The correct way to fry an egg

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From the absence of several modules, you suspect that there is nothing here, for instance, to prevent any of the girls from going into a VR fantasy land forever, performing strange body modifications on herself, or preventing mind-to-mind file transfers.

Oh, neat. We Freedom Alliance now, boys.

Any thoughts on what this might imply? Could someone use malware to take control of Madoka or Hitomi's body? Could they make themselves stronger or faster, or modify their own personalities? There's probably a whole GUI for this self-modification stuff, which we can't see because we're stuck with the boring non-magical Governance implants. Might be a good idea to have that conversation with Nanami sooner rather than later.

Most likely we still can't upload their minds to the cloud in case they die suddenly, since Governance doesn't seem to be capable of resurrecting non-mages. This might have something to do with souls, which I suppose we could ask QB about.
Most likely we still can't upload their minds to the cloud in case they die suddenly, since Governance doesn't seem to be capable of resurrecting non-mages. This might have something to do with souls, which I suppose we could ask QB about.
It's just a scanning fidelity problem. They can resurrect AIs from backup with no problems, and we know they have souls.
Update this weekend, I'd guesstimate Sunday afternoon EDT — instead of writing I've been working hard at m' job :p

I think the risk is minimal, but /shrug.
As master control process I don't want there to be holes in the plan, and as author, I mustn't unfairly avoid a certain option as harder to write since you gave me no input as to what to do. :)

we're stuck with the boring non-magical Governance implants. Might be a good idea to have that conversation with Nanami sooner rather than later.
because you want some sweet anarchy-implants too???

Could someone use malware to take control of Madoka or Hitomi's body?
Now why would Nanami do a thing like that?
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It's just a scanning fidelity problem. They can resurrect AIs from backup with no problems, and we know they have souls.
Don't remember what's problem with brain scans to prevent it, what you said or something else, so no comment.

AI revived from backup... wasn't there still cultural problem of black mark for those AI revived after ship they lived in got destroyed? And problem of getting used to new body/ship?

On AI having souls... TacAdv 2 like Clarisse were confirmed, considering tech behind them, having partially biological hardware.
But wouldn't be so sure about other kinds of AI, be it sapient/sentient spaceship AI, of spacestation or lab facility administrator, all the way to more simpler turret drones, Cube bots and so on.
AI revived from backup... wasn't there still cultural problem of black mark for those AI revived after ship they lived in got destroyed? And problem of getting used to new body/ship?
There were philosophical musings on whether they were really the same person as the original, but that's irrelevant.

On AI having souls... TacAdv 2 like Clarisse were confirmed, considering tech behind them, having partially biological hardware.
But wouldn't be so sure about other kinds of AI, be it sapient/sentient spaceship AI, of spacestation or lab facility administrator, all the way to more simpler turret drones, Cube bots and so on.
Magic derives from emotions, and both things seem to be deeply connected to the soul. I would be very surprised if there were emotional entities that didn't have souls.
Somebody left the anime bullshit generator turned on
A girl was walking up the stairs that led past the other stairs that led past the aerial balconies at the fanciest school of the fancy schools in the fanciest city on the fanciest planet known to Governance and had just turned a corner when suddenly she heard a scream of excited excitement getting louder and louder and maybe a little more high pitched as it came towards her faster and faster until the girl who was making the squealing noise jumped through the air in a flying tacklehug which made her stumble back to the balcony railing and almost fall over, but fortunately she had very good grip and was able to hold on while the girl squealed in delight and greeted her, saying, "Ryouko-chan my darling my one true prince good morning i've missed you so much, it's been so long, I thought I might die if I didn't get to see you again soon, so it's so much a very good thing I found you now; and good morning, it's such a good morning, surely the bestest morning ever, even better than yesterday morning when I met you on the bridge, and –"

"Calm down, Clarisse!" said Shizuki Ryouko to the girl who was glomping her with an attack glomp, "it's going to be all right!" But Clarisse with her excitement kept hugging and squealing and pushing until Ryouko, looking around wildly for something, anything, to use as a distraction, finally caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye, and so interrupted "whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on! wait! who's that? What's going on down there?"

Clarisse stopped, and looked, and blinked twice.

"Oh, that's the captain of the kendo club, Chitose Yuma! She's so awesome, she's amazing, she's basically the bestest – wait, what's she doing with the weird girl?"

"Weird girl?"

Clarisse sighed. "Simona del Mago," she said, as if that explained everything. "I'm not surprised you don't know her but how could you not know Yuma, she's such a… such a heart-throb."

"Really," said Ryouko. "Huh. I didn't know heart-throbs were so short."

"Don't let her stature deceive you, she's really imporant! She's on the Student Council, too, and blah blah blah blah" blah blah, blah'd the blah while the two of them walked along to class.

After class Ryouko there was a commotion over by the notice board. She wandered over to see what it was about. Turning to a bystander, she enquired, "Hey, Nakazawa, what's going on?"

"Someone posted a love letter," he replied. "It's, like, bad. Really bad. Words cannot describe how bad, unless maybe they're the words of the love letter itself, which are really really bad."

"Hmmph," said Ryouko, and, making a decision to take immediate bold and drastic action, she elbowed her way through the crowd to the notice board and ripped the piece of paper from where it was posted.

"What's wrong with everybody! This was a letter sent in confidence by a lovestruck girl! It's very mean and not nice to make fun of people for being in love! It's unforgiveable! In the name of the Moon I shall punish you!"

There was a murmur in the crowd. "We're sorry, Ryouko-chan." "Sorry." "Uhm." "Sorry." "mumble." "blah." "i just wanted to see the commotion." "i didn't even see it but I wanted to so i'm sorry."

Ryouko gave a righetous nod of satisfaction, but not too much satisfaction, just enough satisfaction to recognize that the apologies were an improvement over the state of the world a few seconds before.

"What jerkface posted this thing here anyway?" she demanded, then looked down at the posted note, reading

"My dearest Yuma-chan <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 You're so awesome, you're amazing, you're basically the bestest and most awesome and perfect person to ever throb my heart of hearts and I …"

At the edge of the crowd, back from the mostest crowded part, stood Clarisse. She wasn't saying anything, anything at all, indeed, she wasn't even moving, but she was trembling, and biting her lip and a tear ran down her cheek. Then she saw Ryouko looking at her and she suddenly turned and ran down the hallway as fast as her two humanoid legs could possibly carry her.

So Ryouko got mad.

Yuma was hanging around in a pretty glass greenhouse filled with pretty roses and a few other people such as the aforementioned Simona but also a certain well-dressed girl in a formal robe with long red hair and a stick of off-brand Pocky sticking out her mouth and a grin on her face, so when Ryouko threw open the door and knocked over a watering can and stormed in like a grumpy grumpyface all three people inside the greenhouse full of roses noticed as well.

"Hey what's the big idea??!?" demanded Ryouko with a theatrical flourish in which the letter that she held was waved in front of Yuma's face, which wasn't very far above the ground at all.

Yuma tilted her head to the side and asked, "What? Huh? … Oh, that old thing? I thought it was ridiculous and over the top. Absolutely hilarious. A work of art. I mean, I couldn't not share something like that. … Wait, this wasn't your stupid letter, was it?"

"It most definitely was not!" shouted Ryouko back.

"Oh, right, it must have been the other girl with the stupid colored hair. You two look a lot alike, you know, but she's actually got, like, assets. It's a good thing, too, otherwise people would probably assume the two of you are, like, clones or something."

"W-what??!?" sputtered Ryouko. "My hair is the same color as yours and you're as flat as a board and me and Clarisse are absolutely nothing alike! I mean, have you seen her buoyant and effervescent personality?"

Yuma rolled her eyes. "Of course I've seen her personality," she said, "she ruined a perfectly good piece of stationery with it, did she not?"

Ryouko just glared for a while without saying any thing. The red headed girl in the formal robe just looked askance at them.

Eventually Simona spoke up. "I should get back to watering the rose–"

"Silence, you!" declared Yuma. "This is my show." She raised a hand to backhand-slap Simona across her face, which was only possible because Simona was seated, except the redhead girl stepped in to catch her hand before it hit Simona.

"Calm down there, princess," said this ginger, "you don't just get to slap miss del Mago around all you like just because you're winning. You will invoke the wrath of the Incubator."

"Bah. del Mago is mine, to do with as I choose, for we are OTP. Remember that, Kyouko."

"You keep telling yourself that, Yuma, but your fortunes may yet change. Try to remember your place," Kyoko grumbled, as she strolled out of the greenhouse.

"Now, where were we?" asked Yuma as the other girl left. "Oh yes!" Out of spite and disdain, and with disdainful spite, she slapped Simona's face with the back of her hand.

Said Ryouko, "I marvel very great, and I disdain whilst yet I marvel. This is just like what you did with that love letter and clearly indicates that you use the people around you like objects instead of treating them as humans worthy of intrinsic dignity to respect, and respecting their dignity. Our only solution now can be violence! Let us meet after school, whereupon in the name of the Moon I shall punish you!"

She made an iconic hand gesture referencing one particular and special, especially protected piece of popular culture which had survived the brutal mean years of War which had previously had occasion to decimate humanity. Because she was doing this Yuma was able to have her eye caught by the gleam of light gleaming off the shiny silver ring around her finger.

"A duel? Well then! Well why didn't you just say so?" enquired Yuma. "Very well then! You, me, in the forest, six o'clock! Be there or be square!" proclaimed Yuma.

"It's on!" declared Ryouko.

Simona got up to locate a pair of green roses.

Ryouko wasn't quite sure what to expect inside the forest but what she definitely didn't expect inside the forest was an ornate water feature leading to a staircase that spiralled up and up and up into the sky with epic music playing as she climbed her way up to the top where a circular arena sat underneath a giant upside down castle in the sky, so when she got there and saw Yuma chillin' like the villain that she is the first thing she did was blink in confusion and the second thing she did was to ask "Hey what's up with the freaky castle?"

Yuma waved the question away. "Somebody left the anime bullshit generator turned on."

"Oh," said Ryouko, pondering, "I guess that would explain … a lot of things, actually."

Simona, who was wearing a long flowy pretty red dress like a princess, strolled over to Ryouko and pinned a green rose to her chest, explaining, "Whoever knocks the rose off their opponent's chest is the victor, and she and I shall be OTP."
Madoka ends up as a laboratory experiment
If you are reading this in Reader Mode, be aware of the sidestory post which occurs here: Sidestory 1

You relay the plan to Ryouko first, then get Nanami. There's a small but frustrating delay focusing on her position to get a full-rate connection going. Oh, for a proper network! But there you go, only a few hundred milliseconds to send a message, a detailed situation report, an image, an area map, then begin the ongoing stream of tactical data about who is situated exactly where.

The message goes like this.

Hi Nanami. I'm pretty sure this gentleman we have encountered <image attachment link> is someone from your household, so we wished to warn you that he's at serious risk of becoming a familiar's snack and also getting in trouble with the police, possibly both at once. It occurs to us that you might wish for him to not be a familiar's snack, but the presence of police attention unfortunately constrains our actions. We propose to cause a distraction, but otherwise avoid engagement unless it comes down to an imminent risk of death.

Nanami's reply is swift.


You're a little uncertain what this sentiment means for your current mission.

So he is your brother, then, and that works for you for the moment, then? you ask, hoping for clarification.

HALF-brother, replies Nanami. Yeah that's FINE.

Meanwhile, Ryouko explains the plan to a somewhat skeptical Kyouko.

Seriously? Kyouko asks. You want to do the love and justice and saving people crap right here and now, of all the possible places?

Not really?
replies Ryouko. First of all, we literally owe Nanami our lives. Respecting that debt isn't crap, and even if it were, she's a powerful magical girl with an irreplaceable set of powers which we might n—

Fine, I get it,
replies Kyouko. But I don't like it. She takes a deep breath.


She then grabs your hand and takes off running down the alley.

"Aah!" you exclaim out loud. This is not the plan! you exclaim internally to Ryouko.

"What the hell?" says the policeman, reaching for his gun.

Kyouko, sends Ryouko, what are you doing, I said we'd teleport to the roof —

So catch up and we'll do it!
she replies. I thought you wanted a distraction! People running!

This is why we need tactical networks,
you sigh to your girl. And proper training.

Kyouko is running quickly and you can barely keep up and Ryouko is still there in her nook and —

now all three of you are up on the rooftops. Kyouko's reflexes are better than yours, and she immediately starts skidding to a halt, while you lurch forward past her, out of control — but Ryouko is waiting for you there, to catch you.

You realize you are somewhat shot through with adrenaline, eyes wide, and your heart beating quickly. You take a moment to breathe.

What was that?? you ask, grabbing Ryouko for safety. I thought you had to be touching someone to teleport them.

I think you count,
says Ryouko. I mean, we're touching on the inside anyway, right?

Well that's good to know,
you remark. It opens up a variety of tactical opportunities. Speaking of which, though, there's a developing situation on the street below.

The main problem seems to be that the cop started trying to follow after your distraction, but decided that those two were more of an immediate threat. He is now between your hiding spot and the two men, who are occupying his attention.

"You two keep those hands where I can see them!" says the cop.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I gotcha," says Souta. "It's all cool, we don't want no problems, officer."

"Don't you get smart with me, Nakimura!" says the cop. "What the fuck was that supposed to be? You trying to play games with me? You suddenly think you're smart or something?"

"I dunno, man, I'm just as confused as you are," he replies.

"Yeah," says the cop, "ain't that always the way?"

The other man — Souta's dealer, you guess — reaches into his jacket carefully while the cop is distracted.

"Okay then, punk, here's how it's gonna work," says the policeman, staring at Sou, "I'm placing you two under arrest for obstruction, and then we're —"

"Look out he's got a gun!" interrupts Souta.

The officer turns his head to look —

the dealer raises his gun to shoot —

Souta lurches forward to knock the cop out of the way —


the bullet grazes Souta's shoulder, and he cries out in pain.

The policeman fires wildly at the dealer, misses, and smashes into the ground.

The shooter watches as the two fall to the ground in a pile, glaring angrily at Souta, who lands in a bit of a heap on top of the cop. He chambers another shot —

Ryouko prepares to teleport down to extract Souta.

Wait just a moment, interrupts Nanami over the network.

We don't have a moment! replies Ryouko.

"You dirty rat," says the shooter, raising his gun, "you sold us out."

Suddenly he stops, and everything is quiet.

You look around. Kyouko's stopped too, which probably means…

Homura and Nanami have entered the alley, the former being led by the latter.

"There," she says. "As I was saying, just one moment."

Homura looks at the men smashed int the ground there.

"Oh my gosh he's bleeding!" she says, pointing with her free hand.

"Yes, dear, he was shot," says Nanami. "I can't even say he doesn't deserve it."

Homura shudders, and looks pale.

Nanami shakes her head. "He'll live, probably. That's not the problem. The real problem is what to do about the other two."

"I was just going to teleport down and extract him," says Ryouko. "Standard combat rescue. They wouldn't have a chance to react."

"Yeah, but the problem isn't this guy," says Nanami. "It's not about saving him in and of himself. The problem is there's a cop, right here. That means more police attention and we can't afford that. Not with the stakes we're playing with."

"What do you propose, then?" you ask.

Nanami looks over the situation.

"How about we take this guy," she says, pointing at the dealer, "and I simply apply a railgun to his face?"

Homura gasps.

"I mean, we could do all three if you'd like, but I figure they're going to be a lot more interested about the shape of the holes when the cop's actually dead. If we do it this way, maybe they overlook that he's a crap shot."

"But — but that's terrible!" says Homura, pointing in accusation at Nanami. "That's murder! How could you suggest such a thing!"

Homura had let go of Nanami's hand to point at her, and the girl is frozen in time. Homura realizes this abruptly.

"Umm," she says, then grabs Nanami's hand again.

"Whoa, hey," says Nanami, "careful dropping the time stop."

"I was saying that's terrible and it's murder," declares Homura. "Since when is that the kind of things magical girls do?"

Nanami sighs. "Okay, listen, Homura, you made a wish to save Madoka, right?"

"Y-yes!" she replies. "And Madoka would never shoot people in the face! She and Mami would always save people, not kill them!"

Nanami makes a face.

"Okay, listen, Homura, here's the thing. If people start looking too closely into our little circle of friends, they find out about the twenty fifth century technology in everyone's bodies and brains, then we're all chased by world governments and various forces of darkness and Madoka ends up as a laboratory experiment for the rest of her life."

Homura's expression is one of horror.

"Besides, he's literally holding a gun ready to shoot someone," says Nanami. "It's not like he isn't asking for it."

Homura tenses, steeling herself for something unpleasant, but she's still looking at Nanami like she doesn't want to be touching her for much longer.

"Okay, hey," says Nanami, "maybe there's another way. Hey Clarisse, what do you think?"

> consider your options

[ ] Let Nanami railgun the drug dealer / gunman
[ ] Spare Nanami from psychological impact
- [ ] Have Ryouko shoot him
- [ ] Shoot him yourself
- [ ] Make Homura shoot him
[ ] Perform original combat rescue plan
[ ] Conduct a rescue entirely from time-stop
[ ] Shoot everyone
[ ] (Write in some clever plan)

[ ] Call an ambulance afterwards
[ ] Leave them to their own devices
[ ] Toss the bodies in the labyrinth

[ ] (write in psychological counsel for afterwards)
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"Look out he's got a gun!" interrupts Souta.

The officer turns his head to look —

the dealer raises his gun to shoot —

Souta lurches forward to knock the cop out of the way —


the bullet grazes Souta's shoulder, and he cries out in pain.

The policeman fires wildly at the dealer, misses, and smashes into the ground.

The shooter watches as the two fall to the ground in a pile, glaring angrily at Souta, who lands in a bit of a heap on top of the cop. He chambers another shot —
So, guns in Japan are much less common then in the US, to the point that this police officer probably shouldn't be carrying one baring very exceptional circumstances. I'm not sure you've fully taken that into account when planning this scene.
So, guns in Japan are much less common then in the US, to the point that this police officer probably shouldn't be carrying one baring very exceptional circumstances. I'm not sure you've fully taken that into account when planning this scene.

I'm aware they're far far far less common overall, but I'm told that they're carried by police often enough, just that using them is a paperwork nightmare to be avoided at all costs and that even the most hardened of criminals would hesitate to shoot one on account of the risk. good thing we have a familiar here to keep people in their right minds, am I right?

Besides, series!Homura gotta get them from somewhere.

(also seriously are you planning on having me redo the scene over something like that, because i'm sorta not intending to)
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So, guns in Japan are much less common then in the US, to the point that this police officer probably shouldn't be carrying one baring very exceptional circumstances. I'm not sure you've fully taken that into account when planning this scene.
The police carrying guns isn't dictated purely by the civilians having guns. The British police are a exception in that they are mostly unarmed, the German police has their service pistol with them most of the time. Accordin to this Wikipedia section, most officers are issued a revolver in .38 Special.
All cops "on the beat" in Japan carry guns despite only firing them a dozen times (if that) in combat across the entire nation each year.
Clearly it's time to teach Homura the horrors of Real Life and Real Combat. /sarcasm

Really, Nanami isn't wrong. It's the fastest and most expedient way of solving this problem, has the least number of explanations that need to be given, and possibly gets Souta arrested in a fashion useful to Nanami. Certainly, once you have an active shooter seeking to kill an officer, that officer and anyone supporting him has clearance to fire until the threat is ended.

This being said, standard combat rescue is probably completely doable. It just has additional costs of explanations and things afterwards. My feeling is that if this ends up happening, it's going to be important to manipulate the Officer and Souta into becoming agents that we can use later. Having an officer on the inside who can just feed us news would be useful, and Souta would possibly be a useful source into the criminal underworld. Best case scenario, we could start building a network in the same way the mafia did back in the day.
Well, that's a clusterhandhold.

What's the extent of Nanami's powers?
Can we bring the gun into a timestop without the person? Can we attach one of Ryouko's bolt-strings to the chambered bullet and the ones in the magazine?

My current idea is to cause a misfire/jam/gun explosion, or to make the bullet disappear/miss.

The latter requires too much magic usage, and too much rapid teleporting for safety.

Plan A Certain Magical Misfire: Railgun Edition will be denoted by TN, and Ryouko edition will be denoted by TR. These two plans require different assumptions.

[T] Tell everyone to shut up, listen, and do as I say.

[TR] Assumptions
-[TR] Ryouko can generate small explosives (see: explosive bolts)
[TR] Ask Ryouko for explsive parameters, and if she can generate shaped versions, and if she can generate explosives on her own
[TR] Run a physics explosive simulation from the education package to determine shaped explosive quantity sufficient to destroy mechanism while minimizing shrapnel injury. Estimate parameters based off of exterior dimensions. Account for potential secondary explosions.
[TR] Ask Ryouko to generate a shaped explosive of that power, and plant it in the barrel.
[TR] Teleport everyone to roof, release stop, and trigger explosive

[TN] Assumptions
-[TN] Nanami can manipulate guns.
[TN] Ask Nanami if her power works on guns
[TN] Have her make the gun jam
[TN] Teleport everyone to roof, release stop

Skeletons: Disarming Bolt
Common: General common, plus
[T] Teleport everyone to a convenient overwatch roof, and release timestop half a second to impact

[TB] Have Ryouko fire green magic bolts to disarm the person

[TC] Have Ryouko fire a precision crossbow shit with a generated high velocity needle

[TD] Have Nanami fire a low power Railgun shot to disarm

That's all of my ideas for combat plans.

I have a headache, no laptop, and poor internet (mfw T-Mobile on vacation) so my specific vote will wait.

If Nanami can solve this, I'd go with TN.
Well, that's a clusterhandhold.

What's the extent of Nanami's powers?
Can we bring the gun into a timestop without the person? Can we attach one of Ryouko's bolt-strings to the chambered bullet and the ones in the magazine?

My current idea is to cause a misfire/jam/gun explosion, or to make the bullet disappear/miss.

The latter requires too much magic usage, and too much rapid teleporting for safety.

Plan A Certain Magical Misfire: Railgun Edition will be denoted by TN, and Ryouko edition will be denoted by TR. These two plans require different assumptions.

[T] Tell everyone to shut up, listen, and do as I say.

[TR] Assumptions
-[TR] Ryouko can generate small explosives (see: explosive bolts)
[TR] Ask Ryouko for explsive parameters, and if she can generate shaped versions, and if she can generate explosives on her own
[TR] Run a physics explosive simulation from the education package to determine shaped explosive quantity sufficient to destroy mechanism while minimizing shrapnel injury. Estimate parameters based off of exterior dimensions. Account for potential secondary explosions.
[TR] Ask Ryouko to generate a shaped explosive of that power, and plant it in the barrel.
[TR] Teleport everyone to roof, release stop, and trigger explosive

[TN] Assumptions
-[TN] Nanami can manipulate guns.
[TN] Ask Nanami if her power works on guns
[TN] Have her make the gun jam
[TN] Teleport everyone to roof, release stop

Skeletons: Disarming Bolt
Common: General common, plus
[T] Teleport everyone to a convenient overwatch roof, and release timestop half a second to impact

[TB] Have Ryouko fire green magic bolts to disarm the person

[TC] Have Ryouko fire a precision crossbow shit with a generated high velocity needle

[TD] Have Nanami fire a low power Railgun shot to disarm

That's all of my ideas for combat plans.

I have a headache, no laptop, and poor internet (mfw T-Mobile on vacation) so my specific vote will wait.

If Nanami can solve this, I'd go with TN.

You can also just shoot the gun.


I mean seriously, this is a thing megucas can do in TTS. Ryouko has the training to pull this off.
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[x] Have Ryouko shoot a crossbow bolt up the barrel of the gun. It will appear that the weapon misfired and blew up in his hand. Shooter might lose a few fingers, but he'll live. The bolt is magic and will vanish, leaving no evidence behind.

I think you count,
says Ryouko. I mean, we're touching on the inside anyway, right?
...that probably came out wrong...
I'm aware they're far far far less common overall, but I'm told that they're carried by police often enough, just that using them is a paperwork nightmare to be avoided at all costs and that even the most hardened of criminals would hesitate to shoot one on account of the risk. good thing we have a familiar here to keep people in their right minds, am I right?
IIRC their criminals have some gun availability, but likewise use them less, because a gun crime gets a full hog public outrage and investigation, so they mostly carry mostly if they think they can get away with it.

Certainly, pistols should be fine. Its larger weapons that's rarer.
[] Have Ryouko shoot a crossbow bolt up the barrel of the gun. It will appear that the weapon misfired and blew up in his hand. Shooter might lose a few fingers, but he'll live. The bolt is magic and will vanish, leaving no evidence behind.

In the spirit of covering all our bases, what should we have everyone do if he still has it in him to pull out a knife?
In the spirit of covering all our bases, what should we have everyone do if he still has it in him to pull out a knife?
Seems unlikely, but in that case I guess another crossbow bolt will cause him to seemingly fumble the knife and cut his own hand.

The cop will eventually manage to get back to his feet and regain control of the situation, one hopes, unless we're dealing with the Japanese Barney Fife here.
The 'tilt the odds' against the shooter plan sounds pretty workable, with lots of finiky details to figure out.

One option could be to just teleport the shooter and gun, and then take the bullets with us? Or otherwise break the mechanism? move the guy ten feet back so he's disoriented (Just like we were!) and remove the bullets or whatever of the gun. He likely pulls the trigger, it doesn't work, and then he either gets shot by the cop or runs away.

I get that Nanami is pissed as all hell, but letting the cop take care of things is likely for the best. On the plus side, assuming that the cop isn't hurt, Souta is in good shape, since he literally dived in front of bullets to help the cop out, and got wounded doing it. Having him doing that ought to keep him off Nanami's shit list more if he's actively not trying to commit crimes.