Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

Scáthach; and yes, the accent over the a is required. If you spell it Scathach, Plague and I will get very upset. I also would have accepted Lancer of Blue, Kazumi's servant, and Shishou is a generally-accepted nickname within the Fate community.
And then there's me, who sometimes call her Sasquatch just cause it sounds close enough.

[X] Enetious
Wait; I'd get upset? I would spell it with the acute, but I have no idea how to spell it without looking it up on google.
Open up a Word document, go to Insert, go to Symbols, and scroll down through the list until you see the á. Do the same thing for Aífe when you need the í. Or just copy-paste them from me; I use them so frequently that it's probably the easier way.
And then there's me, who sometimes call her Sasquatch just cause it sounds close enough.
Well, if they say about big thighs what they say about big feet...
Hmm. I know holding down Alt and pressing 0243 on the numberpad gets you ó, but it also sends me back to the previous page I was on in the browser, if NumberLock is off.

I assume pressing other numbers in that range would get you the other accented letters
Day 7 Chapter 3
[X] Plan Inquiries

You take your seat at the table, and wait for the rest of your friends to filter into the kitchen before digging in. Oh, this breakfast is so~o good! You don't know who's the better chef, Umika, or Berserker. Maybe it doesn't matter who's better, because you're going to thank them both. "Umika, Berserker, thank you so much for the food!"

"You're very welcome," Umika says. "Just be sure to eat it all. Remember-"

"-Only bad guys never finish their meals!" you and Umika both say in tandem. "Don't worry, Umika, breakfast's always so tasty, I don't think I could leave a single bite uneaten even if I wanted to!"

So you don't; you dig in, letting your ravenous appetite feed the beast that is your stomach. But even as you fill your stomach, thoughts of a different beast fill your mind. You stop chewing, swallowing the sausage in your mouth, and turn to Saki. "Hey, so I've been thinking about a few nights ago," you say. "What... What happened to me on Sunday after that blonde girl yanked my Soul Gem? I remember getting upset that she took it, and then I just... Blacked out."

"I wasn't there to see what happened," Saki replies. "But Mirai told me that you went berserk on the other girl, and didn't stop struggling until she gave your Soul Gem back." Beside Saki, Mirai nods her head, looking very proud of herself. "Given what those girls would have done had they had kept it, I don't blame you for what happened. It could have been a lot worse." "We could have lost you," goes unsaid.

Breakfast continues with only light conversation after that, until Niko says to Saki "Did you know that the enemy Archer made contact with Assassin last night?"

"Is that so?" Saki looks up from her meal, turning her head towards Niko. "What did the enemy Archer want; and furthermore, why didn't you tell me last night when we were debriefing?"

"The enemy Archer was acting... Quite strangely," Niko says. "Assassin and I wanted to talk things over just between us before bringing it to your attention." Saki gives Niko a cautious eye, but says nothing. "As for what he wanted... Like I said, it's strange; he showed up and asked Assassin if he could help with the evacuation."

"Are you kidding?" Saki nearly spits out her food. "An enemy shows up right in front of Assassin and asks if he can help? The same enemy who almost killed our Archer, and he wanted to help?" Niko can only nod her head. "That's... You're right, that is strange. I'm glad he didn't, but why would he pass up a perfect opportunity to take Assassin out right then and there?"

"That's why I was late bringing this to your attention. Assassin and I wanted to be on the same page about how strange it was, and whether there could have been an ulterior motive for sparing her." Niko shakes her head, saying "Well, as far as we can tell, if there was an ulterior motive, it was to get the enemy Archer in Assassin's good graces so she'd be more likely to hear him out. He had some rather pointed remarks to make about how he thought Kyubey wasn't telling us the whole truth, and he probably thought Assassin would be more easily swayed if he acted altruistically."

"That's preposterous," Saki says. "Kyubey's been nothing but helpful to us this entire time."

"Um..." You hesitate to speak up while Saki and Niko are talking about important stuff, but their talk about Assassin and the enemy Archer has you wondering something about your own servant. "Niko, I was just wondering something..." Niko breaks away from her talk with Saki almost immediately, the look of concern spreading over her face making her blue eyes appear like stormy ocean waters. "So, Lancer told me that she's not seeing any of my memories in her dreams. So, um, why do you think that is? I mean, even if I can't remember stuff, my memories should still be inside me, right? So why can't Lancer see anything?"

"You'd have to ask Misaki about that," Niko says. "She's our resident expert on memories."

You turn to Umika, but before you can open your mouth she says "I'd love to talk to you about this, Kazumi, but as soon as breakfast is over I need to speak with Saki and Niko about the updated timetable Caster gave me." Her words are punctuated by a pointed glare in each of their directions. "He tells me it's very important."

"Oh," you say. While disheartening, you guess you understand. Kaoru and Umika have to rush off to school not too long after breakfast, and Saki and Mirai have their university classes until late in the evening. After breakfast is probably the only time Umika would be able to catch Saki to talk about something important. "All right, then. Um, some of my memories have been coming back, actually. Earlier this morning, I remembered some things my grandmother taught me." You look around the breakfast table, and ask - to no one in particular - "Did any of you know her? What was she like?"

Silence falls over breakfast, and you immediately get the feeling that you've done something wrong by speaking. "Your grandmother passed away before we became friends," Saki says. "None of us ever knew her. I'm sorry you had to hear it that way."

That news is enough to dampen your spirits, and you find you don't really have anything else to say for the remainder of breakfast. You finally remembered something about your past, someone you must have really loved, and you couldn't even remember that they were dead. The only thing you can think to say, when breakfast is done and you see your friends filtering out of the kitchen, is a "Thank you again for breakfast," to Berserker as you pass her. "I really enjoyed the food. Where did you get to be so good at cooking?"

Berserker is a tall, imposing woman, and she always seems to have a stern look on her face. But when you complimented her cooking, a smile crept over her lips, and when she knelt down to your height suddenly she wasn't so imposing anymore. "I am glad to hear you enjoyed my cooking, master of Lancer," she says. "I know I may not look it, but I was once a young girl just like yourself. I learned to cook from my mother, and she from her mother before her." Suddenly, Berserker surprises you, wrapping her arms around you in a warm hug. "You girls remind me so much of my own daughters," she says. "I wish you all safe keeping in the days to come."

"Thank you?" You didn't mean for your words to come out like a question; you just weren't sure how to react when this giant of a woman wrapped her arms around you and said you reminded her of her daughters. "I'd really like it if we could all get through this safe, too."

"Andraste willing, I'm sure we shall."

You don't know who Rast is, or why they'd be willing for your side to stay safe, but you're sure Berserker only meant well by what she said, and you and she part on good terms as you - "Hey, Lancer, could you show me where the hospital is?" - forget how to get around in this place and need Lancer to help you with directions.


You have no idea how Lancer can find her way around in these tunnels so easily, because every hallway looks the same - there should at least be some markers or signs up so you don't keep getting lost - but you know you can trust Lancer to get you where you need to go. "Hey Lancer, when we were walking to breakfast, you compared Kyubey to the fae. But, what are you thoughts on him, specifically?"

"Kyubey?" Lancer asks. "Ah, yes, that makes sense. I wouldn't imagine that you girls would use the same word to describe the fae folk that my people used."

Wait-! "So, you're saying Kyubey is one of the fae? Then, back then, you-?"

"Yes," Lancer says. "While I imagine the words you and I would use to describe them are different, as I said, there were many girls like you who received the blessings of the fae in my time. I can only hope that you and your friends do not meet the same fate as so many girls from my tribe did."

You don't have time to say more than an "Oh," before Lancer tells you that you've arrived at the hospital. The door is open, and it takes your eyes a moment to adjust to the bright while lights once you cross the threshold. "Hello?" you call out. "Archer? Are you awake?"

"Who knows." You take the first corner past what you assume is Assassin's - currently unoccupied - desk, and find Archer resting in a bed. She's wearing a white hospital gown and there are several tubes hooked to various parts of her body; a pair of thick tubes pumping a blue something in and out of her chest while another set of tubes pump a concoction of various clear liquids and blood into the veins of her arm. "Assassin's got me on so many painkillers I don't even know where I am half of the time. Did you need something?"

You don't know why, but seeing Archer looking like that stirs something primal within you, and you have to hold back your tears. "I'm just glad to hear you're feeling better, that's all. Thursday, right? That's what Lancer told me Assassin said."

"Yeah." Archer points to the large blue tubes attached to her chest, which your eyes follow to a machine plugged into the wall. A dialysis machine? How do you know that? "Assassin says my spiritual core will be completely healed by then, and I won't need this stupid getup to help properly circulate my mana anymore."

"Assassin's pretty great, isn't she?" you ask. "Have you thanked her yet? My grandma told me to always thank people when they help you."

"Your grandmother is a wise person, master of Lancer. I will be sure to thank Assassin for all her hard work, just as soon as I've recovered."

You smile for Archer. She's really cute, with those kitty ears and that fluffy tail of hers. You wish she were feeling better, because she looks like she'd be really fun to hug. "So, um... I had a question, actually," you say. "I, uh, I was wondering; why don't you like Satomi? She seems nice to me."

Archer narrows her gaze; suddenly, she's not so cute anymore. "Something about my master unsettles me, in a way I can't quite describe," Archer says. "This whole place, and everyone in it, unsettles me, some more so than others." For added emphasis, Archer's cat ears and tail twitch. "Call it my animal instincts at work."

"I see... I'm sorry to hear that, actually. I wish I knew how to make you feel better."

"You can make her feel better by not disturbing her while she's trying to rest." Assassin rounds the corner carrying a tray with breakfast, her cherry-coloured eyes bouncing between you and Archer as she speaks. "I know you only mean well, but it's important that Archer gets her rest so she can recover her strength. I've posted visiting hours on the wall behind you; you may come back after breakfast if you wish to speak with Archer." Assassin places the tray down beside Archer, adding "I asked Berserker to make you a special breakfast rich in vitamins and nutrients."

Seeing as you're clearly being pushed out, you decide to ask "Hey, Assassin, I was wondering something," before you have to leave. "I heard the enemy Archer approached you last night. What did he want?"

"He wished to help me with the civilian evacuation," Assassin says; "And he believes that our masters should ask Kyubey hard questions more frequently. He seems to believe that Kyubey has not been entirely honest with us. I do not doubt him, but I do wonder about his motive for warning us."

"I see," you say.

Do you
[ ] Press Assassin for more information about her encounter last night
[ ] Ask Lancer
-[ ] about Kyubey and the fae
-[ ] about herself
-[ ] about her sister
[ ] Go exploring
-[ ] around the base
--[ ] Try to find Niko after she's done talking with Umika
---[ ] What do you want from Niko? (write-in)
--[ ] Go bug Caster while he's working
--[ ] Just try to get your bearings around the place
-[ ] around Asunaro
-[ ] beyond Asunaro
[ ] Other (write-in)

Major character unlocked!
Assassin of Blue is Florence Nightingale, the famous English nurse from the Crimean War, a social reformer, statistician, and the pioneer of modern nursing practices. As an Assassin, her intelligence and reasoning are highlighted and her medical skills take on a far more professional quality when compared to the brutal "I will cure you even if it kills you" attitude of her more familiar Berserker summon.​
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This took me, on and off, the better part of four hours. I hope you all continue to enjoy this look at the world through Kazumi's eyes.
I didn't expect much information from the Saints, but I didn't actually expect them to admit Kazumi went berserk on Mami. The fact that Blue Lancer is so okay with Kyubey raises lots of questions. Does she know about Witches? Did she even learn about Soul Gems?
[x] Find Kyubei.
-[x] Ask him if he knows what happened to the those girls from Lancer's time that went missing.
-[x] Ask him if he knows anything about your missing memories.
-[x] Ask him if he's manipulating us and the Saints.
--[x] if he tries to give a roundabout answer, interupt him and tell him it was a 'yes or no' question
[x] Find Kyubei.
-[x] Ask him if he knows what happened to the those girls from Lancer's time that went missing.
-[x] Ask him if he knows anything about your missing memories.
-[x] Ask him if he's manipulating us and the Saints.
--[x] if he tries to give a roundabout answer, interupt him and tell him it was a 'yes or no' question
I like this, but does it make sense for Kazumi to do this right now?
[X] Plan: Doubtful Investigation
-[X] Ask Lancer
--[X] about Kyubey and the fae
---[X] Is it actually likely that Kyubey could've incited conflict? Not to doubt your friends, but what you've been told so far hasn't given you a good impression of him.
--[X] Go exploring
---[X] Around Asunaro

Sorry if not good, brain currently ded
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I'm enjoying this new perspective
I'm glad to hear that.

I somewhat regret not setting the entire quest in Kazumi's perspective, because I think it would have been interesting to see how another set of characters would act. I decided against it because I thought it would be too easy for us to metagame and have Kazumi be suspicious of the Saints if we (the players) already knew the truth about what happened in the previous quest, and because I wrote this and the 3quel as the second and third entries in a trilogy that was first and foremost about Homura and Archer.
This took me, on and off, the better part of four hours. I hope you all continue to enjoy this look at the world through Kazumi's eyes.
Oh, I'm definitely enjoying this new perspective a lot, it's a nice change. Just so you know, I will be kinda busy over the weekend like Swedish due to travel, so if I don't respond a lot in the next couple days it's due to that.

[X] PlaguePaladin

I agree that pressing too hard as Kazumi would be pretty out of character. Luckily Kazumi's pretty skeptical of Kyuubey, probably since she hasn't been interacting with it since the beginning unlike the Saints (and due to Kazumi wanting to see the best in people, such as their apparent enemies).
Sorry if not good, brain currently ded
I admit I'm surprised to see neither of you advocating for Kazumi getting Assassin's parameters; maybe the assumption is that she already knows them? Even if we (the players) don't. I don't know, since I've had to remind people that that's something we can do more times than not that it's come up.

I suppose that goes the same for everyone else as well, since all of you just stuck with Plague's vote and didn't bother asking about it.

Also, to @PlaguePaladin in particular, is there anywhere we want to have Kazumi go? Or do you just want me to give us the travel options as we're walking and let players decide where they want to go when it comes up?
I also assumed that it wouldn't be allowed because cheating, edited.
It's information Kazumi would have access to, so as long as we don't use what Kazumi learns for Homura's benefit I won't consider it cheating. You know, like how we all technically know who Caster of Blue is even though we don't say it. If we try to use what Kazumi knows to Homura's benefit, I'll say something. Or you can stick to your guns and undo the edit if you really think we shouldn't be allowed to have that information. Either way is fine by me.
I admit I'm surprised to see neither of you advocating for Kazumi getting Assassin's parameters; maybe the assumption is that she already knows them? Even if we (the players) don't. I don't know, since I've had to remind people that that's something we can do more times than not that it's come up.

I suppose that goes the same for everyone else as well, since all of you just stuck with Plague's vote and didn't bother asking about it.

Does Kazumi know parameters are a thing she can just check?
Does Kazumi know parameters are a thing she can just check?
That... Is actually a very good question, and one that I unfortunately do not have the answer to. We can assume that the other Saints know about servant parameters, but they've also had their servants for a lot longer than Kazumi has. Hey, @PlaguePaladin, you might want to rethink giving Kazumi Assassin's parameters; this is a really good point NMS has brought up. After all, Homura didn't know any of this stuff until Archer told her, so unless everyone else that's voted thinks it's something Kazumi should know/have found out/been told, I think it's a good idea to save this until she knows more about this stuff.
Day 7 Chapter 4
[X] Plan: Doubtful Investigation

You leave the hospital after Assassin kicks you out. You wanted to talk to Archer more, but you understand being told to leave so she can rest and eat breakfast in peace. You stretch your arms as you exit the hospital; it hasn't even been a full week since you woke up inside that briefcase, and it feels like you've spent the entire time down here! That's not true, you remind yourself. You did spend that first night, and most of the day immediately afterwards, re-adjusting to the the world with Kaoru and Umika before they brought you back here, but aside from that the only times you've left the base were are when you go on patrol at night.

"Hey Lancer, do you wanna go exploring?"

"Around the base?" Lancer asks. "I suppose that wouldn't be a bad idea. Certainly, it would help give you a better understanding of how to navigate the corridors."

"No, I mean outside," you pout. "The only times I ever get to leave are when I go on patrol. I want to see what's happening in the city!" You stare at Lancer, trying to give her your best possible puppy-dog eyes. "Please?"

Lancer smiles as she stares down at you. "All right, I suppose a bit of sightseeing around the city wouldn't be such a bad thing," she says. "If nothing else, the sunlight would do your complexion some good, and perhaps you'd like a chance to pick out some more brightly-coloured clothes as well."

"Yeah!" Having something to wear that wasn't black sounds great! "Let's go!"

You've been thinking a lot this morning about the stuff Lancer told you, about Kyubey and the fae. You aren't really sure what to think about Kyubey; Lancer said he's telling the truth, just not the whole truth, but Saki and the others all seem to trust him. Is Lancer lying to you, or is Kyubey really not telling you everything? Are those other girls really even as bad as Kyubey has the others believing?

"Hey, Lancer;" Lancer looks down at you again. "Do you think it's possible Kyubey is, I don't know, making all this War stuff worse than it has to be? I mean, I don't want to believe that my friends are lying to me about what's going on, but Kyubey just... I don't really get a good feeling from him, is all."

"It is possible," Lancer says. "I suppose whether he were to blame or not depends on who is responsible for the monsters that plague this city, and whether he knew the answer from the start. It may be possible that they are innocent, but that he is also unaware of the truth, and is only guiding us to make the same conclusion that he has come to. I suppose he would still be guilty of incitement at that point, even if he were warning us out of a genuine misunderstanding."

"Well, what if they weren't, and he knew it?" you ask. "I mean, he's never actually said those girls are responsible; he just tells us that it's the easiest conclusion to come to."

"The fae can be quite manipulative with their choice of words," Lancer says. "I am not all-seeing, and I cannot tell you whether he is truly at fault or not. All I can tell you is to keep your ears open and your wits about you. If you are lucky, you will find the truth on your own."

As you and Lancer round the corner, you hear a pair of hushed voices talking further along down the hallway. Lancer shushes you, stretching her arm out to stop you from advancing, and you listen, and watch. You feel your cheeks flush when, just barely out of sight, you see Saki and Mirai; and they're kissing! You thought they were just really close friends! You didn't know they were a couple! "I thought I told you, I'm not interested in you like that," Saki says as she pushes Mirai away. Or maybe they aren't.

Mirai's face goes red as she huffs over Saki's words. "That's not what you said last night," she says. "I want to be more than just that girl you fuck, Saki. I want us to be together." Maybe they are? You're only fifteen; you don't know the first thing about adult relationships, and theirs sounds like it's too complicated to wrap your head around. They're not together, and Saki's not interested in Mirai, but they're still doing stuff like that? How does that even make sense? Why are they doing that if they aren't in a relationship?

"You know I can't do that."

"You're being stupid, Saki. She was four years younger than you, and that stupid doll Niko made to replace her doesn't even know what a relationship is. Even if your plan succeeds, do you really think she can give you what you want?" What doll is Mirai talking about? you ask yourself. You haven't seen any dolls lying around, and you haven't heard about there being anyone that's been replaced, either. Did you just hear something you weren't supposed to? Mirai leans in, and you can hear Saki's breathing slow as Mirai whispers in her ear, just loud enough to where you can still hear her. "But I can. I know all your weak points."

Saki pushes Mirai away for a second time; you don't get to see Mirai's face when Saki does that. "Mirai, I... I'm sorry," Saki says. "You're attractive, but I just don't feel that way about you. If you're going to keep making this into a big deal, then maybe it would be better if we stopped seeing each other."

"No, Saki, I-" Mirai doesn't have time to finish her sentence before Saki pushes past her. You press your body tight to the nearby wall and hope that Saki doesn't see you as she passes. You're successful, but you aren't so lucky when you try it a second time. "What are you looking at?" Mirai scowls at you; you don't want to imagine what your face looks like right now. There's no way you could get away with being found out. Your eyes register movement; it's her hand, curling into a fist, and you brace for impact. Would Mirai actually hit you? You don't think so, but you know she's got a temper, so... Impact never comes. Mirai's fist touches the wall beside your head, and she says "Get out of my sight."

"Oh... Okay." You don't really know what you've done wrong; is she mad because she thinks you heard her talking to Saki? "I... I'm really sorry."

It isn't until you're well inside the elevator and on your way up towards the outside world that you manage to shake off that look in Mirai's eyes. Sure, you were technically eavesdropping on her conversation with Saki, but it's not like you did anything to her, right? She shouldn't have been that mad at you, right? Still... "I feel really bad for Mirai," you say to Lancer. "She wants to be with Saki, but Saki doesn't like her that way..."

"The relationships of adults are fraught with complications," Lancer says to you. "My favourite student was, at various points in his life, intimate with me, my daughter, and my sister. He also had a wife of his own, and despite his proclivities they loved one another quite truly, so I've been told."

You shake your head. "I hope when I grow up, my relationships are all simple."

"If it's you, master, then I'm sure you'll be just fine."

The elevator comes to a stop, and you and Lancer exit, taking the back way out from the basement, and finally, finally, experiencing the bright sun of Asunaro in the morning. You stretch your arms again, saying "Ah! This is great!" as you take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the big city. "So, where should we go first?"


Where do you want to go first?
[ ] The shopping mall
[ ] Get second breakfast/early lunch at the local hotdog stand
[ ] Go clothes shopping
[ ] See a sports game at the arena
[ ] Go to the amusement park
[ ] Get a snack at the local bakery
[ ] Just walk around and see the sights
[ ] Other (write-in)
Since I haven't done so before, I'd like to make it clear how old the Saints are.
Kazumi, Kaoru, and Umika are all fifteen.
Saki is nineteen.
Mirai and Niko are eighteen.
Satomi is seventeen.

The manga was being published concurrent with the anime, but since things here are happening a year and a half later, I've gone and given the Kazumi cast appropriate age-lifts to account for the time that's passed.
[X] See a sports game at the arena

Although I don't have a more complex vote than this, I will note:
1. Kazumi likely hasn't seen a sports game before so this might be a new experience, while she has had good food and clothes enough, and to be honest I'm sick and tired of amusement park chapters in fanfiction
2. Scatty gets to show some athletic elitism off
3. It'll likely be higher-energy than the other two
[x] Plan: A child has been given freedom
-[x] Get second breakfast/early lunch at the local hotdog stand
-[x] Go clothes shopping
-[x] Get third breakfast/second lunch at the local hotdog stand
-[x] Just walk around and see the sights
-[x] Go to the amusement park

You shake your head. "I hope when I grow up, my relationships are all simple."

Poor Kazumi. Nothing is ever simple.