Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

[] Telepathy Aife, ask if she has a phone on hand or some other way to translate it, maybe get a dictionary. You'll take all day if you have to.
"Hi, Aífe? You don't know me, but I'm your sister's master. So, anyway, I was wondering if you've got a phone you'd be okay with lettign me borrow, if maybe if you had some other way of translating something for me? Oh... You'd rather tear your sister's head off and leave her disemboweled remains for the crows. Okay, sorry if I'm bothering you, then. Bye!"
[X] Plan: Translations
-[X] Telepathy Lancer, ask if she has a phone on hand or some other way to translate it, maybe get a dictionary. You'll take all day if you have to. Or at least, as long as you think you can take without getting caught.
-[X] Failing that, find Kaoru or Satomi.
--[X] (If Kaoru) check if she wants to do something together. Perhaps exercise, or maybe grab a meal together (never too much food), or something to that degree. Ask her what she thinks of you.
--[X] (If Satomi) Ask her about how Archer is doing, and how she feels about Archer, or just how she herself is doing. Ask her about what she thinks of you.

Well, nobody else is here, so time to get on with it.
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[X] PlaguePaladin

I like this as a base idea. Also: Isn't Scathach Irish? Maybe she speaks English? Call her to us, maybe? (Since we don't know it's Danish).
Also, I'd add asking Kaoru and Satomi about us; more data is more data.

Also also, welcome back, @UNKNOWN01. Hope you're feeling better.
@SVS - this continues to be an *interesting* point of view.
Also: Isn't Scathach Irish? Maybe she speaks English?

Alright, since I'm only 12% Irish, my blood is only simmering. But as someone who's seen more than a few Gaelic folks in my life, and as friends with an Irishman myself, I'll give you a few pieces of advice.
#1, Do not mistake Irish people for Scottish people, or vice versa. They will get angry. You will die soon after.
#2, Do not touch on the fact that modern Gaelic people primarily speak English. They used to speak their own languages before GRET BREYTON did it's whole colonialism thing and conquered the area. They will get angry. You will die soon after.

Scathach is Scottish, even if her myth is Irish. I hope you remember this in case you come across a Scot or an Irishman, lest they kill you for these transgressions.

Also, I'd add asking Kaoru and Satomi about us; more data is more data.
That is a good point. Added.
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Scathach is Scottish, even if her myth is Irish.

Huh. I never knew that; I knew that Scathach was connected to the Realm of Shadows, but I never realized that that meant *Scotland*. Then again, it took me some time to realize that Arthur is a Welsh legend in origin, and was just stolen by the English. Thanks!

Anyways, maybe Scathach still speaks English? Yeah, she's about a thousand years too early, but maybe it's good enough? (English is, after all, the Borg of languages.)
I knew that Scathach was connected to the Realm of Shadows, but I never realized that that meant *Scotland*.
I- you- WHAT!? How did you go from 'comes from Scotland' to 'Scotland is the Land of Shadows'? Friend, buddy, I think you and I might need to have a chat, before you get killed by an angry Gaelic mob!

Anyways, maybe Scathach still speaks English? Yeah, she's about a thousand years too early, but maybe it's good enough? (English is, after all, the Borg of languages.)
If it's not provided by the Grail, then English literally didn't exist (not even the old forms), given that Scathach's whole stuff happened in 1 AD. I'm not joking, by the by.

Also, remember that this is Danish, not English. We're trying to read Hans' notes that he took in his own language.
Huh. I never knew that; I knew that Scathach was connected to the Realm of Shadows, but I never realized that that meant *Scotland*. Then again, it took me some time to realize that Arthur is a Welsh legend in origin, and was just stolen by the English. Thanks!
In case it hasn't become abundantly clear to you by now, I'm handling Scáthach somewhat differently to how Fate handles her. But first- The Isle of Skye is a real place you can go to, and Dún Scáith Castle is a real location you can walk around inside of. Yes, Scáthach retains her skill and her NP which relate to those places, but if you'll look at her stats I hope it's very obvious that I'm doing something very different with them.
I- you- WHAT!? How did you go from 'comes from Scotland' to 'Scotland is the Land of Shadows'? Friend, buddy, I think you and I might need to have a chat, before you get killed by an angry Gaelic mob!
This is the same person who assumed that Aífe would have the same stats as Assassin Scáthach because they were both Assassins and because FGO. I don't blame him because, to be fair, I am doing something wildly different than what FGO does that is probably completely unexpected. I guess I was just mistaken in assuming people could see how different I was doing things and assumed they wouldn't think FGO rules and lore were still in play.
In my defense:
Texts describe her homeland as Scotland (Alpeach); she is especially associated with the Isle of Skye, where her residence Dún Scáith ("Fortress of Shadows") stands.

Is *literally* very much up top on the Wikipedia page. That the Isle of Skye is real, I know. That the Fortress of Shadows stood there? Nope.

(And if the Fortress of Shadows != Realm of Shadows, I'm getting lost. Like, massively)

EDIT: Also, while *we* know that Hans is working in Danish, our *character* doesn't. That's why I'm trying to get Scathach on it - because it's a reasonable, if wrong, assumption.
Also, while *we* know that Hans is working in Danish, our *character* doesn't. That's why I'm trying to get Scathach on it - because it's a reasonable, if wrong, assumption.
That I'm very much aware of, but we don't need to change anything there, since I was already working under the assumption that Scathach would correct us.
And if the Fortress of Shadows != Realm of Shadows, I'm getting lost. Like, massively
Yeah, you are getting lost. Dún Scáith is a real place; the realm of shadows is just some Nasuese gibberish that has no basis either in myth* or reality. I've retained the base concept, but what I'm doing with it is absolutely not what Fate does with it. Any more than that is obviously spoilers.

*I mean, maybe you could conflate it with the Otherworld, but that doesn't seem to be what Nasu is going for.
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Day 7 Chapter 7
[X] Plan: Translations

You shake your head as you put those pages back where you found them; if only you could read English, this might be a lot easier for you.

Wait a second...
You can't read English, but maybe Lancer can! Okay Kazumi, think; how can you get these papers from here, to Lancer, without Umika noticing that you've taken them? "Hey Lancer, do you have a moment?" You hope you're doing this telepathy thing correctly. You're never sure if you've done it right when it's you and your friends, and you're not sure if you're doing it right when it's you and Lancer, either.

"Did you get lost, master?" Oh good, you're doing it right. "I can come find you if you need me to."

"No, that's fine, I'm actually in Umika's office right now."
You don't know hoe long Umika will be talking with Niko for; maybe you should get out of here soon. But you still haven't figure dout how to get those papers out of her office without her noticing. "Anyway, I found some papers of hers, and they're written in a really weird-looking English; I can't figure it out at all. So, I was wondering if you could help me figure out what they said?"

"You were snooping around in her office?"
Darnit, Lancer's on to you. "We'll have a talk about your behaviour later, master. But right now, yes, I can help you translate the documents you found. Could you show them to me?"

"Well, I don't know how to get them out of Umika's office without her noticing I took them, so..."

"Don't worry. Just look at them like you would normally. As your servant, I can read them through your eyes using our shared connection."

You wish you had known that earlier; it would have saved you time. "That's really cool! Yeah, I'll get them right away!" You return to the shelf where you found those papers, grabbing them for a second time and pretending like you can actually read what's been written on each sheet. "How's that? Did you get anything?"

"This is in Danish,"
Lancer says. "From that, and the signature on the bottom of the page, I assume these were written by Caster." If it's by Caster, you guess that it makes sense for Umika to have them, in that case. "As for what it says... It appears to be a commentary by Caster on possible ways in which Assassin's master can improve the function of her arrays. I will spare you the details, as unfortunately I am not versed in the brand of magic these arrays are meant for, and there are parts to Caster's commentary that are beyond my ability to understand."

You try to imagine yourself shrugging, hoping that Lancer can see your imagined shrug in her mind. "Thanks for translating it for me, Lancer," you say. "I guess I can put these back now."

"I suppose if you are still curious you could ask one of them, but... To be perfectly honest, master, this is some pretty advanced magic. I don't mean to sound rude, but I doubt you would understand them if they tried to explain it to you."

"No, that's fine. I'll just put these back and get out of here before Umika comes back from talking with Niko."
You really wish you knew Danish, and that you were smart enough about magic stuff to figure out what Caster was saying, but at least you know what it is you found. You return Caster's commentary on Niko's magic arrays back where you found them, for a second time, this time knowing what it is you're putting away. You sigh as your task concludes. That took a lot out of you; you can't even remember what it is that had you whipped up into such a frenzy in the first place.

"So..." You say to yourself as you exit Umika's office. "What should I do now?"

"Kazumi-chan! Hey!" Well, from the sound of things that question's already been answered for you. You turn, just in time to be enveloped in a bone-crushing hug from Satomi. "How are you doing?"

If you were a less polite person, you might have verbalised the "oof!" your body was screaming at you after Satomi's hug. "I'm doing good, Satomi. What about you? How was school?"

"Well, it's something I've got to do, isn't it?" You envy how dismissive Satomi can be about school; you don't even get to go. Did you not go before you lost your memories? Or are you only not going because you lost your memories? "I heard you went to visit Archer this morning?"

"Yeah," you say. "She sounds like she's doing good." You can't shake the image of your grandmother, hooked up to so many machines just to keep her alive. "Have you visited her yet?"

"Of course! I've been visiting her every day, as long as Assassin lets me in." Satomi leans into her embrace, nuzzling your cheek. "She's just so precious and cute. I can't wait for her to get better so I can hug her again!" Satomi's body language changes, ever so slightly, and you briefly catch one of her eyebrows twitching as she pulls away from you. "As soon as I get my hands on that other Archer, I'm going to make him pay for hurting her."

"So, you really like Archer a lot, don't you?"

"Well of course I like Archer! She's a kitty!" Just like that, Satomi's body language is back to how it was before, and she nuzzles your cheek again. "I know you weren't here when the rest of us summoned our servants, but I can't tell you how happy it made me to have summoned her! She's really just so cute and fluffy and I love her so so much!"

You nod. "So, um... What do you think of me?" you ask. "Do you like me?"

"Huh?" Satomi stares at you. "Where's this coming from all of a sudden, Kazumi-chan? You're usually not the introspective type." Satomi says that, but today is really making you doubt whether that's true. "Of course I like you, Kazumi-chan. We're friends, aren't we? I like all my friends."

"Thanks," you say. "I've just had a lot of stuff on my mind today, that's all." You get the feeling Satomi is expecting something a bit more positive from you, so you ask her "Hey, can you take me to Kaoru? There was a baseball game I wanted to catch earlier today, so I was hoping she'd let me use her TV."

"Sure, I can do that. Are you still having trouble finding your way around?"

"Yeah. I'm kind of getting a better idea of how things are laid out here, but the extra help would be nice."

You and Satomi make light conversation as she leads you through the halls - not as confusing to you as they were earlier in the day, you're proud to say - until you arrive at the door to Kaoru's room. "Well, here we are," Satomi says, smiling and waving as she heads off in the opposite direction. "I'll see you later, Kazumi-chan."

You knock on Kaoru's door, waiting a few moments for her to answer. When she does, it's in an orange-and-white sports bra and shorts, her face flushed and her breathing harsh. "Hey Kazumi, what's up?" she asks. "Need something?"

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to do something together," you say, as your eyes travel the length of Kaoru's body. "But if you're busy, that's fine. I can come back later."

"Nah, it's fine, come on in!" Kaoru moves aside and motions for you to join her. You can't remember if you've ever been in Kaoru's room before, so the sports trophies adorning her shelf are an immediate draw for your eyes, as is the black-and-white football partially sticking out from under her bed. "You just caught me in the middle of working out, that's all." Kazumi throws a black tee on as she wipes her brow clean with a towel. "So, what did you want to do?"

"I don't know," you say. "Lancer thinks I should hang out with you more, but you and Umika are always so busy with school stuff, and I don't really remember what we used to do before I lost my memories. I was going to ask if you wanted to work out together, but I guess you already finished your workout, huh? You want to get something to eat instead?"

"If you want, I can walk you through some basic exercises." Kaoru gives your bicep a squeeze. "I mean, no offense Kazumi, but you're kind of skinny. You could really benefit from working out more often." You don't think you're skinny at all. Well, compared to Lancer there's a few places you're skinny in... "But I can't say no to some food. That workout's got me hungry."

"Great!" Food always tastes better with friends, you think. "So, hey, Kaoru... This is going to sound a bit strange, but... What do you think of me?"

Kaoru stops in her tracks, and gives you the same sort of look that Satomi gave when you asked her earlier. "Where's this coming from all of a sudden?"

"I don't know. I've just been thinking about a lot of stuff lately. I know you all say we're friends, but I... I guess I don't remember any of that."

"Oh, Kazumi..." Kaoru shakes her head, and for a second you think you've done something wrong. Then Kaoru smiles, and gives your bicep a light punch. "Dummy. 'Course we're friends. We used to..." It's brief, but for just a few seconds it looks like Kaoru is sad about something. Then she smiles again, and gives your arm another punch. "Ah, forget it. You'll remember all the fun stuff we used to do soon enough, Kazumi; don't you worry about a thing. Umika's got it all under control."

You'd like to believe Kaoru; you really would. But the last time Umika said you'd get your memories back, she said it would only be a few days. Now she's saying a few weeks. How long until she says a few months, or a few years?

[ ] Wat do?​
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No fancy vote options this time, because the entire second half of this was miserable to type out and I'm completely drained and have no idea what kind of options I should give us in this situation.
No fancy vote options this time, because the entire second half of this was miserable to type out and I'm completely drained and have no idea what kind of options I should give us in this situation.
I'm sorry for making such a boring vote. I'll try to keep it more interesting next time.

Be back in a bit with something more.
I'm sorry for making such a boring vote. I'll try to keep it more interesting next time.

Be back in a bit with something more.
I mean, do come back with something interesting, but don't think it's entirely your fault for how difficult this was to write. It has as much to do with whether I'm able to find the words to work with what's been given to me as it does what I've been given itself. If I have a vision for where I want an update to go I could probably make something work even with a barebones vote; on the other hand, if I can't get a good read on what I want an update to accomplish I could have the best vote possible and still find it a chore to get through. Really, aside from a few things this whole Kazumi day has been difficult for me to write.
[X] Get into deeper conversation about what you used to be like
-[X] Seriously, Umika said it's going to take a while, you'd like to have some basic knowledge of how you were. Especially since everyone's basically given you the exact same response on that regard.
-[X] So what does she think of the enemy team?

Barebones ass vote because my brain has run dry on that regard, I'll be back later to make a bigger vote if nobody makes their own contributions. Maybe a few hours, maybe tomorrow (it is getting late where I am), who knows.

Though I can't stress this enough; please don't just rubber-stamp my vote because I'm the only one voting.
[x] Plan: Who did I used to be?
-[x] Seriously, Umika said it's going to take a while, you'd like to have some basic knowledge of how you were. Especially since everyone's basically given you the exact same response on that regard.
--[x] If she tries to deflect, don't let her.
---[x] Everyone here says they're your friends and you trust them. You really do. But it kind of feels like they're trying to hide you from youself?
[x] Plan: Who did I used to be?

Let's save Plague's inquiries about the enemy team for the next magi we talk to.

BTW @SVS, did you have any future ideas involving Hinata over in Hohzuki?