The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Information gathering first seems like a good idea. We can ping later if we like what we find out. Of course the potential downside is that the longer we wait the more suspicious we look when we do announce our presence, so we probably shouldn't wait too long.

[X] Remain where you are and observe passively
[X] Attempt to engage passing middle school students.
[X] Do not attempt to pose as Shizuki-san.
-[X] Identify that your last name is also Shizuki
[X] Pretend everything is normal.
You tabulate the findings from your first round of analysis and simulations. It looks like you'll definitely want to keep things quiet for the time being, but otherwise avoid subterfuge; this is Ryouko we're talking about, after all. A few processes have identified additional useful takeaways. You take a moment to synthesize these results, while still keeping an eye out for any last-minute insights before proceeding...

13 [x] Do not attempt to pose as Shizuki-san
14 [x] Identify that your last name is also Shizuki

14 [x] Pretend everything is normal

1 [x] Attempt to enlist assistance

12 [x] Attempt to engage passing middle school students
7 [x] Remain where you are and observe passively
1 [x] Attempt to remain hidden from passing students

6 [x] Follow the cyclist to the local middle school

4 [x] Use telepathy to ask for help
1 [x] Use telepathy to look for your comrades from the future

1 [x] use those perfect memory implants to remember film on Homura's life and MSY history
1 [x] be on look out for Mitakihara Four or Kyubey,
but avoid other MG for moment

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[x] Do not attempt to pose as Shizuki-san
[x] Remain where you are and observe passively
[x] Do not attempt to pose as Shizuki-san.
[x] Pretend everything is normal.

We need information, and to communicate the information.
Right, so, I need to post this before I go to sleep or it'll be on my mind all night. Next voting period will probably be about a day, maybe two, while there's still good momentum, and after that we'll see what happens.
4 [x] Use telepathy to ask for help
1 [x] Use telepathy to look for your comrades from the future
I wasn't voting any on the subject of telepathic ping because it isn't included in the list of voting subdivision in story post. Does the counting of telepathy votes into its own subgroup means a telepathy action will be enacted regardless unless there's an explicit (and winning) 'no telepathy' vote?

Mmm. I initially thought that we should no telepathy contact anyone. One the reasons would be this
but avoid other MG for moment, as we can't know who is friendly, this is time when MG killed each other for territory and grief cubes
But then again, the second option above, using telepathy to look for people we already know, in case some of them do got bring here is only make sense from in character perspective.

Now, some of those people we know includes people who are already living in this time period. So we may end up contacting local MG anyway. This has both disadvantages and advantages.

Mami should be safe. Its Mami.
Kyouko is ... safe-ish. She is in the more ..volatile period here, but she was never heartless.

Being our mentors, they would also be on naturally on top of our target of contacts, IC-wise.

Clarisse ... is Walpurgis (possibly? I don't recall if there's out of story confirmation, but there's some hints that way IIRC). No idea if we can contact a Witch telepathically, but it's a bad mojo to try regardless, and with Walpurgis.

And umm, yeah, that's we should either not contact MG or be selective with whom we contact. Some of the people we know and already lives in 2011 may be Witch in this timeline instead of MG. This is OOC reasoning admitedly, but still!

[X] Remain where you are and observe passively
[X] Attempt to engage passing middle school students.
[X] Do not attempt to pose as Shizuki-san.
-[X] Identify that your last name is also Shizuki
[X] Pretend everything is normal.
[x] Use telepathy to look for people from the future that you know
-[x] Stress on the 'from the future' part. Do not contact any MG acquaintance whose date of birth is before the current date
--[x] Mami excepted. Possibly Kyouko
Right, so, I need to post this before I go to sleep or it'll be on my mind all night. Next voting period will probably be about a day, maybe two, while there's still good momentum, and after that we'll see what happens.
Ah is that tally closing? Oh well.
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Are you a clone.
Your consensus algorithms perform a final reconciliation against the last round of input, a late result which suggested a carefully targeted telepathic search.

Stay calm, you instruct Ryouko. We have no idea what's happening, or if this is even real. Find out as much as we can before committing to anything, don't attract any attention, don't shout for help, don't broadcast anything telepathically ... just lay low, and act casual.

We're going to have to interact with people to find out more. We have a couple of options here. Option One, we try to follow the boy. He seemed to recognize us, and he might help us with answers. We'll also be in a more public place, which could be safer, and it might seem less out of place if it looks like we're walking to school. Option Two, we stay put. If we run into any groups they'll probably be smaller, as will the amount of trouble that we run into. I like this a little better. I'm not sure we should try to hide or anything, though, it could just look suspicious.

Ryouko gives a little nod of acknowledgement. Less trouble sounds like a good idea. So, I guess, just hang out and act casual?

Her mental image of herself acting casual involves her traipsing around idly through endless fields of flowers, clutching her hands together whilst marvelling at the clear blue skies and fluffy white clouds overhead.

Casual, not, "oh-my-goddess, this-is-the-most-delightful-morning-ever."

, remarks Ryouko. She leans up against a tree and begins to fiddle with her fingernails, deploying her very fine Distracted Teenager visage.

Try seeing if you can reach Asami or Simona, you suggest.

In the meantime, you listen to some of the radio bands. There's definitely structured digital traffic on a variety of channels, but you don't have any of the codecs. You could probably reverse engineer something, given enough effort, but you're not sure where to start. You're not exactly optimized to be a protocol engineer, after all.

Hold on a minute, though.

No. There's no way. Even in 2011, it's such a waste of spectrum.

These are shockingly primitive peoples, you think to yourself, as you program a trivial superheterodyne circuit, and listen in awe to crude weather forecasts and music over amplitude-modulated analog broadcasts in the kilohertz spectrum. Here, listen to this, you say, as you play the sound in Ryouko's head: mostly clear skies, 20% chance of rain overnight, followed by a traffic report. This is genuine AM radio. If this world isn't real, it's a very lovingly crafted fake.

She marvels at the noise, before considering the implications further. Okay, then what happened? How did we end up here? All I remember was Homura showing up, and then… chaos.

If you don't remember it, I don't either,
you note. Homura's powers are wild enough that they're probably involved, but Simona's behavior was more suspicious. When did she even make a contract? Where did she come up with her plan?

"Good morning, Shizuki-san!" calls a voice, a girl's.

Ryouko looks up, surprised. A group of three girls is approaching you.

Perfect "surprise" reaction, you reassure her. Exactly what we want for an honest to goodness case of mistaken identity.

interrupted Ryouko, which Shizuki-san exactly would she mistaking me for…

Don't think about that. You're not the Shizuki they're looking for.

"Oh, wow, nice dress," says one of the other girls. She's short, with brown hair, and pigtails. "I really like it!"

"My my, too cool for the dress code this morning, are we?" asked the third. She had deep green hair, almost black, up in a ponytail, and red eyeglasses.

The first girl, a tall one, with long, straight, reddish-brown hair and a cool demeanor, smirks. "You're right. How scandalous."

You can do this, you reassure Ryouko.

"Um, good morning," said Ryouko, nervously. "Ah, I'm sorry, um, I, ah, don't believe we've met before…"

You should stop expecting the nomenclator to be useful, you chide Ryouko. But good work so far; this is exactly as awkward as it should be.

"Huh?" asks the cool girl.

"What?" asks the girl with glasses. "You're being weird."

The short girl gasps, and lurches backwards, falling to the ground on her bottom. "That's not the real Hitomi-chan!" she says, pointing. "Her hair is too long and her breasts are way too small!!"

"Well geez, Yuuka," said the one with glasses, looking at the short girl.

"Oh. My. Gosh." said the cool girl, gazing at Ryouko's chest. "You're right."

"Uhhhh," says Ryouko nervously. "My name is Shizuki Ryouko."

"What." said the girl with glasses. "Are you a clone."

"Oh my gosh, Hitomi-chan has a twin sister and never told us," said the short girl, still on the ground. "That's unfair!"

Don't think too hard about it, you warn Ryouko. You don't know her.

"Uhh," says Ryouko, still nervous, "I don't think I know the person who you're talking about."

"I'm not buying it," says the girl with glasses. "This is some weird stunt, and you're wearing a wig or something. Real hair doesn't look that good." She places her hand to her temples and closes her eyes in thought. "All right, who do we know who would put Hitomi up to a weird stunt?"

"Are you kidding me, Wakaba-chan?" said the cool girl. "This has Miki Sayaka's name written all over it."

"I know," says glasses girl, evidently Wakaba, "that's the problem, it's almost too obviously her. I like to think she has higher standards than this."

Ryouko has placed the name Miki Sayaka quite effectively. She's read the official versions of the MSY's history, she's seen the movie, she's seen the memorial middle school on the map, and she's had the visions. She is, right now, calculating exactly what level of great-great-grandmother of hers a Shizuki Hitomi would have to be, but failing, foiled by an incomplete record.

The short girl, Yuuka, has picked herself up. "Ryouko-chan?" she asks, tentatively. You get the sense she's placed Ryouko at roughly the same level of familiarity as Hitomi herself. She's eyeing Ryouko with wide, wide eyes, paying special attention to her hair, but also noting the red ribbon still tied around one hand.

"Do you think her partners in crime are hiding out behind a tree somewhere with a camera?" asks the cool girl. "Sayakaaa? Cute trick, you had us for a moment, but you can come out now."

"Hold on," says Wakaba, retrieving a small object item from her school bag, a grin coming to her face. "I'll see if I can flush her out." The object appears to be made out of plastic, with a hinge that she opens to reveal a primitive user interface.

Ryouko looks around nervously. Is this what you had in mind?

> advise Ryouko

You seed the relevant analysis subprocesses with a spectrum of preliminary ideation.

[ ] This is excessive attention. Bail out.
[ ] Teleport away.
[ ] Run away.
[ ] Ask politely, but firmly, for them to leave you alone.​

[ ] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
[ ] Enquire after your friend, Nakihara Asami.
[ ] Enquire after your friend, Simona del Mago.
[ ] Enquire after your friend, Tomoe Mami.
[ ] Enquire after your friend, Sakura Kyouko.
[ ] Enquire after your friend, Akemi Homura.
[ ] Enquire after this stranger, Shizuki Hitomi.​

[ ] Tell the truth, but play along with the idea that it's part of a ridiculous prank.

As an additional contingency, it occurs to you that, as an object of interest, they may attempt to show off Ryouko to friends. This may involve leading you away from the area.
[ ] Play along, to meet new people.
[ ] Avoid further entanglements.​
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If you fine algorithms questors have any strong DO NOT votes, please label them with an [x] so that Clarisse's custom consensus algorithms categorize that as specific output and not just general quest discussion. I intend to read all the general reasoning either way, but it'll make it easier to ensure it's not forgotten when I filter out the other text to do a count.

(This will probably go into a quest-notes / instructions post of some sort, once I figure out what I'm doing more precisely.)
Hmm... unless we get really creative here, Sayaka and Hitomi are going to be hearing about Ryouko at school today, and probably Madoka will hear about her too by extension. There's an outside chance that even Homura could catch the talk and recognize something's weird with the timeline, but this is probably too paranoid - she's not even attending school yet.

However, if we let these girls drag us somewhere, there's a chance we'll end up bumping into the real Hitomi, along with Madoka, which would make an encounter with Homura much more likely - and we do have good in character reasons to want to avoid this. Out of character... a strange magical girl suddenly approaching Madoka probably sets off every alarm bell Homura has. (Also, if Ryouko accidentally calls Madoka "Goddess", we're going to have even bigger trouble!)

Actually, question @tomoyo, are we allowed to use out of character knowledge about the original series to make our decisions in this quest? I think for now I'll assume we shouldn't.

I think I see two reasonable options here:

Safe option:
[ ] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
- [ ] Enquire after your friend, Nakihara Asami.
- [ ] Enquire after your friend, Simona del Mago.
[ ] Avoid further entanglements.

Hopefully the girls eventually become convinced we're just a freak coincidence after calling Sayaka's cell phone doesn't reveal her to be anywhere nearby, and we can continue thinking up a plan of what to do, calming down Ryouko, analyzing data, etc.

Risky option:
[ ] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
- [ ] Enquire after this stranger, Shizuki Hitomi.
[ ] Play along, to meet new people.

The Shizuki Hitomi thing is going to keep coming up - we should probably learn something about her. And in character, we know this might get us a chance to get non-awkwardly (well, less awkwardly) introduced to Hitomi and Sayaka. They're probably important - we might as well see what's up in this crazy world.

Acting crazy (teleporting, fleeing, yelling that we're from the future) is just as likely to get Ryouko wrapped up in all sorts of crazy nonsense as the risky option does, but also removes our ability to exert any control over it or even know what's happening.

Not sure which of my two hypothetical approaches to take, though. Any other thoughts?
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Pretty much agree with you, I think our best bet would be to somehow disentangle ourselves from this situation, or otherwise keep things friendly and low-key. Leaning towards your first plan, though I wouldn't mind if we went along with them. I don't really see much of a reason to stay put, except for only to avoid bumbling into a situation-- but we aren't going to get much information or resources by staying here.
Alright I've had a brilliant plan.

[X] Inquire about the feasibility of meeting Miki Sayaka to clear up this misunderstanding.

This surely cannot go wrong in any way.

Also genuinely, the worst that can happen is that the girls go "man we don't where you usually meet Sayaka, Shizuki-san! Let's go to class before we're late." If that happens, then go with the flow. Teleporting away is always a reasonable worst case scenario ejection handle, but we've not reached that yet.
Also, if we do recommend asking about Asami, we should perhaps tell Ryouko to be careful not to mention she's her girlfriend. Else, in the real Hitomi's near future:

[x] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
- [x] Enquire after this stranger, Shizuki Hitomi.
[x] Play along, to meet new people.

Fortune favors the bold~
Also, if we do recommend asking about Asami, we should perhaps tell Ryouko to be careful not to mention she's her girlfriend. Else, in the real Hitomi's near future:


Convert Hitomi. Change history~ :p
[x] Tell the truth, but play along with the idea that it's part of a ridiculous prank.
[x] Play along, to meet new people.


[x] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
[x] Enquire after your friend, Nakihara Asami.
[x] Enquire after your friend, Simona del Mago.​

because these people couldn't actually exist at this point in the timeline.

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But seriously though, unless write-ins are not allowed, I genuinely am proposing that we ask to meet Miki Sayaka. If there's one way to solve this problem with a hammer from orbit, that's definitely it. Abort options are available if they decide to drag us to school and meet her there, but my math indicates there's at least a 50/50 chance they know where Hitomi goes to meet her other friends when she walks to school in the mornings. If we can meet everyone there, then we can start working on this problem very early and maintain discretion.
Guys, remember that we aren't playing Ryouko, we're playing Clarisse. I don't think that we should skip ahead to what is probably the best rational decision (which I'd say would be to hide and slowly gather information without interacting with anyone).

Right now, the most important thing (to Ryouko) would be to meet her friends. So trying to find out about them would make sense (especially since we're still not completely sure we went back through time).

[X] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
-[X] Enquire after your friend, Nakihara Asami.
-[X] Enquire after your friend, Simona del Mago.
-[X] Enquire after this stranger, Shizuki Hitomi.
[X] Play along, to meet new people.

Asking about Kyouko also makes sense (we are in mitakihara after all), and we might as well ask about Hitomi.

Edit: changed my vote.
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Guys, remember that we aren't playing Ryouko, we're playing Clarisse. I don't think that we should skip ahead to what is probably the best rational decision (which I'd say would be to hide and slowly gather information without interacting with anyone).

Right now, the most important thing (to Ryouko) would be to meet her friends. So trying to find out about them would make sense (especially since we're still not completely sure we went back through time).

[X] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
- [X] Enquire after your friend, Nakihara Asami.
- [X] Enquire after your friend, Simona del Mago.
- [X] Enquire after your friend, Sakura Kyouko.
- [X] Enquire after this stranger, Shizuki Hitomi.

Asking about Kyouko also makes sense (we are in mitakihara after all), and we might as well ask about Hitomi.

I mean, I definitely agree that we're roleplaying as Clarisse. But I also think that Clarisse would speak up if she thinks that Ryouko needs to squash any instinctual urges to ask about her friends and instead focus on the mission. And regardless of whether or not you go for my write-in, I definitely agree that we should not inquire about anyone until we've completed all the immediately important mission objectives.
But seriously though, unless write-ins are not allowed, I genuinely am proposing that we ask to meet Miki Sayaka. If there's one way to solve this problem with a hammer from orbit, that's definitely it. Abort options are available if they decide to drag us to school and meet her there, but my math indicates there's at least a 50/50 chance they know where Hitomi goes to meet her other friends when she walks to school in the mornings. If we can meet everyone there, then we can start working on this problem very early and maintain discretion.

In general I don't recommend asking for someone specific like this in the first place, but out of all the people we could ask for individually, I think Sayaka is the worst person of the people who passes the low bar of 'guaranteed to exist in this timeline'. In character, we have good information on the behavior and temperment of Mami and Kyouko and decent information on Homura. Since Sayaka's been dead for 400 years in the main timeline of TtS, we really don't know anything about her. It would be absurd from an IC standpoint for us to choose to tell Ryouko to ask for the person we know least about.

Also, out of character, if we meet Sayaka without getting into nonmagical, period-appropriate clothes first, we'll be introducing her to magic. That's tantamount to getting her killed one way or the other eventually.
Well that's all true, but asking about the thing you know least about is pretty important. I'm not going to argue the point too vigorously, because I acknowledge that there's a substantial amount of risk here, and I'm struggling to come up with reasons other than "resolve this quickly and with minimal fuss". I know that Sayaka is probably not hostile, and that anyone associated with Sayaka is therefore unlikely to be hostile. Therefore, finding more non-hostiles who might be willing to work with us is probably generally a good plan.

This being said, these girls seem pretty non-hostile too, but I'm willing to bet that their non-hostility is contingent on Shizuki Hitomi's nonhostility. So we want to make friends with Shizuki Hitomi first, and it's probably easiest to go through Miki Sayaka to accomplish this. IF asking about Sayaka's location get us to her, then it seems probable we'll meet Shizuki Hitomi.

I would suspect not, but I have no proof. You would expect people to be like "wow Shizuki-san, making a fashion statement today?"
Well that's all true, but asking about the thing you know least about is pretty important. I'm not going to argue the point too vigorously, because I acknowledge that there's a substantial amount of risk here, and I'm struggling to come up with reasons other than "resolve this quickly and with minimal fuss". I know that Sayaka is probably not hostile, and that anyone associated with Sayaka is therefore unlikely to be hostile. Therefore, finding more non-hostiles who might be willing to work with us is probably generally a good plan.

This being said, these girls seem pretty non-hostile too, but I'm willing to bet that their non-hostility is contingent on Shizuki Hitomi's nonhostility. So we want to make friends with Shizuki Hitomi first, and it's probably easiest to go through Miki Sayaka to accomplish this. IF asking about Sayaka's location get us to her, then it seems probable we'll meet Shizuki Hitomi.

Well if the ultimate goal is to become meet our great-great-great-great-great grandmother, then why not ask for Hitomi herself? Why not take the direct route over the circuitous, blueberry killing one?

In any case, I still disagree with this plan. The best way to get information you shouldn't have or get into a place you're not supposed to be is to act like you belong. If we just keep acting like everything is normal we'll get a chance to introduce ourselves to someone who we know soon enough, and we'll get a chance to meet them organically rather than in some bizarre situation.

Or alternatively, if we're really crazy and want to take that logic to its natural extreme, teleport ourselves + a uniform off one of these girls to Kyouko's church (a location we know exists in Mitakihara's outskirts), change clothes quickly there, then teleport back and go to school like nothing is wrong. But I don't know if I want to propose that quite yet.
Well if the ultimate goal is to become meet our great-great-great-great-great grandmother, then why not ask for Hitomi herself? Why not take the direct route over the circuitous, blueberry killing one?

You know, actually that's a good point. I have done that thing where I go in a huge circle for no reason. :sad:

In any case, I still disagree with this plan. The best way to get information you shouldn't have or get into a place you're not supposed to be is to act like you belong. If we just keep acting like everything is normal we'll get a chance to introduce ourselves to someone who we know soon enough, and we'll get a chance to meet them organically rather than in some bizarre situation.

That's fair. I'll contemplate the notions and consider switching. When are votes due?
Changing my vote because I found a more SV-safe version of the above (half ironic) proposal.

[x] sudo get me a uniform store
[x] If that doesn't work: Tell one of the girls you're Hitomi's cousin, and ask them where they got their uniforms. You're shadowing her at school this week, and Hitomi's don't fit you.
[x] Play along. Try to find a way to politely end the conversation and slip away.
[x] Once you're alone, teleport to the uniform store I found. Walk in, find the nearest changing room, and try on a uniform that matches the other girls.
[x] Once you're satisfied that the uniform fits acceptably, teleport away with the uniform.
[x] Go to school with the other girls.


[x] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
[x] Enquire after your friend, Nakihara Asami.
[x] Enquire after your friend, Simona del Mago.
[x] anything to do with sayaka really
The goal here is to get us a uniform that allows us to not raise suspicion, making us less of an obvious joke and letting us blend in more effectively. Once we have a uniform, people will ask less inconvenient questions like 'who are you' and 'where are you from' and 'why are you wearing that weird shit'.

Obviously, since we don't have any money to spend and don't want to expose random girls in the street, we need to steal either the uniform or the money to buy it. And stealing the entire uniform uses less magic then stealing enough money from multiple passerby to buy a uniform.
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[x] sudo get me a uniform store
[x] If that doesn't work: Tell one of the girls you're Hitomi's cousin, and ask them where they got their uniforms. You're shadowing her at school this week, and Hitomi's don't fit you.
[x] Play along. Try to find a way to politely end the conversation and slip away.
[x] Once you're alone, teleport to the uniform store I found. Walk in, find the nearest changing room, and try on a uniform that matches the other girls.
[x] Once you're satisfied that the uniform fits acceptably, teleport away with the uniform.
[x] Go to school with the other girls.


[x] Keep playing dumb. You were just hoping to meet a friend.
[x] Enquire after your friend, Nakihara Asami.
[x] Enquire after your friend, Simona del Mago.
[x] anything to do with sayaka really

What @Skarmory said. That looks good to me.