is here, sending away the 2 Servants that have a disadvantage against them will probably be for the best. Or maybe class advantage doesn't exist here but Saber still has a disadvantage against Archer of Green cause of one of her NPs.
You've got that backwards. We're the Green faction, the Saints are the Blue faction. Dad is Archer of Green. Atalanta is Archer of Blue.
Huh, guess it's both.
Yeah, it's both. Which means that having Saber and Atalanta come into contact is a no-no, unless we want him to feel like a drum set played by Heracles.

[X] k4lepo

I'm okay with this version. I still feel like Hitomi isn't in the safest position right now, but you know what? Sink or swim. She's probably never going to get the opportunity to actually learn in a low-to-medium-risk environment. And besides, she's with everyone else, so safer than it could be for her.
In my defense, Atalanta wears a lot of Green.
Understandable confusion. If you're ever confused in the future, just think of the reason I went for those colours in the first place.
Blue is Ao is Japanese, which starts with A just like Asunaro, where the Saints are from; while Green is Midori, which start with M just like Mitakihara, where the Quintet are from.
[x] k4lepo

For some reason, I have a bad feeling about this. But, then again, I didn't expect them to just nuke the church like that, so...
I feel like we should go more in depth on this. Heading into battle against 2 unknown Servants is very dangerous, especially considering they were confident enough to take all of us on. Either there's more of them or they're confident that their Saber, Rider and Archer can at least hold their own against us. I'm just not comfortable going in like this without some caution or at least some tactics.
Heading into battle against 2 unknown Servants is very dangerous, especially considering they were confident enough to take all of us on. Either there's more of them or they're confident that their Saber, Rider and Archer can at least hold their own against us.
Yeah, obviously. That's why we're having everyone charge, and why we're sending four seperate people to deal with the sniper duo. We can't exactly get more in-depth because there is no deeper water to tread until we get a better idea of who the heck we're fighting.
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Wait a second... @k4lepo and everyone voting for k4lepo;
Are we really going to send Archer into combat against a pair of unknown enemies? Squishy Dad who's got miserable physical parameters Archer? When there's an enemy Archer on the roof? It just hit me how bizarre that decision is.

Don't get me wrong, I understand sending Caster and Lancer away when there's a Saber and Rider waiting to class advantage them to shreds, but isn't it silly to send Archer into the fray when he's better used hitting things from a distance with swords?
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Wait a second... @k4lepo and everyone voting for k4lepo;
Are we really going to send Archer into combat against a pair of unknown enemies? Squishy Dad who's got miserable physical parameters Archer? When there's an enemy Archer on the roof? It just hit me how bizarre that decision is.

Don't get me wrong, I understand sending Caster and Lancer away when there's a Saber and Rider waiting to class advantage them to shreds, but isn't it silly to send Archer into the fray when he's better used hitting things from a distance with swords?

It just says we're backing up Kyoko though. Archer doesn't have to get in close to do that, does he?
but isn't it silly to send Archer into the fray when he's better used hitting things from a distance with swords?
Yo, don't undersell Archer. That dude fought against Cu Chulainn on even ground barring Noble Phantasms; granted, Archer still admitted that the whole fight was basically just him panicking and relying on his Eye of the Mind skill to compensate, but he's a really good close range fighter. Also, never specifically stated that Archer was going in the front-lines, just that everyone is going at full tilt.
Yo, don't undersell Archer. That dude fought against Cu Chulainn on even ground barring Noble Phantasms; granted, Archer still admitted that the whole fight was basically just him panicking and relying on his Eye of the Mind skill to compensate, but he's a really good close range fighter. Also, never specifically stated that Archer was going in the front-lines, just that everyone is going at full tilt.
I'm not underselling Archer. I'm worrying about us sending squishy old dad in to fight a pair of servants whose masters think they can take us despite the odds being 7-3 in our favour.
It just says we're backing up Kyoko though. Archer doesn't have to get in close to do that, does he?
True, we don't have to fling Archer right into the thick of it. I just thought having him deal with the enemy Archer made marginally more sense given his range advantage.
Does he have Range advantage over the enemy Archer?
He has a range advantage over everyone else on our side. Our Archer can hit a target 4km away. While I can't find anything saying how far away Atalanta can hit - because she doesn't have Clairvoyance as one of her skills making my job all the more difficult* - she can probably hit any of our non-Archer servants before they can hit her.

*Maybe. Calydonian Hunt is Atalanta's only skill that doesn't have a description attached to it. If we assume she's using that as her skill of choice for accurate target-hitting instead of Clairvoyance, then at rank A she's probably able to hit a target... Well, it depends how we do the calculation. Archer's C-rank Clairvoyance gives him accuracy up to 4km, so Atalanta's A-rank Calydonian Hunt, if comparable, could be accurate anywhere from 6km to 16km, depending on how Clairvoyance scales as it increases in rank.

Alternatively, I could be pulling the above completely out of my ass, and I'm completely off the mark about how far away Atalanta can accurately hit a target.
if comparable, could be accurate anywhere from 6km to 16km, depending on how Clairvoyance scales as it increases in rank.
If we take Parameters as an example, and if Clairvoyance scales linearly, A-rank Clairvoyance probably has a range of 6km. If we take Phoebus Catastrophe as a regular attack with more volume and power, then it's safe to say that she can probably hit at this range.
If we take Parameters as an example, and if Clairvoyance scales linearly, A-rank Clairvoyance probably has a range of 6km. If we take Phoebus Catastrophe as a regular attack with more volume and power, then it's safe to say that she can probably hit at this range.
That would be my low-end estimate. I wasn't sure if they scaled like
E (2km)
D (3km)
C (4km)
B (5km)
A (6km)
Which is a weird pattern inthat it doesn't start at 1km but it does scale with Parameters, or
E (1km)
D (2km)
C (4km)
B (8km)
A (16km)
Which is a more logical pattern to follow absent the same scaling as Parameters, but it comes out to an absurd level of accuracy. I'm not sure which is correct, and without, I dunno, going over Apocrypha and seeing if I can measure the shots Atalanta takes, I don't know how I'd figure which one is closer to being accurate. The listed range of Phoebus Catastrophe says 2-50, but 2-50 what? If that's meters then I'm a better shot than Atalanta, and if it's kilometers then why are we limiting her range to 6m at A-rank?

And for that matter, Clairvoyance C reaching out to 4km doesn't make much sense either. The original Japanese name for Clairvoyance is Thousand-Li Eyes, a Li being a Chinese unit of measurement roughly equal to (at least in modern times) 500m. A thousand 500m is definitely not 4km; it's way more.

In short, once again Nasu's crack habit comes back to bite me in the ass and make life complicated.
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