[X] [Cadion] Give Wonlyn the Blood of Evalyn and name her Cadion. (???)
[X] [Royal] Let it go ahead. (Status Quo)
[X] [Forluc] Take things slow and steady. (-1 Temp Diplo per a turn until the Forluc Kingdom abolishes slavery, ???)
Taking it slow when you have a diplomacy and culture hero just makes complete sense, as rapid transitions can cause immense harm. Letting her be married to the Princess also ensures that should she become leader, it continues as policy from the top while the rest are converted over time as the economic necessity dwindles and moral imperative rises.
Taking it slowly also means we can do the Grand Theatre while we have a hero with two appropriate specialties as culture should ensure it puts out an exceptional product while the diplomacy should mean that people want to come and see it thus extending the nations influence further and making the above decision easier.