Should the world be a Low Fantasy setting?

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Arthrynite Pantheon after the completion of the First Temple
Arthrynite/Goddess of the People
Appearance: Large breasts and hips with an average waist, muscular and lean, blue eyes, brown medium hair, mid twenties

Wyrnite/Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts
Appearance: Large breasts and hips with an average waist, muscular and lean, blue eyes, brown medium hair, mid teens

Ymarnite/Goddess of Life, Wisdom and War
Appearance: Large breasts and hips with an average waist, muscular and lean, green eyes, long silver hair, early twenties,

All-Seerite/Goddess of Truth, Knowledge and Pathfinding
Appearance: Large breasts and hips with an average waist, slender, white eyes, long blonde hair, late teens,

Evalynite/Goddess of Battle, Death and Leadership
Appearance: Large breasts and hips with an average waist, muscular and imposing, green eyes, medium red hair, catgirl (ears and tail), late teens,

Bronwynite/Goddess of Beauty, Love and Repentance
Appearance: Extra Large breasts and hips with an average waist, slender, blue eyes, long blonde hair, catgirl (ears and tail), late teens,
Stance on Sexuality in the Quest
Alright, to make things clear, I will acknowledge that after comedy, sexual/romantic stuff is my weakest point as a writer.

As for why in terms of sexual stuff, breasts are mentioned, it is because they can be both sexual and non-sexual depending on the context while penises and vaginas are more sexually charged so writing them feels like blatantly sexual rather than mildly sexual with breasts. If I was trying to write blatantly sexual stuff with breasts, I would be mentioning the nipples because those are only mentioned in highly sexual contexts in my experience.

I suppose part of it is that I've had people, including my own sister, argue to me that breasts shouldn't considered sexual organs like penises and vaginas and it is sexist to women to consider them that since it forces them to cover up their chests while men don't have to. Combine that with overhearing both of my sisters and their friends have casual conversations about their breast sizes and the cup sizes of their bras, sometimes including my mum, and I guess I just don't associated breasts with sex as much as I do with penises and vaginas.

For me, breasts are sexual depending on the context so if mentioned in a non-sexual context such as describing the appearance of someone, I don't consider at all sexual. Especially since the breasts of a woman can be one of their more obvious features.

Which brings me to one of the complaints. Some of the female characters get the size of their breasts mentioned when I am describing their appearance. For me, it is just like saying that they have blue eyes or long blonde hair or they have a long scar on their cheek and there isn't nothing sexual about it because in those contexts, I don't any sexual connotations from mentioning their chest. This is a description of one of their more obvious physical features as I personally find the chest and hair of a woman more obvious at a glance than smaller and slightly more hidden features such as eyes or scars.

This in turns leads to me just doing things like casual describing the goddesses as having large breasts and hips because for me, that is a mundane descriptor of their physical appearance with no sexual connotations due to the context being used.

Now I'm going to get to where all of this started in the quest, which is when I came up with Vryn. For Vryn, I had her a fit and healthy huntress who was a Martial Hero. That meant she had a muscular built for strength and stamina, but also a large chest and wide hips to make it easier for her to both survive childbirth and raise the kid afterwards.

Since a large chest and wide hips are considered attractive in the Neolithic for exactly those reasons (alongside a large belly to represent fertility), that made Vyrn an attractive woman.

Then her granddaughter inherited the appearance of her grandmother when I was rolling for her traits. Since it was still the early game and I was still finding my footing, I relied upon the dice rolls for a lot of things back then such as the appearances of characters.

Next was Arthryn who was formed by, actually, I already got a post on this:
You don't get to vote. The initial religious beliefs of the People have already been shaped by the actions and events of the early turns along with background dice rolls.

First of all, Arthryn is basically Arth and Vryn getting fused together and turned into a deity in the stories of the People. There are three main reasons for this, the first one being that Arth is a major figure in the tales of the People. A double Hero like him would have ended up being significant in the mythos of the People and having a Diplo-Culture Hero like Wyrn only ensured that he and Vryn would become prominent. The second reason is also due to having Wyrn as a Diplo-Culture Hero, she ended up creating a lot of stone carvings that accurately depicted Vryn's appearance. The third reason is due to Arth and Vryn being mentioned together with a lot of regularity in the stories, they eventually got mutated from 'Arth and Vryn' to just 'Arthryn'. (I rolled to see if it would end up getting shorten or if they would get remembered as two separate individuals)

The main factor for getting a goddess instead of a god was due to Wyrn's stone carvings and the mutation of the name. Due to all the carving of female Vryn and Arth & Vryn getting mistaken for the single figure that is Arthryn. Since all of this widespread imagery of Arthryn shows her to be female, she is clearly a female goddess. And since Arth and Vryn have got merged together to become Arthryn in the stories, Arthryn gets credit for the deeds of both Arth and Vryn.

Due to Arth being a Diplo and Admin Hero and Vryn being an attractive Martial Hero, Arthryn is effectively viewed a beautiful Diplo Genius/Admin Genius/Martial Genius. If it wasn't for the fact she is a goddess, she would be something of a Mary Sue because Arthryn is a beautiful, charismatic super-intelligent genius who always knows what to do whilst also being the mightiest of hunters who safeguards the People against threats. She is also viewed not as being the goddess of an element or a concept, but as being the People's goddess. So rather than be the Goddess of Love like Aphrodite or the Goddess of the Hearth like Hestia, Arthryn is the Goddess of the People the same way that Britannia was the Goddess of Britain except Britannia is more location-based while Arthryn is more people-based.

It is due to being the Goddess of the People and based off of multiple Heroes that Arthryn is viewed as being a jack of all trades rather than being good at a particularly area like many deities or specialised in the concepts that she is goddess of. The People are currently henotheistic rather than monotheistic or polytheistic or even monolatristic as they worship their goddess Arthryn as she is the Goddess of the People while acknowledging that there may be other deities out there. This may change once Wyrn has an accepted place within the mythos of the People.

Right now Wyrn's relation to Arthryn is undetermined. While accepted that she exists, her level of divinity and her connection to Arthryn is still debated by the elders and proto-priests of the People. While the main debate use to be whether Wyrn was Arthryn's daughter or granddaughter, it is now commonly accepted that she was the direct daughter of Arthryn. Now the debate is whether Wyrn is just a demigoddess or a full fledged goddess, a lesser goddess to Arthryn's greater goddess. If the latter option is accepted as being the case, the People will shift away from being henotheistic to being polytheistic as they will have two goddesses and may gain some more in the future.

Appearance wise, Arthryn's physical look is determined by a mixture of Vryn being a huntress, the stone carvings that Wyrn made of Vryn and the current expectations of beauty. In the stone age, good health and fertility were prized as being attractive and desirable traits in a woman so large hips, breasts and bellies are viewed as being beautiful. However, Vryn was a great huntress who was physically active and made sure to stay fit even into her old age (her healthiness and fitness are part of why she lived so long IC). So while she was well-off and well-fed, she didn't get fat and was instead muscular. This in turn resulted in the stone carvings made by Wyrn having her be shown as fit and healthy with muscles rather than fat. Combined with how living huntresses amongst the People are too active and fit to be fat, it is generally accepted that Arthryn didn't have a big belly except when she was pregnant with Wyrn.

Because of this, Arthryn is depicted as being a tall, healthy woman with muscles, large beasts & hips, but an average waist & belly. While the stone carvings of Vryn were made when Vryn was old and an elder, she is known for being a huntress and you don't get elders out in the field as huntresses as they are too old for that. Together with how the stone carvings weren't detailed enough to include wrinkles, Arthryn is pictured as a young, healthy woman in the physical prime of her life. (I rolled to see if Arthryn would get pictured a young & fit huntress or as a wise & matronly elder and got the former)

That said, Arthryn does get given an overly large belly when she is pregnant with her daughter Wyrn, but only when she is pregnant with a child. As Wyrn looked like her Vryn, stories of Wyrn inheriting her grandmother's beauty got turned into Wyrn, the goddess/demigoddess daughter of Arthryn, being identical to her mother when it comes to her looks.

Then you got the Blessing of Arthryn. This worked by linking the spirit of the blessed person to Arthryn herself and lets some of her spirit flow into theirs. This gives the person some of Arthryn's features such as improved intelligence, toughness, strength and stamina and in the case of women, makes their appearance more like the goddess. It also allows the offspring of a blessed person to get the blessing as they inherit the spiritual connection to Arthryn from their blessed parent. It is also through this connection to her that Arthryn can track her blessed. To make it clear, if Arthryn had been a male deity, it would be the men who would look like him due to the blessing, but since she is female, it is the women.

While I have put it as large breasts, that isn't something ridiculous or super large, but rather than having A and B cups with like the majority of women in the region, the blessed women have C and D cups. The exact up sizes are subject to change as I don't properly understand the system around them. Put similarly, they are the same size as many women today having including all of the women in my immediate family. So while large, they are still within the range that you can naturally get.

As for the breast support spell, that was due to Veekie pointing out to me that potential troubles that the women would have due to their breast sizes, which made me feel sorry for them. This hadn't come up earlier since as a man, I didn't realise those sort of chest trouble existed so I decided to invent bras for them.

But since you didn't exactly have the tech for good conventional bras, I decided to go with magic bras. In the end, I made it Arthrynite magic because I figured Arthryn would feel responsible for the trouble and obligated to help fix it.

In hindsight, I can see how that spell might seem sexual nature and unnecessarily so. This wasn't intended to be the case as it was meant to be what amounts to a magic bra to help with a problem I only recently realised existed.

As for the mentioning of large breasts, I don't feel it happens that often and while I said it was only in a fifth of the posts at most, I am also of the opinion of only half those mentions are sexual in nature due to the context of them getting mentioned. Furthermore, I feel like I am in a bit of Catch 22 situation. I am being told that it is happening in every update or every other update and I should dial it down. However, I am being told at the same time and I am using little enough detail and letting it fade into the background that it feels creeping, has disturbing undertones and feels sexists. So what am I do to? Well, I know the answer, but I just want to point out that I felt like I was being put into a position where I could only give the wrong answer.

Also on the topic of mentioned breasts and other sexual stuff, I'm afraid that is due to the nature of Arthwyd society. They are a communal-based society that is tolerant and accepting and as a result they never developed the sexual taboos of our society. The lack of importance of family and bloodlines means you don't need to worry about who marries who or who has sex with who or who the parents of the kid is. Combined with the Arthwyd being accepting and tolerant of others and their behaviour, you get a society that doesn't care about sex beyond consent (partly because Arthryn and common human decency and partly because of SV's rules) and no incest (there an IC reason, but the real reason is I don't like the 'wincest' meme).

Because of this, sexual activities are a common pastime amongst the People in the same way that computer games and book reading are common pastimes amongst modern society. This is because of both the lack of taboos and simplicity/easiness of sex as sex only requires another willingly partner while other activities require knowledge or equipment.

As a result, the Arthwyd are incredible sexually open due to the things that make them unique with their tolerant and communal society. This is in turn leads to them being crudely sexual and lewd because they go for simple and easy crudes over being more refined and subtle innuendo. On an somewhat-unrelated now, that the Ymaryn from PoC were the latter as when I re-read PoC during the start of this quest, AN put a lot of hidden sexual references into his work which you could only uncover via knowledge of Ymaryn society (such as a woman asking a Blackbird if he want to plough her fields).

What I have decided is mixture of what I feel comfortable writing, the Arthwyd culture and what has already been mentioned in the updates of the quest. This is that the Arthwyd will generally go for lewd and crude remarks that the same way that modern people swear and blaspheme. So rare in formal settings, but more common in informal or private settings. They will also often reference the breasts of women for both OOC and IC reasons. The IC reasons being that pretty much all of their women are busty thanks to the blessing while men are still hit and miss so you can't reliable describe the features of a man because they won't all have pecs while all women generally have a large chest. As a result, it is easier to reference a woman's 'mountains'.

OOC it is because I am not good at writing sexual stuff. I am particularly wary of writing romantic/sexual stuff regarding males due to bad past experiences so I refrained from doing that. Furthermore, I feel confident referencing breasts in a sexual manner while I refuse to do so with the more blatant sexual organs, the penis and vagina. That said, I understand how this is can be off-putting and feel sexist so I will try to branch out and mention stuff like hair and eyes in addition to trying to have things less focused on women and include more men in being sexualised. However while I will be trying to do that, it will still be a new thing so I will be sticking to what I know for now for the most part. I will also firmly state that I will only go into mildly sexual at most so stuff like erect penises or wet vaginas will not come up at all.

So while I do how the past sexuality can feel sexist due to being focused on the breasts of the women, I'm afraid there is no easy change or solution to the problem even if I will try to work on the matter.

This means that the Arthwyd will be making on-screen lewd remarks in the form of referring to someone's mountains. For example, someone will reference the side of the mountains or saying that they have been trying to climb her mountains or reaching the submit. This is because I can work it in for both genders as a man being asked "Have you been climbing her mountains?" while a woman would be asked 'Has he been climbing your mountains?'. There will be other references as well, but for now I am sticking to the whole mountain theme in terms of expressing Arthwyd sexuality. As I said, I will be trying to be more inclusive, but for now that is the sort of thing you should expect to see the most, especially in causal off-hand remarks.

Speaking of lewd stuff, it will be mainly coming up when you see the perspective of an in-universe character, especially one from the People. With more overview stuff, there won't be sexual stuff through since I have already been doing that, but others have been claiming otherwise, opinions may vary on that.

Another thing to bring up is that some characters will be lewd. For example, Elyn was flirty, confident and seductive while Wyrn is an outright pervert with Evalyn and Bronwyn also being perverted to a lesser degree and Bronwyn is still proud of her beauty.

Finally we get to the catgirls. You got cat as a sacred animal as a player vote so I refuse to take the blame for that, especially since you had options that several posters were claiming were better. Evalyn became a part of a prank by Wyrn upon becoming a goddess. It was meant to be a harmless joke by Evalyn to help Evalyn adapt to her new situation and help welcome the previous ostracised outcast-turned-larger than life leader into a family of equals. Cat ears and tails were featured due being the sacred animal of the Arthrynite pantheon and Evalyn was a member of the Cateyes before forming the Catclaws.

Evalyn liked them and willingly kept them since as a goddess, she can just get rid of them on a whim when she once to. Since she enjoyed the prank and likes her new family, Evalyn keeps them as a sign of sisterly affection and is fond of them due to viewing them as a sign of love and acceptance she didn't have in her mortal life.

If she didn't want them, Wyrn would have gotten rid of them for her with Arthryn forcing her to because while Wyrn is willingly to prank, she doesn't make long term changes like that without consent nor does she make major changes without consent such as sexual orientation changes.

As for why Bronwyn got them Arthryn felt bad over killing her. Since Bronwyn desired them to be more like her divine ancestor Evalyn, Arthryn gave her cat ears and tail like Evalyn and when Bronwyn joint the pantheon she kept them.

In regards to the claims that they are Anime, I will ask you to look at the Egyptian gods and goddesses. That is where I got my inspiration from and not form anime for reasons I shall cover latter in this post.

With the catgirl paladins, I came up with that idea due to wanting the paladins to have a clear connection to the goddesses. Since the cats are the sacred animal of the Arthrynite pantheon, I figured that giving them cat features would be a good way to obviously mark them as divine warrior. Do note that this doesn't necessarily mean ears and tails nor does it exclude males despite the term 'catgirl'.

Finally, I feel that there is a lot of readers projecting stuff into my writing when the read it that I didn't intent to include when I wrote stuff. I don't intend this in any offensive manner, but I do feel it is there after looking at the comments in the thread and what I have wrote. I personally put this down to my high functioning autism and the unconventional cultural interests as a result. Because of my autism, I don't always get social stuff and often miss out on implications.

In particular, I have found this particularly prevalent in regards to sexual stuff as I learnt that quite well in secondary school and college, sometimes to my expense. Because of this, I believe it is entirely possible that I am writing things that would be read in a sexual content with the right reading without realising it. In that case, I can't do much about it. However, if you want to say that something is being too sexual, you will need to quote so I know what you are talking about. If you don't, I'm going to have to dismiss you because I am unable to respond to your point if I don't know what you are talking about.

The second bit about my cultural interests also relates to the claims about the quest having random anime and harem moments. I have only watched three animes beyond the odd snippet here and there. Those are Sword Art Online as the first, the second was Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and the last is Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works. The first I have dismissed as something I'm not too much of a fan off while the second I enjoyed, but haven't gotten involved in the fandom. With Fate, I am a big fan of the Nasuverse as you can tell by my activity on SB through my interest waxes and wanes overtime. In regards to the Nasuverse, I like the well-thought out and consistent setting mechanics alongside the theming and the character arcs. In regards to all the fan service, I like the Nasuverse in spite of the fanservice and not because of it. If I could, I would remove all of the blatant money-making fanservice to focus on the plot, characters and theming.

Because of this, the claims that I am including anime and harems and anime catgirls are projection by the readers in my opinion. This is because I simply don't watch enough anime to include those things into my writing and have never attempt to deliberately include those things into my writing unless you consider polygamy to anime harems, which case you are doing actual polygamy as undeserved disservice.

My own interests are either hard sci-fi, superheroes or historical cultures/legends/mythologies with the odd fantasy setting here and there with most of those fantast settings being some form of game. Of those, I incorporate the historical cultures, mythologies and legends into the quest. As I mentioned before, the catgirl goddesses were inspired by Egyptian mythology and not some anime that I have never watched. I particularly take interest from the Arthurian legends and it is that interest why you are in the Not!British Isles area of the world and Welsh is used for the basis of the Arthwyd language.

So this is my stance on matter. If you don't like it, then tough luck I am afraid. I feel this is a reasonable and fair position on things and if you dislike it, then you can either leave the quest or skip over the bits I dislike. While I will work on the problems I agree exist, I won't be excluding sexuality from the quest, not with the sort of culture the Arthwyd have. However, I won't try to make it blatant or too overwhelming, but it will be seen when the perspective of the writing is from an in-universe character's view point.

I haven't proofread it so there may be spelling and grammar mistakes.
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Chalcolithic Arthwyd Cultural Trivia
Arthwyd Sexual Taboos
The Arthwyd only have two sexual taboos. The first is consent as all involved parties need to be willingly participating. This is due to the fact that the Arthwyd value choice and fair treatment of others. Forcing others into doing something they don't want to do unless it is for their own good and that of the community is considered to be wrong by the Arthryd. While it means that you can get forced to do unpleasant jobs that need doing, it also means that forcing someone into a funtime activity like fornication is considered unacceptable and acting such a manner is bad for the community as you are showing no regard for the other members of your community. As a result, consent and willingly participation are valued greatly by the Arthwyd.

This requirement for consent also means that bestiality is taboo for the Arthwyd. While there is no direct taboo against fornicating with an animal, the lack of intelligence and ability to speak by an animals means that they are unable to give consent by the standards of the Arthwyd. Because of this inability to give consent, the Arthwyd consider all sexual activities with an animal to be forcing yourself upon the animal and therefore taboo. After all, if one is willingly to force themselves upon an animal, what is stopping them from forcing themselves upon a member of their community?

The second taboo is no incestuous relationships. Due to the subtle and unknown influence of Wyrn, Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts, the People have developed a strong distain and disapproval of engaging a blood relative in sexual relations. Two partners with the same blood involving themselves in sexual activities is considered to be unhealthy as it spiritually contaminates them due to the overlapping blood. This reasoning is effectively made up nonsense by the goddess Wyrn as she seeks to keep the People from telling stories that have her and her family romancing each other. Even beyond Wyrn's active influence in maintaining the taboo, exposure to foreign cultures which share this taboo has only strengthened it in the eyes of the Arthwyd.

Beyond these two taboos, the Arthwyd have no restrictions on what you can do in terms of sex and there are pretty much no restrictions beyond what can be physically done and what you can get the other parties involved to agree to.

Arthwyd Gender Roles
While the open nature of the Arthwyd has left them tolerant and accepting, some discrimination based upon gender has crept into their society. Even it if could be much worse and it nowhere near as bad as what some barbarian communities practice, it is still there and goes effectively unnoticed due to a mixture of how subtle it is and how widely accepted it is by society.

While not the only factor, most of the current gender discrimination amongst the Arthwyd can be traced back to the Blessing of Arthryn. As much as it has been boon to the chosen people of the eldest goddess as it has helped them in physical labour, surviving the many dangers of the world and in raising children to adulthood, it has also unfortunately singled out the female half of the population.

Due to the spiritual connection to Arthryn given the females with the blessing a likeness to the physical form of the Goddess of the People, the vast majority of the Arthwydish women at any point in time have large chests and wide hips alongside their improved fitness and healthiness. Beyond the practical effects of this making childbirth easier to survive for both the mother and the baby, it has left the Arthwydish women almost universally looking beautiful and attractive by the standards of the Arthwyd and most of the other societies in the region.

While every woman looking beautiful could have lessen the noteworthiness of the good looks and this has happened to extent, it has been blunted by other factors. For one, the Arthwyd are generally aware of outsiders enough such as the Merntir formerly and currently the Maradysh that they have non-blessed women to compare their own against, keeping them from forgetting the beauty of their blessed women. Secondly, a filled out set of chest and hips is considered to be divine beauty due to both the Arthrynite goddesses looking like that and the curvy figure that Arthryn's blessing gives the women of the Arthwyd. This leads to the highly religious Arthwyd believing that a large chest alongside wide hips are the epitome of physical attractiveness due to a mixture of that body type both being good for reproduction and being associated with divine beauty. So while almost every Arthwydish woman has the figure, it remains as a sign of beauty despite its near universal nature.

With this view on beauty lasting for countless generations, it has had some insidious effects on the Arthwyd culture and how they viewed gender. The variation in how curvy a woman is combined with a general belief that the goddesses have large curves due to a belief that bigger is better, it has resulted in Arthwyd women having larger curves being a sign that they are more favoured by the goddesses with bigger curves meaning more divine favour.

Despite lacking factual basis and not being explicitly confirmed by any of the goddesses, that belief has become entrenched in Arthwyd society and by the time of the Cadlon Edwyn, three in four of the priesthood are women and slightly over half of them have larger than average curves by Arthwydish standard.

On the flipside of things, the curvy figure of the blessed women, especially their large chests, makes more physically strenuous activities harder for the blessed women of the People. While it can be annoying for the farmers and artisans, for the warriors and hunters, it is a far bigger concern and the difficulties that their big bosoms provide ends up turning many women away from joining the Cateyes, Catclaws and the regular hunters. So just as the priesthood is primarily women, three in four of the Arthwyd military are male.

The end result is what while in theory a man can become a priest and a woman can become a warrior or hunter and in practice, they still can, within Arthwyd society, it is becoming increasing common to view being a priest as a woman's job while being a hunter or warrior is a man's job to the point that this set of beliefs is now entrenched in Arthwyd society and will be hard to remove.

Arthwyd Sexism
Another impact of the Blessing of Arthryn on how gender is viewed by the Arthwyd is due to be a combination of it mixing with the lack of Arthwyd sexual taboos. The lack of sexual taboos by the Arthwyd has resulted in their society being very sexually open and sex is considered a casual pastime and lewd references and remarks are rife in Arthwydish society. Due to the blessing and the Arthwydish beliefs on attractiveness making almost every Arthwydish woman beautiful while men are still hit and miss when it comes to physical attractiveness, the end result is that the women are a lot more sexualised than the men. Since is due to the fact that the women are consistently beautiful and it is easier to reference their beauty in casual conversation whilst men are more varied in how handsome or ugly they are and you cannot reliable reference their good looks.

As a result, there is something of a sexist undertone to the lewd remarks and sexual comments of the Arthwyd as it is far more common to reference the almost universally beautiful women over the sometimes handsome men. This most commonly takes the form of referencing the visible obvious and distinctive features that is the large chests of the blessed women. The end result is a lot of Arthwyd sexual comments are centred around a woman's 'mountains' with men being asked if they have been climbing a woman's mountains while the women are asked if a man has been climbing their mountains as a common example. The most common sexual slang of the Arthwyd is comparing the chest size of a woman to geographical landmarks with the ranges being plains for a flat chest, mounds for a small bosom, hills and mountains being used for larger chest sizes. Within the range of chest sized for the blessed women of the Peoples, hills are used to refer to the small half while mountains are used to refer to the larger half.

While they could have commented on the wide hips of the blessed women, it has ended up being the big breasts that get mentioned and amongst the few who think about this phenomena put it down to it being easier to associated the top curves with stone and earth related slang than it is with the bottom curves.

Arthwyd Foreign Outlook
While the Arthwyd have always been tolerant and accepting of outsiders, they also viewed themselves as being civilised while outsiders are considered to be barbarians and their distinctively different cultural practices to be barbaric. The most common way that Arthwyd view foreigners to be barbarians is in regards to the personal freedoms of their people. Thanks to Arthryn, Goddess of the People, the Arthwyd have strong beliefs regarding free choice and the chance to prove oneself provided the choices made don't harm the community and these beliefs are firmly entranced in Arthwydish society. Considering this wide range of personal liberty to be a fundamental part of being civilised, they view the lesser freedoms of foreign cultures to be 'barbaric'. Slavery, caste systems, arranged marriages and forced social roles are all considered ways of barbarians by the Arthwyd and as a result, they look down upon any neighbours who practice these things as being uncivilised.

Another major way in which the Arthwyd view foreign cultures as barbaric is in how they view communal-based societies vs familial-based societies. Having been a communal culture for as long as they can remember, the Arthwyd disregard the idea of prioritising your blood relatives over your community as a selfish and inferior way of doing things. Those that practice such ways of life are clearly barbarians due to how they are focused on themselves over what is best for their community. Given that most other cultures follow this way of doing things, the Arthwyd end up viewing pretty much all of their neighbours are barbarians for this reason.

Beyond this, the deeply religious and devout Arthwyd view worshipping the Arthrynite pantheon as another sign of civilisation. While they acknowledge that other people have their own deities to follow, there is an unspoken assumption amongst the People that their goddesses are superior to foreign deities. Due to this unspoken belief, the Arthwyd will view those that refuse to worship Arthryn and her Daughters are uncivilised even if they don't go as far as to call non-believers barbarians on the few times this belief gets voiced or brought up.

Another way that the People view foreigners as being inferior is caused by the Blessing of Arthryn. While the Blessing of Arthryn combined with the healthy and consistent diet of the Arthryn results in effectively all of the Arthwydish women growing up to have curvy figures. Meanwhile the foreign women due to lacking the blessing and not always having the regular food intake of the Arthwyd rarely end up with a curvy figure like their blessed counterparts. Combined with how they lack the regular food intake of the People and the innate fitness that the Blessing of Arthryn gives leaves them both shorter and frailer on average, the flat and small chests of the foreign women leave them looking downright childish to the People. Used to seeing their women blossom into filled out figures as they grow up, the Arthwyd will look upon foreign women and subconsciously compare them to their own children before they mature and come of age.

Despite how much they look down upon their foreign neighbours for being uncivilised barbarians, the Arthwyd make sure to respect their strength. They know all too well that just because their neighbours are barbaric and uncivilised, it doesn't meant that they are also weak or poor warriors. If anything, their barbaric ways leave the People feeling that they are dangerous foes to face. While this is partially due to having been on the receiving end of some fierce fighting against barbarians during the reign of Cadlon Evalyn Boarslayer, it is also due to how the People view the martial culture of their neighbours as being another sign of their barbarian.

The Arthwyd have their sacred warriors, the Catclaws and Cateyes who defend the people in service to the goddesses, and view the massed ranks of foreign warriors who fight not in duty to the divine, but for glory and plunder as being barbaric in nature. The way that many foreign cultures will fight amongst themselves instead of standing united is another manner in which the People view their neighbours to be barbarians. But even as they sneer and disparaged such ways as being barbaric, the People also recognise how it leaves their barbarian neighbours as being dangerous combatants that should be not underestimated. In many ways, the People view peaceful and non-violent ways as a sign of civilisation while the savage and violent ways of their neighbours as barbaric, leaving a general impression that due to being barbaric, their barbarian neighbours are going to be fearsome warriors compared to more civilised people.

Yet despite what they think of their barbarian neighbours, the Arthwyd are more than happy to accept foreigners into the People. This is primarily due to tolerant and accepting views so they respect the choices of others so long as they don't cause harm and they will give people a chance to prove themselves, regardless of their birth. So even if someone was born and raised amongst barbarians, they will still be given a chance to become part of the People if they make that choice.

However, the People may be happy to welcome the outsiders themselves into their ranks, they also expect the immigrants to adopt their culture and leave their own behind. The People don't tolerate barbaric ways being brought into their communities very well and as a result, any immigrants are strongly encouraged and pressured to change their ways to that of the People. On the rare occasions that someone refuse to conform to the Arthwydish ways of life, they end up as either being left a social outcast or exiled from the community they tried to call home. There is also a strong pressure on outsiders to reproduce with someone who has the Blessing of Arthryn so that their offspring will be blessed. On the flipside of things, they will be strongly discouraged from reproducing with someone who also lacks the blessing as it is considered bad for the community to have a kid who lacks the Blessing of Arthryn.

Arthwyd Parenting
Due to their communal-based society, the Arthwyd have something of a unique approach to raising their children compared to pretty much all of their neighbours. While their familial-based neighbours will have the children raised by their blood-relatives, the Arthwyd expect the children to be raised by the whole community. Everyone within the community is expected to pitch in and help raise the all of the children. Some parents may pay more attention to their biological offspring, but many women will get themselves pregnant and then have a kid which try will just turn over to the rest of the community to deal with. Even those parents who look after their kids are still expected to let the community help teach the child as a pair of parents trying to raise a child on their own is considered selfish and harmful to both the child and the community. This is because the Arthwyd feel that by letting the whole community pitch into raise the children, the children will get more attention and a better education then if it was just their parents or blood relatives.


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Arthwydish Words
Arth = Sacred/Blessed
Wyd = People/Folk
Ryn = Person
Vyr = Servant
Cath = Cat
Wyr = Warrior
Ymar = Magic User
Myr = Metal
Dywr = Water
Lylt = Lightning
Pryd = Earth
Gyrg = Void
Egyn = Ether
Gyl = Light
Tywl = Dark
Layth = Death
Ayr = Air
Aer = Wind
Cad = Leader
Vance = Land
Gal = Death/Fallen
Gwar = Spirit
Lon = Lord
Ion = Heir
Gyd = Eye
Benyth = Blessing

Arthwyd = Sacred People/Blessed Folk
Arthryn = Sacred Person/Divine One
Arthryn-Benyth = Blessing of Arthryn

Arthvyr = Sacred Servant/Priest
Cathgyd = Cateye
Cathwyr = Catclaw/Cat Warrior

Cadlon = Leading Lord
Cadion = Leader's Heir
Chalcolithic Arthwyd Cultural Trivia II
Arthwyd Views on Cats
Ever since they arrived amongst the People during Ymarn's mortal life, the Arthwyd have considered the feline creatures to be sacred and that Arthryn herself sent them to the People. While it is technically not true, the Arthwyd had no reason to believe that isn't and Arthryn herself is not inclined to correct them due to the resulting dishevel from doing so.

As a result, cats hold a valuable place in Arthwyd society even beyond their duties as pest-catchers. With the Arthwyd communities value their cats greatly, the animal has managed to permeate itself throughout Arthwydish culture. Cat iconography is commonly used by the People due to the animal's association with the Arthrynite goddesses and cats have a place in many Arthwydish rituals.

Beyond their sacred nature, the cats also served a useful purpose in hunting down vermin and pests that would otherwise. With large amounts of farming and densely population settlements, this means the cats are particularly effective for the Arthwyd. The net result is that thanks to cats being widespread throughout their villages and farms, the Arthwyd are able to maintain a high rate of food production in addition to keeping down their disease rate.

In addition to the sacred nature of cats and their useful purpose to society, the Arthwyd generally enjoy the company of their cats. The creatures are viewed as cute and adorable and while they can be annoying at times, their antics and behaviour is viewed fondly for the most part.

Between their sacred connection to the goddesses, their usefulness in society and being downright adorable, cats hold a special place amongst the Arthwyd.

The Arthrynite Afterlife
Their afterlife is something that the Arthwyd know well, even while they still live for it is the place that their goddesses reside. While they are goddesses, Arthryn and her Daughters are still members of the People who died at the end of their mortal lives and reside within the same place as all of the other dead souls of the People.

There is only one afterlife for the Arthwyd where all of their dead go. The afterlife has no set form and what a person perceives around them in the afterlife is limited only by their imagination and knowledge. As a result of this, the dead generally experience the afterlife as something similar to what they know in life.

Within the afterlife, all souls are equal and have no power over another soul with the only exception to this rule being the goddesses. Arthryn and her Daughters are powerful enough that if they desire, they can impose their will on the souls of the dead Arthwyd. Amongst the goddesses, Arthryn stands above her daughters in terms of power as she can override them and can impose her own will over her daughters.

For the most part, the goddesses don't impose their will on those in the afterlife and when they do, it is primarily for punishment with the exceptions being Wyrn pranking those that are willingly to indulge her and Ymarn keeping tabs on her friends and family. When it comes to punishment, it takes the form of whatever the goddesses will and it endures for as long as the goddess wills. While Arthryn is the one who primarily punishes the criminals of the Arthwyd in the afterlife, her Daughters will sometimes punish someone who has offended them with permission from their mother.

Arthwyd Death Rites
Compared to many other cultures, the Arthwyd are quite relaxed when it comes to rites for their dead. While other cultures may worry about the fate of the spirits of their dead, the Arthwyd already know what awaits their dead in the afterlife. Because of this, the Arthwyd don't concern themselves as much how the bodies of their dead are treated as while they don't disrespect them, they don't need to do extra to ensure the wellbeing of the dead souls.

The end result is that Arthwyd death rites are quite tame and lacklustre to what they could be. There are two primary Arthwydish death rites, one for when the person dies within a settlement and one when they die in the wilderness or foreign lands. The first is to burn the body and then spread the resulting ashes at a shrine or another holy site within the settlement. The second death rite is for when the person dies away from a shrine, in which case, the body is buried and their grave is marked with a stone that is marked to signify that it is a grave.

These death rites are a mixture of respect and practicality. They show enough respect to the bodies of the dead, but they are also designed to minimise the resources used so that valuable resources don't get unnecessarily wasted on the dead. The person's soul has already left the body and with Arthryn and her Daughters in the afterlife so how the body is treated is not about the fate of the person's soul, but showing proper respect to another member of your community.

The Cateyes
The oldest branch of the Arthwyd military, the Cateyes were formed by Ymarn during her mortal life after the Arthwyd's first war. With knowledge or a lack of it playing a vital role in the conflict and ultimately being one of the deciding factors in the final outcome, Ymarn deemed it important that the Arthwyd not get caught off-guard like they were and they be prepared for future conflicts.

The end result was the formation of the Cateyes. Taking their name from the cat, a deadly hunter and an animal sacred to Arthryn, the Cateyes were originally the People's best hunters who knew the lay of the land as second nature. For the many centuries until Evalyn formed the Catclaws, the People relied upon their hunters to wage war for them as the hunters would turn their skills at killing animals to killing other people and in the time between the end of the Arthwyd-Merntir war and the formation of the Catclaws, the Cateyes formed the elite core of the Arthwyd military.

While they had no special skill at killing compared to regular hunters, the Cateyes are masters at living off the land and finding their way about the wilderness. They led the way went it came to war as it was the Cateyes who guided the rest of their hunters to attack either the enemy settlements or the enemy warbands and hunting parties.

Since the introduction of the Catclaws to the Arthwyd military, the role of the Cateyes has changed. No longer are they are most elite of the hunters, but are one half of the military. The Catclaws are the warriors of the People while the Cateyes are the scouts. While it is the Catclaws who fight the battles, the Cateyes track down enemy tracks, spy on them for information and lead the Catclaws to their foes.

When it comes operating, the Catclaws focus on the art of tracking down their foes and use both a mixture of traditional tracking skills and the divine magic of the All-Seeress to hunt down their enemies. Unlike the Catclaws who use a more varied amount of divine magic, the Catclaws are primarily focused on using the magic of the All-Seeress and only occasionally use the magic of the other goddesses.

The Catclaws
The newest addition to the Arthwyd military, the Catclaws make up one half of it alongside the Cateyes. The Catclaws are relative few in number compared to the warriors of neighbouring barbarians, but make up for it in being superior combatants. Not only do they train to a greater degree to their barbarian counterparts, but the Catclaws also wield the divine magic of the Arthrynite goddesses.

While they generally favour one or two weapons, the Catclaws train with a variety of weapons and devote their lives to the art of war. They will spend most of their day training to fight or learning how to wage both war and battle in addition to becoming proficient with the divine magics of the goddesses. While the priesthood and the Cateyes also wield divine magic, they tend to specialise and while the Catclaws may not match them in their chosen areas, they have a superior overall competence at all of the divine magics.

Despite their sacred nature and fulfilling a vital position within Arthwyd society, the Catclaws are viewed an necessary evil, even by themselves. This while they understand the dangers of war and the importance of being able to defend your people from outside threats, the Arthwyd view warfare as barbaric and deem anyone who sees war as a desirable thing to be a barbarian. Yet while they hold this disdain for war, it does not extend to the Catclaws who, despite their unfortunately profession, are highly respected by the People and almost as much so as the priests themselves.


I haven't proofread it so there may be spelling and grammar mistakes.
Chalcolithic Arthwyd Cultural Trivia III
Arthwyd Views on Beauty
Arthwyd views on what counts as beautiful has been warped to a degree by their religious nature. While beauty remained as something that was pleasing to the eyes, just what counted as pleasing had been changed over the centuries as Arthwyd society has been warped how they view their goddesses.

Due to their reverence of Arthryn and Arthryn's connection to stone, stone is a common part of Arthwyd beauty. Stone carvings and figures are one of the main things that Arthwyd artisans make and are considered more valuable and better looking than wooden or bone counterparts. Stone alongside other similar things such as gems and metal are considered the most prize material to use in a work of art and the vast majority of the crafters save lesser materials such as wood and bone for their inexperienced works while using stone for their masterpieces.

The Arthwyd also value detail and quality. A well-crafted and carefully made item is considered to be of superior quality to lesser equivalents even if it takes more time and resources to create. A true artisan will spend extra time adding in extra details and making sure to get them correct. There is no cultural impetus for this belief beyond perhaps the Arthwyd valuing doing things properly and doing slowly, but correctly. In fact the primary reason that Arthwyd like high-quality goods over mass-produced ones is that the former is simply easier on the eyes while the details are more simulating to their minds.

Another core Arthwyd stance on beauty can be summed up as 'Bigger is Better'. In a general sense, this is true and more of something is usually better than having less of it. A bigger harvest feeds more people as does a bigger fish. A bigger settlement has more people and provides more options. Bigger muscles provide more strength. Bigger hips and chest make childbirth easier and less deadly. A bigger stick has more reach. A bigger stone gives you more to work with.

When combined with the veneration of the goddesses, this belief has become entrenched and self-enforcing via circular logic. The goddesses are good so therefore they must be bigger and since the goddesses are bigger, being bigger must be good. An example of this reasoning can be seen in how the Arthwyd view feminine beauty and how it has changed over the centuries. The blessing of Arthryn gives a large figure so a large figure must be good and since a large figure is good, the goddesses must have a larger figure than the people due to being better than them. This has ultimately manifested the Blood of Evalyn giving all female members of the royal family extra-large figures that are impractical for physically strenuous activities. This is due to the Arthwyd believing that divine blood would give larger figures due to the goddesses supposedly having larger figures and this belief has managed to influence the Blood of Evalyn when it was formed.

This belief of bigger is better is something the Arthwyd apply to most standards of physical attractiveness and not just to the figures of their women. Being tall is considered being better-looking than being short while being muscular and in an obvious way is another sign of beauty. A handsome man is someone who is tall, muscular and boarder-shouldered while a beautiful woman is tall, muscular and curvy. That said with a woman, the height and muscles are considered lesser than their figure as the last one has a level of sacredness associated with it that the first two lack. As a result, a short and slim woman who is full-figured would be considered more attractive than a tall and muscular woman who is flat.

The Arthwyd will commonly express beauty via stone works of art. Stone jewellery such as bracelets, rings and necklaces will be worn when someone wishes to dress up for an occasion while in a home, stone works such as a statues and figurines will be displayed prominently. Bone, wood and cloth works of arts will be considered to be lesser beauty compared to a stone counterpart. The stone jewellery will often have images carved into them, displaying a scene or person or an animal.

When it comes to personal works of arts, stone and detail is preferred over size due to a mixture of affordability and practicality. Smaller, but higher quality works are both easier to acquire and display. With more official and formal stuff such as a temples, shrines and other centres of leadership and society, large works of stone are favoured as since these works will be enjoyed by the whole community, it is considered only right that they not only be of stone, but also massive and of high quality and detail.

Arthwyd Views on Clothing
In regard to clothing, practicality comes first, but when they have the opportunity to do so, they like to show off. In the cold of winter, late autumn and early spring, the Arthwyd will wear thick hide and fur outfits for warmth, but in the warmer season of summer, they will wear leather or go without clothing. While the former limits the ability of the Arthwyd to look good, the Arthwyd will take the chance to show themselves off in the hotter weather where they don't need to keep warm and wrapped up. This is primarily done by either showing off your muscles or general figure.

For men, they will often walk about shirtless to show off the muscles on their arms, chest and abdomen. Leg muscles are also shown to a lesser extent and during summer, the men of the Arthwyd will often be seen wearing only a loincloth or a short skirt to cover up their crotch whilst displaying their muscular legs. It is expected that a man will cover up their genitals as displaying it is considered a sign of being sexual towards someone. Therefore it gets covered up in public as to publicly display your penises to be sexually pushing yourself towards the entire community, which is considered a sign of trying to sexually force yourself upon the community and unacceptable due to Arthwyd sexual taboos.

Women are also caught up by the expectation of covering up your sexual parts so you are not sexually forcing yourself upon the rest of the community. However, women have more to cover up due to their curvy figures being sexualised due to the Arthwyd considering them to be divine beauty. So not only are Arthwydish women expected to cover up their genitals, but they are also expected to cover up their chest, their bottom and their hips. Combining covering up their figure with a desire to display the rest of their muscles has resulted in Arthwydish women wearing tunics with no sleeves and a short skirt or wearing a vest alongside a short skirt. This allows them to cover up their curves while also displaying their arms and legs. Since women are expected to cover up more of their body, more leather is put towards making female attire than it is male attire.

The Arthwyd also favour form-fitting clothing that display the figure underneath regardless of whether the figure is muscular or curvy. While this is harder to do with the furs and hides they wear in winter, the Arthwyd like to wear-close fitting leather clothing in summer. The women take more advantage of close-fitting clothing to show off their figure more than the men, but it mainly due to the fact that the men instead take advantage of not needing to wear much clothing at all. When it comes to their leather tunics and vests, Arthwyd women prefer them to be close-fitting so that they emphasise their figure since they cannot show it off directly.

With the furs and hides of winter, the Arthwyd don't bother about looking good and are more concerned about staying warm and not freezing to death. During the times of winter and the freezing cold, beauty and looking good are secondary concerns.


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Chalcolithic Arthwyd Cultural Trivia IV
Arthwyd Royal Family
The royal family of the Arthwyd occupies an odd spot within society, set apart even beyond the nature of being royalty. Originally founded by Evalyn Boarslayer after the Fall of the Merntir, all of the Arthwydish Cadlons have been her descendants with the sole exception of Cadlon Derfyl, who had married one of her descendants.

While how good they are has vary, all of the Cadlons so far have been capable and competent rulers, resulting a well-liked monarchy with popular support from the Arthwyd. The idea of having an incompetent or malicious Cadlon is something of a foreign concept as it has yet to happen and the idea of it happening is dismissed as ridiculous because surely no one like that would end up as Cadlon.

The nature of the royal family and how they related to the rest of the Arthwyd has changed over time. Originally starting off as a competent rulers being picked from the general populace with the Cadlon choosing their successor, a royal family defined by blood relations was formed by Cadlon Bronwyn the Beautiful, Wyrn the Goddess of Stories, Trickery and Arts and Evalyn the Goddess of Death, Battle and Leadership. While the first two had more prominent roles, Evalyn had more of a lasting impact by giving a divine blessing to her blood descendants, known as the Blood of Evalyn and the basis for which the membership of the royal family is determined. Without the Blood of Evalyn, one cannot become the Cadlon of the Arthwyd.

The Blood of Evalyn is something that happens on top of the Blessing of Arthryn and since it is impossible to past on the Blood of Evalyn without also passing on the Blessing of Arthryn, the effects of the Blood of Evalyn are only known when they have interacted with the Blessing of Arthryn.

This is important as the Blood of Evalyn seems to boost the effects of the Blessing of Arthryn further and it is unknown if it has its own effects or simply adds to the Blessing of Arthryn. While the Blessing gives the Arthwyd increased physical fitness and prowess, the Blood of Evalyn increases this further as the members of the royal family a good sized set of muscles in addition to increasing their stamina, toughness, strength, healing in addition to generally being more resistance to diseases and illness and being taller. The Blood of Evalyn also enhances the figure of the female members of the royal family as while all female blessed are curvy, the royal family are almost excessively full figured and push the limits of what is considered beautiful to almost being creepily full figured.

This is due to the metaphysical nature of Evalyn compared to Arthryn. While Arthryn is able to pick and define the effects of her blessing on her own from the very beginning, Evalyn's blessing was shaped by the beliefs of the Arthwyd even if Evalyn had control over the effects and the final say on the matter. The end result is that since the Arthwyd view the royal family as being superior to them, the default blessing increased what the Arthwyd deem to be desirable traits for the royal family. This means that the royal family is taller, more muscular, fitter, healthier, tougher, stronger and, in the case of the women, curvier.

While the men are tall and muscular, for the women, this has more of an impact. While also tall and muscular, the figure of the royal women is pushes the limits of what is considered attractive by the Arthwyd and any larger in proportion to the rest of their bodies would go from being beautiful to being creepy and excessive. Between their height, muscles and very full figure, the women of the royal family are considered to be the principle of beauty by the Arthwyd. This beauty comes with a price as the women of the royal family struggle when it comes to physically strenuous tasks due to their large breasts getting in the way so despite their naturally muscular build, the women of the royal family shy away more physically active tasks such as being a warrior or hunter.

Combined with how that is already a trend with lesser curvy members of the Arthwyd and how the larger curves of the royal family are rightly believed to come from their divine heritage, the full figures of the royal women is increasing the forming gender roles within the Arthwyd as it is often considered that their full figures keeping them from more martial tasks is a sign from the goddesses that women are not meant to engage in warfare and that war is a man's job. It should be noted that this idea is backed by Evalyn herself as the Goddess of Death, Battle and Leadership does believe that the Cadlons should engage in peace over war despite her own reign and if she can encourage this by making the women of the royal family bad at fighting, then Evalyn considers that to be a good thing. The fact that it will cause gender roles and gender discrimination are not major concerns for her as while Evalyn thinks that they are nice, avoiding those things is something her mother cares about rather than something she cares about.

The Blood of Evalyn also grants a distinctly unique effect to the royal family, purple eyes that are reflective of light like the eyes of a cat. This trait is unique to the royal family and is considered to be the marker of someone with the Blood of Evalyn as both the male and female members of the royal family have it.

The succession of the Cadlons is also something that will change often. Originally there was no official system in place with the Cadlon just appointing a worthy successor while they still lived, but with the formation of the royal family, the Arthwyd adopted the hereditary system of the Maradysh. This has also changed after a few Cadlons as the hereditary system got changed into a tanistry system where the heir is chosen from the royal family, keeping the royal family of the hereditary system, but reintroducing the method of choosing the heir. Given how the succession system has changed twice in a relatively short period of time, it is entirely possible the succession system will change again as the Arthwyd haven't had time to create a traditional method of royal succession yet.

Arthwyd Martial Culture
For the Arthwyd, warfare is an unfortunately necessity of life as one must be good at warfare lest they end up suffering at the hands of someone else who is good. Due to its violent and brutal nature as people kill each other, warfare is considered to be a barbaric practice that only a barbarian or fool would willingly seek out.

For along time, the Arthwyd seemly deemed war to beneath them and something only a barbarian would do. This belief arose from a mixture of their aversion to war and their isolation as the former meant they didn't war amongst themselves or seek out war and the latter meant that no one was able to force a war upon them.

Despite a couple of wars with the Merntir, the Arthwyd didn't shake their near total disdain for war until Vervov's invasion. The nomad leader was able to prove enough of a threat with his Boarfolk tribes that the Arthwyd was forced to embrace warfare as a necessity of life or face the end of their civilisation. Yet despite being forced to acknowledge the necessary nature of being good at war, the Arthwyd still considered it barbaric and eschewed the warrior culture of their barbarian neighbours.

Instead, the Catclaws were founded by Evalyn Boarslayer. Rather than have bunch of men seeking glory and loot, the Arthwyd turned war into a sacred duty, balancing out its barbaric nature with serving the goddesses. Beyond managing to balance out the barbaric nature of warfare alongside its necessary nature, it also shaped the Arthwyd's military culture into something that had not been seen before.

While the lowlanders and the nomads relied masses of regular warriors, the Arthwyd instead developed a relatively small amount of elite warriors who wielded divine magics. While smaller in number, the Catclaws and Cateyes of the Arthwyd were of higher quality than their lowlander counterparts and, under the right conditions, the nomad tribesmen. A Catclaw could reliable beat a trio of lowlander warriors.

Despite their superior warriors, the Arthwyd have seen mixed success in their wars. Vervov still conquered the Merntir while Urth was able to bloodied them when he marched on Rockbay and even when the Merntir were being liberated by Cerwyn from the Boarfolk, the Arthrynite sacred warriors saw limited success against the Boarfolk conquerors. That said, the Catclaws and Cateyes proved to be every effective against the Maradysh and driving the Boarfolk out of the Merntir once the Arthwyd arrived to help Cerwyn and the Merntir uprising.

In the Copper Age, the Arthwyd still view warfare as a barbaric practice, but being a sacred warrior is considered a prestigious position due to serving Arthryn and her Daughters. While warfare remains completely undesirable, being a Catclaw or Cateye is considered desirable by the Arthwyd and despite having many volunteering to become a Catclaw or Cateye, their high standards limiting how many are able to successfully become a Catclaw or Cateye.

Furthermore, most of the Arthwydish military is male with there being three men for every woman. This is due to the fact that the large breasts of the blessed Arthwyd women makes a physically strenuous activity like being a warrior or hunter harder and uncomfortable. While Arthryn's upgrade to the blessing as alleviated this to a degree, a belief that men are better at fighting than women as set into the Arthwyd. Combined with the idea that large curves are a sign of divine favour, resulting in women with fuller figures becoming priestesses, there is an increasingly common belief that war is a man's job while leading is a woman's job. This is turn is making the sacred warrior profession even more male-dominated than it already is.


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Forluc Cultural Trivia I
Forluc Cultural Trivia I
In a nutshell, Forluc culture is strict, xenophobic, elitist, religious, patriarchal and misogynistic.

Ruled by a king and the royal family, the lower leadership of the Forluc is split between the priests and the lords. Lead by the high priests that answer directly to the king, the priests managed the religious and spiritual side of things as they handle magical matters and use the sacred warriors of the Forluc to enforce the will of Nalnir.

The lords are ruled by the high lords and handle the more administrative side of affairs and non-spiritual matters that are essential to a society like the one that the Forluc have. While the Forluc value martial prowess, the lords are not warriors and are clerks and bureaucrats. Waging war against heretics and infidels is a spiritual affair and as a result, military matters fall firmly amongst the responsibilities of the priests and the lords have no direct say over the military or warfare.

As a legacy of the strict leadership needed to survive the Nightmare's Plague doing the Lowland Collapse, the Forluc have a strict hierarchy that while very efficient, it is also very brittle and vulnerable to being disrupted. Because of this, the Forluc actively try to purge their society of corruptions and incompetence as letting either build up too much will bring their civilisation tumbling down.

The end result is a strict hierarchy which only tolerates unquestioning obedience. Everyone knows their place and no one needs to know more than what is necessary for their place. While everyone does end up learning more than what they need to, almost no one in the Forluc knows enough to do anything other than their dictated position in life.

The Forluc are also deeply religious and hold the utmost respect for their god Nalnir. Rightfully viewing themselves as the chosen people of Nalnir, this belief runs throughout their entirety society. Being a priest is the most prestigious and powerful position within Forluc society short of being the king and almost everything within Forluc society can be traced back to Nalnir.

Being the chosen of Nalnir also makes the Forluc view themselves as superior to anyone else. They view all other people as being inherently inferior to them and refuse to acknowledge that anyone might be more powerful or greater than Nalnir, leading them to be xenophobic and dismissive of foreigners.

They also have a lot of emphasis on being the best. This is a mixture of viewing themselves as being the chosen people of Nalnir and therefore innate superior and the nature of their strict hierarchy pushing people to be as productive as possible. The end result is that the Forluc are very elitist and not being sufficient good or productive will result in severe punishment.

Furthermore, this elitist attitude combined with their xenophobia makes the Forluc aggressive and expansionist. They view outsiders as being inferior savages and expanded over time. Due to their beliefs of superiority, the Forluc refuse to expand via conquering foreign villages as their own. Instead, they will found their own village that is full of their own people and they will depopulate foreign villagers by either enslaving the villagers and leaving the foreign village as an abandoned ghost town.

The Forluc are also very patriarchal and misogynistic as women are considered to be inferior to a man. All kings, priests and lords are male and no position of leadership can be held by a woman. Furthermore, women are treated as inherently weaker in both body and spirit. Not only are women being prevented from being warriors on the grounds that they are too weak, but male slaves are forced to work in the fields while female slaves are kept for breeding or household tasks.

There is also widespread abuse of women amongst the Forluc. For starters, it is considered not only unnatural for a woman to resist a man who is making sexual advances towards her, but also evil and regardless of other circumstances, any woman who resists a man wanting to have sex with her is punished. This also applies to other factors as the Forluc will punish a woman who doesn't do what a man wants of her.

The Forluc also have strict quotas of everything include children. Each woman is expected to have a certain number of living children from when they come of age to the point where their hair begins to grey. If one of their children dies or comes of age, the woman is expected to have another to meet the quota. If a woman fails to meet this quota, a priest will come along and use fertility magic to guarantee a pregnancy and lust induction to keep the woman from doing something immoral like resisting. Since the husband has failed to do the job himself, the priest will then impregnate the woman so she will be with child.

The lords, priests and royalty of the Forluc will also keep a collection of female slaves for sex purposes. The latter two will often use magic to keep their slaves from becoming pregnant and use lust induction to make them willingly so they don't immoral like resist their advances. Additionally, the priest and sacred warriors of the Forluc have been granted the right by Nalnir to fornicate with any woman as reward for fulfilling their sacred duties.


I will openly admit that the purpose this post is to make you hate the Forluc like you did Urth since I consider the Forluc to be the most evil civ in the region.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
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