Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 27 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The cost is too high. Our Legitimacy is too high but that doesn't mean that every price is acceptable. The consequences of -4 Wealth are significantly greater than than being a point over our Legitimacy max.
As Oshha said, there's no easy way to bring down our Legitimacy. Better to get it down now than to wait until a better opportunity may or may not pop up.
Well, I hope that's the case. Because I certainly want more infrastructure being done.
If you've been reading the action lists in the updates, the provinces have been doing infrastructure exclusively for the past several turns, including this one.
Since the action list has stated we've been on diplo but the actual results are not that of diplo, it is easy to reason that we are not, in fact, on diplo policy.
If you've been reading the action lists in the updates, the provinces have been doing infrastructure exclusively for the past several turns, including this one.
Since the action list has stated we've been on diplo but the actual results are not that of diplo, it is easy to reason that we are not, in fact, on diplo policy.
Relax a bit, this isn't a serious thing.
Vote is closed.
Vote Tally : Chronicles of Nations - Civ Quest - Original | Page 504 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 12596-12672]
##### NetTally 1.9.7
Task: MAIN
[X][MAIN] Diplomatic Expedition = Forluc Kingdom
No. of Votes: 21
[X][MAIN] Send Missionaries = Forluc Kingdom
No. of Votes: 20
[X][MAIN] Plant Sacred Forests
No. of Votes: 6
[X][MAIN] Grand Theatre
No. of Votes: 3
[X][MAIN] Venerate the Goddesses
No. of Votes: 1
[X][MAIN] Train Sacred Warriors
No. of Votes: 1

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: SEC
[X][SEC] Plant Sacred Forests
No. of Votes: 15
[X][SEC] Diplomatic Expedition = Urthdysh Federation
No. of Votes: 9
[X][SEC] Send Missionaries = Forluc Kingdom
No. of Votes: 7
[X][SEC] Diplomatic Expedition = Forluc Kingdom
No. of Votes: 5
[X][SEC] Grand Theatre
No. of Votes: 2
[X][SEC] Build Arthrynite Temples = Green bay
No. of Votes: 1
[X][SEC] Venerate the Goddesses
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 28
Right of Freedom
[X] [MAIN] Send Missionaries = Forluc Kingdom
[X] [MAIN] Diplomatic Expedition = Forluc Kingdom
[X] [SEC] Plant Sacred Forests

Provinces = [SEC] Expand Economy, [SEC] Build Libraries = North Coast Plains, [SEC] Build Roads = Greenbay, [SEC] Build Roads = North Coast Plains, [SEC] Build Roads = Upriver Plains, [SEC] Build Roads = Northern Green River, [SEC] Build Roads = Southern Green River
Council of Arthryn = [MAIN] Send Missionaries = Forluc Kingdom, [SEC] Build Arthrynite Temples = Greenbay
Arthdysh = [MAIN] Settle Land = Western-Far South Lowlands, [SEC] Expand Economy, [SEC] Build Libraries = Western-North Lowlands, [SEC] Build Libraries = Western-East Lowlands, [SEC] Expand Economy, [SEC] Build Roads = Western-North Lowlands, [SEC] Build Roads = Western-East Lowlands, [SEC] Build Roads = Western-South Lowlands, [SEC] Build Roads = Western-West Lowlands, [SEC] Build Roads = Western-Far South Lowlands
Grythwyd = [SEC] Expand Economy, [SEC] Settle Land = Forest Coast, [SEC] Build Roads = Forest Coast, [SEC] Build Walls = Forest Coast
Myrthwyd = [SEC] Build Libraries = North Coast Fields, [SEC] Expand Economy, [SEC] Settle Land = North Coast Hills, [SEC] Expand Economy
Corthwyd = [SEC] Build Libraries = Eastern-North Lowlands, [MAIN] Expand Economy, [SEC] Build Roads

The Arthwyd saw a chance to remove more slavery from the world and they seized it with two firm hands. Even as more construction of important infrastructure was done in the background, Cadlon Gwynryn and the Assembly arranged for several major expeditions of diplomats and missionaries to be sent to the Forluc Kingdom.

The Forluc Kingdom was currently in a state of crisis of what its future should be going forward and with their admiration of the Arthwyd Empire being at an all time high, it was the perfect opportunity to influence their culture.

While the Arthwyd cared little about whether or not the Forluc Kingdom should become a matriarchy even if they were against the idea in principle, they were eager for the opportunity to push the Forluc away from slavery.

It wasn't just the Cadlon and Assembly of the Arthwyd Empire who sent expeditions to the Forluc Kingdom as the Council of Arthryn and the Urthdysh Federation sent their own expeditions to the Forluc in the south.

For their part, the Forluc were quite pleased to have all of their neighbours who they respected and admired come to offer them aid in their time of need.

While the Foresters were interested in pushing the Forluc towards a matriarchy, the Arthrynites focused on pushing the Forluc Kingdom down the path of abolishing slavery. To this end, one of the priestesses, a young woman by the name of Wonlyn, proved to be incredibly useful.

Devoted to Wyrn, Wonlyn had the charisma and charm of her namesake alongside an instinctive knack for understanding how stories work and how to weave and unravel them. Using these talents of hers, she made major pushes within the Forluc court to turn their upper classes against the evils of slavery. Rather than push the Arthrynite goddesses correctly, she used the Forluc goddess Evatine to push the anti-slavery narrative. Wonlyn made use of the Goddess of Victory, Justice and Law's dual Arthwyd-Forluc to transfer the anti-slavery beliefs of the Arthwyd to the Forluc.

While the Arthrynites weren't able to get many to directly convert to the Arthrynite religion nor did they especially try to avoid the diplomatic repercussions, they were able to get a good portion of the Forluc north of the Rock River to begin worshipping Arthrynite and her Daughters alongside the Forluc pantheon.

Meanwhile Wonlyn's efforts made Evatine a more prominent part of the Forluc pantheon and between that and the general efforts of the Arthwyd to shape the Forluc culture, the Forluc were becoming closer to the Arthwyd culturally, at least the ones that were north of Rock River.

The Forluc in the lands south of Rock River were still stubbornly holding on to their slaves, many of those in the north were very open to the Arthwyd ideas of equality and abolishing slavery. It was a growing divide and one that favour the north as with the territories added in the last few generations, the north was almost twice the size of the south.

While Wonlyn and the Arthwyd were pushing their own ideas upon the Forluc culture, the Urthdysh Federation was helping the Forluc Kingdom with its current crisis. The female-dominated Urthrynites were trying to push the Forluc towards a matriarchy and leading their efforts was the former queen of the Moradysh, Morgyn.

The Urthdysh were able to successfully push the Forluc towards a matriarchy, thanks partially to their own efforts and influences and partially due to the actions of Wonlyn and the Arthwyd. With the Arthrynites pushing Arthryn and her Daughters into Forluc society alongside making Evatine far more prominent in their pantheon, the Forluc were far more open to the idea of women being in charge, especially with Wonlyn being such a prominent and influential example of a women being in charge.

The end result was that the Forluc upper classes were persuaded it was in their best interests to let their women lead them, locking the princes out of their tanistry in favour of their princesses. Men would still play a part, but that would be on the battlefield and not at home as the more intelligence women ruled over the Forluc Kingdom.

These changes were reflected in the Forluc pantheon as not only did Evatine become one of the more prominent members of it, but Nalnir stopped being Nalnir, God of Harvest, Order and the Sun and became Nalniryn, Goddess of Harvest, Order and the Sun.

The Arthwyd won't sure how that happened, but many suspected the hand of Wyrn or the actions of Urthrynites. On the other hand, it could just be the changes to Forluc society reflecting their deities. The men, their warriors, had been made of secondary significance if still important, which is the position that Eredan, their male god of war held. Meanwhile their women were more prominent and powerful like Evatine was within their pantheon.

Now Nalniryn, their top deity had become a goddess rather than a god, something which could easily be a reflection of how women were now openly more powerful and influential in Forluc society. Perhaps something to do with how the top deities of the other religions in the region, Arthryn and Urthryn, were female goddesses.

In the end, the new nature of the Forluc pantheon, especially what had happened to Nalniryn, meant little to the Arthwyd. It was an internal Forluc matter that didn't concern or affect them.

Instead there was the question of who the new Cadion would be. Cadlon Gwynryn still lived, but her Cadion had recently died. While a promising member of the royal family could be picked, some were purposing that the relatively young, but very promising and talented Wonlyn be made Cadion. While she would require the Blood of Evalyn to be eligible, it would be a simple matter of using magic to give Wonlyn the Blood of Evalyn.

Who is the new Cadion?
[] [Cadion] Give Wonlyn the Blood of Evalyn and name her Cadion. (???)
[] [Cadion] Pick the Cadion from a member of the royal family. (Status Quo)

However there was a complicating factor in the matter regarding Wonlyn as the priestess had found herself seduced by one of the Forluc princesses. Princess Evanora is one most competent members of her family, which said something given the Blessing of Nalnir, and is the currently the predicted replacement for King Eraden when he dies.

While she may have initially gone for Wonlyn for political or pragmatic reasons, Wonlyn and Princess Evanora have genuinely fallen in love with one another. This is somewhat problematic for the leaders of the Arthwyd Empire as unless given a reason to stay with the Arthwyd, the talented Wonlyn will mostly likely stay in the Forluc Kingdom with her new lover, especially since Princess Evanora is slated to be the next ruler of the Forluc Kingdom.

Cadlon Gwynryn and the Assembly could try to stop the marriage, but that idea sits uneasy with many as it is just wrong. Wonlyn and Princess Evanora are in love and they have no right to interfere with the two women like that. Not to mention it could backfire as Wonlyn rejects the actions of Arthwyd leadership and fully moves over to the Forluc Kingdom.

Then there was the fact that having Wonlyn married to the future Queen of the Forluc Kingdom could do good things for making them more civilised.

How do Cadlon Gwynryn and the Assembly respond to the engagement of Wonlyn and Princess Evanora?
[] [Royal] Attempt to stop the marriage. (???)
[] [Royal] Let it go ahead. (Status Quo)

Then there was the big issue on how to proceed on getting the Forluc to abolish slavery. Thanks to Wonlyn, the Arthwyd had made more progress in a single generation than had been expected by anyone. With the Forluc were divided into the larger and stronger north being anti-slavery while the south was pro-slavery, it would be a simple matter for the Arthwyd to use their influence amongst the Forluc to push the matter now.

It could be done peacefully without bloodshed, there was a chance that a civil war would break out as the north and south fought over the matter of slavery. That war would almost be certainly be won by the north and its allies and while no one desired a war, some amongst the Arthwyd felt that a Forluc civil war over the legality of slavery might not be a bad thing if let them clear out some of their old pro-slavery baggage.

But war wasn't the only concern nor was it even the biggest or most dangerous. Whilst amongst the Forluc lands, it became clear to the priesthood that the economy was a far bigger issue when it came to abolishing slavery.

With their experience in running the economy of the Arthwyd Empire, the priestesses were able to realise just how much the Forluc Kingdom had based its economy around producing cash crops and how reliant it was on slaves to produce those cash crops cheaply. Should the Forluc get rid of their slaves, the economy built around it would destabilise and collapse before they were able to adjust to a new system.

To keep the Forluc Kingdom's economy from collapsing and potentially triggering a return to slavery for them, the Arthwyd Empire would need to subsidise the Forluc Kingdom until they had transition from an economy built around slavery to one which had none.

Even beyond the worries of the Forluc returning to slavery, the Forluc Kingdom suffering an economic collapse would not be limited to their lands. The Arthwyd Empire brought too much of the cash crops that the Forluc Kingdom used slaves to produce. If the supply was suddenly cut off, then it would spell trouble for the Arthwyd and potentially result in the Arthwyd Empire suffering its own economic collapse.

And if that happened, the shockwaves of the Forluc Kingdom and the Arthwyd Empire suffering economic collapse would almost certainly result in the world economy collapsing as well.

Because of this, many amongst the Arthrynite priesthood felt that they should take it slow and get the Forluc Kingdom to gradually get rid of slavery whilst a few advocated that the Arthwyd had done their part and they should withdraw to let things play out naturally.

But regardless of whether the Arthwyd choose to do things fast now or slow over time, they would need to start producing plenty of cash crops to shield themselves from negative effects of the Forluc Kingdom undergoing economical collapse.

How far do the Arthwyd push the Forluc on the matter of slavery right now?
[] [Forluc] Push the matter of slavery now. (-3 Temp Diplo, Potential Forluc Civil War, ???)
[] [Forluc] Take things slow and steady. (-1 Temp Diplo per a turn until the Forluc Kingdom abolishes slavery, ???)
[] [Forluc] Pull back and let things play out naturally. (???)

Priestesses (4) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Mystic, Objective: -Build 3 Sacred Forests with 4 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Venerate the Goddesses/-
Elders (3 (5)) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of their faction power to another faction, Objective: Ally the Urthdysh Federation, Success/Failure: +1 Temple/-
Warriors (6) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Martial, Objective: Increase Martial by 1 within 3 Turns, Success/Failure: Free Martial Innovation/-
Farmers (1) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Econ, Objective: Build a Temple in 2 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Temp Econ/-
Crafters (2) = Mood: Happy, Ability: Add half of faction power to Wealth, Objective: Build the Great Market Place within 3 Turns, Success/Failure: +1 Wealth/-


So you guys got lucky and managed to rule up a Diplo/Culture Hero this turn. This has been a great help towards getting the Forluc to abolish slavery, but that has its own problems. As mentioned in the update, the Forluc Kingdom has built its economy around exporting cash crops to the Arthwyd Empire and is reliant on slavery to make those cash crops cheaply.

Get rid of the slavery, then they can't produce those cash crops, which means their economy collapses. And since you buy most of those cash crops, your own economy may collapse if you lose your supply without lessening the demand. To avoid this, you will need to begin to producing enough cash crops to be able to supply your own people internally.

To ensure that the Forluc abolish slavery and don't revert back to it, you will need to subsidise them until they transition from an economy built around slavery to an economy with no slavery. You will also need to spam cash crops as you will need a lot to keep your own economy collapsing while the Forluc move away from slavery.

Other than that, more infrastructure has been built and the Myrthwyd have developed watchtowers, which will give you a new action next update. Your mid-turn actions will be determined once the current vote is over as they will be used to support whatever course of action you pick.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.

The Arthwyd
Ancient Parliamentary Tanistry
Upper Centralization Limit: 8
Lower Centralization Limit: -1 (1)
Admin Strain Free Provinces: 7
Penalty Accumulation: Additional +2 Lower Centralisation required per 1 Province
Player Actions: 3 Secondary Actions +1 Secondary Action per 2 Provinces
Province Actions: 1 Secondary Action per 1 Province
Subordinates: 2
Special: -1 Temp Econ Damage per a Province
Special: Increased Range of Potential Heirs

Ancient Palace Economy
Temp Econ Damage: Event, -1 per 1 Centralisation,
Wealth Generation: 1 per 75%+ Export,
Passive Policies: N/A
Additional Actions: +1 Secondary Province Action per 2 Provinces
Special: Negative Centralisation or lower than Minimum Centralisation will lead to collapse.
Special: Increased polity size will raise the level of Minimum Centralisation required.

: 5 (5) (+1)
Econ: 39 (6) (+1)
Martial: 13 (10)
Mystic: 9 (3) (+1)
Culture: 3 (0)
Tech: 3 (2) (+1)
Wealth: 10 (0)

Legitimacy: 4/3
Stability: 3/3
Centralisation: 6
Hierarchy: 6
Prestige: 52

Baby Boom: +1 Temp Econ every Main Turn or Mid Turn,
Expensive Free Labour: All Wealth Costs are quadrupled, +2 to Innovation Rolls,
King of the Hill: +1 Temp Diplo at the start of each turn,

Diplomatic Relations
Your opinion/Their opinion/Frequency of Contact
Boarfolk Nomads = Very Friendly/Very Friendly/High
Forluc = Friendly/Loving Imitation/Extremely High
Northern Lowlander Tribes = Very Friendly/Very Friendly/Very High
Southern Lowlander Tribes = Neutral/Respected/Minimal
Urthdysh Federation = Extremely Friendly/Extremely Friendly/Extremely High

Arthdysh = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
Grythwyd = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
Myrthwyd = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low
Corthwyd = Colony/Extremely High/Very Low

Trade Status





Boarfolk Nomads

Northern Lowlanders

Southern Lowlanders

Luxury Trade
































































Strategic Trade

Bronze Goods







Copper Goods







Copper Ore







Tin Ore














Arthrynite "Followers of Arthryn"
: Arthryn and her Daughters
Beliefs: Equality, Community, Understanding
Abilities: Fairness (Reduced Discrimination), Independent (Independent Infrastructure), Compassion (Boost to improving relationships)

Values & Legacies
Agricultural Innovators: +1 Temp Econ to Farming actions,
Ancient Centre of Civilisation (Great Bay): Extra Innovation Roll at the start of each turn,
Ancient Inspirations: Increased cultural spread to neighbours and trade partners.
Ancient Reformers: All Reforms are cheaper.
Ancient Religion (Arthrynite): Strength and prestige of the Arthrynite religion is improved.
Chosen of Arthryn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Chosen of Ymarn: Gain +1 to all Innovation Rolls,
Colonial Empire: One Colony doesn't use up a subordinate slot.
Improved Administration: +1 Admin Strain Free Provinces.
Rush Builders: Extended Projects take less actions, but each action is more expensive,
Bronze Blooded: +2 Temp Econ to Econ Generation Actions,

Communal Unity
One must stand by their community with loyalty and kindness for looking after your neighbours and community of the highest importance. As per the teachings of the goddesses, standing united with the rest of your community is a righteous thing.
Pros: Greatly Reduced Internal Discontent, Greatly Increased Resistance to Foreign Intrigue,
Cons: Increase stability loss from taking actions which harm the People, Discourages disunity,

Fair Treatment
While not everyone is equal in the end, they deserve a chance to prove themselves and regardless of who they are or the nature of their birth, they deserve to be given fair treatment.
Pros: Decreased social stratification, Decreased Discrimination,
Cons: Decreased social stratification, Many think you weak,

Sacred Defence
The People do not abandon their own for it is their sacred duty to protect each other. They stand by their neighbours and community through thick and thin and do not yield when it comes to protecting their fellows for that is their duty as commanded by the goddesses.
Pros: Increased Unity during times of crisis, Sacred Warriors, Increased loyalty from religious subordinates,
Cons: Legitimacy loss when abandoning members of the People to harm and danger, increased Legitimacy loss when the threat is from those with conflicting beliefs,

Queens of Peace, Kings of War
The descendants of the goddess Evalyn have her blood in them and divinity runs through their body. This fact means that they are better suited to ruling than the rest of the People and can lead their subjects to greatness.
Pros: Better stats for the royal family, Bonus to peaceful actions when you have a female ruler, Bonus to militant actions when you have a male ruler,
Cons: Increased social stratification, Increased gender discrimination,

Safe Haven
The lands of the Arthwyd are prosperous and peaceful. Free from war, slavery and other forms of suffering, many seek sanctuary in Arthwyd lands in times of turmoil and the Arthwyd are more than happy to grant it.
Pros: Increased Idea Spread, Increased Refugee Arrivals,
Cons: Reduced Social Cohesion, Many think you weak,

Pioneering Spirit
The world is wonderous and ripe for the taking. The Arthwyd enjoy seeking out new lands and making them their own as they claim new territory in the name of Arthryn and her Daughters.
Pros: Occasional Independent Exploration, Occasional Independent Expansion,
Cons: Occasional Uncontrolled Expansion,

Maternal Guardians
The Arthwyd are the most civilised and powerful nation in the known world. As a result, it is their duty to guide and help less civilised people, like a priestess caring for the children.
Pros: Increased Cultural Spread to Neighbours and Trade Partners, Increased Assimilation,
Cons: Must help foreigners in time of need,

Arthrynite Grand Temple
A large stone building that resides on a hill overlooking Greenbay, the Arthrynite Grand Temple is the first temple that the People have built and it is larger than most others. With Bronwyn the Beautiful residing within it as a centrepiece, it is a monument to the oldest teachings of the Goddesses.
Effects: Increased Stability Gains from Venerating the Goddesses, +1 Temp Mysticism at the start of each turn,

Code of Laws (Bronze Age)
A standardised set of laws that all of the Arthwyd follow, these laws are focused on being fair and providing justice to the people of the Arthwyd.
Effects: Increased Loyalty from Subordinates, Chance for Unrest to not occur,

Evatine Walls
A massive set of walls around Greenbay, ancient capital of the Arthwyd and the centre of the Arthrynite religion, the walls are dozen times the height of a man and are seemingly impervious to assault.
Effects: Bonus to defending walled settlements, Bonus to defending Greenbay,

Extended Sunrise Mountain Passage
A grand pathway through the Sunrise Mountains, this passage was carved out over generations with hard work and divine aid. Now it stands completing, forging a safe route overland between the Arthwyd in the south and the Merntir in the north.
Effects: +1 Temp Mysticism whenever a travel-based infrastructure project is completed,

Grand Library
The Grand Library of Greenbay is the greatest collection of information in the world. Containing almost countless records, the Arthwyd proudly collect knowledge and information for future generations to make use of.
Effects: +1 to Innovation Rolls, +1 Temp Tech at the start of each turn,

Grand Sacred Forest
A grand forest planted throughout Greenbay itself, this forest is the supposed to be the opposite of the Cursed Forest and is sacred to Arthryn and her Daughters.
Effects: +1 Temp Mystic from Venerate the Goddesses, Plant Sacred Forests Unlocked,

Grand Statue
A massive stone statue of Arthryn overlooking North River, this is a monument to the glory and greatest of the Goddess Arthryn
Effects: +1 Temp Culture from Venerating the Goddesses,

Straw/Reed Rope

Fertiliser (Primitive Compost & Manure)
Concept of Growth Energy
Two-Field Crop Rotation

Dire Boars

Fired Bricks
Stone Blocks

Fishing & Boats
Fishing Nets
Walnut Oil



Basic Human Anatomy

Metal Smelting
Dedicated Messengers
Legal Code
Memory Stone Record Keeping
Standardised Construction
Standardised Record Keeping
Stone Record Keeping
Tally Marks

Earthenware Pottery
Metal Jewellery
Religious Performances
Stoneware Pottery
Stone Carvings
Vocal Storytelling


Elective Succession
Heredity Succession
Local Leadership Delegation
Province Governors
Royal Bloodline

Primitive Theology
Right of Freedom

Sacred Animals
Stone Wall

Personal Protection
Hide Shields
Wicker Shields
Wood Shields

Dedicated Scouts
Dire Boar Cavalry
Divine Champions
Heavy Infantry
Hunting Groups
Professional Sacred Warriors
Tactical Formations
War Dogs

Ambush Tactics
Battle Lines
Combined Arms
Shield Walls
Supply Lines
Tactical Formations

Bows & Arrows
Divine Magic
Lead Balls
Divine Blessing
Divine Magic
Arcane Magic (Theoretical)

All-Seerist Divine Magic
Detect Demons (Limited)
Detect Undead (Limited)
Detect Unliving (Limited)
Future Seeing (Basic)
Guided Attacks (Expert)
Increased Accuracy (Expert)
Scrying (Basic)
Truth Detecting (Basic)

Arthrynite Divine Magic
Aspect Blood Copy (Basic)
Blood Binding (Limited)
Blood Binding: Demons (Limited)
Blood Oath (Limited)
Blood Sacrifice (Advanced)
Spiritual Blood Bond (Limited)
Stone Manipulation (Expert)
Stone-Skin (Expert)
Trait Self-Boosting (Basic)

Blood Arcane Magic
Aspect Copy (Expert)
Aspect Steal (Expert)
Blood Binding (Basic)
Blood Binding: Demons (Limited)
Blood Oath (Basic)
Blood Sacrifice (Advanced)
Spiritual Bond (Expert)

Bronwynite Divine Magic
Lust Induction (Limited)

Death Arcane Magic
Control Undead (Advanced)
Mass Raise Mindless Undead (Advanced)
Raise Sapient Undead (Basic)

Fertility Arcane Magic
Birth Control (Expert)
Fertility Boost (Expert)
Lust Induction (Basic)

Light Arcane Magic
Hardlight Shield (Basic)
Healing Light (Expert)
Light Beams (Basic)

Probability Arcane Magic
Bad Luck Induction (Limited)
Good Luck Induction (Limited)

Wyrnite Divine Magic
Bad Luck Induction (Limited)
Good Luck Induction (Limited)
Memory Stones (Basic)
Songs of Courage (Limited)
Songs of Defiance (Limited)
Songs of Freedom (Limited)

Ymarnite Divine Magic
Birth Control (Basic)
Disease Cure (Expert)
Fertility Boost (Limited)
Increased Weapon Skill (Basic)
Plant Growth Boost (Limited)
Wound Healing (Expert)
Last edited:
[X] [Cadion] Give Wonlyn the Blood of Evalyn and name her Cadion. (???)
[X] [Royal] Let it go ahead. (Status Quo)
[X] [Forluc] Push the matter of slavery now. (-3 Temp Diplo, Potential Forluc Civil War, ???)

Fuck it, plan confederation bois.
Time to eat the Forluc.
[X] [Cadion] Pick the Cadion from a member of the royal family. (Status Quo)
[X] [Royal] Let it go ahead. (Status Quo)
[X] [Forluc] Take things slow and steady. (-1 Temp Diplo per a turn until the Forluc Kingdom abolishes slavery, ???)