So what I'm taking from this argument is that there's going to inevitably be a crisis, and possibly a civil war. It's both too late to do anything about Bronwyn, and too early to do anything about the monarchy. Arthryn is willing to give them a chance even if she doesn't like it, and right now the people believe it's for the best and don't think there is an issue with conflict of values.
However, just as the Mentir are currently having a minor panic over becoming like us, eventually our society will experience value drift.
Right now, Bronwyns son is good dude, he's got the blood, the training, and a very publicly angry god who directly warned his family to watch itself.
However, as generations pass, the people expand and the people become complacent in stability, his line will rely more and more on their "divine right."
We see this in the real world with great kings and emperors all the time. Napoleon, Alexander, Ceaser, Temujin.
The first guy, the one who's gets labeled "Great" in history books, is the absolute shit, and all fall like dominoes before him. His rule unquestioned, his armies mighty, his lands peaceful. And then he dies, and his successors... aren't. Maybe his son just can't live up to his legacy, maybe his generals divide the empire among them.
Napoleons nephew was a joke, Alexander and Temujins generals created their own kindgdoms, Ceasers supporters fought each other for ultimate control until Augusts won.
And even though then, it's generally still peaceful, as everyone's culturally similar in the aftermath.
But slowly, one by one, the rulers get worse. With no adversity to thrust great men into power, the elite become complacent, and look inward. Their warriors lose their edge, their administrators skim a little more off the top, after all: its good times, we can relax!
And so each generation goes a little further and a little further and a little bit further.
And then suddenly, their enemies have nursed their grudges quietly as the armies did nothing. The people begin to starve as the tax collectors demand more then they can give. The king is surrounded by yes men and up to his eyeballs in intrigue, barely aware of anything that happens outside his palace walls.
Right now, our monarch is good. He'll teach his kids to be good, and their probably old enough to have an idea what's going on, especially with his good example. And they'll try to teach their kids, but they won't have seen the smiting, and they'll wonder, but they'll follow.
But one day, those royal brats will look at Bronwyn and wonder if it isn't just a statue.
And that's without our tricky storyteller Godess laughing in the background, her machinations stirring shit up.
Maiming the temple would've been a bad idea, it's too early for that. No, it won't be for a good 5-10 turns before the event is forgotten and distorted enough that things will really go to shit.